The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-20, Page 1The Ontario Medici.. eta,
O believes in -obeying the law.
This statement was made b
0M, district director Dr,
d� to reference to the 0,M
stand on the new inflation control
progralm recently announced by
11' the federal government.
Jr. Andrews, who represents
MMA members in hex, Kent
and faxnbton counties, was a
guest speaker last Wednesday
evening at a regular meeting of
the Wingham ,and District Hos-
pital Board of Governors.
""We're just as confused as
everybody eIse," Dr. Andrews
aid, "but within the act, up until
today, we have no real quarrel
with the controls as long as the
same controls apply to every-
body "
Dr. Andrews explained that the
O is in the processof '�e'-
m a fee schedule mor+ se
for the omit* year and said Or
OMA felt it might nnty Under'
the . w.' act "for certain ,exeep
Was," Ile said the OMA, has e4-
operbted with the' government in
previous years to keep fee in-
creases to a xninimutn, "Now, we
feel. we are on the short end of the
stick," he added.
"We believe in obeying the
law," Dr. Andrews said. He sug-
gested that the pew controls
would not lead to any trouble with
the government. ""There is no
thought at all in Ontario among
physicians at _ this time of with-
drawal of service," he stated,
explaining that such an action
would result not from economic
controls but, if at all, "on the
basis of human rights infringe-
, Dr. Andrews said that if such n.
19ve beeagle Ile■essen-
c ary,, l''O,
$ice wed e n a 'oR medical 'caare� a Ontwuation'
""Never, never total withdrawal."
A poasible source of potential
trouble could be the OHIP pro-
gt'ant, Dr. Andrews suggested. "l
believe legislation which: would
force doctors to stay in the plan
would lead, to a confrontation
with. government," he said.
At the present, physicians are
free to opt out of the OHIF pro-
gram. Patients being treated by a
non-OHIP doctor, however, have
to pay 160 per cent of the medical
costs with no reimbursement
from the government. "`I don't
think the public would accept
that," Dr. Andrews added.
He explained .that the OMA is
advising physicians to leave the
Fraser Haugh struck by car,
now in, University Hospital
Two persons were injured, one
seriously, in accidents reported
by the Wingham detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police last
Fraser Haugh of Bluevale was
seriously injured last Monday,
Nov. 10, when he was struck by a
car while walking across the
roadway on County Road 12,
north of Concession 3-4, Grey
Township. Mr. Haugh was cross-
ing the road and swerved to the
left at the same time the vehicle
swerved. The car was driven by
Kenneth L. Ashton of Brussels.
Mr. Haugh was admitted to the
Wingham and District Hospital
with lacerations to the face and
scalp and injury to the cervical
spine. He was transferred to Uni-
versity Hospital in London last
Glen Nixon of RR 5, Brussels
was injured Saturday when his
car struck and killed. a cattle -
beast owned by Gordon Workman
of Brussels. The mishap occurred
on County Road 16, east of Side -
road 15-16, Morris Township. Mr.
Nixon was treated at the Wing -
ham and District Hospital for
laceratidns to the head and later
released. Damage was estimated
at $950.
On Tuesday, Nov. 11, Wolfgang
A. Friedel of RR 3, Palmerston
Letter to editor
reports good news
"No news s good news" may
t where
•:#>a,truea in solve -cases, bid
n ii iapap are cemented "no..
news"- is disastrous. Accidents,
meetings, government reports on
rising prices and strike an-
nouncements: these, unfortu-
nately, are the grist of the news
mill. 'Unfortunately' - because
these events don't really rep-
resent the total life of the com-
munity. The "good news" 'that
makes life more than bearable
for most people is 'usually taken
for granted, rarely reported.
Perhaps this reflects the opin-
ion that "nice" things are com-
monplace, everyday occur-
rences, while "bad news" is un-
usual, therefore newsworthy. If
so, more power to the basic
"goodness" of humanity.
When the occasional piece of
"good news" does reach our at-
tention, however, it warrants a
special place amid the disasters
that usually make headline news.
So our thanks to Mrs. Mabel Bos
of RR 2, Wingham, who.,,brought
this report of "good news" to our
attention via a letter to the editor.
To the Editor :
This isn't the kind of news that
makes the front page. It's not
about rape, murder, strikes or in-
flation. It's happy news for a
change. My sister-in-law, her two
young children and I were re-
turning from delivering our hus-
bands'1 parents to the Toronto
International Airport for their re-
turn trip to Holland. Our car
broke down, still in sight of the
Advance -Times
welcomes two
staff members
The Advance -Times welcomes
two new staff members who have
joined us within the past couple of
Mrs. Patricia VanWyck, for-
merly of London and Ottawa, is a
new member of the "front office"
personnel. Although she has not
previously been a resident of
Wingham, she is familiar with
this area. Mrs. VanWyck is a
daughter of the late Louis Blake
Duff, whose boyhood home was at
Bluevale, and in later life was
editor of the Welland newspaper
and a widely -known historian and
public speaker.
Bill Crump comes back to his
home town after quite a few
years in Toronto and surrounding
area. Bill is a son of Mrs. Jean
Crump of Wingham and takes his
place on our staff as advertising
manager for the Crossroads divi-
sion of the Wenger Bros. news-
Airport, on the 401. Another car
o ed.0 stopped,
' nd e
lye k
.p nPPed and.
-gentleman (for so he is) came tib
see what our trouble was. We had
to leave the car there, and he took
us to his home in Milton, having
first phoned his wife of the un-
expected company. There we
were invited to a lovely dinner,
which, by the way, had been pre-
pared for a business associate
who couldn't come. The family
included five children, too. My
sister-in-law phoned her home to
explain our delay, and I phoned
for someone who could come for
us. Then the gentleman phoned a
local garage -man who could tow
our car in and repair it. After
that, he took us to the Mohawk
Inn and asked the desk -clerk to
let us wait there in the comfort of
the lobby until my brother came.
He would accept nothing for all
his efforts and expense but our
thanks, and two women and two
Children so stranded had a lot to
thank him for. By the way, this
happened on Remembrance Day,
and the man's ethnic origin was
German. What do you think of
Mrs. Mabel Bos,
RR 2, Wingham, Ont.
A Christmas
Wonderland on
Leopold Street
Area residents, particularly
the children, will be happy to
know that 'Fred Porter, Leopold
St., is busy erecting his "`out of
this world" Christmas display on
his lawn, on his house and on his
Last year Fred was forced to
forego the display, due to lack of
help. However this year his
former housekeeper, Mrs. Mary
Cox, is returning from Chatham
for a couple of weeks to lend a
The several hundred items in-
volved require several weeks for
painting and erection on the
Janet Walker of Wing -
ham accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Henning as they drove
to Stratford last Friday afternoon
to visit Lloyd Walker who has
been a patient in the hospital
there since October 1. He is
improving favorably and if his
condition continues to improve he
will return home by ambulance
this coming Friday or Saturday.
was involved in a single -car mis-
hap when the right front wheel of
the car dropped off the roadway,
causing the car to skid into a
ditch and roll onto its .side. The
accidentoccurred on $ighway 87,
west of Gorrie. Damage was :esti-
mated at $350.
That same day, Bryan M. Hogg
of Wingham was involved in a
single -car accident on Highway
86, west of the Bluevale Road
junction, when his car went off
the side of the road and hit a guy
wire. Estimated damage/ was
James E. Adams of Bluevale
and Gregory. M. Snow of Hamil-
ton were involved in a collision
Wednesday on Highway 86, east
of Huron County Road 13, Turn -
berry Township. Total damage
was estimated at $1,000.
A single -car accident was re-
ported that day on Concession 2-3;
east of Sideroad 15-16, Morris
Township, when a car driven by
Cheryl E. Kuepfer of RR 1, Brun-
ner went Into tic�s Sou . telvan
iwn r
$txucl;, a fence 4 eco y �.
Thomas of RR 4, Wingham.
Damage was estimated at $625.
Another single -car accident
was reported Thursday on Con-
cession 8, east of Highway 4,
Morris Township. The driver of
the car was Douglas R. Somers of
RR 3, Blyth. Damage was esti-
mated at $150.
Richard J. Wright of London
and Robert C. Connor of Sarnia
were involved in a collision Fri-
day on Highway 86 at the junction
of Huron Road 12, Grey Town-
ship. Total damage was esti-
mated at $2,000.
Richard McGlynn of Teeswater
was involved in a single -car acci-
dent that same day on Highway
86, east of the Huron Road 12
junction, when the left rear tire
„blew, forcing the car into a ditch.
Damage was estimated at $125.
A collision was reported Satur-
day on Concession 2-3, west of
Sideroad 10-11, Howick • Town-
ship, involving Bruce Hutchison
of RR 2, Gorrie and Dennis E.
Horton of RR 3, Palmerston,
Estimated damage was $700.
pl'ograxn :a." tera ,10 th`
Interests should. be i;404)(1
O.UIP. " Dr. .Andrews
advice is bas41 00 an.
cil policy of `dere,
total government 'e o►ntrOL
He said the MIA eXecUtiii
suggested an alternative
based on, a "patient Partici
factor" whereby ,the pati
would PO 80 per eafit of
medical cosh, with 0l�
ing the additional Viper ems;
plan is not favored by politic
at this time, he conelticled.
Dr. Andrews Said
shares the public concern,
increasing medical coat,
stated thatthe picture. is •4►
what distorted. "Health cost a k
not really rising out of proportiottil
with national prod' ctivity,"
explained, citing ,p raUv&
figures of a 17.8 perventincre
in the gross national pr
from 1971 to 1975 while the_pert,
tentage of physician :seryic -y,
costs as a fraction of the +G
The image of doctors as "
cats" is also distorted, Dr,'
drews said. He explained that
average figure for physician'
services has only increased Yby
about 20 per cent since 1970x`aitil
compared to an increase in 0710
general spectrum of 50 to 64 per
cent. He presented figures pub
lashed in a Toronto Star
comparing doctors' wages `
those of other selected profess
sions. While MPs recorded a .fin
per cent increase in real incbntd°
from 1970 to 1975, Ontario fanny'.
doctors recorded a 23 per cent=
crease. The Canadian avert*
increase was cited at 16 per cent
for this time period. r:
Additional figures place the
Ontario family doctor at the
$10.50 -per -hour level as com-
pared to $52.50 for big comfy
"THE LITTLE RED HEN BAKES BREAD'° was the title of
the Bluevale II skit during the 4-H Achievement Day
program Saturday at Madill. "The Little Red Hens" are:
front, chicks Valerie Peel, Mary Anne Nicholson, Vickey
Peel, Vicki Steckly; back, fox Helen (Web, cat V4cky
East, little red hen Barb Chamber and dog Louise Stamper.
The group leaders are Mrs. Thelma Peel•and Mrs. Marjorie
tlittbant Abbancit.
Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, November 20, 1975
Single Copy Not Over ,c
executives, $37 for airline old of
pilots and $15.25 for MPs. Dr.' D.Separate c do a rowes
were also misrepresentative
since most surveys do not inclttde
physicians on a salary of . less
than $20,000 net annually, thus 'S
throwing the average into a
higher bracket than is realistic.
Dr. ,Andrews gave no sugges-
tion on how. much physicians
d+veearn:- "That's a very=;
very hard question til Wer`a'
He explained the O - -con-
• structed .the fee sched a on a
"fee for service principle." .I
The OMA, founded in 180,
represents about 80 pet cent o1 an
estimated 13,000 p sicians' in
Ontario. It is a volth ary organi-
zation with no real authority. •
91:5,000 in building 'projects
By Wilma Oke
The Huron Perth Roman
' b bol Board
Cathdltc Separate ;�h.
rh -set tiriorities tor $00,600 -in 1976
and for $445,000 in 1977 school im-
provement projects at the
board's November meeting.
The boarci accepted the recom-
mendation that the first task
should be providing accommoda-
tion at St. Michael's School,
Stratford, by alterations to class -
W ingham town council
holds special meeting
The Wingham Town Council
met for a special meeting last
Wednesday, evening to discuss
two propositions of a survey pre-
pared by consulting engineer B.
M. \Ross. Also present at the
meeting were E. Czarnecki,
Archibald Forsyth and Marc Bell
from the Ministry of the Environ-
They recommended the second
plan to council, which would
authorize the construction of a
gravity sewer from the pump
house to James Street, on to Shut-
er and Charles Streets and into a
hook-up with the trunk sewer on
Joseph Street. Financing for the
project can be arranged with the
ministry who will collect the
money from the town over a
period of years.
In other byysiness, council ap-
proved tenders to be called for
the construction of the new Da3
Care Centre..
REMEMBRANCE DAY was extra special for these young people who were confirmed
last Tuesday during a special evening service at the Wingham Sacred Heart Church. Most
Rev. John Sherlock, auxiliary Bishop of London, officiated at the service.
rooms 1 and 2 for industrial arts,
to classrooms 3 and 4 for home
ec ono its
con tp ao gym;inai .Y to
provide 'a music room, including
equipment for each at an esti-
mated cost of $125,000.
The second project, St. Josephs
School, Stratford, is providing a
general purpose room, change
rooms, health room, general
storage and administrative a
estimated to cost $240,000.
The third project calls for th
purchase of three. new. buses
(replacements) at an estimated
cost of $45,000.
The fourth recommendation is
a site purchase adjoining Im-
maculate Conception School in
Stratford estimated to cost
For 1977 the capital forecast
calls for an addition at St. Am-
brose School, Stratford, of a
library resource centre, general
purpose room, change brooms,
health room, general storage and
administrative area to cost
$320,000 and at St. Boniface
School, Zurich, a library resource
centre, change rooms, plus
alterations to existing reading
centre and principal's office for
administrative area and storage
Dublin trustee Joseph Looby
expressed disappointment that
St. Patrick's School, Dublin, was
not included in the forecast.
Jack Lane, superintendent of
business and finance, said the
184 -pupil St. Patrick's School
would not qualify for a library re-
source centre until enrolment in-
creased, as the Ministry of
Education calls for an enrolment
of 210 pupils or six classrooms for
the centre. "we must*91 4 bt ',
need for thed' �.�
. r. t.
P �ee�
Wingham trustee,- WU /1%a
Kinahan said he found it difficult
to support the forecast, with the
133 -pupil Sacred Heart School,
Wingham, included in the 1974
forecast for a library resource
centre, special education class-
room, change rooms and general
storage, has been dropped in this
+. list. "There is supposed to
" ua
op, 'rtunities for all stu-
dents," . . . Kinahan said.
Mr. Lane : ssured him that the
forecast i based on ministry of
educatiorrguidelines, and that the
Wingham school would not be one
to get the ministry's blessing.
Salary increases of $2,400 were
given to John Vintar, director of
education, raising his salary to
$35,400 effective August 1, 1975,
and to Joseph Tokar, superinten-
dent of special services, raising
his salary to $29,400 effective
September 1, 1975..
Stratford trustee Howard
Shantz remarked that these in-
creases were within the guide-
lines set by the government.
Trustee John O'Drowsky of St.
Marys commended both Mr.
Vintar and Mr. Tokar for staying
within the guidelines although
their salaries were set prior t
the ministry restrictions.
Named to the ad hod salary
negotiating committee for teach-
ers were board members:
Donald Crowley, RR 2, Gadshill,
Arthur Haid, RR 4, Listowel,
Gregory Fleming, Crediton, and
Howard Shantz, Stratford, and
their appointments were effec-
MVCA's grant will
fund four workers
WROXETER - Work started
Nov. 17 on several projects of the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority to use up $13,809 ap-
proved for the authority as' a
Local Initiative Program grant.
The federal funds will be used
in several places owned by the
In Morris Township some of the
money will be used to remove an
old building and construct a road-
way. to the main facilities on con.
4 where the authority recently
bought 210 acres. A number of old
trees will also be removed from
the site.
At the authority's Wawanosh
Conservation Area, trees will be
removed, and new tree manage-
ment programs started. Equip-
ment will be installed in an old
barn at the site to facilitate better
storage of young trees intended
for transplanting in the spring.
If the weather isn't suitable for
the outdoor projects, the MVCA
plans to use its four men indoors
repairing picnic tables from
MVCA parks and other area
parks, and building playground
equipment. This will be done at
the MVCA's maintenance build-
ing at the Falls Reserve area
near Benmiller in Huron County.
In the original application for a
grant, 522,000 had been requested
and the authority planned to hire
six men or women for the work.
Because of the reduced budget,
only four people will be hired for
the work that is expected to take
until the end of April.
The MVCA had planned to do
some work at the old mills in
Gorrie and Brussels to protect
there from vandals, but this will
have to wait.
A total of 96 man hours will be
paid for by the grant.
Live immediately.
A� borrowaing:by-lam for°
:wa sseit�►
the remainder of the year.
Mr. Lane reported the renova-
tions to the new board office post-
ing $30,000 and the. moving costs
of $5,000 were as budgeted. •
Mr. O'Drowsky presented a de-
tailed report of the ad hoc curri-
culum review committee and the
committee was disbanded after
being commended for the, work.
carried out in the study.
The board adopted the imple-
mentation procedure of the ad
hoc coinmittee on early school
leaving, and appointed William
Kinahan and David Teahen to the
The board approved a request
from the principals' association
that copies of approved board
minutes and the agenda be sent to
each priitcipal within the system
to be posted on the staff bulletin
Mr. Lane reported that the por-
table classroom at St. Aloysius
School was rented to the Perth
County Board of Education at a
rent of $1,000 from January to
June 1976 and all moving ex-
penses borne by the Perth Board.
He said ' the portable will be
moved this week.
Three villages
join toll-free
calling area
Long distance charges for tele-
phone calls between the Wing -
ham ("357") exchange and the
Brussels, Gorrie and Teeswater
exchanges will no longer apply
beginning December 1, Lee Anne
Stanley, local Bell Canada
manager, said last Week.
Extension of the local calling
area is being made in co-opera-
tion with three other telephone
companies: Maitland Teleser-
vices Ltd., which operates the
Brussels exchange; Wightman
Telephone Ltd., which operates
the Gorrie exchange and South
Bruce Rural Telephone Co. Ltd.,
which operates the Teeswater
Wingham subscribers ap-
proved the expansion plan for
local calling in a survey two
years ago. Wingham presently
has local calling with Lucknow.
Monthly 'rates in the Wingham
exchange will go up December 1
because of the expanded calling
area, Mrs. Stanley said: an in-
dividual residential line from
$4.40 to $4.65; a residential two-
party line from $3.35 to $3.55; a
residential multi-party line from
$3.25 to $3.35 and an individual
business line from 58.20 to $9.35.