HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-19, Page 1LEGAL.
. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
. eitoref Supreme Court,NotaryPublie
:Conveyancer. Commissioner &e.,Money to
VLoan, '
• '0 flicein Eaueon's Block, Exeter ,
'Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyncer, Etc.,t
Thx4T4in, . ONT.
0 Me eRaretwell'aplock office.)
ilarristers, Sohcitors, Notaries Public
Conveyancers &c, &O.
,21rItIoney of Loan at Lowest Ratee or
p interest.
B. V. untaol. a. ELLIOT. •
Jai e
,0 FP CE : over 07.1rEiL'S flank
Nitroi s Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SaniwelPs Block, Ittaln•st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth vribboutpain,
by giving Vegetabte Vapor- Geld
Filengs and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Znroon on last Thursdayin
each month:
W. BilOWNI.IsTG D.,•1111.. C
• P. 8 , rad -nate VietorittUniversity.Officei
.uidiresidence,DoitirtionDaboratory .1i1xe bar
111R. RYNDUAN, coroner for the
. Carlin's store; Exeter.
, County of Huron. Offite, opposite Mr,
rt.R. J. A. ROLL' •, 1).S
_I-, O. Offiee,Main Ont .Residen
Pe housereeently ocoupi
r F. CUTT ,EN, M. D., 0. M.,
-(1.--4 • Graiduate Trinity University, Tor-
onto; Fel. Trio."Med. school, Toronto ; Grad.
Craniology; Meraber N. Y. Aoad.
Anthropology; Member ' Col. P. S„ Ont.-
oftlee, Dashwood, 0 et.
T_TENEY tLB1J3. Licensed
tiageof.,.* Hay,Stephen, and MeGilIV
er ay rownshins.eflatesoonducted atmodertfte
rates. Office-AtPost-offiee,Crediton,Ont.
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
U Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usboroe
d the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attendediaad satiafaction guaranteed. Sales
array god at this °nice.
Tennent & Tennent
the Ontario Veterinary College
e door South of Town Hall.
$25,000 Private Flinds. Best
ies represented,
Barrister, Exeter,
ndon, Ont.
al business, still
of farm property
on buildings or
roteotion in ease
ing, at rates
ther respect -
42,243 poll;
%bon -
lNT ,
,FF10E WATERL00,0'
This omr.any has been over Eighl‘een,
eaxAlUitt00eSS5U1 operation in Western On-
ario ancldonfinues to insure agaiustloss or
arna',ge by Fire B ailerngs ovieratian di ee,eian
aotovi rta la &Ill °the rclescriptiousoflinsur-
ble property. Ent eneeng insurers bave the
ptiott of ineueingon the Premium Note or
During -the pastten years tide Company
has issue d 37,006 Po1ici, SOVOVin r.! pr op or ty
"o theamOuntot°40,872,088 ;anclpaid
B n.,0`;.'/(10,752,00
Assetfil, 0i16,100.00,consieting o t Cash
n , Government D op o it ,andtli e en a se -
esseelPrenfitineleotottonhanclemain force. 0"
W Wieteente al tereeidea t Clt1,Tio1,
secretary, ea 8 . tivorens,inspector. . 011AS:
NVILL Amelia r entetovaeadviceinitv ,
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Seeing and Hair o tilting in the latest s
of the art,
Every atteutio paid to cutting
The NI ot'orls
Paid up Capital $04°00,00
Bestrund 1,000,05
Head Office , Montreal,
G Me t Mena s
20 branehoflioesin tn. oominion. Agenele
in the Dominion,U.S. A. and Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawf day, f rom 10 a..in. to 8 p.in
SATURDAYS,10 a m. to 1 p.m,
4Per0onaper annum allowedfor money op
Deposit Receipts
Goldsmith ife Hall!
2iErPeranalattention given to repairing of
• wataltes,olocks andiewelry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL:
lealiug Sale!
po nAvra.
AVING purchased the mer%
chant Tailoring business from E. R.
15VANS,somo time ago, at a big reduotion,and
having added to the stook
Worsted. Tweeds, Pantm
OvercOatings, klats, Caps,
Gloves, Collars,. Cutts,
Shirts, Underwear
Infect everything in the line of Gents' Pura.:
ishings, and whieh I am selling off at a big re-
duction, for thirty days. Following is a list
of prizes:
Suits worth 824.00 for $20.00
Suits worth 18.00 for 15,00
Suit ti worth 13.00 for 10.00
Pantinga worth 8.00 for 6,00
and Shirts worth 3 ,23 for 1.01)
• Gloves away down below regular prices ; hats
and caps at cost.
• Suits ma e to order in the latest styles and
a lc noclitt guaranteed or no sale. The bes of
Irimmingsin stock. No trouble toehow goods
A call solicited Stand., MeEwsm's bloek
opposite the Mansion House, Hansa,
Nov. 28th, '30
Great Auction Sale
At D. Braund's Blacksmith Shop, Exeter
North. Having a large stock of the above left
over from last year, with a large quantity of
this year's work, and finding the show -room
too small for such enormous display, the un-
dersigned has decided to offer by public auc-
tion. ou
At 10 o'clock a.m., the following articles viz :
15 new square box outLers ; 3 new Canadian
Portlands : 4 new sett ueavy bobsleighs; 1 new
sett light bobsleighs ; 8 square box <mums
nearlynew; 3 new Portland frent square box
cutters; 4. swell sides second-hand cutters; 2
Portland second -baud cutters; 3 sett light
bobsleighs second-hand ; 1 double cutter nearly
new;15 seeond-hand double cutters. These
articles aro ef the best quality and finished up
in latest styles.
TERIVIS:-$10 and under cash ; over that
amount 12 months' eredit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, or 7 per cent. off for clash,
D. Bantam, A. Rimer,
Prop. And.
15 lbs Beautiful Sugar 51
15 lbs Fine Tea $1
25 Des Rice . .01
f30 lbs Soda
Lots for sale, 13)S
Came into the premises of the undersigned.
lot 2(' , con 2, Stephen, on, r about aOta NOV. a
yearlin gator The owner is requestecl to prove
property. pay expenses arid take it wee
Exeter P 0 -Dee 19--lmo
uctio Sale
Grocery Stock
TINDER and by virtue of an As-
k...) signment: rev the general benefit of
• Croaitors,reade to theVender there will be
sold by Publio Auetion,upon the prenalsea,in
theiVillage of Exeter on TCTESDAY,DEOES
ER 2411,1800, at TI o'clock, a, in • tho stock
in-tru,de, &a, of the above, consisting ot
•stock ot groceries and shop furniture
Terms of sate. cosh •
For further particulars apply to
Barrister Sheriff Oo Huron
Exeter Unt • Assignee
Exeter. Deo 17011 1880
Auction. Sale
Under and by virtue of an assignment for
the general benefit of ereditors,inade to tho
Vendor, there will be sold by Public; Auction
upon the premises, being lot number°, in the
8th eon. ot the Township of Usborne, in the
County of Huron, on
TUESDAY December 24th, • 1889
At 2 o'clock, p m, the following Farm Stook
and implements, that is to say:
2 yeselineheifernt cow, 1 two year old eolt,
1 horse four years old, 1 span of working
borses,1 sett single harness,. 2 setts double
harness, 1 °utter, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 single
buggy, 1 wagon, 1 Patterson's binder, (nearly
new), 1 fanning mill.2 iron plows . 1 gang plow
eembifled drill, 1 sulky rake. 1 mower, 1
scatter, about 20 tons of hay, a quantity of
peas and onts,and barley, also a quantity of
green feed, besides other articles too numerous
to mention
Terms ot sale eash
For further particulars apply to
Barris ter, Exeter, (int. Sheriff Co Huron.
Exeter, Dec 17111,1889
In the matter of Samuel Sample, sr., of the
township. of USiberne,. yeoman, an Ingo1-
vent, arid of chapter 124, of Revised
Statutes of Ontario.
The above named Insolvent has this day
made an assignment of all his estate and ef-
fects to Lewis II. Diokson , Esq., of the VIL-
LAGE OF &NET ER, in the County of Huron,
in trust for the general benefit of his creditors
A. meeting of the coeditors of the said Insol-
vent will be hold at the law office of Lewis
H, Dickson, Assignee. Exeter, on
Monday, the 16th day of December '89
At the Your of 2 o'clock, P.M.
All creditors are required to file their claims
with the said assignee on or before the ist
d ty of January, 1890, duly and legally proven
-with full particulars as to any security or se-
curities held by them or any of there.
Exeter, Deo, 7th, 1880---20
Public School Board. Minutes.
MINUTES-Dec. 16 -Board met in the
Town hall at 8 p.m. Absentees Dr • Lutz
and W Grigg. Passed, minutes of
previous meeting, Jas. J3eer's auct. ex-
tension to wood shed $50 and the follow-
ing :-Bissett Bros. sundries, 51 95;
White & Sons printing, 56 ; S Sanders
advertising, $2 04; Secretary's salary,
$20 ; j Grigg's acct., $S 72; Miss Spicer
for teaching, $26 60; H Kinsman for
teaching $6 and R Crocker laborer, $5 62.
The last subjtet to investigation by the
chairman --the secretary to see that care-
taker's duties are performed until the
next meeting of the board. -Adjournment.
J. GIUGG, Secy.
P.S. Annual meeting 'Thursday, Dec.
26, at 12 o'clock noon in the town hall.
4. • * 4
The anniversary eervine of Union
Chitral were conducted last Sabbath by
Rev Pletcher, D D, of Hanailton, who
preached two able, powerful and instructive
sermons to large auclieneee. On the follow-
ful Monday evening the Rev Dr gave hie
popular lecture entitled, Palestine as I Saw
It. It was certainly 010 of the fineet lea -
tures ever delivered in these parts and
must be beard to be at all understood. Foe
Dearly two hours he kept his audience on
the tip toe of delight as he depicted the
many scenes visited by himself in that hie
rie land. The very choicest vont and
act eqmental music wrie given by the quar
'of Carmel church, Elensall, led by
St lAeainclre‘v'isp,cobtli
u echckvis:h
o .
Weak to V181 Triads in BIttetale--ii1111
Allen of Duegatii on and thsEl ;;;Orling ar
Leebtun are the guests of their uno10,14'
Charles Mason, WlI Road -We aro 404„
to see the effects of dice, throwing for',
drinks and cigars upon genie of our young
men. We hope this may net as a reaming
to the gentleman in obarge-Noxt Tuesday
evg haa been set /or the Christmas enter.
t norm nt for the Sabbath School of tot St
A good programme has been provided, and
a good Woe is expected --The young ladies
atta $tentlooloo C Oar village aro talltihg af
fore:dog a snow shoo dub this whiter ; WO
hope they runy be successful.
A speark cleating sale of all kinds of furs
-t the nett 24 clays at the Big Bankrupt
To Our Subscribers,
The special animunecinett Which ap-
peared in our °Onions 501110 time eince, att.
uotincing a spooled arrangenient with Dr.
13, 1, leendall Co.'of lilenburg Falls, Vt
publishers of " A Treatise on the Horse
and his Diseases,nwhereby our subscribers
wore enabled to obtain a copy of that vain.
abbe work men, hy sendiug their
addroes to II, J. KENDALL CO., (and
enclosing a two -cent' gimp for mail-
ing same) is renewed for a limited period.
Wo trust all will avail themselves of the
opportunity of obtaining this valuable work
To every lover of the Horn it is India-
pensable, aS it ±1 (5110 in a eitnple manner
all the t,lis 4%808 W111011 t 111S 1101510
1,10 phenominal sale throughout the
uhttoa Ssetee anti Commie, make it etan-
(lard authority. Mention this paper whoa
sending for a " Treatise," e
Nov. 4th ---]i±. *
MORNING, DECEMI3E13 19, 1889
ITsborite Council.
The commit met on the 14th inst. All
the membera were preeent. The ntinutee
of the previous meeting were read and con-
firmed. Moved by J Halls aeoonded by J
Shier, that the account of White & Sons,
tor printing amounting to 544.50 be paid. --e
Carried, Moved try W. Kydd seconded by
J Halls, that the selectore of jurore be paid
the mina of a3 each for services, -Carried,
Moved by J Shier see by T Cameron, that
the treasucer prepere a statement according
to 51 Vie., Chile, 28, sec, 3, and have the
same printed for distribution . --Carried,
Moved by 3 Halls See. by w" Kydd, that G,
W Holman be paid 510 for postage,
stationery, &o„ for 1889. --Carried. Moved
by J Shier see. by T Cameronthat by law
No 8-1889, appoioting deputy returning
officers and. fixing polling places as oow
. •
read a tbira time be passed.-Oarried.
Moved by T Cameron see, by J Shier and.
resolved that orders be granted as follows,
viz Kerslake 535.50 ; ,A Turnbull
•$15.95 ; R Bell $7.68 ; W Mitchell 52,80,
J Woode 54 75, le ()clamor° 544.85'; .7 Moir
•524.90, j Blatchford 55, 3 Dew 52,25, T
Jones 53, T Veal 25cits., F Fisher 520.50,
T Bissett $21, T 51 Kay 53, GW Holman
5113, T Heywood $8, White ds :ions 544.50,
W Kydd $40, J Halle 540, J Shier 540, T
Cameron 540, T Coates $5, T Hatton e9.90,
J Irvin $6. On motion of W Kydd see. by
J Halls, the council adjourned to meet
agaciinostehae. 80th inst., after the nomination
G. W. Hoexam, Clerk.
• Mr. John Vance is the guest of Dan P
Link; he hails from. the northwest. -in -
other family of immigrants has arrived and.
are domestieated in the house lately occu-
r ied by Mr. Jae.Vernon.-Miss Allie Eilber
has gone to Detroit for a fesv weeks. -Mr.
Gus Pitotters has gone to Michigan where
he has bought a farm. The fa,6,tly will
follow in the spring. -Mr. Agnesi Brown
of Blyth. Miss • wn of London,
and Mr. Hai
of Ur. Char'
has scared
all the boys On rifle elle L' ancl is now
tying glass balls. Ele is bouna to excel. -
On Sunday evening week while walking
along the street, Mr. Geo. Schnarranber-
ger was set upon by a couple of rowdies
withoet the least prevention. He defended
hiraself as best he could but received an
ugly blow over the eye item one of them.
He laid information with the magistrates.
who, after hearing the evidence, fined
young Winer 54 and costs; in all 58 60:
In giving • the sentences the j Pie warned
the boys that eases of a similar oharateer
in the future would not be disposed of so
easily, but would send the beleaerents
to• Goderieh.---Ate old • subscriber
of the TIA1SS who is a Well-to-do
farmer in this vicinity, has given pa his ex-
perience with wheat and flour. He says he
cleaned. a number of bags of grain for mar-
ket and sold it at Exeter where his svheat
turned out 59/ lbs to the bushel. He after-
wards took some of the same hind of grain
to the Orediton mill where it was tested and
weighed the same, viz., 59S lbs to the
bushel. • A few days afterwards he thought
he would try the Dashwood mill as all his
neighbors bad been going there and had
been blowing how nauoh better they could
do there. Accordingly he sent a few bags
of toe very same wheat to Dashwood where
he only received 57 lbs:to the bushel for
his grain. We know nothing about the
matter personally but agree with the
farmer and would advise the farmers to
patronize ahome concern as they can always
• do as well if not better for them than out-
siders! We hope no offeuce svill be taken,
Dren.-On Friday week at her late resi-
dence, lot 13, con. 11; the wife of Mr. Geo.
Mawhinney aged 55 years 5 months and 18
days. The deoeesed had been troubled for
the last two years eith heart disease and.
VMS slowly wasting away. Daring that time
she WEIS unable to perform her household
duties but waa always busy with light sew
ing, etc. and was glad to be a helpmate in
her humble way, She was born in Lang-
ferd Co..Ireland, in 1834 and emigrated to
Canada in 1850 and settled in Loudon Ont.
where she married her Medea, and
where she and her husband resided until
1864, Mr. M having worlsea on the railroad.
in 1864. They came to this Township and.
were amongst its early settlers. By econo-
my and hard labor she and. her husband
reaped their reward and were blessed with
O goodly portion of this world's goods. She
was tbe nother of a fetidly of la children
all of whom are ootnfortably situated 201 the
neighborhood. The funeral took plan on
Sunday week and. was largely attended.
Mr. Mawhinney and family have the heart-
felt sympathy of the community in their
deep sorrow. -Mr. Wm. Anderson of tho
Gale Harrow Co. is spending the winter
mouths hero and •reports a large sale for
their harrows. -Mr, Louis Pfeffer of Mil
Torten, 15 511 the village se the guest of Mr.
Et Sweitzer. We understand he intends
negotiating for the flour naill.-Hie Honor
Judge Doyle hetet the regular drarnon court
in the town hall on Tuesday, when a num
bee of cases were disposed of. -Our mer-
. .
chants are showing a fine diatlay of Xrerts
geode and anticipate 4 good Xmas trades-.
We uncleistand that two of our young and
"enterprising" fanners • who should have
known better, have been swindled by the
patent clothes line mon, the details of
which we will give further ou. If then
would read the Times they would be posted
011 such swindles
car prosengers for Pacific coast
ha Chicago'Mihvankee & St.
cai Pacific Overland Fest Mail
r heve Waif in line At Obun-
for Station to Obtain sleeps,
oreatiote weet of the
eute made by the Old;
ts PatilRailWey obleate
s enquire of mewed
ter Agent, Mil.
°ago, 11
all 51011
For fur t
Coupon Tie
witukee, Win.
s Unlit
et in Cows.
The undersigned NvOul
are gristing and chop
Week and pay the very
wheat. Satisfaction
Reith of the lineal' ach
The Censeliamebrecl tr
by Clone Grit, fortneriy
Pikey, of B antford, sta,
of any of the stallions
Government, which Paid
many last year. -Ex. A
'0 Murdock of noosan
is oneof the best stallir
stand at Murdock's sti
in'- season
13unteen-eir . T. 1
horn buyer, has age
place another cer
horses to Boston MAL
load he has shipped
last few months. • B
go to tf you want to t
• 13niera.-1 great 1..
taken place hi bushiest,
so perhaps than at any fo,
history of the vdlage •Tit
being the deearture of Mr. e,
Toronto, where he has. bought o
business on the corner, of Queen
Caul streete. Mr Webb wee looke
as a permanent fixture in Grenton, in,
been established here for over 22 yet,
and his removal occattioned both surprise
and regret to maoy He left on Monday
m oruing anompanied by his eldest daughter
Mani, who will assist him in the store.
She will be missed very much in the social
and musical circles and especially so inthe
English church where her services as or-
ganist for the past • few years bave been
greatly appreciated. We exteed to Mr
Webb on bebalf of the people he has lived
so long amongst the best of wishes for hi,
success in his new ventere. The business
here will be continued as usual by Mrs.
Webb and the junior members of the family.
--Messrs. Bernard & Clarke our new and
enterprisine firm, have extended their
blacksmith'operations by renting Mr. H.
Camersn's ola and well known stand, in
addia.m to the one • already pier -abased. -
Mr. A. Wilson, blacksmith, has decided to
tnove out to the Northwest in the spring,
awl ham rented his shop to Mr. A. Brown,
who is getting all the work he can attend
To etv Cosecs:Nines axe TUB P1JBL10.--I bave
now a full and. complete stook of an kihds of
119,r110550, at prices to suit customers; also a
Jorge stook of Trunks, Satchels, B orse
Blankets. Rubber and Fency Rugs. A large
stock of black and gray fur robes. All furs
'first class. I sell at &slight advance en cost.
bed.toom suits, parlor suits, lounges, spring
beds and. mattresses, and every*hing to be
found in a first clam 4111,1qt:se eetablishment:
Also fancy gilded border sprin g roller window
blinds Now is the time. If you want to get
a fine Belt Crgan or Piano, cheap, call and see
me. By doing so you will make from 515 to
325. No trouble to show goods.
Friday last the teachers and pupils of the
public Want held their annual examination
and entertainment. There were upwards
of 150 visitors at the examination and many
teachers were present The women of the
neighborhood are to be congi atalated on
the splendid dinner they provided for the
occasion. The hall was crowded in the
evening and the children acted their parts
well, the eutertsinment as a whole was
successful Proceeds 524 50 Considering
the admission fee was only 10 and 15cts,
and about 160 children were admitted free,
this was a fair sum to realize. Mr efeEwen
will please accept thanks for 55 in aid of
library , Here is a chance to do much good,
the teachers Blida scholars would be more
than pleased. to receive four or fivo more of
those 55 or 510 bille
St. Marys
BRIEV8.-Mr. Wm. Beat, an esteemed
e:tizen, died on the 17th Nov., at the age
of 73 years. -Mr. Jolinston Stewart and
family have gone to Pittsburg to reside. -
The annual meeting of the Reforns /ism:n-
ation of St. Marys was held the other evg.
when the following officers were elected :-
T. D. Moore. presn .Dr. Mathies m, Vice for
the north ward ; John Walsh Vine tor the
south ward ; T. itleGolriek, Vice for the
west ward. W. K. 'McLeod, secv.-trees
While emoting on Marrayee hill the other
day, a young Rea named Simms ran into a
team of horses win& was on Ontario
street, Although mixed with the 'horses' feet
and run over by the wagon the boy es-
caped unhurt.--Thessrs. Win. Cosgrove and
James Cathcart returned Sunday morning
after a short trip through the States. -St.
James Ohurela is now lighted by eleetrieity.
--Messrs. Frank and Robert Graham Ieft
on Wednesday for Olympia, Waehington
Territory, having reeeived word from their
brother teat be had secured lucrative po-
sitions for them. -The Sunday Sehool an-
niversary in oonnection with the Hirst, Pros.
byterian <thumb WAS held on Sunday and
Monday week, Mr. :),Iilighrtu of Toronto,
ocatumed the pulpit morning earl evening,
delivering powerful sermette. The enter-
tainment on Monday evening was one of
the beet of the swoon. -The True Blries
of the teem gave ahionee social on Wedaes-
day evening, 18th inete-P, Wholifhan
hag taken poeseeeion of the Windsor hotel.
-Messrs Croeeley and Hunter will be here
next Sunday and Monday--IVIr Win Mer -
Abell has sold big faint and dairy hardness
to Hugh Thompson of Carlingford -The
Converzatione given by the Culleglitte lus
stituto on Tuesday evening was a grand
enecese-Illre Gray died at her daaghter's
residenee, Water street stentli, oo Monday
The funeral took pine on Tuesday to the
Prethyterian cemetery, Niesoari-eeh the
munioipel elootions pp •octoh the Arges
agaie 001)105 forth wit meant:loss for
width it ie 0000(1 00(1 nreeretes
lies to lower its op 38 Of
the public Iloseev
Argret aro seldom if en
, gently (10,110 irtn-The
carca so lel on Woilnegday
have jot s(1 tine order eturieg
month-- 113 4111.1 Mete
18 Vi 1! eietete,
:rapanesc 0000 VI iday o
tuceess .Iiss 3',s-
iriorttlq i
the Pr,
Ore iton, 16t11 Deo.
present alludes of last
signed -Resolved that Clerk
engibeper to see that the award bet
Plcuitdie and We Winn be carded
Prouty to malee'fari her inquiries ab
Prier's claim for damages --Resolved th
the person who \vas so uneerimoniously
dumped at town hale be sent baek whence
lie came without explanationa-Moved by
Sheri -it see by.W Wilite that the 51
heretofore paid or D R 0 and po:ling booths;
be reanced to 53 -Resolved that the polling
Plane be same as last • year, viz: --School
houses Nos 1, 5, 8, 10, also- T EaIlYs W
Holts kitchen and F Ileitzman's and tha
the following persons be D 11, 0 viz :-Thds
Shapton, 1, Blown, C Prouty, Jos teention,-
G- Keys, li, Armstrong, and. T
Besolved that the follownag orders be greet-
ed -3 May work London road. 50o, Times
Euler N meeting 5150, j efarshallRR statute
labor 53, 0 Prouty expense G 13 010 71,
R road .uoupons 6525, Snndries 513 35. D
Sutton hineber 56 62, 1I3oundy expendiente
52 15, C Kelm filo 519, 11 'Coed a (nit
842 50, Rote Bros lumber $102 15, 0
Prouty selecting Peron 04, Ratz Br.513 lum-
ber 51 94, See Board of Health 3I5,.M
Fmkburn balanceof salary 510, Local drain-
age charge 515 SS, F Baker lumber 51 86,
C Prouty balance of taxes 57 50, J Either
sundries 512 64, Regiatrating B D 113 520,
G- Spikman culvert 54, Postage 518, 0 Bea-
ver spouts 51, 3) Deehardara • ret • statute
labor 52, G Young spikes 970, G Maw-
hing ditch 52, 'W Efickey work 21st non 54,
Charity 520 60, S Brokenshire • rep bridge
51 2 25, H Eilber deed gravel pit etc 54,
Dan Reagan statute labor ref 58 25, Error
in roll 518 S5, V Ratz services 565, H Eit-
her do 565, 0 Einar de 564, W White.do
$05, J' Sherrill do 565 •
C PROM; Clerk
At the annual meeting of L.O.L., No.
1071, held on the 7th inst -that day being
the two hundred and first anniversary of
that great event in the history of Britain
and Protestantism, when the gallant ap-
prentice boys of Londonderry closed the
gate of the city in the fan of James' army
-during the business of the meeting the
question of Incorporatiom was brought up
and discussed, and the .naany Involutions
passed by our sister lodges throughout Mtn
Dominion as read by us out of the Sentinel,
condemning the action taken by the G.L.
of B.A., in appointing a committee to deal
with this great question, but as a lodge
we could agree with the many resoltItionet
passed, 1st, beettase it is 'contrary to the
action taken, and the reeolutton 'passed by
the 0. L. thinking this to:bin tlidnproper,
time to epply for an Act of Incorporation
at its next session, and, 2n6, %VG 08 0 body
do not look for Incorporation as a favor
but as onr right, and we as a lodge do not
see what difference it makes to us as
Orangemen svhether we get Incorporatien
at, the preeret time and nnaer the present
government or at eotne future time and
Ilarler some future government. • It is out
right, eloved by Bro, E. Smith, sem by
13ro. 8. Halle, that, we ae it lodge pass to
resolution of sympathy and condoloce to
the friends of the late Bro. R. Wadlinel
Bro. Wallin joined L.O.L, No, 1071,08
Deo, 12th, 1862, and. remained in good
standing with the lodge and proved. himself
to be c loyal and faithful (brother) Orange -
mats up to the timo of his h being
worthy member of said lodge
and was 64 years of age
• After the order of bneiness
with tho election of officers
for the emning year, which
Bro . John Halls, W. M.
" Samil
" F. J. Davis, Che
Those lel. Kay
Win, Minor
H. Smith,
n T. lateen,
" R„ Hind,
• The mernbere
to peoeure the sof
to ei ye a loctetre
ease treitiug
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