HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-13, Page 69
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A STUNNING CENTERPIECE surrounded by poppies was the center of attraction at the
Wingham Legion Auxiliary poppy day tea and bake sale last Friday. Mrs. Irene Hopper
presided over the tea service, while sale organizer Mrs. Jean Renwick stood temporary
watch over the main table. The centerpiece was donated by Barb Tervit.
BAKED GOODS sold quickly at. the Wingham Legion Auxiliary tea and bake sale last
Friday. Presiding at the sales table were Mrs. Elsie McKague, Miss. Agnes Williamson
and Mrs. Margaret Hastings.
Special Meetings On
The Christian Home
Colin Anderson,
Bible Teacher
Times Of Meetings
Sunday - 11:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday Thru Friday - 8:00 p.m.
St. Paul's Church
' and Choir L.ador
Trinity 25
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion
Thurs., Nov. 13 --Altar Guild moots at home of
Mrs. Alice Newton. 2:30 p.m.
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—Mrs. George Galbraith
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Haines and daughters
of London, Dr. and Mrs. Jack
Galbraith and Peter of Essex and
Mr. and Mrs. John Heal of Hen-
sall. Don Haines had spent three
weeks in Wingham while practice
teaching at Goderich Collegiate
payments durin
Ar, ur Meen, Minister of Reve-
nue, announced e Ministry has
set up procedures to minimize
hardship the mail strike may
cause people expecting Ministry
of Revenue payments.
"We have er 272,000 pen-
sioners expectin their gums
cheques by the th of Novem-
ber," Mr. Meer said. "We are
also concerned- that cheques, are
issued promptly to the 2,000 of so
people who qualify each week for
their first $1,000 installment of
the home buyers grant and sales
tax rebates on the purchase of
new oars amount to another 6,000
cheques a week. So, a lot of
people are depending on us to
help them furnish their new
homes and, in many oases, meet
their normal living expenses.
"I've told my staff to do every-
thing possible to ensure this
money gets to these people.
Therefore, we have set up an
alternate delivery service
through Ministry of Revenue dis-
trict retail sales tax offices,
regional assessment offices and
branches of the Province of
Ontario savings office.
"Incidentally, tax payments
must still be filed on time and we
have made arrangements for
these remittances, as well as
other Ministry mail, to be left at
any of our offices. I would ap-
preciate co-operation from the
media in passing on our plans to
their listeners and readers." _
Further inquiries regarding
these procedures may be made at
local retail sales tax district
offices, regional assessment
offices or any branch of the Prov-
ince of Ontario savings office.
Please consult your local tele-
phone directory for the location
of the nearest office.
Gains: the Ministry ensured
that the October cheques to gains
pensioners were 'delivered before
the Mali ,strike, plana are fur„
rently being finalized for
distribution of November ehe'
gases. Information concerning
distribution of these cheques will
be released by Nov. J.S.
Home buyers grant application
forms can be dropped off at any
Ministry of Revenue office. When
the grant has been approved, the
Ministry will tell recipients by
telephone where to pick up their
Application forms for retail
sales tax rebates on the purchase
of new cars will be completed at.
thecar dealership as usual.
Arrangements will be made to
love these forma delivered di,
rect1y to the Ministry of Revenue,
We. are seeking the aper ttton
of dealers by arranging to return.
cheques todealers for pick up by
applicants. In those instances
where the above arrangements
are: inconvenient, the Ministry
will contact the applicant by tele-
Returns and payments for
retail sales tax, fuel taxes,
corporations tax and succession
duty may be delivered to any of
the Ministry of Revenue offices
mentioned above, or any other
Ontario Government office if no
revenue office is in your munici-
Life of Jacob topicof
Bluevale WMS meeting
Moffatt had charge of the topic,
"The Life of. Jacob", when the
Women's Missionary Society of
Knox Church met at the home of
Mrs. Glenn Golley.
She told the story of Jacob and
Esau, the twin sons of Isaac and
Rebekah. Isaac being the son of
Abraham. From their birth, they
were rivals., Esau being his ..fath-
er's favorite and Jacob his moth-
er's favorite. By false pretences,
Jacob, with the help of his
mother, received both the birth-
right (lands, herds, storehouses
and treasures) and also his
father's blessing. Later, Jacob
was shaken to the soul by the
immensity of his deceit to his
father and brother.
Isaac soon - learned the truth
and he and Esau wept over
Jacob. Isaac blessed Esau with a
prophecy: "The day will, come
A C W remembers
as Armistice Day nears
Mrs. E. Johnston chose her
subject in keeping with Armistice
Day when St. Paul's Anglican
Church Women met .in the . reef-
eeftory. She told of an incident
related` by Frances Gay, that
happened one morning in franc,
just after the armistice had beef!
signed. To Earl Haig and his per?
sonal chaplain, it was a moment
neither would forget. As well as
triumph and thankfulness,
another deeper feeling filled his
heart — that what he and his men
had experienced must never
happen again. Turning to his
chaplain, he said, "Padre, you
know your job is to make mine
Mrs. Johnston said that some-
thing of the same feeling must
have been in the mind of General
Douglas MacArthur when he left
his son a legacy in the form of a
prayer. He asked, among other
gifts, that "God build his son
strong enough to know when he is
weak and brave enough to face
himself when he is afraid; a son
who will know God and know that
to know himself is the foundation
stone of true knowledge, conclud-
ing with the thought that he be
given humility so he may always
remember. the simplicity of true
greatness, the open mind of true
wisdom and the -meekness of true
stet?gth." V '� ,
The meeting was opened by
president Mrs. E: Powell who led
in .the opening prayers. Mrs. W.
Connell read the 91st psalm. Roll
call was answered with a scrip-
ture verse beginning with the
word '0' and the Least Coin was
Mrs. Hawthorn and Mrs.
Bradburn reported on the dean-
ery meeting in Goderich on Mon-
day, November 3. Plans were dis-
cussed for the annual bazaar and
bake sale Wednesday; -November
26, commencing at 2:30 ' in the
parish rooms. Mrs. Austin gave
an interesting report of the fowl
supper, with some helpful
suggestions included.
Several cards were signed for
members, one who is ill and one
who is celebrating a birthday:
Mrs. Connell and Mrs. Bradburn
were appointed a nominating
Mr. Hawthorn closed the meet-
ing with prayer and lunch was
served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. King and Myrtle Johnson'.
STUDENT COUNCIL AWARD winners at the F. E. Madill commencement night Friday
were Marvin Morrison, Phyllis Schneider and Raymond Nicholson. Raymond was also
the winner of the ABCD, "Above and Beyond the Call of Duty", award for his participa-
tion in school activities. `
when you will break your broth-
er's yoke from off his neck."
From thence, Jacob's life was
filled with trouble but finally,
after 20 years, Jacob returned
home with all his possessions.
Jacob made peace with Esau
whom he had wronged. Jacob had
overcome the weakness in his
Before Jacob died, he called all
his sons. He blessed them, warn-
ing them of their defects and
praising their virtues. Jacob's
sons were the twelve tribes of
Mrs. Golley opened the meet-
ing with the call to worship. Mrs.
Glenn McKercher read scripture
from the 49th chapter of Genesis.
She then commented on the
scripture with the meditation, "A
Small Reflection", written by
Agnes Pierce. Mrs. Joe Walker
offered prayer.
Mrs. McKercher read the min-
utes of the last meeting and roll
call was answered by naming a
woman of the Bible and telling
why she is remembered. Twenty-
one visits to the sick were record-
ed. Mrs. Gordon Mundell gave
the treasurer's report and the
offering was received. Offertory
prayer was given by Mrs. Golley.
After the business period, the
meeting was closed with a hymn
and a closing prayer. ,
Lunch was served by the host-
ess, assisted by Mrs. McKercher
and Mrs. Walker.
Couple celebrate
35th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crothers
were honored Friday evening at a
family dinner at Turnberry
Tavern, on the occasion of their
35th wedding anniversary.
Following the dinner, close to
70 relatives and friends gathered
at the Crothers home fe, r a sur-
prise party.
Mr. and Mrs. Crothers were
married November 9, 1940, at the
Wingham Presbyterian manse by
Rev. Kenneth McLean. She was
the former georgeina Evans..
They have one daughter, Mrs.
Harley (Joyce) Gaunt of Wing -
ham ; one son, David George, of
Owen Sound; and five grand-
An honored guest at Friday's
event was Mrs. Crothers' father,
George Evans. Mr. and Mrs.
Crothers are grateful to their
family and friends who gathered
to honor them on their special
—Mrs. Hazel Tuck spent a
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Dettman and family of Clifford.
Mrs. Dettman's mother, Mrs.
Clark Renwick, is a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital.
THE DOUGHNUTS, a. Corrie 4-H group, put the fi ;hing
touches to their exhibit "Ways with Bread" during 'the
Gorrie Area Achievement Day Saturday at Howick Central.
Seven groups presented exhibits and snits on the fall project
theme "Let's Bake Bread".
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You are cordially invited to our
Annual Christmas Party
Ref Peshments Served
Tuesday; November 18 6.30 p.m. until 10.00 p.m.
Win an Olympic Lottery Ticket that could
be worth a $1,000,000 to you.
ALSO . given away this evening will be
5 Wintario Tickets.
Wingham, Ontario