HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-13, Page 23e • • 'A niver y Of monist COUVO 0f k l tlpr l e lung rem lav g et, t>1l In pita -with severerOOPiraltOrY 'The learnt headquartered' at the Ql'OnSe:County Medical CentarA is one 0f. nine medial. groups in the natio .tee the so,called eatraeorporea, brxne oxygenator, ,or ECMO. h ` about *me age. ^ 1 ^ the esti ttee is bas d `pa y «tel 400144:at r� BLACKS A1411010113R DePreasion le likely to..1- frequent ^.am ig blacks and other :minorities, says Dr. ludewell' Thomas, p black:, PO' big at Rutgers M t' vers ity. Buy a beautiful new ROYAL HOME: completely finished, placed on your lot. �RDERFOR SPRINCs AT TODAY'S LOW PRICES AND SAVE'. $$$ Find out more about this great offer from ROYAL HOMES Write for free brochure or call 357-2444 Mail to: ROYAL HOMES LIMITED Box 370, Wingham, Ontario NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO I HAVE A LOT YES No LOCATION every dl I* drawn *media* to Blas rentlon, Once y lllo sew troduced slam 1933 it hoo steadily gained worldwide acworldwide aocieptanceth both. pristine ' variant fob. On^. the eutfil0 it is quite sin: a bid of fob.. !.`.. imp obliges partner to,an- noun numberf sc he hold.. Responderstep bids at the five leVel 4..clubs show no aces Ri' ft ur,One, hearts two ,nnd spadest throe. If the inqvi'br finds a five - club response confusing, he had no business asking. Fol- lowing the response five no- trump asks for kings in like mannerThere id a great dealmore to the convention thancanbe outlined here, Two bits :of ad - (rice come to mind. One must remember that the primary purpose of Blackwood is to keep the partnership from bidding a slam off two aces. secondly, as with many con- cepts so easily grasped it is very frequently employed improperlOne of y�the ad unctts ' of Blackwood petits jhe show- ing of voids as well. -Br ado ing there are at least ai aril-, dozenvariations from which to choose. Here is one popular method: replying to four no- trump, jump a level in the suit in which the normal re- sponse would have been made. With one ace, respond- er's conventional answer is five diamonds; therefore, -a Impto j (11001044 10 e and a ROOM Vim, the word ,a efid." rsin &OM dhg a ;Y+. a suit partner snow ,one in a suit nents have; . Several year ago American Contract League. mi l '9 title went to,the twosome>l Made_hrilliantilae of this de. vice to reach,a grand siaM in the diagrammed hand, only pair to do SO,, The play presents nil' :prob-', Ions. There are 13 top tricks with spades s4 crump. There- ^ . fore, let us turn our attention to the -bidding and examine each bid in turn. One spade -- the normal opening Two diamonds -- this suf.. flces. Had the opening bid been one heart, an inune+i ite: . jump a slam alert. would be in order. With .rte trump fit yet established, 4. however, it is Wise to proceed slowly. Three spades, --- forcing over a two-level response,and preferable to three clubs which shows a good hand and a two-sulter but doesn't sug- gest the spade suit is self -sus;-. taming. Four clubs — temporizing, forcing, showing club control. Four diamonds` — very , good, again temporizing, per- mitting partner the use of four no-trump. It also allows for the possibility the four - dub bid is artificial with spade support. Where should this hand play, partner? ' Service Direct�ry Roitte FACTORY OUTLET CD YM ORIGINAL OLD MILL IN BLYTH SINCE 1894 The Casual Look in ' Leather At the Railway Tracks TEL. 523-9666 WOOL & LEATHER PRODUCTS WINPOWER TRACTOR DRIVEN (P.T.O.) ALTERNATORS from 7 KW to 100 KW The money you save dur- ing one crippling power Toss can buy your alterna- tor. SOMMERS MOTOR GENERATOR SALES LTD. Tavistock, Ont. 519-65S-2396 Sales and SERVICE since 1937 TRIAN Distr LE TIRE rs Ltd. W ales 4, le and Retail PASSENGER - FARM TRUCK On the farm service Phone 291.2521 LISTOWEL Poi~ Lawn and Sports Equipment ALFRED'S SHOE SERVICE 15 Diagonal Rd. 357-1811 WINGHAM Specializing in ORTHOPEDIC and PRESCRIPTION WORK General Shoe Repair MUN1Z A CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS • HOME STEREO • 8 TRACK TAPES AND CASSETTES MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel - Ontario .291-4670 MUNTZ STEREO CENTRE RELAX AND,ifAVE THE US -r Check our Printing Prices. You'll like them too. BOWEN PRINTING LIMITED 128 Inkerman St. E. Listowel Phone 291-3901 Mount Forest and Wingham Phone ZENITH 26500 ITURKAMQT Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway '/2 Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 12 Noon CROSSROADS SERVICE DIREcTORY. 3:0,000 READERS A WEII A DAY THE HADCO WAY Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Welt Caissons-Earthboring HADCO Well Drilling & Digging Ltd. Elmira - 669-3761 TOLL FREE 1-800-265-8916 HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330 FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS AND SERVICE CALL 323-2155 WATSON wildrilettrole 116 Fergus Street South, Mount Forest, Ont. LISTOWEL Clean It Furniture Refinishing and' Repai ri ng fi: 'i r, yY'e` I ,U't' f:fra`SI•(0 ,db PHONE HENRY ELMS 291-2567 - Listowel DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL J. A. KIRKCONNELL 291-3211 PLACED IN HOTELS SCHOOLS HOSPITALS. PRISONS. GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES 1 ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. LISTOWEL TRAVEL * AIRLINE TICKETS * PACKAGE TOURS * BUS TOURS * CRUISES * CAR RENTALS * HOTEL RESERVATIONS 291-4100 163 Main St: W. AIRLINE TICKETS ISSUED IMMEDIATELY POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE *Stockists of ar1HL Chain Saws *Soles and Expert Repairs to �aII Small Engines STEVE MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 Four no,lnimpm-itt but whiCh one? Six club* a without an ace,. 'Two with the Pt *cowl ^I pet Ing handl nth:. shows a working void. Seip t pre- viouis bidding this ealtbe on y in hearts.. Seven�-- the mJnor suits must spadesd, Is there a hand South. . hold con- sistent with his bidding which will not play for 41113 tricks? Nord' 5 A H Q1066 D AJ1052 C A Q 10 West East S 8543 S 106 H K843 It AJ972 D 84 D 9763 C 972 C J5 - South S KQJ972 H — D K C K8643 Dealer: South. Neither side vulnerable. South West North East 18 Pass 2 D Pass 3S Pass 4 C Pass 4 D Pass 4 NT Pass 6C Pass 7S 'Pass Pass Pass Insurance money piped to Alaska Life insurance companies are helping provide money to build the trans -Alaska oil pipeline. Life insurance' companies. and other institutional lend- ers have committed them- selves in principle to buying 61.75 billion in notes to help fi- nance the pipeline, the Insti- tute of Life .Insurance re- ports. DANGEROUS HOLIDAYS There's no place like home for the holidays, but Christ- mas and New Year's also are times when the most home accidents occur, warns the Institute of Life Insurance. _ TIMINGS --That is the key ingredient in a sports action p'Ecture. This photngr perfect job--hey"stopped" the ball. Tennis phctogn is a real challeng By JERRY WINDLE Tennis, anyone? - That is the cry around the country. For the photographer, the art of tennis photography can' be qui,e a challenge plus a valuable learning tool. In all sports photography, be it tennis, baseball, football or whatever, the key ingredient is timing. This also involves what is called Peak Action, but that deserves a column in itself. But here we want to concern ourselves with timing. You think it is a spap to get \a picture like one with tennis ball in it? Consider this: most of you are using a single lens: reflex camera, A single lens is used by the photographer to view, 6 77374;E? 1?i,`t?far } H. •RDON. GREEN re Writing in the Montreal Star's religious section recently, an Anglican clergyman suggests that the collection plate may soon be seen in antique shops and no- where else. "No more need to write checks, or fill in the duplex envelope or dig in your wallet for a dollar bill. Beginning this fall churches in five metropolitan centres in the U.S. will invite their parishioners to give to the Lord by credit card. Master Charge or Bank Americard will do very nicely thank you, and several other credit firms are also participating in the plan. All a church member has to do is to just sign an ,authorization slip, indicating how much he wants to give, and whether he wishes to pay by the quarter or by the month. This amount will then be deducted from his bank checking 'account and will be credited to a new system which has been in- corporated under the name of the Authorized Contribution Transfer Service. A computer in Santa Monica, California does the rest — for a small fee of course. You don't even have to go to church to be eligible for this ser- vice. Now who says that the church is unprogressive and old-fash- ioned? And I am sure that we have only seen the beginning of the fully automated, completely convenient church. With the ecumenical movement gathering favour and respectability with every passing Sunday, I can fore- see a time when we will have only one church`. This will' be possible, I think, because it will be a mult- iple-choice church and so fully automated that one can have a service made-to-order for him. And after giving some prayerful thought, I have now acquired a pretty complete idea of what such a church will be like. It will, first of all, be a drive-in affair, but instead of having one massive screen up front, there will be a screen and a sound system for every car which pre- sents its credit card at the gate. Whether you prefer Billy Graham or Rabbi Stern or Car- dinal Leger won't matter. Just press the right button and there is the man of your faith in full flow- ing colour. And the fact that Car- dinal Leger may be dead at that time, won't Matter. Through the miracle of electronics he will achieve immortality here " on earth as it is in heaven. Press an- other button and you. will have electronic chimes as well and another row of buttons will offer your soul musical blessings such as today's threadbare choir could never hope to give you. In the first place, you will be able to hear sacred music 'sung by professionals. No more of these so-called `anthems" offered up to God by a dozen doubtful women and one or two males trying to hold down the bass. You will not only be able to hear the hymns of your choice sung by magnificent voices, but you will be able to choose the manner in which that hymn will be given. If your soul yearns for the blessed assurance of "Amazing Grace" for in- stance, you will not only inform the computer of your wish, but you will tell it whether you want that grand old hymn sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, played on the bagpipes or thumped out by a rock band. There will be buttons for vari- ous categories of prayers too, I think. Would you like to pray for rain? A new government? a wandering son? It will be just a matter of running down a list and pressing the right button. If you feel like giving the Man Upstairs a piece of your mind, that too will probably be permitted. After all, General Patton apparently got just as good results that way as lesser generals did with mere be- seeching. Communion will be no problem either. Whether you want sacra- mental wine or Welch's grape juice, an automatic dispenser will give it to you in a Dixie cup. 'Sacrilegious, you say? I don't think so. After all, what is the one all-important mission of your church or mine? Of any church? Isn't it to root us ever more deeply in the faith of our fathers? To defend, confirm and stub- bornly reinforce what we already believe? My cathedral of tomorrow — my Church of the Multiple -Choice Gospel — would make it easier and surer than ever that a man would continue in what he al- ready believed. Unless he pressed the wrong button. compose, focus and shoot the picture. This is made possible by a mirror placed between the shutter and lens. The • mirror angles the image onto a ground glass until the picture is made, then flips Out • of the way so the image will strike the film. . Even though this takes .only a fractibn of a second, it is long enough to miss the ball if you . wait until it is in the viewfinder." •That is where timing comes in. You have to anticipate and release . the shutter before the ball enters the frame. There are a couple of ways to do this. With your camera focused on the player, " listen and watch. Listen f9r his' opponent to hit the `call and then watch the player as he preps giY�;:� he,� To .4-6 g � ood ctiton wine • � freezes the ball you are going to have to use a shutter speed of 1 -00th, or even better, 1- 1,000th of a second. A medium telephoto lens works well. A 135mm or 200mm is best. For the beginning tennis shooter a longer lens is better left to the pro. Where do you shoot from? A good position for• the beginner is at the net. Not right on the net but back from the net so you are looking across. This way you can shoot either player with the same lens. However, you will find one end of the court will be lit better. But do not fret, the players change courts so you will get a chance at both in good light. As you get a little more proficient you can experiment, and Move around. A good shot is from behind a player looking across the net at the other. ° This angle is hard to get because the courts are not designed to accommodate another person on the end of a court. So, if the backdrop has a hole in it, you are in good shape. It is not recommended that you cut a hole in the backdrop for this shot. -Shooting a doubles match is something else since you now have four people playing at once and who will hit the ball is anybody's guess. With the telephoto lenses you will get practice on the very useful technique of follow focus. As the player moves back and forth on the court you are going to be constantly changing focus with him. Even though he is limited in his movements within the ^ confines ^ of tennis court, with ^tth lend YRS► focus - eenstantly. au good practice for you. Once you have some, good, action ' shots of the: players hitting the f r i forth, *a' one is gettlitelrustani with his play.. Then concentrate for the net ball or . bad servethat he , will kit. These are good reaction hots such as a plays:' g Yat face at bad shot, bitting himself with his racket or fist - or in extreme cases, pounding ' his racket on the court. So, if you . are upto a good. '; workout of your photographic skills, give a go to tennis. It- can give you quite a workout without having to leave ,your 1 is Ailei • f• M rt. art' Y "1.b-6 t" ..t-'.•1�'Fb`1°g Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m. Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. For Sale MINTO GLEN Pro Shop is stocked with a full line of quality Alpine (downhill) and Nordic (cross-country) skis, boots, bind- ings, mitts, goggles, etc. For pre- season shopping phone 338-2722 for an appointment. rrb HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES CONFIDENTIAL SERVICES NO HIDDEN CHARGES OR BONUS Debt Consolidation and Refinancing a Specialty CALL COLLECT 1-579-0100 WATER WELL DRILLING DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU- - 75 years of successful water development - The most modern, fast equipment available - Highly trained personnel - Fast service and free estimates • Guaranteed wells at lowest cost PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU I DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1100" 4 Rotary and Percussion Drills PHONE 357.1960 WINGHAM