HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-19, Page 3cople Wonder
IA/ the Y linci how rapidly health
V Y is reetered by taking Ayer's Salt*
separilla, The reaoon is that this
properation contains only tile purest
and meet powerful alteratives aud,
tonic. To thousands yearly it proves a
,veritable elixir of life.
I `Mrs. Jos, Lake, Brockway Centre,
writes: "Liver oomplaint and.
huligeetien made m3r life a burden
and came near endhog niy enistenee.
For more than four years I :suffered un-
told Agony. I was reducedalmoet to
u skeleton, and hardly had strength to
drag myself about. All kinds oa food
flistrossed Me, and only the most deli.
eate could be digested at all. Within
the time mentioned Several physicians
treated me without giving elief. Nettie
lug that I took seemed to do any per -
Moment good until I 'began the use 0
.Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pre -
tangoed wonderful results, Soon , after
tomrnenoing M take the Sarsaparilla I
could see an •
in log condition, eny appetite began to
return and with it came the, ability to
digest all the food taken, my strength
Improved each data end after a few
months of faithful attention to wooer
directions, I found myself a well ,
'woman, able to attend to 411 household
duties. The medicine has given me a
mew /ease of life, aud I cannot thank
'Ton too much."
"We, the undersigned, citizens of
Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby eertify
that the above statement, made by
, Mrs. Lake, is true in every, particular
and entitled, to full credeuce."- 0. P.
Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, 0. A.
Wells, Druggist.
I "My baotimai in England, was, for a
long timetunable to attend to his occu-
pation, by reason of sores on his foot
I sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes-
timonials it contained, induced him to
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla: After usiug it
a little while, he was cured., and la no'r
a well man, working in a sugar mill
at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." --
tA. A.ttewell, Sharbot,Lake, Ontario.
,Ayer s erseparllioa,
" R.
.Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, lame,
Pricetai bottles;$5. Worth $5 a bottle.
vamaramocrsamesemoranecs. smersamow"
A certain and speedy cure for
Cold in the Head and Catarrh
in all its stages.
instant Rollef, Permanent Cure,
Failure Impossible,
Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of
Catarrh such as headache, partial deafness, losing
sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting,
nause7, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are
0 ash! ,u1 with any of these or kindred symotoms, you
negh ,It ' ,..;•old M head results in Catarrh,. followed
have- ...arrh, and should lose no time inprocuringa a • of NAsAi, 13Aitt. Be warnee in time,
by consninpliortani death. NASAL BAmt as sold by
all druggists, or 'will be sent, post paid, on receipt of
price (50 cents and Steel by addressing
g„, Beware of imitations similar in name.
SSC. Solid Gold Watch.
Sold for 6100. until lately.
Best ASS Ivatelt in the world.
Perfect timekeeper. War.
ranted. Heavy elk(' Gold
Bunting Cases. Both ladiee
and gents' aizes,with works
and cases of equal value.
One Persortin each lo.
WO, can secure one free,
Soother with our large and val-
uable lino of Alousehold
Sample's. These samples, as
well as tho watch, wo send
Pre, and after you have kept
them In your home for 2 months and shown them to them
who may have called, they become your own proporty,_ Those
who write at once can be sure of receiving the watch
and &simplex Wa_pay all express, freight, eta Address
Stumm dc mow 81g. Portland, Maine.
By mail to any lady sending .ts her oast office
elress: Wells. Richardson &Co., Montreal.
?‘ Tit BY AR
IN NAkig
BALT1 NA 0 IE,Nilt).
enough to tlito
gaper at brie Ailing
' said ittlortaltil
all in ono.
l'OUNT PEN. • qaig
imeaanyponorkindeflaksililsd.by the totemen0 action of
lltortIblerroserniire reads Itself ny Ms twosomeof writings
rilba the poOkettlafellt t finely wade mad dn.
nrdeltet.plate; elipennt to a Otylograpttio gen sang
8au#00stiosti*dr* C
P. 0. Stamps takete, but tliver pteferredi
re Beek teet FREE, Montan title depot
NEI+ ¥0,triaouth, N Z.)
Before the theerful fire to.night,
My wife and I are sitting.
We 'softly Oak of days gone by,
An on our hearts, ouch BIB aorloo lie
, Of baby.
Our treasure was a boy, of course,
And tuoh it a burdy youngster,
VVith hair of gold, and eyes of blue,
And nix white teeth, so straight and true,
Heti beby.
His ohubby hands, all dimpled, too,
And finger, always itchiteg,
To Pall out .hair and poke our eyes,
And ether tricke, to our surprise,
Did baby.
He made my wife a slave, all day,
Keeping him out or miaohief.
He'd pick up pins and dirt, you see,
And put, them in his mouth, would he,
l' Would baby.
And then, at night, when 1 oame home,
He'd orow and smile'to see me.
He'd piek my pookebs, do hie bob,
To grab my pipe (the little pest 1)
That beby.
At aad.timo, too, he'd vex us sore,
With all hie restless antic's,
And when we thought he WAS asleep,
.Around the door, who then would peep,
But baby.
And et: to.night, we sit and think,
01 baby's ways and doings,
And of, those hands and value, now still,
Ansithrough _our hearts suede memories
Oh I baby.
Bute hark I From out tho abillnesa comes,
A voice to soft and locoing,
That reveal, there, has jutawoke
And mulling too, e. master stroke,
Oar balby.
fill the basin with layera of bread and hat.
ter, and between each layer, thgar, blanched
and indeed eireentle, 414 Oilt candied peel,
Val a grating et iiiMen 'peel over 00011
layer ; pour oVer the whole euffigient custard
to fill the mould -made with fottr aeetea
eggs to a pint of milk -cover the Wein
closely, and boil or steam from half to three-
quarters of an hour,
OYSTER Fiona -Line a buttered baking
dish with pastry and place in it a layer of
fine large oysters. Rub two tableapoonfuls
of butter einooth with as much Hoar and,
place amen bite of it here and there on the
oystera. Sprinkle with pepper and 'salt
Follow this with another layer of oyetero,
dotted with butter and aeaeoned as before.
Continue thio proceee until the dish is foal.
Poor in enough oyster lignor to fill the dith
withimen itith of the top and cover all with
a rioh peetry. 11ike until s delicate brown,
rua over with a little butter or white of egg
and aerve hot.
ORANGE SNOW. -This le made the same
as snow pudding, except that tho thin yellow
part of an orange rind is boiled tive minutes
in the water that is to be turned over the
soaked gelatine, and the juice of four large
sour oranges takes the place of the lemon
juice, the quantity of water being din -liable -
ed to allow for the difference in the amount
of juice used. The gelatine is beaten and
the pudding ie served with custard mule or
whipped cream. Candied cherries or biers
of fruit or winej ells? dropped here and there
upon the snow of the pudding add much to
it appearance and also to ite flavor.
Poultry and Meats.
-1, ' ,-,, -.-.-• •••••
-Veep half a head of celery very fiae, M
with it one quart of bread °rumba, pep
and salt to taste, two heaping 136101mM:1f
of butter, and two eggs.' , Staff the turk
with thio, sew up and truss. Wring a lar
Nave of white cotton Cloth out of oo
water, and dredge it thickly with flou
Sew the turkey in this, and put into it p
of boiling water. Let it boil remade:1y f
fifteen minutes; skim carefully, then if
. baok where it will rammer. Allow A hou
for a turkey weighing 9 poande, and 12 mi
Washing in Winter. utes for every additional pound. Serve wit
I feel ante that among our many readers celery sauce. Cat the tender parte .of
soon° women are to be found who do, along head �f celery very fine. Pour on je
with sowing, cooking, sweeping, eta., the water enough tei cover it ; cover the sane
washing for that. families. whim it i, pan and oth where it will simmer one hole
hard enough to do the washing any time in Mix together two tablespoonfuls of flour an
the year, it becomes infinitely worse daring four of butter, and when the celery is tondo
the wInter menthe. The risk to be taken mid this to it, with one pint of milk, an
then is incaloulable. , "II and IPPPer In tube' and gi-Ve the Ian°
The winter washings have been the one boil before serving., "It preferred,
'Primary cause of many a wife ana, mailer boiled turkeY, may be dreeeed. viltd1 oYete
fitiding an early grave. cell it it eivimmit stuffing.imanierved with °tater sauce. . Sa
Hon of Providence if you will, 1 call f b a stitute half a pint of chopped °piton for th
result of hot steam from the tubs, combined calm in the above stuffing, and to`make th
witla carelessness. Realer atrong language, Oyster sauce add half a pint of ohopps
I know, • but if you had seen, as I have, oysters vrith their liquor to a pint of whit
seemingly sensible women go from the sauce, allowing the sauce merely to'come t
steam -heated washroom to the clothes.line the boiling point after such addition.
in the yard, and there in the facie of a eorbh. RoAsT Gooss.-5 tuff the goose with th
ern or southern wind, proceed to hang up following potato dressing: Six potttos
the weekly washing without having taken bolled,, pared and mashed fine and light
other prthaution that, to pin a shawl or one tablespoonful uf salt, one teaspoonful o
some other light wrap over their heads, you Pepper, one spoonful of ssge it tablespoon
would certainly agree with me.that stronger fat of very finell°1KIPPed eni'mli tw° Mhie
things might be said. If it mother does not spoonfuls of butter. Trues. and dredge wal
tare enough for herself to try to preserve with salt, .PePPer and flour. A goos
her health, the ahould at least do so for her weighing eight pounds will rout in a ho
children's sake. oven in Irene one ard a half to two hours
Bat the washing must be done. Certainly, To make the gravy: Wash the heart
the washing must be done in winter as well liver, gizzard and neck, and put on to bed
as summer ; but why not exercise it little phi. in three pints of water; boll down to on
donee? In the firsb place, the wash -room, pint When tender, put the liver on
usually the kitohen, ought nob to become Bo plate, and i mesh fine, then return to th
heated by steam; the outside door should be water in which it was haled' Mix Mv
left open, slightly, to admit cold air, or tablespoonfuls of finer with- half a culotte
opened wide when the clothes are being of cold water; stir into the gravy, season
taken from the boiler. Bab the laundress well with salt and pepper, and set book
must not stand in the draught,. Then when where it will eimmer for twenty minutes.
the clothes are ree,d, for the line, I would When the goose is done, take it up, and
urge you to lab the 'glide mon' lung them tipping the dripping pan to one side to bring
out; true he may not hang them as Baiting. all the grew, together, skim off every par.
Really as you would, but you should be satire dole of lat. Place the pan on the top of the
'tied. His hands are not so sueceptible to stove and turn into it one cupful of water.
°old as yours are. Indeed, I think it will Let this boil top, in the meantime scraping
hurt no MAU to help his wife wash when everything from the sides and bottom of the
her one pair of hands must do so mu oh. 1:4111. Tarn this into the made gravy in
Ib will be better, ranoh batter fear you to the eaucep en, boil up once, and nerve in the
dry your clothes in the house. An' attic to gravy tureen. With toast goose serve apple
dry olothea in is it luxury possessed by sauce made as, follows : Pare, core, and cut
few. Now, if you do not havo 4,our up half a drzen tart apples, and stew them
clothes dried in the house, and if there is in just stufielent water to keep. them from
no one to ABSISt you, then do take some
. , ,
burning. When side remove from the fire,
care of yourself. , Pull down your sleeves, and hnnt.and ninth them "'meth With illiffi.
put it cloak on -a shawl will not do, for cleat sugar to sweeten, adding, if you like,
when you raise your arms ib blows back, it small bit of butter. Serve oold.
allowing the cold to strike you over the Roan Ducks - The directions given for
chest and langs. Pat overshoth on, wrap roasting. and stuffing it goose may be need
eomething warm about your head, and foriluoks, with the sante method of soaking
wear mittens of cotton flannel or .wloite the gravy. Instead of apple sauce, ouirant
yarn, if you can use them, and tie a silk or grape jelly may be tweed with them.
handkerchief, or something equally close GLAZED Kar -Wash it fine corned -not
over your month. I make this emphalto smoked ham; soak all night in cold water,
for the reason that it is a precaution rarely and boil about eighteen minute e to the
baken, and yet it; is a most necessary one. pound. ' Where should be plenty of water in
When one is warm, respiration il more the pot, cold at first, and brought gradually
rapid, and it seems as though air eould not to a boil. Skim well from time to time. Let
be taken in the lunge fast enough througih it get cold in the water in whMh it was
the nostrils; the result is that breathing es boiled; take it out, remove the skin osre.
done through the month, and •the air fully, and press soft paper on the to of the
reaches the lungs without being tempered, ham to take off 4.he clinging drops of groan.
as it were. The cold air etriking theheated Brueh all over with beaten ege. Work it
lungs will certainly bring on some de- cup of relied and sifted soda or oyster
rangement, and having the mouth tied up, crackers into a petite with warm milk, butter,
thus compelling the neorile to do their pepper, salt, and a beatoie egg. Coat the
thown work, cannot, you see, be otherwise ham thickly with this, and set to brown in
an advantageolvi, We cannot afford to A moderate oven. When again cold, pin or
run any risks where health is concerned. paste frilled paper around the knuokle.
Another thing I would urge itt the wearing
of woolen dresses during the winter. So
many women wear calico and gingham dress.
ea, whioh are sure to find their way to the
wash every week, making additional work.
A flannel or cashmere dress, after having
been worn for beab until ib begins to look
shabby, can often be made to do service as
an overy-day dress for one winter, any way,
sometimes for two wintero and need not be
in the wash, either, if one 'is careful. Many
woinen who do their own a ork buy half wool
armee for every day. They of course line
them all through. Mach of the so-called
.1 4 cheap dress goods" will give as much wear
AS the more expepeive goods. . Of mune it
is cloeelywoven goods that wear best,
Oae ought to atudy how to ,eave 'washing
in winter. A pair of :sleeves made ,to draw
over the dress sleeves, a rubber runlet at the
top and buttoned at the wrist, is nnii Way to,
economize; there are many others, however.,
0 t
n -
one will think them out.
Some 'rested Reeipea. .
HAN Setart.-One pound of boiled ham,
&eloped dna; oneelealf dozen of small
pleklee, chopped fine; add A little chopped
oelery and setve with salad drooling.
CA/ten Bueerie.-latib a tablespoonful of
eapere, finely ohoppedi through a /dove,
with a wooden spoon; add one.fourth
ealtspeonfid of poppet and one ohmic 'of
oold btitter, one saltapeental of rah, Put a
layer of this under the firth to be genre&
Pone° Cases. -Take cold lassbed pato,
tow left oVer front a previous natal and
form them hete little eiaketr, using a little
flout to term their, but nob mixing it bete
the potato; armee etaa ple, plate, glass
With beaten egg and bake a delicate brown,
, TRTH011eb PODDYNO.-Batter well a pa&
ding er plain mottld, flour lb well,
antack, robatien over the Weide,
ralsintr, sliced candled peel, or drie42
Passsan Tosons,--Put a salt tongue into
cold water, bring it to 'a boil and skim;
then allow in to simmer at the back of the,
stove for five or six hours. When tender,
remove from the pot, akin and out away the
unsightly portion at the root. Presa the tip
round to the reel:, and in this form place it
In a entail round tin or saucepan its own
size in .cirouraferenoe. The tin should be
fiefebottomed and have straight sides.
Cover with a cloth, over that place it small
reund of tin or a plate, and upon that a
weight of at least eight pounds. After
being under prima for ten or twelve hours
the tongue will turn oub of the mould in
compact form, and ohould be carved in
slioes across the top.
, -----e-e--.....
Orowded Streets.,
Some statistic:a recently publiehed by the
city of Berlin show that London fitment aro
on oho whole the Most crowded of any elty
In Europe. In 1878 It was etwertained that
43,014 people peossed every'16 hours itiong
the Loipziger &roost+ he Berne, and in 1883,
36,000 people oreweed the Jentiotiing Bridge
every 18 louts. The meat orowded 'bridge
in Berlin is the °retain over wialeth 80,000
people peas every 18 bours. In 1881, 58,-
743 passed along th. Mentz Stemma every
16 bouts, ana 47,506 along the Getraudben
Strasee. In London it le estimated 110,-
625 peclactaliene pose over London Bridge
aally ; over Blackfriers 79,108; West-
mit:doter, 44,460; Viheteidoo, 32,815, Thin
Pont Ned, Park'
moat orewded thoroughfare in Europe is the t
This Hotel has been entirely to -fitted and
renewed ; It is eenttally located, end within
a atones thre* a the: junction and Post
Office. Lanark and Appleton etago call
daily. Special advantages t� conimereial
traffic. Livery In connection, Everything I
Homarmeme Itesterattoo to Heron or
Wenwteeliieon4yeeal:Atio;IllittstXnklellroltt en, reser)
Front the few of the hundreds of letters
we heve received from who bevel
been restored to health and strength by
the use ef that wonderful discovery,
Paine's Celery Compotind, we make a
few extrects. We hope that the thou.,'
Sands of Canadian men and women who
are suffering from nervous and wasting
diseases, will profit by these true and
Plain statements of facts.
D, S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered
for years with nervous dyspepsia, pain in
his back, and sleeplessness. He tried doc-
tors without relief, 'vas losing flesh rapidly,
and had about given up heart when he
commenced the use of Paine's Celery
Compound. "Now," he says, "I em a new
man. I sleep well and my food does not
hurt me."
Mr. Jas. Johnson, 302 St. Charles Boa.
romee Street, Montreal, was weak and
nervous, had no appetite, and could not
rest at night. His nerves were soothed
and stiongthened by Paine's Celery Com.
poUnd, and he soon became well and
Annie Gourley, of River Beaudette,
P. Q., found the Compound a certain cure
for weakness, and now feels as well as she
ever did. •
LA customer of Harriscin Bros., drug-
gist, Hamilton, Ont., told them that he
, was entii ely coited of nervous weakness by
the use of two bottles of the Compound,
, .
after everything else has failed.
The little child of Mrs. G. E. Meredith,
76 D'Arcy Se, Toronto, was cured of St.
Vitus' Dance by Paine's Celery 'Compound.
NarazIADInf ANANnumgat
Who'is Vifeak, Nervous, Debilitated,
Whoin hla Folly and Ignorance boo Tri-
fiedawayene Vigor of Body, Mind and
.Nlanhood, causing exhatistins drains upoio
the Fount a irisdD
f L.riefaes. Nweeaadkanoehsee,
'Iaokaohe, Dreadful
r Memory, Bashfulness b SOCISAY,
Pimples moon the Face and eal the Effects
Sading to Early Decay, Consumption
r Ineanity,11wD1 Una in our specific) No. as a
loeltive Cure. 'it imparts Youthful
Igor restores the vital power in old and
Dung, strengthens ons d invigorates the Brain
IrAd NOrVegs, builds up the muscular system
n arouses into action the Whole physical
energy of the human frame. ,With our specific
No. 22 Cab most obstinate caso can be cured in
three mouths, and recent ones in less tlaan thirty
days. Each paokage cor.tains two weeks treat
ment. Price $2. (lures Guaranteed. Our spec.
Me No. 24 is an infallible Cure for ail Private
Diseases no matter of how longstand-
ing., Sold under our vrritten Cuarantee to
effect it Cure. Price 85. Toronto Me,dioins
Co.. Toronto. Ont.
Azov LADIES ONLY. .4112m
Far superior to Ergot, Tansy. Pennyroyal or'
Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladle:
who nse them MONTHLY. Never tall. Relieve
pain, 'INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and
Effectual. Price, $2. Toronto Medicine Co.
Toronto. Ont.
593 Sesving-Bdfaelsine
0...i.,.. sfeo at once °stab I ieh
trade in all parts; by Il ,
.,,A!' -'''',and gotids where the people .no se
placing our machines
them, NVO will send free to, le
person in each locality,t on ot ry
best sewing-machm
ine ade n
the world,with all the anal own a.
Wo vvill Also ,and tree a complete
lino of our costly nod vnItt 2,2, 051.
samplo. In retum wo ask t at you
show what we semi, 1 J til 0 0 who
may -call nt yourhome, nod after 2
*005(h5 011 shall become yo w own
y. s grand tune dna is
made after the Singer potato,
which have run 011t , bofore mons
run 010 11 sold forSOrt. i ith the
attachments, and now s Bs for
S150. Best, strongest, most use.
fel machine in the ' world. All is
free. No capital required. Plain
brief instructions given. Those who wn
e The best graving -machine to us at once can se-
cure treaving-machine in the world. and the
Mast line 0 f works of high ort over ahown together in America.
ematum at CO., Box 140, Augusta. Ittaine•
Exeter Butcher. Shop
Butcher &General Dealer
—an ALL Rums or—
.E A T
'astern° r s supplied TUESDAY'S , THURS.
,LYS AND SILTUBDAYS at their :esidence
num 611
nthriVir.8,41.11N67, 70/V.
- 28' LINION.SQUARE,N4 't„
a.t.jt: Juno
.60401rd .riBNDISE OLOCX,
The 'Hazard's aatest invention le Dielbellt
cal In its Peed/Mutes.
'Moines Eileen, the phenomena) inventor,
has reached a critioal etage in his coreet,
and it would be a strenge same: n of fate, if
his latest inveotion ohould melte hien poet
tively.alrborreet to tho gro wieg generation,
Over no his laboratory at L'eweilyn park is
this invention, It heti bece tried and found
perfeob, and it is a phonographic clock
which, instead of chiming the hours oalla
them oub at every quarter in a voles,full ot
clearness. It mity be fitted with sing oat to
suit the purpoees for whioa it rev he in
:leaded. To a reperter is via i exhibited
The Inventor wee cheery awl phit MI, as
an imalwaysprovonise,nb, littte 1ncl b;;11
market now it miglit Ewa you rc»rbar
a groat deal of worrimeut. For inetande
sty, you are at a political meeting with a'
dczea speakers carded. Toy are to have a
half hour. You know what a flatten thee is,
Bat now, if you had a clock like thie, doe
how it would work," and here Mr, Edison
placed a ad within it. He pointed the hand
to the quarter of an hour, and a vole came
ringing out : "This apeaker is half thremitha
At the half hour the clock blurted out :
'The audience will pletwe nob extort). The
gentleman now gives way another.'
"The only fear I have,' colitinued Mr.
Eidson, 1iie that the young unmarried folks
may not relieh Ita You ate married? N�?
i/Vell, I don't give this out ao a bribe,
but when you get entarglecl in the prelim.
Mantes come to me and I will give you one
that you may present to the &natty into
which you aspire to be admitted. It will
be a fibber. I'm a little in doubt about the
popularity of the parlor cloak with the
younger people."
Mr. Edison has good reason to fear. .A
more tanMliaing ornament to a pair of ar
dent lovers than a raatrimonial parlor phone'.
graphio clack cannot be imagined. Fancy,
for instance a Sunday evening in a oczy
parlor with 'two hearts beating as one, start-
led by a voice from the mantel :-" Geoa
night, a fond good night:. In another hour
it will be midnight.' Then dolefully at a
comes out its hoarse oroakings, un
quarter past and eaoh suceeedingbilqiular5t57
when it blurts out :--
" In five minutes more it will be to.raor.
row," and every ten minutes subsequently
the air is filled with its maudlins, such aa:
"Ah !how still the hour." "Mabel, I am
watching thee, ha, ha " "Methinkti I hear
the spirit of thy mamma upon the stairs."
Please don't heed mei ; is my misfortune
that I must warn you that the hour is half -
peat 12." "Did I hear yoa ask me to get
that hat ?" Will you kindly remember me
in your prayers ?" "Look oub! I hear a
footstep. Ha, bit! I was only fooling thee.
I'll soon have to call father to go M hie office
-And so the clock jabbers on most exesperat-
ingly. Of course the words are sat to suit
the circumstances. If the wooer be a favor-
ed person of °purse the language will be
different, the tone of the clock will be sweet
and shnperieg, and the words coy and cap
tivating.-[N. Y. Press.
An anecdote which le told of the "An.
gelue," Millet's greatest work, which was
lately brought to America, may interest our
After the pieture was first sketehed in, a
friend of the artist stood observing it
"How dote the meaning strike you ?" said
Millet, who had previously declared that he
intended by thie picture to express the truest
worehip. Thepainter's ovrn faith was as
sinap4 as that of a child and firm as tint of
wiee wan.
"It means to me," said his friend, "Shat
there is no use in prayer. There stand the
worshipping peasants on their dull fields
beneath rs dumb black sky. Where is their
answer 1' '
Millet smiled, and with a few strokes of
his brush brought in a ray of sunlight from
the horlien. The whole gray aky lifted and
arched itself; the lanai:lap° from that ono
beam was filled with hope and promiee.
The contnooneet houee decorator, follow.
ing the same rule, will tell you to 'light the
inside edges of your roof if you wish the
whole dwelling to appear lofty and cheerful
to its inmates.
Cannot our shrewd young readers gather
some hint from this for their daily 000upe.
If the every -day routine of your life is
low -hung, dull and gray, like Millet/,1 fields,
let in some cheerful beam of light upon it.
Any monotonous occupation or round of
duties, however eood or useful, wears on the
brain and nerves, and produces irritability
and ill -humor. There are mornings on which
every member of a family appears at break.
fast under a oloud, the result, perhapa, of
overwork, dyepapaie. or some secret trouble.
How is the beara Of light to be let in, and
the whole horizon of the day lifted?
If there Man artist in human nature in the
household with goodavill and tact, he or the
will contrive some littleigayety for the even-
ing, or an hone.' stroll Into the country, or
will bring home a good novel. Any amen°
ment will answer which changes the current
of thought and recreates the wasted powers.
If your ordinary occupation brings you in.
to contact with masses of people, treat your.
self to a balmy interval of solitude; or, if, on
the contrert, you are too much alonei go into
a crowd. There is a magnetism, a stimulant,
which reaches us from henne,n beings, more
powerful than any totio.
These are small rays of light, yet it is
surprising how quickly they lift our horizon
and widen our day.
At best, however, they are but homely,
practical methode which serve only a tran-
sient purl:Iowa &rely one of our readers
whose life is hopelessly dull and' dead, surely
knows how to open it to the one true Light.
lie lima Ataractic kingcro.
*ThOl'cietotietts Cotineard with the Johns
Hoiikint Univaraiby are engaged in investig-
ating the pecullat powers possessed by the
fingers of Louis Hamburger, the 21 year old
eon of Philip Hamburger, it well.known mer-
akant of New York. Wben the hande of the
young man are thoroughly dried and touohod
to any poliehed object tbey hold lb like a
inegnet. Ile tan thus raise up it quantity of
,eine which will dangle from them, kis index
Mogen posseesing the quality Irene than any
*then. He also raietei up a eats tithe
freighted with a shr pound weight. Profes.
ler Willitten Siaten has Win in charge, and
Paonoses to glee wane sotentlfio experiments
before the joheta litepkins Soientlfio &soca
bpesik Englisho
SirAngfir-mDlela podesteeelo' pas tale
way a few ruhanste ago t''
Granger -,-"No' sor. I've been enter bkls
letter pateh for more'n a notori an' :totter a
thing has past espt one nolitary Nan, ale he
Wal tesomeitte" eriOng on foot.
Nei rairiEN a few doses of Ayer's Cherry
V V Pectoral will relieve yenta Txy
Keep it in the Meuse. rote are liable to
Itave a coggh et any-
time, ana no other
remedy is so effeetive
as this
renowned prepare,
tion. No household,
with young children,
should be wittout it.
Scores of lives are
towed every year by
its timely use.
Anearida, B. Jenner, Northamptou,
alaas., writes; " Common gratitude len,
pais me to acknowledge the groat bene.
ilts I have derived for my children front
the use of Ayer'e most excellent Cherry
Pectoral. I had lost two dear children
from croup and consumption, and bed
the gyeatest fear of losing noy only re-
daughter and sou, as they were
delicate. Happily, 1 find that by en.vieg
them, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the fast
symptoms of throat er leng trouble, they
are relieved from danger, and are bee
coming robust, healthy children."
"In the winter et 1885 I took a had
celd vrhich, spite of every k
reniedy, grew vrorso, so that th -
physician considered nee inciertaible stip_
posing me to be in consumption. 'As a.
last resort I tried Ayer' e Cherry Peet°.
ma, and, in a short time, the cure watt
complete. Since then, I have neve x been
without this medicine. I am fifty 3te5r3
of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at.,
tribute my good health to the use of
Ayer's Cheery l'ectoral."_t3.W,Youlter.
Salem, IT. J.
"Last winter I contracted a tovere
cold, which by repeated exposure, be-
came quite cbstinate. I was much
trotzbled with hoarseness and bronchial
irritation. After trying various needle
eines, -without relief, I at last purchasest
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ott
taking this medicine, my cougk ceased
almost immediately, ana I have been
well ever since." -Rev. Thos. B. Russell.
Secretary Holston Conference and P. E.
of the Greenville District, al, EL C.,
Jonesboro, Tenn. '
Ayer's Cherry Pectorai,
,Bzw:azro BIC
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
Bold by all Druggists. FrIce41; six bottles $5..
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piceeent to Mimi OOritatti thebryvtt
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