HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-12-18, Page 10Inti ec-Times. 'Anu=s.. December 18. 1975 I0 • ,141-1200 H,4 Ship FOREST HILLS 4RAAS Situ .ma n• For Sale CHRISTMAS TREES, pine or spruce, 11 miles south, 1' miles east of Wingham. Phone 357-1498, Glenn Casemore. rrp Dec. 18 TASCO Telescope, 234 power. Like new. Cost $80, will sell for $50. Phone 357-1072. SAVE MONEY. Buy oranges and grapefruits by the case and apples by the bushel. For special prises phone 357-3482. rrb .CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, pine and spruce, 4' to 8'. Neil Edgar, Hwy. 86 west of Wing - ham. "Phone 357-2440. 4-11 COCA-COLA, 26 ozs., 3 for 89 cents, • plus deposit; Hostess potato chips, regular 89 cents, special 69 cents; Scottish mixed nuts, 8 oz. pkg., regular 89 cents, now 69 cents; Weston's bread, five for $1.59. Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter. WROXETER SANTA, CLAUS PARADE IS ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 AT 2 P.M. CHRISTMAS TREES -Cut your own, $3.00, Saturdays and Sun- days only. Three concessions „ • north of Clinton, Highway 4. (Concession 6-7, turn east 1112 concessions.) 11-18 BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Silo unloaders and farrow- ing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb ENJOY the luxuries of a wood burning fireplace in your home or cottage. Completely installed with brick or stone facing for half the price you imagined. For free estimates phone 887-9200. rrb AFRESH HARD maple tops for wood. Phone 291-3137. SLYN G�1RDE1135 v�. 1 For Sale N. y •' se* YORK ice cream, /-gal., $1.49; Scneider's bulk country sausage $1.25 lb.; Schneider's family beef patties, 2 pound box, $1.79. Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter. WROXETER SANTA CLAUS PARADE IS ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 AT 2 P.M. 1,000 BALES of mixed hay, 85 cents per bale. Phone 392-6695. USED Smith Corona office type- writer suitable for student. $50.00. Phone 357-2806. MAKE IT a White Christmas and buy her a White sewing machine this Christmas; also special prices on the world-famous "Elna" sewing machines and "Volta" vacuum cleaners. Bayley Sewing Machines (across from County Fair Plaza ) Hanover 364-3606 11-18-25 GIFT ITEMS, large and small at the Mildmay Furniture Show- rooms, howrooms, including new pianos, new Conn organs, Orcano chord' organs and Braemore and Sklar chesterfield suites. Also swag and table lamps, occasional chairs and tallies. Godfrey E. Schuett Ltd., Mildmay, 367-2308. 4-11 Cars & Trucks For Sale 1973 CAPRI, V-6, good condition. Phone Lucknow 528-3117 after 5 p.m. 1973 OLDSMOBILE Royal 4 -door sedan, radial ply tires, electric rear window, defogger, electric clock, . radio, front and rear speakers, rustproofing and tinted glass, safety checked, must be seen to be appreciated. Call Collect 367-5370. WARRINGTON Nr.L $3S;0n•:IL a,n Wie rrP Personal WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clin- ton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation. rrb Jan. Miscellaneous INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE LEARN HAIRDRESSING -for more information on this career write, phone or visit K -W SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 407 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. rrb ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Dependable repairs, prompt service. Phone 357-1085. rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to-' help you' solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 • TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents, at th#), North.• • .f<Inulbn Credit.; (Union 'Deposit int�c, terest rates at 9 per cent, Office hours, Belgrave, Tuesday, 2 to 4 1964 PLUM OUTH linden fo parts , h ne'�88'�"-'94 rrb Work Wanted ALUMINUM combination door, FURNITURE refinishing, re- pairs and restorations. Free esti- mates. Small delivery charge. Smallacombe Antiques, Tees - water, phone 392-6840. 11-18 6'8" x 2'8". Phone 357-3858. WATKINS PRODUCTS: Spices, extracts, vanilla, pepper, Christ- mas gift items, etc. Phone 392-6065. LIBBY'S fruit cocktail -4w° 14 -oz. tins, 99 cents; Aylmer tomato juice, 48 oz. tin, 55 cents; Talanda pineapple, two 19 -oz. tins, 99 cents. Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter: WROXETER SANTA CLAUS PARADE IS ON 'SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 AT 2 P.M. USED MOBILE HOME -14 x 64, frtwo toll baths, carpeted, propane heating. $10,500 including deliv- ery. J. Mathers, 357-3208. BABY BUGGY converts into three ways; rocking horse and jolly jumper; hardly used. Phone 357-1215. • SCHNEIDER'S Mini Sizzlers $1.19 pound; Schneider's Thur- inger summer sausage $1.49 pound; Schneider's mincemeat tarts, six to a box, 89 cents. Kaster's Food Market, Wroxeter. WROXETER SANTA CLAUS PARADE IS ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 AT 2 P.M. 5,000 BALES 887-9434. of hay, phone rrb GENERAL CARPENTRY work, small additions, renovations, trim work. Free estimates. Phone 335-3464. 11-18 EXPERIENCED trim -carpenter desires to sub -contract. Phone 335-3464 evenings. 11-18 VANITIES AND CUPBOARDS, custom-made; also other types of carpentry work. Phone 335-3744. 18-24 AMINISTRY OF HOUSING rre.r Ontario Housing Corporation SUPPLY, DELIVER AND SET UP GROUNDS MANTENANCE EQUIPMENT Sutton O.H. 2 Wingham 0.H. 5 Listowel 0.14. 5 Mount Forest O.H. 2 Reference Q. 376 Tenders will be received for the above until 12:00 noon E.S.T. December 30, 1975 by the Ontario Housing Corpora- tion, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1P8, c/o the Chief Purchasing Of- ficer, 11th floor, from whom details and specifications may be obtained or telephone 965- 9749, quoting reference num- ber as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. As Agency of the Province of Oatarle WILL DO housecleaning. Call be- tween 8 and 9 a.m. Phone 357- 3302. 18-24 Wanted To Buy A PIANO. Phone 658-9814. 4-11-18 For Rent HEATED APARTMENT suitable for one person. Apply Box 402, The Wingham Advance -Times. rrb TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Available January 1, 1976. Phone -2056 in evenings. rrb DOWNSTAIRS two bedroom apartment, with refrigerator and stove, washer and dryer. Adults only, references required. Lo- cated at junction of Highways 89 and 87 west of Harriston. Phone Peter Harrison, 338-2243. rrb ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment, heated, ground floor. Apply J. Meyer, 337 Mount Plea- sant Road, Toronto, phone 416- 484-0916 or 357-2571 weekends. 11-18 FOUR BEDROOM farm hou e. Available Jan. 1, 1976. Phone 335- 6119. 18-25-1 PETS TO'GIVE AWAY PART German Shepherd -Collie. Very good with children. Good home wanted. For more infor- mation phone 357-2337. cpa :ac it- ENCr !r to oss15 n dlvorAit Cl r l Sic ,9 w" .,t Qo tI to Seaman, 4' SCCIM c nCr1 in4- •bl- ts°A rollrrTa Zit ByMRDQ'�Si.. t1• Notice SKI MINTO GLEN, open Satur- day, Sunday and school holidays, except Christmas, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday nights 7:30, p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; rentals available for Alpine (downhill) and Nordic (cross-country) equipment; for sale from our Pro Shop a full line of quality skis, boots, bindings, mitts, goggles, etc. Season's tickets available, dial 338-2007 or 338-2722. Minto Glen Sports Centre, Harriston. LeRoy Jackson Plumbing and Heating will be closed from De- cember 25 to January 3 inclusive. Andy's Refrigeration Ltd. will be closed for holidays December 20 to January 5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 18-25 Notice is hereby given that the Township of Howick will not be responsible for any damage to vehicles or other objects left un- attended on roads or streets within the Township of Howick in the course of snow removal operations. Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Township of Howick. Please notice home delivery dates during the week .of Christ- mas and New Year's will be Tuesday, Dec. 23 and Dec. 30; Wednesday, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 and Saturday, Dec. 27.and Jan. 3. Thank -you, Bateson's Model Dairy 18-25 PETS PUPS, part Lab. Will hold until Christmas. Phone 335-3040. BEAUTIFUL Irish Setter pup- pies for Christmas. <'Phb'ne 887- los63.`1 .1, it rui,nr►•}1(1 viw,, p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday 12 Notice To Creditors noon to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 4 to 7 p.m. Phone 357-2311. • rrb Livestock For Sale COMPLETE rabbitry. Phone 392-6772. SERVICEABLE AGE purebred Hampshire boars, R.O.P. tested and commercial; also York x Landrace boars and open gilts. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, phone 345-2317. 18-25 12 HEREFORD stocker steer calves, 400-500 lbs. Phone Tees - water 392-6241. Services BROPHY TAXI, Wingham. All passengers fully insured. 24-hour service. 357-1234. rrb OIL BURNER SERVICE. Clean- ing and repairs; 24 hour service. Phone 335-3398. Joe Craig, Wrox- eter. •rr Dec. 18 Help Wanted CANADIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable person who can work without supervision. Con- tact customers aroynd Wingham. Limited auto travel. We train. Write M. E. Dick, Pres., South- western Petroleum, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. URGENTLY NEEDED -reliable babysitter. Live in during week only. Phone collect, Clifford 327- 8619, early afternoon or evenings. HELP WANTED Girl or boy for TORONTO STAR ROUTE North end of Wingham 20 daily papers Profit $6.16 per week Phone MRS. MANSELL 357-1080 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK JOHN SAINT ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of . the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Factory Worker, who died on November 13th, 1975, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of December; 1975. AFTER that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 4th day of December, A.D. 1975. Crawford, Mill& Davies,, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 11-18-24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF • MARY ELLEN MUIR ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on No- vember 24th, 1975, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 3rd day of January, 1975. AFTER that date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 11th day of December, A.D. 1975. 44, pc, '0 Card Cad Thea nko Crawford Mill & Davies, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 18-25-1 McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS' USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2914159 GORRIE 335-3314 I want to thank Wingham and District Hospital for their care, Dr. Leahy and nurses, the ambu- lance boys for thestrlp to London, Victoria Hospital for their won- derful nursing care, Dr. Mel.arty and his staff of doctors, and Bev. Robert Armstkong for his visits. Thank you also for cards re- ceived. Special thanks to my family, neighbors and friends for their kindness shown here at home. Thank you all. George H. Tervit The family of the late William R. Adams wish to express their sincere thanks td relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent be- reavement of a father and grand- father, and for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund, Cancer Society, Gideon Bibles and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to Pinecrest Nurs- ing Home, Lucknow, Drs. Corrin and McKim for the care he re- ceived while a patient there; also the Davidson Funeral Home, Gorrie and Rev, and Mrs. Brush and to relatives and friends for serving lunch after the funeral. These kindnesses will never be forgotten. Janet Duggan, Ken & Maybelle Hoffman, Lenore & Oliver Glenn, Robert & Pauline Adams, Clarence & Donnanne Adams, Raymond & Freida Adams. I wish to thank everyone who donated their time in helping with the farm chores and herding cattle while I was hospitalized and upon my return home. Spe- cial thanks to Brian Warwick and Ross Turvey. Many thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives and Rev. Brown who visited me, sent cards or treats to make each day brighter, Glen Johnston � Jiv I would like to extend a very sincere thank -you to my family and friends and also to the Wingham Hospital staff for making my stay in hospital as pleasant as possible. Thanks to all .who visited me and also to those who sent cards, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to Dr. Ping and Dr. Wilkins. It's beautiful to have friends who care, • Joan Leishman I wish to express sincere grati- tude to all my friends, neighbors and relatives for the many kindnesses shown to me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital and in Univer- sity Hospital, London. Special thanks to Father Duffy and Father Nolan, Dr. Garry Fergu- son" and P. J. Lahey and mem- bers of the nursing staff. John Walters OQQIKKEE .�,. stoip c,. Marl hr. 1: ktwo11 FRANCHISE FAST FOOD Profitable Yellow. Submarine franchise available in your community. CONTACT. DEAN CUDMORE representing MALLECK AGENCIES LIMITED REALTOR 309 Victoria Street North 743-5231 or 742-4269 SOLE AGENTS IN CANADA HALLMAN-In Kingston Hospi- tal •to Mr. and Mrs. David Hall- man (Laura Walper) on. Tues- day, Dec. 9 at 9:10 a.m., a son, 6 lbs. 10 ozs. A brother for •' Sarah. FARRISH-At the Wingham and District Hospital on Wednes- day, December 10, to Mr. and Mrs. James Farrish, RR 7, Lucknow, a daughter, Kim- berly Brooke.. MARTIN -At the Wingham and ,District Hospital on Saturday, December 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin, RR 3, Wingham, a sap, Thomas Carl. GREETINGS To all our friends, neighbours, and relavites, the best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Gerry and Ivy Smith and Family Notice ' We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the privilege of serving you. We value .both your friendship and your patronage and can think of no more appro- priate time than now to tell, you so. May the coming year bring the very best of Good Health and -Happiness to you and your family. Season's Greetings, Don and Graham Adams Christmas Gift Ideas from G.B. ELECTRONICS COLOR T.V. STEREO COMPONENTS C82 -WAY RADIO AND ACCESSORIES TOWERS & ANTENNAE "Warranty Plus Personalized Service" For More Information Phone: G. BELANGER 357-1335 WINGHAM DAY CARE ENTR , .. pe4tiVill' belen' ' a ijurs`ei school progr for a limited number of children to com- mence January 1976. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JANE LANE 357-2424 Hanover Holiday . Toms LIMITED Florida 1) CHRISTMAS TOUR - 1S days - departs December 20th (a few seats still available) - features Ormond Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Cypress Gardens. 2) ORMOND BEACH - 15 days - departs January 10 - air and motorcoach. 3) LONG STAY ORMOND BEACH - 28 days - departs January 17. 4) LONG STAY ST. PETER- SBURG & ORMOND BEACH - 28 days - departs February 1. 5) LONG STAY ST. PETER- SBURG & ORMOND BEACH - 27 days - departs February 15. Many other Florida departures during February and March. Hawaii LONG STAY at Honolulu - 24 ' days - departs February 14 - including City Punchbowl Tour and Pearl Harbour Cruise, op- tional 5 -day Outer Island Tour available. For information, contact -- Hanover Travel Service 290 -_10th Street Hanover, Ontario 1-800-265-3007 Kincardine Travel Service 831 Queen Streeat, Kincardine, Ontario 396-3477 Jim Courtney Travel Service lit Main Street East, Listowei,�Antario 291-2111 Listowel Travel hreau 163 Main Street West, Listowel, Ontario READ THE ADVANCE -TIMES NOTICE Effective December 22 RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN will be CLOSED until further notice HIF PRICE FILM PROCESSING GLACE. S:;WHITE 8 Expavrit 0s -121Oc. • KORA . 8 or 12 Exposure $2.24 20 Exposure $3.29 By -puss "middleman storekeeper", send DIRECT to processing plant and save 50%i Send. film, cash, cheque or •money order along with this ad tot CLINTON PIIOTQ.SERVIE Clinton, Ontario BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME THIS WINTER PANELLING ,AND NEW CEILINGS YOU NAME IT, WE DO -IT Excellent Workmanship at Economical Prices Call: KENNEDY HOME IMPROVEMENT V327-8532 CLIFFORD CSCBeS��IIS CrUn6 from . CANADA LIFE I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the many Canada. Life policyholders in north Huron, south Bruce and north Perth Counties who have made the post year, for me, a most rewarding and successful one. • . Pleas -0;A° n .,v : #sit . to me . ;rt<y4*talo i ming year if I may be of any service to you or your fami y. As your representative for the first ,Canadian life insurance company, I am qualified and willing to discuss registered retirement savings plans, income tax deductible registered retirement annuities, mortgage insurance, immediate and deferred annuities, salary savings plans for small employee groups, group insurance, income security plans for self-employed persons and most matters pertaining to life insurance. While it has been my determined effort to contact all Canada Life policyholders each year, the postal strike has made this extremely difficult this year, and I would. like to extend Season's Greetings and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to all of you. CANADA LIFE The Canada Life Assurance Company DICK ESKEROD 425 Minnie St., Wingham 357-1276 Business and Professional Directory 0 BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Times HELP YOU PHONE 357-2320 WINGHA M MEMORIALS ,' GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario 338-2712 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, CA. B. W. Reid. C.A.