HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-02, Page 11• r 1 0 0 WARD &UPTOWN 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS John C. Ward, C.A.- i lstowe1 R. E. UpflRrove, C.A. (519) 291.3041Q 111111111.111111111116 CLAYTON G. HOGG LIMITED Real Estate Broker Wingham Next to the Post Office ° - FOR SALE - Eight room brick home, 4 bedrooms, located on large lot, 2 blocks off main street in Wingham, close to shopping. This ideal family home has large rooms plus spacious brick garage. First time offered. Two storey, 8 room brick hone, 4 bedrooms, new bathroom, 2 garages, located On oversized lot In a good residential area in Brussels. Priced for quick sale to settle estate. ****** A bedroom, 2 storey brick home, 2 bathrooms, located on a double lot in Gorrie. This home has large sun room, good land- scaping and can be duplexed. Open to offers. FARMS 49 acre .farm, 42 acres workable, barn 44' x 54' with ties and loose pens, implement shed and garage at road. 8 room, 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, new furnace. Bordering a paved.road in the Wroxeter area. Dairy farm, 107 acres, 90 workable, balance in mixed bush. Barn 95' x 60', 32 ties and loose pens, implement shed. 1'A storey 6 -bedroom brick house. Extra 100 acres available. Lo- cated close to Wingham. ****** 100 acre beef farm, 55 workable acres, balance in pasture and bush. Barn 60' x 40' "L" 20' x 15'. 1'/2 storey brick house, modern kitchen, 4 bediiooms. Located near Wingham. ****** Good value .... 15 acre hobby farm with two barns, one storey home, 3 bedrooms. Located just off main highway, 5 miles from Wingham. Be sure to see this one. WINGHAM OFFICE 357-1515. EVENINGS JOHN BRENT 335.3391 JOHN HOPPER 357-2154 TO Maintain top: 9usli?y in g freezer, meat: must b.e. R r r carefully, relmlrds Consumers' Association of Canada. `WraPPing oda fresh meat will ,protect it yottrebuy a new Dome, your Beaver Huni f;ort- meant can help YOU in at, ler eight portant ways in*te n not evercl dh but i*suitable for .1 -term freezing in cold, dry air. plaCining zu atir the freeZeA, unwrap, then rewrap alliminumto or durable, seamless eras e freezer bags, Press out mr and: , tightly' with freezer. tape. Mi left in a package v&l cause oxfiative% c4anges resulting in off -flay l• ; reill111110111111111 111 He can offer you a wide selection of designs and floor plans, and give you information about property availability and mortgage money sources.He'll also help you locate reliable local trades- men to build and finish your home, in whole or in part, depending on how much or how little you plan to do yourself. Remember though, the more you do, the more you can save. Your Beaver Home Consultant is familiar with modem construction methods and local building codes, too. And you can count on him for good servicee:-because he's never far away when you need him. Finally, and perhaps the most im- portant way he helps you, is simply by caring. It's his kind of care and attention that will give you con- fidence and peace of mind from start to finish. So, if you're buying a new home, be sure to get the very best help you can. From Beaver. In 1974 „alone, more than 2,000 other Canadian families did. Phone or write for a free catalogue and more information now. JIM MARTIN c (519) 538-2515 �BEAVE HOMES A DIVISION OF BEAVER LUMBER CO LTD 570 Nerrop Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 2X9 meemele HOG SET UP 190 acres, half work- able. Main hog barn, ode storey, in new con- dition set up to finish 1000 pigs at once, ,time automatic clean ?ut sys- tem. New con9trete li- quid silo' including pumps. Second barn 50' x 60' suitable for sows. Machinery storage building. Modern 3 bed- room home with every convenience. GRASS FARM 100 acres near Lakelet, with never failing spring creek. About 25 acres workable, bol- ance bush. Listed at $28,000.00. IN RETIREMENT SPECIAL'/s III IlrA 1storey 3 bedroom home in Brussels with ,�` main floor completely r NI redecorated and the III 111 second floor to be com111 - E pieted. A steal for the? . • Lil handyman at $18,300. III NI Noll "FOR THE MOST, CALL Lill IN HOLST" II II III OFFICE 357-3840 III ' mi Don Horst REAL ESTATE i ✓ RealtorsIN WINGHAM 1111111111.111111111111111111 Service Director. -1 FLOWER S •":116cidh1r, Arrangements . Cut flowers . Plants Wire Service • LEWIS FLOWERS 135 Frances Phone 357-3880 INSURANCE mei/ INSURANCE All Types of • Insurance 335-3525 357-2636 GORRIE WINGHAM For your INSURANCE See or Call WILLIAM 5. REED 64 Victoria St., 351-2174 CONSTRUCTION T. M. It T. CONSTRUCTION General Contractors All types of concrete work Pit Silos Home and farm building ('ALI. BOB THOMPSON BLtTEVALE, ONTARIO 357-3493 Askes Brothers CONSTRUCTION Cottages, Homes Additions & Renovations FREE ESTIMATES Ph: 628-2726 Box 122, Lucknow AUTOMOTIVE • WINGHAM SUNOCO SERVICE LICENSED MECHANIC UNDERCOATING & RUSTPROOFING COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK SERVICE Prop. Kee Leitch Phone 357-1554 NiGHT 357-3585 TIRES KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE 357-1230 Hwy. 86 West Wingham ELECTRICAL BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractors Motor Rewind and Sales Hdiasehold Appliances Josephine St. 357-2450 Emergency Service - See the Yellow Pages Pletch Electric Wingham INDUSTRIAL or, COMMERCIAL WIRING Also Rural and Domestic Phone 357-1583 POOLS, ETC. Swimming Pools Above and Below Ground Complete Line of Pool Chemicals ARMSTRONG CHEMICALS Box 56 Walkerton FOOD HOt Saiidwichei' Soup Chicken and Sea -Food Dinners RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN CAR RENTALS HOLIDAY Rent a . Car LING] LTDI Wingham 352.2323 COLLISION AI's -Collision Service Phone 307-2206 CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Complete Body Work 9nd Pointing Frame and Rust Repair Also Insurance Claims CONC. 2, MORRIS TWP. Hwy..86 1st Morris 2nd Morris 4, 2nd FUELS BILL TIFFIN Imperial Esso Agent For all your Home and Farm Fuel and Lubricating Needs 357.1032 a THE ADVANCE -TIMES 'PLUMBING HEATING t•i! r"Plf ercy ar Plumbing Heating and Sheet Metal Contractor PHONE 357-3080 366 Edward St., Wingham 4' Leroy Jackson -Plumbing -Heating -Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 OIL BURNER SERVICE qnd FURNACE CLEANING Phone 357=1356 Doug o g N f e fer BROPHY TAXI 24 Hour Service All Passengelrs Fully knsured 357-1234 ' NOTICE FOR ROAD CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF'TJIE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TAKE NOTICE that the Coon cil of The Corporation of the Township of Howick proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the, provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 2.84, Section 443, for stopping up, closing and selling that part of Carroll Street in the Village of Wroxeter, in the Township of Howick, more parti- cularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that the Reeve and the Clerk will be authorized to sign and execute the necessary docu- ments in order to effect the dos- ing thereof.• AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that the Council shall hear in person or by his Counsel, Soli- citor, Agent or any person who claims that his land win be preju- dicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council on No- vember 5th, 1975. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Howick, during business hours, at any time, before the same is finally HUTTON WINGHAM„. 116 acres on a paved road, two storey brick house, electric heat and modernized including patio doors and deck. Barn 40 x 80 set up for dairy with milk house and bulk tank. 90 acres workable with low asking price. GORRIE- Three bedroom new- ly renovated home on a good sized lot close to downtown'. Three piece bath up and two piece down. New oil furnace, good roof, full basement and aluminum storms. House and three acres on a good road. House is remodel- led and broadloomed through- out. 12 x60 mobile home on a 60 x 100 ft. serviced lot in'Wing- ham. *** I,orge.brick home in Tees- \ water. Iaarge$-) werandoh; beautiful new bath upstairs, two piece downstairs, mod- ern kitchen, some hardwood floors. Could also be used as a duplex. MEL MATHERS Wingham 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE (Kincardine) LTD. Pa s8ed, DATED this 18th day ofSep- tember, Se p- toinber, A.D. 1975. Ra"-/W►M Reeve. "Ivan Hankins" " CleF k, Crawford, Mill & D• avtes, - Barristers & Solicitors, Wingham, Ontario. SCHEDULE "A" OF BY-LAW No. 26,1975 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Village of Wroxeter in the Township of Howick in the County of Huron and being com- posed of part of Carroll Street in. the said Village of Wroxeter, which part is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the south- east angle of Lot 55, Plan 3 for the Village of Wroxeter, which point is the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of Carroll Street and the northerly bound- rza ary of Queen Street for the said Village of Wroxeter; THENCE northerly along the westerly boundary of Carroll Street to the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of Car- roll Street with the southerly boundary of the Maitland River; THENCE in an easterly direr= tion along the southerly boundary of the Maitland River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of Carroll Street; THENCE southerly along the easterly boundary of Carroll Street to the point of intersection with the northerly boundary of Queen Street; THENCE westerly along the northerly boundary of Queen Street to the point of commence- ment of the parcel herein des- cribed. 18-25-2-9 I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Mrs. Veronica King. Bert King 25-2-9 LYNN, HOY ENTERPRISES, Winglenitwin,43e4osed.Rntabee:4 to 15 inclusive. Iwish tthank .myta neighbor* for visit*, car ,l andfio�ers w - e 1 was a..:patient in the Wihaxn and lI#ct Hospital. Special thanks to P'. '' y, the nurses on se! d flexr and to Rev..Robert Armstrong, Jessie amour I would like to express mysin- cere thanks to the nurses, orderlies and staff of the Wingham and District Hospital for their care and kindness to nee. Special thanks to Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Ping, Father Nolan, the ladies of the CWL and those who sent me cards. I am deeply grateful. Simon Dauphin ee In the parting of a dear Dad, Mr. Harry Sewers, we would like to convey our sincere thanks to our many Wingham friends for donations. to the Heart -Fund, food, visits to ' the funeral home and cards. Also to Rev. Pass- more. Everything done for us was very much appreciated. Thank you aJl. Reta and George Drehmann We would like to thank eytryone who attended the it6eption held for us in Bluevale Hall. We appreciate your best wishes and thank all who contri- buted to a generous gift of money. A special thank -you to -those who planned the evening and worked to make it successful. Terry and Theresa Johnston I would like to thank all those who visited me, sent cards and treats while I was in the hospital recovering from my accident. Thanks to Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Leahy and to all the nurses on Second floor. Dwight Lamont A most sincere thanks to the nurses on second floor, Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Ping and Dr. Clarke for the excellent care I received during my recent stay in the hospital. A special thanks to Mr. Passmore and my friends and relatives for their kind visits and good wishes. • Sincerely, Romelda Taylor Sincere thanks to all those who sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wilkins and Dr. Bozyk and nurses in Intensive Care Unit for their excellent care during and following my surgery. Dawn White Miss J. McLennan dies in 82nd year The death occurred Saturday evening, Sept. 20, in Stratford General Hospital of Miss Jane McLennan in her 82nd year. Daughter of the late John McLennan and Rebecca Earls, she had been a resident of Ethel for a number of years'. She was' a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel, and FITZSIMM NS BROKER REAL ESTATE 176 DIAGONAL ROAD • 357 1117 WINGHAM, ONTARIO TWO STOREY HOME Excellent Wingham location- within short walking distance of downtown. This brick home has been divided into two large, well maintained living units, one having two bedrooms, and one with three bedrooms, both front and rear entrances and all utilities are completely separate. Here is an ideal opportunity to own your own home and have the benefit of extra rental income or could be very easily converted back into the original huge/five bedroom home. VALUABLE INCOME PROPERTY The price is right for this attractive and well located two storey, three bedroom brick home, plus a second four room apartment complete with fridge and stove. This home is in very sound well kept condition with modern conveniences throughout. Excel- lent value is offered for the price of $28,000. LOW PRICED FAMILY HOME Located on an extra,large lot, shaded by mature maple trees. The home has been completely renovated with new roof, siding and windows. Interior consists of Hanover Kitchen, renovated living room, bedroom and 4 pc. bath. -Upstairs are two bed- rooms. Good value is offered in this well kept property. BRAND NEW BRICK HOMES Over 1,200 sq. ft. of living area on the main floor, including large kitchen, dining room, living room, 4 pc. bath, three bed- rooms and ample storage. The lower level features single car built-in garage with the remaining area framed and serviced for a second bath, laundry room, 4th bedroom, and o recrea- tion room with a huge natural fireplace. This home is nearing completion with very high quality wall to wall broadloom in- stalled. Make us an offer. Located in Gorrie is a brand new brick split-level home having many quality features such as pre -finished aluminum exterior trim, insulated steel entrance do`s, and insulated glass sash windows throughout. Spacious kitchen dining area, living room, throe bedrooms and 4 pc. bath. This home is presently under construction and can be decorated to the new owner's taste, or can be purchased undecorated if desired. Ken Duchorme, Representative, 570 Shuter Street, Wingham, Phone 357-2594 a faithful worker in the W.M.S. Miss McLennan was prede- ceased by four sisters and four brothers. ,She leaves to , mourn one sister-in-law, Mrs. Reta McLennan, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev; Dennis Clarke from the M. L. Watts Funeral Home, Brussels on Sept. 23 at 2 p.m. Interment followed in Molesworth Cemetery. Pallbearers were six nephews, Stewart McLennan, Scott Mc- Lennan, Ned Thompson, Clar- ence Gibson, Joe McBride, How- ard Harris, and the Flower bear- ers were Ross Stephenson and Clifford Dunbar. G -In St. Al tar;, ]ion .ill 11075 to Ur. and , Mel (Greig, Bit 1, Cowie, .a Michael Alexander. A bi for John, laNNA---At the . **OW, Kitchener on Saturday, Sects 27, to , and . Da Ilion. >Ita of K4tchener, a daughter, Mary .Susan - C iER:E -At the Whig=and District;, Hospital. on, Tuesday, September 23, r. and Mrs, Fred Care, RR 2, ;Lluev*e,, a daughter. . DDWSONN.1At the_ andDistrict, l ltal 4day, September. 26, to .Mr, and MVO. David Dawson, Dimgannon, a daughter. . tricHNEIDER-At the Whighaln and District Hospital on y, September 26, to Mr. and Mrs. James Schneider, AP - burn, a son.. • DICKISON-At`the Wingham angi District Hospi4onSaturday, September 27, t©"Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dickison, RR 1, Wroxeter, a son. STUTZMAN-At the Wingham and District Hospital op Satur- day, September 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Stutzman, RR 1, Lucknow, a daughter. VINCENT -At the Wingham and District, Hospital 'on Sun- day, September 28, to Mr. and Mrs. William Vincent RR _1,. Auburn, a daughter. PEGG-Bob and Susan Peg"~ are very happy to ,announce the arrival of their. son, Shane Robert, who finally arrived Monday, September 22, at 5:05 p.m, in Victoria Iospital, Lon- don. HUNTER -Inn Victoria Hospital, London, on September 23 to Wayne and Jane, a daughter, Laura Catherine Abri. A sister for Jennifer.. In Memoriam MILLER: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and 'grand father, James Miller, who passed away October 1, 1974. He is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies in the heart. copcea led. -Ever remembe L� Leona, daughter Cathy, son George and wife Donna and granddaughter Tiffany. MILLER: In loving memory of Jim Miller, who passed away one year ago, October 1, 1974. The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without fare- well. More each day we miss you, brother, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts con- cealed. -Ever remembered by broth- er 30e, wife Nell and family of Port Colborne. The Man ToSeeIs UNEQUALLED VALUE for family bungalow, 3 bedrooms, lovely k ful open L shaped living -dining drive. Call and arrange when to 'm. NTEE home location. NEWISH - brick itchen cupboards, large beouti- room. Hardwood floors, paved move int BARGAIN HUNTING? Must be sold this week. Frame 3 bed- room home in Lucknow, on town water, huge lot, could park ten buses. Scenic stream traverses, property with landscaping` possibilities unlimited. Lot alone worth asking price. COUNTRY HOME - excellent value is represented in this pre - finished siding house situated on blacktop road Belgrave-Blyth area. Features include 4 bedrooms, bath, furnace (new), carpet and linoleum floors. Drilled well. Grand view. Priced at $25,000. GOOD 85 ACRES of corn land plus number 1 hog barn 60 x 60 L 20 x 40, nfwly wired, farrowing crates and electric funs. Scenic Maitland through property provides good pasture area. Attrac- tive brick house, 4 bedrooms,. 2 baths, modern cupboards, broadloom and linoleum floors. Near paved road: Priced attractively for this location. LOVELY OLD STONE HOUSE 100 years old on 97 acres of gently rolling land. Trees, and spring at front and back of farm. Barn suitable for dairy beef or hogs, in top condition. 10 acres mo- ture bush. Fine farm -not too many of this calibre come on mar- ket. ar- ket. CHOICE partially serviced building lot in a pleasant residential area in Wingham. A very reasonable price tag of 53,500. C C Coast to Coast Real Estate Service Contact: OFFICE 357-1344 STAN CHADWICK 357-2497 JACK SCHARBACH 3574822 JOHN PHILLION 3574896 1 1 1 i 1