HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-5, Page 8c0.91-
bs kite!), Pure.
Vjs Powd Or never varies A, marvel of ur
ibrongth and wholesomti,L8s, More eccn
oupaol than the ordinary kitu tcannot
be -cold in competition with be multitudes of
ow test. short weight, alum oruhosrbate.
poppies -8,30m only in cans„—EOYA L• Bali.
POWIMIL. CO, ;tea wallstreet N.Y.
_ 1.‘ TEI wp.sTEEN assurtANcy CO
P `NY of Toronto; a1so. foi the prdawig
Englaud,the norat, CANADIAN. of Mon-
SUMANCITI COMPANY, of ,onclon, England,
established 1817, &stets over 85,000,000,
els,!tris n.nd bonuses mid. over $
'''....s••••Ao.,ntrw•••m••••••••t .111111011•11111111111,
To the Public and Sabbath School Teachers,
Officers and Trustees of South Huron,
Perth, and Middlesex:—
Another holiday season is rapidly ap.
s proaching and the thought of many of you
has been busy in regard to Public and
• Sabbath school entertainments and in try-
ing to so ve the questions "what to do,"
"where to go" to Provide for the greatest
pleasure of the children under our care.
The first question we do not propcse to
• answer, the seaond we modestly feel assur-
ed is one to which an answer is justly ex-
pected of us anti that our reply to will be
• but in good order. For over twenty years
our house has been a depot for holiday
supplies. That twenty years, has given us
, mueh varied and valuable experience, and
'with tholights and energies still directed
in the seine purpose, our house should at
least be entitled to a due share of enquiry.
This season we will show a very large stock
bought with much care and embracing
almost everything saleable which can pro-
perly be embraced in a Book, Statiowery
and Fancy Goods business. We respect-
fully invite a all after the first of Decem-
ber and will do much to make the visit
pleasant and profitable to you.
tuglish, German and American Fancy
goods House, Exeter, Ontario,
•CRIMOSII ^Taff ••••rrnamayarwannalr.
'3OC41L E WS—Wes hall beitappytore-
Jzive at all times, from any part of the
eounty,ttenis of local news, such dS ac-
Cidents,or any interesting incident what-
aurr, front any of 0747'1 ubscribers or read-
ers icnerailpfor the purpose of public
a tion.,
anta Binrceo.
Good Bargains can now be had in Boots,
Shoes and Harness at C Eacrett's as he is
selling cheaper than ever in order to clear
out the stock as soon as possible. Don't
fail to call and see him before purchasing
Commence Now.
We will take great pleasure in for-
warding the TIMES to any address in
, Canada or the United States, from now
until Jan. 1890, for 5 cents. Sub
cribe at once.
. Another Statement.
After considerable solicitation, the
Huron Expositor has finally attempted
to give us a statement of the financial
affairs of the South Huron Agricultural
Society, in connection with the holding
of its fairs; and claims that its surplus
funds are realized from the government
grant, all othersourees being inadequate
to balance the outlay. Our cotem.
eluded the practical question so long that
• it had become ashamed, and was at last
constrained to manufactureapresentable
• statement. We accept the explanation,
Iso F. EntertainmeZt. .
On Monday night the Independent
Foresters had a demonstration and en-
tertainment. 'The weather .being damp. •
the attendance was not so large as it
might have been, but the opera house
was fairly filled. Dr. Oronliyatekha ar-
rived by the south train, being met at
the station by the band and Foresters
with torches. At 8 o'clock the program
began, G. W. Holman in the chair. The
Doctor, the head of the order, spoke on
theorder in eloquent and explicit terms.
There was music and. the evening wound
up by a drama which was well produced
and entitled the participants to credit.
A very pleasant evening was spent and
Forestry received quite an impetusfrom
the lucid explanations of the head of,
icer. The entertainment as a whole
was one of which the 1. 0. F. may be
WORKMAN vs. Conmstri
.—This acton,
whieh may be of interest to our readers
as the plaintiff and defendant reside in
this locality, the plaintiff living near
Ifensall, and the defendant in Exeter,
as brought, to recover $200 as liquidut-
ed damages for breach of covenant 'by
/ the defendant not to engage in the sale.
of lime in. Hensel] or within a distande
if *we pules therefrom, The action was 8
tried at the Iasi 'lissiiers in Goderich be- t
fore Ele lioneeftble •Instice Itoso
wi a 0 inirS, 01111 j nage 4;11t rertC1VV(311. t
r.1.711%1;netit, 14'33 tik-liWA'reg a5. asgoodG.:
lento. lit Ttlf_^,0•Q
1" If)V,•S . jiill7tiini CO'
11.01/ *:•N ..41
t WW11,1ukt'49
• iihbk.tyfl ; -4.-tipur„ cad ti -
•Spectacles to suit all ages at R
Was t4 di'out during tlic holidays,
Rententber that the Wg' 13aolgruPt Store
never has or never veill be midersold.
1,lverrhing must be sold during the great
PoW on at Richard Pickard's,
ighest pros; paid for poultry at the
Bi BankrtIpt Store,
kr 5% 0. aersey has illade an assign-
ment. Liabilities 02,000 ; assets nil.
For the best values in Teas in Ontario go
te Riehard Pickard, S.
Clothing to order very cheap and perfect
fitting at the Big- Bardi.ropt Store
Groeeries— Just see them at the Big
Bankrupt Store Cheap, Cheap, Cheap.
134mernher the 13.est and Laigest Stook
of 13 ets & S110eS in the county is at
Spackman'e Beata ds Shoe Store,
Friday, Saterday and Sunday the sleigh-
ing waS good, and business as oonsequerice
wag brisk .
Several weddings are On dity yeling folka
of the village being the prospeetive C011.
G mai Bargains in Bouts and Shees, Felt
Boots, Overshoes and Rubbers at Richard
Buy your Xtime presents 'from R. Hicks
He will give big, iliseoant on all Silver
ware during holiday seas n
On Tuesday morning ‘atit the thermome-
ter took a sudden drop mid extremely co.('
weather was expedeneed
You can save money if you buy your
Watehes from R. H icks during the next
th rty clsys.
On Friday there will be a shooting
match in connection with the Central
Bell Bros., farmers near Winehelses,
have tnacle an assignment of their goods
ewe chattels for benefit of their creditors.
Remember the great sale of ladies' Man-
tles, Fur GOOil8 DressGoods and Millinery
at Richard Pickard's.
Owing to the very slippery state of the
roads the blacksmiths experienced a splen
did harvest during the fora part of the
AS will be ootieed by the change et ad-
vertisement, the Molsons bank will pay 4
par cent. pet- aunuin on 04 deposits in its
Savings Back department. •
Overcoats ! Overcoats !t Overcoats !! !
Overcoats !1! ! for men, for boys. Over
coats for yourgssiv.0 price at the Big 13.ink-
rapt Store.
• rhe l3uot & Shoe stock, of the estate of
Mr. J. Pickard has been removed to SPaek-
man's Boot dt Shoe Store, Fanson's Block,
Five parcels of real estate of the estate
of James Pickard. will be sold this month,
1 he mill property and several village lots
will be sold later in the season.
THE TIMES calendar will be ready for
distribution shortly.. It is convenient in
size and the lego-typography large, and
plain to the eve at a distance:
The young people during the evgs. of
the past week have been enjoying a skate
on the river. The ice is reported to be in
good condition, thonsh thin.
The Ladies' Aid of the Main•st Meth,
church will hold sllemon social in the base,
ment of the church on Friday evg , Dec,
13th A. good pi ogram will be pi esen ted.
We understand that a couple of energetic
young men ars negotiating with B. W.
Griga, the assigoee, for the purchase of
the factory, store and residence cf the
estate of John Brawn.
A first dividend of 30 per cent. will .be.
declared by the Inspectors and assignees
of the Pickard estaiein a few days. It is
thought that the estate will pay a total
dividend of 50 °nits in the dollar.
R, Ilicks has just received a big lot of
Watches, Jewelry, and Silverware just
the thing for Xmas presents. Call early
and secure the article you want while there
is a good choice,
The entrance examination will be held
at the various High Schools and Collegiate
Institutes on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, the 18th, 19th and g0th of Deem-
UHL PAgeo le491,06f91/plitaii,"
reGOvoring frQw a recent attack of in-
flannoation a the lungs,rragr, Thomas
Cave, who has boon engaged in the
blacksmith business in Exeter for the
past year, is leaving, for Detroit shortly.
—Rev. Father Healey of Comma, late
of the 'rench settlement, Hay, has
been transferred to, IVIonnt Carmel Mis-
sion Stephen. He takes charge this
week. ---ML'. Xl-bri 3, White, son of the
proprietor of the Tins, who, for some
time, has been working in the office of
the Supt. of the ,Chicago it Grand
Trunk., at Battle Ordek, Mich., as sten-
ographer and type -writer, hasiseoured a
more lucrative position in the office of
the 11dic1igan Central R. R. at Detroit.
—The Ministerial Association of South
Huron met at Renhall on Monday, and
the local clergy were present.—The
funeral sermon of the late Isaac Horrell
was preached by Rev. Jasper Wilson,
s B.A., in the Main street Methodist
Ohnrch, on Sunday last. —While in the
:township of Turnberry recently; visiting
friends, Mr. Robt.. :Sanders, of, Exeter,
accoMpanied by Dr. Gardner, went on
several hunting expeditions. On one
occasion they came Upon a beat, and
owing ,to the failure of the cartridge to
perform its work, , bruin esdap4 'The
hunters were naturally chagrineir...
Bunt and wife of Contra1i4',,were
• the guests of Mr. John Elliott 'on "Sun•;
d last, • •:-Commencing on Monday last,
Mr. john MojVtillian I1d. P. for South
Huron will . address his constituents at
different villages throughout the
- anri family and Mr,
Joe, Andersea of Centralia will leave in
Mare.h for Manitoba. -Mr, Dan'l Moir
of Usb9rne has .clinsided to sell or rent
his farm. Hewill probably move to
St, Marys.—We are pleased to gate that
Mr. J. N. Hooper, who was recently
forced to make an assignment, has made
arrangements with his oredibors. at 50
Cents in the dollar.—There died at HenS
attn. on the 2nd inst., Agnes Harper, (be.
loved wife of Mr. John Scat) aged 42.
Jas, Gordon' of Luoknow,
was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. (leo. E.
Anderson is visiting beeparents at Fin-
gal: Fanson is still ill but On lhe
thend.—Mr. ParsensTvho has been sick
for sonie time is yet unable to leave his
house. -.—Mr. Frank Gidley and family
have left for Toronto, where Mr. Gidley
has secured his former situation with a
tailoring establishmentthere.—We have
received word from Mr. Alex. McQueen
of Keewatin, and his Many friends will
be pleased; to learn that he is doing
well. He has left the Q P.R. by which
company he had been employed as Oper-
ator at that depot, and acCepted a more
lucrative PoSibion as book-keeper for. a
Milling firm in Keewatin: •
The SouthHuron !Vitt -listens -I Associa-
tion inet in Carmel Presbyterian church,
Hensall, on Monday. • Rev. J. Wilson
read a paper giving a history of the in-
terpretations of, and his own accepted,
exegesis of 1 Con xv, 29, "Else what
shall they do which are baptized for the
dead, if the dead rise not 'at all? why
are they then baptized for the dead ?"
A very learned a critical diacussion fol-
lowed which ticcupied most qf the day.
Rev. Messrs. Clement and ,..A.thhinson
were called. on to give impromptu an
outline of the sermons preached by them
the day before, and Rev. Mr. Cook to
give his own outline on Mr. Clement's
text. It was a day of great interestand
profit. The next meeting will be in
Main street Methodist church, Exeter,
ber, beginning each Shy at 9 o'clock sharp when Rev. Mr. Staebler will -read a
To say that things are lively in the J paper replying to Canon Taylor's
foundry is drawing it •mild. There are Pamphlet on Missions,
now upwards of fifty mechanics employed
and every inch of space is occupied sup,. 131ankets and izlannels 25 per cent. off
plying the ever-increasing demand for the at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Verity plow. Rubbers endovershoes, cheapest in town
.A. meeting of the creditors of the estate at the Big Bankrupt Store. ,
of &tail Rundle, was held on Monday. Call at 3. P. Ross' andget you apples at
We understand it was decided to corn- once before they are all gone. $1.85 per
municate with Mr. Rundle's father with bblfor winter fruit. .
a view to having him go security for his Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Ready -
son in a compromise of 60 cents in the made suits at your own price during the
great ,sale at Richard Pickard'.
The lecture next Monday evening in the The village council met last evg. A
James street Methodist church by Rev. treasurer's statement is beinglprepared and
Dr. Carman will be well worth hearing Will be issued in a few days.
and all who wish a literary treat should $5000 worth of 13oots ds Shoes to be sold
attend. The doctor is one of the' first at away down prices at Spa.eknitn's Boot
speakers of the day, and his ldeture, "Col -
et Shoe Store.
onial Empire," has become famous for its Von ea° bay j-ewalrY from R. Hicks at
instructiveness a big discount for the next thirty days,
A meeting of the James-st Methodist one 'door south' of the Big Bankrupt Store
Church band of hope was held at Central Telephone office.
e b
ment of the church on Tuesday evg. ase
As ROGS 1iValierssn.--Farmers, should read
the , important announcement of J. L.
usual the attendance was large' and the
entertainment first class. The young peo-
Grant & Coof Ingersoll, in another
ple of the S. 8. seem to take a lively inter. column' in reference to fattening hugs
est in the association and its meetings.
early. ' This firin will buy no dressed hogs
The live stock and implementa
sale this winter. Nov. 21-t5
the estate of James Pickard took place
yesterday, and was largely attended.
To old and new sabseribers pay -
offers were,lively and large, and the stock, ing in advance, we will give THE
which was in good condition and firstTIMES and the American Farmer, together
class, sold readily, the entire sale realizing with allY of the following weekly papers,
V 500. , for one year, for $1.90 - Toronto Empire,
The Royal Templars of Temperance will Globe, News; London Free Press, Adver-
give an entertainment in the basement of tiser ; Detroit Free Press. or any other $1
Main street Methodist church on Tuesday paper published. This is a good chance
evening, Dec, ) Oth. • Program to cousist to secule your year's reading cheap. The
of an address from Rev. -0. H. Bridgman offer is lower t'nan ever.before. Just eon -
of Hensall. Music from Harmotic Orches- skier ; three $1 per year papers, 101 11.90.
tra,, recitations and songs. A collection Take advantage of this very liberal offer,
will be taken. . early. Show this to your neighbor who
We are pleased to state that Mr. sv,,,, is in the habit at bortowing your paper;
Parsons of Exeter, who has been ill for and if he is not inclined to take advantage
some time is recovering nicely. On Sun of the offer, yon forward $1.90 and make
day afternoon there was a happy re -union him a present of the three papers. The
of the fainily at his residence, several hours Tisixs,•Atnerman Farmer, and any of the
being spent in singing and thank offerings city weeklies, form a strong trio -one which
to the Almighty. • sheuld reach a farmer's house regularly as
It now appears that Rowlands, charged published, year in and year out. The
with abduction of Wm. Taylor's danghter, TxxXs for all the LOOALNEWS ; the Ameri-
aml also of stealing wheat from Taylor's can Farmer for purely farm intelligetee,
granary, was not sent to theeentrid prison, and. the city dialy for general news.
but dismissed. The charges could not be Combined the three pacers, furnish abund-
Xanee of serial, and miscellaneous V
reading. Read this twice, •r‘
pureed, the testimony being of the most
contradictory nature, and to the effeet that
he misdeeds were done at the request of
Taylor's wife, The entire gang get credit
f being toughs.
The young men who raised the disturb-
ance at the rssidence of Mr. Mack near
4reenway, and who wore brought to Ex -
ter on Thursday to appear before 11Ingis•
rate Clark settled the matter by paying
osts eta. 'The ease appeared to be some-
vbatcomplicated, Members of the Mack
anvfiy, it is said, being partly to blame.
• it is often convenient in purchasing it
intik of hay to have some rule by whieh
o eels:Wats! the Mirolier of tons therein.
:he following role will be foetid advan-
,eseous. the lene•th, brew:1th
11 r r i 1 1155 1111e,:1,114111!.1 8 1 1l'900101;1,t; tht.
To Oar Subscribers.
The special announcement whieli ap-
peared 1/I ORX 00111M118 genie time since, an-
nouncing a speeial arrangement with Dr,
B. S. lsendall Cos of Enosburg Falls, Vt
publishers of A Treatise on the Horse
and his Disesses,"whereby our subseribera
were enabled to obtain a copy of, that valu
Mile work intros by sending their
tiddress to 13, j, KENDA.LL Cf,, (and '
enclosing is two.tient ' stamp for mail-
ing sante) renewell for a Moiled period.
,‘Ve trost all will stall thentscikeeS Of the
lit$1114 4%1042
Black and Colored Dress Goods,
• Black anct Colored and Satin
1Viantlings., Ulsi;ers, Dolinaub, an Jackets,
Nien'.s and Boys Overcoats and Suis,
Men's Fur Coats, Caps and Gives,
MOD'S. NOW Under -shirts and r)rawers.
.11/frin's Felt Boas, liubbers, ()ver -shoes Etc. •
_Ladies' Fur Coats Muffs aud ',ono. Boas
/ •
In fact:everything will be sold at prices which will ensure a speedy clearance.
Harvey has expiated his crime on the
gallows, notwithstanding the numerous.pe,,
titions circulated in his behalf. At anyrate
petitions are of very littisevidee in the eyes
of those in power, for what do they amount
to? Standing- in the office of a business
place in a certain efts, one day, T saw a man
with a paper soliciting, the signature of
every person who came i; "Sign your
name to this, it is a petition for the water
works," he said, and inauy people signed
without even looking over it. •As a general
rule pe.itions are worded so lenethy 'that
the average business man has not tune to
read them, but he writes his name because
scime person asks him and •he finds it.
handy to attach his autograph' Thera are
some r Pople to be found that would itzif a
petition for almost anything under the sun,
not because they knew what it is and are'
anxious to aid it, but because they don't
know 'what it is, and 808111 to like to see
their name on paper.
There is some difference in churehes
even of the same denomination ; some see
fit to publish the advertising sapplement
sheet belt"! e the sermon, others preftr to
issue it afterwards
How nice and pleasant it is to have good
streets, nice pavements, bright light, pure
water and all the rest that go to 'nuke up
O presperous,town, but how soon the beau-
tiful visions of the taxpayer vanish, when
that much abused individual, the tax-
gatberec, steps up and ieforms you that
you must help fill the treasnry coffers from
the hate hoard that you have been so lozig
trying to increase. Then the council comes
in for a share •of abuse, "spending money
heedlessly, ecklessly and unnecessarily,'"
while the vexing question is, "How can I
pay those blamed taxes," People like ad-
vocating improvements, but they would
rather not be at home when the William
comes in.
There is *very little* sentimenI in the av-
erage man. He will eagerly scoop the last,
last morsel mit of an egg. without giving
one thought to the poor larne lien out in
the ram seeking material for her next effort.
FRIDAY, DEO, 13.—Farm stock, imple-
ments, to, the property of ,Daniel Moir,
lot 29, con. 4. Usbarne. Sale at one o'clock
p.m., A. Bishc,p, Auce
Scott's Emulsion of Pnre Cod Liver Oil,
with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. The
rapidity with which children gain f3e,h, and
strength upon it is very wonderful.
have used Scott's Emillsion in cases of
Rickets and Marasinus of long standing.
In ex, ry case the implovement was mat lt-
ed."—J NI MAIN, M,D., New York. Sold
by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.00
Is the oldest and most popular scientific and
mechanical paper published and bas the largest
circulation of any paper of its °Jess in tbe world.
Fully illustrated. nest elites of Wood Engrav-
ings. Published weekly. Send for specirnen
gi'ERNPsfig431V:iii HET 8161° trlal, 51.
Edition of Scientific American.
.A great success. Mich issue contains colored
lithographic plates of country and city residen-
• ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings
and full plans and specifications for the use of
each us contemplate minding Price 450 a year,
25 Cts. a copy. 24 UNN dr Ob., l'OBLISHERS.
• have had over
40 yeara' experience and have made over
IMMO applications for American and For-
eign patents. Send for Handbook. Corres-
pondence strictly commando.
In case your mark is not registered in the Pat-
ent Offide, apply to MUNN e/. CO., and procure
immediate protection. send for Handbook.
COPYRIGHTS for books, chart, maps,
etc., quickly procured. Address
MUNN & CO., Patent Solicitors.
GENERAL °FUTON : 201 xtneAnw.v.
Our fall and winter goods. Just
that you heed. First-class goods and
'• SE E orrt corroNs
'Ilch(lTS, 8 HOES, 11 TS ; CA PS
rt If other 'thitide.
ot,Meitheity (If elitaininis this valTfaltle-work
a htsglit together ana divide tl441 1". 3' 4:r, :111(:' 11°1%.*;r'l 117' '1$ 111(11'
Ili IT 1112, 1.1,1 atrt To?,11-ltdblt, e.fr.: az,
';)',",,70 4601 th't 11. 0i ifullItrhS 1.6 51,k flAes whiCh 63110; thi-i noels+
"1""1,1G..ed $tates 4ad 1I:G.11141a, ese.:10',; G'"G qt.
0:4"(1 t hen
'1...1.4.110„,,,' •
1 4 Gill•
pe.ji, H FIV4t'dat'Ai'S
' 1;01;S 1V,\
LK- C (1,
• 11.111WIN"
Get what you pay for if you get inferior goods at regular
Get what you pay for if you pay for a quality you don't
Get what you pay for if you pay an extravagant price..
Get what you pay for it you help to swell an exorbitant
profit whose fault is it if you don't get what you pay for?
You can always get your money back to the last cent by
trading with us.
We guarantee the best for the money.
We guarantee the most for the money.
13.E C A:CM E
We guarantee the very lowest prices. Every one of these
• factS go to show that you, ought to
T.R.4DE. CulliLLArG BROS., EXET.glr,
You can get a square deal for around. dollar.
You can get a 'high grade for a lowflore.
That you pay for what you get and get what you pay for.
-•=1.6seikv.tif eel UM**
Why is it that in other towns.and surrounding countzy
they speak so hia,thly of the Photographs that are taken in
Exeter. And how is it that there are so many Phot's sent
into the clifferen1 cities of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo
Gallery ?
WHY? Because Senior's work is as good it not better
than any of the leading Galleries is the city; and their
prices are $4 and $5 per .doz., while they get them. at
Senior's for $3.
Have their Hardware and
Tinware Store full of
• the various staple
on can buy your Hardware, Tinware.
Paints, Oils, Machine Oils, Castor Oil,
Wire, Glass, and Baby Carriages cheaper
from ns than anywhere else in this section.
A call will convince you of this fact.
NAILS at the lowest rates,.
Sewing Machine Needles
&c, at the closest bargains.
We sell cheap and tabe
pride in letting our cus-
tomers know of it,
3 giwrenc poctacio
Tho Iih1 Bailor
The best grades of Roller flour
wholesale and retail.
Cabk CReith,
. Props.
XIoiosult, Oet: 1.5th, 1.880,
1 4.1.8rb ,....
II/ 1.:0mCATI021 la' A Covr,5e m nil
Ihoztiamad, Lintlieli‘ rsaristritia, 0110100
::14stheilisalltztrofice•Upartmontri or ttl, ,
BeitIlrci.Dilt BILISIG.I1108$.; UttraVet'Alit;,.
4(tyr,IT.r..usTgA,rre CA1'Ai.00&rt 1.‘il.r.:1..'''.0 '
• 10043131, ."