HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-20, Page 9mr, na.,::>xa.{..,...,.n;+� r..�^r . �, „ r.�..,crr
Mr. and Mo* ley lc1.
Curti 'ef, go Me
(100ghter, $ e90 14010seo .lily Mar-
riage 'e rAbe stooktat
Gone,Vzuted. l 0
chOlie4 .MOM, ' Jyie 1.rWikt 6 -
ley of Clifford.. Rev. Wesley
aauteedithe conp1e in a ceremony
solemnized at seven o'clock on
the evening Of Friday, October
24. The groom's parents are
and „11 's, I' l° Binkley of Clif-
Mrs. John Freemnan presided at
the console of the organ
and accompanied a trio
comprised Of Karen Hynd-
man, Sandra f arson and Wanda
Ball who sang appropriate num-
bers for the couple's special day.
The bridal mown was white
floor -length Victorian style with a
wide hemline flounce and a
detachable lace train, Daisy trim
enhanced the dress and her
cathedral -length veil which fell
from a pearl -trimmed Juliet
headpiece. She wore an heirloom
brooch which belonged to her pa-
ternal grandmother and a silver
watch, the gift of the groom. Her
bouquet was red roses accented
with heather.
Matron of honor, Mrs, Patricia
Evers of Belmore, wore a Vic-
torian -style gown in green coun-
try print. The dress was charm-
ingly_ designed with standup
collar and double flounce on the
sleeves and hemline. In simi-
larly -styled dresses in pink print
and blue print, were the brides-
maids,. Miss JoAnn Kieffer of
Teeswa ter and Miss Julie Fairle$
of Gorrie.- Tile . attendants wore
brown E floppy hats and carried
matching 'brown wicker baskets
containing dried flowers. Each
wore a gold cross, the gift of the
•In her role of flower girl, Leslie
Morlock of Kitchener wore a
An Everlasting Gift...
or Mother...
nd For Fathe
LEADERSHIP IS AN ART and a talent and rewards are ma * but hard-earned. These re-
cipients of 4-H Leadership Awards definitely earned their certificates presented to them
Saturday during Achievement Day at Madill by home ecOnomist Miss Jane Pengilley.
Mrs. Stanley Hays of RR 1, Wroxeter has been the leader of the Belmore I I group for five
years, while Mrs. Clarke Johnston of RR 1, Belgrave has begin the leader of the Belgrave I
group for 15 years.
Physical fitness stressed
by Institute guest speaker
portance of exercise was stressed
by Mrs. Murray Underwood as
she was guest speaker at the
November meeting of the local
Women's Institute on Monday
evening of last week. Theme of
the meeting wa "Family and.
Consumer Affalrs" and Mrs.
Garnet Farrier, committee Coni
vener, was in charge. ~' • r -
Mrs. Underwood was intro-
duced by Mrs. Helen Lewis. As
part of her topic, "Physical Fit-
ness", she emphasized the bene-
fits of exercise in keeping the
body healthy. She asked.. the
ladies to participate in exercises
which are good for a healthy
.She was thanked .13y Mrs.
rri `00,presentedOth a gift.
he "nigetitig opened with the
Ode and Collect. President Miss
Merle Wilson read a poem, "Au-
tumn". The minutes were' read
by the secretary, Mrs. George
Fisher: Roll call. was answered
by 14 .members and three .visi-
tors, as well as two of the 4-H
leaders, by naming and demon-
strating a good exercise or pay -
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The motto, "Feed your family
what they. require, not what they
desire", was given by Mrs, Bill
Evans. She stressed that the 1973
Nutrition Canada survey re-
vealed that half the adults in
Canada are overweight and lack
certain nutrients in their diet.
"Our'health is made or unmade
at the table," she said, "for a
man is as old as• he eats. Every-
thing we are or door hope to be-
come stems from the food we
She concluded by telling all to
prepare nutritious meals but to
set up a food budget with at least
a dozen guidelines.
• Songs commemorating
Remembrance Day we! .i.:, g
and a contest was held Wi `` s.
Archie Purdon and Mrs. Vialter
Elliott, 4-H leaders, judging
squares made from cereal which
the ladies brought. Mrs. Tom
Metcalfe won the prize.
Mrs. George Fisher gave the
report of the Grey -Bruce 'area
convention held at Owen Sound.
There were 375 in \attendance.
The 1976 convention is to be held
in Bruce East district at Walker-
The theme of the convention
was "A Challenge for To-
morrow" which was the subject
of president; Mrs. C. O. Sut-
cliffe's address. She said that
education holds the key to suc-
cess in overcoming obstacles of
' fear, prejudice, suspicion and
greed, and added that the
Women's Institute gives this type
of training through its programs.
, :.The lunch committee, Mrs.
alatineWFarvier,?Mrsk dait,afatis
andw's. `Wine' buFnin, $drved
the squares made for the contest.
`) The liecember meeting will be
the banquet on December 10 at
noon at St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, Wingham.
Sara Crawford married
in WiIIo,wdale ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Crawford
of Wingham, Ontario, are pleased
to announce the marriage of their
daughter, Sara Jane, to Peter
John Woodcock, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Woodcock of Willow -
dale, Ontario, Saturday, Novem-
ber 1.
The wedding took place in St.
Timothy's Roman Catholic
Church, Leith Hill Road, Willow -
dale, officiated by Father
Webber and assisted by the
bride's brother, Rev. John Craw-
ford. The bride was gowned in
antique satin and lace and car-
ried a cascade of yellow roses.
Her shoulder -length veil was held
by a small lace cap.
The maid of honor, Miss Mary
Ellen Edwards, wore a gown of
emerald green and carried a cas-
cade of yellow and white daisies.
The ushers were Dick Lloyd
and David Blair; brothers-in-law
of the bride, and the best man
was Alex Farrell, a friend of the
The bride's mother wore a
flowing gown of fuchsia crepe
and the groom's mother wore a
teal blue ensemble.
The reception was held at the
Thornhill Country Club and in-
cluded a number of out-of-town
guests. For travelling, the bride
wore a dress and jacket of m9ss
green with contrasting 'acces-
sories. The newlyweds plan to
honeymoon early in 1976.
"Hope" was theme.
at Sunday service
—Photo by Snyder lima'
white dress styled Similarly to M" The bride's mother Wore a
floor*length gown Of old r srth
matching jacket, silver d
sories and an orchid cot`
groom's mother chose, ,a #ioor-
length gown and jacket itt Mue
with gold accessories at
orchid corsage. ,
For travelling to :Ottawa, `
Kingston, the .bridewore a
piece camel suit with -red r
corsage and brown aced
Mr. and Mrs. Burltl y
residing at 20 Robin Drive,
those of the senior attendants.
She wore an old-fashioned bonnet
made from the same material
and lace as her gown.
Larry Binkley of Kitchener was
his brother's best man and
guests were ushered by brothers.
of the bridal couple, Gerry
Currah of Gorrie and Jerry Bink -
ley. Jason Binkley, nephew of the
groom was ring bearer.
Following the wedding, a
reception was held at the Cliffbrd
Community :entre.
"The Christian Hope" was the
topic chosen by Rev. Barry Pass-
more as he spoke at the morning
worship service Sunday at the
United Church.
He said the Christian's hope is
the essence of his faith, and the
fact tbat,life,iasts,.$evep years or
VNCTOY iyean no g- jf
there is no urinate purpose or no
hope of eternal life.
During the service, Mr. Pass-
more baptized five babies: Kris-
tin Lee Flaro, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Flaro (Marilyn
Strong) of Niagara Falls;
Heather Joelle, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bre.nt Davidson
(Janis Henderson) of Kitchener;
Anita Dawn, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.. Phillip Massey of Wing=
ham; Michael John, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Vessey of
Wingham; Shane Robert, son of
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pegg of
Molesworth WMS
Twenty members and guests of
Molesworth W.M.S. met at the
., home of Mrs. Mel Dennis for the
November meeting.
Mrs. Lloyd Felker welcomed
those present and the W.M.S.
Aim and Purpose were repeated
in unison. She read "Thoughts for
Remembrance Day" and a
minute of silence was observed.
dies who had attended the Fall
lly of the W.M.S., which was
held in Wingham Presbyterian
Church in October, gave their
impressions of that meeting.
It was planned to send a bale of
good, used clean winter clothing
to Evangel Hall, Toronto, to be
ready for packing and sending by
the end of November.
Roll call was answered with a
verse on "Participation" and
visits to sick and shut-in.
Mrs. George McDonald gave
the 'study, "Now Where Do We
Go?", a summary of the studies
for the year, and a challenge to
missionary work.
Mrs. Richard Jones read from
Hebrews 12: 1-18 and the offering
was collected. The meeting
closed with a hymn and prayer.
Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. W. D.
Campbell served tea and a social
time followed.
Farewell party
BLUEVALE — A farewell
party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dick de Boer for Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Birkey who are
leaving the 4th line of Turnberry
to make their home in Oregon.
A social evening was enjoyed.
Later Mrs. Alex MacTavish read
an address and Mrs. de Boer pre-
sented them with an electric
lamp and a steam iron from
neighbours and friends. They
both expressed their thanks. Mrs.
de Boer, Mrs. MacTavish and
Mrs. William de Vos served
—Gordon Smith, a second -year
student at Knox College, was the
guest speaker at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church on Sunday
mornin He was one of a group
of students who preached at
churches within the Presbytery
on Sunday. His : topiccw„ os
"Called—To What?".
—Weekend guests of Mrs. Ger-
shorn Johnston, Catherine Street,
were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Wad -
del, David and Michael, all of
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Johnston, Ruth Ann and Carol
Ann of Listowel, Mir,
Ted Robinson,. Donnybrook, Mr
and Mrs. BM Robinson of Kitch-
ener. Michael Waddel has the
honor of being Mrs. Johnston's
24th great-grandchild:
—Mr. and Mrs:.
camp of Blackstock Vii
Mrs. Melville Bradburn +during
last `week.
. i
—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keith
and Norman of Toronto spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Terry.
Nethery and family.
READS NOV., 9-8-7-6-5
Advance -Times
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