HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-23, Page 7P .2
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'72 TOYOTA 4,..Door
, Q CHIY$LE*, 40door
.powsr s,
,M.ETE �l ' 500
'69 PLYMOUTH 4400r
• S+ a '4 Otosiioilo
'68:C.HEK, ..1100rOop
�NVNE 357.300:2'
Is your
phone book
Piease tell us now, before
we print your new direc-
tory.cLook-up your listipg,
in the current directory
and, if you wish to have
it changed,
Dial "0" (zero) and ask
for Business Office be-
fore November 25th.
pot Welt supper on 'Oetoher 24. move4 to, their reeentlY Put'
They eow% find there are to many chased hoose on Satorday. Th•
other , .function* be)ng .held, 00, house w‘ga formerly owned IV
tgher *4 oo4onother night 'will Mr, and ivirs, Wellwood• of Vim -
WO 19 Oe',ArrangV91.. coqiver are visiting with Mr.
recent 'visitor with Mrs.- Lester Visitors on Saturoay with' Mrs.
F4coner, of Colross and other,
Nr. and- Wir's; Wallace Conn,'
after spending two weeks in the ,
west t and British Columbia _
arrived home on Friday.evening.
.Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith were
very pleased with the garage sale.
which they had on 'SaturdaY- ,
Most of their articles ,were sold.
Miss s Barbara and Jean
Camp tl of Lendon spent .the
weeken Iwith Mrs. Robert R95,3
and attended the farm auction
sale of Russel Ross. ,
ph'. and Mrs. Jim Ross, „Mark
and Cathy cif Kitchener spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs
Russel Ross and assisted at the
auction sale. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ggity Johnston,
Phillip, Wayne and' Margaret of
MildMay visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore -and
Mrs. Gertie Tiffin of Wingham
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. George Young and family of
Langside who will be moving in
the near tuture to Wingham.
Mrs. John de Boer, Mrs. Simon
de Boer of LucknoW and Mrs..
Peter de Boer visited one day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Nicholson of Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Berg of Tavi-
stock, Mr. and Mrs: Elmer Wil-
ker of Stratford were visitors on
Thursday of last week Liwith Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Einerson. The
ladies met when their Institute
entertained Whitechurch WI.
Whitechurch friends were
pleased to hear that Mrs. Wilford
Caslick of Wingham, who had
been a patient at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, returned home
on Sunday.
Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow
was a Sunday visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Mowbray. Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Pollock of Detroit
' called Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Mowbray.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon on
Sunday and Monday visited with -
their daughter Barbara of Kitch-
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bell of
Teeswater were Sunday visitors
Wjlgir,,. andilVirs. Cliff Laidlaw.
,..,., s,.,iteet Laidlaw is now a
feSiderit f Cosy Nursing Home
west of Whitechurch. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of
Windsor spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy
Laidlaw and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott,
Barry, David and Karen were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mit-
chell Elliott; Ailsa Craig, and
with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott
and Jennifer of Arkona.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan -McIntyre of
London were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenag-
han of Waterloo spent the week-
end with Miss Mildred Mc-
Clenaghan at the farm.
Gary and Gayle Rintoul on
Sunday -visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Kid NYS. Gordon Scott, Rips
ley, Mrs. Velma .Falconer,
rops, Mr. and Alm. Wayne Coos.
lick, Alissa and Craig of Clarets,
hotre. taaturArdiry Sgvttring-arao4rivoiled
Monday aCOMnpanied her
svicsoittt wofithniMrpw.y,anndwirtitiCoo wor:
Mrs. Robert ROSS returne0
-.days' visit with WS, Olive 130SA1
ohfomweingenhaT:78daY after f9 -W
Russel Ross on Saturday held a
successful farm sale of infole"
ments and cattle with Brian Rill'
toul auctioneer, Mr. and Mrs,
Ross have mchased a house in
ity rally
Community Memorial WAS
opened, last Thursday when' the
local Women's Jqstitute ''hoSted:
the Bruce County WI RalkY,ihe.
theme wag "There Arg 'Nu
Strangers Just Friends "Wha
The meeting was opened at 9:00
a.m. by the chairman, 1Vit'S.
Teasdale. oreetings were eX-
tended by Miss Barbara de;
Visscber, Bruce County Rome
Economist; Mrs. Graham Chatill
bers, Provincial Board Director,
Provincial Board Director, Sub.
Election of officers 'resulted in
the folloWing being named: past
chairman, Mrs. Teasdale; --,chair.,
man, Mrs. James Coyne; first
vice-chairman, Mrs. Kirkpat-4
rick; second vice-chairman:Mph
Richard Fenton; ' secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. Ken McKinnon.
and has a chance to
Every Birge
°°;;.., hiiiii\\\\. \AA‘" :I al_ _
WIN $1 ,000
at frh'e "Birge House"
(sweepstakes close
October 31, 1975)
Cashco Carpets Ltd
664-3334 (Closed Mondays) 291-4440
L L ' • `1 G'°. PE ES - PAINT • WALL COVE' I)&.
During the afternoon session, a
memorial service was conducted
by the Parkhead Wft Roll call re-
vealed 153 in attendance from.the
various districts. Mrs. Ribey of
Bruce Centre received the WI
scholarship for her granddaugh-
The guest speaker was " Mrs.
Anne Judd.
Humorous skits were presented
by Malcolm branch, Bruce East
District, and Holyrood branch,
Bruce South District. Mrs. Sut-
cliffe, Grey -Bruce area presi-
dent, extended greetings and in-
vited all to attend the convention
at Owen Sound November 3 and 4.
Greetings from the various
presidents were then heard: Mrs.
Aylmer Klages from Bruce
North; Mrs. George Pollock,
Bruce Centre; Mrs. W. Miskie,
Bruce East; and Mrs. Dave Ire-
land, Bruce South.
Officers of Eastern Star
installed at Masonic Hall
The installation of officers of
Huron Chapter No. 89, Order Of
the Eastern.Star, Wingham, was
held in the Chapter Room of the
Masonic Hall. �.
Mrs. Jack Reavie, PDDGM
was the installing officer; Mrs.
Jack McKim, PM, the installing
marshall; Mrs. Bruce Chambers,
installing chaplain; Mrs. Donald
MacIntyre, installing organist,
Jack MacDonald, PP, installing,
warder; Jack Reavie, PP., ,ln5talr
lirlg Sentinel. A- duet was Sung'by
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gaunt. '
Others assisting were: Mrs,
John Frame, PD:GM ; Mrs.
Francis Campbell, PDDGM;
Past Matrons, Mrs. Harold Cong-
ram, Mrs. Donald MacKinnon,
Mrs. Jack MacDonald, Mrs.
Murray MacLennan, Mrs. Jack
Gerrie; Past Patrons, John
Frame, Alex Robertson, Donald
The following officers were in-
stalled: Worthy Matron, Mrs.
James Inglis, Worthy Patron,
James Inglis; Associate Matron,
WitiOn,land will *044 thore hit
the mar future.'
-MM „Earl Caslick returned
home on FridaY after *few OW'
visit with her dmightex.
Ross and fainliy, W. and liars.
John /gaunt and OeOrge and Miss
Kay Wilke.; visited with Mr, and
Ivirs. Jim aaunt arid Janet of •
Whitee,hurch WI is holding a
euchre party MOndfly, October
27, in Whitechurch Common'
Those attending the shower for
Miss Mary Lou Wall from a' dis-
tance were Mrs. Frank Davis,
Mrs. Dave Arthur of Lori(1011,
Mrs. Bill Wall of Bramalea.
Bev Kay's mother has fallen
again with the result she had to
be hospitalized in Guelph General
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan visited
Tuesday te Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Mack Stewart of Water-
Mrs. -Eileen Parker of Exeter
came to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McClenaghan and on Satur-
day all attended the wedding of
their niece, Jane Moss, and Jim
McCartney of Plattsville in the
United Church at 7 p.m. The
reception wis held in the hall be-
side the church. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McClenaghan and Mrs.
Parker spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mc -
Mrs. Clarence Bell; .Assoeiate
Patron, Scott Reed, PP; treas-
urer, Mrs. Alex Robertson PM;
Conductress, Mrs. Denis. Lang -
ridge; Associate Conductress,
Mrs. Harold Elliot; chaplain,
Denis Langridge; Marshall, Mrs.
Jack Blackwell; organist, Mrs.
Morris Swanson; Star Points:
Adah, Mrs. Wayne Pletch; Ruth,
Mrs. James Miller; Esther, Mrs.
Ronald Forster, PM,-; Martha.,
George NewbOlt; Warder, Bert.
Moffat; Sentinel, Jack Ferguson.
The secretary, Mrs. Farish Mof-
fat, PDDGM, was unable tO be
present and will be installed
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reid receiv-
ed Past Matron and Past Patron
jewels and certificates from
Huron Chapter.
Guests were present from Wel-
land, Owen Sound, Wiarton,-
Southampton, Kincardine, Lon-
don, Listowel, Chesley, Clinton,
Blyth, Clifford- and Tiverton
Holy Lent slides
at Chalmers WMS
mers Women's Missionary
Society held their Fall Thank -
offering last. Wednesday evening
at the -church. President Mrs. Bill
Rintoul opened the meeting,,with
a poem and extended a warm
welcome to visitors and mem-
"We Praise Thee, 0 God" was
sung, and Mrs. Dawson Craig led
in prayer. Mrs. Victor Emerson
read Psalm 107:1-5, and Mrs.
Lorne Forster gave a Thanks-
giving reading.
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt showed
slides of her visit to the Holy
Land and gave an interesting
commentary. Among the places
she visited were: Jerusalem, the
garden of Gethseniane, King
David's tomb, the Church of the
Holy" SeptilcbreNazaetii,_:-'ft"
Church' or 'the .1vativity2. •Mrs'i
Wallace Milligan thanked Mrs.
Gaunt for her presentation,
which included a scripture
reading to accompany the slides,
and presented her with a gift.
The offerfng was received by
Mrs. Tiffin and Mrs. Kay. Mrs.
Wardrop sang a solo accom-
panied by organist Mrs. Don
Ross. The meeting closed with a
hymn and prayer. Before lunch,
Garnet Farrier accompanied by
Mrs. Farrier on the piano, sang
"The Holy City".
will celebrate its 112fh a0"-
niverSary Sunday, 'October 26,
with 4)4041.4er*** at XX etlOck
At the morning service, the
guest speaker will he Jack BOrg-
harcit of London,
Mr. BUrghardt, cbief WINS -
easter for CFPL-TV, was 'born
and educated jn Port Colborne,
After complelion of secondary
seam he attended business col-
lege in Welland,
Mr. Burghardt began his
broadcasting career with CIIVC-
Radio in Niagara Falls. While
there he held a number of posi.
tions giving him an extensive
background in the broadcast
From Niagara Falls, Jack join-
ed CHCH-TV, Channel 11
Hamilton, where he Worked IV
several positions until appointed
director of news services. Duritio
this time he was also moderatoi.
of a daily open line program over
CKOC-Radio, Hamilton.
In September, 1971, he was ap-
pointed as chief newscaster for
CFPL-TV. As a member Of
CFPL-TV's news department Mr,
Burghardt also hosts news
specials and important election
coverages, Through his work as g
newsman he has visited Most ot
the major areas on the, North
American continent as well as the
Middle East and Europe,
• Burghardt is a member
and active layman in the United
Church of Canada, He is a mem-
ber of the executive of the Divi-
sion of CommunicatiOns in the
United Church and is also cur-
rently on the advisory committee
of The Salvation AMY- As well,
-he is a member of the board or,
Lawyer speaker
at Gorrie
directors for • the YMCA an
member of the London WAIT
Club, a former, meMber.- the.
Mohawk Collegeln.LIgMil
ead nt eo oie tvf e7:tbabeevmkgrombliroVio7
Chanibee Of commerce,
casting extiejlence
hardt is' in great- eman
public speaker. i`
Members of the cOngregatien
are urging that all avail theml
the morning service,'
The evening SerViee',,
the form of a play, "A Mt/Use,
Made 'With Hands"; which
tell the history of the:Itlett
'church la Wingham.
GORRIE — The Women's
Institute held its Monthly meet-
ing last Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. M. Fisher. The guest ,
speaker at the meeting, intro-
duced by Mrs. Alvin Grainger,
was Alan Mill of the Wingham
law firm Crawford, ,Mill and
Davies'. Mr. Mill gave a Mest .
gift, taxes...Mrs; Gladstone -Edgar,
thanked the speaker s and pre-
Sented him with a gift on behalf of
The business at the meeting
was conducted by the president
Mrs. Thornton. Mrs.
'Alex Graham reported on the
Guelph Area Convention she
attended at Atwodd. Mrs. Glad-
stone Edgar gave the motto for
the evening.
Following the Dutch auction,
the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
,Robert Elschner and Mrs. Robert
:Gibson, served a delicious lunch.
proven fir shrink hentOrrh,OldS
A renowned researth: institute has
found a unique healing substance
' With the ability to Shrink herrior-
painlessly. If relieves itching
, and discomfort in rninuteS and
si'teeds up healing, of the injured..
relieving pain. actual reduction
(shrinkage) took place.
Most important of all—resulti-
were so thorough that this improve-
ment was maintained over a period
of -many months.
All this was accomplished with
healing %Oct:ince (ilio-Dyne1 which
quickly heins heal injured cells an4
stimulates, growth of new tissue.
Now Hai -Dyne is offered in oint-
ment and suppository form called
Preparation H. Ask.frir it at all drug
stores. Satisfaction or, your money
MRS. FLORENCE REAVIE, P.D.D.G.M., and her installing team presided when the new
-officers of Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star, were installed at the Masonic
Hall. Shown are Mrs. Carl Pollock, D.D.G.M.; Mrs. John Frame, P.D.D.G.M.; Mrs.
Reavie; Mrs. James Inglis, Worthy Matron; James Inglis, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Jack
McKim, P.M., the installing marshaii.; John Frame, Past patron; Donald MacKinnon,
Past Patron; Alex Robertson, Past Patron; Back row, Mr Bruce Chambers, installing
chaplain; Mrs. Donald MacKinnon, Past Matron; Mrs. Murray MacLennan, Past
Matron; Mrs. Jack Gerrie, Past Matron; Jack MacDonald, P.P., installing Warder; Mrs.
Francis Campbell, P.D.D.G.M.; Mrs. Jack MacDonald, Past Matron; Mrs. Donald
Mac lntryre, installing organist; Mrs. Harold Congram, Past Matron; Mrs. Murray Gaunt
and Mr. Gaunt, who provided special music; Jack Reavte, P.P., installing sentinel.
THE pF FICERS OF Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star, are shown follow-
ing their installation. Front row, Mrs. Jack Blackwell, Marshall; Mrs. Alex Robertson,
treasurer; Mrs. Clarence Bell, Associate Matron; Mrs. James Inglis, Worthy Matron;
James Inglis, Worthy Patron; Scott Reid, Associate Patron; Mrs. Denis Langridge,
Conductress; Mrs. Harold Elliott, Associate Conductress; back row, Mrs. George
Newbolt, Electa; Mrs. Bill Stevenson, Martha; Mrs. Ronald Forster, RM., Esther; Mrs.
James Millpr, Ruth; Bert Moffat, Warder; Mrs. Wayne Pletch, Adah; Mrs. Morris Swan-
son, organist; Denis Langridge, chaplain; Jack Ferguson, Sentinel. Secretary, Mrs.
Farish Moffat, P.D.D.G.M., was unable to _be present and will be installed later.
Business Manag ent Seminar
IF YOU — Own and Operate
your own business
— Manage a business
— Expect to own and
operate a business
You are invited to attend a Small Business Seminar
(Conference Room)
- Financial Statements
- Forecasting For Expansion
Case Study "A"
- Guest Speaker - JACK WARD, C.A.
(Ward & Uptigrove)
REGISTRATION: Complete the attached
and forward before Oct. 29th, advising num-
ber attending and enclosing your registration
fee(s) of $15, luncheon included. Make
cheque payable to IDB.
Director of Advisory Services,
Industrial Development Bank.
Stratford , Ontario