HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-5, Page 2AND
'HURON & 11....pr,V074SEN.."
GAZETT 0....
THUASDAT gORNIN C4, DECE 11/1B Eli 5, 1889
a. l• oitorof Supremo Qourt,NotaryPublio
DIO4SON Barrister, o i•
Oonveyannea Oenamlissioner.Sse Stoney to
0 ein Eausan's 131ook, Exeter
Hip ooLLIN s,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,
• 13.1XETEB, - ONT.
OfficeSitmwell'sBioelt BalFsold office.)
Barristers, Solicitor,s, Notaries Public
Conveyancers &c, dzo.
S'ISteney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
OFFICE: over OVrEIL'S Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SamweWs Block, Nattiest, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth witheutpain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor_ Gold
Fllings and all other dental
work the best possible . Goes
to Zunion on last Thursd•,yiu
each month.
The Molsons bank.
Paidup tlapltal „, $‘...),00v.0)
RestFund 1,000,0"
Head 0 WOO 14.1COlatorea1,
Gusiaast MASTASSR,
21) branch officesil Ageueic
in the Dominion.1J• S.A. and Europe.
tit• P. S ;Graduate tsiotoriatiniveesity.Ofece
badlresidence,D on: 'nionLaboratoxy ,Exe ter
DR. BYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Baron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
T1R. J. A. ROL:fa-NO, M.O. P.S
-I-1 0. Oftlee, Main S..,,i5xeter,Ont Residen
cenouserecently occupied by P
dikq* F CUTTEN D 0 M
* Graduate Trinity lJniversitv, Tor-
onto; Fel. Ten. Med. sohool, Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst. Craniology ; Member N. Acad.
Anthropofogy ; Member Col. P. S., Ont.-
offiee, Dashwood. Ont.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day, f roni 10 a. ra • to 3 p, in
SATURDAYS,10 a.in to 1 p. m.
4 Pereent per annum allowedfor money on
Deposit Receipts and Savings13ank.
HENRY EILBER, Licensed Aue-
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and IlfoGilli-
rra.y Townships. SAlesoonduatedatmoderate
rates. ofnce-:AtPost-ofnee,Orediton,ont,
TWIN riILL, Auctioneer for the
e.1 Townships of Stephen,Ilay and 'Osborne
andth.e Village of Exeter. All sales prorantly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this °face .
Goidsrnith Hall!
Tennent & Tennent
militates of the °uteri° Veterinary College
Orpscm : One door South of Town Hall,
&Er Personal atten tiou given to repairing of
watches, olooks and j ewelry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL.
70- o NEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i
.1.11-1- per cent, S25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies reprt sented.
Cleating *Sale !
They wont roeu to go atter tile lost shiest.
A man without love and zeal tvill invariably
meek tbe Chnrch, and invariably blame 'it
on Fettle one else, lie tvill eay; "There are
no Uhureh people here)," when luso matter,
of fuer, there is no minister tkiere. They
tnay dec,y other'
s but they cannot , but
rulinit that they itave zeal and treinendoux
The undersigned would give notice that they
are gristins told chopping every daY in ,he
week end pay the very hi ;hest price for good
wheat. statist' ietion guaraateed. , Cook Se.
lieith of the Hensel! Mills.
To MY OUSTOME-,5 Aso 1111 1115110,- .1 have
tiow a full and eomplete stook of all kihas of
Harness, at prices to suit customers ; alSO a
large stook of Trunks; Satchels, 1) orse
Blankets, Rubber aud F incy Rugs. A large
stook of black and gray fur robes. All furs
first olars. sell at a slight advance tn cost,
Fertarre an DITAaThIE T. -A lar e stocs ,of
bed teem su1s, parlor suits, lining -a, spring
be .s and mattresses. and everything to bo
found in a fivt clays ferniture establishment:
Also fancy gilded border spring rollsr window
blinds. Now is the time If you want • o get
a fine Bell ersan or Piano, eheaP, call and see
me. By doing so you will make from $15 to
$25. No trouble to shoe/ goods.
30 30DAYS.
AVING purchased the er
chart Tailoring business from E. R.
EVANS.some Rine ago at a big reduction,and
having added to the stock
Worsted Tweeds, Pantost
Overcoatings, Hats, Caps,
Gloves, Collars, Gulfs,
Shirts, -andel-ay-ear
In fact everything in the line of Gents' Furn-
isbings, and wb'eh I am selling off at a big re-
ductionfor thirty days. Following is a list
of prices:
Suits worth 824e0 for $20.00
Suits worth 18.00 for 15,00
Suits worth 13.00 for 10 00
Pap tinge w•rth 8.00 for eJ
and Shirts worth 1,25 for 1 oe
Gl oyes away sown below re rular prices ; hats
and caps at cost.
Suitszna e to order in the latest styles a.nd
a good fit guroanteed or no sale. 7 he bes of
trimmingsto stock No trouble to show goods
A call solicited Stand, Mellwisn's block
opposite the Mansion Rouse, Hensel),
GAN ;OA. Stead Mee, London, Ont.
After 30 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents.the most favorable protection in case
of loss or clasnage by fire or lightning, at rates
n pon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,241 poli:
cies in force ls t San ,1509. Assets $378.209.54
in cash in bank. Government depost. Deben-
tures fold Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT,
President ; 3)0 5tciDoys,D,Manager. Dasin
Junin, Agent tor Exeter andvicinity.
Established in 1863.
Nov. 28th, '99
Great Auction Sale
At .1). Braund's 131acksmith Shop, Exeter
North. Haying a tar/restock of the above left
over from last year, with a large quantity of
this year's work, and finding the show -room
too small for such enormous display, the un-
dersigned has decided to offer by public auo-
tion. on
This coral:wry has been over Eighteen
Yeovil in .4 tioaessgui operation iu Western On-
ario,o,ndacottinnes to iESIITO againstloss or
damage by lsire Buildings,Meretia•ndi se,Magis.
afaotori es,and 111 °the rde seription sof li nsur -
able property. Ent ending iueurers have the
optionofinstrineen the Premium Note or
0 ash System .
During the pastten yea,rs tbie company
harrissued ;7,006 Policies. coverin g peopertv
o the a, ntot e40,872,088 ;uditaid i 01 oss
e 010008709,712,00
AssetS, SI:16,100,0o, onsistin g of Cash
li a, nit , overnmnntOeo5i,a0dth0 'Dimas-
essedIsreiniura Notesonliandandin force.
W Warms:m.1)E I) . 'Pr °side zt . 0 ,10.Tk00x,
Sectetay, 38. Hisentaa,InsPector, CIfAS
ereliala Agontfor EgeteraudYi _eiteitte
At 10 o'clock a.m., the fo lowing articles viz:
15 new square box cutters new Oanadian
Portlands : 4 new sett neavy bobsleighs; 1 new
sett light bobsleighs ; 3 square box outtets
nearly new; 3 new Portland tr. nt square box
cutters ,• 4 swell tides second-bancl cutters; 2
Portland second-hand cutters; 3 sett light
bobsleighs second-hand; 1 double cutter nearly
new ; 2 second-haed double cutters. These
articles are of the best quelity and finished up
in blest styles.
TERMS:- 810 apd under cash; over that
amount 12 months" credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, or 7 per cent. off for cash.
D.1311,A11X0, A. BisEop,
Prop. Auct.
Biumrs.-Two of our young men spent
Sunday near Eseter.--Mr Murdock, of
Varna, moved into Mr J Fitzgerald's house
this week, We believe Mr Murdock will
make a good tenant. -,The bunters have
started on their laborious route, and their
report RO far, is four wild rabbite
Sacrament will be held in the Presbyterian
churcli ou the 150h inst. A tea-meth:1g
will be held in the Methodist church this
Thui sday evening.
The Rotatory System.
At the closing service of the jubilee of
the Anglican Diocese of Toronto in that
city on Thursday, his Lordship Bishop
Baldwin said that he would be glad when
it became poesible to divide the diocese, as
he could not now atteinpt to keep up with
the work. The bishop of Ontario bad ac-
cused them of being too jubilant on this
occasion and, because of this, aviiding
• --
BRIETS,-M1'. Gowan has been engaged
to teach the Woodham school at a salary of
$400. -Miss L. A. McLaughlin has been
re-engaged to tench the Base Line school,
of Blrinshaida--Rev. I. Greene. of Granton,
preached in tho Methodist church, on
Sundsy last, to a large cougregation.-
Successful Missionary meetings were held
on the Woodnam circuit this week. -The
young people are making preparations for a
New Year's arch on the 30th of this month.
-The Rev. David A. Moir preached on the
Granton circuit last Sunday,-Mr.Routley,
jr., is very Robb. Hicks has
secured a school in Usborne.-The Metho-
deit Sunday School bee increased greatly
during the last few weeks. S. Ford, Beg ,
is superintendent.
Barmss.-The beautiful snow has Minie
its appearance.-- r-WsBothivick, who hae
been absent for about a month, packing
apples' at Lambeth, has returned. -Mrs
Alex AcItins, who has been eick with in-
flammation on tne bowels is recovering
veiy slowly. -Mr H Bloomfield has moved
in the house lately occupied by Mr Reeder.,
-Mr. Kenny bought 50 acres of Ind from
Mr Hawker, paying the sum of $700. -The
Grand Xmas tree, of Grace church, will be
held on the 20th inst The children are
bard at practice to make it the most RUG-
cessful ever held. A first-class programme
is being prepared. -Mr J McIntosh left for
Michigan last week.-Mits Emmie Ryan
is home from Craig visiting blends at
present. -The Presbyterians will bold their
Xmas tree Den. 19th. -We are glad to
hear that Miss Heater is able to be around
again from a severe illness of inflammation.
Hilts Oreen.
RIINAWAY.-As MeaSra. John Troyer and
John Smilh were driving through , Hill's
Green on Thursday their horse became
unmanageable and ran away, smashing the.
buggy. hut occupants were not hurt, with
the exception of a bad shaking lap.
BIIIEFS.--111esars. John H. and Charles 13
Troyer left for Michigan on • "Tuesdny, the
260h ult., taking a fine roadster stallion
with them. We wish them good health
and prosperity.- very succesaful plowing
bee was held on the farm of Mr. Relit.
Locker, one day lastweek, when Mr. John
Stacey, of Hensall, was invited , in the
evening, with his violin, to give sweet and
harmonious music, while the lads and
lassies tripped the light fantastic too till the
crowing of the cock in the morn. --The
three young men from arolind here, who
lett to seek their fortunes, in Seattle,
Washington Territory, do not think much
of that place, at this time of the yearea
many grave naatters they should considerwork is bard to get, board is very high,
With the coneent of the 'meeting he would and also D. Campbell, one of the trio, who
like to put before them four principles that went out for the good of his health, has
be felt should be followed ; The diet not improved any since.
srincmle was that in the arrangement of
psrishes the work should be greater than
the man. Their great mistake was •that
they made the man greater than the work.
The ;Methodists, Roman Catholics and
other bodies, when they found a MALI ruin- feet days in and around Dashwood. , He is
mg a cause, sacrificed the' man ; but the looking well and appears to be getting along
Church of England would keep a man its nicely 10 the Clinton Collegiate Institute. -
his place when every one knew that he Mr Henry Kroft has returned from Dakota
was scuttling the ship. When it is propos- looking hale ancl hearty. -The business
ed to remove such a man, they ory out, , of our enterprising tailor has increased to
Llo bas yeeted rights" -vested rights to snob au extent that he has engaged another
scuttle the sbip. The secoild complaint cost maker, and by the number of times
wag that the Church has kept too elose that he visits Crediton we think he will
to the parochial system, under which the engage apother.-The Rev Mr, Yager, who
elergyeaan seived the rich to the exclesion hag recently taken unto himself a helpmate,
of the poor, "I'Ve want, to do away With is quietly settled *AVE and is safely afloat
the pew eystem altogether," he said, and, on the gee of married life. --The heavy fall
the Conference applanded him to the eobo, of snow last, week has about all disappear,
In eome placee, he contieued, the rector ed and things look gloomy in the extreme.
feels that be bee only to ministee to the John atellielt, of the 12th cora, I-Tavo
S We
BRIBIOS.-Yfts, nompkins has returned
home from Detroit and we believe she i15.
tends stopping the winter in Shiplut,--'
Christmas trees are all the rage now we be-
lieve. the Hine is not yet come but it soon
will be, so boys look out for presents.- We
underetand Mr, J. Jaisoi intends puilding
a new house next suinmer.-Mr. B. Cim-
uingliarn mid G. Keys were in Exeter last
weak. Mr. P. Turner preached the fiermon
to the church last Senday evening.
MIINICIPAL.-111r. Chas. Liner, eeeend-
deptity-r eve of Stephen, has declared his
intentions to resign the office for the ie
cowing year. In this event we may expect
a genuine election fo?a-eounoillers and
second.deputy. Mr. Sherritt, oounoillor
la out the west end is spoken of as a caudi-
date for the seaond-deputy-reeveship, as are
also Mr. Wea. Baker and Mr. Frederick
Wueith. Mr. D. French's name is also
tuoutiened. For the office of councillors
there at•e numerous aspirants, but nothing
sufficiently definite to warrant any assuring
statements. Mr. Ratz and Mr. Either will
have no opposition.
Simpson gave a report of the Convention of
Christian Endeavor held in Toronto last
WOOlt, before the Society of Union Chnach.
A.coording to the report the convention 'enis
largely attended and the ,meetings of the
best order. There are now 120 Societies
in this arovince, with a membership of
7,000, The total membership is 7,000
Societies with 500,000 members. The
tounder, Rev, Dr Clarke, of Boston, was
present, and gave several addresses. Rev.
Mungo Fraser, D. D., of Knox Church,
tlamilton, is President of the Provincial
Union, which meets in Hamilton next
year .
ft •
BRIEFS. ---Mr A J Styles, formerly
teacher of S. S. No. 11, Stephen, spent a
Kirkton. •
'Rev. a Steele will deliver a lecture
in St. Paul's church this evening, subject,
"True Manliness." The rev. gentleman
hes.been elected President of the B and F.
B.S., and A. A. Doupe still retains the po:
Melon of Secy.-Treas, and Depositor.- On
the 28th ult., a pleasant event took place
in Mitchell the occasion beiug the meeting
in wart itigo of Mies Pracy Vickers of Kirk -
toll, Mr. D. Watson of Mitchell. Their
friande'exteud a hearty wish for their future
welfare and eappiness.-Visions of the
Chrietmas goose and plum pudding with
other usual good cheer of the approaching
festive season see begiuninto present
themselyes to the young idea (and some o
the old ones too) in that vicinity:
Stephen Council.
Couplou, 0:Locums, Dec. 2n5, 1389:t
All'neembers preitent. Minutes of ltttl
meeting read and signed. AL O'Brien 140.`
oermitted to keep his temporary fence's*
its present positiononcondition that helowe
it n winter or agree to remove any stupid's
snow that may urift ou the road at thi4
place. sa
In the matter of one Wm. Mitchell lie
council do not see that they are responsi
fa his maintenance under existing cirouttf-
stances. ot
Atter passing the following orders Me
council adjourned to meet again On MonelliYi
16th inst. :
Orders granted. --Exeter oorporatioo half
keep of the late S, Ford $66 30, 0, Stody
gravel and eulvert $5.40, J Minn rep. mil -
vert, 8 con. $4, G. Murlook ditch 11(11085road $5, J. Wind error in dog tax $1B.flodgine culvert lst S R $4, A Disbudaw
tax remitted $3 36, Angus 'McPhee w
13rd 5 R $8, J Stephen gravel $7 45; 11
Cook gravel $12, ti Moatz rem 8 L $1 50.
Claik livery $3, T Keys coin C 11 $13 12,
M0E8.31:1811 and others grading $14, S Hold -
bine culvert R $5, C Treetz, two ditches
3rd S R $6 50, E Eilhsr cora S B. $3, 5
erummer and others gravel 0 la $47 25, ,T
'Tharp calvert C R $6, W Mitchell relief
$7, E Jones ditching S B $1 02, A Desher-
dau grading 22 con $40, J Rollin e gravel
$3 75, J. Mitchell gra.01 $2 66, F Ef aet
culvert 310, A Dishudan error in taxes
a3 66, J Boland culvert B $3, Ivl Either
el D $1 60, J Hawker lumber $S Sche-
veelzer lumber $19 09, T
' Sanders remov-
ing driitwood 75e T W Hawkins repairing
Acraper 75e, Mr Kellerman nails 36a, W
Ching work in 1887 34, J Moller° two
ditches T Follis gravel $3 75, J Wick-
ert coin C R $5. O. PROUTY, Clerk.
pew holders, and lets those ontsicle the VIeit d Sar opt n, or IMcl tly Iast.
Uhurela go. In the third placehe recansuppose tho good aleighing brought him
of those eery pleasing events,
tvhich tend H., brighten a home, took place
at Mr Wm VrIlIerts3,when his wife nresont-
ed bins with a bouncing boy; --Ifs Fred,
Null, ten. 'town 'butcher, has disposed of his
level. A congregation that has a. Donee- IIIP13104' to / )1 r
mended 'hat they nave somethiug of a
ps rotary sysvem. A man runs °nit in a few
yeare, end the people know rill that he
1 (
114N SON S 131..10 (..)K knows, end vome things that does not
know. Arlything itt bettor than it deed
Miss Dempsy, teacher of Maple Grove
school, is going to give a grand entertain.
nen t and Ohristmag tree on the evening of
December 20th. If the sleighing only con -
tomes it will be immense. --Mr. James
Culbert, forine lv of Lucian, has gone on a
trip to.Bdtise Columbia where he intends
te.remain if the elimate snits him. His
two sons, Thomas and James, have been
living in that province for some time end
wishes him to move there. -Mr. Colby of
ulandeboye, moves to Stephen flair 'week.-
Died at her residence in Lucan, on Sunday
morning last, Ann, beloved wife of Mr. John
Ryan. Cause of death, iteat•t disease. She
leaves a host of friends to mourn their
---- •
There was considerable excitement last
Wednesday over the renting of the skating
rink for this season. After a good deai of
bidding it was knocked. down tc company
composed of J. E. Swa,ts, W. 13aker, Geo.
El win, and 3, Watkin for $35. Work has
commenced and with favorably weather
there will soon be skating. -201r. E. R
Routleclge last week closed his stoso ancl
quit business. We do not at present kuoty
his intentions butdn whatever he may en-
gage we wish bias every success. -On Fri
day evening there was a surprise party at
the residence of Mr. W. J. Stinson, 'Sauble
Line, when a very pleasant time was apent
by all. An excellent spread was provided
by the ladies and the boys got the oysters,
The same .evsning a party and dance was
held at W. Eagleson's
School Report,S8. No. 2, Hay. The
November report nf this school is as follow..
Tho names are in order of merit -Fif 811,
John Chapman. Fourth, senior, Romer
Russell, John Campbell, James Campbell.
Follett), junior, Charles Aldworth, Ellen
Shirray and Alfted MeTageart, equal, Cecil
Ross. Third, Kate Chapman, Rachel At-
kinson, Charles Blaelcwell, Second, Nellie
O'Brien, Alice Goinda Annie Nortlicott.
Second Part, Ralph Chapman, Beatrice
'Warren and Mend Russel, equal, Amelia
Jackson. First Part, Beekie orthcott,
Iddwaid Dining, Charles Northeott.-W,
H. JOHNSTON, Teacher,
MtettnexpAn MATrauts. -As the norrina-
gen and election clays approach, daily we
hear new revelations, and the intimation of
.70181N WiTXTE 4& soxs
Pnblisher t and lelroprletora,
St. _Marys
Mr John Clifford was married on Friday
evening to Miss Annie Dunseith and hey°
taken eip their Oxide Weter etreee --
Mr George Robinsou,son of ,I W Robinson,
left on. '1`uesclay last for st-Vit hington Ter-
ritory.- -A howling alley is now in full blast
Samuel Thiam, proprietor. -a -The St An:
drew's society held its annual dinner at the
Grand Central Hotel on riday evening.
On Sunday afterttoon Rev Tueehell
preached a set mon to them.
WEDDING BELLS. -The residence of Mr.
James McCulloch, of the 10th con., was,
on Wednesday afternoon the scene of the
wedding of Mr Wm Ward. of Sarnia, to
Miss kl I Pt eston, niece of Mr. McCulloch.
The cerenaony was performed by the Rev.
Cain Fletcher in the preeence of a number
of friends. The presents as usual were
numerous and appropriate. The ItaPPY
oouple left ou the evg. train from Exeter,
for their future home in Sarnia.
MzusiorBAL. --Election matters are now
assuming definite shape. and what appea.red
a few days ago to be indicative of no oleo
tion, now gives evidence of a lively oonteet.
For the reeve.ship besides the present
office -beater, Mr. Thos. M. Kay, we hear
the name of Mr. Thos. Russell mentioned.
For councillors are mentioned the names
of the present members of the Board, as
well as those ot Messrs. James Clarke, D.
McInnis, john Moir, nutty Henley for the
northern wards s Messrs. John Emery and
Richard Hunter, jr., for the south west
wards; and Messrs. A. A. Doupe and Wm
Report of progress of pupils in S.S. No.
5, Usborne, for the Month of November.
Janior, second part, Jessie Richard, Maggie
Russel. Senior, second part, Violet Willis,
Nortnan McDonald. Second class, Nelson
Prout, Lily Westcott. Junior third, Lila
McCord, Lily McDonald, Senior flab d, Vio-
let Ruseell. Bl. Westcott, Fourth class,
Lyman McCord, Edith Westontt. Thomas
Russell Ida Kycld. Oonduct, Violet Rus-
sel, Blanche Westcott, Lily Weatcott..
School report of S. S. No. 6, for the
month of November. Only the names of
those who obtained 50 per cent. or over are
reported :-Fif th class, E. Brimacombe 82,
C. Johns 82, C. Andrew 78, A. Andrew 73,
D. Cathourt 70, J. Turnbull 70, G. Powell
68. Fourth Class, L. Andrew 87,R. Johns
80, E. Johns 78, G. Miners 77,0. Delbridge
74, E • Turnhill 72. H. Spicer 69, N. Hind
66, Thiid class, A Francis 67, A. Bad 66,
L. Halls 64, M. Brimacombe 55, R. Smith
55. Second Class. -A. Hunter 89, L.
Keause 83, F. Miners 80, S. Johns 80, E.
And, ews 80, A Harris 66, A Miller 66, 0
Powell 61, F. R•own 60, E. Powell 59, J.
Upshall 53, H. Kyle 51. Junior second
class, N, Fletcher 81, M. Miners 70, 0.
Fraecis 68, S. Clements 66, F. Delbridge
86, T. Fletcher 60, E. Clements 57. Pert
second class, S. Vail 80, G. Spicer 68, B.
Delbridge 62, L Miners 60. G. Golbolt 60.
First class No. 3, B. Francis 82, J. Herd'
Man 79,0, Johns 75,0. Hawkins 70 No.
2, E. Delbridge 79, N. Fletcher 75, 111
Woods 65, L. Cooper 65. No. 1, W. Fralltia
90,31. Smith 90, G. Wileox 85, W. Venter
82, M• Joins SO, L, Miners 75. a Robinson
72, G. Berryhill 71, Ma Saimer 65, J.
Iderrylii14,61, E. Brown 56. G. W. }Teraina:,
new eancliclates for the offices of Reeve,
Deptity and Cotineillors. In the event of
the preseut reeve resigning, of which intro).
time he has given significance, there are
Several naen in the townehip prepared to
take up the cudgels of warfare end miter
the fray, Amongst the number we liege
the names Of Geo. MeEwen, deptity -reeve ;
Fred'it Hose. dont) eillor. Dr. finch titian tied
Small Rime ie. But Should Aitr, Happel feel
disposed to heed the Bowel for another veer,
there will, quite likely, he no oppositiou of-
fered. Should ho roeign and the reverril
portions above mentioned relrfaiti in the
field, the ticht will lie 0 ittlehl 0 contested
out es nopelar atel wets
Claude boye.
The aleightng is splendid around here
and the, weds are lined with sleighs and
cutters -Fox hunting is all the rage',
around here. several fine -pecintens have
been secured by the local sports, . Mr. •
Friink Redone and Mr S. Stephenson
each ehot 0115 last Saturday. , Mr. L. Bice
got one every time he went out. ' B.
hee a magnificent Italian greyhoned and
ought to make the foxes scarce this winter.
T Herbert hat returued after a
two months' visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Seale of Blyth. --Mm. Gleeb, who has been
here relieving agent Walker, G.T.R „who
was was laid up with a broken foot, has
left to take a position on the main line. --
Mr George Porte is at present dangerously
sick. He ha e been Meng fel: some time
east.-alr Johnstone. merchant in this
village, has sold out his eusinees and in-
tends retiring into London. Messrs Brew-
ster of Kingston, have bought the stook
and intend running the store in futere.-
Mr E 0 Jones, vice president of the Ball
Electric Ligire Co, spent it few days this
week with his parents iu this place. -Mr
George Lintott and Mr Joeeph Collins have
returned from a trip to Northern part of
Michigan where they wet e inspecting land
preparatory to moving there to live. --A
Cotter is gettiug to be a crack shot, and
can hit a flying pigeon with a revolver
fourtimes out of five. -.-Mr Jamee Wilson
.teacher in No 4 school, McGillivray,
intends having a grand concert and enter-
tainment in his school on the night of Dec
6rh. Jim is going to a great deal of
trouble in scouring talent and he expects
to have a good time .-A shooting match
was held at Moorsville last Friday and
some good scores were made, spairows
were used instead of pigeons. The spar-
rows were captured by means of mer and
lanterns at night. Such shooting matches
shoutd be boaused.-There is talk of 31r
•James, Mare coming out for reeve and
should, he try he would probably get the
reeveship, as he was in once before tesides
being very popular.
A Smarten Onseitee.--Sonte eighteen
months ago. U .1. Whitely of Goderich
township, died, and by Sane it Wan thought
BRIEFS.--M1SS Susie Giuter who has
been visiting friends here during the past
few weeks has returned to her home at'
Foothill -Miss .Amos of McGillivray, spent.
Monday in the village with friends. -The
report that Mrs. S. Link of Detroit is very
low is an error. Mr. Link is unwell and
likely there has been a confusion of names.
--Mr Chris. Kibler has moved to his
new premises. -The people in the vicinity
are busy butchering hogs, and sauseges are
plentifal.-On Feidav evening a goodly
number of young folks visited the home of
Mr. John Smith jr., and spent the evening
in a royal good manner. They dispersed
for theft omes in the small hours of the
mornin 1 feeling that they had spent a
pleasant tiine -On Friday last we were
blessed with about a foot of snow which
made good sleighing for Saturday and
Sunday but the rain on Monday spoiled
it and we now!have to use the wheels again.
-A large number of Young people took
advantage of the sleighiug on Sunday
Mr. B. 13rown.has taken in another appren-
tice to learn shomAking.-Now that the.,
end of the year is approaching we hear
occassional whispers of the coming muni-
cipal elections. °Mr. Chas. Either, second
Deputy reeve has signified his intention of
resigning and there 'is a speculation as to
who shall fill the vacancy. -We understand
Mr. Fred Nuerth our worthy flax miller
intends to run for manicipal honors and
we would be glad to see him come out.
One suggestiou is that Mr. Sherritt will
be nominated for second Deputy and Mr.
Wuerth commilman and we weuld have
no election. This is feasible plan, but we
doubt if things will run so smoothly. We
hear of no other candidates in the Acid,
but likely after the next 'council looting
there will be more aspirants cropPM up.
-Now that we have au organized fire pro-
tection Committee Why not advocate a fire
engine for the village? Even a good sersond -
hand enene Would he found serviceable
enough and we believe the cost would not
be so very Tench, and by a light taxation
every year for a few years, could be paid
for. With 1, ery little trouble we feel posi-
tive that if a meeting were called. and a
voice of the people hed onahe matter the
under. saapicious cucumstances but the
result woule be satisfactory. Other places'
matter was not investigated. ihe WiaOW
are prepared for aneAthergencv,in case Of
afterwards removed to Clinton, where she
Bha fire; but we have•nOtbing, and fire in the
resided until a short time since, when
heart of the village would, mean certain
destruction to the greater part of the ham -
nests places. There is nothiug being
prepared and we think it gross negligence
to leave the,matter rest as it is, and weuld'
like to see some one wile is interested in
the matter, push it. The fact that we
have had very few fires in the village should
be on impediment to the plan. -Messrs..
Wein have secured a fox skin which is half
black and half red. This would be a, vaitt-'
able pelt, but tho color is not natural, btit
wee caused by smoking reynarcl oat Of
married one Edwards, of Woodstock, and
went to reside in that torvn. Durina the
Past week particulars have been obtained by
the brother of the deceased, which led him
to owear out On information against his
brother's widoet;for poisoning with arsenic,
and on Wedneeday of last week the accused
was arrested mad brought to Clinton, there
to wait the preliminary investigation, The
principal. evidence againat the accused is
that of a servant girl, who was in her em-
ploy when Whitely died, Thie girl avers
that wheu Whitely was sick she was sent
to Dr. Worthington'e to purchase rat poison
end WAS enjoined te get arsenie, "its ttie
ntner ret poison wag ne good," Subsequent-
ly, she sari, she SAM Whitely matting
arsenic in a dose of medicine for her iniss
band, nail remonstrated with her for SO
doing, brit WU tOiel 81 was none of her busi-
ness, The fact that tho girl hue withheld
her statement to this late day, is thought
by sumo to disceedit her „statement in the
A Trans-Clottinental Innovation.
Siseping car passengers for Paeifie eoefst
points via the Chigaeo, tyttekee &isSt•
Paul and Union Pacifie Ceerland East Mail
tatie no longer have t ) wait, ie. ling) sft Conn
ail raliefor Station to obtain eiteSee
0)1)3 Fl311(ilbis 011) s• se)„, ;berme to t' ch 1„ is all the better to rturn to Atiliverten times, to eAt'r,,, 1115 ths' moll • 1 or •'11•"334•• reeve the name cif "b311: t'l(3 e43'3*" '3“44 110
A $3.-)1 'Yr' Prop
01 s, le,stn esp., i,•45 ssess, leisinesti. --The 7.6,i),1e, thiri vill,tr';e 31):. William,: of tee tlintring Mill is 'nog- bY„1,1"3 W;3“'...13 t
Th, h nh,t ' ;Lit (tiitriitiiiiyxnplyt. 33,,,6•,, it."1"01, 0,114,ht. 1,3r kt:11.1..kLiq' ant.. (ii;411;,t1% Wo/ge. y
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