HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-12, Page 3IMPORTANT!
Itemnricabie Restoration to ifeaith of
Well Known CalladiatIA whose Cases
were (Avon up a b incurable:
From the few of the hundreds of lettere
we have received from those Who halt°
been restored to health and Atrength by
the use of that wonderfel discovery,
Paine's Celery Compound, we make a
few extracts. We hope that the thou-
sands of Canadian men and women who
are suffering from nervous and wasting
diseases, will profit by these true and
plain statements of facts.
D. S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered
for years with nervous dyspepsia, pain in
his back, and sleeplessness. He tried doc-
tors without relief; was losing flesh rapidly,
and had about given up heart when he
commenced the use of Paine's Celery
Compound. "Now," he says, "I am a new
man. I sleep well and my food does not
hurt me."
Mr. Jas. Johnson, 302. St. Charles Bon:
romee Street, Montreal, was weak and boy " never meant) to come bads at all.
nervous, had no appetite, and could not It wag on the very day of the quarrelithat
rest at night. Hm
is nerves were soothed he et hie grand-deughter for the ArlI4
and strengthened by Paine's Celery ComI - time in hie ilie at alanham Juhotion• When
he wa on his way to a friend's country
pound, and he soon became well and 6
house near Epsom. Her pretty facie and
forlorn position appealed irresistibly to his
Annie Gourley, of River Beaudette, compassion; and when he WV the notice of
P. Q., found the Compound a certain cure 1 her mother'death in the Times expressly
for weakness, and now feels as well as she for his benefit, he resolved to offer her the
ever did. oboe in hie heat and home so recently va-
cated by his grandson.
A customer of Harrison Bros., drug. J reJme, myidesr, he exclaimed, hold.
gist, Hamilton, Ont., told them that he iing,out his hand in cordialgreeting, as Mur -
was entile ly cured of nervous weakness by iel came forward with a hesitating ;step ;into
the briniantly lighted drawing -room. "You
.the use of twu bottles ot the Compound$ nevisr thought to find a grandfather in the
after everything else has failed. impertinent old man you snubbed so unmer-
The little child of Mrs. G. E. Meredith, oifully at the station."
76 D'Arey St., Toronto, Was cured of St. She stepped beak in surprise, a 'Abdul
Vitus' Dance by Paine's Celery Compound. blush rising to hor cheeks.
... , "Oh, why did yen not tell me?' .
zzamo"Never mind, I rather ecjeyed the joke.
. sti,nriir En trzsts,
., . . . 1 seppoee you won't object to giving me a
Who la iNeal: Nervous), Debilitated, aim now, as I am no longer a streamer," and
ma,,D, his Fokordpd igniirariDe has Tri.. he chuckled at the remembrance of her
fleet reesonleis Vigoi of Body, Mind end snub.
tfianhoorl,•ea'aing exhaus drains npon She put up her farm at once, and he kissed
the Fountains ot Life. 4.eadeohe, it affeationoaely. After all it was almost
Banknote°, Dreadful ,Dreanha, Vealinese worth while to be old, to have the privilege
of menmyy. Beehfulnebe in Soolety, of touolaieg such a eon* fair cleeek as hers.
Pi triple seven tlee,F an a and all the EffeotS
imeling to Early De0y, neurription .
When they parted for the night, after a
ler insanity, win find. in our rociac eto. 23 a Pleasant, somewhat disjointed chat duriog
Mettle° Cure. It inlieerto Youthful , the long formal dinner and in the drawing -
Vigor restores tho Vital Pownp In old and room afterward's, he said, with a smile,
young, strengthens end i.13.Tigoratc3 theDrTin , "Ah, what a life of it you will lead when
err Nervee, buncin us tha r•171,4alex Bee cm ;
an arouses into action the e-teett, physiBcal ri BM 13013141.9 back. He will chaff you out of
energy oz the honer, traenee. with our ;specifics i all your little serttpulona, fidgeting ways.
Ito. 23 the moat obstinete cese can bo cured in He has no respect for anything but hie own
three months, and recent ones ia loss than thirty -
,kys. natal p„kage ,,,,,tapzesivo „nulca trees. opinion, like most of the young stars a the
men. Prise $2. cures Guanuteed. Our spec- preeent day, but if you give in to him in
hie No. 24 is an infallible tOuree•for all Private everything, he will ewear that you are an
.dt eng. Sold under one written
( nelson nes ho matter of hew- fong eta nd-
allaranteeto anget• So now, I've given you a.hint,"
0 il giese a pure. 1PrIce $6. Tcsbuto Medicine "Which I eha'n't take. I don't know
elo.. Toronto. Ont. who Brian is."
"A graceless young idiot, who took him -
LADIES ONLY. vsacti self off in a huff, because he was offended by
sorne good advice I took the trouble to give
FNANON RECDLINTiON PILLS. him. But let him stay away if he likes.
Ea' el:Incr.:for to'Ertrof.„.Taney, Pennyroyal or I've had you here on purpose to show him
Oxide. Endorsed by toe thouetnids of ladles
that I can do without him. Now don't be
esticinselehem tiCX.f.gLY.. Never Tall. Relieve
prin, Wenn; REGULARITY, Pleasant and vexed, I wanted you for your own sake,
ifiToettial. Price, '$2, Toronto Medicine Co, 1 you may be sure," looking kindly into her
Toronto, Oat. 1 face with his twinkling grey eyee. "1
couldn't get you out of my head," he added
gruffly. 'A child like you, alone, and with
my name on your bag."
"ah, that's why--*
"Yes,my dear, theds why,' he inters
minted hastily; "no need to talk about ib.
lite, er General Dea er
,. h a 1 You've had your troubles, bat please God
they are all over. New wh di
. y ons ear
should you. cry?"
—us era. Enna s oo— "I'm not sorry," she faltered, as she took
IV_ . . J /I ' I'
It r r A r---/-1 s
hr bedroom candlestick from hie hand.
w Bat—but--." with a sob.
"There, now go to bed, you will be better
in the morning,' and in a terrible fright he
Onetomers supplied TUESDAYS. THURS. hurried her ouo of the room. -
"Plague on the •women 1" he muttered to
DAYS Awn SATUBDAYS at their :esidonoe
Marohing Horne for
George Kersohoyle, one of the richest
commoner,* in Ragland, posseesed besides hie
large fortune, which to a certain degree made
the happiness ef his life, a terrible temper,
which in several ioetences had already prov-
ed its curse. He had quarrelled with his
young son became he chose to marry a pretty
governess of gentle birth, who had nothing
but her beauty and almost angelic nature to
recommend her; and he had turned his
grandson Mt of the house because he dared
to disagree with him in his matdraoniel
views. But when Brian was gone, the old
man's heart misgave hira, and although ho
would not have oonfemed it for the world
he missed him terribly. As day after day
passed by, and he sat down to his lonely
dinner =brightened by the handsome faoe,
the ready tongue, whioh had always oh send
him in the darkest fit of the "blue,'a chilly
fear oame over him lest he had at hem
offended him- beyond forgiveness and " the
:Exeter Butch er Shop.
•••••••••4- • .+.••• •• • • • • • • .• •
- SOW flowlitft,lifstehlee
et04.1, ' 'p To at mice establish
trade In all parts, by
, ..,„
And goods where the peuple eau me
placing o or nuteldneeFR
,..,mthem. wo will .end (roe to one
, on In rettA locallty,the very
at '-'-iS k E
...mt $ci.lew.-71vhine made In
the world,wIth all t5.o attachments
Wo wIll also Benil I, Pee a eumplote where. Why the deuce didn't he understand
1, line of our coed:, mid valtable art
ample'. Ih whim wo ask that you that I never meant itV We had qaarre led
‘ s show o, hilt " oVI, t.° th‘we whw hundreds of times before and he never took
I' may cull et youy home, n nd after 2
all hall be,..triour shop
me up so sharp then. Well, we tenet bide
• months s0 y
made after tile Slot ftel• patent,
uroperty. 1 blp CtTla a Waft Ts a bit, add when the supplies run short, he'll
whirls .4.2V13 PIP.1 0 jtiWort patents be glad enough to have a comfortable roof
rest %esti sul . fur EgIt a, with the
, tog...tweets, and now sells for (mar his head, and a good dinner with
. 3 Pal raarhata th the world. 411 la
.Iitlioll.TO011gestTM""N". nothing to pay." "
.,. ,„ en, eo. No ca4TIM required. Plabo. Having come to this satisfactory ormolu-
trlor hattrttoftens given. Tho00 Nthol+aaT TO us at ono° can le -
etre free the boat sowing-nmehine In the world, and the tion, he threw himself down in an armohair,
Cleat line onvorks of WO art mir drown together In Amerida. took up the "Globe," and stretched his feel;
ermUL .145 CO., lbws TAD. Atttattrata. 21/..nlne..
out to the fire. No use to have a game of
billiards by himself, ao with a grunt of
regret he settled his head for a nap.
Christmas was a dismel affair that year
for the household in WOO Berkeley -square.
d There was abundance of good cheer, but
neither plum -pudding nor champagne would
make up for the absence of the one who had
always been the life and ;spirit of every
festival. The servante Mb it almost as raw%
as their master, and Cameron, the butler,
declared that for his part he much preferred
Good Friday with "Mr. Brian" to Christ-
mas Tam without.
Of course to Muriel, the desolete orphan,
it was the saddest of all days, because it
reminded her so bitterly of former anniver-
Icier; spent with her gentle loving mother.
PraotiOal Ideas Of Children on Mania:se. She could do little to enliven Mr, Kersohoyin
and in a horrible temper he went to bed half
Children are the keenest of oheervers and
au hour earlier than usual, in order to get
the west prmstied deduced; ; indeed, their
deductions are often more astonishing than the day over.
agreeable to their elders. Though we laugh Winter changed into spring, spring into
we do not always enjoy haying our weak- the gorgeous fillnelle of beauty whioh we
nese revealed to us by thebabbling of lathes. cell summer, and still the old man listened
Six little ohildreu were at play, and
whether it wee that they grew tired of
familiar games or thee that innate pried -
It is not good for mean to be alone,"
•'0 aved expreesion, they determined to have
wedding. Joins, aged eight, 'should mar -
himself as he resumed his former position on
the hearthrug. "]hey never lose a ohanoe
of turning on the water -works, and I detest
it. Now Brian,' he went on reflectively,
with his hands in his pockets, " ha would
go dry-eyed from one year's end to
another, and yet take him on the whole,
if it weren't for his infernal pride, you
couldn't find a better -natured fellow any-
,Th ordeg
' R ins Easy
.N.ITO BAczAcan.
trie • 7.,
7A'ef oNE eit N. Write for descriptive catalogue
NntolnIng teettinenlftla from tongraLs or people who
setvo moral trout 4 to 9 cords daily. sues LOW B110008s.
fully need. Agency can be had whore there is a
vacancy. A 114W ma/inn for Ming saws sent free
'With each taaeldae; by the use of this tool everybody
eon Ale their own saws new and do it better than the
greatest expert can without it. Adapted to all
reM•out saws. Rvery one who owns a saw should
naveeiir°dree'slqr°edir"*.vrtr°i-crrirwe,%,,wiralh6t4mot grwermadt leAlig•
EINE CO., LOB to..411. CtO, anal Rae chlenoce Ill
. .
to every rap at the door with an unepoken
hope in his heart, a look of expectancy in
hia emelt grey eyes, which he would have
died rather than acinowledge.
Thew =malted had ran short,. as Mt.
Kerschoyle had predicted, but Brian would
ry Hattie, aged five,' and 13tother Harry rather have 'starved than gone back to his
would speak " the 'worths, that bind." grandfather as a beggar.
' Now, Harry had never heard a marriage He had been told, politely by, the manager
ceremony and wee entirely ignoteria of the of she --Theatre that he bad no aptitude
peevalerst iv1loee, bus was he at a lose for the stage; and not being pertioularly
Not he, He It neat, What papa, and seamen, anxious to empeer on the beadle es a mark
considered of peramoteb virtue and aurae, for the pungent oritioterris of his friends, he
What they each go etigerlydesired meet eon. had let hireaelf be dieoottraged by One man's
stitute the requisite Of et happy married Verdict. Hariging abetit town was pleaeant
Bee. , enough with plenty of Money in his pooket,
The Oandidateelor wedlOck were denims. bat When half-severeighs began to fail, how
ed toetand vide by side and gravely obeyed., could he join a game Of Whist at tho (dub, or
" Heide, will yeti got up in the morning a lot of young fellows onn drag going down
and see that aoht has his breakfast in time to the Derby?
He could no longer do as the other men
and that he IlLtg good things to eat and
never hes bo wait for his Meals?" of hie) set were In. the habit of doing, so he
„meet tem you give her all me enemy quietly' dropped. 'one Of tb, and in the hurry
elle wants of London 1060 was Very boon forgotten.
That was all, but clods it not oontele the Aa the eesemi advent:Ma lie kept more and
qttintespenee of needled felicity?' s more to himself, letting the world go by ha
, it would, Without ineroS'eness, only, With 4.
s quiet sorb of enduritneis Which Wight have
Set'in. her Ways—A brooding hen. c
boon resignation it there bed been more
content in Ma tranquility. But how was it
possible fox. him to be content (suddenly de-
•prIved of everything that mode life worth
having, with nothing to do, noehing to earn,
no home and no hope? Ali that he had to
Emmert himself en was n wrotobed annuity
of a huadrod a year, left him by his father
after he had equandered thougands at the
gaming -table. Of the liberal allowonne
given by his grandfather he would not
tomb a penny, though the old man had
never rebuked Min for exceeding its limits,
as happened pretty frequently in the peat.
Unaccustomed to economy in any shape,
ninety pounds went before the mouth of
leafy Jane; and in the middle of the getteen
he found himself with the remaining ten in
his pocket as the whole of his revenue for
the rest of the year. No one wombed is
services as a. olerk; no one would have
aocepted him if Ms had ventured to propose
himself as a tuber. He soon found that it
Was an =commonly easy thing fora man to
be on the borders a etarvatien with two
strong arras reedy to work for his pupped),
and heaps of friends driving web him day
after day in their carrieges.
"I cannot dig, to beg I am asharned,'' he
thought to himself with a grim emile as he
walked down Parliament street, with no
particular objeot in view.
Many a tits friends had tqld Mtn in the
deem gone by that he watt more ornamental
than useful; and he began to suspect it was
true. In fact he had comae to suoh a pus
that heslo sited after a hump -backed labourer
oarryingeahy.od over labs 'shoulder, with a
A. placard hung outside the Some Guard's
arrested fats attention.
"Two hundred velniateers wanted for the
war in Egypt."
The colour rushed into his fame a light
fluthed from hie oyes.. Here was a way
of earing a living with a dash of glory thrown
in to make it more than palatable. Whin
out a momens'is hesitation he deoided to
offer himself as once. • '
A polite official explained to him that
they wanted trained soldiers from other
regiments, not raw recruits: who had never
handled a musket in their lives.
With some eagerneea he denied thathe
was a raw recruit, having served in the Eton
volunteers, the Ottriet Church corps. gaad
•the Yeemenry Chivalry, down ha Blankohiro.
With a bland :untie, which he fals euro -was
meautito soften refusal, he was told that he
might call again.
Teen it was that he set to work with en-
ergy. • Having a definite objeob in view, he
roused himself from his habibual indolence,
and resolved to leave no atone unturned until
ib was aeoompliehed.
The colonel of tho let Life Guards was an
old friend and he had several acquaintances
amougsb the other officers. He applied to
eaoh in turn, and 'all promised to exert
themselves on hie behalf. Perhaps be might
not have succeeded after all, , if his fine sol.
dierly figure had nob spoken volumes in his
favour; but no sergeant with a spark of esprit,
de corps in his breast could tom the =tines
Of enrolling e man of suoh splendid physique
amongst the troopers of his regiment.
It was all settled at lent; the doctor
paned him without hesitation, his name
wsa entered on the dale of the lab Life
Guards, and be was ordered to present him.
eelf at the Knightsbridge barracks at ten
o'clock the next morning.
• With a brisker stepthan nanal, he walked
down Piccadilly on Mae way :to his lodgings
in DAyie-stireeb. Peeeing Reichard's, he
found himself by the side of his grand-
father's carriage and tumid around
anxious to avoid recognition by the
coachman and footman, who had their
baoks towards him.
Ile though the carriage was empty, and a,
voice he had not heard for many months,
a voice that sent a thrill :through his heart,
called out," M. S John," ann he wheeled
round involuntarily. An eager little face
was thrust throught ths window- the appeal
• in the soft dark eyes was utterlyirresictible.
He stretched out his hand, and took hers
into his strong grasp, Looking ab her with a
glance so longing and infinbiely tender, that
she elos.reely dared to meet him,
"You've kepb your •word—you never
came," shemid breathlessly, es glad to have
•esiught him, so anxious not to let him go.
"Wo, and I never shall," with great de -
olden. "Tell me, are you happy T'
• "He iskind as possible, so I ought to be,"
but a little sigh belied her worde.
Although very low, his quick ears caught
"Then why aren't yon?'
"1 am, sometimes ; but you won't under-
stand ; you will think I ought to be satisfied
with everything that I wish for given me at
once, bat I daresay as 8, man, you don't know
what it is to feel lonely," and she lifted her
wistful eyes to his.
" Don't I?" with a curious smile. "Never
mind, you will gee over to before long. You
must have made plenty of friendeley this
"Bub none so kind as you," in the eofteet
of whisperm
He drew back with a frown of pain.
"Good-bye, I must be off.
" Stay a mozneno, geandpapa is hi the
If she wished to detain him, she (mud
not have made a more unfortunate remark.
Crusting a horrified glance over hie shoulder,
ho pressed her hand tightly, and with
another long 1ingering4 look at her agitated
face, hurried away, raising his hat raeohan-
ically as he did no.
Five minutes too late, Mr, , Kersohoyle
came out of thei bookseller's with a new
periodioal in his hand.
"Mr. Brian, sir," amid John the footman,
flushed and eager, burstiug with the news.
"Where 7' and the old man stood stook
still on the pavement, the colour surging up
into his withered cheek.
"Only a minute ago, sir, he 'stood by the
cerriage just the same ma usual."
"Then why the deuce did you let him
go V' be thundered in bittereliseppointmenb ;
yen ehould have held on to hint by main
force if necessary, anything to keep him
here Drive after hien like the devil. 1 eup-
pose, if yentsve eyes in your head, you know
which way he went." •
Trembling with rage, he eorambled into
the marriage, heedless of the pameneby, who
had been astohished by the outburst. John
sprang on to the box, and the broughain
started on its quest.
Martel not haying °aught the footman'e
words, was utterly bewildered by the scene.
Full of par:donate delight et the unexpected
meeting with her lost friend ; site presently
" Grandpapa, I have jtuit seen Mr. Ste
Sohn 1"
"Hang your Mr. Si. John I" was the gruff
ter:crime. "11 you had kept your eyes open,
an not let that boy give me the elip, 1
should have been abliged to
" I would if oould,',forgiving hie rude.
nese at once, becemes of hie evident disap-
pointrrient ; "but you gee I don't know him
by sight'
• 44 HMO l" He sat forward with hie grey
head elneoet reels of the window ; but at last
when further perambulation of the etreat
seemed melees, he called out an imperative)
.4 Ramey) ems eaen heels into the corner of
the cortege.
He was not ene to talk of late feeliage, lout
Muriel guessed what they were, Wil012 she
saw the Violent idols he gave to the book
whit& had calmed, hbn to raise " his boy,"
l'repuing the Christmas Dinner.
Many of the extra prepe.rationo eau be
windwiched in among •the regular duties of
each day, and Chrietrnas eve will Ond yea
fresh and vigoreto for the next day's work.
Pima to have pert of the balling done early
in the week. Mine. pies, con be med. the
week before, brit the pumpkin and apple
Pies ahonld net be made before lineaday.
Oa Monday seleot and cook tho meet, and
while that is (simmering stone the raleina, and
prepare the fruit for one pies and podding ;
also poruicl and eifti the sweet barb e for the
etuffing, and see that) you have game bread
that vrill be Oslo enough for it by rues
day. If you have time chop tho meat and
apples and mix all the lagrediente for ihe
mince meat.
Mix the white breed and also the brown
bread. Stew the pumpkin,. and make the
luau. The plain pantry, if properly made
is doh enough for any pie, but, if you prefer,
you may make puff pasts for the rime and
upper cruet and inse the plain pastry for the
lower crust. Make the pies and while they
are baking, roll the (gathers for the pudding.
Beke the bread.
• TuesnaY,
Make the plum pudding. The crackers
and ratains haying been previously prepared,
it oan be put together 111 O. short time. Bake
It and set it away ready to be warmed over
the next day, Stew the cranberries and
make the hard sauce for the pudding. The
pudding and (thicken pie can be baked on
Chris -beam day if you are se • fortunate as
to have a range in which you clan bake them
in the lower oven. Boll the chioken for the
pie. Clean the turkey, stuff and truss it that
it may be ready to be pub into the pan the
next morning. Stew the giblet,' till tender,
and put them where they will nob beoome
hard and dry, but do not chop them until
Wedenaday. There are usually children or
• gentlemen at any such gathering, who are
.had of the chance to crack the nuts for you
on Christmas morning, but, if you mum;
do the work yourself, it is pleasant °coupa.
don for• Christmas eve. Whig reduces the
actual labor for Caristmas day to the
molting of the crust for the chicken pie, the
cooking of the turliey and the vegetables,
a id the making of the gravy and tea and cof-
Make the chicken pie, and bake it as soon
as possible after breakfast. It on be
warmed in twenoy minutes, while the
turkey and vegetables are being prepared.
Then week and pare the vegetables, and put
the celery in a 000l place. Lay the table,
ead get every thin' g ready that will be need-
All these preparatione made, you will be
ready to change your dress and greet your
smelts, who, at a "Cenedian Caddo:mg
Dinner," are not expected to wait until the
dinner hoer, before they present themselves.
An hour before dinner will be suffiaient
tioae to 000k and prepare an the vevetables,
to reheat the pudding and put the feaishing
touches to the arrangeimente of the table.
Lay your table with your largest plates;
small dishes will be needed for those who do
not wish the cranberry Baum or onions on
a plate with the meet. • Pub the bread, but -
or, cranberry EIO1100 and celery on the table,
and arrange bhe fruits, nuts, puding.saten and
pies ready to be brought) on when needed.
The vegetables are to be pared, and cooked
in lolling, salted water ahem half an hour.
The kqeash may be steams" ovee the pots:
toes, and the water on the 01110715 should be
changed twice. Tee splasb and turnip
should be drained, mashed and seasoned with
butter, salt and a little pepper. A speak of
sugar will improve the snuneh. The onions
snould be drained, heated again in milk
enough to 00Nret them, and seasoned with
salt, butter and pepper. The peteixies may
be dr:styled, beaten up theroughly with a
fork, sprinkled with sale and piled lightly
In a dish. •
Keep esoh vegetable warm in the dish in
which it has been 000ked, while you peepers;
She gravy, mit) fresh water on to boil for the
tea, and heat the plates and tibiae; for sere
The pudding may be riot into a large
kettle of boiling water on the beck of tbe
stove. Chop the giblets and put them over
the teakettle to warm. Meke the gravy, and
serve half of it plain, and half with the gib -
Make the tea and serve ib with the dinner,
$5 your elderly guests will perfer it than.
Those who wish coffee will doubtless prefer
thist after the dessert, and it need not be
rne.cle till the first clorwsW,htts beenmerved.
It is alwayamise to allow ample tints for
a dinner, bat it is imperative 012 Christ-
mas day. Doubtless your guests will
understand how to add to your enjoyment
of the dinner, by so curbing their own, that
you will not be compelled to make a pretense
of eating to avoid being "left behind in the
02 mum your "better half" needs he hinte
about carving. And if yon have no holp in the
kitchen we hope he has the happy Mob of so
diverting the attention of your guests that
your neoessary work in changing for the
second course may not be done with ehe con-
sciousness that every eye le upon you.
lf a deliss,htful =sem of Christmas
day in the olden time be not forgotten, there
will be a spirit of kindness and informality
among your moot familiar peens, thab will
promplesthem to vie with each other, so to
who 'shall have the honor of helping you ln
that tonally dreaded taek, etre., the clearing
up after the iplarietmas dinner—a time
when, if ever, is proved the erne ef the
old saying, "Many hands melte light Work."
A Dubious uorapument.
He— How beautiful these flowers are.
They remind ma of you.
She—Bub they are artificial flowers. There
is nothing real about them.
Ho—Yes, .L knew that as soon I looked ab
Pursuing HiS dtudies,
"1 don't see your Son about anywhere,"
said a travelling man to a merchant whom
he had called on.
"le he out of the oity ?"
" Pursuing his whiffles?'
"1 think he is pureeing hie studies, but
from what I can hear I don't think he hae
ratioh ;shames a catching up to them,
,:lottist"Aq '
foL infants and. Children.
..capterl.i.....u.optotooindren that Onstorin owes CoRes OaMitipation,
kuowu to Jewel it. 4. .09,4,,,,,, N.') ' Kills *Worms, ge
ivs Fai00G4 804 VTOIIICte$ lit..
recommend bee superior Many prescrlpttory Sonr Stemiteh. DlarrAcea: Ekes:W:40n.
zuso.ostoIrdst..33vooklau. 11- Y. Witegitlitetatouo neetteseeltua
Tan CaeUen Ccaleatri, 77 Marrey street, N. T.::
ethentt,i. telneatelseeneite.diallefrfeelleil leessee'ent
5,69,5 MINUTE'S
•Saaata fe Route.
An. Minus Oitm,...
Al'. Hutchinson .....
Ar, Trinidad ,
Ar. Las Vegas.. . .
Ar. Albuquerque....
Ar. Santo .......
Ar. Los Angeles.....
Ar. San Diego.
5:25 p.
6:25p, m,
730 p, re,
11:18 a. in.
12:30 is, nt.
10:4,5 a xis.
4;20 p m.
ens p see
Ai on
Tries Wed
Wed all Ilr
Thar Fri
Thu Fri
Sat bitin
Sat Sua
Fri •
S un
4ar tti 81' '1.2 t Itt ft .nt
S'in Mon
Igo Tues.
Tu Wed
ThSat Susi nr Fri Mou Tu Wog •
You get the only line of •theough cars without change Chioego to Los
Angeles, and you save,27 hours time.
GEO. E. GILMAN, Pessenger.Agerf
Or any injurious materials.
lionfr of tbs. CRLS1317,45TDPMA tre Aemn aRpg,
CeildlO LOVE 1)IORI413,,
Lle 0a package of goods worth
two tiolle,n to racaufacture, and a large ,
102p Picture Book, that will surely put you
on the road to a handsome fortune. Write
quiok, and send be. silvor,. to help pay poo-
tego. Mention this paper.
"E•srsnorasila, N. G.
Pit.017-23DM5TT ItIM.321
Live Stook Association
Home Office-Roona D, Arcade, Toronto
In the life department this Association pro-
vides indemnity. for si okn oss and accident, and
eubstantial assistance to the relatives of de-
ceased members at terms available to all.
In the live atook department two•thirds in
de mnity for loss of Live Stook of i te members
A oplieations for Agencies invited. Send fo
dr 331.eetuses, claims Paid. 45co.
tirluram JONES.
Managing Director
Wile Plant Successful Itemedy eves diseov.
area, as it is certain in itd effeMe and does
not blister. Read proof below.
le/C.8VMM EAT .6,1sTID TIATO10 BUDD B&sars.
Int. It. 3. Einar 00.
Dear SIM; I eve always purehesed year Esti-
woaltri .e Prices in larger nuantlty. / think It le
dell's fy._ %In um by the half demo bottle% I
°nett t 0 lidAlitilments oh Tia3123. I have Wed lb
. en My stables fin- three years.
YoUrs trillyi CHAO. .A. Stamm.
}Noon/xis, Ir. Y., Norembes 8, ISM.
Dn. Z 3 iroomint, CO.
Dear etre :0 desire to give you testinfordal of my
good opinion of your Ncndamil steam Ours. I have
isaoi it for Lameness, Islif Johns. awl
amino, and I have round sure OM% L
a recommend it to allhordetnen.
Yourd truly, 11.
Manager Troy Latisdry Stables.
SINT, Worms Cotnerr, orao, Dee. 10, 1.
05.3. lIgsnAbb 00. _
Ottlrit fyoei ieI 'IT dot"' wbelt ke've Ve lone
9wieh ft otillin(1361146e ADia'hi&r. s.bpavltj ir
ours truly, , Ashram Totemis.
so(' o a a.w. since Atm h one Of Your
a to owed the Walton/hi have nitWor
a Cage of imy kind,
Ilorne Doctor.
Pride Dor bottle, or six bottlee tor (g1„);;;"-....""mii-
gistd pecan gdt it bar YOft. et lb l'411,,l;'“, yynt
t6 moo' adtross eon:toter gee by .
tors. Dtt.. J%MI6
. aNDItt, 004 'Oelittrgh
SOLb BY ALL tattroottries.
pahlisned every Thursday morn ng,at
Vail:I-Street , nearly o pp o si to Fit ton's Jewelers
.dsore,Exetes, Ont, b s- John White &S ona,Prn-
ie tore.
?irst laser tirm, per line ........ cents.
to cia sn bsequeotiusereion ,per lin8.....Seente,
To. insure insertion, advertisements should
lo sentin notiater than )7ednestlay morning
f the largest antl best equipped in the 0 ouriti$
f Kuron, All work entrusted to us will reoete
.15 prompt attention.
DenisieneS Regarding •
Any person whotakcs a paperreguharlyfmn
he p0st-W.110e, whether directed in his name or
another's , or whether he has sub serped ornot
is responsib/e 505 payment. '
• 2 If aperson orders his paper aiscontinned
tie must pay all aarears or the publisher =ay
sontinue to send it until the payment is made,.
and then collect the whole amount, whether
Lhe paper is taken from too office or not.
8 In suits for subscriptions, the snit may be.
ustteutedin the place where the paper is Pub-
ished, although the subscriber may reside.
hundreds of miles awny.
4 The courts have decided that refusing to
'aka newspapers °rpm iodieb14 from Vasa pont-
office,or re:nosing andleaving them uncalled':
er is prima facie evidence of intentionaltrauZ.'
0 OLORAD 0„,
And all points west of the Missouri Rive -
via, the
Santa Fe Route
For particulars ancl tickets see
nearest ticket agent, or address
•G.TiO. E. GILMAN, llassenger A gen t "*-
74 0 histwold-st., Detroit, Mi
GeneralPaes. :tad Ticket Av,eut,, /
• l'opska, Kansan..
Y •
1.A1 MC;
• •THAT VirS"
Wair11011E TOG tatifit
Aho n 28' ONION B grit*
- AT t,
Sold Everywhere.