HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-13, Page 2613. 1975- ►.►:► ♦Gini k�.� tii:�la:w'�i.+.:� �+►.�,w.,p r ,,a TRY IT 111 0 • You'II like i By Marg Bu rkhaal Have you ever bad your mind 140 Nat* about the middle of the aft�,, op, and wondered what you were going to serve for dinner that evening? It happens to thebest of us. But, rather than revert to your old stand-by, try something different . . . like a Sandwich Bake. SANDWICH BAKE 12 slices bread 2 eggs 1 lb. ground beef 1 cup milk 2 medium onions. sliced 1 teaspoon salt V4 cup catsup 6 slices processed cheese 6 frankfurters Spread 6 slices of bread with butter. Arrange in the bottom of a greased 9 x 13 pan. Toast in oven for 15 minutes. Combine the beef, catsup, and salt. Spread this lightly over the toast. Top with frankfurters cut almost in half lengthwise, onions, cheese slices. Cover with remaining bread slices, also buttered, with the buttered side up. Beat the eggs, add the milk and a drop of tabasco sauce. Pour this over the entire mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes. Cover for the first half of the bak- ing time. Uncover to brown and crisp. Serves 6. The time for festive entertain- ing is not too far away. Over the few weeks, I will be publish- recipes that have special appeal during the festive season. The following recipe for Coffee Cake is very easy to make, and the cake itself is delicious. This can be enjoyed any time of the year, and can be made with a special holiday topping to add that festive touch. COFFEE CAKE 11/2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons double acting baking powder 1 teaspoon salt,. 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup shortening 1 egg (beaten) 1 cup milk Mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Cut in the shortening. Add the egg and milk. Spread this 'dough into a greased and floured 9 inch square pan. Sprinkle with either of the following toppings: Bake at 375 -degrees for 20 minutes. TOPPING: 1 cup brown sugar 11/2 teaspoons cinnamon '/z cup chopped nuts HOLIDAY TOPPING: one-third cup candied fruit t2 teaspoon cinnamon 3 teaspoons brown sugar Sprinkle over dough in pan. , oar We usually think of Christmas as a time to splurge. and one of the places where we have to do just• that is rigIrt in our kitchens. Bakimg car favorite goodies for the ftmaive seasom cam be expen- sive, but the satisfactihnyoo get from trintlg yotu own baking cap be very, re-was well. &u- prise }ay.' family and fids with Oh Henry Bars. now. or Airbag the ,sseason_ - OH IIMIERY BARS 52CUPImilter 2-2 cup T idea natrfction' Es it ` tom' or "Tttarnul -'aagaad - ens more than ills' 7,,1 is much mare It's h.ikag the to do afl the ,y-rmwzuM Eke to do in a day. Betmg P to aro- Pyre dettal h i e; .it's the pulyzes i ?] lw and ' t camBoa Far a Est see m x - re at/Tit-co .9ci that ..rec send a sta=ped. seLia±tressiA envelope to the !o ?ham 037:- r c ue_ I z 74.1 Terin A. Iltirornj' I3o LI !. because NAY-�"?' AI WIG CATI FIX -1T By Gear Poya 11SPEO% ISI O 1 Am a Fr An Empty F11-7,c!Di- se a a very r far^,ter' b n fe h z ctysp - r of hltul hell ant a:11-: ward ¢zatsaris Take a rf %Otte ' `Is^.:.as1=4 .. ruts a7: sE. g2=1,(K1 yma c."- firzirt any faytv ixar't 12 cup white sugar 1 cup cocoanut La cup cut-up glazed cherries 1 cup crushed graham wafers Combine butter, milk. and sugar and boil far 1 minute Wtule hot add the remaining ingredi- ents Cover an 8 inch square pan with whole graham wafers Pour in mixture and cover with whole graham wafers. Ice with your favorite chocolate icing. Let cool and cut into squares. 'Y' stroke shows lot of energy By DOROTHY ST. JOHN JA CertifiedMufte Grapisanalyst Dear Icy: Irma 2S, side, and a buyer for a targe store. 1 alloy my job and rm paid. My featly and frits are all. concerned about why I'm net getting married. Gass ]fila the only one not married. I feel that if I am to marry, the right man will came along some clay. If not, •l t ECONOMY 2x4 -8's KILN -DRIED Spruce Or Jack Pine. 96" Or P.E.T. 92-5/8" SORRY, NO SORTING! c STUD GRADE 2:4-8's 51.09 Each CUSTOMERS, NATE: Some Items In Limi- ted Quantity. AI Items First Come, First Served. CARPETING SPECIAL! FOAM -BACKED INDOOR/OUTDOOR For Indoor Use! Needlepunch carpet in colours as available. WHILE IT LASTS!! $ 47 SQUARE YARD "DEFIANCE" BONUS BUY! Foam -Backed First Quality 100°%o Nylon Carpet. Extra low price on 12 square yards or more. .YDS. 1 12 S4 470 SQUARE OR MORE YARD 1 - 11 SO.YARDS $4.95 SQ.YARD "TRAILBLAZER" CARPET First Quality 100°/, $48 � polypropylene with foam back. Maker's' 3- SQUARE year Pro -Rated Wear Guarantee!! YARD Pd prefer ut have a career. Am 1 as abnormal as I m made to feel? - Dear E.N.: Not all normal women &e married. There are malty ways of life that seme woMen prefer to marriage wi , an G. matched man. Many have concluded that ey'd rather keep right en showing up for work five days a week than have to "lister"' to the wrong man read his newspaper every morning. You're satisfied in your work because you're doing what you want to do. You are an energetic and aggressive 11 It yf actiartai, if wiffiRgnesa **vow. Yet, u spite ° of your to Maga the top, the very trait that nom mCitrates you to reach uQ*i and over to you Your ends. a l cruse y0U 10 fere losing that which you have won, whl you get there. It's seen to the loop on the capi- tal I. This, incidentally, is a possible 'detriment trait in marriagYour strong independent nature meters your personal life. You like to do your own thing in your own way. If it's your white to soak in a bubble bath, or eat at irregular Savings for Builders „ X , at any tom, you find Wil. 1n a state of over the pretty little wife down, the street remem- ber that there are maty tines when she may be euvy- you too. D.J Dear Dorothy: I am 25 years old, married and relatively happy. Yet, 1 often find my*If daydream- ing of wild unusual things I'd love to do. Sometimes, 1 wonder 11 my daydreams are just 0 way of passing time. • E. M. Dear E. M.: The longer you dream, the a tow Gruel BetteQ �'We t! ioW Which wa Via•. Matt/ere Is. a way. You.** tied so tightly to the fear that oars won't sieeeitt you or that others will criti- cize you, seen in the last pa"" ofthem andn,and thelooped d, that you are cutting ya ur- sell off from any cloee rela- tionship with people, seen in the squared off loop on y. When there are "unusual things" you want to do, you need other people to help you. Your talefit potential is within you and it feels lost. It's run- ning back and forth trying to OW, a1� the litorsry'Re er perially, gifted in 'nit*, 'Mere nodreiam for IOW future, fact for I Y. fut rr e, Y .pte �? enough to It, tiOQ, U e dot you through Ile right door, seem in the evaluation of your vertical There's- nothing "wild" about devellopirg anh to -goodness talent, which, in- cidentally, identally, is your re nal- billity;.@S�o,, �dayd�reajaming, for you, is strictly taboo. Au trA.,,,,k arc ictoictkfaivILtAl FIREPLACE 25% OFF! it. -.0 4111 O RRE-G. s66 • �6 588.88 Wood -burning metal fireplace is complete with tirescreen and stand. Assembles in 5 minutes. No bolts, no rivets, no screws. no seams. Connects .to 7" c'J1imney. Easy To Mount, Easy To Wire, Easy To Use!!! Safe, clean heating for your whole house. cottage, or that extra room! All units 240 -Volts. Standard Density. Beige finish can be painted if desired to match your de- cors!!! lc Be CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PERMANENT BASEBOARD HEATERS 500 -WATT UNIT .... $111.115 750 -WATT UNIT .... $22.$5 1000 -WATT UNIT ... $u -u 1250 -WATT UNIT ... $31.85 1500 -WATT UNIT ... $34.$5 2000 -WATT UNIT ... $44.85 3000 -WATT UNIT ... $53.15 BINLTM THERMOSTAT IIT .. S11.95 Wall -Mount Thermostat Kit n e . PORTABLE BASEBOARD MATER OUR REG'. 519.95 $ 1200 -watt unit, about 42" long. Adjustable tempera7 5 - ture control. Portable for EACH heat where and when you need it!! 18 CASHWAY CUTS LUMBER PRICES. AGAIN!!! 4,000' TRUCKLOT SAVINGS For Those House, Cottage and Barn Jobs, Etc.!! SPRUCE DIMENSION LUMBER AT NOVEMBER SALE PRICES!! 2x4 -8's VR-uADDE $179? •� 3 �_--�� F. a o-•. til :4 2x4's s194°3 2x6's ��,- 194 M 2x8'S a. 5319`0 al 2x1 0's € .1• .• 522700 Prices in this section are based upon minimum orders of 4.000 Board Feet Or Mose - Or Square Footages Of tt'ems Combined - For House. Cot- tage Barn Jobs. Etc Prices Are Those That Were In Effect When This Ad- vertisement Went To Our Printer and are subject to change UP OR DOWN at any time WITHOUT NOTICE in accord with market conditions and Govern- ment Guidelines SMALL ORDER PRICES NIGUER Witte the Rcof Boots a. a • .a -:s $ 177.00 !M --ansvora�iL •tio'it)b,,"-- mows $ s,_s: 544s'5SWAM ''-r i' : -_t 54.4"Sea A sea=' SHINGLES 45 LOOTS - ALUMONUM SIDING "REYNOLDS" a --a 4950 .& 51.95 4'x8' -GYPSUM ALLBOAR 38 SZ.94 1 2 $3.09 rr n!" INSULATION BATTS Gass Fane .5 for '6 O C 2"r 100 S0. fEET $ A 7 Fatter 3" 70 SQ. FEET DI 10 FK1:- AD 21 FIR :ARTato SALEPaS t0' T'TLE FE2 103YESIR' 7'16 AMALT t*P IGRATD •x8*S2 74 �9. 53.09 SHEATHING 4 BOARD 4 rt92 ry*3:: rss wwwLp 4'x8° t . SANDED 3 G.I.S. FIRPLY 3 4 S1441 PLYWOODS 4 SS it 8 51016 2 $12.97 S1k.i3 S'Lic.An E:' 3'se�RO 5 16 '5.72 '6.96 '5.17 3 8 `6.44 7.71 ' 5.69 1 2 '8.27 9-98 '7 44 5 g. 10.41 11.97 '9.16 3 4 '12.46 13 74 10.98 • _ e , S4 27 Se ev SIR 111- : _ -I, So a:• = - S12 44 lL_t orb 1t1: 41: -.1Y. -r(;..- V:'rS • •,.g . _";-..,py:•:rs '_211„_ !�.°�..'.: i,L�.i •: 2" 1-. •17.:., :,S7S.. OPEN WEEKDAYS 8.30 A..M.. 6 P.M.; SAT. TO 5P.M. OUR NEWEST LOCATION CALL ATWOOD 356-2214 ATWOOD 1;:05-,,,s-1,4 A ° i 4t'P° ' • ,,,,,,zacted fre,c,n S,* H waif 23 cs y • .i'S� scrAl c4r *.Q CNP c•s.sr "y � * 5 nr, o to25 �'h ,G4 1,s * c Fr ee sec • ,r'g the Los'o' ,e' L'a• r9+C -and Build -it -Yourself People OUR GREAT NOVEMBER NEE L SALE! "ZONOLRIITE" �11�f0�ItMi II[ ii�F 127 Bag Brockville. Cornwall. Ottawa �9 Yards. Renfrew. Pembroke.$ 2 North Bay. New Uskeard. Sudbury. BAG Sault Ste. Marts N STAY WARM AND SAVE TOO!! WALE STOCKS LAST - MAXIMUM OF 25 BAGS PER CUSTOMER!! Added it s.I.tlea Sates! "FLEECE UNE" Attic Pouring & Blowing MINERAL WOOL S i 3 CU. FT. BAG SueAZ.VMaxtelja.i Packs easily! Odourless. non -irritating and per- manent Use it now to ted in weak spots Nose A few yards stock another ver mictorte product 12 -Lb. Bag Containing Approx . 3 Cu..Feet! 95 BAG. - OUR REG. S2.17 MAXIMUM OF 40 RAGS PER CUSTOMER WHILE IT LASTS! REE' ON REQUEST MILE • OUR STOCKS LAST!! FACT -FILLED VALIABLE BOOKLET As published by The office Of Energy Conservation. Department o1 Energy. Mines and Resources . 1 BO pages. Invaluable tips on home heating. how and what to insulate. savings when using appliances. retycting- and other subjects. One per customer while supply lasts - ask for your copy at Casbway!! 1- ALL PRICES REDDCED! 4'x8' SHEETS! /2 ...51.49 ri Rigid Foam �4 • • . 5 .Z4 INSU LATION 1" . . . . 54.98 4" ....55.97 We make to ycm.ir size measurements Custom comb+nation seat -storing storm and screen REPEAT of a SELLOUT! 1/4 , r se: -storm Cccreen+ b. y+ A S WITH SAFETY TEMPERER GLASS! ALUMINUM DOORS Our Regular S44.24 $39 84 71115 0 tlOrS1Cr tail Fcnrsl+ ALUMINUM WINDOWS, MIRE RA! $ 298 too 33 Valhi babas United Inches to 49 s14.71 49-1/11 to S9 516.69 59-1/11 to 74 310.93 74-110 t. 47 521.57 $7-1/11 to 100'2434 Sde sr±tom Style at extra cosi BcSh styes feature FitterVass screens Over 100 'United trxhies add 67 Witted cnsr W ie enamel fta.sit 55 00 extra per .r zstftar PR I . TO 9 P. M DASHMf00D GARAGE ABS/DWV rnNoows DOORS DRAIN 50/ n Y...S.A.iiy..i 'N/ PIPEoues� .,.ewt° Q v.,.Per 12 -Ft. OFF S89e50 Lene, h! V7' 11'2"$4.49 598.50 3" 514.88 UST PRICES tz t tz c2 REC .ROOM FIXTURE Recessed type carat $696 IOM ilial rapine. Wfiie frielte vifl frosted Gass. Oilb extra. EAI* f!f7,P 4 -FOOT RAP -START FLUORESCENT FIXTURE type with t. h wr p -art S.i gess type with wrap-around lens. SALE! COPPER 14/2 111.07 ELEcTRIC NITRE aha. 7F00T IIMIR Or DUPLEX RECEPTACLES As Le: 39c TOGGLE SWITCHES As l+e�r 37R en Our Price DELUXE DIMMER SWITCH $ 98 EACH Push -On; Push -Orf Model! Dial fighting down to suit your .Nod .. geriserveelectficityi Gast for roc room. crating - room. etc. SALE!. Save $7.00 How!! 30" it 30" SHOWER CABINET. OMR IW $53.119 White enamelled steel with metal bass. Price includes 89 e Faucets. Shower Curtain. Holder. Packaged ready to assemble. Ideal for that basement apartment. etc.!! EACH STAINLESS STEEL SRN( llrsdercoated! (9- $1 7 18"a20", 7" Strainer, D Required S2_20 SAVE ON 5 -FOOT TUB ENCLOSURES it S'$A95 REG. S21.9S EACH Current stacks only! Shatterproof plaktic panels in Gctd. Green or Mast ce-ours Anodized Aluminum frame ' .111' GRADE WHITE REVERSE TRAP TOILETS $ 2 7 �._ tAtLIff A0 China' Slight fmnperfecticos to Frncsh only "A- GRADE WERE TOILET. $34.95 Toilet Seat & Cover. 52.811 KITCHEN BUILT-INS!! COUNTER TOP RANGE 410. WWI l i4,418/ $J495Ab'�.:ut 26'1 "': ?l ad'. . note heat con- trcfs. Recessed DELUXE N With Conlan t.Zzz t Clean featere and Rotassarie Acd32-398•a 24-598-' a 24' _ 1/4" PARTICLEBOARD fErn= f OVMC ap,rored tar floor onderiay ErcetIent for etaset Clm•g . etc 4'x8' $3.49 1-- on 1190,0 ‘•':1001_111 :1009 ENTRANCE DOORS 8'101ti'tfr-. WHITE OR. ANTgt1E GOLD COLOUIL9 Featuring vinyl bonded to face of conventional 1 At' hollow core doors for better wear and weather - resistance. Choice of 3 designs. 10% OFF! 1-318' Mahogany INTERIOR DOORS 2-0004 ...act 58.51 2-2344 ohm fmlf 58.82 2-4:5-6 sit, 4.18 2-6:6-6 ewe sett 59.59 24:44 �su ue y 510.03 PASSAGE SETS $ Bronze finish 270 OUR reg. 83.49 EACH OUR ECONOMY READY -BST NATURAL BIRCH KITCHEN CABINETS Ready for paint. stain. etc Counter tops. sinks. faucets nos cstctcded bio reader avatable at Cashway UPPER CABINET $59.35 J4 s' BASE CABINET ICS' Tv, UPPER CABINET 72.20 L BASE CABINET 44.3• ,r' CABINET 42.4.5 �6 BASE CABINET s f 24.SS Pretbaistted "Aeatl+" and "West- 1sso.-nt•' tt% cabinets also avail- abte at extra vest. ideal " stertet•' trees.