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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-12-11, Page 10
Pie Co to : -, ....seams each year, Ezedres of of &Cams are solicited by tefe- chore .ctali by proles- ivonis2 fund-raising people. AB el these telenhone soncittots e,(r'rpeople toheEres•P, that these donations w41 be coed Pure Imperil, ofW„eged children or other worthy The aa Police aur has been mottle' s in regard to province sorocfta- Ilona for fends„ or far to various charities. With the Christmas sem the t soricitabon now is for ;Y r air the needy or handricapped Child- s, Solicilom are remesting furls from the pub& for ad- vertising artstmas party pro- grams or for the purdlase of tickets that are to he given to the underprivileged or handicapped Participation in these mes tit be b9 n, mice, the Provincial Police remind you that a very small portion of the gross collec- tions ollettions ever go any further than the find raiser's pocket. Dietary staff enjoys party The Wh ham, and District Hospital dietary staff en jbyed an last of festivities last TLuIrsday. epresent staff, their fames and some refired staff members exchanged gifts, sang carols and participated in a card game. Winners at cards were: Vera Falconer, Irma Mason, Clarence Ohm, Richard Ohm and Geaigena MacDonald. Conveners for the evening were Mae Hutton and Helen Mc- Burriey. Thanks to all who helped to make it a success. WH.1TECHURCH - The Wom- en'slte ewe party > rheld : DeceMber 8 With eight tablet in play. Holders of high scores were Mrs. Snort and Mrs. Velma Fal- coner who played as a man. low prizes went to Mrs. Gordon Rin- toul and J. Ste. Marie. Jim Wilson had the most lone hands. The committee, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Dave Gibb, Mrs. Jolm Currie and Mrs. Victor Emerson, served lunch. Weather permitting, the nett party will be held the brat Monday in January. nn cord van There were eight tables at the Sacred Heart Catholic Women's League card party Tuesday night. High lady was Marie Merkley, and high man was John Sproat. Low lady and man were Evelyn Walton and Peter Jorrison. The door prize was won by Amelia Patterson. Ministry of Housing Ontario Housing Corporation Invites applications from interested families in Wing - ham to rent a two bedroom townhouse at Bristol Terrace in Wingham. Rent geared to income. Applications available from Wingham Town Clerk or from Ontario Housing Corporation, 275 Lawrence Avenue, Kitchener, Ontario. Telephone 578-2860. WATCH FOR THIS SIGN on the south side of Highway 86 just east of the Wingham town limits. It marks . the site of the 1979 International Plowing Match, which will bring thousands of plowmen and spectators to this area. Roy Bennett designed the sign; Bob Ba rchM did the actual construction work and Guenter Heim was the painter. FWIO annual elects officers for 1976 The anal meeting of the Fed- erated Women's Institute of On- tario i was held S in the Lord mcoe Ham, echo. The president, Mrs. Herb Malinke, Maley, welcomed natives from 32 mons_ Eight were new inconnmg board directors: During her work in the year, she bad brought greetings on behalf of the F.W.LO. on many occasi ns. Mrs. John A. McLean, Nova Scotia, president of, Federated Women's Institute of Canada, paid her official visit to Ontario during the officers' conference at Waterloo University last spring. Mrs. Parker Rockwell was the award winner of the Grace E. Frysinger Fellowship, from Troy, . Michigan, and Mrs. Maluske spent several days with her when she was in Southern Ontario. • This year F.W.I.O. had a gest Spot" at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Women's Institute members in attendance at the booth found it a pleasant task conversing with the many visitors; 1090 signed the guest book. The secretary; Mrs.. Earl Morden of Rodney, stated in her report that there . are 1,278 branches in Ontario with a membership of 30,,544 with 2,80* life members. Mrs.. Harvey, Noblitt, Ottawa, resolutions con- vener, dealt with the disposition of the 1974 resolutions.. Mrs. Gor- don Sherwin; Baltimore, first year board director, is the new appointment to the committee. The International Scholarship report was given by Mrs. Charles Fetterly, Hearney. A note of appreciation was received from Mrs. Ines Appolis, for a grant of $4,000, who s the appointment for the South African Homemaker's club. An UNESCO gift canon. project 569, for 81,000 its to be used for leadership training in Gilbert and Effie' Island. A further offer to another agency such as Cana- dian International Dvelopsdent to match 81.00 for f 100 for the development or training of peepin- A most encouraging report of the Erland Lee. Howe was given by chairman, Mrs. Austin Zoeller. The Lee Home is situated at Stoney Creek, and is owned by the F.W.I.O. He was co- founder of W.I. with Adelaide Hunter Hoodless of St. George. This is a continuing W.I. pnorject, and had 3,200 visitors over the summer months. Ontario WI week will be May 30 to Jane 4, 1976 and branches are encour- aged to arrange for bus tours during' this special week when &splays and demonstrations take 1 - Delegates were appointed to the F.W,,I_C. national convention June 1976. Mrs. Robt. B. Weber, Bloomingdale, presented the report of the officers' hoe held at Waterloo University. The conference, 1976 will be held May 4, 5, 6, for president and public relations officers at Branch, Dis- trict, and Area level. Mrs. Weber was prod with a Life Mem- bership m the Associated Coun- trywoinen of the World, in ap- preciation of the excellent ser- vice, and organizing work of the officers' conference. Her suc- cessor will be Mrs. Russell Campbell, Rena Station. Other F.W.LO. officers elected were president, Mrs. Herb Mal- uske, Chesley; secretary- , Mrs. Earl Morden, Rodney; public relations macer, Mrs. Harvey Houston, Lu know; mal vice -pits, Mrs. Freddie Wellman, Stirliing, trksa. i sa, i 1 e r told Mrs. Harvey Spry, , ! ' ' :+ oya. Thursday evening the ez ecu - The Howick Grapevine Iaterviiews On Friday, Nov. 28, many parents came to school to have interviews with their- children's teachers. Just in case the inter- view went over ten ani, and there was a parent waiting, stu- dents were posted outside each cassroom to help keep every- thing on schedule. These students also hadthe parents sign their name on a sheet of paper, then the student wrote down the time the parent went into the class- room and when they came out. The teachers want to thank these students who gave up their holiday to do this job. Without these students it would have been diffundt to make our interview system work. We sincerely hope these interviews were profitable for all cow. —Marlin Good Repaint Gym During the last week, the painters have been painting the gym with spring-like colors. These colors are: yellow, tur- quoise, yellowish -green, and mushroom orange. This is very decorative because there is a sur- prise each way you turn, because you're not sure which color is next! Also, it gives a clean ap- pearance because it covers the holes that were patched. Come to our school if you would like to see our fantastic gym! —Marlin Good Preparatina for Christmas The next few weeks at Howick Central will be pretty hectic in some classrooms as they prepare for the 1975 Christmas Concert which will be held on Tuesday, December 16th at 8:00 p.m. All members of the community are invited to attend our concert. Other classes are making decorations to decorate the audi- torium. Most of the classes are drawing names to exchange gifts, and planning to send hampers to the Salvation Army. Everyone in the school is starting to get in the holiday mood. —Gary Douglas Legion Contest At Howick Central School At Howick Central School stu- dents participated in the provin- cial Poem -1`+ s. ay contest about Remembrance Day. 'This was made possible by the Canadian Legion. The prizes consisted of money. In the poem department, A 'R e I • t • • • • •! • 1 1 '•h 1 • 1 1 • • 1 For 2 days only! Wed., December 17 Thurs., December 18 90-m- to 5:30 P -m- A beautiful 8" x 10" COLOUR PORTRAIT .99 PER CHILD • PUS 30 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. HANDLING PER PORTRAIT `ADULTS AND FAMILY PORTRAITS ALSO" I. El� PER • ADULT • Child age limit - 3 weeks-l4years. • Limit - 1 offer per person; 2 per • family: 99c for each child photographed in o group portrait. $1.99 each adult. • Extra` prints available at reason- able prices,, such as one 8.x 10 for $10.95. 214 Jossphins Street PLUS 30 HANDLING PER PORTRAIT * Choose your favorite pose from actual finished portroits-not proof. • We use only the finest Kodak Pro- fessional Film and materials. * If you aren't satisfied with these lovely portraits, your money will be refunded. • A variety of mots and frames also available_ , V sWinghom, Ontario r • r r r r YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER Janice 19Michael won first. In the essay department, Patsy' Faullmer walked off with brat prize. Other students that came close are Kim Unrau, , Patti Mann, Ray Willits, Louise Gibson and Rhea Behrns. In the French department, Brian Montour won $2.00 and Barbara Zwank won $1.00. — Ben Scbuitema Snow -Balling "Charge" was the cry of some and "Look -out" was the cry •of others! This started the 75-76 Howick Central snow -ball fight- ing season. Not all of the students like this sport, so Mr. Robertson has made it possible for the fighters and the non -fighters to be kept separate and happy. Snow- ball areas were made for the fighters, and the rest of the, stu- dents had room for their own style of playing. — Ben Schuitema Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted flunking of Londesboro attended the funerals of Jerry Burke on Tuesday, December 2, and Mrs. Jerry Burke (Violet Anderson) on Monday, Decem- ber 8 at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse were Sunday visitors .wit; Mrs. Norman Stonehouse of London. Also visiting at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ellis and family of West Hill. The Belgrave East Wawanosh Public School is holding its Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 16, at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes visited on Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Harman Mitchell of Rothsay, who is a patient in Palmerston and District Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walpole of Point Clarke called recently on Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire before leaving for Florida. Mrs. George Michie is a patient in University Hospital, London. Weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Nelson Higgins were Mr. and Mrs. James Savaloro, Philip and Richard of Oshawa. S IFTHEA R� NOWT NI) c Some dealers fold. Some just fade ©way Point is, Arctic Cot's gonno be around for o long, long time. Some with Cot deolert. Like us. So dont get stuck with o dying breed. With no place to go for ports and service. Instead, stick with the winner Somebody who 11 be here year after year Sack with the Cot And us Check our great prices on the entire Cat line-up. P F Lawn and Sports Equiprnent Highway 23 North Listowel, Ontario 291-2441 "We service what we sell." YEAH AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AF1ER •. tr tb-oc tit 1 •