HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-11-06, Page 11UPT1GR..V1
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own of Wing
1975 Takes
of 1975 taxes is due on or before
November 15. A penalty of one .percent
will be added .the first day of default,
and one percent the first day of each
month thereafter.
William Renwick,
Clerk -Treasurer
14 wain
lair 'Irdtap,
door soden, It cilia-
der, mimetic, rho.
'10t NEWPORT, , '74 DART, 6 cylinder,
automatic with radio.
Com soden.
... 4 74 :CORONET uST,010, �L-
r"�'r c
W411046r t,ap4 y T� ,
bier, Mimetic, re. matic, power Owing
de. sand radio.
PHONE 3$7.3$62
ly Shirley J. °Keller .
,'Huron County Council. is, both
?responsible and' responsive. 'So
says a study completed by Dr. C.
'.► M, faa'tiwen, a sociologist from.
the University of Guelph, in a
'report presented Friday to
county 'council.
Entitled mal government in
Huron County, the study was Car-
ried out under a grant from the
Ontario Ministry of Treasury,
Economies and Intergovern-
mental Affairs in co-operation
,with Huron County Council.
It showed that reeves add
deputy -reeves are well-known,
trusted, appreciated, honest and
loyal. It indicated that while
some changes areneeded, resi-
dentsof Huron County don't want
anything to change the basic life
style found in Huron.
`'This attitude of 'respect and
trust, of cd -operation and con-
cern,, is sadly lacking in the case
of 'many elected ---and appoint-
ed—officials today," the report
concluded. "The fact . that it
exists in Huron County is a factor
to be taken into consideration
when any changes are contem-
The data for the study was
gleaned from minutes of council
meetings both at the county and
municipal level. As well, 57
reeves and deputy -reeves were
interviewed in 1973 along with 75
municipal councillors. There
were 450 Huron County voters in-
All field work for the study was
carried out by a team of four
Huron County .residents whose
W� Il show you how to collect
extra money
Mr. and Mrs. -Glen Wylie,
Winnipeg, spent a weekend
recently with, his father, 'Greer
Mrs. Mac Allan has returned
home following a visit with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr and
Mrs. George Mlan and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant," I , ,.r,
Sudbury, visited th ' ' `'s
mother, .Mrs. Allafr"' Muni o
recently and attended the wed-
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stuart
(Anne Douglas) .
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark had as
Sunday guests, Mrs. Gordon
Underwood of Gorrie and Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Stewart, Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins
spent Sunday in Stratford with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Higgins and
family.. -
Recent guests with Misses
Elsie and Marion Gibson were
Mrs, Thomas Gibson and Mrs.
Thomas White of Hamilton.
Weekend guests with . Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Allan were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ohberg, Montreal,
and Dick Allan and Albert Strike,
Mrs. Don Dailley, Galt, visited
at the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. Edward Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Charles McCutcheon, Walton,
whom we are pleased to report
returned home Friday from
The Square 524.7661
work' was, carefully s perN imi deciding municipal councillors to
es f l run for office. Those who had
sand inspected, The r ..,,alts n
Were t fiyard, trod, hived longer in the county` were
interviews . �# e .
ed, punched obi comp]#I' u
qnn „molter " rd* more emphatic about this,
and procesSed to Yield th resifts Road maintenance and snow
a l . �
to Huron
presented t
' Coto, t I, andt.„ removal was considei'ed`to bathe
per a S more in rtt . tly, to ° single mostimportantfU etion of
b ."' n ,, local and county couE cels, aeR
ee sP.r, .•
�Rn..n parity, � � `A
The public described, .'thein' cording to the voters interviewedR
l . " . liked , The next most urgent issue, ac*
officials as rye `ordin was poll*.
community minded, competent,; c g to the people, po l
honest and reliable." They ' feel' , tion . Other important ,matters
that elected people, in HurQlrl.trtl were thought to be general up -
for office .,to .serve the. comma, - ',keep of the county, control of the
nitY ". only a small percentage of _ pudget and setting the .,tai; rate
those interviewed thought + - ' and drainage and sewers.
cillors valued the prestigeof their' In general, the voters felt ♦ that
the areas in wluch the Municipal
positions, or • wished to e*Ores , ,;
authority.. councils had been most effective
People living in rural areas ;Were roads and snow removal,
tended to stress the farming general upkeep and drainage.
background of a personWho' Respondents , from the public
wanted to serve as a 'municipal ; "'believed that hearing reports
councillor. -, , presented and paying bills were
There were six main reasons , important duties of councillors.
given by respondents in the studyf S; These were followed by - (in
thought to be The motives; for ;.Order) bylaws, tenders, pur-
elected officials running, for -chases, committee reports,
office in Huron. They were''(in' )grants, severances, loans and de -
order) : a chance to improve local ; • bentures sold.
living conditions; a chance to ':. Voters felt councils had been
support a specific cause; press :.` successful in staying in contact
tige; opportunity to enter polite-;
cal life; benefit to personal bus.
. •ness • and salary.
with the people, and said this was
one through reports by the
media and by personal contact.
It was youngpeople who tended ,*.Only a minority mentioned open
ublic meetings. Urban. dwellers
to give weight to the benefit to ':�';p g
personal business for municipal'` appeared to be more dependent
councillors; about half of them -On contact through the media.
felt this is "very important" or:. 'Rural dwellers tended to give
"extremely important". Middle,' :::.personal contact as the most im-
aged or older .people did not feel :,.portant method of cor munica-
so strongly ren this matter. tion.
All groups believed that the `• A majority of voters felt that
salary was not at all important in ''. the municipal - council does have
the financial resources it needs to
;do its work, but a sizeable
minority felt that it did not.
Three-quarters of the respond-
ents expressed themselves as
• "fairly satisfied" with the work
Toronto where she had under- ;of the council. Some were very
gone eye surgery a few weeks: ,: satisfied and only a few were not
ago. :.very satisfied. More satisfaction
Friends and neighbor t -!was expressed by life-long resi-
gathered at the home of Gree ; dents of Huron County than by
Wylie Thursdayevening to bid' : ':others.
him farewell prior to his "depar- L Almost unanimously, respond-
ture to reside in Wingham. Mrs. ,;gents were against a change to
Stan Gallagher read an address ';