HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-12, Page 4Estabitshed 877, -Wirszro, )3ANICER, EX.E.TE.R, ONT •Teansteets xenevalb5 business. Ueeeilre$ the acoeunts of merchants tine ethere On faxerableterms, Offers every assoommodation eonsipterit with flake an deonaervativebankin gprtnelPloS• Vivo ner tient interest allewea on deposits. Drattsissused Payable at way ofeee et the Merehentszamk. NOTES DISCOUNTED, de MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND 11103TGAGES Eilvt cexttivt! $01entif14 1\11$0e13.0417, Belo= or TIM AtutortA,e-Intereetieg partieulers comet:Mee recent attempts to peetteere the height of the aurora bave been given to the Royel Duiia1 Acedemy be M. Adam Paulsen. At teotitheabt with two teeodolitee 4 miles evert, the height a dif- /emit euroree wee found to range freert mile to 40 mil ee ; near Cape Farewell, with hiiso-lirie of about e. mile, elm (Wee. lateens ranged in 1 to 10 ; mut a Seitzliergen, wide i be of About e the reeults were from e mile to 18 miles, In eerlier oheervetious, lelogel eetiniated the height of several eutorae at from 90 to 310 i1 Reitcteun found. a height for one aurora of at least 000 miles, and Nordeu. skjold placed the mean height of aurore at Omit 125 Miles ; w)ileLemstrore observed emote° as lOW as 1000 feet, and Riede- braudsou saw them below the clouds, M. Paulsen infers that the aurora only appears at coesiderable tteight in the temperate zone, while iri the auroral zone proper tbe pbenomenon IS generally produced hi the lower annoepbeie. ELNCTRICITY DIREOT PROM Won'. -The secomplishment of a eitherto appareutly impossible feat-tbet of transforming me- chanical work directly into eleetrioity-is claimed. by Prof. Brawn, of Tubingen. He winds woke wire into spiral, said as eatitt spiral is elongated or coinpressed a entreat of considerable strength is generated.This is inereased by putting a nember of spirals eiroult. Suce positive results Intve been obtained that the experimeuter le hopeful of coestrueting a useful generator on this principle, THURSDAY, DE,OEIM.BER 12, 1889. EDI'TORIA L NOTES. The amount of chaty paid on Chinese it -Migrants this year shows how the number of Clnnese coming into Canada is increaeing, En November, this year, • the diety paid et Vancouver Was $5,514,- 50 in November, 1888, it Was $3,724,, or $1,790.50 less than this year. Business failures reported to Brad- istreeee number 281 in the United States dile week, apainst 265 last week, and 273 this week last year .,Canada, had. 35 this 'week, against 30 le.st week, The total of faiheres in the United States, from Jan. 1 to date, is 16,662, against 9,439 in 1888. -- The statement of revenue and ex- penditure, for the Dominion, for the five months of the present fiscal year, oompared with revenue and expenditure for the same time in the previous year, is as follows : Revenue. Expenditure. Surplus 1889 90 ........ $16 950,441 51249$,559 84 451,885 1.8S9-89 ....... 15,973,V00 12,607,000 3,366.000 The unparalleled success of the post few days' business urges us on to still greAtef efforts, The sixeatn of customers which daily enter our store exceeds our expecta.tions. , the NEXT TI-IIRTY DAYS we tl sell at. and btlow cost, the old and reliable sock, comprising1:- Hats a,ncl. Caps, Furs, Gents' Furnishings, G-roceries, Patent Medicines, Etc. PROSPRoBBSCaNT IttrINITION,.-11t0 OUri- ous discovery has been made that tee pbosphorescenee frequently exhibited by the cruetacea is infectious. A French naturalist, Isl. Glard, lately traced the phos- phoreecent light in Talitrus and other °regime. to bacteria in the =soles. which showed signs of &mass. On inoculating healthy individuals, the same luminous ap- earaisee was produced The dieease rues a regular course, and tee erustacen died in tbree or four days the pliosphoreseence last- ing a little after death. THEORY OP HYPNOTISM. Dr. Pinel, 4 Paris, bas found that hypnotie petients obey the phonograph aareadlly as the living epeaker, fle therefore &nerds the theory of animal maguetism, and believer that the real course of the phenomena manifested in the few "sensitives is a disordered mental state INDIP:Tit8CTIBLELITNBATURt.--Fire•proof and time -proof book, with leaves and eovers of streets of aebe-tos, and. printing in gold or silver lettere. have been suggested. SosExTirm FANMING.-The first agrienl- tural expel intent station, according to Prof. W. 0. Atwater a the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, was established at a little German village near Leipsic in 1851. In 1856 there were five, in 1861 fifteen, in 1866 thirty, autl to -day there are name than one hundred experiment stations and kind- red institutions in the countries of Europe. The first agricnItural experiment station in America was established at Middletown, iu 1975. There were four in operation in 1880, and in 1887 some seventeen in fourteen States. In the latter year )on - gess made the enterprise national by an appropriatisn of $15,000 per annatn to each +DI the States and. Territories having agri- cultnial colleges or department of colleges. This has led to increased aotivity, and there are are now forty-aix, or, counting branches, fifty-seven, agrieulturafexperiment stations in the United States. To support these forty six stations, the National tend State appropriations for the present year reaela about V20,000, and over 370 trainee men are employed. Heniy Searle, the champion oarsman, who, a few months ago, defeated Wm. O'Connor, is dead. He was very ill with typhoid fever when the ship on which he seiled from England reached Adelaide, and in spite of all that wealth and anxious care could do the disease ended fatally. Searle's rise to fame was rapidrapid • in 1888 be rowed bis first race in a ; boat, and in 1889 he was the champion of the world. Searle was born at Grafton, on the Clarence River, in New South Wales, 23 years ago, and when he sailed for home after winning the championship, he fully expected to row another race in defence of his title, within the next few months. Mr. Wiman has issued a circular en- Du -Goods, Ready-made Cloth.ing, Millinary, Mantles, Carpets, to remove the CROCKERY to a.notner de" artment we will give special bargains on PRIDA.Y and SA CURDAY- iav N I) NOW CONIES 'THE TUG OF WAR • 0(2ERIES, GlaOCERIES This department is under the manao.eutent of SAMWELL, who will give you Bargains. • Think of it! TEN POLINDS of TEA. tor ONE DOLLAR ; and all other goods equa.11y cheap. • Come one ; Come all. And if yon have not the cash, bring produce and get the highest price and the best value in the country for it. titled "Closer Relations evith theUnited States." Let us see what these closer relations imply. Mr. Wima,n leaves no room for doubt as to the direct effect which this policy would have both with relation to the control of our revenue and. the result to Great Britain . Here is a paragraph from Pamphlet No. 3 :- "Under Commercial Union there would be a uniform tariff right round the contin- ent instead of athwart it. That tariff the United States would practically fx. It would doubtless be jointly administered under a commi-sion, in -which, of court -6, the United States must neeeessarily have a majority. The revenues of both countries would be put into a common frina, or in other words, pooled, and. after the total expenses of collection were paid, the stun would be divided in proportion to popula- tion. The same plan would have to be adopted iu the collection of internal reve- nue. It is true that, according to the existing figures Canada, under this agree- ment would realize a less revenue than she does now, and this because no duty what ever -would be paid on American goods that would then reach her consumers with- out paying duty, while, in consequence ,-,1 this freedom from taxation, the consump- tion of American goods would enormously increase, thus lessening vastly the impor- tation of English goods, now yielding a revenue." amsgsaammislassagsmosarasamostrammars DIED. MAwnomes.-In Stephen,on tbe 5th Mete Ann Foster, beloved wife of Mr, George Mawhinney, aged 55 year, 5 mos, an cl 18 days, *Norma. - SALE REGISTER. S reat. -access , ..,DPIC. 1B. -Farm etock, insole - merits, eta, the property of Daniel Moir, , lot 29, eon, 4, Usberne, Sale at one o'olook. 1/0016•411101111/111•10041011.110W ilaNINWOMIOWNIPINIMMINIM frEACHER WANTED. - Jt. 4 A female teacher holding a second-class certificate, ior S. S. No 2, Stephen, for tlr year 5890 Apply to MICHAEL HIRTZEL, Sec/3' Crediton P 0. Ont ealia.r 4, i3ifillon, A/let. --- sr. .......................,,-----...1. TRE WESTERN 0.0. Rnolissios & Co. 1 ADVERTISEE 1 Gents, -We consider KINARD'S LINI. I \MENT the best in the market and. eheer• 1..01•TI:)OisT, 01"-.TT.A.MLIO. Published in twelve -page form, a di.r00,11tifull. Priuted on one of the best web-feed1u4 fully resommend its use, presses in America, J. H. HARR/S, Bellevue Hospital. 0. AlsDERSON, 111,D., P. S Edinburgh. L 'R.° England. 1\l'it H. D. Winstnefsui. of pean, Prof. Loisettea Memory System is area the country , and persons wishiug to improve POPULAR DEPARTMENTS tus free as advertised in another column. l including a Teirst-olass Agrieulearal Depart- ment ; Special. NI arket Department ; Secular and Sacred Music ; ntoreating Stories s Ladle 0 MINATION. Department : Legal Department ; Talinage's and Youths' Department ; Curious and 'Useful Sermons ; and all the news by telegraph , mai I A meeting of the electors will be hold in the and correspondence, Town Rail, Creditnn on Monday, December 13ALANCE OF 1S89 FREE l . Agent's Package and sample copy on aPPli - 30th , ai the hour of 1'2 o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominating a reeve, two deputy cation, The most liberal Inducements e ver reeves and two councillors to serve as members offered in Canada to olub•gotters. A•ddress- of the Municipal couneil of Stephen. for the ADVERTISER PRINTING 00.,London, Cali Year 1800. and should a poll be demanded the, sub-divisioos on ISionday..1anuary 6th. begin- sa zing a19 o'clook, a.m., and closing at 5 o'elOok, n.m. All varties interested will take due notice hereof and govern themselves accord- ingty. C. PROTITY, Stephen, Dec. 12th, '00, Returning Weer. r B. :pz z lee /et 14:21 a s I °MIN A.TION. LONDON ONTARIO. 1 The Handsomest Printed Paper in the Dominion. VALUABLE PRESENTS FOR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. LARGEST $1 P4PE1, In dubs of four and upwards 75s. each. ing greater interest than ever m all parts of \ -- their memory should send for his prospec- Of interest to every member of the family The Liberal Party in Caneda, eve Mr. Wiman, has adopted this scheme as a plank in their platform, to be user' almost solely at the next general election. This being the case the leaders of the Liberal party are willing to sever British connection, besides handing the governing of Canada over to the heads at Washington. satrucrTor• Ttzros 14T:0.1*V7 G 0 0 S ROBT, MORRISON' lege to announce that hia Stook of Goods the Fall and Winter Trade, Is now com- plete in every department, aud. is 'well Worthy Of .111,,SpeCti011 , • ly the purchaeing public, to whore lee ex. Inds a cordial invitation to call and mam- a° before making their selections His prices will be found right in every line. ELECTEIC •Powee..-The utilization and distribution of electric power are stated by Dar. F. L. Pope to have reached by far the greatest development in Switzerland and the United States. In the former country electricity is transmitted to considerable distances for large motors. At Solothurn is manufactory of machine screws is driven by au electric motor of 50 horse power, which derives its energy from a turbine wheel twelve miles distant. At Lucerne 120 boos) r over is similarly carried half a mile, and, 250 hose power is quarter of a mile In the United. States no electric motor of snore than 70 horse power is known to Mr. Pope, but there are as many ea 6000 small motors in use, a favorite size being 10 horse power. It is predicted that in cities electric miters will soon practically supplant the steam engines of less than 50 horse power, A ReetenICABLe Tnem. -The abundance ot reixteene of the mammoth is almost in- ereeible. Middenorff reekoned that at least 100 Pairs of tusks had been put upon the market yearly during tbe last two centuries, and from personal obsmvationalordenskjold ie Moline to regard the estimate as too Enna It thee appeara that in the modern trade the tusks of more than 20 000 of these animals of past ages have been colleetea 111 b opened at the different polling The Best Family Newspaper in Dash, Established nearly half a century. KING OF THE WEEKLIES? A raeeting of the elcotors e e Town B Zurich. in al onday,December 30th at the hour of 12 o'clock soon for the purpose of nominating a reeve, deputy TCOVC and three councillors to serve as members of the Munici• pal council of Hay, for the year 1.690. and should a poll be demanded the same will be opened at the diff rent polling sub -divisions on Mon- day, January 6th, beginning at 9 o'clock a m-, and closing at 5 o'clock p.m. All parties in- terested will take due in tiee hereof and gov- ern themselves accordingly. SAMUEL POSTER, Hay. Deo. 12th, 1889. Returning Oaicer. Exeter Municipal Council. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at the tenni hall, Exeter, 41h Dec. 1889.' All present except the reeve. The deputy -reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previous /noting were read and confirmed. „. Moved by T. B. Carling, sec. by T. McCallum, that orders be granted fox thefollowingstuns, viz :--R. Stantalee $1 foriabor, Jno. Gillespie 75cts. do., Jas. %laden $9.60 do., Geo Ford $L40 gravel, Mal. Mc- Innis 9413. hibor, Wm Phan., 63e. do., Wes. J. Bissett $12,51 do. Thos Horn $2.19 do. Albert Bissett $'3.37 44., Jun lVforeshes:c1 $2.25 do.,, I) Taylor 50c. do., Geo Bodging $1.38 do., S Staibake $10.24 Balls ac8t. for lumber, No. 2 fire Co. $95 for services, No. 1.Fire $60 do., tacilett $10.35 set jurqrs, election foes and postage, Elliott & Elliott $5,50 fees re transient traderh case 1888, John Vale 90.c. .sharpening ' saws, Bissett Bros. $7.65 cer. , acct., ,SohnDignan $1.25 rep wheelbarrow etc., Jas Willis $1.25 lumber, H Spackman. 025 cer. acct., Dr. Lutz $10 services M. H.O. , 111 Eacrett $5 servi oes seq. B. of R. Jae Dignan $10.05 rep tank etc., JasVreech $5 charity to Piper. -- Carried- Byelaw No, 11, 1889, to appoint Dap. Bet. officers, etc. was road and passed on motion of T.. B.' Carling, seeonded by T. H. McCallom. Moved by T. B. Carling, see. by T. II. Me - Callum, that a by-law be submitted at the next meeting of this' council to prevent skating and running with hand sleighs on the side walk on Main street. -Carried, Moved by T. B. Carling, see. b37 T. McCallum, that John. Piper be allowed $2 pe r week tail further orders.--Oarried.' 11/fovea by T. II. KeCallum, see, by T. B. Carling, that this eohneil adjoteett until riday, the i3th, CArvic(1. * 111. Clerk ellt ratinlberntan's fli 01V1INATION. A mee ing of the electors will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on itionday,December 30th at the hour of 7 o'clock, p.in r the purpose of nominating a reeve, deputy reeve and three f MIL/TANT NOVELTT.-(k. vegetable oat t- riclge-shell, which is entirety consumed in firing, has been brought out in France. The cartridge hes scarcely half the weight of oue with it metal shell, the. cost is con- siderably less, and the ivonnvenienee ol retuoviug the ehell after eacli shot is avoid - councillors to s( rve as meni pal council of Exeter, for the year 1390, and if a poll be demanded, the same will be opened 1 pronounce it a 'gem." and alone worth the at the different peeing sub -divisions on 111on- , mice of the subscription, day eenuary eth, beginnin----------------0., 9 o clock, a. 11■111MINIMalk itt Beady-macle Clothing some special lines lt exceedingly low prices, such as netts' Overcoats $4 Boys' Overcoats YantS MI.ou Call and examine. No trouble to show Goods. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce, Don't forget the place -Double Stores, Marshall's Block, opp. Reynold's Hotel. ROBT. MORRISON, HnssaLL. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS • HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising fret disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS ON BLOOD, • 3. !WILBURN Q. gO., Pr'Prtitirlsoorm All the news in full by telegraph, telephone, mail and correspondence up to the hour of Publ ica tiou. Illustrations. practical and use - f ul. are given each week. Special market de- partment. Agricultural depart= ,t. Capital story always running. Ingenious puzzle oolumn. }tumorous rsading. JUST PIE THING FOR THE FAMILY Every member of the hou.sehold eagerly looke for it etieh week. The Agricultural Department is a noted feature of the “e ree Press," being always up to th times, and concluded. by persons practic- ally skilled ia farm. work. Large 81.03 paper. In clubs of four and up- wards, 75c. each. Balance of 1889 free. a handsome Christmas number and four chromes given away free of charge to every subscriber for 1890. Artists Nvho have seen sheets of the Christmas number W. Tp nTT —THE POPULAR— Book. `111o6 Has opened business in the premises of B. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR' s Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet 0044 04, One Door South of Post Office --HE RAS -- A NEW AND CORPLETE. OF--- ' oots his old customers and as Shoes. many new ones. • Sewed work a speciality. \Repairing promptlyattended to. Sewed Work a8vecialtyl GEO. MANSON,. YO LT CAN GET 20 POUNDS -0E- Raw' Sugar FOR $1 Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal cash and elosing at 5 o'clock, p.m. terested will take due notice hereof and ev- commission allowed. ern themselves aticordingly. The most popular paper to work for. More EACRETT, mono/ can be made during the fall and winter Exeter, Dec. /2th, 1889, Returning Officer,1 season working for the "Free Press" than at any other employment. Address -FREE PRESS. London, Ontario. ea. 1S- OMIDI A.T I ON . A meeting of the electors will be held in the Town HatI dIimvillC, on Monday, Dec. 301h, at the hours of 11 a.m. and 12 o'elock noon, for the purpose a nominating ,t reeve, and four councillors to serve as members of the lsfunioi- na1 counoil of Usborne. for the year 1890. and s,sould a poll be demanded the same will be opened at the different polling subedivisons on Monday Janet:lei eth, beginning at 9 o'clock, a.m., end closing al 5 o'clock p tn. All parties interested will take due notice hereof and govern themselves ascordinglY. G. Holman Elimvi Ile, Deo. 12th, '88. Returning' 0 ffieer, Kirk:ton. Brutes, -.Miss Wray, niece of Mr. John McCurdy, left en Saturday for Toronto, itt which city she has secured a situation as teacher of otte of the public schools. Miss Wray has won golden opinions eince she began teaching, her suceese havitig been above the average teacher, She secured tee, ptesent situatien among scone of apPlioante, evIdah of itself indicates her superior qualifications and recommend a - tions, -We regret to state that Mr. Same Sample, sr., has been forced, through the financial.failtue of hie son John, to inalre en assignment; Mn. Sannile'a farm is one of the best he tleborne,and it was thought he wee in rod finanical eirctunstancese-- . A literate' soeiety is about to be started in • the eillage. lite. 'U. el. Leigh, our popular :school teacher is spoken of as President. - •Aecoldidg to ruiner Mr. A. A. Doupe store .keeper of this place is to be one of the candidatee for municipal honors in the Usborne eouneil.--Rev. D. Steele lee - eared in St. Paul's Episeopal elnireh, on Thursday last, taking for hie subject "Free Marieness, The Revgentleman gave a thorough definition of his subject and con, eidered 11 10 toletion to speech, fashion, amusement and christianity. Typee of niardinese were ethibitee from scripture and modern history and. the lecture concleded with a special admonitive to the young men to tultivete inatilieese iu 511 118 fortes, T1OEASSLG In ir oSamuel Sample, r., of the thenattef township of TI. ,.,-up yeoman, an Instil- mat, and of chapter 121, of Revised Statutes of Ontario. Tbe above named Insolvent has this day made an assignment of all his estate and ef- feats to Lewis H. Dickson Esq., of the VIL- LAGE OP teXET tat, in the County of Huron, in trust for the general benefit of his oreditors A meeting of the reditors of the said Insol- vent will be held at the law otfiee of Lewis .kr, Dickson, Assignee. Exeter, on Minard's Auction Sale Monday, Uie 18th day of December '89 At the hour of 2 o'elock, p.m. —VALUABLE-- pairino. promptly and sat- isfactorilY done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. WATNI TED Men to take orders for Nursery Stook, onSol- URSUANT to a povver ot sale before oegaging Reviumeens.-Bradstreet's or Dun Wiman & Co's Commercial Agencies svell knosvn to bueiness men ; or Standard Bank Colborne, Ont. • In each rf three certain mor g onemade by j.liartnian to th e Ontario Mutual Life sssurence company, and the ether two made by .11111tUS A731:10Mail to the Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Company, which mortgages have been assigned to Mr. Wm. Campbell, a,nd will be produced on day of sate, there will be sold by Natio motion, at WILLERT'S HO l'EL, it the Village of Dashwood, by EDwantt Man or Coraimssion. I can make a suceeseful SA.TiESMAN at anyone who will work and follow ray in- structions. Will f urnish handsome outfit free and pay poor salary or eorninission eVerY week. Write for terms at once. E. 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Oot10 1.3t Toronto. Ont. QALES1V ENV: 14.10 WANTED. ;stWi Raving done business in Canada for tho past 30 years, our reputation and responsibil- itY is well known. We pay salary and ex- penses from the start if everything is satis- eT review experienee iB required. ee *rite us foe terms, whice are VDTS, ilbOtal, All creditors are required to file their claims with the said essignee on or before the lot day of Janus's+, I890, duly and legally proven with full particulars as to tany tecuriey or se- ourities held by them or any of them. LEWIS B. rnoxsoN. Assignee, Ester, Dec, 7111, 180 --2t DMINISTRATRIX'S Norics. To the electors of the village of Exeter. : In compliance .AVith reqtasitirin promoted te mo ate signed by %number of theelectors througheut the vitlitge, 1 have consented to allovt myself to be nottanated as candidate for Munitipal eouncil, Mid if eleeted eo sip hese tO prOmote the interests of the villege at large. • Youvs Respaetfullie SPAokVItif 13018SENBEUI1V, Auctioneer, on Saturday the 21st day of cumber 1889 At one reale& p. me, the follosving valuable farms, ill tsvo separate parcels, viz : er firm. PARCEL I -Lot number Twenty-four, in the Lake Road, East Concession of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County 01 Huron. contain- ing by adineallurenient Ninety acres of' land, be the 00.1110 more or less. PeRCEL 2 -Lot number TW011'yeseven Bast of the Lein Road, in the Townsbip of Hay, in the County ofliurom con tabling by ad:immure ment one hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less. These are both valuable farms, in a gona atate of eultivetion, welt drained and with good orchards andbuildings. _— TERMS of SALE .-Pareel 1 -Ten per omitof the purchase money on the day of sale, Burn. Merit to make orre-half of the purohase mono, within thirty days thereafter: the elialanee MOT remain en mortgage of the premises with interest ittsix per tea. at the purebaset's option Pastel 2-One-thiraof the purehase money on the day of tele, and the balance in lane month thereafter. Both parcels will he sold subeict to a reeervo Notice 10 hereby given in Intrattanee of It. S. 0 „,1887, Chapter 110, seetion 35, that all Credi- tors and other persons having arty claints or demarids agninat the estate of Richard Waa- len, late of the township of Ilsboree, in the ccuntY of 11eroe yeoman, deceesed, who al.i on or about the stet dies of Oetober, 1880, ere required to send by post, pre•paid, or dottrel., to Afessts. Elliot 2 Elitot, txotor, Soliciters fot Igraine, Wadien, AdmittittiSttiX of the said estate, on or before the lat, day of January, 1890, a statement in Writing of their Chrtstian and Surnames end addresses, arid full partioui ars of their elaime and demandS, and the nature of the securities, at ony hole bY them, And tiotice is further given thee after the said last mentioned date the Adininistratrix siUp rodectl to distribute the assete of the aid adeee.eed mon g the persons entitled intro to, having Award wily 10 the elaires of Whish notice, hos boon given as above, required, and the AduUnitbittriXii11l0t3 liable for tile said Aseets et ate part theteof, 80 dietributed to arty Portion pt WbOtSOSltilitflOtiOS shall not have been reetexed at the time ef distributiom Children Ory for Pitcherlg Castork CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY Nurserymen, COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. trztoir &•ttlitOT. Solicitors foe A.dutieisteatrix. Dated et Exeter Ole e711Le lbw ef November,1883. s REMOVED 1 00. 2 s hite Sugar FOR Si.00. -AT- ME11110,1 POST OF.VICE STORE, ElfrOter N rth. DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and C entree- orshave removed to Swill tort's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidley streets and are prepared to sell Deere, Sash end Blinds and Moulding cheerier than any other firm in town, Build- ings tontraeted for, Plans. Speeifiestions and Estimates furnished if required. All work done with neatnosa and despatch and satisfac- tion given. Seasoned Lumber always on hand For `further, partioit ars apply to \VS ham Campbell, seetiod coneession DaY. Or to_ It II. COLLINS, Exeter, Bassralsintai, vendor's Solicitor Dated at lAlisueettoirt"21606tity' NIleevil'sr6,111. 889, RItAT BARGAINS. 550,000 Bre* for sale. elate) where 416 you buy those Mee brick? At Selretiemere brielt yard. kIe hag some of the best, brink I ever BaW mule,. 1 Will loavo ypu to jtolgis for youreelf if it isn't so. YOUbuY them be- fore any Other if you See thoSe Mee brier that he lute on his yet& no lias things in the,hest shape to pleaseditio ettstonters, can Imam You in pricesan quality* call and set his steak before you bile, It Will patiStiltOdO to de, so. Renomber the piece. 1o17 eoe.5, the ena yard south side, Crealton Road, ShipPingPrOinptly t ttended to, Dee.5th, 8A31581 Tevetertildtietton 1,, 0, Domnirin LArgcry HEADQUARTLES --FOR Pure Drugs, Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, School Books and Stationary. Da7id.0033. Brc°.' Photo Franaes, Albums, DAVIDSON. JOHN DA.VIDSON1 purses, et. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. N ()TICE . Presh, and JV er,o 8T001( OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY :feet arrived at the family Geooery, Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A, beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one lb, MayeIrs 13 ailing Powder, nab wGoa nouar noir fel. sale, CnI1 ana ag.anfino our goods before pull (lasing elsewhere. G. As Ii)11.A11, Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges alwavs on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the plate, Sign, GOLD) MORTAR, Main. St., Browain