HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-09, Page 8A4vanV u esu ` 12th y, October 9, 4915 H,( KEY EQUIPMENT to fit boy 10 to 12 year old. Phone 357- 3738. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Today's styles at yesterday's prices. This elegant 1976 brand new Spanish bedroom suite, full price $439. It's just beautiful, folks. Free delivery, no money down, in store financing. Un- claimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave. W., Owen Sound, phone col- lect 371-0931. 2-9 APPLES. Pick your own, low trees, no climbing, beginning Fri- day, September 26. King, Talman Sweet, Snow, Russet, Greening, etc. After Friday, October 5, Spy, Baldwin, Delicious, etc. Cider apples, McIntosh and all varie- ties on hand picked. Picking days Monday, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays. Closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141, Mc- Clymont Orchards, one mile south of Varna. rrb Oct. 16 ENJOY the luxuries of a wood burning fireplace in your home or cottage. Completely installed with brick or stone facing for half the price you imagined. For free estimates phone 887-9200. rrb (t 1973 WHISPER JET snowmobile 440, 30 h.p., with single tilt swivel trailer. Also some extras. Asking $785. Call 335-3105. 2-9 BERG STABLE,cleaners and stabling. Bunk feders and water bowls. Silo =loaders and farrow- ing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb UNCLAIMED FREIGHT - Today's styles at yesterday's prices. Brand new solid state stereos, AM -FM radio, built-in tape player, automatic record changer, full price $178.88. Free delivery, no money down, in store financing. Unclaimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave. W, Owen Sound, phone collect 371-0931. 2-9 I CHROME kitchen set; Hoover washer; electric stove. Selling reasonably. Phone 357-1639. MOBILE HOME, 60' x 12', New Moon, two bedrooms and extra 'den. Stove, fridge and drapes in- cluded in full price - $5;250 for quick sale. Phone 335-3322. USED LIGHT standards with radial arm and fluorescent fix- ture, suitable for yard light, cot- tage or farm. Reasonable. Apply Wingham P.U.C., 357-2210. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Today's styles at yesterday's prices. This'.beautiful brand new two-piece Colonial living room suite, full price $199. Free de- livery, no money down, in store financing. Unclaimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave. ' W, Owen Sound, phone collect 371-0931. 2-9 SANDERSON'S SASH. Manufac- turers of odd size wood windows. Let us take out your , old, drafty windows and, replace them with a new custom built thermo glass in- sulated unit complete with screen. For an estimate phone . 335-3963 or evenings 887-9200. rrb 1,200 BALES of hay. George Young, RR 3, Teeswater. Call 3573789 after 6 p.m. CAULIFLOWER. House plants. Wingham Market Garden, High- way No. 86 West. 9-16 Buyers of Timothy, Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil SEED Maple Leaf Mills Ltd., Seed Div., phone 235-0363, Jones MacNaugh- ton. rrb Oct. 23 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Today's styles at yesterday's prices. Brand new eight -piece kitchen suites, full price $88. Free delivery, no money down, in store financing. Unclaimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave. W, Owen Sound, phone collect 371-0931. 2-9 PAISLEY APPLE Butter Mill re- opens September 25 closing No- vember 15, operating each week Thursday and Saturday until 6 o'clock, Friday night until 10 p.m. Custom cooking Friday only. Apple butter, sweet cider, con- tainers, barrels for sale. rrb Nov. 6. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Today's styles at yesterday's prices. Double bed mattress $59. Free delivery, nomoney down, in store financing. Unclaimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave., Owen Sound, phone collect 371-0931. 2-9 RIDING LAWN MOWER. Ex- cellent condition. $90. Phone 335- 3764 after 5:30 p.m.' KELVINATOR FREEZERS for sale in 15, 18 and 23 cu. ft. sizes at Chambers Dominion Hardware, Wroxeter. USED MOBILE HOMES. 14 ft. wide, including Sunrise Park, Ar- lington, Fleetwood, Champion and Townhouse. There will be several 12 widths. available. For further information contact J. Mathers, 357-3208. -• ONE ACOUSTIC guitar and case, excellent condition; not a year old; one electric guitar amplifier, very good condition, piggy back amp., will sell separately; phone 357-3578 on weekends. 1973, 650 YAMAHA in excellent condition, asking '$1,200 or best offer. Phone 357-1963. UNCLAIMED PRE' GHT Today's , styles at y Sterday's prices. Brand new 26" risole, to the =floor color televi 7 on. Full price $599, No trade ne : ed. Free delivery, no money down, in store financing. Unclaimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave. W, Owen Sound, phone collect 371=0931. 2-9 1974 JOHN DEERE snowmobile, JDX6, like new. Phone 357-2117. 9-16 GARAGE SALE. Come see our great buys on Saturday, October 18 at Gerald Smith's, White- church, Ontario. Sale starts at 10 a.m. There will be a white ele- phant table, rummage table, home baking, crafts, some furni- ture including combination TV - stereo, five -piece wood dining room set and a snowmobile. 9-16 STABLE -FED beef, fronts 65 cents per lb., hinds 95 cents per lb., halves 80 cents per lb., cut and wrapped. Harold Finlay, 392- 6564. - Wanted To Buy ABOUT 25 Manitoba maple trees, approx. 10 feet high, to trans- plant. Phone Harold Finlay at Belmore, 392-6564. Help. Wanted DRUMMER AND ORGANIST for expanding well-established country -rock group. Must have own equipment, belong to union or willing to join, be able to sing and 18 or over. Drummer needed immediately. Contact Harry Bus- by, 392-6082. TYPIST REQUIRED for part - tithe in Wingham. Mr. Prue, 357-2572. FULLER BRUSH COMPANY. To buy or sell our products tele- phone 1-296-4646 collect evenings or write D. Wight, RR 2, Thed- ford, Ontario. Territories now available in this area. 9-16-23 APPLICATIONS for the position of a part-time helper for the How- ickCornmunt frena for the viriti�r rltrda!itl7s 61"14f6Yaiid 106.' State 1 ualifications' and remun- eration. Applications plainly marked to be in the hands of the Secretary by 6 p.m., October ' 20, 1975. Robert Gibson, Secretary of Community Centre Board, Gorrie, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY local business requires person for perma- nent employment as part of "front office" staff. 'Qualifications must include: Some experience with maintenance of daily cash balances; - Ability 'to maintain neat and orderly mis- cellaneous records; Reasonable typing speed and high level of keyboard accuracy; Be a resident of Wingham or close vicinity; Be willing to accept the position on a rea- sonably long-term basis; Possess ability to meet the public pleasantly Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 6:00, five days weekly. (office closed Saturdays). Apply in writing to BOX 389 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Wingham, Ontario UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Singer automatic zig-zag sewing machine, automatic button holes, fancy patterns, sews on buttons, slightly used, full price $71. No money down, in store financing. ,Unclaimed Freight Ltd., 1404 First Ave. W, Owen Sound, phone collect 371-0931. 2-9 ANTIQUE love set includes love seat, rocking chair and two arm- chairs. Needs small repairs. Asking $350 or best offer. Phone 351-1963. HELP WANTED Because of continuing strong demand for our hand knitted products, we still have a number of openings for production workers on our 3 p,m. to 11 p.m. and 11 p.m. to 7 a.m shifts. Because demand is strong, we can offer you steady, consistent full time work. Our wage rates are competitive with daily pro- duction bonus and shift premiums. If you haven't applied before and you're looking for work, drop in and talk to our Personnel Manager about an opening that may interest you. Goonhik .1ti YARNS & DVfRS LIMITED • 380 Livingstone Street S. Listowel, Ontario Miscellaneous REYNOLDS REFRIGERA- TION. Dependable repairs, prompt service. Phone 357-1085. rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE LEARN HAIRDRESSING -for more information on this career write, phone or visit K -W SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 407 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. rrb ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr ALLAN'S ALUMINUM Storm windows-sashless or alu- minum sash, horizontal sliding prime storm and screen. Picture windows, panorama or any com- bination units of, picture windows ,with wood frame for new build- ings. Thermo glass available. Re- placement windows, door frames, heavy duty doors, etc. Phone 392-6065. rrb TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents at the North Huron Credit Union. Deposit in- terest rates'at 9 per cent. 'Office hours, Belgrave, Tuesday 8'to 10 ' p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 4 to 7 p.m. Phone 357-2311. rrb Livestock For Sale HAMPSHIRE AND Hampshire- Duroc crossbred boars. ' Working now. Purebred off imported sire. Paul McNally., 357=3724. 9-16 HEAVY one -year-old hens. Phone 335-6237. , STARTED PULLETS, ready to lay, suitable for laying cages or floor pens, available September to December. Assembled laying cages also available. ' Write or phone Fisher Poultry Farm, Ay- ton 665-7711. rrb 26 STOCKER;T CALVES. Phone Teeswater 392-6244. Cars & Trucks For Sale LIKE NEW, 1973 Buick LeSabre custom, four door, hardtop, very low mileage. Can be seen at Wingham Memorials. 1971 MAVERICK, four door, six cylinder, automatic, good condi- tion. Phone 528-2646. THIRTY POLICE CARS and trucks. One 1973 GMC tandetn diesel tractor; thirteen 1974 Plymouths; five 1974 Chevrolets; four 1974 Dodges; three 1973 Fords; two Ford half -tons; one Chev one -ton ; one 1972 Plymouth. Heavy d ty police equipment, as low as $1,000. License No. DRJ 358. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of Hanover or Zellers, on No. 4 Highway. Phone Durham 369-3136. 1965 FORD Galaxie 500 con- vertible. Phone Teeswater 392- 6244. Farm Machinery 720 ALLIS CHALMERS forage harvester, used two years. Also Ford four-wheel drive tractor and five -furrow automatic -reset plough. Phone 887-9493 evenings. ONE INTERNATIONAL three- point hitch, 312 inch narrow bot- tom plow, $150; one 512 ft. George White draw -type snow blovrr, $175. Both items in excellent con- dition. Phone 357-1868, Belgrave. Mortgages 1973 I)ATSUN, 1200, four speed, $1.500 Phone 357-2965 after five 9-16 1970 DODGE Challenger, two door hardtop, power steering and brakes, V-8, automatic, radio, good condition, one owner car. Phone 392-6614. 9-16 1973 MAZDA, blue, in good condi- tion, $950 or best offer. Phone 357- 1963. lst-2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS for debt consolidation, new pur- chases or refinancing. No hidden charges or bonuses. We spe- cialize in the hard -to -get mort- gages. Call collect anytime 1-885- 1900. HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES. rrb For Rent RENT A TRAVEL trailer or mobile home in Florida, one near Disney, one in beach area. Rates start at $100.00 week for couple. Write Joanne Snider, P.O. Box 1199, Kissimmee, Florida, 32741,, with dates needed and further in- formation. nformation. 11-18-25-2-9-16 THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Teeswater. Contact G. Nabrotzky, 392-6893. rrb UNFURNISHED one bedroom apartment, refrigerator and stove supplied; electrically heat- ed, `thermostatically controlled; a washer and dryer at tenant's disposal. Located on Wingham's main street for shopping conveni- ence; free parking at the rear of the building. Available October 1. Phone 357-2870 or 357-1015. • rrb Business Opportunity PROFITABLE BUSINESS con- sis g, . yposq„ gryjcg Statign, tw bay, repair.,garage, take-out and sock bar plus living quart- ers. Located on Highway No. 87 between Wingham and Harriston on one acre of land. Ideal for family operation. Call Elmer Reidel at 578-4060 or 744-3125 for more details. MLS AU -241 rep- resenting B. E. Skovsgaard Limited, Realtor. 9-16-23 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AN EXCITING AND REWARDING CAREER OPPORTUNITY If you have a good education, some university preferred, are ambitious, enthusiastic and will- ing to work hard ... if you can't bear the thought of a wheel -spin- ning, talent -wasting, going no- where .career.. there may be a place for you with us. An exciting and rewarding career that puts you up to your neck in responsibi- lity . . . right from the start. A career as a multi -line insurance agent with a promising future .. . and plenty of immediate chal- lenges to spark your imagination and let you make use of your tal- ent. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're an important part of our operation, so why not find out today about a career with one of the nation's leading insur- ance organizations? Write this praper giving us an outline of your background and experience, to Box No. 391, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times. . 9-16 Services WILL DO portable welding. Spike Bakker, RR 2, Wingham, 157- 1881. rrb Oct. 16 SEPTI(' TANKS ('LEANED Modern new equipment. Over 20 years experience. Phone 887-6800, Lous Blake, RR 2, Brussels. rrb Nov. 27 WINGHAM CUBS AND SCOUTS will deliver flyers for merchants anytime as a fund-raising pro- ject. Contact 357-3322. 9-16 McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER on Sighway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2914159 GORRIE 335-3314 PART OF power take -off of frac-4 CHAGNON-At the Wingham tor mower on the B -Line, October and District Hospital on Tues - 3 about 3:45 p.m. Phone 357-2988. day, September 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Chagnon, 110 New- gate Street, Goderich, a son. Real Estate SIX building lots in Wroxeter, some with river frontage from 14 -acre to 1 -acre in size. Write Box 16Q8, The Listowel Banner. 18-25-2-9 WROXETER-Eleven room home in park -like setting of one acre, with trees of many kinds. $55,000. Additional treed lots available. Write Box 1608, The Listowel Banner. 18-25-2-9 COUNTRY LIVING on five acres north of Blyth, one and a half storey brick home, six rooms, four bedrooms, new oil furnace, barn, drive shed and drilled well on property. Contact Mason Bailey, Iola Bailey Real Estate Limited, Clinton, 482-9371. WILLIAM S. REEB Real Eststo Broker and Goners, Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE = 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM One and a half storey, brick home,"newly-renovated, contain- ing large living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, new electric furnace and close to business section. A well -kept, three bedroom, brick home, featuring living room, din- ing room, large kitchen, laundry room on main floor, two bath- rooms, full basement, oil fur- nace, well Situated, early posses- sion. - Independent' realtor will sell'fairr farm, home, duplex, income property or business for only 3 per cent commission for Wing - ham properties. Purchasers waiting. List your real estate early for fall sales. rrb nstruction Available LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS -Now you can train right here in Canada! - Tuition Tax Deductible! - Placement assistance -Weekend training also avail- able! • For application and interview, write: Safety Department The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W., Toronto 117, Ontario. , Or call 416.864 9381 (Formerly -Trans-Canada Trans- port Training) PRICE --In Listowel Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, Sept, 30, 1975 to Mr. and Mrs. William Price of RR 2, Gorrie, a daugh- ter. STEPHENSON-At the Wing - ham :and District Hospital on Friday, October 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stephen Brussels, a daughter. LEGGATT---At the Wingham and District Hospital op, Saturday, October 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Leggatt, Lighthouse Street, Goderich, a son. ADVERTISING SALES We have an opening for an advertising salesman or saleswoman to represent our newspapers in the immediate area and in near- by cities. Some sales experience would be a distinct advantage and the ability to project enthusi- asm and optimism is a definite requirement. This position carries salary and generous commission, adequate to provide -higher than average income to the person who can really operate in high gear. We are interested only in persons who are serious about a career in sales. Apply in person to; Barry Wenger, Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. Robert Wenger The Banner, Listowel, Ont. David Wenger, The Confederate, Mount Forest, Ont. Business and Professional Directory 0 BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Times HELP YOU PHONE 357-2320 a WINGHAM MEMOR1AL'S GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direet and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm:B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON. Ontario 338-2712 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid, C.A. TRUCK SALE BEDS -BEDS -BEDS -BEDS -BEDS -BEDS FRIDAY&SATURDAY ONLY at BALL AUCTIONS RETAIL OUTLET CAMPBELL ST: #1000 39" (Single) Reg. $179. OUR PRICE ....$80.00 48" (3/4) Reg. $209. OUR PRICE .... $95.00 54" (double) Reg• $209. OUR PRICE ....$95.00 60" (Queen) Reg. 339. OUR PRICE ... $140.00 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO MARK II 39" (single) Reg. $249. OUR PRICE ... $125.00 54" (double) Reg. 299. OUR PRICE ... $135.00 60" (queen) Reg. $389. OUR PRICE ... $175.00 ALL OTHER ITEMS ARE REDUCED FOR THIS CLEARANCE SALE HOURS: Tues. -Sat. 10 a.m.-.6 p.m. -Fri. till 9 p.m. 3 4 • 0 0 0 N