HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-23, Page 22New Low Price! 14/2 NIIAD7 In 100 -Ft. Or 250 - Ft. RQIIs. COPPER ELECTRIC WIRE ar .7c 8Foot In Rolls 100 FT. ROLL 58.70 250 -FT. ROLL . $21.75 Our Small Lot Price! "TRIMLINE" 2x4 -8's Spruce! Dressed 3 sides to 1-3/8" x 3-9/16". 83 c EACH Cleating Now! STUD GRADE ..:1.14 Full Normal Thickness Page 6--Qf cssn a --October. 22 19M - X.• N 9 -- 1 v :. .... 4; . .... ... 4 w.,..N.:No atoi. A► ,A,... ... N. •► oi. i..0,4,4,601,4.04b i...1 r t / TRY IT J)°11 • • • ,, .d 1 ,G 't�, /: i11 1 '',.....:;.........., ,, ,............„1 -'ll t y Marg utrkhart At this time of year, the kiddies start to look forward to Hallowe'en. Having enough goodies on hand to greet your little friends when they come knocking at your door can often present a problem. Many of us still tend to do things the easiest way and end up buying candy rather than making our own. I have several recipes which should reduce the costs of your treats, and which I am sure you will enjoy making. First off all, to set the mood for your own youngsters, I suggest you serve them `burger -spooks' for lunch or dinner. BURGER -SPOOKS 1 Lb. Ground Beef Cheese Slices Hamburger Buns Prepare the ground beef as you ii/ould for hamburger patties. Using a sharp knife, cut out Jack`o'lantern designs on the cheese slices. Toast the ham- burger buns under the broiler. Put a cooked hamburger patty on each bun half. Then, put a cheese slice on top of this. Place under boiler until cheese begins to melt. (You can also make these using just the cheese slices on the toasted bun.) 0-0-0 Popcorn balls seem to have a special place in every trick -or - treat bag. This is also one of the less expensive treats for mothers to make. You will need a bag of caramels which will cost you about 2 cents per caramel, and popcorn, which again is very inexpensive. CARAMEL POPCORN BALLS 1/4 lb. caramels 1 tablespoon water 3 cups popped corn Melt caramels in water in a saucepan. over low . heat. Pour over the popcorn which has been placed in a greased bowl. With wet or greased hands, form the popcorn and caramel mixture into tiny balls about the size of a golf ball. Makes about 20 popcorn balls: , 0-0=8 When I was a youngster, I looked forward to Hallowe'en night just to get a taste of tome - made chocolate fudge. I suppose there are a good many children today who will be looking for that same treat next week. I don't know what the secret ingredients were for the fudge I enjoyed, but I have two fudge recipes in my collection that I feel will please any taste buds. CHOCOLATE FUDGE 2-8 oz. packages semi sweet chocolate 1-15 oz. can condensed milk 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add condensed milk and stir until _-thick. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and nuts. Pour into a greased pan and chill until firm. FIVE MINUTE FUDGE 2-3 cup undiluted evaporated milk 1 2-3 cups granulated sugar Vz teaspoon salt 11,2 cups minature marshmallows 11/2 cups semi -sweet chocolate pieces 1 Teaspoon vanilla Combine evaporated milk, sugar, and salt in saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly. (Start timing when mixture starts to bubble around edges of pan.) Remove from heat. Add marshmallows, chocolate and vanilla. Stir vigor- ously for one minute or until marshmallows are completely melted. Pour into 8 inch square buttered pan. Garnish with nuts. Cool. Cut into squares. HOUSEHOLD HINTS: Don't throw hard paint brushes away. Put them in a saucepan' of vinegar and boil them. They'll come out as soft as new ones. Place a nail in very hot water before driving it into a plaster wall. It lessens the danger of crumbling the plaster. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q. Do you think it is in good taste for a divorcee to be the honoree at one or more small parties before her second marriage? She did not live in this town during her first marriage, and her prospective bridegroom was not previously married. A. I see no reason at all why she should not have parties given for her. Q. Is it permissible at the table to cut a croquette with the knife' A. No. Both the cutting and the eating of this item are performed with the fork. Q. What is the correct way to eat bread, biscuits, or rolls? A. Bread is the most mishandled of all foods. It should be broken, a small piece at a time, buttered, then placed in the 'mouth. Never take a whole slice of bread on the palm of the hand and plaster it with butter. The same small -piece -at -a -time rule applies to biscuits and rolls. Q. 1 see more and more women shaking hands with other women and men upon being introduced. Is this now considered the proper thing? A. Although still optional. I like women who shake hands ... showy more sincerity and warmth over a meeting or introduction thafn just a nod of the head. BURGER -SPOOKS set the mood for trick -or -treating. Serve them at lunch or at dinner and watch your youngsters gobble them up. Depending on how much you let the cheese melt, you can create some real spooky faces. Try it . . . you'll like it. 2x4 -8's ECONOMY KILN -DRIED Spruce and Jack Pine, 96" or precision end trimmed to 92-5/8". SORRY - NO SORTING!! eac CUSTOMERS, NOTE: Some Items In Limited Quantity As Available. All Items First come, First Served!! RETTrit !ENGLISH By D. C. Williams WOR 1 S OFTEN MISUSED Avoid the use' of .'locate" for "find." Do not say. "He looked everywhere, but was unable to lo- cate his friends." Say, "villas unable to FIND his friends." Do not say, "They had a bliz- Lard in their town last week." Say, "THERE WAS a blizzard in their town last week." Do not say, "He is one of those persons who is always welcome at a party." Say , "He is one of those persons who ARE always welcome at a party." "Persons" is the plural ,I,bject of the verb, "are." Do not say, "I couldn't keep from coughing while she was talk- ing to me." Say, "I couldn't AVOID coughing while she was talking WITH me." Q ENJSPRQIN C D: E8plctiVe• ' 0A0.iAnatau5r 43tl !f PrQa0,09~0gkftfilph-tiv, aCCcni t i(l. rg 4y1i. SincwA P O.E49V 11%, si$4.,14 a' tvo,P¢ (pretenca ), accent on fat. sy11401e, 1�lihii(;i1. Pounce n�gla -4 st, accent I31 SA 5y11401e. Traverse. Accent on first syl- lable, preferred. Fait accompli (an accomplished fact). Pronounce feh-ta-kahn-plee, .accent last syllable. WORD STUDY "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us increase our vo- cabulary by mastering one word each day. Words for this lesson: VAPID; . insipid; flat; dull. (Rhymes with "rapid"). "Must we continue to listen to her vapid chatter?" STENTORIAN; very loud or powerful in sound. "He gave his orders in a stentorian voice." DISABUSE; to free (a person) from deception or error; to set right. "His travels disabused him of many illusions about human na- ture." Savings for Builders REDUCED!! TRUCKLOT SAVINGS!! ON 4,000 -FT. LOADS SPRUCE DIMENSION LUMBE Our "Big Job" low prices for your complete House, Cottage, Barn Job, etc.! Prices in this section are based upon minimum orders of 4,000 Board Feet Or More - Or Square Footages Of Items Combined - For House. Cot- tage, Barn Jobs, Etc. Prices Are Those That Were In Effect When This Adver- tisement Went To Print and They are subject to change UP ,OR DOWN at any time WITHOUT NOTICE in accord with market conditions and government guidelines! SMALL ORDER PRICES NIGHER "TRIMLINE" STUDS - SAVE 545.00M COMPARED TO OUR REGULAR 2x4 -8's Construction 20/25% Standard M (5/10% Utility) Dressed 3 sides to 1-3/8" by 3-9/16". Excellent stock dressed 3/16" scant of normal thickness. but full normal width. CLEARING NOW! 2x4-8's$I ROO 2x4 8's GRAD E arr No.2 & BETTER (N.L.G.A. 1970) Dressed Normal Thickness And Width 2x4's 2x6's 2x8's 2 x10'5 10' to 16' 8' to 16' 8' to 16' 8' to 16' 19592 $lggu; 227t° $23901 1x8, 10, 12 White Pine Roof Boards (Not at all yards) $187 M SMALL ORDER PRICES HIGHER INSULATION BATTS 2 Glass Fiber! 15" for 16'' 0.C. 7 100 SO. FEET $679 R-7 InsulationCARTON Factor • 70 SQ. FEET 699 3,, R-10 Insulation Factor CARTON SMALL ORDERS ADD 28' PER CARTON 7 /16" Asphalt Impregnated SHEATHING- $3.09 BOARD 4x9 . SMALL ORDER PRICES HIGHER 4'x8' $2.74 ALUMINUM SIDING "REYNOLDS" 8." Horizontal White 50 100 Sq. Ft Coverage Small Lots s51:95 4'x8' GYPSUM ALLBOARI 3/8" $2.82 1 /2" $2.97 Small Order Prices Higher GYPSUM PRICES VARY AT SOME YARDS 4'x8' so ;moo PLYWOODS SANDED 1/4" 9 3/8" ....... $10.86 V.I.S. 1/2" $12.97 FIRPLY 5/8" $14.61 3/4" $16.88 STANDARD SELECT STANDARD FIR FIR SPRUCE 5/16" 55.72 $6.96 $5.17 `3/8" . 56.44 $7.71 55.69 1/2" '8.27 '9.98 $7.44 5/8" 510.41 '11.97 59.16 3/4" '12.46 513.74' 90.98 5/16" Select Spruce .... $6.27 5/8" T&G Select Spruce . $10.98 5/8"' T&G Select Fir $12.44 Note: Some Sheathing Items In Short Supply. SPRUCE SHEATHING ON CLEARANCE BASIS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY (NOT AT ALL YARDS) SMALL ORDERS ADD 24' TO 38' SHEET DEPENDING ON THICKNESS 4'x8' PANELLING "HERITAGE BIRCH 11 Mill run 4mm. Printed Prefin- ished panelling . . economy for rec room. OUR PRICE PANEL "KORPAN" First Quality Mismatched Vee -Groove Lauan Plywood MAHOGANY S S 97 Run -Of -Pile Selection 45 PANEL UTILITY LAUAN PANELLING (as available) $3.97 WEL.DW00D "SECONDS" Asserted Prefinished Overlaid Plywood Weedgrains! If Perfect, We Would Sell For 57.59 Panel. See These!! 98 PANEL Run-Of-P!ie Selection •ROSEWOOD •ELM WALNUT e & OTHERS (As Available) Economy Overhead Steel GARAGE DOORS With Hardware! Primecoated Both Sides. 8'x7' $97.70 9'x7' $107.45 16'x7' _$219.00 INDOOR/OUTDOOR CARPETING Foam•Backed For Indoor Use! Needlepunch Carpet. Colours As Available! 5757 SQUARE YARD "COLONIAL" CARPET Extra -Low Price On 12 Sq. Yards Or Morel Multi -Colour first quality Acrylic & Nylon Carpet with foam backing!! 12 ! SO. YARDS $ 79 SQUARE OR MORE YARD 1-11 SQUARE YARDS _53.99 SQ. YARD .RED.UCED!1 6MM. PARTICLEBOARDS CMHC approved for floor under -ley. -Useful also for .closet linings, panelling, etc.! 4'x4' $1.74 4'x8' 53.49 l Now AV11000 `' )$T A (D 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Dnt*rle RESIDENTIAL, CQMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTU Interim Financing For New Construction G La e4 Devitt" ent For Representatives In Your Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect • Head Office - 56 Weber St. E., Kitchener, Ont. -We Buy Existing Mortgages,for ilristd'nt Cash -- and Build -it -Yourself People WINDOW SALE! OUR ECONOMY NOME AND COTTAGE WINDOW UNITS 2'6x1'9" $15.95 3'0x1'9" $17.45 3'0x2'6" $21.85 4'0x2'6" $24.95 Single. GlazedDouble Glazing and Screens at Extra cost. Rough Stud Opening Add 4" to width, 3" to height. SALE ENDS SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1st!! CALIFORNIA REDWOOD NO FINGER JOINTS! BUY THE BEST! OUR "REDI-VUE" DELUXE SASHLESS $24 95 GLAZED 2'0x2'0" EACH To Keep You Snug And 2'6x2'6" . 34.75 Warm This Winter!! 3'0x2'6" $37.95 Clear California 3'0x3'0" $41.45 Redwood double4'0x2'6" $45.20 glazed with 3/16" 4`0x3'0" $49.40 Crystal Glass. Screens optional.extra. Made 5'0x3'0" $57.95 right at our own large 6'0X3'0" 565.75 Millwork plant at Ajax, „ Ontario!! 6'0x316" $78.35 Glass Sizes Given. Rough Stud Opening add 4" to width, a" to height. • DOUBLE NAILS PER 5041. CARTON!!! 3",31/2",4" 3",31/2",4" COMMON SPIRAL 11.95 SO -Lb. Cortese SO -Lb. Carton While They Last!! "B" GRADE WHITE Reverse Trap TOILETS $9750 EACH "A" GRADE WHITE TOILETS $34.95 Toilet Seat & Cover $2.80 Special - Four Stocked Patterns! 1 2"x1 2" PEEL 'n STICK FLOOR TILES In Cartons Ai/2t of 45 pieces EACH Shop Grace 1/4" SANDED 4'x8' FIRPLY .$ 5 8 4 SHEET Any QNantity! 12 -FT. LENGTHS 1/2" COPPER PIPE $269 LENGTH DELUXE 11/4" ALUMINUM DOORS Safety Tempered Glass. Self -Storing Storm & Screen!! 2'8x6'8" or 2'10x6'10" 84 EACH Mill Finish 13/4" CEDAR ENTRANCE DOORS Reduced Prices For you!! CC[ N0: 130 GLAZED $44, so 2'8"x6'8" "BUCKINGHAM" , 64. 50 SOLID, 2'10x6'10" NO: 130 DUTCHMAN "DUTCHMAN" X8700 DOOR DOOR GLAZED, 2'10x6'10" • JUST BRING US YOUR MEASUREMENTS!! With Fibreglass Screen! Custom Comb. Storm & Screen ALUMINUM WINDOWS One. Window Width Plus One Window Height Arje Required To Determine United Inches. CENTRE BAR STYLE Up to 38 United Inches Side Slider Style Units Also Available At Extra Cost. Both Centre Bar and Side Slider Styles Available In White Enamel Finish at $5.00 Extra Per Window. 98 EACH UNITED INCHES PRICE 38-1/8 to 49 49-1/8 to 59 59-1/8 to 74 74-1/8 to 87 87.1/8 to 100 14.71 16.69 18.93 21.57 24.64 OVER 100 UNITED INCHES ADD 67' PER UNITED INCH GP "GEORGIA - PACIFIC" Fully Prefinished White Hardboard LAP SIDING Nail -On System. Nails Not Included. 75 96 SO. FT BUNDLE REDUCED LOW PRICE - WHILE IT LASTS!! Open Weekdays 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Saturday to 5 P.M.; Fridays to 9 P.M. OUR NEWEST LOCATION CALL ATWOOD 356-2214 ATWOOD (Formerly Atwood Lumber Co. Ltd.) Located on Main St., (Highway 23) East Side, just south of the CNR crossing, about 5 miles south of Listowel - Now serving the Listowel, Atwood, Brussels, Milverton and district. 1 P4 C N Redw.y = ATWOOD BRUSSELS 13 mile, 1 1 lISTOINEI 5 miles 441441411141414' 1 - NEWRV Y 11 mill, MIIVERTON "ZONOLITE" OR MICAFIL HAND -POURING INSULATION $I39 Most ` BAG yards 3 CU. FT. BAGS! (Size Approximate) Brockville, Cornwall, Ottawa Yards, Renfrew, Pembroke, North Bay, New Liskeard, Sault, Sudbury $259 BAG 4'x8' RIGID FOAM INSULATION 1/2" 51.58 3/4" x 4'x8' $2.47 1"x4'x8' $3.29 2"x4'x8' $6.57 Qti With Hardware, Hinges Installed. Knobs Extra. Mahogany 2 -Panel BI -FOLD DOORS I. 2-8x6-5 $ 3.95 2-6x6-5 $16.75 2 -ere -s $18.65 r -3-0x6-5_ $18.65 _ Louvered Doors Available At Extra Cost. Paint Grade 1-3/8" Interior MAHOGANY DOORS ri----------7 1-6x6-6 S7.95 `---� 141)4-6 S9.20 \1' 1-10x6-6 $9.20 , I2 -0x6-6 . $9.45 J 2-2:6-6 $9.i0 `�', 2-4x6-6 $10.20 2-6:6-6 $10.65 �' 28x66 $11.15 Other Door 2.10:6-6 $14,95 Sties Also Available!! 3-0x7-0 $16.20 "GURNEY" KITCHEN BUILT-INS. REDUCED!! COUNTER TOP RANEE $14950 About 4'/4"x26'/4"x21" overall. Has recessed cooking surface, 2 element signal lights, special speed heat 8" element and more!! NEW DELUXE flitsgmL-- OVEN s25700 � Continuous Clean model with con- venient 'Rotisserie! Overall size about 32-3/8" x 24-5/8" x 24". Loaded with features!! . NATURAL BIRCH ECONOMY READY -BUILT KITCHEN CABINETS Ready to paint! Counter top, faucet, etc. not included in prices shown but are readily available at Cashway. 54ys UPPER CABINET $59.35 BASE CABINET $76.50 7299 UPPER CABINET $72.20 BASE CABINET $94.30 9699 UPPER CABINET $92.45, BASE CABINET $124.55 Prefinished "Acadian" and "West - mount" style cabinets also available at extra cont. Ideal "starter" sets. See them At Cashway!!