HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-12-04, Page 6Advo` , r " *t* A, w eeMber 4. 1975. 'tared 'hers WOWS account Of the `ri *ge ceremony uniting ,uta: Salter and Tudor rte. St. George's Angfli- hu� Goderich, on `, the following infor- t, Wyis omitted: to her wedding, the bride hOrKft°ed at a shower at the home of Mrs, Janet McDougall, Goderich; and at a shower in %VIM hosted by her best. 'send, Miss Julie Foxton. Edecatiu fUems far Maitland WI "Education and Cultural Ac- tivities" was the theme of the meeting of the Maitland Women's Institute when it was held on Tuesday of last week. Roll call was answered by "what I read to educate myself". The conveners, Janet Hubbard and Isabel Bannerman, planned an instructive meeting around the motto, "Spend Your Years Learning instead of Yearning": Mrs. Bone and Mrs. McCallum taught the members the art of crocheting 'granny squares'. All managed to learn the technique and hope to be able to put it to ' practical use soon. Members were grateful to the ladies for their time and patience as this is an art they have wanted to Learn for some time. Articles for the bazaar to be held on Thursday, December 4, between 2-4, were suppld by the ladies. The next meeting will be held January 27 at 8:15 in the town hall. REV. KEN HAWTHORN was the perfect host at the St. Paul's Christmas tea and bazaar last Wednesday afternoon. He- stopped to chat with ladies at every table and kept a fatherly eye on the proceedings. Mrs. Elmer Jeffray president of WMS BELMQRE — Mrs. Elmer Jeffray was elected president of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, 880P Couhntr CLINTON Crossroads i St. Paul's Church (ANG6CAN) 1 NI G H AM REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector MRS. D. RICHARDSON, Organist and Choir Iteader 1 ' SUNDAY. DECEMBER 7 Advent 2 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:00 c m. --Holy Communion and sermon White Gift Sunday. MEETINGS Thurs., Dec. 4—ACW meeting in parish hall, 1:45 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 4—Euchre party in parish hall, 8:30 p.m. Wed., Dec. 10—Servers' Guild meets at the rectory, 5:30 p.m. • . i .:la' • '. Ili 11 13/4 '4 lk11 4 B¢Ue � Th..,is is 4 Christmas 1 4 1 §1, ti Give Har � 14 tik c ' A tiA 4 i Diamond Treasure •. Ilk By Columbia iti Ilk ti lk Canada's ring leaders introduce thrilling. up-to-date styles inbrillant14 th diamond engagement rings to give VIyoung !®vers offordoble diamond luxury kat prices they can fall in love with.ti. til %X h We would be pleased to show you 44 lir our complete selection. 1 th 14 ik V Vh 1tieriellerS !II (ikilek 351-2670 RIM/Lim 111 IS attar air sik aitt alt zitt aCtig :a gitr :dr :AI/ Belmore, when the annual meeting was held at the church. She succeeds Mrs. 'Ralph Dick- son. Other officers are: vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Ralph Dickson; secre- tary, Mrs. Kenneth Dickson; treasurer, Mrs. Donald MacAdam; committee secre- taries: friendship and service, Mrs. Selah Breckenridge; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Bruce Darling; literature and library, Mrs. Carl Nickel; supply, Mrs. Arnold Jeffray; press reporter, Mrs: George Nickel; pianist, Mrs. Alvin Mundell; auditors, Mrs. Mundell, Mrs. Arnold Jeffray; nominating committee, Mrs. Carl Nickel, Mrs. George Nickel, Mrs. Mundell. Mrs. R. Dickson opened the mectine with a poem and two selection were sung. Mrs. Myrtle Weir read scripture from the tweittn chapter of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. Mrs. ltruce Darling gave the medita- tion, "Looking Ahead". Plans were made to visit Pine crest Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow, the Last week of November. The roll call was -answered with opinions on the past year's programs. " Mrs. K. Dickson gave two readings, "The Bible Alphabet" and "I Asked for Strength". Reports were given by the various officers and conveners. Ten regular meetings plus several special meetings were held during the past year, the average attendance being ten members. The meeting closed with a poem by Mrs. R. Dickson, the hymn, "A Disciple Named Peter", and prayer by Miss Edith Stokes. ?. —Sunday guests of Mrs. Ger- shom Johnston, Catherine Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of St. Pauls. —Rev. Robert H. Armstrong spoke on St. Andrew as the St. Andrew's Day service was held in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday. Next Sunday. St. Andrew's will observe the sacrament of the 'Lord's Supper at the morning service. Ten graduate to nursery dept. It's the year of the blouse, and we have a fine selection in store for you.. -a delightful topping for slacks or the "new length" skirts. Choose from plain or patterned styles in a colorful array of rich winter colors. Hurry in while selection is still at it best. A graduation tea was held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Thursday at 10 a.m. when ten .childr+l'n graduated from the Cradle Roll to the Nursery Dept. of the Sunday Schoel. Those graduating were Ken- neth Lapp, Jennifer Jones, Todd Chadwick, Jeffrey Oberholtzer, Todd Ritchie, Colleen Smith, Christopher Farrish, ' Jana Lee Gaunt, Carla Mowbray and Jason Baylor. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Fred McGee, superinten- dent of the Cradle Roll. The pink and blue tapers en the centre table were lit by Gordon Wall and Mrs. Wall gave the call to worship. They were represent- ing the Couples' Club who spon- sors the Cradle Roll. The opening prayer was given by Rev. R. H. Armstrong. Miss Merle Wilson presided at the piaito for two hymns, "Jesus Loves Me" and "When Mothers of Salem W" 'Mrs. Wall read a poem, "Where's Baby?", direct- ed to the boys, and Mrs. Willis Lapp read "Little Girls' World",. Each child lit his or her own candle from the larger tapers while Mrs. McGee and Miss Olive Lapp, teacher . of the Nursery Dept_, read scripture messages from the .Gospels of -John and Matthew: Mrs. H. Clugston, superinten- dent of the Sunday School, pre- sented each child with a diploma and welcomed them to the Sunday School. Miss Lapp ended the promotion with prayer. She then spoke briefly to the children, using some of her material to ex- plain what takes place in the Nur- sery Dept. Everyone joined in saying Grace and lunch prepared by, Mrs. Jim Carr and Mrs. E. Nier- garth was served by Mrs. R. H. Armstrong and Mrs. Catherine Wilson. —The first Sunday of Advent was celebrated in St. Paul's Anglican Church with Rev. T. K.. Hawthorn conducting the service and preaching the sermon. Don Farnell read the second lesson and Harry Brydges led in the State Prayers. Rights, status of women discussed at WI meeting FORDWICH — "The Rights and Status of Women" was the topic when Mrs. Cecil Wilson spoke at the meeting of the Women's Institute. held recently in the community hall. Mrs. Wilson explained how women were discriminated against in some areas but in many posi- tions. they have proved to be just as capable and responsible in some types of work formerly classed as men's work She stressed that "we must work hard to promote the rights of women. not the status" Mrs. Wilson was ° Introduced and thanked by the conveners of the Citizenship and World Affairs coibnmittee. Mrs. Harold Doig and Mrs Douglas Harding. President Mrs C Carswell was in charge of the meeting Mrs. Harold Doig conducted the devo- tions and took as her topic the origin of the Mary Stewart Collect Psalm 23 was repeated in unison and she explained it with variations The motto. "1,Yomen's Institute Members are Arnxi s for Know- ledge and as d Result Matte Better Citizens". was taken by" Mrs. U Harding who told of how the Institute came about and what one can learn from the vari- ous programs the organization sponsors. Roll call was answered by .19 members and seven visitors- A very interesting and informative type of roll call. members were asked to read a short description of a prominent woman. A report on the area convention was given by Mrs. Carswell. Mrs. Elmer Harding reported on the meeting of the East Huron execu- tive and told of some upcoming dates to remember The WI Christmas party will be held December 9 with husbands or friends as guests. The group will visit the nursing home on Decem- ber 16 and entertain the residents there The group was entertained by Mrs. Lorne Siefert and Mary. The meeting closed with The Queen and the Institute Grace Lunch was served by Miss Minnie McElwain. Mrs A Stimson and Mrs E Gedrke Cozy, soft and feminine sleep- wear gifts let her know just how much you think of her. In today's miracle fabrics. For relaxation, robe her in comfort and luxury.Choose from the softest of fabrics and feminine colors. 4 • Sweaters for Christmas gift -giving are practical and pleasing for every gal on your list. Make your selection from our variety of seater ideas. Wearing enjoyment is sure to give that warm feeling. Hat & Scarf Sets Panty Hose Gloves r WE GIFT WRAP, FREE OF CHARGE, FOR MALE CUSTOMERS • WINGHAM OPEN ALL MONDAYS IN DECEMBER OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 3574 724