HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-09-18, Page 12Once -Times, Matra., September 18, 1975 11' gin 1.14 FOREST HILLS 4RMS $2:' WARRONQTON -'uaLLagto'FILE SP WY IIP CPA aoc a Jr to arils n dIversitte0 ora b. • ""•Iabie nGencua dl cInroalgim� ns . 1• Nt rea. enif [0 lc5Q ENCY For Sale ENJOY the luxuries of a wood burning fireplace in your home or cottage. Completely installed with brick or stone facing for half the price you imagined. For free estimates phone 7-9200. rrb FIVE SOLID wooden framed storm windows, size 32 x 73. Call 7-9805 Brussels, Archie Walker. 17 ACRES of good standing corn. Silage corn or cob corn. Phone 357-3699. McINTOSH apples, tree run, $3.Q0 per bushel. Phone 528.16540. DALMATION PUPS, seven weeks old, males $25.00, females $15.00. Phone Mildmay, 367-2520. CAULIFLOWER, tomatoes and cucumbers. Wingham Market Garden, Highway No. 86 West. 18-25 SANDERSON'S SASH. Manufac turas of odd size wood windows. Let us take out your old, drafty windows and replace them with a new custom built thermo glass in- sulated unit complete with screen. For an estimate phone 335-3963 or .evenings 887-9200. rrb BEEF, right off the farm, quart- ers or halves, government in-, spected. Fill your freezer now while prices are low. Harold Fin- lay, 3g2-6564, Belmore. 11-18 FOR ALL YOFR antenna re- quirements contact B. & ' K. Towers, 357-2520. We have a line of quality boosters and we will guarantee improved reception or you can have the booster free. 11-18-25 BERG ,-STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Silo unloaders and farrow ingo crates. Lloyd, Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb UTILITY TRAILER, 4 x 8 with 1 -ft. sides, new bearings, good condition $100: Orva Hochstetler, 1 mile north, 1 mile east of Gor- rie. See after 5 p.m. COBBLER and Kennebac pota-. toes for sale. Phone 357-2868. CHOICE grain -fed government inspected beef, cut, wrapped and delivered according to your specifications. 90 cents per side, $1.00 per lb. hind quarter, 80 cents per Ib. front quarter. Phone 335- 3754. Livestock For Sale GELDING, 7 years old, part Palomino, needs experienced rider. est offer. Phone 291-1566 after 5 p.m. 11-18 STARTED PULLETS, ready to lay, suitable for laying cages or floor pens, available September to December. Assembled laying cages also available. Write or phone Fisher Poultry Farm, Ay- ton 665-7711. rrb 60 HEREFORD heifers, 650 to 700 lbs. Phone 357-1339. Cars & Trucks For Sale 1967 CHEV, 283 motor, radio, in good running order. Phone 392- 6433. 1972 VEGA stationwagon with all new tires, 39,000 miles, in good condition. For quick sale $900. Wilbert Hewitt, .357-2487. 1972 FRIENZA sports coupe, steel radials, sports rims, British racing green, good condition, reasonable. Phone 357-1716 after 7 p.m, 11-18 1967 MUSTANG, 289, four speed. Phone 357-3556, 11-18 1970 DODGE half -ton, V-8, atito- matic, A-1, safety checked; 1966 Plymouth, 74,000 original miles, safety checked, freshly painted, ready to go; 1966 Coronet Dodge, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, bucket seats, two - door hardtop. Riverside Auto Body, 'Teeswater, call 392-6448 anytime. 11-18 1969 BUICK LeSabre in excellent condition. Phone Gorrie 335-6200. FREDERICK seed, wheat from registered seed, cleaned and , treated. Phone 523-4220. 11-18 SMALI t seven -piece dining room suite, in blonde finish.. Phone 357- 1024 after 5 p.m. Buyers of Timothy, Red Clover and Birdsfoot'Trefoil 'SEED Maple Leaf Mills Ltd., Seed Div., phone 235-0363, Jones MacNaugh- ton. rrb Oct. 23 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. For your Stanley Home Products call your dealer, Marjorie Wall, Wingham, 357-1016.. 4-11-18 PEACHES by the bushel are still available. Also pears by the bush- el. Peaches $8.00 per bushel. Pears $7.00 per bushel. Place your order immediately. Phone 357-3482. 11-18 1970, V..LIANTI< brown, 57,000 miles, new paint job, new tires. Phone Don Thompson, 392-6988 or 392-6865. 1970 DODGE Coronet, 318, auto- matic; 1967 Chrysler Newport, 383, automatic. Phone Gorrie 335- 3338. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED egg candler for part-time employment. Phone Londesboro Locker Service, 523- 4478. PART-TIME babysitter for five- year-old, possibly two days a week, no weekends. Phone 357- 3533 before 12 noon or after 6 p.m. HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY' I need a full or part-time person to help meet the demand for a much-needed service for motor- ists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full in- formation contact Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-1383. 18-25-2 FALL SPECIAL Color T.V. Capri Model 100% Solid State 26 inch model with new auto- trac control circuit, adjusts color, contrast and brightness for unsurpassed picture clarity. Mediterranean cabinet on smooth gliding casters for easy moving. Call us today for Fr•• Demonstration G.B. Electronics Soles, and Service Cei 351-1235 PERSON to clean showroom and offices of local car dealership, part-time basis. Apply at Chris Gosling Chev Olds, Wingham, 357-2323. Miscellaneous ALLAN'S ALUMINUM Storm windows—sashless or alu- minum sash, horizontal sliding prime storm and screen. Picture windows, panorama or any com- bination units of picture windows with wood frame for new build- ings. Thermo glass available. Re- placement windows, door frames, heavy duty doors, etc. Phone 392-6065. rrb SERVICE STATION attendant, full-time employment. C. E. Mac- Tavish, Wingham, phone 357- 2841. REYNOLDS REFRIGERA- TION. Dependable repairs, prompt service. Phone 357-1085. rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE LEARN HAIRDRESSING—for more information on this career write, phone or visit K -W SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 407 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. rrb ANYONE wishing,to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS . Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. - rr TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents at the North Huron Credit Union\ office hours, Belgrave, Tuesday, 8 to 10 p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday, 12 noon to 5:30 p.m: and Friday,, 4 to 7 p.m. Phone,357-2311. rrb Wanted CUSTOM WORK combining corn or beans. Phone 887-9054. 18-25 BEGINNER piano pupils. Teach- er has completed grade VIII re- quirements with Royal Conserva- tory Music, Toronto. Call Mary Anne Nicholson, phone 335-3037 after 4,p.m. (RR 1, Bluevale, No. 86 Highway) . FARM, up to 500 acres, dairy or mixed operation. Apply in. writ- ing to Boc 1608, The Listowel Banner. 11-18-25-2 A -FRAME for a Ford semi - mounted plow. Phone 523-4220. 11-18 SERVICES WILL DO portable welding. Spike Bakker, RR 2, Wingham, 357- 1881. rrb Sept. 18 HORSE SHOEING and hoof trimming. For appointment phone 523-9439 after 6 p.m. rrb Oct. 2 Farm Machinery Work Wanted SEWING. Will do dressmaking, men's ' clothing and children's wear. Mrs. Keith Pletch, Tees - water, 392-6731. rrb Oct. 16 No. 60 MASSEY pull -type com- bine, in good condition. Don Bell, 528-5804. 18-25 For Rent THREE BEDROOM house avail- able immediately. Phone 357- 3482. rrb THREE BEDROOM mobile home for rent. Phone 357-2916. ?URNISHED APARTMENT suitable for gentleman, residen- tial. Phone 357-2875. UNFURNISHED one bedroom apartment, refrigerator and stove supplied; electrically heat- ed, thermostatically controlled; a washer and dryer at tenant's disposal. Located on Wingham's main street for shopping conveni- ence; free parking at the rear of the building. Available October 1. Phone 357-2870 or 357-1015. rrb RENT A TRAVEL trailer or mobile home in Florida, one near Disney, one in Beach area. Rates start at $100:00 week for couple. Write Joanne Snider, P.O. Box 1199, Kissimmee, Florida, 32741, with dates needed and further information. 11-18-25-2-9-16 Mortgages 1st - 2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS for debt consolidation, new pur- chases or refinancing. No hidden charges or bonuses. We spe- cialize in the hard -to -get mort- gages. Call collect anytime 1-" 885-1900. HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES. rrb Help Wanted If you are mechanically inclined and enjoy working with machinery we have an interest- ing opening for you. Experience is not necessary, but a desire to learn how to repair and maintain machin- ery is important. If you are interested, apply to our person- nel office. 1,)° VAIN & ©VERS. LIMED '• 380 Livingstone Street S. Listowel, Ontario Real state CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of machinery and household items will be held for M. ROSS SMITH Lot 14, Con. 2, Morris Township, 21/2 miles south of Wingham and 3 mils east of No. 4 Highway, or 2 blocks south of Bluevale, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 AT 12:30 F.M. Ford Ferguson tractor with loader; 2 Case D tractors, 14 x 30 tractor chains; Int. No. 46 baler; J.D. tedder; Int. 3 -pt. H mower; 20 -ft. bale conveyor; 35 -ft. bale elevator; Ferguson 3 -pt. H mower; Int. 15 -run power lift drill ; Int. 3 -furrow ace bottom plow; Int. side rake; hayloader; Int. 8 -ft. double disc; power lift cultivator; 3 -pt. H one-way disc harrows; binder; wagon with rack; sleigh with rack; 2 -row corn cultivator; corn sheller; 1,700 lb. Ebersol feed Mixer; 130-bu. manure spreader ; Cock- shutt spreader; 2 -wheel trailer; 12 and 20 -ton barn jacks; turnip sower; cement mixer; chain saw; rip saw; battery fencers; oil drums; cutter -posts; page fence; steel siding; metal hen's nest and feeders; 10 x 12 colony house; pig feeders; 10 steel barn posts, 4 in. x 81/2 -ft.; overhead door 10 x 10; 3 doors, 7 x 8; 2000 and 2500 lb. scales; q inch I steel beams, 15 -ft. long; 1964 Volkswagen (as is) ; 1962 Dodge sedan (as is); 1964 Pontiac sedan (as is) ; 1964 Int. 314 -ton truck (as is}; Model T coil rods and piston; chesterfield; Victrola; settee; buffet; table and chairs; rangette; pine desk; coal oil lamps; mantle clock; Waterbury clock; 3 -burner coal oil stove; toilet set; bureau; dressers; single and double beds; antique cupboard; quilts; trunks; dishes; pewter pieces; dash churn, butter bowl ' and ladle; silverware; ami k' can; numerous articles • TERMS— CASH Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents. BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer. FOR PRIVATgr'SALE, one and a ,1 half storey, four bedroom, frame,; home, Village of Ethel, new thief' " nate, small barn. Call 887-6451. SIX building lots in Wroxeter, some with river frontage from 1/4 -acre to 1 -acre in size. Write Box 1608, The Listowel Banner. 18-25-2-9 WROXETER—eleven room home in park -like setting of one acre, with trees of many kinds. $55;000. Write Box 1608, The Lis- towel Banner. 18-25-2-9 WILLIAM S. REED Real Istate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION. RATE — 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM One and a half storey, brick home, newly -renovated, contain- ing large living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, new electric furnace and close to business section. A well -kept, three bedroom, brick home, featuring living room, din- ing room, large kitchen, laundry room on main floor, two bath- rooms, full basement, oil fur- nace, well situated, early posses- sion. Independent realtor will sell your farm, home, duplex, income property or business for only 3 per cent commission for Wing - ham properties. Purchasers waiting. List your real estate early for fall sales. rrb POSITION WANTED SECRETARIAL position wanted. Qualifications: two years in a metropolitan office, 120 words per minute shorthand, 70 words a minute typing, dictaphone ex- perienee and some bookkeeping. Salary to be negotiated. Phone 357-3853. MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Farm and Residential No hidden bonus or fees 24 hour service For information contact Guelph 824-4500 coil collect or after 5:00 or Saturdays Horriston 338.5937 ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LTD. Serving Canadians From Coast to Coast e BQOKKEE Wo►.Mle ,norm. MITst og l:3S4 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of livestock, machinery and some household items will be held for HARRIS CAMPBELL Lot 29, Con. 2, Morris Township, 3 blocks north of Brussels and then 1/2 block west. on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, AT 1 P.M. 41 Hereford heifers; black White Face steer; 5 sows with small pigs; 2 sows rebred; 2 sows due at sale time; 3 sows bred 2 months; Hamp. hog; 20 pigs; 15 pigs, chunks; Case 630 tractor with loader, cab and chains; Ford 5000 super major diesel tractor with new tires; Massey Ferguson 3 -pt. H mower; 3 -pt. H snow blower ; New Holland 352 mix mill, 2 -years old; 3 section harrows; Triple K 9 -ft. 3 -pt. H cultivator; M.F. 3 -12 -3 -pt. H plow; 28 -plate trail disc; 2 grain augers; pig crate; several pig feeders and steel troughs; cattle oiler; 2 -wheel trailer with rack; lum- ber; scrap iron; 27 -acres of standing corn will be sold by acre; 3,000 bales hay; 2,500 bales straw; 65 -ton mixed grain; 2 bed- room suites; bed with box spring and mattress; crib; play pen; -electric stove; chrome table; numerous small articles. TERMS CASH—FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL,, Clerk. BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, will be held for JACK WARWICK Lot 20, Con. 4, Morris Township, 2 blocks north and 3 miles west of Brussels, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 AT P.M: Allis Chalmers Super C tractor with Freeman loader; Massey Harris 44 diesel tractor with live power; 2 McCormick 10-20 trac- tors ; Fluery Bissel 3 -furrow plow; diamond harrows; Inter- national 11 -run drill; Waterloo 28= plate. disc; International 81/2 -ft. cultivator; Massey manure spreader; McCormick 45 baler; Cockshutt 7 -ft. mower; Interna- tional 3 -bar rake; 2 wagons; sleigh; 2 water troughs; 2 -wheel trailer; fence .stretchers; Mild- . may 24 x 36 thresher with drive belt; chain saw; rip saw; ladder; lantern; walking plow; cattle clippers; plank; grain sacks; window; lumber; drop-leaf table; wheelbarrow; lawn mower with roto attachment; range hood; vacuum cleaner; numer- ous small articles. TERMS CASH—FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk. BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer. EVENING AUCTION SALE Of household furnishings, an- tiques, toys and baby furniture will be held in TEESWATER ARENA, ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 for MI. & MRS. EDMOND BUSHELL MISS AMELIA OLHEISER, Plus additional consignments. STARTING TIME --7:00 P.M. Auctioneers: WALLACE BALLAGH, Teeswater 392-6170. GRANT McDONALD, Ripley 395-5353. rAUPHOLSTERING ny type of furniture TONY KESS 351-2718 18-25 Personal WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clin- ton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service No chdrge, ne obligation. rrb Jan. Announcement The marriage is announced of Art Dunsmore and Beryl David- son on September 2, 1975 in Knox Presbyterian. Church Chapel, Stratford. Rev. Fred. Neill offi- ciated at the double -ring cere- mony. Stan Bei'sel and 'Verna Dunsmore of Stratford were at- tendants. Mrs. Audrey Conroy was organist. The couple will re side at RR 2, Stratford. . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jamieson, Wingham are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Marlene Marie to Mr. Peter John Hender- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson of Wallaceburg. The ceremony will take place on Oc- tober 10 at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Wingham. The marriage of Miss Hazel Sparling and Mr. Allan Griffith will ,take place in Wroxeter United Church on Sept. 26. The Harmonaires will play for a dance following in the Howick Community Centre at 10:30 p.m. Friends and neighbors welcome. DEATH NOTICE CALLAN—Passed away sudden- ly as a result of a car acci- dent "on Friday, September 12, Wilfred R. (Dutch) Callan of 557 Peel Street, Woodstock, in his 65th year. He was the be- loved husband of Jean B. Blow; father of John J. (D'Arcy) Cal- lan of Waterloo; brother of Mrs. Lloyd (Lenore) Jones, Mrs. Alex (Margaret) Bell of Ottawa, Warren 'of Wingham, Roy of Simcue, Mrs. Glenn (Joanne) McLay of Woodstock. The late Mr. Callan rested at the M. D. Smith Funeral Home, Woodstock, where fun- eral service was held Monday at three o'clock. Interment fol- lowed in Hillview Cemetery. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCES Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 Not• ice NOTICE FOR ROAD CLOSIIt THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The' Corporation of the Township of Howick proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443, for stopping up, closing and selling that part of Carroll Street in the Village of Wroxeter, in the Township of Howick, more parti- cularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that the Reeve and the Clerk will be authorized to sign and execute the necessary docu- ments in order to. effect the clos- ing there 0- AND F6'THER TAKE NO- TICE that the Council shall hear in person or by his Counsel, Soli- citor, , Agent or any person who claims that his land will be preju- dicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council on No- vember 5th; 1975. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Howick, during business hours, at any time, before the same is finally passed. DATED this 18th day of Sep- tember, A.D. 1975. „ • "Robert Gibson" Reeve. "Ivan Haskins" Clerk. Crawford, Mill & Davies, Barristers & Solicitors, Wingham, Ontario. easterly boundary of Carroll Street to the point of intersection with the northerly boundary of Queen Street; THENCE westerly along the northerly boundary of Queen Street to the point of commence- ment of the parcel herein des- cribed. 18-25-2-9 CANVASS FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY The Wingham Firemen will again canvass this year for the Muscular Dystrophy Association door to door, September 22, starting at 7 p.m. For anyone wishing to contribute and not called upon, firemen will issue an official receipt if desired. 0-0-0 SCHEDULE "A" OF BY-LAW No. 26,1975 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK a , - . . 7 , • . • ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and• being in the Village of Wroxeter in the Township of Howick in the County of Huron and being com- posed of part of Carroll Street in the said Village of Wroxeter, which part is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the south- east angle of Lot 55, Plan 3 for the Village of Wroxeter, which point is the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of Carroll Street and ,the northerly bound- ary of Queen Street for the said Village of Wroxeter; THENCE northerly along the westerly boundary of Carroll Street to the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of Car- roll Street with the southerly boundary of the Maitland River; THENCE in an easterly direc- tion along the southerly boundary of the Maitland River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of Carroll Street; THENCE southerly along the ' 11-18 TEESWATER FALL FAIR OCTOBER 11 NOTICE COMMERCIAL FEATURES Teeswater Fair is sponsoring a commercial feature in beef. as well as quality pork at the fair. Trucking arrangements to the plant will be made by the fair board. Pork entries must assemble at Teeswater Pork ?Producers' As- sembly Yard on Tuesday, Octo- ber 7th between 9 and 11 a.m. Beef entries must be mailed to Secretary Mrs. Evan Smyth, RR 1, Formosa by Saturday, Sep- tember 20th. BEEF ENTRIES No. of heifers • No. of steers Name Address ... FRASER—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday, September 9, to Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, James Street, Wingham, a son. MASSEY—At the Wingham and', District Hospital on Tuesday, September 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Massey, RR 5, .Wing - ham, a daughter. Business and -Professional Directory BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 197 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Phone 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Times HELP YOU PHONE 357-2320 i WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optomotrista HARRISTON Ontario 338-2712 4 • REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid, C.A.