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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-09-18, Page 13
VirginiaF fai, i' 010 SOUth Polo,`Iwo i ng uthe, bread' itorage of'ba :lead and roll. decided.theme, the 44 ' ro 'e"„ for their sk(which is to be pre, send, on evemOnt. Pay. The lneet in °cl with e g mini" ivel , Ca ida'a. Molt lam. Rion stucko tea spectacular undeveloped *iter- - to the winego .* ul fall, twice as high. as Niagara. day afternoon, Falls and ShOlkirig: a vel tteal' -ftigg Mrs. Art , e�o�s. . w k of over f011� :ae�' Of water, � tgate how tne . *lip whit* bread. Tracy MacDonald ,and Arlene Willis heIPed, in the demonstration. ,'1!. Clark.. led the discussion ion, 'breadcl#n GORRIE A Three bedrroam newly renaoreted home with white aluminum siding, Three pc. both up and two pc. down, new ell furnace, good roof, TV aerial, aluminum storms and full b©sem@nt, **** WINGHAM AREA - School- house situated in a lovely set- ting with beautiful mature trees and a good lot, having three bedrooms, two bath- rooms, recreation room, modern kitchen cupboards, new oil furnace and is taste- fully decorated throughout. Taxes $66. a year. **** BRUSSELS - Less than o block from downtown on a 165 x 66 ft. lot.' This 4 bedroom home has a 3 pc. bath up and 2 pc. down. Living room, dining room, laundry room and kit- chen with good cupboards. Double garage and paved drive. Taxes only $197. per year. **** RESTAURANT - Only 13 years old in a town near Winghom. It has grills, freezers, deep fryers, and all,equipment. The books show it to be o profit- able enterprise. On the lot to he rear is a trailer for living quarters which can be pur hosed separately. 00 ACRES, 70 workable, barn d straw shed. House has od cupboards, both and all nveniences. Asking $60,000. MEL.MATHERS Wingham 357-3208 Representf'nq LOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE incardine) LTD. Igilrla sal#ipling Whole Wheat bread made and \froon at the first meeting and :baked at this 1IIUIPIPIIPImeeting, 111 ■ it a ■ ATTENTION LADIES ■ Bring hubby to view this 78 acre farm near • Brussels. Land all work- able; barn 35' x 60' with loose housing, 11/2 storey home has a kit- :chen,-.dining room, 3 ■ bedrooms, you'll love it. ■ HANDYMAN'S INVESTMENT ■ A two storey building in • Wroxeter; main level now used as living rquarters, with separate • entrance to possible up - III stairs, apartment. Good furnace, and wiring. • Listed at $15,000.00. II MAKE SOME MONEY • Finish the second storey of this 3 bedroom • home, in Brussels, to suit your own tastes. • Large living room, kit- • then with new cup - III boards, 4 pc. bath and utility room on first • floor. ■ "FOR THE MOST, CALL HOLST" • OFFICE 357-3840 Don Hoist REAL ESTATE Realtors WINGHAM REAL ESTATE ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ me • • • • • • • • i 1 BAKE : AM AND BAZAAR St, Pall's. AcWa#`ea' their anima/ ChriStMaS Tea, Bake Sale. and Bazaar iii.the ParishMs o .nW��fr November 28 Cunimenei lI 2:30 p.lrn. until 5 P.M. EVerybodY welcore- CLAYTON G. NOGG LIMITED Real Estate Broker Wingbaro Next to the Post Office FOR SALE - Two storey, 8 room brick home, 4 bedrooms, new bothro04 2 garages, located on oversized lot in a good residential area in Brussels. Priced for quick sale to settle estate. First time offered. ****** 11/2 storey insu!-brick house, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living rooms. and utility room. Located on quiet street in Winghom. Ideal for handyman. First time offered. ****** Two storey 8 row') brick home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lo- cated on a double lot in Gorrie. This, home hos large sun room, good landscaping and can be duplexed: Price reduced for quick sale. One storey, 3 bedroom dwelling on over -sized lot in Bluevale. Hardwood floors, 4 pc. bath and vanity, good furnace, sun roam and other extras. Taxes are low. Priced reasonably. FARMS 49 acre form, 42 acres workable, born 44' x 54' with ties and loose pens, implement shed 24' x 48', garage at road. 8 room 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, new. furnace. Bordering a poved rood, this farm offers good value. Just listed. ****** Dairy farm, 107 acres, 90 workable, balance in mixed bush. Barn 95' x 60', 32 ties and loose pens, implement shed. 11/2 storey 6 -bedroom brick house. Extra 100 acres available. Located close to Wingham. 100 acre beef farm, 55 acres workable, balance in rough land and bush. Barn 60' x 40' "L" 20' x' 15'. 11/2 storey brick house, modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms. Located near Wingham just off main highway. WINGHAM OFFICE 357-1515 EVENINGS JOHN BRENT 335-3391 JOHN HOPPER 357-2154 Service D FLOWERS . Wedding'' rrangements Cut flowers Plants Flowers by ire Service LEWIS LOWERS. 35 Frances Phone 57-3880 3 RANCE All Ty Insur 335-,3525 /►� GORRIE pe s of ance 357-2636 WINGHAM 100 For your INSURANCE See or Call WILLIAM S. REED 64 Victoria St., 357-2174 TC. Swimming Pools Above and Below Ground Complete Line of Pool Chemicals ARMSTRONG CHEMICALS Box S6 Walkerton FUELS BILL TIFFIN Imperial Esso Agen For all your Home a Farm Fuel and Lubricating Needs 357-1032 t nd AUTOMOTIVE Ammoimmimmimpv • WINGHAM SUNOCO SERVICE LICENSED MECHANIC UNDERCOATING & - RUSTPROOFING COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK SERVICE Prop. Ken Leitch Phone 357-1554 NIGHT 357-3585 TIRES KEN'S a9 ALIGNMENT SERVICE 357-1230 Hwy. 86 West Wingham ELECTRICAL BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractors Motor Rewind and Sales Household Appliances Josephine St. 357-2450 Emergency Service - See the Yellow Pages Pletch Electric Wingham INDUStRIAL or COMMERCIAL WIRING Also Rural and Domestic Phone 351-1583 rector FOOD Hot Sandwiches' Soup Chicken and Sea -Food • Dinners RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN CAR RENTALS 1 HOLIDAY Rent a Car LING .OLOCi.LTn Wingham 35'7.2323 CONSTRUCTION T. M. a T. CONSTRUCTION General Contractors All types of concrete work Pit Silos Home and form building CALL BOB THO i1PSON BI.t'EVAI,E, ONTARiO 357-3493 Askes Blethers CONSTRUCTION Cottages, Homes Additions & Renovations Cottages, Homes Additions & Renovations FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES Ph: 528.2726 Box 122, Lucknow Ph: 528-2726 Box 122, Lucknow If Your Business Is Service INFORM THE PUBLIC THADVANCEETIMES u 351-2320 PLUMBING HEATING Percy Clark Plumbing Heating and Sheet Metal Contractor PHONE 357-3080 366 Edward St., Winghare Leroy Jackson —Plumbing —Heating —Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 OIL BURNER SERVICE and FURNACE CLEANING Phone 357-1356 Doug Hoffer COLLISION AI's Collision Service Phone 3572206 CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Complete Body. Work and Pointing Frame and Rust Repair Also Insurance Claims CONC. 2, MORRIS TWP. Hwy. 86 1st Morris .2nd Morris 2nd 1 iCHIlIl.IlD HEALTH CUNIC The Huron CatintY It Virdt invites you to attend the :G #ild Health Clinic, Health Unit, office, Wingham Hospital, on Wedn . day, September 17,1975fr.o :9}30 to 11:39 a.m. for: 1. Health Sur- veillanee; 2. Anaemia Screening; I' 3. Immunization;- 4. Hearin. g Screening; 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years; 6. Vision testing. ;,ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, Health Unit office, Wingham H`dspital, on Monday, September 15 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; ' 2. Foot Care; 3. Anaemia screening; 4. Urine testing; 5. Blood pressure; 6. Hearing tests. Volunteer drivers are available. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Special anniversary services at Knox United. church, B.elgravee Sunday, Septeiiriber 28, at 11 A.m. guest speaker , . Donald Watt, Vancouver, Su - tendent for Hospital and Medical Work for United Church of- Canada; his theme, "Looking Ahead"; lunch and social hour to follow service; at 8 p.m. hymnsing and special music by Belgrave Men's Choir, address by Mrs. Walter Scott on History of Church Union in our 'Community. Everyone is cordi- ally invited to attend both lerv- .ices. 18-25 TOURS Escorted motor coach tours from Mount Forest with pick-ups en route. All admissions, accom- modation, side trips, etc. includ- ed. All coaches washroom equip- ped and air-conditioned. Free brochures available from Fettes Tours, 184' Main St., Mount Forest, phone 3234545. 3 -day Adirondack Mountains fall colour tour featuring Tupper Lake, Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and boat cruise. Departs Sept. 30. 4 -day Muskoka; Algonquin, Ot- tawa and Gatineau Hills fall color tour departs Oct. 5. 4 -day Grand Ole Oprey Tour departs Oct. 10 for Thanksgiving weekend. No night driving. 21 -clay California and Golden West tour departs Oct. 19. Salt Lake City Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand„ Catyon andmuch more iaiclluded. 2 -day WWVA Jamboree tour departs Nov. 14. 10 -day Florida tour (Christ- mas) Dec. 26. 14 -day Florida tours, Jan. 17, - Jan. 31, Feb. 14, Feb. 28. 9 -day Florida (mid-term), March 19. 18 -day Texas and Mexico, March 15. All above tours are becoming heavily booked. Make your re- servations now and avoid being disappointed. Call Fettes Tours, 323-1545, Mount Forest. CALIFORNIA Tour; 21 -day tour departs Oct. 19, includes all admissions and side trips, trans- portation, accommodation and luggage handling. Visits Univer- sal Studios, Disneyland, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, Mormon Tabernacle and more. Reserve now. Fettes Tours, 323-1545, Mount Forest. FIGURE SKATING ° REGISTRATION Wingham Figure Skating Club registration for 1975-76 winter season, Wingham Arena, October 1, 2 and 3, 7 to 9 p.m. Rates, Juniors $15.00; Intermediates, preliminary figure level, $28.00; first' and second figure, $30.00; Seniors, $35.00. 18-25 SPECIAL TREAT A special treat for Christmas shoppers on Friday, November 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. ;MEETING A meeting of the Huron Middle- sex Liberal Association (Feder- al) will be held in the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth on Wednesday, September 24, 1975 at 8:30 p.m. for the purpose of selecting dele- gates to represent the riding at the National Convention of the Liberal Party of ' G nada being held in Ottawa on November 7, 8 and 9, 1975, John Broadfoot, President; Jack Horan, Secre- tary. EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expec- tant Parent Education Classes being held in the Health Unit office, Wingham Hospital, conm- mencing Wednesday, October 1, 1975 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m . Would anyone who is interested please pre -register by calling 1-800-265- 4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate Irl the discus- sions. 11-10-25 TEA AND BAKE'$AIb` cwt, Tea and Bake Sale, Wing - ham. Town Halla Saturday, October 4 ;at 2:30 R.lrnr Penny auction, touch and take rabbi and crafts, RUMMAGE SACT Teeswater pitons. I? rum- mage sale, Teeswater Arena, Monday, September 29 at 'hail p.m. Ptoceedi for community work. 18-25 BAZAAR AND IKE SALE Bazaar and bake sale, Satur- day, September 20 at 2 p.m. Wingham Town Hall. Crafts and used books for sale also white ele- phant .table. Sponsored by the Wingham and District Associa- tion for the Mentally Retarded. MAJORETTE CLASSES Majorette classes, registration, . Saturday, September 20, 1975, Wingham Public School, 9:30 a.m. Teacher Patti Robertson, Advanced Baton Champion. Phone 357-2872 for more in- fortnalion. 11-18-25 POT LUCK LUNCHEON , The Wingham Branch of' the Women's Institute will holdtheir regular meeting in the Council Chambers, Thursday, Sept. 25 at 12 o'clock 'noon with. a pot luck luncheon. The program conven- ers, Mrs. Haselgrove and Mrs. Ed McBurney. The speaker, Mrs. Mervin Streich. The hostesses, Mrs. Mel Bradburn, Mrs. Orvis, Mrs. J. J: Kerr and Mrs. Carter. BINGO • Howick Lions', Bingo will be held on Friday, Sept. 19 'at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter° Community Hall. Admission $1. 12 Regular games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25 Special; Jackpot of $95 on 58 calls; Purple Ball $50; Door & Consolation Prizes. COFFEE HOUR Christian Women's Fellowship invites you to a coffee hour, Thursday, September 25, 9:36 to 11:30 a.m. at Trinity United Church Hall, Listowel. Feature "How to take a perfect picture" by Russell Studio. Music by "Singing Cousins", Palmerston. Speaker: Mrs. G. Griffith, heard weekly on radio and television and author of many children's books. Nursery provided. Non- denominational TURKEY BANQUET Belgrave annual turkey ban- quet, Belgrave Community Arena, Wednesday, October 1, 1975. LUCKNOW FALL FAIR Lucknow Fall Fair, Friday and Saturday, September 19 and 20. Friday night: Arena open to view inside exhibits, admission 50 cents. Entertainment by local tal- ent. Saturday afternoon: Parade at 1 m. led by Brussels Pipe Bandich Centennial Band, Lucknow Concert Band; floats, decorated cars, trikes, bikes, horses; Miss Dominion of Canada and all contestants ,in the Miss Midwestern Ontario Beauty Con- test will ride in the parade; mid- way, baby show, 4-H show, enter- tainment, rodeo events.' Saturday night: Talent contest in the arena at 8:30 p.m. featuring finalists from preliminary contest. Judg- ing of Miss Midwestern Ontario. Winner to be crowned by Miss Dominion of Canada. CASH BINGO There will be a cash bingo in the Wingham Legion on Wednes- day, September 24. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 8:30 p.m. 15 - $10 games; two "share the wealth"; one special must go $50; jackpot line on six calls $1,500; consolation prize $75. RECEPTION Reception for Dave and Mary Lou Dolgos, Friday, Sept. 26 at Wingham Legion Hall. Music by Ian Wilbee's orchestra. Admis- sion $2.50 per person. FOWL SUPPER Fowl Supper, Wingham United Church, Wednesday, November 5, 1975. Advance sale tickets only. FALL MEETING The fall meeting of the Auxi- liary to Wingham and District Hospital will be held Monday, September 22 at 8 p.m. in the training centre. Everyone wel- come. 11-18 DANCE The family of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ward are holding a dance at the Howick Community Centre on Saturday, September 20 at 8:30 p.m. in honor of their parents' 40th wedding anni- versary. Friends and neighbors are welcome to attend. TURKEY SUPPER Keep in mind Tues. Oct. 28, for the Fordwich United Church Turkey Supper. Carni OPEN l OWSE - li eelatives, frienc s bora are ' � �ir�it�ed to. ha ... at the home of Mr. and. Mrs, W, Jaines Rutter, in boirlor of their anniversary on saturday,. September 27 from 1 to 4 .p,. 18.25 a BINGO Blyth Lions Club Saturday night bingo at 8:30 p►mi , in' the Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 calls. Share the.wealth and regular games. rrb BENEFIT DANCE A .benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKague, who lost their barn by lightning, will be held in the Teeswater Town Hall on. Saturday, September 20. Everybody welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. The Man To SeeIs- 'oli1N .Bbsa* e ShrinksShrinks,11104 F4cImAilegieities worm to shriek ek �ij8'pp�i A rcaotoCd1 research 100 4140 hat: rrowgl (gni gp; twolrog stttm MYigh, ithc , t+ib y le shrink he ?.it ihu�als paapt ssly. It rclr;cves aachi. 34�d discdriatig.t. n satotAtes spr4ds ue tscaimg er t uJ tired,, .Anaisin a a,s t? . :. to ca$c ascan .asc. while ,$ ittly .• reltcVrns piir r 40 44 ref/414111 (sbrinItsisclilook ;lute. Most tmporlant :of ' WPM 4pr;1hRRrQyAh ahal,ihrrs Ln*Qvc- creel was rp ntadalcd over 4. period of way roaatti5. a , Ali this +s'as accomplish ? wiih healing subituracc (Oio 17y 11wil h:, quickly helps kcal (ilium(, C41s0d sarmulatcs growth• of new tieeek Now Joao -Pyne is oliptain oi* nutria and r}rpposttory (form ; dirt t'tcraration H. Alk for tr1 at: li 4rug stores: eSaatlsfa4aior1 or Your loo!wy refunded, Preparation MSINTEE Fix up and save - handy man needed with $18,000 cash. In vii loge on town water, 2 or 3 bedrooms, bath, full basement, modern kitchen cupboards, living room, hugelot with beaut# ful stream through property, landscaping potential unlimited. Act fast! Keen on the country? Prefinished siding, 4 bedroom. house, bath, kitchen with modern cupboards, living room, broadloom and linoleum, open stairway. Drilled well, almost rlew furnace, ' very nice location. $25,0Q0. Something Special - Excellent value for this 3 bedroonnM �ottrgc= . Live brick bungalow. Ideal location. in Wingham. Owner has bought - quick possession, don't miss it. • Older but better - two bedroom brick house -in nearby village. Gracious broadloomed living room, gleaming kitchen. Garage and workshop. A "must see" property, and, The price is right( A fine Teeswater area farm., 85 workable, 10 acres excellent hardwood bush. Springs at front and back of property. First- rate soil. Distinctive stone house, in beautiful condition. Good 136 acre farm, plus o fine hog barn 60 x 60 L 20 x 40, new wiring. Implement shed 36 x 26. Good soil - 85 acres workable, Maitland river on property. Fine brick house with 4 bedrooms, baths up and down, full basement, furnace, broadloomed, lo- cated near blacktop road. Contact: C to C OFFICE 357-1344 • STAN CHADWICK Coast to Coast 657.2497 Real Estate Service `cAR��8 357-3822 it NEW BRICK BUNGALOW , Situated on an 80' x 220' lot on Provincial Hwy. on the outskirts of Wingham. This attractive all electric 3 bedroom home offers modern kitchen and dining area, large living room and 4 pc. bath, Targe recreation room. Hard surface and broadloom floors throughout. The low purchase price of $35,000., low taxes and good terms makes this home very easy to own. TWO STOREY HOME Excellent Wingham location within short walking distance of downtown. This brick home hos been divided into two large, well maintained living units, one having two bedrooms and one with three bedrooms, both front and rear entrances and all utilities are completely separate. Here is an ideal opportunity to own your own home and have the benefit of extra rental income or help cover a mortgage. SINGLE STOREY BRICK HOME This home is situatec`� 6n a very large fully landscaped lot, front- ing on a paved street. Very spacious kitchen -dining area, living room, 3 pc. bath, two bedrooms, utility room, attached breeze- way -patio and garage. Owner leaving the area, priced to sell at $36,500. MOBILE HOMES 1972 model in immaculate condition, having kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and bath. Very up to date decor. Size 60' x 12', complete with running gear intact making it easy to move to the location of your choice. Only $10,900. 1959 model, 42' x 8', with all conveniences, kitchen, dining area, bath, master bedroom and laundry room which coulc be converted to a 2nd bedroom. Good condition, one year old car- pet throughout. Priced at only $4,500.00. 47 ACRE FARM Situated on the easterly outskirts of Winghom. 4 bedroom brick home is in good condition with new roof and now oil furnace. Modern kitchen, dining area, living room and 3 pc. bath. All the land is level and tillable, being productive soil. Excelle value is offered for only $59,000. Good terms are avoilablg 50 ACRE RIVER PROPERTY Situated on the outskirts of Wingham. This scenic property with the Maitland River winding through offers excellent building sites, plus many acres of choice tillable corn land. 100 maple trees are of commerciai'size. Full price only $39,000. 36 ACRES Situated about one mile from Winghom is a choice parcel of land having spring, cedar trees, stream and 33 acres of tillable land. 80 rods frontage. All for only $25,000. Ken Ducharme, Representative, 570 Shuler Street, Wingham, Phone 357-2594