HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-13, Page 8r For Sale BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Silo unloaders and farrow- ing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb SAVE MONEY. Buy oranges and grapefruits by the case and apples by the bushel. For special prices phone 357-3482. rrb MOBILE HOME 60 x 12, two bed- rooms, skirting included. Will sell separately or with lot 83' x 135'. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 335-3322. LOT 83' x 135' with or without mobile home 65' x 14', two bath- rooms, three bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, gar-. bage disposal and skirt for trailer included. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 335-3322. SANDERSON'S SASH. Manufac- turers of odd size wood windows. Let us take out your old, drafty windows and replace them with a new custom built thermo glass in- sulated unit complete with screen. For an estimate phone 335-3963 or evenings 887-9200. re - ANTIQUE wood stove for sale, cheap. Phone 335-3151. MAN'S LEATHER COAT, just like new, only worn a few times, dark brown, 3/4 length, size 40, zip -in winter lining. Phone 395- 5606 after 6 p.m. DINING ROOM TABLE, 41" x 53" with two extensions. Phone 335-3774. ENJOY the luxuries of a wood burning fireplace in your home or cottage. Completely installed' with brick or stone facing for half the price you imagined. For free estimates phone 887-9206., rrb 0111E SR 50 Testas instrument calculator. Has full set of func- tions. Also one TI 1500 calculator. Phone 357-3632 after 6 p.m. KELVINATOR STOVE, apart- ment size, deluxe model, new May 1. Phone 357-1747:. COMBINATION wood and elec- tric stove. Very good condition. 265 Edward St., Wingham. "NEW WEBSTER air compres- sors with 3/4 h.p. motors and 1 h.p. • motors. Apply to Ron Carter, RR 3, Blyth, phone after 5:30 p.m. 523-9377. rrp Dec. 11 ONE V snowplow, one wing and one Brantford front-end hoist box, good condition. Phone 335- 3167 evenings. 6-13 WHITE BEANS by the lb. or 50 lb. Phone 392-6556 after 8 p.m. 16 FOOT house trailer, one year old, fully equipped. Phone 357- 1229. 30-6-13 Wanted GOOD HOME for healthy finale kitten. Phone 357-3377. Work Wanted EXPERIENCED secretary look- ing for full or part-time office work but will accept any other type of employment. Phone 357- 1404. Help Wanted Livestock For Sale FIVE-YEAR-OLD gelding and Pinto Shetland ponies. Phone 357- 2876. Notice MORRIS TOWNSHIP WASTE DISPOSAL SITE Commencing November 15, 1975 Morris Township waste disposal site will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays until further notice. EXTENDED LIBRARY HOURS. Beginning on Wednesday, No- vember 5, the Wingham Public Library will be open from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday and from 1 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. 6-13 Help Wanted SECRETARY The Huron County Board of Education Requires A full-time secretary at it's Administration Centre in Clin- ton. Duties, to start as soon as possible, include typing, machine and/or shorthand transcription, filing, machine copy work, and other general office deities. Salary, fringe benefits and holidays in accordance with C.U.P.E. agreement,. Applications including telephone number, should be delivered to: 103 Albert St. Clinton by 4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 14/75 D.J. Cochrane W. Shortreed Director, of Chairman Education The Huron County Board of Education Requires A GUIDANCE SECRETARY at 1. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL Wingham, Ontario Duties to- commence DECEMBER 1, 1975 Apply in Writing to: THE PRINCIPAL, F. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL Before NOVEMBER 21, 1975 D..1. Cochrane W. Shortreed Director of Chairman Education THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AT HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL, BRUCEFIELD Requi?es HALF-TIME SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT Duties to commence December 1, 1975 To work In the school library each afternoon. APPLY IN WRITING TO: A. MATHERS, Principal BEFORE NOVEMBER 15, 1975 J. Cochrane, W. Shortreed Director Chairman Miscellaneous ALLAN'S ALUMINUM Storm windows—sashless or alu- minum sash, horizontal sliding prime storm and screen. Picture windows, panorama or any com- bination units of picture wiws with wood frame for new buil ings. Thermo glass available. Re- placement windows, door frames, heavy duty doors, etc. Phone 392-6065. rrb INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE LEARN HAIRDRESSING—for more information on this career write, phone or visit K -W SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 407 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. rrb ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc.., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS 'hone Mrs. 1.. James, 357-3657 or Mrs. H. L. 'Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr Farm Machinery FORD 8N tractor; two furreW, three pt. hitch plow; Dearborn loader. Leslie Douglas, 335408, For Rent M TO RENT in Village of els, reasonable rate. Phone 2, evenings. 6-13 IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb REYNOLDS REFRIGERA- TION. Dependable repairs, prompt service. Phone 357-1085. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent -- LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents at the North Huron Credit Union. Deposit in- terest rates at 9 per cent. Office hours, Belgrave, Tuesday, 2 to 4 p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 4 to. 7 p.m. Phone 357-2311. rrb TENDERS FOR SNOW REMOVAL Plainly marked sealed ten- ders will be received up to 12 noon Thursday, November 20, 1975 for snow removal at Stephen Central Public School, Box 100, Crediton, Ontario, and Huron Cen- tennial Public School, Brucefield, Ontario. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the schools concerned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Huron County Board of Education W. Shortreed D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director Cars & Trucks For Sale 1967 PONTIAC Parisienne, V-8, automatic, power steering and power brakes, body in excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 357- 3834 after 6:30. 1970 PONTIAC LeMans 350-20 automatic; 'four new Michelin tires; four new shocks; 10,000 miles. Painted not too long ago. In good condition. Phone 395-5606 after 6 p.m. 30 POLICE CARS & TRUCKS, four 1974 Dodges; three 1974 Chevrolets; four 1974 Plymouths; three 1973 Fords; two 1973 Dodges; one 1973 Plymouth sta- tion wagon; one 1972 Plymouth; one 1973 GMC tandem diesel tractor; one 1973 Ford one -ton; two 1972 Dodge 1/2 -tons; one 1972 Dodge, 11/2 tons; one 1972 Dodge 5 -man cab; one 1971 International 5 -man cab; two GMC 1/2 -tons; one Dodge 1/2 -ton; one 30 -ft. cattle trailer; one 3 -car trailer; one Ford 1/2 -ton. As low as $995.00. • License No. M65063. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of Han- over on No.4 Highway. Phone Durham 369-3136. 1969 CHRYSLER 300 hardtop, 440 motor. Good condition. Keith Fitzsimmons 357-1117. 1974 PONTIAC 4 -door, V-8 auto- matic, power steering,and brakes, radio. Safety checked ready to go, $2,695.00. John Brown Motors, Gorrie 335-3325. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN notch -back. Radio, gas heater, snow tires $200 "as is". Phone 357-3582 after 5 p.m. 1968 BUICK, two -door hardtop, very good condition. Best offer. Phone 357-3482. 13-20 McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS ai TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2911159 GORRIE 335-3314 JOHN STREET, one bedroom apartment, no stairs, heated. Elmer Wilkinson, 357-2189, SMALL STORE suitable for office on main street, Wingham. Phone 357-3052. ONK BEDROOM apartment. $75 a month. Phone 357-1259. THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Teeswater. Contact G. Nabrotzky, 392-6893. rrb HEATED BACHELOR apart- ment, available October 1. Stove, refrigerator supplied. Apply c -o Box 392, The Wingham Advance - Times. rrb FARM HOUSE, new oil . furnace, four bedrooms, large kitchen, new cupboards, available De- cember 1. 3% miles north of Wingham on Highway . No. 4. Phone 392-6556 after 8 p.m. Personal WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in. Clin- torl. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation. rrb Jan. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY SCHAAF ALL PERSONS having claims . against the. Estate of the above= mentioned, late of the Township: of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 15th day, of September, 1975, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before fire 15th day of November, 1975. AFTER that date the Adminis- trator will proceekto distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 24th day of October, A.D. 1975. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. 30-6-13 Services ;WILL DO portable welding. Spike Bakker, RR 2, Wingham, 357- 1881. rrb Nov. 27 WILL DO GARDEN ploughing. Phone 357-1881. 6-13 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern new equipment. Over 20 years experience. Phone 887-6800, Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. rrb Nov. 27 Wanted To Buy RADIAL ARM SAW and aerial tower. Bruce Cameron, phone 357:3663. 13-20 Tenders Wanted 051 witstailmostsissonsosiistastssomtaits BROWN WALLET on Josephine Street, Wingham in the vicinity of the Manor Hotel. Wallet contains driver's license and- valuable papers. Reward offered. Phone Alvin Stacey 357-2425. Auction Sa to TENDER Bulk -stipulated sum tenders will be receiyed by the under- signed until 12 noon, Friday, Nov. 28, 1975 for the construction of the Wingham Day Care and Develop- ment Centre. Plans and specifi- cations are available from Snider, Huget and March, 37 Allen St. W., Waterloo. Mechanical and electrical trades shall use the bid deposi- tory of the Grand Valley Con- struction Association, Cam- bridge, Ontario, closing at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1975. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. William Renwick, Town Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Wingham. To Give Away AUCTION SALE ESTATE OF GLADYS DINSMORE In Gorrie Hall, " Saturday, November 15 AT 1 P.M. Chesterfield and two chairs and stool; occasional chairs; pole lamp; mirrors,; hall tree; two clocks; several lamps; Duncan Fyfe dropleaf table; china cabi- net; small china cabinet; pic- tures; bathroom scales; several small tables; brown iron bed, spring and mattress; dresser; vanity and bench; four chests of drawers; brown single iron bed, spring and mattress; set of four nice old chairs; Raymond sewing machine; roll -away bed; iron bed; modern kitchen suite with four chairs; Brant annex (white enamel) ; Moffat electric stove; . kitchen stool (chron e); electric. heater and appliances; Leonard wringer washer; step ladder; several small tables; Philco radio and record player; vacuum cleaner; chrome table (small); chesterfield; lawn chairs; silver tea service; dishes, cooking uten- sil$. TERMS — CASH MRS. NELLIE KING, CARL DINSMORE, Executors. JACKSON & JACKSON, Auctioneers. !FREE TO A GOOD HOME, part German Shepherd pup. Phone 357-3649, 6-13 AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery and house- hold effects will be held for LORNE EDWARDS Lot 27, Con. 2, Culross Twp., 2 corners south of Teeswater, then 3 miles west, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, startilik 1:OO.M,� TERMS — CASH Owner: Mr. LORNE EDWARDS Auctioneers: WALLACE BALLAGH, Teeswater 392-6170. - GRANT McDONALD, Ripley 395-5353. g Even IIIiNuIHNuitIININN $RW QNI l$U$1HIMIIIigllllli111 UIftftl $IfthIu1I u lll$l RECEPTION AND DANCE, Reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Griffin (Carol Walker) in the WI Hall, Belgrave, Saturday, November 15. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. AUCTION SALE of furniture, furnishings, appli- anices and smallwares and including antique and vintage items of interest. Included are: dining room suite; set of press -back chairs; wicker fern stands; music cabinet; organ stool; dressers and beds; washstands and commodes; pine dresser; early bureau; hip -rest chairs; blanket boxes; early cane bottom high chair; gun -stock chair; wardrobes; spool cherry drop-leaf table; portable TV; 2 -piece modern chesterfield; studio couches; odd chairs & rockers; mantle clocks; stoves & fridges; Singer portable; many sealers including collectables; utensils, smallwares; china & glassware of interest; pictures & frames. The many valuable lots represent the contents • of a Howick Twp. farm and a Wingham residence and are being sold on behalf of the owners through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre, 20 Water St., Wingham, Ont. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, • - AT 11:00 A.M. Preview the entire offering Fri- day aftErnoon and evening and Saturday -morning till sale time. For information 357-1011 Card Of Thanks We would like to sincerely thank our friends and relatives and neighbors for the lovely gifts, cards and phone calla we received on the occasion of our 40th wedding anniversary tt.is past weekend. Special thanks to our fancily for making such a lovely supper and party; also to Mr.. Brian Elmslie of CKNX for his choice of lovely music. It will all be greatly remembered. Thanks again. Ila and Wes Paulin RECEPTION Reception for Dan and Kathy Dickison (Foxton), November 21, Bluevale Hall. Music by Alley Cats. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 13-20 MEETING The Winghani Business Asso- ciation monthly meeting will be held at Lee's Tavern on Wednes- day, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. All members are urged to attend. Due to the present postal strike, I would like to take this means of thanking those who made possible . the shower held for me in the Whitechurch Hall on October 18. Also those who con- tributed to the gifts and for the other gifts I received. This won- derful evening will always be re- membered. Again I would like to thank you all. - Mary Lou Wall LIONS' BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will • be, held on Friday, November 14th, 1975 at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games for $10.00; 2 share the wealth; one $25.00 special; jackpot of $90.00 on 56 calls; purple ball of $20.00; door and consolation prizes. CAMPAIGN Campaign with Major Bill Clark, National Evangelist for Canada. Special .meetings at the Citadel will be held on Wednes- day, Nov. 19, 7:00 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 22, 2:00 p.m., children's Meeting', and at 8:00 p.m., Youth Night with Listowel Corps Combo "Follow the Son". Sunday, Nov. 23 at 11:00 a.m. FLORIDA TOURS Dec. 26-10 days including Dis- neyworld and 6 nights on beauti- ful St. Petes Beach. Jan. 17 and Feb. 28-14 days in- cluding - Disneyworld, Kennedy -Space .Centre, Busch Gardens,-, Cypt+es`s Gardens and Sliver Springs. A complete circle tour of Florida. Jan. 31-14 days circling Florida including a luxury cruise from Miami to Nassau aboard the SS Emerald Seas. Feb. 14-14 days including 6 nights in St. Petes with accom- modation on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. Mar. 15-18 days to NewOr- leans, Padre Island, Texas 'and 'Matamoros, Mexico. Mar. 19-9 days with5 nights on the Gulf of- Mexico at St. Petes each for mid-term break. All tours fully escorted on mod- ern highway coaches and featur- ing first-class accommodation throughout. Pick-ups made en route. Free descriptive bro- chures available. Fettes Tours and Travel, 323-1545, Mount Forest. rrb • EUCHRE AND CRIBBAGE PARTY Will be held in St. Paul's Angli- can Church on Thursday, Nov. 13 at 8:30 p.m. Lunch provided. DOG LOVERS Dog lovers. Grey Bruce Kennel Club cordially invites all to at- tend the November meeting at Walkerton High School on No- vember 21 at 8 p.m. Dr. Alma Armstrong speaking on Dog Nu- trition. Inquiries 392-6175. THEATRE Enjoy an evening of comedy at the Mount Forest District High School, November 13, 14 or 15 as the Grey Wellington Theatre Guild presents Neil Simon's "Last of the Red Hot Lovers". Tickets at Penwarden Drugs or at the door. Adults $2.00, students and seniors $1.00. Come, join the fun. CASH BINGO There will be a cash bingo in the Wingham Legion on Wednes- day, November 19. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 8:30 p.m. 15 - $10 games; two "share the wealth"; one special must go $50; jackpot line on six calls $1,580; consolation prize $80. MEETING The Wingham Snowmobile Club will hold a general meeting on -Monday, Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. MEETING The Wingham Branch of the Women's Institute will hold its regular meeting in the Council Chamber, Thursday, Nov, 20 at 2:30 p.m. The Executive will hold a National Day program. The roll call - name an international leader and the country he leads. Hostesses, Mrs. Robert Gal- braith, Mrs. Arnold Halliday, Mrs. Chris Newman, Mrs. M. .Foxton. An invitation has been sent to the Brussels and Bluevale Women's Institutes to attend. LIONS'. PEANUT SALE Lions' peanut sale, Tuesday, November 25. Will also be collect- ing used eye glasses which are urgently required. 6-13 FAREWELL DANCE A farewell dance to be held for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross in the Whitechurch Community Hall on Saturday, November 22, 1975. Tif- fin's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 13-20 DANCE Wingham Sportsmen's Club Dance. Music by Russ and Dale. Saturday, Nov. 15 at Wingham Sportsmen's Club. CHOIR CONCERT The choir of St. Andrew's Church with choristers from, neighboring churches will pre- sent a concert"next Sunday even- ing, Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. Offering will go towards a new church organ. ,CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health Utdi invites you to attend the Chili - Health Clinic, Health Unit office, former nurse's residence, Wing - ham Hospital on Wednesday, No- vember 19, 1975 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia screening; 3. Immu- nization; 4. Hearing screening; 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years; 6. Vision testing. MEETING The regular meetingof the ,Auxiliary to ,the Winghamr and District Hositl will,held is the clinic building Monday, Nov. 24 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Harper English will conduct a Christmas work- shop. Please remember the gift case Shower. DANCE Dancing at the\ Wingham Legion on Saturday, November 15 to the music of Ian Wilbee's Orchestra. Admission $4.00 per couple. Restricted to persons 1$ years of age and over. BINGO Blyth Lions Club Saturday night bingo at 8:30 p.m. in the Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 calls. Share the wealth and regular games. rrb Ord Of Thanks 1 w± like to thank my fanilly and friends' for their visits, flow- ers and earls while I was in. the W1140401*WinHospital. I would like to thank the nurses in IC and Dr. - Wa s, Pr. Ding and Pr. Bozyk. A *Focht' Winks to all who have visit*d'iI at my mother's. Sincerely, Jean McKinnon wiwall like to express my sin- tb inks to my friends and relatives who sent me cards and treats while l was a patient in Victoria Hospital, also Dr. McKim and nurses on second floor while I was in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to the ones who looked after things at home while I was away. Edgar Wigbtman Ji, .- sincere thank -you to my family, relatives and friends for *e fly flowers, letters, cards, , Vie, jUtrieo and visits while. `i1al (;i gh' Gaud District Hospital suit' • Victoria Hospital, London. ficial thanks to Dr. Leahy, Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Clarke and Dr. Bruce, and to . the nurses on seeond floor and third floor north, a is Rev. Proud, Rev. Pass - 'More and Rev. Perrie for their visits and prayers. Mrs,. Carl Pennington L• REUPHOLSTERING Any type of furniture TONY KESS 357-2718 for expressions of sym- and acts of kindness shown recent bereavement in ISO of 8 loved one. Ernest, Allan and Bert Wylie I would like to extend a sincere thank -you to my family and friends for remembering me while a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. A very spe- cial thanks to the OB and OR ovroing.staff, Dr. L. L. Clarke, Pathe Nolan and to my Bluevale neighbors. Your kindness will not be foltten. Sincerely, N y wA>�- ;va kill thanks to Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Ping and Dr. Clarke and the nursing staff on second floor and the VON service during my re- cent confinement at Wingham Hospital. Mrs. Anne Eskerod 0 0 1 would ,ate to thank friends. NW *uvea for cards, visits, Wild gifts while I was a pa - Victoria Hospital and Ike* 1 ave returned home. Alice L. Scott- eRGAGE MONEY, AVAILABLE Farm and Residential No hidden bonus or fees 24 hour. service For information contact: Osolph 034.4500 call collect er liter 5:00 or Saturdays ; e=5037 A►OCIATES REALTY CONDIT LTD. Serving Canadians From Coast to Coast Business and Professional Directory 1 BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Timis HELP YOU PHONE 357-4340 IWINGHAM l MEMORIALS ARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING 1RE80NABLE PRICES Bucy Direct and Save Ras Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph, 357.1015 Pretlerick F. Homuth rhm.s., R.O. ts11. Homuth, O.D. Mm N. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario 338-2712 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Amiuntants 218 Jo:ephiM f1;, Wingham Ph: 357.1512 J. A. Petersen, C.A. L W. Reid, C.A. a 1' 4 0