HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-01-03, Page 3W. CECIL,ATTItiDOR, l;... �. CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANT Phone No -=Duck, 843W. abuse 8431 •__Goderich.'... ACCOUNTANTS" " RONALD G McVANN► Public Accountant Clinton, --,_Ontario Phones: Ogles, 501; .Ree. • 455 0111c0: -Royal Bank DONALD B BLUE'` ItXPERIENC 1 A►JCi ION1 ER° Y:teensed for CbunUer- ot` ;lima and Bruce: ' RIPJ.EY, PHQNE For" hiffiridattant rpty" 04 1*. Kernighan, Division "Court Clerk, "";Goderich, Ont. r* • EDWARD W. ,ELLJOTT ..LICENSED AUOTIONEER COrrt spondeuee - , romptly •an- swered., Imine rangements can be made- � = Date by calling Phone 4 t lizito% Charge -mod: •d.satisfac- Oen Guaranteed. . ERB11RT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours Mon., ThurL-9 a.m. to 5 pan. Tues., Fr11---8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ?._pan. to 8 pan.. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. ti itamin�' Therapy-- • - -- bfioP lee—Corner South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. INSURANCE HAROLD JACKSON • LICENSED AUCTIONEER ...HURON AND PERTH Seaforth 'Phone 11'-461 or --Harry Edwards, Goderich Phalli 144 IticKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCFI CO Farm and .iisoIatt"%I" town property-°•insut•'ed. President:-E.Vice-President, Trewartha, hM `Clio- .. ton; alone? Seaforth ; •Manager and Sec'y-Treas., M. A. . Reid, Seaforth. • Directors:L-7Z J. Trewartha, Clio - on T. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. 13. Vhitmoie, Seaforth; Chris.- ,Leon- E.;trdt, Bornholzit ; Robert Archibald,, beaforth; 'John III:" bicEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Win.. Alexander, Walton; ;Harvey Fuller, Goderich. -Agents—J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McXercher, Dublin; Wm. Leiper, jr., 11.11. 1, Londesboro, Ont. ; J. F. l'rueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn ilaker,'••Brueaels...---- - Policy -holders can "Make all pay- ments and ayments.'and get their uar-da-receipted at -the I e aT Bank, - Linton -r Keiti Cutt's Grocery, Kin � ton Street, sect , Goderich. - WESTERN.;- ONTARIO -MOTORWAYS - Departures: Daily - 9 a.m. to Stratford and London di1y except Sund,ys and holi- day. 12 noon to. Stratford and;., London, Saturdays, Sundays - and holidays. 4.55• pan. to Stratford and London, daily except Sundays -and boli - days. - , EXTRA RUNS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-- __ 6.20, p.ai. ,A,.SStratford and London. _ 8,30' p.m. -to -London.-- Charter Cdsiebes.-for- air occasions. For information phone Reg..McGee & Sons at 765. C. 4. CHAPMAN ` -.. General Insurance Fire, Automobile, : Casualty - , Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderif "`Phone. 18w From whatever the `land, first-time:. visitors CO—Canada usually express amazement ..at the quantity of overhead wiring in this country. Many Canadians are aware that most European cities have placed, their wiring out of s i ht underground, but do not realize thaft the same' s true of places like Santiago in -Chile, (Hong Kong, Wellington, N.Z. and others scattered throughout the world. At ,right, above, for example, is. Parliament Street. Cape .Town, ;South Africa,- where the absence of overhead wiringgives a neat appearance, and contrasts with the scene tit --Bay `rind King Streets, left, the heart of Toronto's 'financial district. , Junuary salmi; :prewar style,- are not nearly as slink s• a year •ago. kt ek-- whit n tutire st)yai -theFinandal Post,.,. '• •.i►- DissppoInttn> over=a11- Christi OS businwss! • (for mast Icet.f filer 9, n, =need to• clue -otic 'fllventor /s quickcash, are spnrkln rthis,big wave ii -JauUary t3' eS_In..t„ e..post war period. ;Substantial. ;trice savings lire being. o11iercd--purc cul•ariy in the far, dress acid ionic appliance fields, aceordllug.-tq the Financial Post article- • • 'While the Christptus business pattern,, varies considerablyfrom Product to product, store to store, area to area, a broad cross -see tion shows Christmas buying generally below most 'reta'ilers' expectations." This year -iii the two pre -Christ- mas weeks—normally the heaviest business, `period for furs :.business was "very slow" and 'far,t►elow"_ the some period of last year. 'l'herre was little pickup in n1. jority of appliance lines ; sales bore` were also generally "fur. below" 1950. Sales of wonren's dresses hugged substantially. '. Sharp price cuts are indicated in these- lines. Big impetus to January clearance is the fact that -.many banks and manufacturers hltcl extended, loans to give btisiness the -advantage of normally heavy Christmas trade so that much of .the -unmoved mer- chandise will now have to be Insure In Sure Insurance _. Cosrfederation Life= -Wind, Car FIRE—Preferred rates for - preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult JOHN PARRISH Phone 7r15 Dungannon AUTOMOBILE Mutual Farm rn for State Fa Agent ace Co. for Insurance 1 ns a Automobile Aut Goderich, Clinton and Bayfield district. J. S. CULP - - Phon 512"- 52 Erin Ave.,, Goderich 'town Council at a special meet- ing; last Friday 'night' decided. to for Councillors 'twill be -{-can January grant $4,532 to the Goderich .dent- 7• offal Arena .Commission to heti) pay J. C. McNab was re-elected reeve off tete commission's capital account. 1 of Lucknow by tiec•lacnation at Fri - The commission. had originally !day' nomination meeting, lour asked •for$5,100, to pay off such , councillors ipso ,.were returned by c�-Crawford,"It. :accounts ass $:1,O:,v to -"�. t ). Itliel_ � acclamation:- R. E. i n and S. . � •> the E. Button J. E. MoSween (.c _UU to contractors, 'on -, a a cl S� 'arehiteet, Charles 11. Gillen, and • E. Robertson. t bills from the Public Utilities ; The .sig►' school ',trustees, returned n((1 no -' . issio 377.61 for the original Y y acclamation,. 'tis Herbert Mc - water ti;"� water installation, .and WO sls-._a..-Leiinau,,, C. E.,, Webster, -i:. 1•.• Ask - token of Payment for crater dura tori, 1)r4 1a'mes,Llttle, Gerald Rath - the past season:----;-----' well, K. C. \.Iu,rtlie. At -its meeting ,on `Deceniber f, • `,. o �' council had deferred consideration . I OAD ".'S.&ID CAUSE of the. matter until. the Jmtl re- 1. 0 HIGHWAY COLLISIONS cehved legal advice as to. their roll- - '- ,, - At the McKillop township'notiiin- tations on Friday last, Reeve Dan Beuermann • was returned. by -. ac- clamation for another tertu. Polling Protect Yourself With Fire Insurance See ... Gordon, Jewell ` n.-6, •GODERICH Pftone C..:low 307r-4 ,INCOME - TAX RETURNS' PRIVATE BUSINESS-1 (FARM REPORTS Bookkeeping records installed 'and checked monthly , • or at request. ROY N. BENTLEY Phone 152W Hot ''58 15 Warren S4. 'GODER1CIL'ONT, - 0TOM vi RIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE , GODERICH Fire, _ Accident and Motor Car Insurance . ,OFFICE •+'WAS"ONIC„ TEMPLE WEST STRET, PHONE 230 - GODERICII lx�teney to do so. A letter was re Ince to icy •t>ona 1 ion of the road. ceived from Town Solicitor .1. Ken -R• riven 1►v G '11111 I�;ts,aline; .cal, d )t,l''. nett Haunter sayi4t).g, that the.-.. C:(ilhorne I ownslhti.� ,�,•aihtl '��'ltonnttt council could make such Pa, (00111 Sproul, Goderich, collided on the pro�•idcd it did.so bef, re ,th0 ehd of Sib cone sslon °10.1(1, . titt l)unloli, the year. A. s ccI71 meeting n::" therefore called for last Friday 11ight. ' '-Cuts 11311 in Half ' \Ir. Gillen, the architect, had o agreed •--cut' his tall In half,; or 0. 1;iii , provided it NV a: 1(8111°' fore t11e 'end of the year, so that, the total u)itstantling capital count was reducsd by that atn►o ittt. At Friday', night's -meeting bylaw w was 3.51 ''s'it 10 perluit_.paytacnt_ of the amount to the Arena (rt - mission and,44,6.12t 1,4,;.`12(, wlhs vot((1., to cover the following items: N, O. Hipel and Son, contractors, $:,1,055; C. 11. Gillen, architect, • $1,100; Public Utilities Commission, $377. %*. tiln,MAN DEBT SETTLEMENT It`t twin is prepared to accept only £150 million in settlement of its claim- of £201 million as repayment for postwa r economic 'assistitnee to Germany, -and is also prepared to waive all interest. c'ausifig".'5)() damage to the laas- 2- ..'Sproul. � I o the J) t _el. 'r find1 s:Ctithe•, •. i-ehiele No one Wit:, injpred.• "'.. A truck owned by - thea Lewis Cartage -Company, Toronto, sitte- sw iped a car owned by.James -Nott, itekersrith •`Township,-�ifeat- `-Y'I1-t =�-- ton, on Friday, caustatg_$ ,0 damage to' the ear. The --drivers 'wtu"e un- injured. - ; - • ` Provincial Constable H. Stott in- -vestigaatech--holli- uuadet. LEGION THANKS DOtiORS I u ....hc:knowledgement -- of ssist- ance provided Branch 109, Ca.n: Tian Legion, in rehab'litating the fat f1 -y, of George .Iardi e, t,'oliiorne Tow e ship,. the name., of two sourer of contributiot}•, Dere : , inadvertently left our Of (hese pages last week Branch 109 would like to ack- nowledge the assistance -of the Mary Hastings 'club in offering bedding and of the, Overholt Coal Company in -the llonation of -is ton of coal. -- Provincial police of Goderich and Walkerton arrested Hackett, -of IIolyrood, near Luck: now, on a ;charge of cattle -theft on Saturday He appeared before Mrs. Mable Gray, J•I., and was re- manded in custody until Thursday to appear before Magistrate D. 1•:: Holme, K.C. Two'cattle beasts are being held for t(cht (it iticataanand -fat ►► r i asked to look over "their herds• and, if any cattle are missing, the }---a t -t• requested- to contact the provincial 'pollee . office at .Goderich ._or their nearest police office, - The officers Who made the arrest, whleh follows an epidemic of cattle ".rustling'! --in the district were Pro- vincial Constables '%'. O'Hara and D._ Truna41ley of Goderich and Itutherford. of \i a 1kerten. • - They brought him, to Huron County j:til here, YORK' RESTORATiON ' •Restorn'tioll wrt►rk ex ee1ed 1 -take / o .) years has begun on l'irr -Minster. _ or, if: inxentory lioM .. can he ght down``10 re ato1111l» Is, ins ► cure--aa.;_gr .at u fear of • tie !lin'•-•up, in 1952 ata dada): ud buying surge, of" 117 _._ Other fat. ora-x�. I .ttt'reng-.. h .4-tbe. eunsutuet .pi.(,:L:urt.3tre wagg tes catc'hin up with the rising. at of living in many trades; flattening- out in the cost -of -living, picture gives no indication at pre- sent of repeating its 11' 'rise of.. ,1951. cleared at_cut-rate prices. Toys, Lingerie Up • --The story is far front - •one of uniVersa 1 gloom, --however:-'The fact 'that business was be lastyear in many lines doesn't in i . 1f signal a sharp .general business ontrac- tion. Last 'year was a see( l one.• And t:(nnelines �t•ent even letter Ibis year—toys, 1tntzerie .and smite footwear lines. • a { Stratft "'Wherever a merchant ha( new Prov lines to :rarer, the sales response was fy,ar fir very good,"an official of a barge department store told The Post. The expanded lines of meehanleal toys from.U.S., , a n(Europe boosted �• newheights. New .1 s t0 _to e � fashion lines; boosted lingerie sales. " :flail order 1►1sine of leas good, suggesting that country and town lniyers are ltss • inclined to writ fur `'next. Iitonth`s hargains"- than urban dwellers. Retailers` blame' the "savings- mindecl7'- -mood of tine 'ohne fou• the over-all Christmas business drop. "They -have it in their heads that cash will btiy a good deal mlore a month or Avo hence than now,- a (lof'hing ret:tiler stated. "And if enough -of them keels thitakin•g that N.I1st Noble Grand nd f Huron they'll lie rilt.---• h Despite the January sales.. con- 1.f "e. 1.0.13.P'. . : 1 a n: us,.r f sttnier goods pipelines generally are the 31:tsonit- ,Lodge. 1Van Near Clinton Seriously Wounded By Shotgun Slug A 35 -year -ofd Clinton district -farmer. is in "very serious" Condi- tion in. .Clinton General Hospital Wherehez_was-taken Saturday lifter being "accidentally shot. Thomas Rathwell was drawing loads of wood off ,a bush -lot-ow his farm two miles south of . Varna when be was wou~<rded: -:,IHe•- vas hit in the chest. below the right shou r by _a slug from a shotgun fired by Laird •Scheibe, 23, of Goderich. Carried ied on Sleigh His brother, ' Robert Rathwell, Who- was - working with him, and Scheibe put Bathwell on _ a horse- drawn sleigh and took "him to the farm house anore than- a mile away from the scene :of the shooting. Dr. Walter- Oakes, of Clinton, was called. Rathwell was them taken to hospital. Rush 'Blood" Plasma Blood plasma •t0 aid the wounded' man was---.rus'h'ed--to_ Clinton -front rd General Hospital. tai. Police, constable Piet - (lath, saicitrTfie -in-the area. CASTLE IN TME aren't subject 0 -foreclosure, bat houses nn the ground may bi lose through sudden advty. An inexperilslve tilortgage polici of -the Suri Lite Asii ira ee Com- pany of Canada will free your home from anv debt ,j•etuaiaing at your death. ,Protect your lover .baste (tame! . call tue to1x+, - HELD HERE ON .;BAUD -- - AND FALSE PRETT1IC Joseph --Bellew eau, alias ,Joseph aftlainc, has been remanded is custody here until _ January a charge,of obtainipg a 1951 Buick automobile by false Pretences, sum with intent to defraud by mesas. of a_,worthless cheque. Bail was SCT -at $2,000 cash, `and $4,000 pro- perty. ro-perty ;ICT A headline 4n last, -week's' Signals 'os itn r('SSt the incorrectP S tar gave '1t t 1 ent_g of -the • u( • that 64 .per cent ;lie Gude (h. District Collegiate oft` 1 taint1(r-Arst---c111 44 ltonors in their . - ('13ristmas examinations -..,As- Lltt� - story itself revealed, the total num- ber of students obtaining lirst-clase honors in three or more papers watt 64. - �r PRESENTATI MADE L YEE MADE 4 ETIIbI G TOR } .. 1 Johne W. Ae�rcoiiliw+, • (If, t'T�►n avenue. was honored with the pie- sentation Of a'table model rnrlto by- his yitisfellow- employees 8t►.the purity Flour,'\till• on .S;ttalt•d:t',;i'he pre- sentation was: made on Friday by - R. M. Menzies, 1(4-a1 manager. Mr. Newcombe is retiring after -lac years employment at the"Big' X11-11,•' where he was superintendent of the shipping (Iepartri ent. • - Mr. . Newconalx is marriiv1• Tins - three sons, 110118.1(4 Waller, r'lintr(n• :nal WilltaIli•t;oil(•r1(-I is BUSINESS - COLLEGE - ' The t.;oderich . liusltae:i (:'roll ...rt -opened today after the holida3r --With about double the attcn*ln.net there._n•:ls at this time last year Both- day • rind evening classes _7 111•41 at rho 1 -1aol 1' which lis the'. for ►r us ( equipment meat b c•°� t t n � Il ern io. t iu 1 1 �► 1 1,4,r, eour-cs. H. -M. FORD Get Insured - \.Stay Insured— Itils -Assured TELEPHONE 268w Optometrist—Optician. Eyes E amined, Glasses _ Fitted Phone 33 ~ Goderich, Ont._ CANADIAN NEWSPRINT IN--U.KI� The London, : •England, Express Newspapers group - ("Daily Ex- press,"' "Evening Standard," "Sun- day Express") uses 75,000. tone of Canadian neaysprint a year—more than 450.000 acres of timberlot. ' D. "GUITARD'. Stonework Brickwork and "� taetering A good job - of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools . , Association. SECRETARIAL - ACCOUNTANCY — STENOGRA= PHY. • • W1NTE1I DAY AND EVENING CLASSES = NEW EQUIPMENT -- EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS. OUR ANNUAL SALE OF LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS AND DRESSES, - AN EVENT WHICH IS EAGERLY AWAITED, BY OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS, PHONE\160 not jobs or off styles but the pick of the season's smartest siyles, shades and fabrics. • Save $10:00 to -$25.00 on ra new cost;- right in the middle of the season Now= -tummy Stewart and -Barham, Hale- In "The Jackpot.':- Mon., ackjrot.'- Mon., Tues. and Wed.— • - With Bob Crosby and ,a host of mustical headliners in a Super Clnecolgx pot-pourri of talent trent radio, cabaret, and T.V. 'Frankle I .ire, Tetry Moore, Billy Daniels ,t , "Angels in elle Outfield- A pirtnasil hiVa til assist and- lrnwinning formulr 1e bball, lentil getsre nce e Paul :Ilouglas, Janet Leigh, Keenan Wynn - l<) and SAM". popular story conies to life. Now—•"I'i:�1'RO _._. -11"nn„ Tues. and .lied. .;-- Sally Forrest, Lionel Batrytnore and Kay Masse! A top-flight east presents \I.G.Jj.'s ,u•Wes4. draatintir hit.-a'ttory ,that "will 'hold. y0itr" Interest clear.. through 141 if: "st'ar- 1►ris+int; (•litnax. "BANERLINE" " Marta Toren, MacDonald Carey and Robert Douglas The dramatic story f►f a Gerntalt_ s1113 that '*ti1.,%J iin(1 ri)ii er. iffier Wllrld W tr II had ended. • -* e Mystery Submarine" LOOK FOR THE SALE TICKETS ON COA'S AND DRESSES Following the custom of the past several years, our store --will close at nine during the winter months o'clock Saturday nig,hts Coming—"Thr" Iinknbwn Man." 18,:atts Pidgeon. and Ann Hard• Int f7