HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-12-18, Page 8TAmes, ` hw's., Docember 18, Ms �.1 . Lorne Mann installed as resident of Gorrie UCW GQRf i -- Mrs. Lorne Mann was installed as president of the [suited C,hgrch Women in an im- pssive and meaningful installa- tion ceremony conducted by Rev. Wesley Ball. Their December Meeting was held the evening of Member 10 In the church. Other members of the new executive are: honorary presi- dent, Mrs. Ball; second vice- president, Mrs. William Nay; treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques; recording secretary, Mrs. Russell Powell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. L. Stephens; flower and cheer convener, Mrs. Earl Toner; supply and social as- sisitance convener, Mrs. Sheldon Mann; nominating committee, Mrs. Raymond Gowdy and Mrs. Clifton Coulter; Christian citizen- ship and community friendship convener, Mrs. Glad Edgar; auditors, Mrs. Allan Hyndman and Mrs. Robert Elschner; unit leaders, Mrs. Jack Ferguson, Mrs. Alec Taylor, Mrs. Cliff Teens entertain senior citizens Whitechurch W Pyke, Mrs. Lionel Johnston, Mrs. Robert Templeman. Prior to the installation, the report of the nominating com- mittee was read by Mrs. Ken ,Galbraith. Unit One presented a very in- spiring candlelighting service with Mrs. Norman Fairies as leader and Mrs. Robert Strong as pianist. The scripture, telling the story of the first Christmas, was taken from St. Luke's Gospel, chapter two. Six members of the unit participated in the service, lighting candles to represent the various spiritual aspects of the birth of Christ, the 'good news', the `great joy', the `peace' and the knowledge that these bless- ings are for `all people'. Mrs. Lorne Robinson of Unit Three gave a very interesting reading, "The Gift Way Back Under the Tree", which was, in fact, the gift of faith which we receive and give the whole year. Mrs. Wilbur Hogg of Unit Four played a delightful piano medley of Christmas songs which was much appreciated by the ladies. Mics. Wilma Clegg of Unit Two gave an enjoyable reading on what Christmas means. The president, Mrs. Gerald Galbraith, conducted the busi- ness. Roll call of the units showed a very good attendance. Reports of the year's work were received from various conveners and these, along with the treasurer's report, showed a very rewarding year. A letter of appreciation from the chairman of the Board of Stewards was read, praising the financial co-operation of the UCW with the board. It was decided to purchase new collars for the choir members and to set up a fund for the use of the choir in purchasing music. Mrs. Galbraith expressed her appreciation to the members for their support during her two years of office. The evening closed with greetings from the incoming president. Unit Three served refreshments during the social time which followed. at Dec. meeting Talented teenagers assisted with the program when the Wing - ham Senior Citizens met in the Armouries Tuesday evening of last week for a Christmas get- together. Scott Cornwall, in Scout uniform, read the Christmas story from St. Luke's Gospel. Cathy Cruickshank and Linda Taylor sang two lovely .duets, accompanied by Anne Campbell on the piano. Lori Goodall, in costume, danced a sailor dance and the Sword Dance. Stephen Burke plla/►yAed severa(ll numbers on the l.' accordion,,'ac osin0 3h "Silent Night'. Several, er familiar Christmas carols were sung, with Mrs. Sewers at the piano. Miss Anne Wilson read a poem about an old-fashioned Christmas at "Grandma's On The Farm". Mrs. Mary Armstrong also read some stories and Miss Agnes Williamson conducted a Christ- mas contest with Mrs. Margaret Hastings haying the most correct answers. During the business Session, it was decided to begin the New Year with a pot luck supper at six o'clock oft Tuesday, January 13. The committee is charge served a delicious Christmas lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Christmas • WHITECHURCH — Christmas decorations, lighted candles and turkey with all the trimmings marked the occasion when the Women's Institute of this village. held its banquet at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, on Wednesday, December 10. ,Mrs. George Fisher and Mrs. Russel Gaunt were hostesses. President, Miss Merle Wilson welcomed all in attendance. The minutes were read by Mrs. FiSher. Several carols were sung and Mrs. Victor, Emerson gave two readings,' `,Keeping Christ, mas" and "Santa's Visit".1t was decided to give $10 to the Save the Sight Fund. Mrs. Russel McGuire sang a solo, "There's a Star", accom- panied by Mrs., Garnet Farrier, pianist. "A Christmas Recipe" was given by Mrs. Don Ross. Mrs. Wisher introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. D. Ireland, Bruce South District president, who humorously referred to associations with .many mem- bers. She reminded all to serve, in order of importance, the home, • the church, the Women's Insti- tute. Mrs. Emerson thanked Mrs. Ireland and presented her with a St. Paul's Church (ANGLICAN) W INGHAM REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector MRS. D. RICHARDSON, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 Advent 4 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.---9 Lesson Carol Service MEETINGS Thurs., Dec. 18—Members of Altar Guild will decorate the church for Christmas, 1:30 p.m. Sun., Dec. 21—Parish pot luck supper and Sunday School party, 5:30 p.m. • 1 • banquet DEIARik Cook and her .f roily. istnial r n er to the Wom Inatituto 1411 on u sy. attenidi ng were . ahA Murray Walsh Mood Donpa*Huoltlog of 411blini, Mr. BILL* i and Mrs. Norman , and nd` family, Mrr. and Mrs. 'RorCook, orwacalow Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Black and •Tamil `Mp. andq - Mrs. - Charles. I "'PRO' frriulr�' ifs Cook gildTamil Mrs and ' H WOO Gerald Beck of , Belgrave, Mr. 1. and Mrs. William McArter and family of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greets and family of ear- dine, Mr. and Mrs. Jame Paton and family of Mosley, David Bosman and friend of Woodstock, 5284940 Albert Nethery of Hamilton and. improlippipprnin Mrs. Telford Cook. gift on behalf of the Institute. Following .the singing of more carols, readings were given by Mrs. Elgin Johnston and Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Johnston Conn played a piano solo and Mrs. Mc- Guire sang another solo, "Christ- mas". Mrs. Don Ross was named the winner of a musical contest which featured Mrs. Farrier on the piano. Favorite carols, "Joy to the World" and "Silent Night" were sung. The Secret Sister gifts were distributed by -Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs. Fisher. Allexhibited they gifts and thanked their Secret Sisters. All then drew names for next year's Secret Sisters. Roll call was 'answered with a stamped unsigned Christmas card for a hospital patient. BELGRA VE Mrs. Mary Chamney spent a few days last week with Mrs. Claire Rainer of Scarborough, and with Mr. and Mrs. John McCormack and girls of Orange- ville. ' Charles Nicholson is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery of Burlington, Bill Irwin of Goder- ich and Albert Nethery of Hamil- ton were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armes of Windsor spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. -Cecil Coultes. St, Stephen's Anglican Church Gorrie and Trinity Anglican Church Fordwich DECEMBER 24—CHRISTMAS EVE 8:00 Gorrie 9:30 Fordwich A Service of Carols and Holy Communion DECEMBER 25 11:00 a.m. Gorrie—Holy Eucharist DECEMBER 28 10:00 a.m. Fordwich 11:30 a.m. Gorrie A Service of Carols and Lessons Wm. B. Parker LL.B. M. Div. MRS. CATHARINA LEE registers for a glaucoma examination at the clinic building last Tuesday. Mrs. Barbara Jeffs, a public health nurse with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, collects the pertinent data then administers a reading test prior to the eye examination. About 270 persons took advantage of the free testing within the two days the clinic was in town. A ttendance good at glaucoma' unit A glaucoma survey in Wing - ham drew close to 270 area 'resi- dents for tests last week. The clinic was sponsored jointly by the Huron County Health Unit and the Canadian National In- stitute for the Blind. Also in- volved in the project was the Wingham Lions Club in the person of Frank Madill, chair- man of the club's CNIB fund. Mr. Madill arranged for 16 volunteers from this area to assist with registration procedures pre- liminary to the tests. Four cases of suspected glau- coma were also reviewed by the group on referral by area phy- sicians. Mrs. Barbara Jeffs,,a public health nurse with the CNIB, said the referrals are* important part of the s ey The testing in the sur conducted i ,4 , ,A o; Ret parked outside the hospOi el' building. The clinic was in Wing - ham Monday and Tuesday. `, ,e C . t V . Pm* you with `estimates ,at no, o P►e:ucknow • to,• • • Only 5 Shopping Days Left Rftdo.mta —Mr. and Mrs. George Dreh- mann were honored recently when a social evening was heldat the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Drehmann, Jay and Randal of RR 2, Goderich. More than 40 attended the occasion and enjoyed card games, music and renewing acquaintances. A dinner was served at midnight. The special °event was to cele- brate Mr. and Mrs. Drehmann's 40th wedding anniversary, the actual date of which was Decem- ber 10. —Sunday guests with Mrs. J. Nicholson, Edward Street, were her daughter, Mrs. Elton Elliott of Molesworth, Mrs. Betty Howes and Mrs. Les Holbrook of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wightman of Listowel. DR. ELIZABETH HARRISON examines Mrs. Catharina Lee of-Wingham for symptoms of glaucoma during the free clinic 'offered last week by the Huron County Health Unit and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. About 270 persons attended the clinic last Monday and Tuesday. Couple celebrate golden wedding in Nova Scotia LISTOWEL — Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wightman of 455 Eliza- beth St. west, Listowel, have re- turned home after spending a month with their daughter, Mrs. C. C. (Phyllis) Holmes and Mr. Holmes in Hantsport, N.S. While in Hantsport, on Nov. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Wightman cele- brated their _50th wedding anni- versary With a family dinner attended by three of their grand- children, Jane Holmes who at- tends Dalhousie University in Halifax and Robert and Jennifer Holmes of Agadia University, Wolfville. Friends called to ex- press congratulations and the couple were showered with gifts, cards and telephone calls.' The Wightmans also have one son, Donald who resides with his wife Jenny and two children, Jef- frey and Melaney at 450 Main Street east, Listowel. Mrs. Wightman is the former Janie Viola Campbell, daughter of the late Charles and Anne Jane (Beecroft) Campbell of Marnoch (near Wingham) where the wed- ding was performed on Thanks- giving Monday, 1125 by the late Rev. James Scobie. Mr. Wightman's parents were the late John and Isabella (Nethery) Wightman of Bel - grave. Mr. Wightman was employed for many years with Canadian National Railways. The couple moved from Belgrave to Listowel in 1935. Mr. Wightman retired from the railroad in 1962. He was a crossing guard for Listowel Central Public School until poor health confined him to his home in 1973. The Wightmans have travelled many times by train to Nova Scotia but their recent trip was their first by airplane. It will fur- nish pleasant memories through- out the winter ' when they are unable to indulge in their favorite activity of gardening. Don't Panic! Let Us Wrap Up Your Last. Minute Gifts P. S. We really will gift -wrap your purchase! • • 1011 • V. ♦ -' ti�:` /K_ , 4. �� �_:, rr 4. fry �k'1 / i • �1 • � -.V- * � � ire e�n e CJiwiamt 357-2670 12.114uki 114 For 2 days only! Now through to Thursday, December 18 A beautiful 8" x 10" COLOUR PORTRAIT A Wed. 9-5:30 p.m. Thurs. 9-5:00 p.m. 99 PER . CHILD PLUS • 50 HANDLING PER PORTRAIT "ADULTS AND FAMILY PORTRAITS ALSO" • 1.99 PER ADULT • Child age limit -3 weeks -14 years. * Limit • 1 offer per person; 2 per family. • 99c for each child photographed in a group portrait. 51.99 each adult. • Extra prints available at reason- able prices, such as one 8 x 10 for 510.95. 214 Josephine Street PLUS ASO HANDLING PER PORTRAIT * Choose your favorite pose from actual finished portraits -not proof. • We use only the finest Kodak Pro- fessional Film and materials. • tf you aren't satisfied with these lovely portraits, your money will be refunded. • A variety of mots anti fromes also available. EATO N' w.0 4444.4 4,1. 4,4, ►444 SWingham, Ontario .1,46 .16. 4 4 1J