HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-12-24, Page 6e Wingbana Advance -Times, Wed..., December 24, )197.5
Santa is
your way
• gorily
of jolly
19r your
awl thanks.
Merry Christmas
Wishing you a holiday packed with good wishes
and QM thanks.
Christmas and its meanie
ChristmaS. What does it mean
to me? It means lighted trees
with,strings of. popcorn. It means
Santa Claus, Porter's house,
parties, candy canes, cards ,,with
snow scenes. It means big fluffy
flakes of snow falling on my nose
and eyelashes, hearing carob
played over loud speakers On
main street, actually hearing
people hum. It means spending
an hour out of class for the con-
cert, and sneaking gum -drop
cake into' the library.
Is that really it? Trees could be
lighted in February.; Santa Clans
could come in March, and I could
sneak gum -drop cake into the
library anytime.
Christmas isn't a thing, and it
isn't the 25th of December.
Christmas is a feeling that all of
us share; although our feelings
vary, all of them centre around a
new feeling of hope*and good will
towards man. So Christmas is the
feeling I have at the Christmas
Eve service; Christmas means
crying "Le Soir de Noel" because
it's all over and Christmas means
the feelings I have for a child
whose face lights up when he sees
I have often heard people,
comment that they just don't feel
like Christmas; they say that
they're not in the Christmas
spirit. Christmas should•be felt in
July, that feeling of hope should
remain with us all year. Perhaps
if it did, we would live in a much
hapkier, less hateful world than
the present one. Yet, if Christmas
became that,• would it not become
P41,40.40m , vvitile0141,41-th
Our blueprint for a Merry
Christmas specifies lots of happiness
to all. Por your patronage, gratitude.
From all of us at
"I think I can. I think I can!
for egierlaiting pac,
ird,10$1. thanks all;
insignifi4ant, aS well? .•
So perhaps,, this essay gOoti
nowhere. I've asked myself what
Christmas is, and each time, I've
lost the mystic, and true Peli
that I've sought to share wit
you. 1leave with two laleSPge4
that are definite., I can't fiefi
Christnias. Ulnae the eminent
Canadian Writer* Bruce Unto*
son: "Nothing of iMportnee, in
life is definable. Once anything
yields to definition, you can be,
sure it isn't very important." And
he's right. Christmas is too
diverse and too important to be
defined. And what does Christ-
mas mean to Me? Too much, just
too much to be written down in
these few words. Merry
Marilyn Congrarn
Spirit of magic
Christmas works magic, for it
is truly the time when the world
most resembles a "Global
This spirit has possessed all of
us since childhood, yet has re- —
Sc hool Daze
mained undefinable.
Yet, equally important to the
universal reaction to the season,
is the individual interpretation of •Remembering the gender of
Christmas. the declensions of Latin nouns
I am traditional in that I, like has always been a chore for the
everyone enjoy the holiday Latin scholar. One student stuck
carols, the nativity scenes, and on a fifth declension word was
the sparkle in a child's eyes at the given this advice by the Latin
mention of Santa Claus. dept. "Latin genders are like a
But I am not without my quirks woman's say. It is always the
and idiosxncracies. I •look for- first and the last."
ward to deeoratinglhe Christmas Mr. Morrison was thrilled by
tree. Somehow the ornaments are the evidence that his students
always a symbol that —. "ICS' still loved him. He was given a
coming! It's not my imagination! Christmas card. But this wasn't
Someday it. will actually get just an ordinary card, it was an
here!" Unconventional as it exquisite hand -colored picture,
sounds, I also love wrapping pre- painstakenly colored with none
sents! I em pleased to sit in a other than crayola crayons. Who
room surrounded by boxes, bags, says you lose all your talents
paper, tape, scissors, cards and before you reach grade 13.
bows. I thrive on this muddled One • harried student barged
happiness. Finally, wonderfully into the office and demanded of
weird as it is, I purposely am a the.secretary, "Is Mr. Wood in?"
last minute shopper. I crave the The secretary said to him, "Is he
hustle and bustle to plate me in in his office?"
an uplifting mood. A light of realization dawned on
When it comes to noel, I can • the face of the student as he said
even tolerate cliches. 'Peace on that he had never looked. Taking
earth, good will to mankind," has • apeek in,the door and seeing that
not lost any ,potency in its Apt Mr. Wood was indeed in there, he
rtits,sage.•%,.* tito qz,,,t1, exclaimed in amazement) "Hey,
I await, with baited breath, the, he's reak1.3010thfireirlo4N
eternal spirit of magic, to em- A loyal :grade 13 student
brace my heart.• 'f .4. decided to present her history
Trudy Holm; 13A tftcherVith a token of apprecia-
tion. Proudly she displayed a
candy cane to- her admiring
classmates. Unfortunately she
dropped it, and before she could
pick it up again, a fellow history
student, still frustrated by his
hockey team's loss the night
before, stepped on it. Although
the student still gave the candy
"mush" to her teacher, it was
returned with a polite "Eat it for
2 FOR 111
27, 29, 30, 31
2, 3
Jeans & Cords '1998
eli ft 'P$
Season's Greetings
to all our customers
each passing year brings a deeper appreciation
of the pleasant associations and loyal friendships
acquired in the course of business.*
At this holiday time it seems most appropriate
to express our thanks and extend Season's Greetings.
May the coming year bring Good Health,
Happiness, and Prosperity to you and your loved ones.
Last Tuesday morning all the
students of F. E. Madill
assembled in the main gym for a
special event — a Christmas
assembly organized by the stu-
dent council. Highlights included
the drama club's interpretation
of the song "I Saw Mommy
Kissing Santa Claus." Mr.
Stuckey, Mr. Wraith, Mr. Taylor
and Mr. Simpson formed a
quartet and played and sang
some songs. This act was ap-
preciated by the students so
much that the quartet was given
a standing ovation. The cheer-
leaders, always full of school
spirit, gave two presentations.
One entitled, "I Like Santa Claus
Better Than . . ." revealed that
Mr. McLennan's new suit and
•Mr. Hawkin's ping-pong ball
rated second to the jolly old elf. A
group of students who belong to
the Lucknow Band also played a
few numbers. The glee club
added much to the assembly by
• singing carols which gave every-
one "Christmas Spirit." Robin
Brent, Kevin Townsend and
Steve MacDonald sang a couple
of selections including ."Polly -
Wok Doodle." And last, but not
-ledbi, the grade thirteens got
together to sing "The Twelve
Days of Christmas." All grade
thirteen students dressed up for
their part, so "Calling Birds",
• 'Maid -a -Milking" "Drummers
Drumming" appeared on the
stage. The assembly closed with
the singing of "Silent,Night."
Next year, hopefully, there will
be a "Christmas Assembly"
again. Certainly this year a good
time was had by all.
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On Thursday at lunch hour,
passersby were amazed. by the
sounds of laughter and clapping
which came from the student
lounge. The cause? The grade
thirteen Christmas party, and the
opening of "gag" gifts. A scroll
giving a definition of he "boss"
was given to our president; a
noted football player was given a
disposable . diaper ( for emer-
gencies) and a brilliant mathe-
matician was given a toy truck. A
good time was had by all, especi-
ally those sitting near to the
recipient of a certain magazine!
Waterloo trip
On Dec. 12 about 20 senior math
students travelled to the Univer-
sity of Waterloo for computer
science day. The bus pulled oht
slightly before eight o'clock after
waiting a short while for someone
that never showed up. We arrived
at about 9:00 and went to the pro-
gram which we had selected:
At 3:15 most of the students
were back at the bus for the trip
home: Again there was a delay
waiting for the three. Fortran
students. We arrived back at the
school about 4:45 and we each
went our separate ways..Most of
the students, were ,favourably im-
pressed with the University of
Waterloo's .excellent Mathe-
matics and Computer facilities.
Gordon T. Wray
Teacher Interview
11144 the
holy, bkssed
•meaning of
the birth of
our Savior
dwell in your
heart. In
that spirit,
we say thanks. -
Mr. Campbell, a physical and
health education teacher of
grades 9, 11 and 12 has been
'teaching at F. E. Madill S.S. for
20 years for which cletsteryes,
great deal of recognition. Mr.
Campbell trained at the Univer-
sity of Western Ontario and has
never taught at any other school.
Loyalty is something Mr. Camp-
bell doesn't lack. Mr. Campbell.
grew up in Wingham and is a ,
resident of Wingham with his own
family of one boy, John (grade
11) and one girl Anne (grade 10).
His wife, Mrs. Campbell is h
household engineer'.
Mr. Campbell has many
hobbies which include birdwatch-
ing, woodworking, restoring
antiques, gardening under flour-
escent lights, canoeing and fish-
ing. I gathered from his hobbies
that he is very versatile, having
both indoor and outdoor hobbies.
His main philosophy ui life is:
"If it is worth doing at all, it is
worth doing well".
It may come as a surprise to
some of the students but Mr.
Campbell's favourite colour is
purple. Now I have figured out
whylie is teaching at this school.'
His favourite foods are
"Goderich grapes". The animal
of his dreams is a mustang. Per-
haps a white Mustang?
The only plans Mr. Campbell
has made for the future are
winning the WOSSA gymnastic
and volleyball championships.
The only thing that Mr. Campbell
dislikes about the school is stu-
dents who will not give their best
0 everyone had as much school
spirit as the teacher I have just
been describing, the school would
be bubbling over with en-
Junior Girls: On December 17
the girls won their first exhibition
match of, the season. The girls
defeated Listowel *15-8, 4-15, and
Senior Girls: The Senior girls
were narrowly defeatedby a
score of 16-14. If the game only
went to 14 points the Madill team
would have won all their games
but psychologically the last point
in each game was impossible to
Midget Boys: Madill Midgets
defeated Mitchell by a score of 33-
20. Top scorers were Brent
Johnston with 16 points, Stephen
Burke 6 and Rick Scammell with
Junior Boys: The Junior
Mustangs defeated Mitchell 47-
37. Top seorers — Dave Gamble,
14 points, Jeff Dickson, 13 points.
Senior Boys: After a strong
first quarter, the Senior team
gradually folded and suffered
defeat at the hands of the Mit-
chell team. Final Score was 33-47
for Mitchell. Top scorer for
Madill was Roger Morrison.
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton
and family of Lucknow visited on
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Wightman.
Mary Anne Alton
Fred and Staff
Iron sales clerks
with plastic smiles
grabbing your money
with a cheerless "Merry
or "Happy New Year,"
that was dug up
and shoved into place
along with last year's weary
old decorations,
People slashing through grey
to get home and string out
their lights along rows
of copyrighted balconies
in pathetic attempts at a con-
crete Christmas.
So here we have it, folks.
A Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
that probably never would have
qade it
If not presented courtesy of
Carl Miller
Flickering candlelight. . . a
scent of Christmas greens... the nearness • .'
of dear ones make the holidays bright. We hope •
to continue serving you in the future.
The Staff and Management
The Waxworks Boutique
The Auction Centre
Estate Marketing Services
erry Christmas
Jingle bells echo through this
special night, pealing wishes
of merriment and joy to all,
from Santa and us.
The Management and Staff