HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-02, Page 2Nee - the Wingham Advance -Times, `Ihurs►d
Quality 0nstallati•-n
Clay or Plastic
Free Estimates
PHONE: 392-6700
R.R. 3 Walkerton
October $t
Euchre party
FORDWIICH — Seventeen
tables of progressive euchre were
sponsored by the Senior Citizens
at the community hall on Friday
High lady Was Mrs. Marian
Dinsmore; low lady, Mrs. M.
Noble; high man, Ira Schaefer;
low man, Norman Harding;
special, Mrs. W. Jonas and Lorne
The Ministry of Natural Resources, Wingham District hos the
following parcels of land available for lease by- tender for 1976.
nessssssuw Uaw
Lot Conc.
4 Lake Road
ssssss unsounssst
20 •
E1/2 19
16 & EVs 17
Area and Designated Use
40 acres cropland
Area and Designated Use
3 25 acres cropland (must seed down)
3 25 acres cropland (must seed down)
3 82 acres cropland (must seed down)
3 40 acres cropland (must seed down the
front 10 acres)
3 35 acres cropland
3 80 acres cropland (must seed down the
front 10 acres)
3 70 acres cropland (must seed down the
front 10 acres
4 25 acres cropland )
5 10 acres hay & 15 acres cropland (must
seed down the 15 acres of cropland)
5 50 acres cropland
5 47 acres cropland and 6 acres hay
6 20 acres cropland (must seed down)
6 75 -acres cropland (must seed down the
front 10 acres)
6 80 acres cropland (must seed down the
front 10 acres)
7 30 acres cropland
Please note that the successful tenderers for properties which
are to be completely or partially "seeded down" must "seed
down" and not apply herbicides with the exception of 2 -4 -D -B
(EMBUTOX 64), to that propertyor part there of during the 1976
season. The pasture seed mixture will be supplied for these
properties by the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Successful tenderers will pay the municipal taxes on the
land with the balance to the Ministry. As payment, our Ministry
will accept barley, wheat or dried shelled corn at the market
price at the time of delivery, or a cheque made payable to
TREASURER OF ONTARIO. With reference to the market price
for grain, this, is the price the tenderer would receive if he was
selling to an area mill. Grain is to be delivered and placed into
the granary at the Maintenance Building located on Lot 8, Con-
cession III, Hullett Township. Amount of grain for -payment is to
be determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Payment
must be received by December 1, 1976.
.. . Land presently used for hay must remain so. There shalt
be only one cut of hay and thisriseto be harvested no later than
Jt4IY 20, 1976..
Land Use Permits will. expire upon harvesting of the crop or
December 1, 1976, which ever occurs first.
Subleasing is not permissible.
Renewal .options will not be considered in this tender.
A maximum of five parcels per tender can be leased during
any fiscal year. No three-year options will be considered on
this tender. .
The Ministry of Natural, Resources will reserve the right to
enter upon the property and carry out any necessary manage-
ment activities.
There will be no compensation or adjustment for damage
to crops as a result of use by wildlife and/or hunters.
Persons using property of the Ministry under a Land Use
Permit will do so at their own risk.
Highest or any tender may not be accepted.
Tenders for the above land will be received at the:
Ministry of Natural Resources
Box 490
WINGHAM, Ontario
until 12:00 noon, October 16, 1975.
A meeting will be held at the Hullett Wildlife Management
Area Maintenance Headquarters, Lot 8,Concession III of Hullett
Township, on October 9, 1975 betweOn 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M.
for those persons interested in further details regarding pro-
perties for llase.
IT'S HARD TO SATISFY EVERYONE, as Huron County planner Nick Hill discovered
last Thursday when he presented the Howick Township Secondary Plan to township resi-
dents. He gathered additional comments and correction during a short break in the public
Express dissatisfaction
(Continued from front , page) planning, nothing more." bodies, including the Ministry of
Mike Fenton of Wroxeter owns Wroxeter residents, however, Natural Resources. The Ministry
about 13 lots of land in the village are suspicious that the original of Housing would have the last
that were originally in the flood- flood -lines might be reinstituted decisive power and "it's within
plain area according to the Mait- by the MVCA. They complained the ministry's right not to ap-
land Valley Conservation Au -
about the lack of communication . prove it," Mr, Hill said. He sug-
thority. He says the land is worth with the authority. ,"The Mait- gested, however, that the
about $120,000 and explained that land Valley Conservation Au- .evidence from the workshops
his stand when the problem first thority is conspicuous by its ab- would prove strong enough "to
developed was "no annexation sence," Mr. Johnson said, "and if amend the flood -plain mapping
they're going around. with their accordingly."
without compensation." "For wrong' for right, this
The original mapping had mouths closed, they're going g
illage of around with something up here,',' t; plan does challenge the MVCA
placed about na.� w•� in his forehead.
Wroxeter in the flood -plain, The he added, tapping
criterion used by the MVCA was "I don't trust them."
the Hurricane Hazel level, i.e., The major Brunt of the hostility
the height to which the Maitland expressed toward the MVCA was
River would have risen during borne by Ian Deslauriers, re -
Hurricane Hazel in 1954. ' sources manager for the Ministry
The amended plan presented of Natural Resources working
Thursday includes a map that with the MVCA. He explained
that - the flood plain mapping
has moved much of
criteria for flood -plain map-
ping,", Mr. Hill stated, "now
we've just got to wait until it goes
to the ministry and just take it
from there. We've sort of taken
up the challenge. If there is op-, sessions.
position, we ask for a hearing." Next Sunday, the Wingham
The final recourse could be to the Baptist Church will be privileged
the first flood - Ontanio Municipal Board, he ex.- to have as guest speakers mis-
._____t __.._,._..a �... ..... .....h,.,.;*�, nlained_ l sionaries Mr. and Mrs. William
as a by4,4 W
tl cone effective At thMt time:
Trhe and Plaint ," Ur.
10111 said. The plan mast then be
appNwed by the county plannI g
bo4rdp the eo auty :cow oil and the
various provinvl0l authorities, If •
any, IcrGange>, are mtade .along the
way,i-- "Well jut have to see
what happens," he concluded.
This didn't please too many of
the township residents at the
meeting. "In other words, we've
bad this plan, rammed down ow
throats," Lyle Litt of Gori ie said.:
"They're telling us what's best
for us."
John Brown and mny others
agreed: "I think the people in our
township should control our own
destiny," Mr. Brown said. "No-
one should be concerned in
Goderich and Toronto . . • they
weren't concerned last year ... I
realize we need a plan ... we
have to use a little.common sense.
in this ... but that has nothing to
do with the people in Toronto—
this is a different world."
Pastor speaks
on qualities.
of Christian
"Two important qualities of a
Christian are meekness and
gentleness". These were the
words of Pastor Ross Smith as he
spoke _ to the congregation at
Wingham Baptist Church on Sun-
day morning. He used as his text
portions of Paul's second letter to
the Corinthians, chapter ten, and
said that Christians must follow
the example of Jesus Christ, who
always displayed these two
Special music was provided
during the morning service . by
the Lidstone Family , of Cam-
bridge, a father and four chil-
dren, who sang four numbers to
their own guitar accompaniment.
During the evening service,
Miss Lynn Shore was baptized
and she and two other girls,
Marjorie Reed and Nancy Ker-
win, were received into church
fellowship. , •
Pastor Smith began his Bible
study of the book of Revelation,
presenting an introduction into a
series of Sunday evening
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une to the satisfaction W.' .,i.,�, prepared Wrox th '[ 1 nd-evec, .
iresid tits'u WVtoxeter. Mi' Fen- . has not changed but has ngt. bah 1, l
,�� ,,�,i,, ,�; , , nom been under the im- ning services.
. ton however, says lie coesn t yea r �Oet.r • ta�.;. '
,, , ,: �` � � #� �� essid '� that Mr. Bernier had
know �f the Change will be accept- • � -six months to Over a year m P
able in the long run, especially if the plan official. He said that un -,t promised to do more than just re -
the MVCA holds to the original til the provincial criteria was. view the criteria, seemed to ac -
flood -plain ed, the MVCA would use, rept the\explanation and the im,,
designation. Why g licit � challenge to the MVCA.
the existing standard: "It's the plicit g
doesn't the conservation au-
- "We have onlybegun to
thority take over the mil and best information yet.'' just g
build it up instead of perturbing ",,there is always room for , fight;" Mr. Johnson quoted. One
the residents?" he asked. error," Mr. Deslauriers ex- Wroxeter resident, in fact,
Similar doubts. were expressed plained,. "but it's the absolute seemed less concerned about the
minimum byusing the best in-` mapping than about the flooding
by many other township resi- itself. Gustav Brink supplied per -
dents. "What assurance do we
have that 'what is shown will be
accepted?" Arthur Johnson of
Wroxeter asked Mr. Hill, refer-
ring to the flood -plain mapping.
Reeve Bob Gibson explained
that when the original map had
appeared in the plan, council had
protested: "Council certainly
would not pass the plan the way it
was." One result of the protest
was a delegation to Minister of
Natural Resources, Leo Bernier,
and a promise from him to re-
view the provincial criteria for
flood -plain mapping. Since that
time, however, there has been no
further word. "We're kind of in
the dark," Mr. Gibson said, "we
have revised this for our own
strong chain. Powerful drive. Posi-
tive shear pin protection. You get
fast, dependable cleaning with a
Butler barn cleaner.
Stop In Today for Free Catalog.
Box 38, Moorefield, Ontario
Phone: 519- 8-3077
formation available." He said
that assuming the enforcement of
the original mapping, the town-
ship still has the option of re-
questing the authority "to get
into flood -plain acquisition ... we
can ,try to get the money to do
that." He cautioned that the
municipality would be re-
sponsible for a share of the costs.
Mr.Deslauriers explained that
no second snap on flood lines was
planned and suggested that the
MVCA And the Ministry of
Natural • Resources would
probably stay with the original
flood -plain interpretation. The
ultimate decision, however, will
rest with the ministry and "what
haps the.only comic relief during
the discussion with his repetitive
question: "Ven is somebody
going to do something about the
flooding?" He got no answer.
One of the main purposes of the
plan was "to create a forum for
comi'nunity debate as to -the de-
sired future of the township."
This was definitely .accomplished
at the meeting that lasted close to
four hours.
'Other minor issues raised
Thursday were the possibility of
establishing trailer parks in the
three villages and the question of
approval for residential develop -
that decision will be I can't say," ment in areas further away from
he concluded. the already -developed sections.
The only assurance that Wrox- Mr. Hill said the decision in these
eter residents have in the situa- kind of issues would be left
tion is that of a hearing in case mainly to council.
the original mapping is re- Mr. Hill explained that the plan
instated. Mr. Hill explained that would flew enter the final stages.
the plan itself will go through a It will be submitted, after any
series of reviews by councils on necessary changes due to the
both county and provincial levels evening's discussions and com-
and by interested provincial ments, to the township council for
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HURON COUNTY PLANNER Nick Hill fields questions as
Reeve Bob Gibson of Howick ubl c meeting tri discuss the
ownship listens carefully
during last Thursday night's p
Howick Township Secondary Plan.
We like to know our customers
by name!
WINGHAM 357-2711 BRUSSELS 887-6453