The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-20, Page 8Marriage vows are recited
during candlelight ceremony
Jane Elizabeth Bateson, Wing -
ham, and Robert Murray Corri-
gan, Bluevale, exchanged
wedding vows at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian church on October
The church was decorated with
a lighted candelbra of white and
yellow mums for the seven
o'clock candlelight service.
Parents of the couple are Mr.
and Mrs. F. John Bateson, Wing -
ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Corrigan, Bluevale. Rev. Robert
Armstrong, minister of the
church, performed the cere-
Miss Sandra Currie played the
organ and Miss Sandra Lee sang
"The Wedding" before the bridal
party entered the church. During
the ceremony, Mrs. Mary Lee
sang "The Lord's Prayer" and
during the signing of the register,
a duet, "Walk Hand in Hand with
Me", was sung.
Given in marriage by her
father and mother, the bride
chose a dress of traditional ele-
gance. The satin -backed
chemise gown featured a man-
darin neckline, a softly tucked
bodice accented with guipure
lace, and a camelot sleeve with
the upper part in small tucks
matching the bodice. The A-line
skirt draped into a full-length ca-
thedral train with a wide ruffle
adorning the entire hemline. She
chose a matching Juliet cap
which held in place a short hand -
rolled silk illusion veil. She
carried a bouquet of cascading
yellow Sweetheart roses and
baby's breath.
Mrs. Glenn (Julie) Ruttan of
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London was matron of honor.
Mrs. Jon (Betty) Bateson, Mrs.
Ed (Karen) Blackwell, both of
Wingham and Mrs.- Jack
(Joanne) McPherson of Kitch-
ener were bridesmaids.
The girls all chose coral silk
jersey sleeveless dresses with
fitted jackets. Special features of
their jackets were hoods and the
wrists of the jacket had soft coral
maribou fur for trim. Their bou-
quets were made of white and
yellow cascading mums.
Master Jason Batesgn, nephew
of the bride, acted as ring bearer.
Groomsman was Bruce Corri-
gan, brother of the groom, and
guests were ushered by Jon Bate-
son, brother of the bride, Glenn
Ruttan of London and Norm
MacLennan of Waterloo, friends
of the groom. The father of the
bride and the groom and his
attendants wore dark brown
Windsor tuxedoes.
The bride's mother chose an
autumn rust rib knit- sleeveless
gown. The long sleeved jacket
was accented with rows of dyed -
to -match seed pearls. Gold ac-
cessories and a corsage of white
Sweetheart roses completed her
The groom's mother chose a
long gown of peacock blue with
an elbow -length sheer cape and a
corsage of white Sweetheart
The guests were invited to the
home of the bride's parents
between the wedding and the
reception which was held at the
Wingham Legion Hall where the
tables were decorated with
flower pots of coral colored roses
made out of crepe paper by the
For travelling, the bride chose
a brown and beige at -the -knee
length skirt with a matching
fitted jacket. She completed her
ensemble with- a beige blouse,
brown scarf and brown accessor-
les' ii ti" fir'i'cifl age- 'of yellow
Sweetheart -roses.. '
Honored guests at the wedding
were the bride's special grand-
mothers, Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller
'and Mrs. Stafford Bateson, both
of Wingham.
Prior to her wedding, the bride'
was ,honored at a miscellaneous
shower at the . home of Mrs. Cal
Burke hosted by Mrs. Ray
Walker, Mrs. Audrey Currie and
Mrs. Jack Goodall; at a stag and
doe at Lake Conestoga given by
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bateson; at a
girls' party at Bruce Beach given
by Miss Ann Welwood; at, a
shower hosted by 'Mrs. Verne
Galbraith held in her home with
the help of Mrs. Ted Elliott, Mrs.
George Joyi1 , Mrs. Bert Mathers
and Miss Darcy Mathers; at a
girlfriend shower hosted by Mrs.
Karen Blackwell, Mrs. Julie
Ruttan, Mrs. Joanne McPherson,
Miss Sandra Lee and Mrs. Betty
Bateson;. and she waswined and
dined at the Turnberry Tavern by
the staff of the Wingham Day
Care Centre.
Jane is a graduate of Fanshawe
College in Early Childhood
Education and has been em-
ployed at ,the Wingham Day Care
Centre. Bob is also a graduate of
Fanshawe College , and is em-
ployed by A. M. Spriet and
Associates, Consulting Engineers
of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corrigan
will reside at 80 Huxley St., Apt.
301, London, Ontario.
Guests attended the wedding
from Orillia, Calgary, Detroit,
Simcoe, London, Lion's Head,
Kitchener, Toronto, Walkerton,
Owen Sound, Port Elgin and the
Wingham area.
For informailoo oafs:
COUNTY HONOkS certificates were presented Saturday to
these 4-H members: front,Bonnie Walker, RR 5, Wingham;
Dianne Scoff, Belgrave; Carol Kieffer, RR 2, ,Teeswater;
back, Trudy Taylor, RR 1, Belgrave; Glenda Ballagh, RR 1, .
Wroxeter; Joy Rutherford, RR 2; Wingham; Judy Dickson,
RR 1, Clifford. Karen Armstrong of RR 4 Wingham was .
also the recipient of• a certificate.
Mrs.. Wm. Miller named unit president
BRUSSELS — Mrs. Watson
Scholdice, representing the
nominating committee, pre-
sented the new slate of officers
for the year 1976, when the after-
noon unit of the United Church
Women met at the home of Mrs.
Jean Taylor.
Mrs. William Miller is the 1976
president and Mrs. C. Heming-
way is vice-president. Other
officers are: secretary, Mrs. V.
Hupfer; assistant, Mrs. J.
Taylor; treasurer, Miss M. Skel-
ton; pianist, Mrs. H. Thomas,
Mrs. W. .Turnbull; program
committee, Mrs. H. Steffler, Mrs.
Hemingway, Mrs. J. Crocker.
Nineteen members and one
visitor answered the roll call with
a scriptural verse containing the
word `peace'. Fifty visitations
were recorded.
Mrs. Steffler called the meet-
ing to worship byreading a poem,
`f 1Qet God intthe, Mornif"- MH
}L. Lucas based her .program
around "Remembrance Day
Thoughts" and the favorite
Paul's writings basis for talk
Pastor Ross Smith spoke on the
characteristics of a local New
Testament church when he con-
ducted -the morning worship ser-
vice on Sunday at the Wingham
Baptist Church. His scripture
text was taken fro, the first
chapter of PauI's first letter to
the Corinthians.
Guest soloist was Mrs.
McKenzie of Hanover who sang
"I Know a Name" and "I Heard
the Voice—of Jesus Say". Doug
Thomson played the organ
throughout the service and Sylvia
MacLean presided at the piano
At the evening service, Pastor'
Smith continued his studies in the
book of Revelation, speaking on
portions of the third chapter.
Next Sunday,, guest speaker at
both services will be Dr. Denzil
Rayrhore, Dean of Central Bap-
tist Seminary, Toronto. On De-
cember 7, Rev. Harry Percy, a
representative of the Sudan
Interior Mission, will speak at
both services. At the evening
session, he will also show the
latest SIM film, "The 'Magnifi-
cent •Missionary Multiplying
International Women's Year topic
BELMORE — An attractive
display of crafts, in the Institute
Room at the Community Centre,
added interest to the November
meeting of the Women's Insti-
Mrs. John Stokes explained
some techniques used in making
her beautiful quilts, one of which
won a red ribbon at"Howick's 1975
fall fair.
Following the opening proce-
dure of the meeting and business
matters, Mrs. Don MacAdam re-
ported on the fall rally held in
Whitechurch Hall October 16, and
Mrs. Walter Woods told of the
highlights from the area conven-
tion at Westside United Church
November 3 and 4.
Mrs. Don Wallace, convener,
then chaired the meeting. The
roll call, "A Hobby for Retire-
ment Years," was answered by
various and interesting plans.
In speaking of International
Women's Year, Mrs. Dave Eadie
said that it is the duty of all
women to encourage young
women who are entering profes-
sions formerly reserved for men,
such as veterinarians and poli-
ticians and see that they get
equal recognition for their good
Reference was made to the
importance of making wishes
known, by writing letters to
members of Parliament, radio
and television stations, and news-
"A woman of today needs to be
a real woman, a feminist, not an
activist (women's lib.) ; one who
can look outside her own com-
munity and see the needs of
women throughout the world,"
the speaker said.
hymn, "0 God Our Help in Ages
Past", was sung.
Mrs. Thbmas read scripture
from the book of Genesis. A read-
ing, "Remembrance Day",
hrought to mind many events ,of
war years which touched our
lives very closely. Even so, all
were advised to forget memories
of bitterness and revenge for one
of the Lord's greatest teachings
was that ills followers `forgive
and forget'. Prayer was offered.
Mrs. Steffler "convened the
business on the agenda. Miss M...
Skelton reported on the group's
mission project on the west coast.
Sunday, November 16, was set
aside as the unit's special Thank -
offering service.
Mrs...Steffler and Mrs. Hupfer
reported on the zone rally which
was held' in Kurtzville.
The Bible study on the book of
Leviticus was concluded by Mrs.
Smith. Study sheets on the book
of Numbers were distributed and
members were asked to read that
book during the month of Novem-
Thanks were extended to .the
hostess and conveners of the
meeting and the leader closed
with prayer.
Sunday bnfor. Advent
8:30 a. m,, -Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer (Broadcast Sunday)
St. PauI's Church
MRS. D. RICi ARDSON, Organist
and Choir Leader
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