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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-12-18, Page 21
The f . ow'n0% .progrorns, listed as supplie !ty Lights ' Geral Boom al 11 Rim$til;6 3:30 The Young, Restless it 'Pink Panther ;fcartoon) 9 Celebrity elyebrity Cooks 8, 10 4:00CO}et Rangers 0 Take Thirty 10 tgnes 13 hDInahl--11 TheFlintsLittle 'Rascals 6 4:30 Collin.' [gip -.Rosie 8, 10 Brady Bunch. 13 Gilligan's Island 6 5:00 Ironside 13 Phil Silv Hogan's Hero. 6 Silvers 8 Partridge Family 10 Medical Centre 11 5:30 Partridge Family 8 • I Love Lucy 10 That Girl 6 6:00 News 6, 11, 13, 8, 10 6:30 Party Game 11 My Three Sons 13 Adam 12 6 Truth or Consequences 8 7:00 Friends of Man 11 Odd Couple 6 That's My Matna 13 Little House on the Prairie 8 Bob Newhart 10 7:30 The Blue Knight 6 Phyllis 10 Headline 'Hunters 13 Special --Noel 11 8:00 Movie "Miracle on 34th Street" 11 Marcus Welby 13 Rhoda 8,"10 8:30 Front Page Challenge 8,10 Special--PEEGE 6 9:00 Here Comes the Future 6 Petrocelli 13 All in the Family 8, 10 9:3Q Chico and the Man 8, 10 Maude S 10:00 Oral Roberts' Christmas Show 11 News Magazine 10 Grand Old. Country 13 Global News 6 Man Alive 8 10:30 News Magazine 8 Pig & Whistle 13 Man Alive 10 11;00 Nat. News 8, 10, 13, 11 Rimstead 6 11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13 11:30 In Private Life 6 Larry Mery eGrrilifin8y11 i�1: 45 Beretta 10 12:00 Mike Douglas 13 Mery Griffin 11 MON., DE(,' 22 1;:00 Hilarious ; of Fright - e► II tkiveraitY of the Air 13 6:30 Trouble with Tracy 13 7;00 Canada AM 1.3 Speer. Place 11 7:35 Take K. 13 7:40 Canada :AU 13 8:00 QECA 11 8:30 Romper Room 13 9:00 Yoga 13 9:15 Ontario Schools 11 9:30 Joyce Davidson 13 • Friendly Giant 10, 8 9:45 Mon Ami 10, 8 ° 10:00 It's Your Move 13 Camera Twelve 10, 8 10:30 Galloping Gourmet 13 Mr. Dressup 8, 10, 11:00 Sesame Street 10, 8 Galloping Gourmet 11 Betty and Friends 13 11:30 I Saw That 11 12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13 Midday 11 Canadian Cavalcade 6 12:30. Price Is Right 13 News 10, 8,6 12:45 Movies "A Shot in the Dark" 10; "Superarge vs Diabolicuw" 8 1:00 Match Game 13 Double Exposure 11 1:30 Definition 13 ' Days of Our Lives 11 Money Talks 6 2:00 Celebrity Dominoes 13 Horoscope Fortune 6 2:30 The Doctors 11. What's the Good Word? 13 Guiding Light 6 Edge of Night 8, 10 3:00 Take Thirty 8 Another World 13 $3a0000 Free Fborcovering Draw Three prizes of up to $1,000.00 each at,retail of hard surface flooring carpeting..• wined - 'td lot shbtlr° ''' l44 No purchase required to enter 'Canadian Fioorcoviring Market ,,January 11-14, 1976 1- NE Automotive Building, `roronto Sponsored by Floorcovering institute of Ontario PAVENs :Enter at our store. ASHCO ARPETS LISTOWEL MAIN STREET EAST 291-4440 ST. JACOBS MAIN STREET 664-3334 TUES., DEC. 23 6:00 Hilarious House of Fright- enstein 11 University of the Air 13 6:30 Trouble with Tracy 13 7:00 Special Place 11 Canada AM 13 7:35 Take Kerr 13 7:40 Canada AM 13 8:00 OECA 11 8:30 Romper Room 13 9:00 Yoga 13 9:15 Ontario Schools 11 9:30 Friendly Giant 10, 8 Joyce Davidson 13 9:45 Mon Ami 10, 8 10:00 Canadian Schools 8 It's Your, Move 13 Twelve welve 10, 8 10:30 Mr. Dressup 8, 10 Galloping Gourmet 13 11:00 Sesame Street 10, 8 Betty and Friends 13 Galloping Gourmet 11 11:30 Horoscope Dollars 13 I Saw That 11 13:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13 Cannd ah Cavalcade 6 Midday 11 12:30 News 8, 10, 6 Price Is Right 13 12:45 Movies "In Tandem" 10; "Where .Angels Go, Trouble Follows" 8 1:00 Match Game 13 Double Hxpgsui re 11 1:30 Definition 1.3... Sports Probe 6 Days of Or Lives 11 2:00 Celebrity Dominoes 13 Horoscope Fortune 6 2:15 Shirley Taylor 10 2:30 Edge of Night 8, 10 The Doctors 11 What's the Good Word? 13 Guiding Light 6 3:00 Take Thirty 8 City Lights 10 General Hospital 11 Rimstead 6 Another World 13 3:30 Celebrity Cooks 8, 10 The Young, Restless 11 Pink Panther (cartoon) 6 4:00 Forest Rangers.8 Take Thirty 10 Flintstones 13 The Little, Rascals 6 .Dinah! 11 4:30 Brady Bunch 13 The Globe 10, 8 / Gilligan's Island 6 5:00 Phil Silvers 8 Partridge Family 10 A`Movin' On 11 Ironside 13 Hogan's Heroes 6 5:30 Partridge Family 8 That Girl 6 I Love 'Lucy 10 6:00 News 6, 8, 10, 11, 13 6:30 Truth or Consequences 8 Party. Game 11 Adam 12 6 My Three Sons 13 7:00 Bowling for Dollars/13 The Odd Couple 6 Tony Orlando and Dawn 11, 10 Phyllis 8 7:30 Bobby Vinton 13 Circle Eight Ranch 8 Joe and Sons 6 8:00 Oral Roberts 6 Good Times 13 Cannon 11 Happy Days 10, 8 8:30 This Is!. Thel,Law 11.0,, John Allan. Cameron 13 ' 9:00 Special -Say Goodbye 6 Baretta 11 Fifth Estate 10 Prime -Time 8 • . The Rookies 13 10:00 Joe Forrester 13 The Great Debate 11 Global News 6 Doctor's Hospital -8, 10 11:00 Nat. News 11, 13, 10, 8 Rimstead 6 11:20 Local News 13, 10, 8 11:30 Larry Solway 11 George Anthony 6 11:45 Mery Griffin 8 S.W.A.T. 10 12:00 Mery Griffin 11 Mike Douglas 13 re TV stations, are WED., DEC. 24 6:00 Hilarious House of Fright- . enstein 11 University of the Air 13 6:30 Trouble with Tracy 13 7:00 Special Place 11 Canada AM 13 7:35 Take Kerr 13 7:40 Canada AM 13 8:00 OECA 11 ANNIVERSARY SALE 2 for 1 Sale Buy 1 yard -Get 1 yard FREE Printed Polyester Double-knit Heavy weight for slacks 60" width Buy 1, Get 1 Free Printed Polyester $298 Dress Fabrics Buy 1, yd. Get 1 Free Servicin Ontario for 17 years in Textiles lace Avenue South, Listowel, Ontario Phone 291-2271 -AKE FREE PARKING SAY IT WITH SEWING ieCF} o Change. 8:30 Romper Room '1.3 9:00 Yoga 13 9115 Ontario els .11 . 9;30 J9yce Davidson 13 Friendly Giant 10,, 8 9:45 Mon Amt 10,4 10:00 Camera Twelve 10, 8 It's Your Move 13 10:30 Mr. Dressup 8i 10 Galloping Gourmet 13 11:00 Sesame Street lo, ,a Galloping Gourmet 11' Betty and Friends 13. 11:30 Horoscope Dollars 13 I Saw That 11 12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13 Canadian Cavalcade 6 Midday 11 12:30 News 8, 10, 6 Price Is Right 13 12:45 Movie "Forty Pounds of Trouble" 10; "Mean Mr, • Firecracker" 8 1:00 Match Game 13 Double Exposure 11 • 1:30 Definition 13 Days of Our Lives 11 In Private Life 6 2:00 Celebrity Dominoes 13 Horoscope Fortune 6 2:30 What's the Good Word? 13 Edge of Night 8, 10 The Doctors 11 Guiding Light 6 3:00 Take Thirty 8 City Lights 10 •Rimstead 6 General Hospital 11 Another World 13 • 3:30 Celebrity Cooks 8, 10 The Young, Restless 11 Pink Panther (cartoon) 6 4:00 The Flintstones 13, Forest Rangers 8 Dinah! 11 Take Thirty 10 The Little Rascals 6 4:30 Comin' Up Rosie 8, 10 Brady Bunch 13 Gilligan's Island 6 5:00 Ironside Phil Silver 8 Partridge,Family 10 Starsky a•6+ Hutch 11 Hogan's Heroes 0 5:30 Partridge Family 3. • 1 Loire Lucy 10 That Girl 6 6:00 Insight Christmas. Party News 6, 10, 11, 13 6:39 My 'three Sons 13 Party Game 11 Adam 12 6 7:00 The Jeffersons 13 Odd Couple 6 A Christmas Child 8 Little House on the Prairie 10 Christmas Carols 11 7:30 Living 'Faith Special 8 Little House on the Prairie 11 Funny Farm 13 Images of .C-hristmas 6 8:00 Nature of Things 8, 10 Movie or Hockey 13 8:30 Old -Time Country Christmas 11 Movie "500 ib. Jerk" 6 Musicamera 8, 10 9:30 Winterpeg 10 Movie "A Christmas Carol" 11 10:00 News 6 Upstairs -Downstairs 10, 8 Newscope 13 10:30 Country Way 13 11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13 Rimstead 6 11:15 Mormon Tabernacle Choir 11 • 8 and 10, Most of whom: are en- rolled in the music program at the Listowel high •school. Accom- panist for the choir is .also a stu• dent, Miss Pam West. The performance of this choir is "excellent". Last year they re- ceived two first,place.awards and three second -place awards in the rigid competitions at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto. An impressive achievement for their first year of singing together. The December 25 program is their first time on radio- For a program of music that's guaranteed tf be "something enjoyably different". tune in to CKNX radio 920 Christmas morn- ing at 10:30. Spend half -an -hour with the entertaining Listowel District Secondary School Junior Choir! Mac hu played a large in the religiOaS ci1b'at secular festivities assecis with Chiu. On morn ;Baft 1Qm, r R ala oou Wi am; . fc * h r . p l' I f s►hT Chriihnas Carola from North America , and, several Eula' curies u ic Mit will bright . • your Merning and owe spin recall the true spirit of Christ, >�ali� ieatur t The ed choir is the tttwe1 District Secondary Sehopl Junior Choir „under the threctim of L. W. (Laurie)twbotham, The choir consists of 110 very talented students from (4rades9 • 11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13 "-11:30 Larry Solway 11 Going Places 6 Church Service 10 11:45 Midnight Mass 11 Mery Griffin 8 12:00 Mike Douglas 13 12:30 Cannon 10 Short of driving hundreds of miles to„ Nashville, nothing can bring you close to more country music than did a special show seen on Global Television last week, in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Grand Ole Opry. I doubt that there has ever .been a television production that has featured so many country - ,western stars on the stage at one time - Ernest Tubb, Chet Atkins, Marty Robbins, Grandpa Jones, Minnie Pearl, Porter Wagoner, Dolly . Parton, Loretta Lynn, Hank Snow, Johnny Cash and the Carter Family, Charly Pride, Roy Clark, Bill Anderson, Fred- die Fender. These performers act like they are one big happy family. There seems to be very little profes- sional jealousy among them, they just have lots of fun performing together and being together. But then that's the spirit of country music - neighborliness and friendship, from the good old days when Ma took a pot of hot soup over to the neighbors when we was having some, or Pa went to the farm next door to help with the chores when neighbor Pete got the gout. Hal Holbrook hosted the special and talked about the history of - country music, the songs that are about life, some of them happy, some of them hurtin'. Scenes were shown of impromptu toe - tapping sessions in the country music part of the U.S. and inter - 1 CROSS WORD + + + By A. C. Gordon 9 �3 ' Is Id 11 ill 4 - Ell 1 ■■ 1 11 13 �y ■N ill 'e ■�244 ■ iii1e as 1N ill■ 24 lia .. NN�i la Ilii ■ii.NNN ■ iiill■iii 31 NNNlia . il 1■ il39 N il ili 4. 44,l yt ■ 41 V! llI" So SI S a i■ 11111 e ■ A CR OSS 1 - British legis- lator (abb,1 3 - Stately 7 - Sun god 9 - Appearance 12 - Savored 15 - Deer 17 - Sailors 18 - Exist 19 - Rake projections 22 - That is (abb . ) 23 - Entrance 25 'Sign ofthe Zodiac 26 - Encourage 28 - CIf punishment 30 - To lop off 31 - Exclamation of sorrow 32 - To captivate 33 - A turning machine part 36 - Former Russian rulers 38 - Retie 'taken" 39 - Old coin 41 - Great lake 42 - Kinetic Science (abb.) 43 - Unite of the dance 45 - ".. ho l" 46 - Exclamation of satisfaction_ 47 - Preposition 49 - Proceeded easily 51 - Season 53 - Exists 54 - Bestowed exces- sive love 55 - Official legal man for a district (abb. ) DOWN 1 -' Two grand. " in ancient Rome 2 - Procession 3 - Repose Luo cQaMal of MaRinal. C71.1%t.l L. A L'1 N GN tJ lJIU W . WM_ MCMHO iii L1 i)Jint i3 r ri L]kiIiilA UMW.d iaJ�fJEJ W LllNWIL• UWIU ',i u Wt JL J LJ IIJCiI;CG HELM - i)J!1 wmumpt la. Ci MEWS J E MIKWE WWNWLiLN IISia.WL`1L Kip ©SEUL`! t1? 4 - Erbium (chem . ) 5 - Preposition 6 - Wooden strip 7 - viewed again 8 - P1lblic notice 10 - Appointa 11 - Compass point 13 - Samarium (chem . ) 14 - An auxiliary 16 - Sow 20 - Aerial train 21 - Preposition 23 - Separately 24 - Claw 26 - Ascend 27 - Harass 29 - Household god 30 - Aptly 34 - Ship -caulking mater to is 35 - Performer 37 - Quarreled 39 - Thoroughfare (ebb . ) 40 - Above 43 - To cast off 44 - Ornamental t1ati 46 - Malo nickname 48 - Mystic word 49 - Sloth 50 - Act 51 - Oompaas point 52 - Radium (chem.) views with the people that grew up with the country in their blood and countt,r� . music- humming through the' brains. And though many of the story -telling songs that Jimmy Rodgers made so popular and launched country music with, are a thing Of the past, the Ioyal followers continue to listen and buy, It was especially nice to see Minnie Pearl, not as the country gal in the gingham frock and wearing the price tag on her hat, but a chic sophisticated, woman with a delightful southern drawl and warm eyes that smile even when she doesn't. She's been with the Opry for many of those 50 years and though comedy has been her biggest talent, she could sing any of the words of' those hurtin, songs for she. has lived them and has probably lost more good Opry friends than anyone else there. Always, though, despite misfortune and tragedy, the Opry has survived and enter- tained, singing their songs about life for everyone to hear. The years have been good, for behind every lost star, there was another brightone shining on the horizon. 0-0-0 Speaking of working under difficulties, Betty Kennedy .has been doing just that for some time. Last week her husband, Gerhard Kennedy, succumbed to cancer at the age of 63. Though not as well known as his famous wife, Kennedy was a top fashion designer, ardent •• golfer and a .producer of educational films. With their family, he and Betty lived a quiet private life, their family and their work taking up much of their time. She will have the sympathy of many friends with whom she has worked on her radio show and on CBC Televi- sion. 0-0-0 Again this year, the story of Charlie Brown's Christmas de- lights children of all ages. Peanuts creator Charles Shultz, whose childlike philosophy -has found an answer to almost every problem, created a story for Christmas, the story of poor old Charlie Brown who thinks every- one hates him and that he can't do anything right. -When his friends send him to find a Christ- mas tree, he picks the ugliest, simplest and most alone -looking tree on the lot, and is the laughing stock of all his friends - until Linus, shedding his security blanket at last, explains the meaning of Christmas. LOVE transforms the little Christmas tree into a thing of beauty and Charlie Brown into a new person. And that's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown! TWIN GABLES APPEARING ALL THIS WEEK DECEMBER 15-20 J. F. LOVELY COMING NEXT WEEK DECEMBER 22-27 CHAPPARALS Proof of age required Licensed under L.L.B4O. Her 1F� ��y[,]c9, lEYwil It r: no , • Come in and Test Drive One of Ours R & W Motors WALKERTON Phone 881-0835 . VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE IN 0,1 Gala New Year's Eve Party Proudly presents .. . for your listening and dancing pleasure "LITTLEENGLAND" From 8:00 - 1:00 a.m. And a buffet Horns, Hats, Balloons Advance tickets now on sale $10.00 couple SORRY COUPLES ONLY atHoliday ■p,,,, we promi r customers a better deal...and we deliver! Featuring fine products. engineered by Chrysler GOING TO FLORIDA? - RESERVE THROUGH US holidav Rent-A-Car sysrer., INTO AntAt1p11AAL TOLL FREE RESERVATIONS 1.800-261-6055 Stan McRae Ltd. Palmerston 343-2035 Cunningham Motors Walkerton 881-0740 '