The Exeter Times, 1889-12-12, Page 8El
esb riven._.:
Absolutely Bnq eel
Thi, po` ()ortiavervaries Amarvelofpur
ty, s brongth and wholeaomot,e?s. , Afore econ
oluicalataan.the ordinary longi and cannot
be solfrinoompetitian witittbemultitudes of
ow teat, siuort^ veight, alum orphosphate,
Powtlers.Soldonly in cans,-PCYA.L 73A1i.
POWDBli CQ. .106 Wallstreet N.Y,
PANT: of Toronto;. also for the PHCENIS
England,bhe BUTAL "t1AN,ADIAN, of Mon-
treal, and ,the 611ITISH EMPIRE LI1+E AS-
SURANCE COMPANY, of r,ondou,England,
established' 1847. A.seeta over $6,000,000,
claims and bonuses r, id, over $10,000,000
To the Public and Sabbath School Teachers,
Officers and Trustees of South Huron,
Perth,' and Middlesex:-
mother holiday season is rapidly ap
proachtng and the thonght of many of you
has been busy in regard to Public and
Sabbath school entertatnments and in try-
ing to. solve the geestious "what to do,"
"where to ;o'". to provide for the greatest
pleasure of the children under our care.
The first.question we do :not• propose to
answer, the second we modestly feel assur-
ed is one to which an,answet is justly ex-
pected of us and that our reply to will be
but in good order. For over twenty years.
our house has been a depot for holiday
supplies. That twenty years bas given ns
much, varied and valuable experience, and
with thoughts and energies still directed
in the same purpose, our house should at
least be entitled to a due share of enquiry.
This season we will show a very large stock
bought with much care and embracing
almost everything saleable which can pro-
perly',be embraced in a Book, Stationery
and Fancy Goods business. We respect-
fully invite a call after the first of Decem-
ber .aril will; do much to make the visit
pleasant and profitable to you.
English, German and American Fancy
goods House, Exeter, Ontario.
50C AL NEWS.—Weshall bchtappy to re-
eive atail tirrtes,froin any part of the
county ,items of local news, such as ac-
ci,dents,or• any Interestiagincident what-
ever, front any of ours'abscribers orread-
ers 7enerallyfor the purpose of public
a ti fu.
314 esetn Zinteo.
Good Bargains can now be had in Boots,
Shoes and Harness at C Eacrett's as he is,
selling cheaper than ever in order to clear
out the stock as soon as possible. Don't
fail to call and see him before purchasing
Bead. Carling Bros: change of advertise-
ment. Thar terldersome "heap.4(10.oe""
A special ()tearing sale of all kinds of furs
for the next 26 dayd at the Big Bal)krullt
Store: :
J'he Christmas ltuurbor of the Montreal
Star bac been received. " It is a beautiful
number, superb in every :particular, The
platesere superior, while the letter press
is of a type in the trueness of the art.
You van we money if yen buy your
Watches from R. Hicks during the next
thirty days,
The Clinton gun olnb was represented
Two weeks, and Christmas.
Additional locals on page.
Wood is very scarce in town as was also
coal until last. week
()Wing to the thaw the water in she
river had risen to quite a height last week.
Extensive shipments of hay were made
last week by Mr. James 'Oke.
The County Court of the County of
Huron is at present in session at Goderich.
50 per cent. saved' by buying your dress
goods and mantling at the Big Bankrupt
Store. Great bargains for 20 days.''
Spectacle? to suit all ages at R. Hicks',
less the discount during the holidays.
You will lose money if you don't attend
-.the :great holiday sale now on at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
HOLIDAY FARES —Call on Capt, Geo.
Kemp, Town Agent, Grand Trunk Ey.
Town Hall, Exeter.
The estate of the late Isaac Horrell will
be sold at his late residence on Saturday
Dec. 14th.
The village council meb on Wednesday
evening of last week and did considerable
Mena' and boys' overcoats reduced 50
per oent. for the next 20 days at the Big
Benlrrupt Store,
Buy your Xmas presents from RdHicks,
•Ee will give big discornt on all Silver-
ware during holiday season.
A meeting of the creditors of Mr. Sam'l
Sample sr., Insolvent, will be held in the
law office of L. H. Dickson on Monday,
16th inst.
Mr. Smith, of Elimville, has been sold
out by the bailiff. He ran a small store
in connection with the post office at that
During the fore part of this week we
experienced beautiful weather -decidedly
summerlike,` and the :ground has once
more shed its white mantle.
Mr, and Mrs. I!red'It Godbolt of Cali-
fornia, formerly of Winchelsea, are on
their way to Canada to spend. Christmas
with friends in this neighborhood.
You can buy Te,welry from R. `Clinks at
a big discount for the next thirty days,
one door south of the Big Bankrupt Store
at Central Telephone office.
The collector has issued a notieo io
.delinquent tax payers who will save un-
nedessary expense by complying with the
commandment contained therein.
The report torrent in Exeter that Mr.
:evil Lin k of y1a reit (formerly` of hlxeter),
d died last wesk is unfounded, Mr.
Jilt is its but•strong hopes of his recovery
re intertwined' by his physicians.
Hoists WArrTnls,-•-x+armers should read
lie important annonnees ent .of J. L.
t & Co,, of .tngersoll, in another
reference to fattening hogs
This firm will buy no dressed hogs
Nev. 21-t5
at the shooting match. On Friday by a
large contingent of members. They did
some good shooting, but the Bxeter marks
then are slightly superior•
Owing to the exhaustion of:the gasoline
in the Ttivitt Memorial Church, servioe
wa beld in the afternoon.iu4toad of the
evening. Service was conducted by the
Mr. Joseph 1?ewker, of Corbett, is, the
owner of one of the most extensive saw
milling businesses in the country, He
employs a great many hands and saws
millions of logs yearly The atnount of
lumber sold every wiuttr is incalculable.
Rev. Dr. Pascoe of Aylmer, recently
reeei ved a call from the Collingwood Meth.
Church, at a salary of $1.500, which he
refused, ha.iug accepted the cordial invi-
tation of the church of Aylmer to remain
another year,
It now transpires that the two young
men, who were negotiating for the pur-
chase of the Brawn furniture factory, have
abandoned the project, at least for the
time being.
A st,anger was in town the other clay
viewing the situation, his object being, if
the circumstances do not alter the case,
to build a grist mill, either at the market
of the station. He claims several advan.
Overcoats ! Overcoats ! l Overcoats !I !
Overcoats 111! for men, for boys. Over•
coats for your own price at the Big Bank-
rupt Store.
R, Hien has just received a big lot of
Watches, Jewelry, and Silverware just
the thing for Xmas presents. Call early,
and secure the article you want while there
is a good choice.
The auction, sa'e of the lumber and
detached machinery of the estate of John
Brawn took place on Thursday last
Buyers were comparatively, few and offers
so low thatnothing, save the lumber,' was
sold, and even that brought short figures.
A meeting of the creditors of Mr. John
Sample was held in Lawyer Dickson's
office on Monday. It was decided to dis-
pose of the property and divide the pro-
ceeds according to the nature of the claims
held by the various creditors.
The council have passed a by-law pro-
hibiting boys skating and running hand.
sleighs on the sidewalks. The Constable
is on the watch and all boys caught
violating this by-law will be punished as
the by law directs.
An open meeting of the Royal Templars
of Temperance was held in the basement
of the Main street Methodist church on
Tuesday evg. The attendance was large
and a lengthy and interesting musical and
literary program was presented.
All .goods reduced 25 to 50 per cent. for
the next 20 days at the Big Bankrupt
• Store.
A chimney on rr. Browning's residence
caught fire on Sunday evening, and some
small boys ringing the alarm caused quite
a commotion. • The James street Metho-
dist church was crowded at the time, and
had the alarm continued, serious conse-
quences might have resulted.
The Exeter grist mill is kept busy grist-
ing and chopping ` The trill will be sold
under mortgage shortly, when it is ex-
pected that it will ' undergo extensive
operations for a roller process system
For the welfare of Exeter it is to be hoped
that the' change will take place very
Mr. Daniel Moir of Osborne, has dis-
posed of his farm in the 4th con. to Mr.
James Moir, receivirg for it $4,600. The
farm contains 100 acres of land and is a
first class property. Mr. Moir goes to St.
Marys Monday next to reside, having se-
cured a good situation there. Mr.
Moir has been a good neighbor and will be
a valuable acquisition to. St. Marys.
Some wretch on whose head the bump
of destructiveness must 'be prominent, and
with whom the delight to ruin property is
surely a burden, has unwontonly torn a
considerable length of the several strips of
fancy wire from the fence around the
property on James -et., west of the church
It will not be well for the "smart ales" if
the police ascertains his name.
The town is overrun at the present time
with peddlers and agents who bore house-
wives almost to death offering for sale some
new fake. It is perfectly safe to refuse to
buy from any house• peddler or
agent (?) who; as a constant rule, are
swindler?, or next to that. Do not throw
away good money on fakes. All are worth-
less, and many dangerous. .Any article of
intrinsic value can always be bought at a
fair price of regular deaters0
At the annual meeting of the Exeter
L. 0. L , No. 924, the following officers
were elected viz :—P. U., Bro, Wm. San-
ders ; W. M„Bro. Jno. Spackman ; D, M.,
Bro: Edward Gill ; Chap., Bro. George
Easserbrook; Rec.-Sec,, Bro. Jas. Fergu-
son ; Treas., Bra H. Lambrook ; D. of 0.,
Bro. John Gillispie; Lecturer, Bro. David
Dew; Committee,
A. W. $otham John,
Priskator, John Corbett, R. T. Smale and
John White
When will people learn to have nothing
to do with these clothesline, lightning rod
and other silver-tongued agents? The fact
has just come to light that last Bummer a
young farmer of the 5th con, was roped in
for,. couple of thousand feet of clothes
line. The agent, after a little, talking,
asked the young man to take the agency
for the sale of the goods in that section
and had him sign his name to a paper to
that effect, but it turned out to be an or der
agreeing to take so many thousand feet .of
line at so much per foot, which amounted
to over $100 we believe. In due time the
goods arrived, but the man who bad been
victimized refused to aocept of them, and
returned them to London. After three
trips to London, from which place the
clothes line shark hailed, the case was
finally settled.
Shooting 1► EMO*,
shooting match in connection with
1 he, Central hotel took place in Dxeter
on Friday last. The attendance was
good and some good shooting was .done,
especially that of - W. ,Sunders, of
Stephen. Captains were elected, in the
persons of T. M. Carling and O. 'S.Doan,
who chose sides with Doan'amen scoring
a' victory as follows ;--
T. M, Carling fi
L horsy 6
F Grigg 6
W Bissott
W Grigg . •• 5
D Grime ••,” 3
J TJohnston
a oel a4
G Vospor 5.
Jas Sweet ,2
S S`anlake ... .3
E'Dissott •.,.,.4
ND Burden. , , , ,, 4
Ii L Billings •.. 2
The Weather,
Present indications would lead to the
belief that we are this season to experi-
ence an open winter:. The fall season
was very dry, and until quite recently
the creeks and streams have only been
partially' filled and well water was never
so scarce,. The heavy fall of snow last
week has since melted, which together
with the copious rains, have furnished
an ample supply of waiter throughout
the country. Peed for stock has never
be l .
been so scarce
and the Ie
weather, as
we experience It at present, continues,
even until Christmas, the winter will
apparently be gliding away rapidly after
that. Snell a winter will beappteoieted
by those who are either short of feedori,
0.'S.Doon ,,.,,.1
J F; Murray. 4
G Benchly 6
Dr, Blaokwell•1
W ranee .•• 4
Jae Westoott6
11 Sanders,- 6
P Triebner ,4
E IOshy 1
W Sanders .10
3rd oddsot •5
W T Atchison '' 6
fig 74
The majority of the marksmen were
from Clinton, each man shot at ten,
birds. In the evg, a grand supper Was
served at the Central hotel, the mine
host and hostess acquitting themselves"
in their usually pleasant and genial
manner. The day was pleasantly spent
by all and the strangers left well satin. •
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
Black and Colored, Dress Goods. .
Black and Colored Silks`and Satin Marys.
Mantlings, UlsSiers, Dolmans, and Jackets,
Men's and Boys Overcoats and Suits,
Men's Fur Coats, Caps ;and Gloves,
Men's Wool 'Under -shirts and Drawers. .
Mein.'s Felt Boots, Rubbers, Over -shoes, Etc.
Ladies' Fur Coats, Muffs and Long Boas.
sold atrices which will ensure a speedy fact everything will be p p Y clearance
FOR 20 DA ''s
The Big 3ankrant Store Exet
will make a mighty effort for a superabundant holiday trade.
Rose-colored words are not needed to . win favor for the barg
we offer in every department of our business.' The fierce compel
of the present day forces prices and profits down to the lowest pos
point. Regular dealers cannot kurvive, it is only those who can dis
of vast quantities of goods and thus to underbuy and under sel
timers, who can succeed. Remember we are leaders in our trade
never follow, we never copy, we are in the front ranks always,
the largest stock and with bargainh that followers can not and dart
give you. Make no mistake, this 20 day holiday sale will be a ha
for the publi,We want money and weare going to have it,
NOW Lta�,;•N.—For 20 days our bargains will hethetalk o
land and will knock all��,+other bargains din the shade.�•
L B dk Tdcx,�l grata Asx, .
For 20 days we will give you 25c grey wool flannel for 16c.
For 20 days we will give you I2 -c canton flannel for Sc.
For 20 days we will give you 6c factory cotton for 4c.
For 20 days we will give you 7c print for Sic.
For ao days we will give you a5c table linen for i5c.
For 20 days we will give you 6 papers of beat pins for loc.
For 2. days we will give $2 worth of dry goods for $I.
IZSr ' aqs Ei,MEM 2,E0M.
For ao days we will give you 5oc all wool tweod for 350.
750 shirts and drawers for
$20 suits to order for $14
$7 pants to order for $3.5
75c all wool tweed for 50c.
$3 black worsted coating for $1.50.
d.oc shirts and drawers for 250.
The Only CheaPer Thing' is Jarring Bros' Gooc's.
In the general run of things, peoplewho wear Carling
Bros' Suits, get there.
tion Dainty Gloves for delicate hands at Carling Bros'
ose There is no temptation to steal clothing when Carling
los. sells it so cheap.
th Good Morning ! Do you drink Carling Bros' Coffee for
N.teakfast P It is the best.
SOUND N T za.railX4,267 &CIAXN.
This time very loud, for our dres's goods. Our beautiful sto
Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths are beyond description.
1240 dress goods for Sc. ,5c black henrietta for 50c.
15c ac " IOC. 50C " .. 300.
200 " " 1211.0. 35c cashmere for 22C.
300 " " 200. 300 " 19C.
50 per cent. off all mantle cloths. $12 Sealette for $7.25.
All mantles cut free of charge.
f3 ouas.d the Alarm „lA.galas.
Do you want an Overcoat ? Do we want your money ? Just
for the next ao days.
$5 overcoats reduced to $3.75. $g.5o
$5. $ I I
$12 worsted overcoats for $8.5o.
Boys overcoats reduced to starvation prices.
Souna.d. the Alarm 5orne More.
This time for boots and shoes. Stand from under—down
the prices -for ao days.
Men's lined overshoes snow excluders $1.25.
Ladies' tt highest button $1.45.
Hose Hannah ! Of course, lots of them in all styles
And weights.
Get Carling Bros' prices before you spend a cent.
They are lower than the lowest.
A. suit in Chancery Will not last as long as a suit
bought at Carling Bros.
Ladies, if you require a nice Hat or Bonnets, we can
accommodate you, as now have a first-class Milliner in.
connection with the store.
ry us
Plain Feet overshoes 75c.
Rubbers for men, women and children at holiday sale prices.
Long Boots at sale prices, Ladies' Fine Boots at sale prices,
Fancy Christmas Slippers at holiday sale prices.
Sound, th.e Alarm rm Again
Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country
ey speak so highly of the Photographs that are taken in.
ixeter. And how is it that there are so many Phot's sent
into the differeni cities of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo
Gallery ?
WHY ? Because Senior's work is as good if not better
°man any of the leading Galleries is the city ; and their
prices are $4 and.. 5 per doz., while they get them at
Senior's for $3.
Fur will fly during this holiday sale. For 2o days we will gi ou ,,;
5oer cent, off all fur goods, Ladies' and Gents' Fur Caps, Lt +'scre their, ' Hardware and
and Gents' Fur Coats, everything in turs goes at sale prices. Co e arrfinWa''t.e 'Store full of .
the , various staple
see the fur fly for the next 20 days.
Sowed the Alarm 023.oe More.
This time for Groceries. We buy only the best; next we
these at bargains that mean we give so much value in our gro
that theyare worth more to you than the money you trade for
You snake money on that kind of a deal. We always .sell 5uc 3'ap
for 2,5C.
.0 eau buy your Hardware; Tinware.
A , Oils, Machine Oils, Castor Oil,
lei Glass, and Baby Carriages oheeper
tfrerraus than anywhere else in this section.
A call will convince you. of this fact.
'you 3 _
REMEMBER—If we couldn't offer more for your n�oile $�t$>zL� at elle lowest Tates
any other house in Western Ontario, we wouldn't waste our bre tl>,1 Needles
invitingyou to see us. We might do upour goods in perfum 1 it owing Machine N
'V g
paper apper but what do you care for that? we save you dollars. 0, at the closest; bargains.
Solui.d. 'the £1a '•a .
tot the last time and don't forget that the` greatest holiday sal
� g
held in Western Ontario, gill be on for the next 20 days at the.
BIG :3ANKIWr'l" STORE', ll: l
Dealer in Bankrupt
St c .
We sell cheap and take
advide: in letting our cus-
tomers know of it.
fti'Vren.oe's Spectacles,' &co,
& Etillit
Crediton Juno S7tli,109,
Tho Hiitail Haller
The ' hest grader, of Roller flour
:wholesale and retail.; .
Hensall. Oct. iOtb, 18t30
Cook '& Reith..
Alln Id 11.
kis tttuc,asrotr f<sCoves* earittrttt.
flhorthdad, ngiisIti, a,1 1flslib, Qirstt>a 40 : 1oolititn,
to Mtohlttiltl Dtawltg Depbittddnit of sthee*Lt
Detroit Dusinless UrtiveJ silty«
2te eeritiiran 'ATt1Lt1OU*'