HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-02, Page 41
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The World of Women
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Evening ceremony unites
couple at Whitechurch
An evening candelight cere-
mony on Saturday, September 6,
united in marriage Ruth Elliott of
RR 1, Luclmow, and Paul Laid-
law of Windsor in Chalmers
Presbyterian Church, White-
church. Rev. Glenn Noble of
Lucknow officiated, assisted by
Bev Kay of Whitechurch.
The bride's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Elliott of RR 1,
Lucknow. The groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw
of RR 1, Lucknow. •
Organist, Jim Robertspn of
Wingham, accompanied -the
soloist, Bill Sheperd of Sarnia,
who sang "The Wedding Song"
and "0 Perfect Love".
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor -
length gown of polyester satin
with a high neckline and 1png lace
sleeves. A Juliet cap held her
waist -length veil which was
trimmed with similar lace. She
carried a bouquet of red roses
and white carnations.
Mrs. Elaine Armstrong of
London was matron of honor and
bridesmaids were Miss Jane
Laidlaw of RR 1, Lucknow, Miss
Beverly MacPherson of London,
Miss Karen Rivett of Wingham.
They were gowned alike in floor -
length dresses of pale blue floral
polyester visa. The attendants
wore white floppy hats trimmed
with ribbon to match their gowns.
They carried brown wicker
baskets containing yellow daisies
and white carnations.
Karen Elliott, RR 1, Lucknow,
was the flower girl wearing a
dress similar to the bridesmaids.
She carried a basket of flowers
similar to the bridesmaids'
—Photo by Snyder Studio "
READS OCT,, 9-8-7-6-5
Advance -Times
Brussels United Church
Sunday, October 5, 1975
7:30 p.m.
St. Paul's Church
REV. T. K. HAWTHORN., Rector
and Choir L.ador
8:30 a.m.—Holy ColMmunion
11:00 a.m.--Holy Communion
Thurs., Oct. 2—ACW meeting of home of
Mrs. Joe Kerr, 1:45 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 2—Euchre party in parish hall
Wed., Oct. 8—Board of Management meeting in
parish hall 8:00 p.m.
Joe Ducharme of Goderich was
groomsman and the ushers were
Brian Makins of Bayfield,, John
Martin of Wingham and Paul
Elliott of RR 1, Lucknow. Master
Wayne Forster off RR 1, Lucknow
was ringbearer.
Following the ceremony, a
dinner and reception were held at
the Whitechurch Community
Hall. A three -tiered wedding cake
decorated with blue roses and
lily -of -the -valley made the
centrepiece for the bride's table.
The bride's mother wore a
floor -length gown of turquoise
polyester and a corsage of pink
carnations. The groom's mother
chose a pink floor -length gown
and a corsage of white carna-
For travelling, the bride wore a
green floral polyester dress with
brown accessories and a corsage
of yellow carnations.
After a wedding trip to Ohio
and parts of Ontario, the couple
will reside in Windsor.
Honored guests at the wedding
were the bride's grandmother,
Mrs. Gordon Elliott of Wingham,
and the bride's grandfather,
William Forster of RR 1, Luck -
Bluevale UCW
BLUEVALE — The Bluevale
United Church Women held their
fall Thankoffering services
Sunday with special guest speak-
er Ted Lutz of the University of
Mr. Lutz was introduced to the
audience by the Bluevale United
Church minister Rev. Wilena
Brown. He spoke on his recent
trip to the Holy Land and showed
piptures of the visit. Visitors from
both Whitechurch and. Bluevale
came to hear the talk.
Following his presentation, the
UCW held a sing -song of old
ligmnis led by Mrs. Walter Willits.
ThCstndyperiod, alt cot ducted
by Mr's. Willits, dealt with the
status of women and its progress
in Canada over the years. Mrs.
Robert Fraser related the life
story of Nellie McLung; Mrs.
Ross Nicholson told the group
about Pauline McGibbon; and
Mrs. Willits described the life
story of Agnes McPhail. A social
hour- with refrshments served by
the UCW was held after the
celebrated their golden anniversary Saturday at their
home. The couple, residents of Wingham for,six years now,
entertained relatives end friends at an open house, through
the afternoon.
Golden anniversary
for Wingham couple
A golden wedding anniversary
brought relatives and friends
from all over Ontario to the home
-of Mr. and Mrs. W. James Rutter
Saturday.. The happy couple,
Tesidental of,Wingham for almost
six years, entertained their well-
wishers at an open house that
afternoon, welcoming visitors
from Windsor, Tillsonburg,
Woodstock, Aylmer, Ingersoll,
Jarvis, Norwich and Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutter were
married 50 years ago on Septem-
ber 24. Mrs. Rutter, the former
Charlotte Bird, was born in
Brownsville. Mr. Rutter was a
Woodhouse Township native.,.
They met in 1925 at her sister's
home. Mr. Rutter, who lived in
the area, said he had been told
about the young visitor: "1 was
just kind of curious and I just
rent over." They were married
six'Months later:
The Rutters have three sons,
Ernest of Mount Elgin, Wesley of
Wingham, and William of Mill -
dale; 12 grandchildren, and three
great-grandchildren. The open
house celebration Saturday was
highlighted by a three -tiered
anniversary cake and letters
from Ontario Premier William
Davis, Huron -Bruce MPP'
Murray Gaunt and Liberal leader
Robert Nixon.
Kruse -Blake ceremony
in Blyth
Blyth United Church
decorated with lighted candel-
abra, adorned by pink mums,
shasta daisies, fern and pink and
blue streamers for the marriage
September 6, of Sydney Gene
Kruse of Egmondville, to Sheila
Mae Blake of Blyth.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Kruse- of Egmond-
ville, and the bride is the daugh-
United church
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake of
Rev. Cecil T. Wittich was
assisted by Rev. Roy Dungery at
the double -ring ceremony. The,
soloist, Mrs. Linda Andrew, sang
"The Wedding Prayer" and
"We've Only Just Begun". She
was accompanied by the organ-
ist, Mrs. Donald Kai. .
The bride, given in marriage '
—Photo by Harvey McDowell
by her father and mother, looked
radiant in a gown of crepe de
chine, styled with fitted bodice,
flared skirt; square neckline and
lo9g bishop sleeves. The cathe-
dral train, falling from the waist,
was edged with hand -appliqued
Chantilly lace. The dress ,was
hand -appliqued with Chantilly
lace also. A cap of velvet daisies
and pearls held the four -tiered
illusion veil which was edged
with matching lace. The bride
carried a cascade bouquet of pink
sweetheart roses, blue -tinted
mums and shasta daisies with
Maid of honor was Miss Maxine
Bowes, Blyth, cousin of the bride.
She was attired in a floor -length
gown of pink and white flowered -
gingham lace, lined with white
taffeta. Her dress was styled with
short puffed sleeves, V-neck and
A-line skirt. The waist was
trimmed with narrow lace and
ties accented the back. She wore
a white picture hat and carried a
basket of blue and pink mums
with matching ribbon.
Attendants were Mrs. Connie
Bromley, Listowel, cousin of the
bride, Mrs. Barb Kruse, Strat-
ford, sister-in-law of the groom,
Miss Betty Josling, Wingham,
friend of the bride, and Miss
Barbara Blake, Blyth, sister of
the bride. They were attired
similarly to the maid of honor
with Mrs. Bromley wearing pink
and the others wearing blue. All
wore heart pendants, gifts from
the bride.
Miss Charlene . Blake,
Vanastra, niece of the bride, was
flower girl. She was attired
identically to the maid of honor
and wore a heart pendant, a gift
of the bride.
Groomsman was Paul Hoff,
Brodhagen, friend of the groom,
and ushers were Paul Stephen-
son, Varna, friend of the groom,
AI Hatt, Ilderton, friend of the
�►rrie •Bir marrie • in
pretty autumn ceremony
A pretty autumn wedding took yshered by. William ourlie,
place at St. Stepheh's Anglican Wayne Palmer and Kat! Smith,
Church, Gallie, on September 27, all Of Toronto.
uniting in marriage Wendy
Fisher, eldest daughter of Mr. A dinner and I •reception
and Mrs. Merrill Fisher, Gorrie, followed at Ranton Place,
and Kenneth Norton, son of Mr. Palmerston, where the bride's
and Mrs. A. Norton, Toronto. table was centred with a three -
Rev. R. Hulse of Elora of- tiered wedding cake and orange
ficiated at the double -ring cere- carnations adorned the guest
mony, assisted by Rev. William tables. George Fisher of Elora,
Parker of Gorrie. The organist uncle of the bride, was master of
was Miss Helen Wallace, RR 2, ceremonies.
Elora, cousin of the bride.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a Victorian -
style white floor -length gown of
silk organza over net and taffeta,
trimmed with lace overlay, sheer
"sleeves with lace cuffs and caps
and detachable chapel 'train. A
lace headdress held a cathedral
veil edged in Chantilly lace. She
carried a cascade bouquet of
Orange Delight roses, stepha-
notis and baby's breath. Wendy
wore a ruby ring With belonged to
her grandmother.
Miss Mary Pat Griffiths of
Toronto was maid of honor and
the bridesmaids were Miss Cathy
Fisher of London, sister of the
bride, and Misses Nancy and
Norma Jean Fisher of Gorrie,
also sisters of the bride. They
wore dresses of peach and
tangerine polyester double knit
styled with sweetheart neckline,
long full sleeves and deep ruffle.
They carried baskets of yellow
and bronze daisies, button mums
and ribbon streamers. Silver
' necklaces, gifts from the bride,
were worn by the attendants.
Peter Smith of Toronto acted as
best 'man and the guests were
groom, Ivan Blake, Vanastra,
brother of the bride and George
' Kruse, Seaforth, brother of the
groom. They were dressed
identically to the groom, in royal
blue tuxedos, white ruffled, blue -
trimmed shirts and black bow
Michael Kruse, Stratford,
nephew of the grootn, was attired
similarly to the ushers and acted
as .;ring .bearer. He carried a
heart -shaped pillow.
Following the ceremony, a
teeeption was held in the Sea -
forth Legion Hall. Guests were
greeted .by the bride's mother
wearing a floor -length mint green
gown of polyester ' crepe with
matching lace jacket and gold
accessories. Her corsage was
yellow carnations.
She was assisted by the
groom's mother who wore a moss
green floor -length gown with a
front multi -colored floral panel.
Her accessories were black and
she wore a corsage of ivory
Guests were present from
Kingston, Sarnia, London, Strat-
ford, Brodhagen, Wingham,
Brussels, Blyth and vicinity.
For a wedding trip to North
Bay and surrounding area, the
bride donned a pink pantsuit with
ruffles trimming the back of the
jacket. She wore white accessor-
ies and a corsage of hot pink
The bride was honored prior to
her wedding at showers given by
Mrs. Pat Langlois, Brussels,
Mrs. Connie Bromley and Miss
Maxine Bowes at the home of
Mrs. Irvin Bowes, Blyth, Mrs.
Sharon Bromley, RR 2, Blyth,
Mrs. Bruce Barrie, Blyth, and
Mrs. Audrey Hoff, Brodhagen.
The bride's mother received
guests in a gown of figured moss
green polyester jersey and cor-
sage of Orange Delight roses,
assisted by the groom's mother
wearing a pale pink gown with
pleated skirt, lace jacket and cor-
sage of white dasies.
For travelling the bride wore a
Moss green boucle knit suit with
brown accessories • and white
baby mum corsage. Mr. and Mrs.
Norton will reside at 51 Trail
ridge Crescent; Scarborough. '
• Out-of-town guests were
present from Elora, Fergus,
Breslau, Kitchener, Brantford,
London, Oshawa, Toronto and
Graham film
at Bible Chapel
The Wingham Bible Chapel will
have a special happening tomor-
row (Friday) : the showing of the
Billy Graham film called "Isn't It
Good to Know". The show will
start at eight o'clock and is spon-
sored by the Winham Bible
Chapel Young People grqup.
The film was edited and di-
rected by J. Michael Hooser and
is a release from World Wide
Pictures, producers of "Time to
Run". Everyone is invited to at-
ttend. •
Iustlt.te usemilers
se fhwer dimilay
The Maitland Women's. Insti-
tute held a meeting on Tuesday,
September 13, at the home of
Mabel Jacklin. toll call was
"Ohe thing I want to, accomplish
in the Women's Institute this
year". The group received many
suggestions to help Plan the
year's meetings.
The motto was "Waste Not,
Want Not" and was ably
demonstrated by Mrs. Margaret
English. In her displays, she
hhowed how to arrange a centre-
piece with only a few articles.
Simplicity and following the lines
were emphasized.
All the members learned Many
new things and picked up useful
tips on drying and preserving of
flowers and weeds.
Next month the Institute will
meet on Tuesday, October 28.
There will be a fabric demonstra-
tion of the new styles and
fashions for the fall.
Marvin Streicli
is WI speaker
The September meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Women's
Institute was . highlighted by a
talk by Marvin Streich who spoke
of his work as welfare officer
with the Ministry of Social and
Family Services.
A pot luck luncheon was en-
joyed by the members. The roll
call vitas answered by 'what you
would serve to unexpected
guests'. The menu was varied
and all sounded delicious.
Mrs. Mel Bradburn and Mrs.
Roy Barrett were appointed dele-
gates to the Huron County rally at
Belgrave October 6, with
registrationat 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Alf Lockridge and Mrs.
William McKenzie were ap-
pointed to attend the area, con-
vention in St. Thomas October 15
and 16.
The "no no's" are back
Starting October
Counterweight Weight Controls Ltd., the leading
and most respected name in Canadian weight reduc-
tion Introduces the Revolutionary "NEW CANADIAN
A way to lose weight that fits today's
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You decide how to use it. Eat 2, 3 or even 4 meals a day plus
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bacon, muffins, spareribs, peanut butter, spaghetti, real
mayonnaise even champagne. Satisfy yourdesire for
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Lose Weight with the plan that treats you like an adult. Etat
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You get special encouragement at the friendly weekly
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We have helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians lose
weight since 1967. And we can help you. There are over 250
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