HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-19, Page 5HENSALL Holiday. 8210 -OF- Boots and Shoes. A, *set* s Below Bankrupt Prices. Ali kinds of Boots a shoes, Rubbers Overshoes, Felt Goods of all kinds,' Pelt T3eote, Felt Socks, Ameriean Rubbers, also TRUNKS and VALISES 1 Satchels for ladies of all eizes and styles. Leading lines in Fine Shoes, I have Cooper & Smith's, John Me- . Pherson & Co's celebrated makes THE BEST TO WEAL -t, OP ANY GOODm IN THE Do- ivilNION • I have a large stock yet to sell, of which I am bound to sell to make room for ea'New Goods Arriving Daily tiel. No reasonable offer refused - No trouble to show goods. Butterand Rims taken in exchange for goods Stand-MeEwan's Block. opposite Baynold's Hotel. - A. WESELOIT HENsALL. DISTRICT DOINGS. The.Latest Current News Throughout the District, La Grippe has reached London, Ont. Cupid's CI,-istnaas harvest yielded large returns. Mr. John G. Humphrey, of Stratford, died on Monday, aged 57 years. Blyth has a population of 308 child- ren of school age. Stratford is agitating for a linen factory. Seaforth is soon to have electric ugh t. Mr. Shirret and Miss Wade, of Grand Bend, were married last week. The recent high winds did consider- able damage throughout the distrust. Evangelist Moody will be in London for & week, commencing last Saturday. Mr. John Sheppard and Miss Mary Jane Young, of Oorbet, were married on the 18th ult. Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlinson, of Fernhill, are each laid up with a dis- abled hand. Twin girls were bora to Mr. and Mrs. l'hos Davidson, ot Wroxeter, last Sunday week. A Goderioh dog mistook a window for a door, $20 worth of damage ia charged against him. A young man, of unsound mind named Fianna, of Attwood, drowned himself last week. Tee Wingham band turned out on Chrietmas and played sweet musio nearly all day. Mrs. John Farrow, of Bluevale, died on the ast day of the old year, aged 40 years. The house of Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Goderich, was broken into last week and a quantity of eatablea stolen. Some young gaffer started a fire in ....A, the Blyth ticket office nf the agricul- tural grounds. It was discovered /before any damage was done. If the Stratford Herald is all the Stratford rimes says it is, the sooner it shuffles off this mortal coil the better. Joe Hollingsworth, 01 Woodstock got into a row on Christmas day and got a badly out head for a Christmas Box. A hostler in Grant's stable, Isruce- - field, Was kicked in the face by a horse last week,and was picked up insensi- ble. The pumps of the Lucknow water- works were so heavy that they broke the axles of the heavy trucks which conveyed them from the station. In some towns the newly elected will be supposed to grapple with the elec- tric light. They had better be care- ful. ' The members of the St. Marys brass band gathered a.,little of -the needful by serenading candidates for the election, at their homes, Mr. David Miles and Miss Alison Scott, of Wroxeter, were married on Christmas ; also Mr e Geo. Barnard, jr., to Miss Mary' VVtIlis, of the same place. Mrs Andrew Reciferd, of Avonton, who has for some months been declin- ing in health, died on Saturday, 21st ult. The funeral took place on Mon- day, at Avonbank. The shoe shop of Mr. James B. jatne- son, of Brucefield. had a narrow escape from being burned last week. About $100 wortn of hand -made work was destroyed. Mr. John Neal, of the 7th con., McGillivray) fell Iroise a mow to the barn floor a distance of 18 feet, last Week, his injuries confining him to his bed ever since. The Parkhill Gazette has passed its twentieth milestone and is a .welcome exchange. Its "ads.” are cleanly oat, • the press work good, and its articles snappy and crispy. May it ever pros- per. A. corespondent gays the second datighter of ChaCes Ritohie, of Morris, aged TO years, weighs the respectable figure Of 108 pouads. All sumnaer she Milked three cows, washed tile dishes and walked:I* mules to School. At a tratford social, a ticket with a certain nereher had to be presented at the doorin order to gain admittance. A yoting lady counterfeited the twni. ber arid gained admission, but was subsequently found eut, and great indignation was expressed. A eircne strUele Stratford last week, and there wag the biggest kind of excitement. The cash box, with $10 or $12 in it, W48 upset and the Moll hose had quite a melee to get posses, sion of the dOills. &Vete), fietio ene eosin tore oceurred, and a large nurnbor wore brought before the maglistrato. Mins rrl's Linilnent Cale% DieteMper. MiSe Minnie Ireland, of Springhank, died lest weak ot typhoid fever. A May young lady has the helitt of ringing unuecessarily, dear bells as she passes along the street, Mr. Wm. Levy, of Blyth, had the third finger of huelort hand cut off by a straw cutter, Goolerich is trying to get a oreamery, a canning factory and a brick and dram tile yard established there. The etreet lights in Mitchell all went out on Christmas night, through the huoglieg of en operator. Electri• city will not be fooled with. "Dr." J. B. Watson, lecturer, preaob- or, etc., has started a new monthly paper in pt. marys, to be calied, The Pen and Platform. Mr. Isaac Walker, of East Williams, while driving home from Parkhill on Christmas morning, was thrown from his buggy and killed. A red squirrel burglarized a Moray store last week,and broke considerable glassware. ending up with a feed of nuts. - Mrs. Alexander Douglas, of Seaforth, drenk carbolic acid in naistake for her usual medicine and died shortly after- wards. Angus McIntyre, of Parkhill, waa sent to jail for a month, lor pointing a revolver at his brother and threaten ing to shoot him. ieSr, Wm. Fluker, qf Pleasant Valley, boasts or having a horse 34 years old which ploughed his share of GO aores this fall. At a recent sale at Auburn, Wm. Mtlls pm chased a yoke of thorough- bred Manitoba cattle for the sum of $72, which is considered their value. Mr. -Hugh Kelly, of East Nissouri, had his barns, stables, etc , destroyed by fire on Monday night, week. There were 7 cows, 1 horse, ell his grain anci implements burned in the buildings. A Seaforth church audience was kept awake last Sunday during the sermon, when it was whispered around that a young lady was messing her hat Wrong end foremost. While W. Jervis, proprietor of the Sheriff Carroll property, Ingersoll, was excavating the cellar for a barn on Frirlay week, the scraper brought up the bona ot one of Oxford's “prehis- toric men." The skull was intact, and he has it u a curiosity. it Sarnia, just before the election Mr, Mowat claimed that 'Truth and Righteousness" was a plank of the Liberal platform. Just after the elec- tion a Latubton Liberal wrote to a friend, -"We have knocked Truth and Righteousness into a cocked hat." All the pall.bearere at the funeral of the late John Grieve, of McKillop, came to this country with him in' the same vessel 52 years ago. The circum. stances of their, all meeting together on the sad °cession was purely acci- dental. A woman in Stratford, some years ago. adopted her son's child, its mother dying shortly after its birth. 'rho other day the child's father married again, and sought to regain possession of his •child, the grand - another resisted and a lively tussel ensued. She still retains the child. A villian, named Jackson, came to El rna some time ago, and representing himself as being single, sought the acquaintance of a farmer's daughter and under promise of marriage ac- complished her ruin. He has since made his escape, and the girl's dis- grace his been too much for her men- tal balance, and she is in the asylum, Thomas Maxwell, of Brussels, keeps an ordinary bred cow, and just to see what she was worth to him he kept an accurate account ot the milk and lutter from March 8th to Nov. 5th of last year. He found the result to be as follows . 302 pounds of butter, $46.69 ; milk sold, $10. Total, $57.69, in seven months. In addition to this there was the milk used by the family during this time, worth at least $5. The Huron News -Record Gaya :-A scoendrel described as about 20 or 24 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches in height, with thin, light mousteche has been travelling the country raising money in a cheeky and fraudulent manner. At Ingersoll the impostor passed himself °Was our Mr. Todd, of rhe News -Record, Mr. 0. J. Mite.hell, a furniture dealer, being the victim. Our exchanges would do well to warn people of the fraud, as other respect- able people may be gulled in the same manner as Mr. Mitchell. Pass him around. Woodstock Sentinel -Review (Grit) : The tittle town of Mitchell in the county of Perth should feel proud of itself. It can boast of one editor (Conservative) who is the father ot thirteen of a family, and of another who recei4'y described himself as "an Englishman by birth, by tradition and partly by education; and Irishman by naarriage ; a Canadian by isdoption ; a Grit frOn1 political expediency, and an annexationist by the gift ofprophecy." It must be e.denitted that the Grit editor has by far the longer list of qualifications ; but we regret to find him burdened with thegiftofprophecy, especially when he prophecies annexa- tion. Better be the father of thirteen of a family. Short Items of New. (meteorite, It is elehned that the directory of Teronto for 1890 will centein 66,482 eittnee, uniltiplied by 31, whieh the promoters give tie 0 fir estimate, gives a population of 216,056 It is said that the Manitoba Government has fatly decided to abolish the separate school system, as it eitists now, bet the matter of religious training will be left to the Weal Robot boards to deal with, It is understood that at the meeting of the Privy Council, Thursday, it was decided to eommete the son tenee of death, passed on McMahon, the Essex Centre murderer, to imprisoureent for life. The best Anodyne and expectorant for the cure of colds and oeughs and all throat, lung, end bronohlaktroebles, is, undoubt- edly, Ayer's Cberry Pectoral. Ask your druggists for it, and,at the same time, for Ayer's Almanao, whioli is free to all. Arob bishop Duhanael 1171.$ withcIrswn his approval from 'United Canada, and has re- csneated Father Coffey, the editor to pub- lish such withdrewal. It is said Father Coffey will refuse to comply with this request. Mrs. Wm, Blashill, of Brussels, anfor tunately displaced her jaw while yawning the other day. A. medioal man had to be called in to set matters right, The Methodist Church at Detton was bnrnt about imots on eaturday. The fire originated in the furnace, Tho °Unroll was being warbled preparatory to cleaning out for Sunday's service and tee connection with the furnace being &Iodise, the timbers took fire. UNITED seeene. The Boston Commercial Bulletin's tele- graphic canvass of the wool supply in the United States shows a total supply in dealers' hands of 70,000,000 pounds domes- tio and 15 000,000 pounds foreign. agaiest 50,000,000 domestic and 17,000,000 foreign in 1888, The weakness and debillity whioh results from illness may be speedily overcome by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This is a safe, but powerful tonic, assiets digestion, regulates the liver aniefiticlneys, and cleanses the blood of all germs cif disease. San Francisco, Cal, Jan The Storm has caused great damage to the Oregon Railway re Navigation Company's road. Three accidents have been reported. Fire- man Cross was scalded at Hood River yes- terday, and li'irensan Orris was killed iu a collisio between a freight and passenger train near Willows last night. It is rumored that two men were killed and thirteen per- sons injured on the saine road at Itipara, but this is unconfirmed. The tiret train from Spokane in five days arrived. to day Eight engines have been demolished on this road. The heavieet snowstorm in years prevails. C. 0. RunsunDs & Co. Gents, -I certify that MINARD'S LINI- MENT mired my daughter of a severe and what appeared to be a fatal attack of diph- theria after all other remedies had failed, aud recommend it to all who may be afflict ed with that terrible disease. Tone' D. BOTITILTED. French Village, Jan'y, 1889. A little of Guibourt's Parisian Balm applied at night, will soon render the hands soft and white. Parisian balm is delightfully perfum- ed. Sold by all druggists. WELL PLEASED. Dear Sirs, -I can recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil as a sure cure for rheumatism. I had it for some time and was cured by two bottles, and I must say it is the hest thing I oan get for general use as a pain reliever. J. Museenn, Strathavon Ont. SUDDEN CHANGE. Mrs George Flewelling, St. John, N. B. writes :-"I suffered from weakness and costiveness, so I bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and before I finished it, no- ticed a change. After using three bottle I am now entirely cured, and recommend 13. B. 13, as a positive cure for costiveness." IF YOU HAVE A. 001/01H, Do not neglect it. It should be loosened as soon as possible, and to do this nothing excels Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Obstin- ate coughs yield at once to its expectorant, soothing and healing properties, while colds, hoarseness- whooping cough, asthma, etc.. are promptly relieved by its perfect action 011 the throat and bronchial tubes. , THE LANES AND STREETS " Of a city are like the veins and arteries of the body -if foul or impure, diser se results. (Melones the blood from the foul Warners by using Bardook .Blood Bitters, the best blood medicine ever devised to cure allialoocl disorders from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. PREVAILING SICKNESS. The most prevalent complaints at this season are rheumatism neuralgia. sore throat, inflammations and congestions. Fcr all these and other painful troubles flag - yard's Yellow Oil is the best internal ;led external remedy. WORN our AND RUN DOWN. BY disease and debility the human system becomes worn out and run down before its dine. Keep the head *gear, the bowels regular, the blood pure, the kidneys and liver active by the use of Bnrdoelc Blood Bitters. nature's great tonic and regulator, and disease cannot exist. MONEY FOR ALL. WANTED -A good energetic man, or, men, to sell our Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs, Ornamentals, etc. Permanent employment. Write at °nee for terms, and st cure choice of territory, We sell only firseclass stock, batelsome outfit free. Address MAN BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester N. Y. --8t Nov, 21, saweed.r.aossawormaaaisove IVI A KlazIMPOR TS lied Wheat ... Spring Wuoat ••• tlarley Oets °lever S )ed lfltnotby Peas Core ilOgs Ratter atourperobi ..„ rotatoes,per bushel A.pples,per oag DriadApplespr b lieese sex lb. 9.3urkey per lb finektiper ij Chickeneperpr Efogs,dreseedperl (0 Fleet rtidesrough, " dressed ... ilieepskins each Oalfskins Wool per 1b ilia9Pertoa Opionsverbutto Woodper aord YAM ••• 75 to 00 80 00 s7s5 te 00 80 to 00 40 • 25 to 20 ••• 3 50 to 4 00 e. 1 50 co 7 00 ••• 63 to 0 31 ••• 0 40 to 0 52 ▪ 0 2c t o 20 ••• 14 to 0 16 00 00 5 16 ••• 4000 150 i.• 1 CO to 1 CO .•• 0 4 to050 0 06 to 0 07 ... 0 08 to 15 • 0 0(3 to 0 07 ••• 0 25 to 0 30 ••• 4 50 to 5 00 00 t o 5 25 ... 2 00 to 2 50 ... 0 6Q to 80 ... 0 50 to Q 99 ,.. 0 133 to 0 70 ,., CIO to 8 00 .,. 0 50 to 0 Q0 25 to 9 o0 ST: IIIADYS 0 Fall Wheat..................... 0 75 0 80 Spring Wheat., .. . ..... --- . 0 . ......... ....... ..... 0 75 80 Betsey., I 0 35 0 40 Oats 0 2, 0 95 Olover Seed 3 c0 3 50 Titnothy '2 50 4 CO Peas 0 50 0 50 Mega 13 0 15 Butter, 14 0 16 Potatoes per bag . 40 1 00 Apples per bush .. • ...... ...... ........ 0 55 Wool per lb 20 020 way perton . , 7 CO 800 13ran per ton... . .14 00 14 00 slimes e ''' ee. .."." ..... . ...20 00 20 00 Oatraeal per bbl . 6 50 7 00 LONDON, Wheat,83o to 84e per bus. Oafs, 27e to 27o per bus. Peas, Me to 57e per bus. Bar- ley, Malting. 48 to 480 per bus, Barley Feed, glio to 410 per bus corn, 450 to 47e per bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, Jan. 8. -Wheat -Spring No. 2, 684 to 84e per bus 'red winter,No. 2. 85c: to 87 per bus. Manitoba No.1 hard, 1 02 to 104 No. 2,98o to 1 00; PEAS 5800 60o per bus. OATS 280 to 31a per bus. FLOITR, extra, $3.60 to 03.65 per bbl; straight roller. 413.85 to $3,90; erong bakers, t4,00 to $4.50. BARLEY, No 1, 490 to 50o; No.2 410 to 45o; No 3, extra 390 to 40o; No, 3,830 to 35e. FOR RICKETS, MARASMUS, AND ALL WASTING DISORDERS OF CHILDREN. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it is very wonderful. "I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Marasmns of long atanding. In evory case the improvement was mat lc - ed." -J if Mao, M,D., New york. Sold by all Druggists, 500. and $1;00 To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap- peared in our columns Rome time since, an- nouncing a special arrangement with Dr. 13. 3. leendall Co., of Enosburg Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,"whereby our subscribers were enabled. to obtain a copy of that vale able work PRED by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL CO., (and enclosing a two.cent stamp for mail- ing same) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work To every lover of the Horse it is indis- pensable, as it ti eats in a simple manner all the dis sees which afflict this noble ani mal Its phenominal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it stan- dard authority. Mention this paper when sending for a "Treatise." Nov. 4th -]30. Tho anatia y. _ iMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE The following lands, now rented, will be (men for sale after 1st November, 1889, when she existing leases will expire: -- TOWNSHIP CONOESSIOV LOT H?,,9 • . • .... • 8 Wi,E+ &Et,Wi, 6 is N.9 " . ... .... 15 Ne,7, Wi, 21, 25 Stephen 14 st 12 " Aux Sables ,Ee, 14, El, El 17 West.William 14 Elea 15 3 Stanley 8 WI, 7, WI, a GENERAL TERMS :-One-fourth of pue- obese moi,ey down, and ten years given in which to :say balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at 5 per cent. per annum. Prices will be given on application to the Commissioners, 7 0 CANADA (.30MPANY, Toronto. October 28th, 1889. Fnib�Sly' KT:MPS,: • A ..WANT,...SCIPPLIE.P.: We will hereeftex make and keep on halal, a geed supply of wooden pumpe, wbieh WO wiltsell at usual prices, and guareletee there to all the bill with stitiefactiou. We respectfully ask a ellare of your patronage in thie line, and we will endeavor 00 supply you with good Pumps, and promPtly. Iron Pumps will be leurnished When Desired. Shop one door south of Parson's 131uoksmith Shop, Main -at,, Exeter. W. TREVETHICIL Srat RENSALL, IIARDWARE MLROHANTS DEALERS 117 ALL TUE LEADINO, AVG ONT. JIVER TA ICE 85. A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS, STOVES & RANGES. 411 R'inds of Light and Heavy _Hardware. MECHA1\TICS TCOLS, CUTLERY', ETC. OAL DELIVERED ON SHORTEST NOTICE AT LOWEST PRICES. Emblems of the Different Societies. Evetything new and first clans. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE COST. THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. Clive us a call tor anything in. the line -11/411.1•/0/001 KN CKED WE WILL START A GREAT KNOCK -OUT --ON- ALE ! Thursday Dec. 191119 1 U9„ AND UONIINUE THE SAME FOR 40 DAYS. We will Offer our large stock of Staves, Tinware, Axes, Crosscut Saws, Lamps and La.rrip Goods FOB, Celan Orm-e At prices that will KNOCK BANKRUPT PRIOES into A COCKED HAT. Thisis no bombast but actual facts. A. call only necessary to con- vince you. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machine. All kinds of Machine Needles and Oils. All accounts must be settled by cash or note by the 1st day of February, 1889. BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store BE1011 11110 That we are still continuing 0111' A full stock of all kinds ol Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Conditio3a Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exetex, C LUTZ. rim and. 1INTER Discount Sale DURING JANUARY. 20 per cent. off on Drygoods and 10 Der cent. off on Hardware (SE Crockery 1701% HAPPEL c3's CLEGITORN; ZURICH. N. B. -Ali parties indebted will save trouble by settling prior. to Jan. I50h. DO YOU WANT TO BUY CI-OODDS- tgli Grippe," or Lightning Catarrh. bla. emerost,-"La Grippiv •e, or RUSSIAll influenza, as it is teemea, is in reality an epidemic enteral., and is celled by some playeiciane "lielitning catarrh," from the rapidity with which it sweeee over the countly. Allow tie to dra • the atten1 ion of yonr mations to the fact that Nasal Bebe, as well as being a the; ough cure for all cases of the ordinary (sold in the bend and OR 0 I , wilL giv0 prouopt rel'ef 111 0 C 011 0(35 most severe eases of "la grippe" or Russian i)dllotlzlt,£1.1 it Will SITPOLUAllY ClOiLls the nasal passages, allay irritation and relieve the dull, opprsssieti heactaohe ascompanying the disease, No falsity should be without bottle of Nasal 13 Iles in the heels°, as cold in the Easel end, oaten h, ere peculiarly reliable to aileek people at thie zeason ot the yeas', sua Nasal lialre is the only prompt awl speedy dare for these troubles ever offered the imblio. Easy to rtse end agreeable. If yoe emmot got it as emir dealers it will be SOPt post free on receipt of price (50 souls and $1 Per bottle) by ad- dressing rerseoun & Go, Brockville, Ont. I have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for there I am now selling of! my When Baby wan sick, we gave her Castoria When she wa4 a 00110, she cried for Castoria. When sbo became MIAS, she eleng te Castorie, ' When she bad Children, she gave show Ca.storia, Aovicd 7lo3loretutta.--A.reyou diaturboda, 1 niglitand bralten of yottr rest by a 51010 ohie:1 suffering and crying with pains, of duttinv Teeth? It so send at once and got a bottle of' 'Airs ,Wins LOW'S Soothing Syrup" for Chil- (Iron Teething. Its Value Is Inealculable. 10 willeolleve the peer little ;sufferer im mediately Oonend upon 10, mothers ; there Is no mistake about it. It ouree Dysontese and Ditirrhosse regelates tlie Stomach tied Itowers,ouree Wind °olio, settees lase quills. reduces Entlamaistion, aila gives tone tied energy to tee whole system, 'Mrs, Wineeow's Soothing Syrup" for ehildeen teething is pleasant to 01133 testa and is Cho prescription og ono of the oldest and hese Percale ph ystelaes end 1111T Yes 10 tale Viiited States, mid is for sale by 11 dimggiste throughout the world, Price tiventp.five conks a bottle. Be sure end ask tore:erns, Wiesr,owe sfer/l,'ItINC1 S0'1111A/ "Ana 110 Ot or 100. TEM BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Overcoatinge at any price; Snit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter entleinen I leave your orders eatly, for wfth the best stell Of Tittles* ; the boot stook of ritio Trimmings, and tlio bed Cutting in Town, yeti are sure of atisfita- ion , Previous Stook ! At figures away'clown. 1 do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at ROOK BOTTOIW PRICES Rather than hold them over. MY STOOK. is the best assorted in tOwn and of first qtatlity goods I an here to excilmege goods with the public for cash or pro- ' dude and am bound to de it. T 18 ROSS, FIRST—CL A.SS FUP ITU AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM 000D8 —ARE USUALLY SOLD- --TIIDN OALL 4217 - GIDLEY'S Market Store, EXETI-1111. Nov, 113, 1880. --ONLY FIRST-OLASS— Reliable G-oods At Prices Lower that so -cal led Cheap Houses can give ITudertelingth, air It Branches. 5. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. & 00k 0DDVELL0W'8 102