HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-30, Page 21• �.•0 e.0114*a$0►0q•} * 0 , 0 0 d1 f1 .a ,a 0 * 1 * 4**** 4111*****01.0 ')fr�'I`+rar �• . � »e0'�'rrk ^nrr •, ...� 0' N+-Kr,n ' Borrow for any worthw p4l : To cnida fix the` ear, buy er ttle, or a eo get Os Courter rvl ►a Cal PAL E ' ►N; ns R Ar'n d' . "ii t1m+n ` Realty .Hitcher 1-519-74 1, M, k [. a Bracer's; Ali► ��M#A!CM�a-ed'Qlat#A'j!s'll� WO. . Py .Marlette .Rendiix Glendclle . 'amid • *large selection of double -wide and single -wide models on display: *fast, efficient delivery and set up by professional servicemen. *low prices assured by our volume buying and. easy purchase plans: : MOBILIFE CENTRE 4166 KING ST, E. R.R. 3, KITCHENER No. 8 Hwy. between Hwy; 401 and Kitchener 653-5788 ' y` ree ea that all MY teeth Ore etunib and bred ingooff;like toast, Jt's terrible ightmare X, always wake .up sweating, = me flu« sera -into my' month and, ,grout With relief when I find' .teeth are still there, and with pain be- cause �X• have 'bitten. ►y fingers. �,�TodAay.,1 feel that I'm a"'Tacvpi�Rng}a claymore,. rather than ,43 mares .Last night at dinner, one of my front, teeth came away in the midst ofa glorious dish ofcurried chicken.. I love curried., ;chicken, and this time my wife had excel+ led,herself, whatever that means, but I atn not keen an CU cried chicken with teeth in it, even when they are my own. However, this incident did not alarm me, unduly or otherwise. It wasonly my peg tooth.. Every couple of .months it comes un- screwed or whatever, I carefully comb it out of the soup or spag- hetti, trot down to the dentist with it clutched in my hand; he dusts it off, pops it back in, ce- ments -it in place and•I'm back in business, stuffing my guts. But this morning, munching my matins (in this case a ripe yellow pear that tasted, as so much fruit does nowadays, like wet cardboard), I crunched on something hard. Now I know that pears do riot have either bones or stones. They have pips. And I knew that this particular pear did not even have a pip, because my OU Oi tOOth jot the` "mi j, There was no pain I ease, :uuat a se fself-disgust, as I v nightmare It's .bad r pull a filling wben eati. or to snap off a'bit of nip. you crunch dolfin en. an. pected beef -bone, or an aching"tooth y► have one break of f,.whe ►, sat an ever -ripe. Pear. • . Yellow=t I still wasn't plunged into t depths, Some people go for years with no hair on their hem plant articles in magazines:,sug- gesting baaldies are more vire. Others go all their lives wiLh no brains to speak of:. f . reekoi eouldget. through theeday without' two teeth. (. And I did. But bymoone ti 'tip of my tongue was raw 4144044 ded,` from thrusting it into Jagged crevice (creval ?) ,rr„ i But I was coping. And' 1 w that if I hustled down to my, friendly dentist, he . wOuid squeeze me in somehow, and. patch me up somehow. I should have known better.' From my air force days,"I knn that disasters always comeArt (such as legs"), - }; somehow, rami needle into a ;t _ '7 lower jaw-borle,,feb and, two spaces from he, *1011.4,4"4. I almost sea d. loud, a f screamed eilently.;; The. needle was removed. TWOpinutes later, that red-hot, needle Pktiaged int° the tooth directly .above itj haYe two teeth on that side, upperand lower, and, they are fainly friend- ly with each of 'i c+ a there is nobody els arOtMit This time I couldn t help it. I emitted, "Huh!", as though someone were driving a stake through my heart. I sagged into my chair, white and shaken You can always depend on stu- dents. They rally around when things are rough,. despite their outward cynicism.y're all heart inside that tougexterior. "I think the old sod's havenna hardatak. Wuddells we dao?" "Jeez, I hope he hazzen godour tests marked yet, I think. I failed mine." "Maybe he's just godda bad hangover. Slap him in the face a coupla times and he might come around." I came out of it, of course, and pretended I was enacting Heath - cliff's grief in Wuthering Heights. When they looked as though they didn't believe me, I curled back my bottom lip and snarled . at them with my new gap-toothed look. They shut up. When everything cooled down, I realized that my back teeth were merely expressing sym- pathy for my lost front teeth. It made them lonelier than ever. But they didn't have to shriek their sympathy at such volume. My whole jaw has been aching for the remainder of this dark day, but the red-hot needle has cooled to a blunt instrument. As soon as I finish telling you this fascinating episode of a con- tinued story called "One Man's Fangs," I'm going straight to the dentist, and have him rip every tattered remnant of bone out of my head. Then i am going up to the hospital and have the calcium chipped off my right foot -bone, my gall -bladder removed, just in case it ever acts up, a heart- pacer put in, and three or four pints of blood in the, event of threes. Right in the middle of a bril- liant iliant lesson on the use of four -I0 - ter words in Victorian .1iteratui.re. • f 4 4 Service aiin/on FAMILY OUTLET ORIGINAL OLD MILL IN BLYTH SINCE 1894 The Casual Look in Limper tl>�n At the Railway Tracks TEL. 523-9666 WOOL & LEATHER PRODUCTS N. WINPOWER TRACTOR DRIVEN (P.T.O.) ALTERNATORS from 7 KW to 100 KW The money you save dur- ing one crippling power Toss can buy your alterna- tor. SOMMERS MOTOR GENERATOR SALES LTD. Twisted, Ont. 519-655.2396 Sales and SERVICE since 1937 TRIAN Distr E TIRE rs Ltd. W alesle and Retail PASSENGER - FARM TRUCK On the form service Phone 291-25,21 LISTOWEL irectory ALFRED'S SHOE SERVICE 15 Diagonal Rd: 357-1811 • WINGHAM Specializing in ORTHO!EDIC- 94. PRESC4RIPTIC N WORK General Shoe Repair • CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS •\ HOM E STEREO • 8 TRACK TAPES AND CASSETTES MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel - Ontario 291-4670 MUNTZ STEREO CENTRE RELAX AND LEAVE THE TO us 1 -r Check our Printing Prices. You'll like them too. BOWEN PRINTING LIMITED 128 Inkermdn St. E. Listowel Phone 291-3901 Mounf Forest and Wingham Phone ZENITH 26500 . Iltif_vi!)--4EtefR Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL PLACED IN HOTELS HOOLS HOSPITALS PRISONS 1 . REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells HADCO Well Drilling & Digging Ltd. Elmira - 669-3761 TOLL FREE 1-800-265-8916 HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330 Located on No. 6 Highway 1/2 Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM .FI XTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mont to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., a.m. to 12 Noon FOR COMPLETE ItINSDTALLATIONS RACE 291-4721 OMAR oupeihrise P. 0. box 162, Listowel, Ont. LISTOWEL Dip -and -Strip, Furniture Refinishing and Repairing PHONE HENRY ELMS 291-2567 Listowol • anM711.11;11,41tven9:, Alair9 I don't trust the old Carcass any more. If my teeth start crumb- ling when I'm just a broth of a boy, who knows what bits and pieces may fall off when I'm 85, as I fully intend to be? For • Weddings . Banquets . Parties . Anniversaries For more information contact: STEVEN'S RECORD HOP ETHEL. ONTARIO EVENINGS — 887-6159 Get Steamed! Now's the time to steam - clean your carpets. — Complete Carpet Care — Satisfaction Guaranteed THORNTON CARPET SERVICE Gorrie, Ontario 'ar 519-335-3392 * AIRLINE TICKETS * PACKAGE TOURS * BUS TOURS * CRUISES * CAR RENTALS * HOTEL RESERVATIONS 291-4100 163 Main St. W. AIRLINE TICKETS ISSUED IMMEDIATELY POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE VIEW •!. ltRn`f ^main R. acter of rine and Private Place :is Eugene 'Shore, a hometown writer of in ternational' fame, yet unknown eveh''by s el eat aelgbbours, 11110 la Sh's ovate way, Of Vie.. mit l Pne day, a,. New York critic bei ttles the town for ignoring talented Writer . who lives among- st them: �•.. It its only then that Shore's neighbours of many years finally ',discover what he does for a ,living,Meanwhile,; on the other side of the ravine, a young "scholar"' (ie university grad), Al Delaney is seeking fame and 'fortune by attempting to write a book about Norman Mailer. As most anyone can guess, De- laney meets Shore, becomes ob. sessed by .Shore's/work and life, and begins delving into what makes Shore's books the master- ful works they .are. Works that are, on the surface, simple, but which stir the soul, the empathy, the mind of the reader. The book is, on the surface, simple, yet has a quality that stirs the soul, the empathy, the mind of the reader. AH HA! Reading the book, it is hard to re- main unconfused, to stay clear of the teasing little trap Callaghan has set up. If ever an author at- tempted to arrange his own im- age, Callaghan has certainly suc- ceeded at that. He never pro- claimed this to be an autobiogra- phy, yet this is what the critics tell us. This is based on similari- ties between Callaghan and his, character, Shore. Both are elder- ly writers, law school graduates who never practised law, Toronto born"and known more prominent- ly on the international market than in their home country. But do these similarities mean it is an autobiography? Or, does Callaghan ingeniously predetermine for us to believe on alk ac .LET'S .ycipr own .pgth factstbeie that it is AO satOlegraPtY1 If we , then iens)ywe Confuse the sonage More with Callaghan. And t ' a er, reading thrugh Unconscious", :believewe: reading aY Iaghan,:,i k. teasy1 Make believe .villa. choos. What he 400e au "effect"; of mys dark. s mystery. technique what makesthe a. ole story of Shore's (Callaghan's?) Jolting..a.. masterpiece,:Callas cei y does this in A .Fid and Private Place. What is outlined as a simple lot -boy seeks to write a Wit atit welt ;known author and his style,, combined wwitl various intertwined Subplots -- boy meets girt, bayand girl argue because`bo)r is .so,involved with his Shore obsession, girl inter- feres b talking to ssurro of prob. tem r ting sn'�angry boy, and on and on, vely, ,simple, al - moat prosaic; pro n d subplots on the surface. Yet Callaghan does something masterful with these basics. ' He creates, in his own words, an effect, all aura of mystery, the very quality, in Shore's writing that Taney is constantly trying to interpret. We never do really understand ex= actly what Shore's mysterious technique is, a$ we" may riot un- derstand what it is about A Fine ., And Private Place that makes it so readable, 41' Whether this quality is a reali- ty, or whether this reader for one • has been caught up i what.may_ be Callaghan's•:& tease of image, doesn't really Matter.. What-mat- ters hat :mat-ters is that Callaghan is a' fine and private writer, and• A Fine and Private Place is the work of a truly masterful Canadian writer. Just one little thing, though — didn't anyone ever tell Morley that miniskirts are out of style? Read it .— you'll understand; 1 amine li ;yeas -,long f s! whales porpoises, marine 1411001011110 way verity i California. scientists. The purpose Bi reau of Rv REV. LEE TRUMAN On one pf the last days of my paternal crandmother's Remember the days when the comic strips were called "the funnies"? Remember when they were funny? Remember Barney Google? The Katzenjammer lUds? Happy Hooligan? If you do you're probably a moss -backed grandad like my- self, and your bewildering off- spring would never be able to be- lieve now much that world of the cartoon fantasy once meant to us. There were two kinds of funnies when we were kids. There was first of all the black and white daily kind. We didn't buy a daily newspaper at our house but we always got one just the same. We got yesteday's paper from one of the lovelier women we delivered milk to. She always put it out with her empty milk bottle. And let me tell you there was many a fierce squabble when that paper was taken apart on our kitchen table. There were after all only three or four pages of funnies in those days and there were eight of us Butit was the coloured funnies which came with the Sunday paper which wcre the real trea- sure, We bought it downtown every Saturday night even though a dime was a lot of money then. And for those of us who were old enough to do our own reading, we devoured the funnies before we went to bed that night. But the Sunday paper was sup- posed to be read on Sunday, and for the younger ones, that's when it was read. Remember how your kid bro- thers and sisters would spread the pages out on the kitchen floor and flake out on their little bellies trying, trying to figure out what the writing meant? I can never recall hearing an educationalist giving them any praise, but I wonder sometimes if those old funny pages weren't one of the reasons why my generation reads so much better than our gandehildren do. *Stockists of STIHL Chain Sows *Sales and Expert Repairs to all Small Engines - STEVE MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-3717 At our house the kids could hardly wait till Dad got in from the chores. "Read this one first! Will you Dad? It's about Andy Gump and He's still lost in the desert!" Dad would take an inordinate time at the cistern pump washing up, but he never disappointed them: "You should be studying your Sunday School lesson in- stead of looking at that silly stuff!" he'd say. Then he would pull a chair up to the stove, hoist a child on either knee and the higher ones would look over his shoulder as he took up the Andy Gump page. And as he read, his big cracked finger would trace out the words. Sometimes it would take most Of an hour before the last page was put aside and the questions were all answered. "Where is the desert, Dad?" "That hump on the camel, it's full up with water, eh Dad? That's why we can't have camels in this country, because here come winter they'd freeze up and bust, eh Dad?" Our mother didn't approve of the funnies. They seemed a bit worldly for a Christian home, she thought. Well mother dear, wherever you are, the kids aren't so crazy about the funnies anymore. To- . day they have records, tapes, slick magazines, Book -of -the - Month, colour television with UHF. But I'm afraid they have so much, so much today that noth- ing seems precious to them any more. And the Dad of the house — that Dad who used to put his sock feet on the oven door to read the comics to his brood — where is he now come Sunday morning? Up- stairs in bed likely. And he'll be there till noon probably, resting from his never-ending struggle to keep his home filled with the absolute best. But his kids don't miss him' much. Not really. Be- cause chances are they haven't got to know him yet. life, I was sitting beside her bed. Gram was reminiscing, and as her memory wandered, she talked of how the world had changed during the half century when she was a pioneering bride in the flatlands of Oldahama. He a Chocktaw Indian, she had married my grandfather when she was 16. She saw things a little different, and certainly walked to a differ- ent drummer all her life, in bare feet no less. 19 asked Gram what changes during her life she considered the most signifi- cant. I was musing in my own mind about the telegraph, tractor, airplane, automobile or even the rocket. She was quiet for some time. "I'll tell you the one I most regret," she said. "When I was a girl, there were so many persons who stood out as individuals and now there are so few. It seems that more and more people are trying to be like each other, to conform," she continued, "to think, talk, dress and even look alike. In those days you could tell a person who was worth know - Copy for Crossroads Cialisi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m. Wednesday of week prior io pub - For Sale MINTO GLEN Pro Shop is stocked with a full line of quality Alpine (downhill) and Nordic (cross-country) skis, boots, bind- ings, mitts, goggles, etc. For pre- seaSon shopping phone 338-2722 for an appointment. rrb 12 CANS OF Sterling with cooler; 22 milk cans in mint condition. Bill Neable, Gowanstown, phone 343-5362 after 6. THE BEST DEAL YOU'LL MAKE IN YOUR LIFE° "GRANDEUR" r • Buy a beautiful new ROYAL HOME • Place on the lot of your choice • HOrne comes completely finished Buy at low '75 prices for Spring delivery. This is one deal you can't afford to pass up — There may never be another like it 11 WrW or call TODAY! ROYAL HOMES LTD. Box 370 "Wingham (519) 357-2444