HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-06, Page 246, 1975---
nterta nment
M. ---"CLASS OF '63", starring Joan Hackett
woman discovers the lore she'd been seeking
years before at a college reunion.
it -"GILD4". Rita Hay vortb and Glenn Ford.
knecap gambling casino owner hires young American„
QW1ng that his wife loves the American.
DUD 11;0. ►, P,M.---"CASINO ROYALE". Secret agent James
dt*ked into service when four international agents ask for
yelp. David Niven, Ursula Andress.
cannel 6 Entertainment
FOR BLUEBE41 RD", Mildred Natwick, Helen ayes, Vincent
Price. A film festival honoring faded film star ends tragically when
VS wife is found deed in the audience.
bQrror-comedy starring Jack MacGowan, Sharon Tate.
FRIDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"SUNSET BOULEVARD", with William
Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stronheim. A bitter yet fascinat-
ing account of faded silent film star who, living in the past, drags
young screen writer down with her.
on the true story of Lizzie Borden, a young girl believed to have mur-
dered her family with Elizabeth Montgomery as the star.
Channel 11 Entertainment
chotic strangler who disguises himself in various ways picks on a
police detective as, the butt of several phone calls. Starring Rod
Steiger, George Segal, Lee Remick.
James Coburn, Godfrey Cambridge. President's analyst is forced
to flee for his life when the head of a spy agency feels he knows too
SATURDAY, 11:00 P.M. -"THE DIRTY DOZEN", starring Lee Mar-
vin, Ernest Borgnine. Tough rule -breaking Army major is assigned
to train, then leads twelve convicts on a highly -suicidal mission.
Channel 8 Entertainment
starring Alan Young, Dinah Shore. Musical story of the city slicker . •
and the poor young widow.
THURSDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"A COLD NIGHT'S DEATH". Two men iso-
lated in a snowbound mountain lab to study the effects of the alti-
tude on apes become victims of a terrifying experiment. Robert
Culp, Eli Wallach.
investigates her sister's suicide. Roy. 'Mimes, Pamela Franklin.
FRIDAY, 1:15 -"HOTEL". Melvin Douglas, Rod Taylor. The St.
Gregory Hotel stands elegantly and respectably in the lusty city of
New Orleans.
SATURDAY, 12:15 -"FUNNY FACE" starring Audrey Hepburn and
Fred Astaire. Fashion magazine photographer talks editor into
sending girl from book store to Paris.
SUNDAY. 11:45 P.M. -"SALT AND PEPPER", starring Sammy
Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford.
,MONDAY, 12:45 P.M. -"A SPANISH AFFAIR". American archi-
tect travelling in Spain falls in love with his secretary. Richard
Kiley and Carmen Sevilla.
TUESDAY, 12:45 P.M. -`"MOON FIRE". Ex -Nazi, turned robber,
lives in secluded hideout in Mexico. Richard Egan and Sonny Lipton.
WEDNESDAY, 12:45. P.M. -"THE SECRET WORLDb, starring
Jacqueline Bisset, Gizelle McKenzie. Set in a French country estate,
it is the story of a 10 -year-old boy introverted by his parents' death.
If you wish to polarize a
group of bridge players men-
ention something esoteric. such
as "end play"'and watch the
reaction. Some will express a
healthy curiosity and demon-
strate a desire to learn, to ex-
change experiences. Others
will -withdraw, exhibiting
insecurity and fear of an In-
comprehensible subject. Un-
fortunately the latter is too
often the ease.
Yet not 'all end plays are
difficult to bring off. The end
play is simply a ploy to win an
additional trick the prepara-
tion for which may begin as
early as the first or second
trick. End plays are essen-
tially of three types: the coup
or trump -reduction, the
throw-in or forced lead, and
the squeeze. There are
numerous variations of each.
We shall examine a most
unusual throw-in that came to
light some half-dozen years
North-South were using
weak no-trumps (12-14 high
card points) and nonforcing
Stayman. North had a diffi-
cult decision following part-
ner's one no-trump opening.
North held a balanced hand
with honors in each suit, so
perhaps a direct raise to
three no-trump would have
been best.
North chose two dubs, a re -
guest for opener to bid a four -
card major and South com-
plied. Having decided against
a non -trump raise, North re-
mained consistent and bid
game in spades.
Had the partnership been,
playing two-way Stayman,
responder might have offered
opener a stronger voice in se,
letting the final contract. In
this variation both two clubs
The following programs, listed as' sv,
12:00 Cartootns 8, , 103The Canadian10s 63
Midday 11
12:30 News 0,.,10, 6
Price Is Right 13
12:45 Movies "Satan's School for
Girls" 8; "Glide" 10
1:00 Match Game 13
Double Exposure 11
1:30 Definition 13
Doctor in the House 6
Days of Our hives 11
2:00 Celebrity Dominoes 13 .
Guiding Light 6
2:30 Edge of Night 8, 10
. The Doctors 11
What's the Good Word 13
Horoscope Fortune 6
3:00 Take Thirty 8
Rimstead 6
City Lights 10
General hospital 11 •
Another World 13
3:30 Celebrity Cooks 8, 10
The Young, Restless 11
Pink Panther (cartoon) 6
4:00 Forest Rangers s
Dinah! 11
Flintstones. 13
Gilligan's Island 6
Take Thirty 10
4:30 Cumin' up Rosie 8, 10
Brady Bunch 13
The Monkees 6
5:00 Phil, Silvers 8
Partridge Family 10
Swiss Fano. Robinson 11
Ironside 13'
Hogan's Heroes 6
5:30 I Love Lucy 10'
Partridge • Family 8
That Girl 6
6:00 News 6, 8, 10, 11, 13
6:30 Truth or Consequences 8
My Three Sons 13
Party Game 11
Adam 12 6
7:00 Medical Centre 10
Space 1999 8
Sanford and Son 13
Doc 11
Odd Couple 6
7:30 Big Eddie 6
Wicks 11
• Celebrity Dominoes 13
8:Q0 Rockford Files 11
Mobile One 6
Mary Tyler Moore 8, 10
.Mystery Movie 13
8:30 ,M.A.$.H. 8, .10
9:00 •Police Woman 11
Global Presents 6
Tommy Hunter 8, 10
10:00 Country Way 11
Police Story 8
Hawaii Five -0 10
Switch 13
Global News 6
10:30 Ein Prosit 11
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
Rimstead 6
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:30 Larry Solway 11
Movie "Sunset Boulevard"
11545 Mery Griffin 8
Movie "Casino Royale" 10
12:00 Movies "The President's
Analyst" 11; "Whatever
Happened to Baby Jane?"
1:15 Movie "Hotel" 8
2:05 Mery Griffin 11
We have been histruc
most stations to use the regular
schedule during the postal strike.
There will, of course, be some
program changes due to sports or
special events.
Thurs., Nov. 6
6:00 Hilarious House of Fright-
enstein 11
University of the Air 13
6:30 Trouble with Tracy 13
7:00 Canada AM 13.
Special Place 11
7:35 Take Kerr 13
7:40 Canada AM 13
8:00 OECA 11, 8, 10
8:30 Romper Room 13
8:45 Friendly Giant 8, 10
9:00 Yoga 13
Mon Ami 8, 10
9:15 OECA 8, 10
9:30 Joyce Davidson 13
10:00 It's Your Move 13
10:30 Mr. Dressup 8, 1IP
Galloping Gourrhet 13
11:00 Canadian Cavalcade 6
Sesame Street 10, 8
Galloping Gourmet 11
Betty and Friends 13
11:30 I Saw That 11
Horoscope Dollars 13
12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13
Ryerson Presents 6
Midday 11
12:30 News 8, 10, 6 -
The Price Is Right 13
12:45 Movies "Aaron Slick from
Punkin Crick" 8; "Class of
'63" 10 ,
1:00 Match Game 13
Double Exposure 11
1:30 Definition 13
Doctor in the House 6
Days of Our Lives 11
2:00 Celebrity . Dominoes 13
Guiding Light 6
2:15 Shirley Taylor 10
2:30 The Doctors 11
Edge of Night 8, 10
What's the Good Word 13
Horoscope Fortune 6
and two diamonds ask for a
four -card major. However,
two clubs shows a weak hand,
Whereat two diamonds is a
game force. Here, the first
two rounds of bidding might
have proceeded: one no-
trump - two diamonds, two
spades - three spades.
North's three -spade bid
shows four -card support and
asks partner to choose be-
tween three no-trump and
four spades. With a square
hand South might have se-
lected the mit-trump game.
Change the opening hand
slightly - K 9 5 4, A 109, K 9 4,
K 10 8 - and three no-trump
is certainly the preferred
At no-trump careful han-
dling of the actual hands will
, produce 10 tricks. However,
four spades is the more
stimulating contract.
The opening lead of the club
jack was won m dummy,
East false -carding with the
king. Declarer led the three
of spades to his jack which
held the trick. Now South
guessed the trump situation
and played the, ace, felling
East's king. There were two
reasons for this action -
East's play of the eight to the
first round (had he started
with K 10 8 declarer had al-
ready blown a trick by not
inserting the nine), and
South's desire not to release
either of dummy's side suit
high cards.
A third round of spades
would permit East to discard
the queen of clubs, so
declarer temporarily re-
frained from drawing the last
trump. Instead, East was
thrown in with the queen of
clubs and forced to break a
red suit. East chose the heart
four, covered by the nine,
queen and king.
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Now declarer drew West's
last trump and followed with
a successful finesse of the
heart ten. South completed
the strip by cashing the ace of
It was West's turn.
Declarer led his last club.
West was in and had to open
up the diamond suit since a
dub return would provide a
tuff and sluff, declarer
trumping in either hand while
discarding the losing dia-
mond from ,the other.
South, playing for split dia-
mond honors, thus lost no dia-
mond tricks, He surrendered,
in all, only two clubs. Making
five spades proved an out-
standing result.
The hand is unique. Both
opponents were end played
successively, and each in the
same suit,
S Q763
H K63
D A 10 6
C A75
West East
S 1052 S K8
H Q5 H J8742
D J83 D Q752
C J 10963 C KQ
S AJ94
H A 10 9
D K94
C 842
Dealer: South. Neither side
South West
1 NT Pass
2 S Pass
Pass Pass
2 C
.4 S
West led the jack of clubs.
"Use a word three times and
it is yours." Let us increase our
vocabulary by mastering one
word each day. Words for this
INSIDIOUS; intended to
entrap or beguile; stealthily
treacherous or deceitful.
"There is an insidious design to
your plan."
DEIGN; to think fit or in
accordance with one's dignity;
to condescend. (Pronounce as
"dane") . "She would not deign
to discuss the matter with us."
3:00 Another World 13
Take Thirty 8
Rimstead 6
City Lights 10
General Hospital 11
3:30 Celebrity Cooks 8, 10
The Young, Restless 11
Pink Panther (cartoon) 6
4:00 Forest Rangers 8
Take Thirty 10
Dinah! 11
Flintstones 13
Gilligan's Island 6
4:10 Vision On 8, 10
Brady Bunch .13
The Monkees 6
5:00 Phil Silvers 8
Partridge Family 10
Three for the Road 11
Hogan's Heroes 6
Ironside 13
5:30 Partridge Family 8
I Love Lucy 10
That Girl 6
6:00 News 6, 8, 10, 11, 13
6:30 Truth, Consequences 8
My Three Sons 13 •
The Party Game 11
Adam 12 6
7:00 Barney Miller 10
Lawrence Welk 8
Harry Hibbs 11
Paul Lynde 13
Odd Couple 6
7:30 On the Rocks 10
Hawaii Five -O 11
Movie "Snoop Sisters" 6
8:00 Carol Burnett 8, 10
Excuse My French 13
8:30 Streets of San Francisco 13
Barnaby Jones 11
' 9:00 Movie -`"Fold Night's
Death" 8
Ellery Queen 6
Police Story 10
9:30 Maclear 13 ,
Medical Story 11
10:00 Harry -0 13
Global News 6
Rockford Files 10
10:30 Barney .Miller 8
George Hamilton IV 11
11:00 Nat. News 11, 13, 8, 10
Rimstead 6
11:20 Lo a News 13, 8, 10
11:30 Lard Solway 11
The Canadians 6
11:45 Police Woman 10
Mery Griffin 8
12:00 Movies;"No Way, to Treat.a
Lady" 11; "Fearless Vam-
pire Killers" 6
Mike Douglas 13
12:45 Alfred Hitchcock 10
2:05 Mery Griffin 11
Fri., Nil,. 7
6:00 Hilarious House of Fright-
enstein 11
University of the Air 13
6:30 Trouble with Tracy 13 -
7:00 Canada AM 13
Special Place 11
7:35 Take Kerr 13
7:40 Canada AM 13
8:00 OECA 11, 8, 10
8:30 Romper Room 13
8:45 Friendly Giant 8, 10
9:00 Yogi 13
Mon Ami 8, 10
9:15 Ontario Schools 11, 8, 10
9:30 Joyce Davidson 13
10:00 It's Your Move 13
Canadian Schools 8, 10
.10:30 Mr. Dressup 8, 10
Galloping Gourmet 13
1:00 Canadian Cavalcade 6
Sesame Street 10, 8
Galloping Gourmet 11.
Betty $and Friends 13
11:30 I Saw That 11
Horoscope Dollars 13
Buffalo buffs
welcome in north
Visitors to Wood Buffalo Na-
tional Park in Canada's North-
west Territories are almost
guaranteed they'll see a buffalo
or two on their way through, and
with a little luck they might also
see a lot more of the area wildlife.
One visitor to the park earlier
this year said she'd seen not one
but seven buffalo along the road,
had sighted one very large black
bear, and a number of bird spe-
Another visitor topped this by
claiming he had seen no fewer
than 20 magnificent buffalo, as
well as four species of mammals.
Wood Buffalo National Park
straddles the Alberta -Northwest
Territories border and covers a
wilderness area of 17,300 square
It was established in 1922 to
protect the only remaining herd
of wood bison. Today it supports a
between 10,000 and 12,000 of these
huge animals.
Some 46 species of mammals,
and more than 200 species and
sub -species of birds have been
reported in the Park.
The northernmost colony of
pelicans in North America reside
in the Park, and the area is also
the nesting ground for the nearly
extinct whooping crane.
tie4 by the TV ,stations, are subject to 4.
Sat., Nov. 8
6:00 Hilarious House of Fright-
enstein 11
University of the Air 13
6:30 Sports Roundup 13
7:00 Special Place 11
Family Finder 13
7:30 House of Frightenstein 8
Fantastica 13
8:00 Circle Square 11, 13
Spiderman 10
8:30 Tree House 13
Goober & the Ghost Chas-
Junior Talent Hour 8
Dale Harney 11
9:00 Uncle Bobby 13
Flintstones 10
9:30 Spiderman 11
Flintstones 8
10:00 Archie 10
Camera on . anada 11
Kidstuff 13
10:30 Goober & the Ghost Chas-
ers 8
The Jetsons 10
Garner Ted Armstronk 11
Canadian Cavalcade 6
11:00 Josie and the Pussy Cats 10
The Jetsons 8 '
Circle Square 6
Partridge Family 13
The Church Today 11
11:30 The Brady Kids 10
Cartoons 8
Niven Miller 6
Hobbytime 11
Hazel 13
12:00 Cartoons 10 When Thins Were Rotten
WHA Hockey 6
12:15 Howie Meeker 10
12:30 Reach for the Top 10
Saturday Theatre 13
Circle Square 8
The Lively Woman 11
1:00 Celebrations 10
Wrestling 11, 8
1:30 Greening Up 10
2:00 College Football .11
Movie 10
Western Can. Summer
Games 8
2:30 Wrest1Ing 6
Roller Derby 13
3:301Know Your Sports 13
Pink Panther (cartoon) 6
4;00 Cartoon 6
Sports Beat 13
Jennie 1Q
Curling Classic 8
4:30 Cartoon} 6
Party Game 11
Wide Wide World of Spans
3:00 Bugs Bunny 8, 10
Colditz 11
George Anthony 6
5:30 Welcome Sack, Kotter 8, i0
Going Places 6
6:00 Bingo 11
Movie 8
News 10, 6, 13
6:30 Space 1999 10
Bowling for Dollars 13
Sports Probe 6
Wrestling 11
7:D0 Emergency 13
Money Talks 6
7:30 The Number to Call 6
Celebration 8
Show Biz U
Man About .the House 10
8:00 Movie 13 -
Howard Cosell 11
Hockey, Boston at Van-
couver 8, 10
9:00 Confrontation 11
9:30 Doctor on the Go 6
10:00 Matt Helm 6
Wrestling 13
Larry Solway 11
10:30 On the Buses 11
Ceilidh 8, 10
11:00 Movies "The Dirty Dozen"
11; "Legend of Lizzie Bor-
den" 6
Nat. News 8, 10, 13
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:40 MOvie 10
11:45 Best of Grouch 8
12:00 Late Date Movie 1,3
12:15 Movie "Funny Face" 8
n., Nov. 9
- 6:00' University of the Air 13
Special Place 11
6:30 Cartoon 13
7:00 Crossroads 11
Uncle Bobby 13
7:30 Father Meehan 11
,40 French Shows 8
8:00 Niven Miller 13
Help Someone Today 11
Picotine 10.
8:30 Crossroads 13
Mode et Liberte 10
Kathryn Kuhlman 11
Wonders of the Wild 8
9:00 Day of Discovery 13
Nuts & Bolts 8 -
Oral Roberts 11
Family Finder 10
Global Newsweek 6
9:30- Rex Humbard 13
The Church Today 8
Crossroads 10
It Is Written 11
To be Announced 6
10:00 Italian Panorama 11
Crossroads 8
Thacker':# World 10 -
Festival Portuguese 6
10:30 Salty 10
Rex Humbard 8
Homer James 13
11:00 Jr. Talent flour 10
Church Service 13
Portugal '75 6
11:30 It Is Written 8
Domenica Sports 6
12:00 Talent Showcase, 13
People'sons Ch10nrclr. 8.
Studio Italiano 6
12:30 News, Weather, Sports I1 •
GreeningUp 10
Johnny mbardi Festival
Italiano 6
121::4S00 BMovie usinessit Report 11
Roy Jewell 10
Country Canada . 8
Sunday Theatre 13 "
Lancia Theatre 6
1:30' Focus 8
Country Canada to
Italian Variety Show. 6
2:09 King of Kensington 10
Good News 6
CFL Football 8
2:30 Some of My Best Friends
Are Men 10
The Master's Touch 6
Lawrence Welk 11
3:00 International Outreach 6
Inquiry 10
Red Fisher 13
3:30 Hee Haw 11
Father Foley 6
Sports Roundup 13
4:00 Agape 6
Take Time 10
Untamed World 13
4:30 Question Period 13
Tiny Talent Time 11
Cartoons 6
Hymo Sing .8, 10
nq r '
6:00 'Black Beauty 3 10.
Wild Kingdom 11
+* /'�
Invisible Min 1 .
5:30 5p*Ce 100 11
Singtirne 8
Walt Disney 10
Rainbow Adventures 6
6:00 News 13
Walt Disney 8
6:30 1300y Goldsboro 13
Doo. 10
The Fancily Holvak 11
7:00 Beachcombers 8, 10
Six Million Dollar Man.13
7:30 Irish Rovers 8, 10
Movies 6, 11
0:00 Cher 13 •
The Waltons 8, 10
9:00 Kojak 13
Brook 11
Sidestreet 8, 10
9:30 My Country 6
10:00 Marketplace 8, 10
Beacon Hill 6
What Is Truth? 11
W-5 13
10:30 Larry Solway 11
Ombudsman 8, 10
11;00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
Movie 6
11:15 Nation's Business 10
11:20 Local News 8, 13, 10
11:30 The Idea Machine 11
11:40 Monty Python's Flying
Circus 10
11:45 Movie "Salt and Pepper" 8
12:00 Mike Douglas 13
Gunsmoke 11
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