HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-12, Page 6HENSALL. Cheap Boots 4- Slues T---- ts 1 esel4hs,' OLE A.RIN G sA,LE .POR Thirty Days. Oafl df Toot 'wear at REDUCED PRICEScAsamy Great bargains in Belt Boots. Felt Soaks and .Rubbers, Overshoes —Alen's, Women's Boys,. Misses' and Obildren's—i. oarse and Eine. A Ise Rubber—Men's, Women's, boy.s', alisises' and Children's. Also great b trgains in Ladies" Pine Shoes. I have everything in the iine ot Foot Wear Oat oan be got, I have assorted out of xay otook some lines at YOUR OWN PRICE Such tt,S Wigwams—Mien's, Women's s.nd Chit- Pron's. Cardigan Oyeisho es Women's Slippers. cloth, carpet and leather. Men's and BOYS' Long Boots. and sorae Ladies, Eine and Coarse Shoes, Itwill pay yea to CALL ANL) EXANLINE M y stook before 'purchasing elsewhere and see for yourself the bargains you oau get now I am selling aheaper than the cheapest and have the largest and •best titock to select of in the town, cirdered work a Specialty. Repairing neatly done and promptly attended to No eharges made for rips of goods 'booght from no, No trouble to show goods Butterand Eggs taken in iexchange ifor goods. 7_1Stand—McEwan's Block. opposite Baynold's Hotel. A. WE SELOH, ITENSALL. DISTRICT DOINGS. Th. Latest Current Ne Throughout the District Diphtheria is .prevalent in Goderich. Mrs. Wessman, of Mitchell, died last week in h. r Nth, year. A C.P.R.train of the local freight was derailed at Ingersoll last week. An emery wheel at the Lucan saw mill flew all to pieces. No one hurt. A young Woodstock lad hada rib broken while sleigh -riding, his sled striking a telegraph pole. A printer in the Woodstock Sentinel —Review won a 2.49 horse at a raffle last week. The librarian of the Goderich Mechanics Institute has been metruct- ed by the managers to takel the name of any unruly frequenter. Two Woodstock printers worked in the Minneapolis Tribune office which ran, VMS recently burned. They escaped -er unhurt. . The McGinnis Bros. have accepted the offer of the Parkhill ccluncil and will establish a cheesebox factory in that town. Mrs. Jas. Hannan, of Mich., 'nee Miss 11Iary Ann Reid, formerly of the 8th con., McGillivray, died Sunday of last, week. Miss Ryan, of Lucan. retired •in her usual good health on Saturday week, and next morning was found dead, cause of death, heart disease. The _Parkhill Review hre, entered on ita fifth year. It is a bright, newsy, well-printedpaper and one of our best exchauges. A number of farmers at Corbett are determined not to pay full price for goods bought from peddlers. claiming that their notes were taken under false pretences. Two eons of Mr. E. Casswell. of Ingersoll, have skipped to the States without going through the formality of paying some debts. Mr. Jas. Sluraith is a loser to the sum of $4,000. A Staffa correspondent to the Mitchell Advocate says he regrets to learn that Mrs. Duncan McDougall is improving in health. He must be a 'wretch. A Parkhill V. S. cut tumors ottt of the neck and :jaws of three steers last week. The animals are doing well. This operation improves the value ef animals. A Retail Grocers' Association was formed. at Sarnia lately. Its object is to prevent the slaughtering of goods, and to protect the trade from dead beats. Wiggins threatena that he will not make another weather prediction this inter. Nobody would suffer if ha mild maintain the prohtbition of imself during the ensuing summer. John McNeil, of Ingersoll, was arrested on Monday of last week for bstructing the police. Reis believed o be the raan who escaped from the ondon inf an try school after robbing wo or- three of his comrades. George Wilson was killed on the farna of Mrs. jamas Archibald htst eek. He was felling trees with three companions, and a tree fell unexpeot- oily pinning him to the ground. He received injuries that resulted in his oath next day. On Friday night, a young man tutmed E. Cowan, aged 25, was run over by the G. r.. local at Chatham. Adozen cars passed over his legs, hich were afterwards amputated. He ay pull through. One day lately a type setting contest took place at Listowel between John Pu.rebel], of the Banner, and Wm. Poster, of the Standard. It took the winner, Foster, three hours to set up 12 erns, Purchell being 288 ems hind. A six months' apprentice ght to •be able to set that much, k it up on a doorstep, and press a ndred copies with A proof plainer. (Sorge Hayward, of Woodstock, is otorious chafabter. He has been rged with setting fire to barns, sell- livior without a license, highway bery and almost evety other crime the calendar. One time he laid ee informations against his mother selling killer without a license, it transpired that it was he who the guilty party, and had pocketed proceeds of the sale. t will be rerneinbered that on the ht of the flth the barn belong. to .Tobn entiecly, On the 11 th .-, Of Biddulph, was burned doWn. JCennedy acaused an old men by naroo of Dennis Ott*ty, as being cause of the fire, which ctiltniriat ed Kennedy threateeitig to take the of femes Carty, a son of the Old n Donnie. Kennedy was arrested I Yt......,bOund over to keep thes peageo 9 ou loo anho cba ing rob in thr for but was the nig i ng 0011 ttr, the the in Iife tha and n ;;;P;i1 It is with plettatlre that We n0114111100 tO Cur many patrons that we hay() !Dade arrangements with that wide -wake, illustrated, farm -magazine, the CAN FARMER, publiehed at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farm - ors, by which that great publication will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will come in and pay up all arrearages on subscription to Thies and one year ih Advance front date, and 12 ceats additional, and to any new subscriber %vim will pay one year in advance and 12 Gents additional. This is a grand opportanity to Obtain a Bret -class farm journal. The AmBRICAN PaRlifitR is it large sixteen -page journal, a national circulation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers. It treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights ancl privileges of that vast body of citizens, the farmers, whose industry is the baeis of all material and national prosperity. Its highest pur- pose is the elevation and enobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits , The regular subscription price of the AldnarcAN MER is is el.00 per year and the sub. soliption price of the TikrES is ftleo $1.00 By taking advantage of this offer,you get both papers for 81.12. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of the house. hold, YET YO0 CAN GET IT MEE. Call and see sample copy. ti10 THE GRE&T NORTHWEST join the other part of the Dominion in its praises ot the wonderful virtues of Nasal Balm. Mr. W. H. Sharp, Trebene, Man says—I am delighted to be in a position to say that Nasal Balm is helping me wonder- fully, although I have been using it but a very short time. It speedily cleared out the headsand stopped the disagreeable drop - lugs in the throat. For some time I have suffered severely from catarrhal headaohe, Nasal Balm has removed every trace of it. I have every confidence in its completely (luring me. It iS deserving of all you claim or it : "A Positive Care for Catarrh Easy and Pleasant to use." I hope it will soon be for sale in every town and village in Manitoba. Your wasted cheeks may have all the plumpness and bloom ef health through the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This two - honored teraedy still leads the van. It im- proves digestion, vivifies the blood, aud viporates the system. Give it a trial. STIX mends everything. Price15o. Col. J. W. Dwyer, a stock raiser of friX, N. M., states that 30 Mexican sliepb and five Amerman cowboys lost their 1 in the blizzaid which raged there dui No% ember. Wild Cherry 13ark, Eleoampans, lioarho ard Senega. These are the remedies 'which Dame Nature has supplied Canada the cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup Whoo Cough. Bronchitis and Loss of Voice. All t are contained in Wilson's Wi !di:Merry in t most Fictive form. and with other medic constitute this most reliable cure for all eases or the Throat. Ghost and Lungs- Wile Wild Cherry is sold by all druggists. The last issue Gazette contains the ap cation of tho Canada Atlantic Oable (3 psny for a charter of incorporation. applieation is made by Mr. Labelle, Quebec, and contains a provision for laying of a, cable from Greenly Isla Straits of Belle Isle, to Ireland. The p motors now regard the enterprise as assured Slloottes. STIX mends Glassware, China, Crockery John Ctiona.a hopeless pa: alytic, aged was found dead on the floor of his hovel, Pottstown Pa., supposed suicide. T.Tn ecently &Ina was a fine specimen of ph ical manhood. One day he cursed b Creator in a terrible manner, when he f ver, was struck dumb land peralyzed fro ead to foot. He remained in this conditi Mil his death. Experientia Docet. Mr, H. Hourigan. after using Wilson ild Cherry in his family for eight yea rites ns that it has never failed to au oughs, Colds. Whooping Cough or Bronohit e wise, profit by the experiences of othe nd use Wilson's Wild Cherry when afflict ith any such troubles. Sold by all druggist While toying with a revolver Wednesda ight, Josephine Welsh. a highly respect° oung lady of West Elizabeth, Pa., ehot ar Iled her lover, Charles White. She azed with grief. THE NEW WORLD. Eupepsia is derived from the Greek, an eans a condition of perfect digestion his conditinn is always attained by thee ho use Baadook Blood Bitters, the gill aranteed medicine for all fcrms of dys psia, constipation, biliousness, rheuma m, scrofula and all blood diseases. NOT ONLY FOR MAN. I ear; say that your Hagyard's Yellow 01 the best thing I ever saw for croup ughs, colds, cuts, or barns, and it is good man or beast. Miss E. M. Hopkins aremont, Ont. Yellow Oil cures rheturia m, neuralgia and all pain, A SIG NUGGET gold,may make a man rich, but it cannot ke him healtny. If afflicted with any m of dyspepsia, billiousness, constipa- n, scrofula, bad blood, kidney conolaint skin disease, the remedy that will make well is Burdoex Blood Bitters. It is hest blood cleanser known. A NIGHT ALARM. • awoke laet night to find my little boy ad with croup that be could hardly athe, but on giving him some agyarcPs ow Oil on stigar, and rubbing his cheat, at and back with it also, he soOn was ping quietly and awoke next morning pletely cured. jons ELmor, Egling. Ont. A PLAIN STATEIV1ENT. 11 poisonous wa.ste, and worn oat mat, tight to escape from the system through Beeretions of the bowels, kidneys and . B.B.B. cleanses, opens and regulates e natural outlets for the remoVal of ASO. VALUABLE TO ENO W. nsuception may be more easily pto. ed than cured. The iiriteting and eesiog congh will be greatly relieved by ise af Ilagyard's Peetoral Balsam that coughs, colds, bro ichitie, and ;mime. troubles. ET ONFOR ALL. Col- erds ives Tina with for ping hese heir ince dis- on's pli- The of She ud, ro. an eto. 35, at 111 v- is ell 00 's rs. re 72, rs ed Id s. a is 1 a ki Or go pe tis is 00 for CI tie Of roe for tio or you the so b bre Yell thro slee 0050 tun, A ter o the cskin thee dise vent herr the t cures nary WANTED—A good energetic man, et tneul to sell our relit Trees, itosas, Shrubs, Ornamentals, etO. Permanent ostaloyment, Write at once for terins, nd aroma) libelee of territory, Wo sell only first -claws eteek, handeome outfit Ira. Address IYCAY „ . REVS, Nurserymen, linchester N. t Nov. 21, dren!ery for Pitdier's Ca8tor arct's tinimentis used by Physicians. ) Our Diminishing Forests. --,1 Te the Editor tio gteter Time. Sine—All are aware that throughout Ontario at present, both cord wood and timber are rapidly hem:ling scarce, tied inuoli loss and inconvenience will:shortly be occasioned thereby. Ap one passes along the road he sees en every hand, where patches offore are 'still retained, that while the larger trees are being taken away for fuel and other purposes, no smaller tree's are growing up to replace them, in conse- quence of cattle, being allowed to make a paetere ground of the besii, the result being that in a few years no wood will rernaia on the farm.. It appears to me if our county counoils, itathe elder parts of Ontario, oould rio legislate as to exempt bush lands from taxation, a great deal of benefit woald accrue to the country at large. This measure has been frequently suggested, and seems to be the only feasible plan of preserving som e forest. If sonae method of the sort be not adopted the difficulty will only become greater year by year. There are now small reserves 01 tiraber which snob a law wen Id preeerve, while if delayed till most of them are gone, there would be little use in haul- ing it. Toronto, Deo. Stli, '89. • Yours eto., R. W. PIMPS, Brucefield. BRIEFS. —The Rev. Mr. Cookhonru tho blind MALI eleoguent of Gorie occapied the pulpit cif the Methodist church here last Sabbath with much acceptance. —The church anniversary services of Union ohuroh are to be conducted by the Rev. D. E. Fletcher, D. D. of Hamilton, next Sabbath. The Dr. give ti his popular lecture entitled "Palestine as.I saw it." On the following Monday eyg, muck: is to be furnished by Oarniel church choir, Hensall,Bt A.ndrew's choir, Rippe:tar and Union :church ohoir, Bructefteld .A. Christmas entertainment is to be given by the Sabbath Sohool of Union Church on Xmas eve, 24111 inst. A. Xmas aroh is to take the place of a Xmas tree A good time may be expected.—Mr. W. A. Grant gave a very interesting and profitable etenoptican entertainment in the Temper. ance Hall, last Thursday evg. His views are certainly very fine, and he deserves the bast of patronage.—Mr. W. 'Dixon of the Dixon Hotel is having a new platform placed in front of his premises, --2b0 ROV. W. Barr of Seaforth, occupied the pulpit of Union Church last Sabbath, the pastor being at Bluevale aiding the Be. A. T. Hartley at his saoremental services. Amnon o saoTHEB8.--Are you disturb ed a e night and broken of your rest by sick ohild suffering and crying with pain of Outtine Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs,Winsioit's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. 14 willedlieve the poor little sufferer ini rnediately Denend upon it, motheis ; there is nornistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcea, regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels,cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tome and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of this oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in •the United States, and is for sale •by all druggista throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Alas. WiNstoW's i4 -in ammo 13.M173:` ”a. lid other inti. no whoa nab).- waa sic, we gavo h or Castorla When the was a Child. alio cried for Cla,storia. When she became Miss, she clung to (Jaetoria, When she had Children, oho gavo thoto Castoria, ....•••••streminnames• moavemumotor INTERCOLONIAL R AIL WAY OF CANADA, Thedirect route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baia des Chaleur, Province of Quebec ; • also for New Brunswick, N ova Scotia,PrInce Edward °ape EiretonIslands, and Newfoundland an d St. Pierre, Express trains leave Montreal and Halifax daily (Sundays excepted) and run through without change between these points in SO bonze. The through express train cars of ihe In- teroolonial Railway are brilliantly I.ghted by electricity andheated by steam from the locomotive, thus greatly increasing the com- fort a.nd safety 01 travellers. New and elegant buffet sleeving and day ears run on through ex.press trains. Canaclian-European Mail and Passenger Route. Passengers for Great Britainn r the coati. n ant by leaving Monti eel on terlday morning will join ontward mail steamer at Utilifax on Saturday. The attention of shippers is directed to the sup eider facilities offered by this route ;or the transport of dour and genstrol nierchan- dise intended for the Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland. also for shipments of grain and p-roduco inteodect for toe Europeanrnar ket. Ti okete may be obtained and information about the route; aiso freight and !pa SSE11 ger rates on a,p plicatioxt to N. WES THERST ON, Wester n Fr eight &Passenger Agent 93Rossin Rouse slock,York kit .Toronto D POTTINGED, Chief n p /min ten d ant Railwa.v office. Monoton.N.B..Notv. 14, '89. =1argaltsi Great rejoicing over the unpre- cented bargains at Parkinson's du. ring this month. Bargains in Dress Goods, bargains in Flannels, bar- gains in Tweeds, bargains in Shirts and Drawers,bargains in the whole of our Stock "Mich consists of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Tweeds, BlankPts, Wool Yarns, Underware, Carpets, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Embroidery, Prints white and grey, Cottons, Grain Bags, Quilts, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, all of which we will offer at reduced prices until after the holklays. A quantity of Men's and Doy's Long Boots, and a lot of erockety, we will close out at cost for the next 30 days. A com- plete stock of Groceries always on hand at rock bottom prices, farm produce taken at Market prices. A quantity of Cordwood wanted. A call solicited, Remember the place for bargains is first door north of the Town Ran, txeter, J, PARRINSON Lerarinrgynowent 04 88 ;78 g 2 2 . . Bx. AKER,: AEPORTS umps pumips pu Clover s tea .., Timothy Peas Corn Eggs ••• Sutter Plourperbbl Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per oag DriedApplespr b Geeee per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per lb c hiekens per pr flograclressedpert 0 Beef ... Hideerough, dressed ... s heepskius each Calfskins Wool per lb wayperton Ouionanerbusn Woodper cord ••• • • A, 1"• .... 30 to 00 40 ... 2510 25 2 +50 to 3 Q0 54 to 0 55 • 0 90 to Q 52 ... 0 19 to 19 ... 17 to 0 18 • 09 to 5 10 • 40 t o .$165 • I Seto I CO ...0 4to 0,50 • 0 06 to 0 116 • 0 08 to 09 • 0 Oa to 0 08 ... 0 25 to 0 30 ... 5 50, to 6 00 ... ▪ 2 00 to 2 50 • 9 50 to 3 5G ... 0 00 to 80 „,. 0 AO to 9.0 • 0 1.8 to 0 70„ • 7 00 to 0 00 ▪ 0 50 to 0 00 25 t O 00. T ina 0 th y. ...... .. „. .,.... ... .. . .. : ...... ...... 2 50 3 09 Boga: eT:,MARY8 13 0 10 Clover Seed..........„... .......... ........... 5 50 6 (0 Spring Wheet......,. „. ...... ,.., . . .. .... 00 7225 00 8205 Barley .. , „ l 0 35 0 40 Pa.II wheat. . . ... . ..... —an-- ....... . ... 0 72 0 80 $ EiPeuattser.. ..... .. .. .....„... „a—. ........ . .. 0 5140 00 1500 APpoptletosepserpbert:gbbag ... ..... . .... ... ,....,..... 40 I 00 Wool per lb 055 HayParton ..... ....... ............ ........... 7 28 80 sg Bran per ton. . . . ....14 00 1400 oShachartesa.i ple. r b„b. ,I.,, . : .. . .. . : .... ....... —.2060000270 0000 LONDON, ---....-....—. Wheat,83o to 84e1 per bud. Oats, 27o to 27e per bus. Peas, 54o to 57e per bus. Bar- ley, Malting, 43 to 48a per bus. Barley Feed, b3uils}hootio. 410 per bus Corn, go to 47to Per TORONTO, Toronto, Deo, 11.—Wheat-Spring No. 2. 83o to 84el; per bus; red winter, No, 2,860 to 87 per bus Manitoba No 1 hard, 950 to 96o: No. 2, 92e to 930; PEAS 590 to 60a per bus. OATS 250 to 30o per bus. FLOUR, extra, 83.65 to 83.60 per bol; straight roller. 83.90 to $4..0Q; s rong bakers, 84,00 to 84.60. BARLEY, No 1, 49c th 50o ; No.2. 44c to 45o; No 3, extra 390 to 40o; No. 3, 330 to Sic. ..••••••••••• FOR RICKETS, MARASMUS, AND ALL WASTING DISORDERS OF CHILDREN. Sootz's Emulsion of Pare Cod Liver Oil. with Hypophosphites, is 'unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it is very wonderful. "I have used Scott's Emulsion 10 cases of Rickets and Mammas of long mending. In every case the improvement was mai k- ed.” --J 14 Mani, IVI,D., Now York. Sold by all Druggists, 500. and $1.00 ogs Wanted! Farmershurry on your store hogs and fatten them for the market from January. to June. We have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hogs in orderto make the packing of hogs a business throughout the year We shall endeavor to buy at whatever the price is, enough live hogs during these months to run our peeking house. As this business is being neglected during the late winter and spring months , we think those whohave hogs suitable for our requirements will reap a bog benefit. We want hogs not less than 140 lbs., and not over 220 lbs., and will give a handsome price for the same. Recollect we will not buy a dressed hog this winter, whereas we packed 15,000 dressed hogs after Jan 1st last winter. J L. GRANT & 00., Ingersoll. Tim Canatia Co IMPROVED FARNIS FOR SALE The following lands, now rented, will be open for sale at ter 1st November, 1869, when She existing leases will expire:— • Toivissare Coxossszov Ear Bay • • . • • •• • 8 •Wi,Ei ' J3 Nb 9 n 15 NI, 7, Wi,S1,25 Stephen 14 Sir 12 " ....... 18 Si. 7 ..... Aux Sables 9, Ei, 14, E, Ni17 West Wjlliam 11t 8 Stanley 8 WI, 7, WI, 8 GENERAL TERMS :—One-fourth of pur- chase money down, and ten years given in which to pay balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at 5 per cent. per annum. Prices will bo given on application to the Commissioners, CANADA COMPANY, Toronto. October 28th, 1889. ashonallloStylos THE BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPE'ST YET THE BIGGEST YET T Overcoatings t any price; Suit - iris at arty Price ; Pantings at any price. Ost Otdered NOthitig i oduced i xoter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Triinmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of atisfao- A,. ViNTZTAL. A WANT SUPPLIKD We mill hereafter make and keep on hand, a good supply of wooden pumps, which we will sell at neual prices, and guarantee them to fill the blil with satisfaction We respectfully ask a share of your patronage in this line, and we will endeavor to supply you with good pinups, and promptly. Iron Pumps will be .Purnislied When Desired. Shop one door south of Parson's Blecksmith Shop, Main-st., Exeter. W. TREVETB:101'C Ztat A O. RENSALL, - ONT, RARDWARE MtROHAIIITS UNDERTAKER'S. A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS,. nEALESS IN ALI. THE:LEADING STOVES & RANGES. au _rands of Light and Heavy Hardware. MECHANICS TCOLS, CUTLERY, ETC. COAL DELIVERED ON SHORTEST NOTICE .AT LOWEST PRICES. Emblems of- Ike Di erent . . &adzes. Evelythirig tit NV and fivat class. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE COST. THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. CliAre us a call t or a.urthiug in. the liae. OUR Sp:G ?TOC Spades — Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, ----Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the— -- Very Finest Prices for Cash —We have also on hand a full !meof—. SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, *Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. 7 Eave-troughing a Specialty. A call solicited. MMI907 CLEARTCf SALE I Special Bargains- BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds Dy -stuffs and p ackag Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- •1 VALUES IN et and always • 1 - fresh. Family recip ( 1 warc,00:(01:11,16,11 and see that we do juet 01 this 772077,th.., As we commence stock taking first Jan'y we have decided to make a Clearing Sale of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hardware, ole,, in order to unload our stook. Wo are determined INTERESTING AND PROFITABLE te make it both e To our patrons and to do this we eller 20 per cent. on Dry Gords and 10 per cent. on Hard- ware and Crookery, during December for SPOT CASH. This is tho greatest opportun,ty ever offered to buy first-class goods at almost wholdsale Prices. No old shop-worn trash, all good seasonable goods. TWEEDS AND DRESS GOODS APS A 1. es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, 1-1.APPEL CLEGHORN, ZURICH. Lurfriz../ !ILL and 711173 0-0013S_ I have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now aching off my Previous Stock ! At figurea away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods tin ill another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES` Rather than hold them over. MY STOCK is the best assorted town and of first (nudity goods atit here to exchange goods with the public) for °ash or pro- duce and am bound to do it: DO YOLT WANT TO BUY FaRsrr-oi,ss FilliNITU AT LOWER RATES. THAN SHAM GOODS: --ARE USUALLY SOLD —7 HEN OALL AT— GIDLEY'S —ONLY FIRST-CLASS Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cac led Chap Houses can giv6 tindertaking all " J. P. :ROSS, Branches. Market Store, EXETER, S. GIDLLPY, (Successor to op, 113, 1880. C. re ff. Gielley) ODD LDOW'S BLO it A