HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-12-5, Page 1AND HURON
IiIIMISSIMIIMMIlyan...4.0310.1141,0144111102 ....61.1•11111•1•2111•11IMIONIMMINEMMIM111111
DIOKSON, Simister, 861i.
niter of Supreme Court,NotaryPulolic
Couveyemoo Commissioner ,i3to Money to
Offisein Fanson's Block, Exeter
R cabbilms,
Barrister, Solicitor, COnveyaincer, Etc.,
OfficeSarnwell'aSlock Rall's old oflicei)
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
tZ"Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
ny. nmaoT. S. ELLIOT..
1 L. BILLING -8,
0 t'FICE over or.irEit flarik
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SamweIrs Block, Main-st. Exeter,
Extracts Teeth withoutpain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and- all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to ZURICH on last Thurschyin
each month.,
JW. BitOWNING M. D., M. 0
• P. S ;G raduate Victoriarniversity.Office
4,nd1residsnee,Dorn 'nionLaboratory ,Exe ter
R. HYNDMAN, coroner for the
1- County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store,Exater.
TAR. J. A.. ROLIJNo, M. C. P. S
0. Office, Main S..E,xeter,Ont,Residen
se houser ecentiv occupied by P.
T4 F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M.,
' • Geaduate Trinity 'University, Tor-
onto; Fel. Trin. Med. school, Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst.. Craniology' : Member H. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; elember Col. P. S„ Ont. --
°Mee, Dashwood. Ont.
JL BNBY b.IILBER, Licensed Auc-
L. tioneer for Elay,Stephen, and MoGilli.
?ray Townships. Sales conducted atmoderate
rates. 0 Mce-AtPost-office,Orediton ,Out.
JOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
raduates of the Ontario Veterinary College
Ornon : One door South of Town Hall..
1_ _L per cent, 025.000 PrivateFunds. Best
Loaning Companies rents( sented.
CAN aDa. Head Office, London, Ont.
After 30 yon,rs of successful businese, still
continuos to offer the owners of farm property
and orivate residenees, either on buildings or
contents ,the most favorable protection in case
of loss cm damege by fire or lightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company tram affordto write. 42,241 poli;
cies in force let Jan , ten. Assets $378.209.54
in cash in bank. Government depot. Deben-
tures and Pronaium Notes. JAMES GRANT,
PTOSICICIlt D. Ci MD I)ONALD, Manager. Devin
eneens, Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
Established.in 1863.
This company has been over Eighteen
veare in uccessfnl operation in Western On-
ario,andcoutinues to insure against1OSS or
damage by Piro Ruildings,merenandise,Man-
afaoteriestancl oll other descriptionsoffinsur-
able property. tutending insurers havo the
optionofinsuringon the Pm remiuNote or
a mall System • •
During 0110 past ton years this Company
hasisshed 57,006 Polieies. covexingproperty
o theamountof040,872,038 piendpadainloss-
es rtionee 700,712,00
AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n 4ault,GovernmentDeposit,a,nd th e unass-
01490(We:on-Hum Notes on handanden force, a -
W Wstmenei 111 D . liesulot t 0.If TAY,non ,
Socrotaity. 3,13, HT.70-H11161,TDSPOCtOT. CHAS:
NELL AfiClatiOT lexotetendvicleitv
riarber Sh
Hastings, Pr
avine :ilia Telt' etettitteillhi 1ti»o
;he aet,
tv Ceti:tele paid ft)
worrti & SONS
Punileher, and r.P roportore
The IVIolsons bank
*( 0 ft A RTIllt ED 13Y PA [ILI AM E. 1.1118)
Paid up lap Rai) ,„ 00,000,00
Rest Fund ,.. 1,000,01
fload 0 nice, elontreal.
F. 1VOLFE1ISTAN '11II0MA5,Esry.,
20 branch offices the neminion. Ageneis
in the Dentin ton , U. S. A. and Femme
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day, from 10 a. 10 to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS,10 a. m to 1 p, m, •
4 Pereent per annum allowedfer money on
Deposit Receipts and Savings Bank,
CH -0 TO
Goldsmith Hall!
MZ, -Sr TY MR, i•-•-•-•-•
eseirTersonalattention given to repairing of
watehes,elocits andiewelrY:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL.
Cleating Sale!
30 DAYS.
AVING purchased the mer
chart Tailoring business from E. It.
EVANS, some time ago at LI big roductiomand
having added to the stock '
Worsted. Tweeds, Pantm
Overcoatings, Hats, Caps,
Gloves, Collars, Cuffs,
Shirts, Underwear
In fact everything in the line of Gents' Furn-
ishin gs, and wh 'eh Tam selling off at a big re-
duction, for thirty days. Following Is a. list
of prices:
Suits worth S2t.50 for $20.n0
Suits worth 18.00 for 15.00
Suite worth 18.00 for 10 00
Pantings wrth 8.00 for 8.10
and Shirts worth 1,25 for 1 00
Gloves away down below re nilar prices ; hats
and, caps at cost.
Suits ma e to order in the latest styles and
a good fit guaranteed or no sale. She bes of
trunininesin stock, No trouble to show goods
A call solicited Stand, Men:teen's block
opposite the Mansion Bons, 11ensall,
Nov. 28th, '99
Great Auction Sale
At D. Braund's Blacksmith Shop, Exeter
North. Baying a iaraestock of the above left
over from last yea,r, with a large quantity of
this year's work, and finding the show -room
too small for such enormous display, the un-
dersigned has decided to offer by public auo-
Mon, on
.At 10 o'clock a.m., the fo.lowing articles viz :
15 new square box cutters ; 8 neiv Canadian
Portlands: 4 new sett ileavy bobsleighs ; 1 new
sett light bobsleighs ; 3 square box °tithes
nearly new; 3 new Portland f r, nt square box
cutters ;4 swell sides sccon0-hand cutters; 2
Portland second-hand cutters; 3 sett light
bobsleighs second-hand ; 1 double cutter nearly
new; 2 second-hand double cutters. These
articles are of the best quality and finished up
in latest styles.
TERMS :-$10 and under cash; over that
amount 12 mouths'veredit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, or 7 per cent, off for cash,
Prop. Aunt.
The Rotatory System.
At the closing service of the jubilee of
the Anglican Diocese of Torouto in that
eity on Thursday, his Lordship Bishop
Baldwin said that he would be glad when
it becatne possible to divide the diocese, as
he could not now attempt to keep up with
the work. The bishop of Ontario bad ace
cused them of being too jubilant on this
occasion and, because of this, freckling
meaty grave • matters they should consider.
With the coneent of tire meeting he would
like to put before them four principles that
be felt should be followed : The first
rrinciple was that in the arrangement of
perishes the work snould be greater than
the !nen. Their great mistake was that
they made the man greater than the work.
The Methodists, Rowan Catholice and
other bodies, tehen they found a man ruin-
ing a cause, sacrificed the man ; but the
Cburch of Eitglancl would keep a man he
ino place when every one know that he
was scuttling the ship. When it is propos-
ed to remove such a man, they cry out,
tefIe has vested lights" -vested rights to
scuttle the ship. The seceed complaint
was that the Church has kept too close
to the parochtal system, under which the
elergyman setved the rich to the exclusion
of the poor,. "We want to do away with
the pew system altogether," he said, and
tlte Conference applauded hirn to the echo.
In some place, he continued,. the rector
feels that he him only to naimster to the
pew holders, and lete therm ontside the
Church go, In the third place. he TCCOID,
mended that they have something ot
ref say system. .A man VIES OLIO', in a few
eeare, end the people know all that he
know, and POMO thICCIS thIlt he does) eot
lumet. Anything is better thane, dead
11 si./1„ cottgregation that hart a Demote,
thenne to preach to it 1 ali he 15 t,1 to •
Igen t'on,- 111 (IIICAI in
• 1, .e1,11,.. I he \clime et ettee out III
ectrion t einem:Hon, that, ,\V
rthitrelt of 1,Inttlarel tieeelei ; Teri` emit()
tetetten) OS' l'OtRIS,DI. f!/'
tvoit.,:,1 re; t.
tit, te teed kIli,141!/0.
ees t eL , teem,
They want nien to go atter the 16st slum'.
A matt without love end zeal, will in vitt.itibly
vs/teak the Ceerch, and invariably blame -ot
no some one else, He will say, "Time are
ele 011111011 9001)10 here," e hen, flea matter
of filer, there ie no =moister there. They
may decoy °thine, » but they cannot , but
admit that they have zeal and tremendone
entlinsiaem, ,
The updereignee would give notice that they
are gristine :Led chopping eyery, (ley in t he
week end pay the very hihost DPICO 60C geed
wbeat. satisf ootion guaranteed. . Cook te
Retell of the Heiman
To AiYOUSTOME'Ig AND Toll replace -I have
now /1 full an0 ectuPletc stook of ale kihds of
Ilarnees, et prices to suir. customers; also r0
lerge fitock of Trunks, Satchels, Horse
Blenkets, 'Rubber and piney Rugs. A large
stock of black and gray fur robes. All furs
first elites. I sell at a slight advance cost.
Feln'!ITUM.: DI:PAWNOR T. -A Irmo stook of
bed room suits, parlor suits, loung:.s, spring
be••s and mattresses, and everything to b.
found in a fir -it chteafarniture establishment;
Also fancy gilded border spring roller window.
blinds. Now is the time If you want • o got
fine Bell Crean or Piano, cheap, call and„s5e
me. by doing so you will make from 815 to
$25. No trouble to sil°1v ettooEdisill
Beene. -Two of one young men spent
Sunday near Exeter. --111r 11Iu*dock, of
Varna, moved into Mr J Fitzgerald's lionso
this week, We believe Mr Murdock will
make a good tenant. -.The hunters have
started en their laborioes.route; and their
report 60 far, is four wild rabbits
Saoranient will be held in the Presbyterian
church ou the 150h inst. A tea -meeting
will be held in the Methodist church this
Thutsday evening.
BRIEFS, --Mr. Gowan has been engaged
to teach the Woodham school at a salary of
$400, -Miss L. A. McLaughlin has been
re-engaged to teach the Base Line school,
of Bleitshar d *-Rev. J. Greene. of Granton,
preached in the leffithoclist church, on
Sundey last, to a large congregation.-
Succeesful Missionary meetings were held
on the Woodecon circuit this week. --The
young people are making preparations for a
New Year's arch on the 30th of this month.
-The Be. David A. Moir preached on the
Granton circuit last Sunday. -Mr. Routley,
jr., is very ill. -Mr. Robt. Elicits has
secured a school in Usborne.-The Mettle-
d.st Sunday School has increased greatly
during the last few weeks, S. Ford, Esq ,
ie superintendent.
BR/EPS.-The beautiful snow has redule
its appearance.- reWeBothwicit, who hae
been absent for about a month, packing
apples' at Lambeth, hae returned. -Mrs
Alex Ackins, who has been sick with in-
flammation on Inc'bowels is recovering
vely slowly. -1111. K Bloomfield bas moved
in the house lately occupied by Mr Reeder.
-Mr. Kenny bnught 50 acres of land from
Mr Hawker, paying the sum of $700. -The
Grand Xmas tree, of Grace church, will be
held oh the 20th inst The children are
hard at practice to make it the most sue-
cessful ever held. A first-elass programme
is being prepared. -Mr J McIntorth left, for
Michigan last weelz.--Mivs Emmie Ryan
is home from. Craig visiting friends at
present. -The Presbyterians will hold their
Xmas tree Dec. 1901. -We are glad to
hear that Miss Heater is able to be around
again from a severe illness of inflarnmetion.
Hilts Green.
. ----
RUNAWAY.-As Messrs. John Troyer and
John Smith were driving through Hill's
Green on Thuesday their horse becsme
unmanageable and ran away. smashing the
buggy. but occupants were not hurt, with
the exception of a bad shaking up.
BBIEMS.--Messrs. John II. anclCharles E
Troyer litft for Michigan on - Tuesdny, the
2611i ult., taking a fine roacleter stallion
with them. We %visit them good health
and prosperity.-- le very successful plowing
bee was held on the farm of Ala Robt.
Lucker, one day last, week, when Mr John
Stacey, of Hensel', was invited in the
evening, with his violin, to give sweet arid
harmonious .11111Sie, while -the lade and
lassies tripped the lieht fantsetic too till the
crowing of the cock in the Inert). --The
three young men from around here, who
left to seek their fortunes in Seattle,
Washington Territory, du not think much
of that place, at this time of the year. as
work is hard to got, board is very high,
and also D. Campbell, one of tlte trio who
went out for the good of his Itealtli, has
not improved any since.
Bions, -Mr A J Styles, formerly
teacher of S. S. No. 11, Stephen, spent a
few days in and around Deshwood. Ho is
looking well and appears to be getting along
nicely in the Clinton Collegiate Institute. -
Mr Henry Kroft has returaed from Dakota
looking hale and hearty. --The businees
of our enterprising tailor has increased to
such RH extent that lie has engaged enother
coatetnaker, and by the number of times
that he visits Crediton we think be will
engage aeother.-The Rev ALIT-. Yager, who
lone recently taken uttto himself n, holpmete,
is quietly settled down and is safely afloat
on the sea of noarriee life, --The henvy fall
of snow last week has about all disappear.
od and things look gloomy in the extreme.
-ItIr . John erellick, of the 12th con., Rev,
visited Sereptst on Sendae last. We
sieves:6 the good sleighine Inhoght him
out -Ono of those Very pleasing event,
which tend In brighten, a home, took place
at Mr lent) eViIlerte',teli en his wife Present.
(el him with n bon 10011010 boy, -31r h'red,
eesnll, tier feten lie either, lets tlitpesed of lice
Imeineen to Mr, 'term Pfaff atiri terele to
imentees.-. I Ito 14/ a tI neL hio 11178("0
tend em tee an 0 etertainment in Mr,
(11551 0' isleitit tp
Itx1/1, ric411,•10,C1,
, id :\rt. i',1‘50 0;4:0
11,100» 1 eel Ti '»I
it. Oak, bot
Lie:Ade., Isere, , .51 C t velem ,
erten to ItTilverten, there Let ea; ry 00 1,te
13nrsrs.-Mrs. Hompkine has returned
home front Detroit and we believe she iu
tends stopping the whiter 111 Sideka.-
Clot istunts trees are all the rage now we be.
live, the time is but yet sores but it soon
will be, so boys look out for presents.- We
uederstand Mr. J. Jaisot intendbuilding
a new hoose next summer. -Mr. B. Cite,
tengliant Red G. Keys wore in Exeter last
weak. Mr. F. Itumer preached tbe sermon
in the church last Sunday evening.
Menuoreere-Mr. Chas, hilber, second -
deputy -r eve of Stephen, has declared his
intentions to resign the office for the in-
coetieg year. In this event we may expect
a genuine election foee.counoillors and
second.deputy. lelte Sherritt, couneillor
from the west end is spoken of as a °midi -
date for the seeond.deputy-reeveship, as are
also Mr. Wm. Bilker and Mr. Fsedericic
Wuerth. Mr. D, French's name is also
met:Ahmed. For the office of councillors
there are numerous aspirants, but nothing
sufficiently definite to wars -ant any assuring
statements. Mr. Ratz and Mr, Eilberwill
have no opposition.
CHRISTIAN Expeevon.--The Rev. J. H.
Simpson gave a report of the Convention ef
Christian Endeavor held in Toronto last
weak, before the Society of -Union Chnech.
According to the report the convention was
largely attended and the meetiegs of the
best order. There are now 120 Societies
in this erovince, with a membership of
7,000. The total membership is 7,000
Societies with 500,000 members. 'I'he
,ounder, Rev. Dr Clarke, of Boston, was
present, and gave several addresses. Rev.
efungo Fraser, D. 1)., of Knox Church,
Hamilton, is President of the Provincial
Union, which meets in Hamilton met
Bev. 10. Di Steele will deliver a lecture
in St. Paul's church this evening, subject,
"True Manliness." The rev. gentleman
has -bean elected President of the B and F.
B.S., and A. A. Doupe still retains the po:
eider) of Secy..Treas, and Depositor. -On
the 2801i ult., a eiseseaut event took place
in Mitchell the ocoasion being the meeting
iri ID91:1 jag° of Mies Pracy Vickers of Kirk -
ton, ,e Mr. D. Watson of Mitchell. Their'
friends extend a hearty wish for their future
welfare and happinese.--Visions of the
Chrietrnas goose and plItm pudding with
other nsual good cheer of the approaching
festive eeason see beginning to present
themselves to the young idea (and some of
the old ottes too) in thla vicioity:
• Biddulph.
Aliso Dempsy, teacher of Maple Grove
enhool, is going to give a grand entertain-
ment and Christmas tree on the evening of
December 200.1. If the sleighing enly con-
tiunee it will be immense. -err. James
Culbert, formalv of Lucan, has gone on a
trip to,13,-itise Columbia wliere he intends
to remain if the climate snits him. His
two 00/1o, Thomas and James, have been
living in 'that proeince for soma time snd
wishes him to move there. --Mr. Colby of
Clandeboye, moves to Stephen this 'week. --
Died at her residence m Liman, on Sunday
morning last, Ann, beloved wife of Mr. John
Ryan. Cause of death, heat disease. She
leaves a host of friends to mourn their
There was considerable excitement last
Wednesday CISC' 5110 renting of the skating
rink for this season. After a gooct cleat of
bidding it %vas knocked, down tc a company
composed of J. E. Swatts, W. Baker, Geo.
Fe win, and J. Watkin for $35. Work has
commenced and with favorably weather
there 'will 600I1 ICC skating. -Mr. E. R.
Routledge last week closed his store and
quit business. We do not at present lteow
his intentions bot in whatever he may en-
gage tee wish him every succese.--;Ott Fri
cla,y evening thetei was ft surprise party at
the reeideece of Mr, We J. Stiuson, Seeable
Line, when a very pleasant time was tquint,
by all. An excellent spread was provided
by the buffos and the boys got the oyeters.
The same ;evening a nserttr and dance WWI
held at W. Erteleeo_n's
Er *00 4
School Report, S.S. No, 2, Hay, The
November report of this school is as follow-.
The names are in order of merit 1---Fi111)
John Chneeman. Fourth, senior, Homer
Russell, Jobn Otempboll, Junes Carnpbell,
Four th, junior, Charles .1.1(0105 '11, Ellen
Shirray and Alf. ed AloTaggart, equal, Cecil
Ross. Third, Kate Chaptuen, Rachel At-
kinson, Charles Blackwell, Second, Nellie
O'Brien, Alice Gohld, Annie Northcott.
Second Part, Ralph Chaernatt, Beatrice
Warren and Maud Russel, equal, Amelia
Jacksen. First Part, Beckte 111 orthcott,
Edward Dilling, Charles Northoott.-W.
11. Joeteiseoer, Teacher.
MUNICIPAL ATATruns.-As the nominee
tion and election days approach, (laity we
hear new revelatioes, aucl the intimation of
new candiciatee for the offices of Reeve,
Deputy and Cotmeillors. ,In the event of
the present reeve resigning, of which inten-
tion lie has tgiven signiticauce, there are
several meu in the sownehip prepared to
take up the cudgels of WallaTO and enter
tile fray, Amongst the eumbee 015 11Par
t110 names of Geo. eIcEwen, deputy-reeve10 ;
Hove councillor, .Dr. 11nchatan and
Sam '1 Rani) lo. But ebould 1Ir, 11,10 '01 feel
dispoeed to he.t.1 the Trotted for another yeer,
there will, quite likely, be no oppoeition of-
fered- Should ho etetern, And the :ever.al
porpoM allOVO 1110nllIftl remain in the
fleia, tlin field win 1,o a eteenle couirteleel
ae the rieeiren te :en poenlet awl wor-
thy inen reeve te., ;mitre of
ere, we '1 11' r‘10 ;nil! i•
Stephen Council.
Couerou, teheemnems, Dec. 2n01, 188e, 1e
All members present. Minutes oflies:t
meeting read and signed. AL O'Brien Wen
nem:ratted to keep hie temporary feneetip
its present positiononoondition that he !owe,
it in winter or agree to remove any eurpine
SHOW that may erift on the road at that
Ito the matter of one Wm. 1VIitchell, tfte
council do not see that they are responeilne
foe his moentenauce under existing 011014;
After passing the following orders the
counotl Adjourned to meet again on Moncley,
16th inst. •
Orders granted. -Exeter corporatiou half
keep of the late 5, Ford 866 30, C. &oily
gravel sued culvert $5.40, Minn rep. eel -
vert, 8 con, $4. G. lYfurlock ditch acmes
road 85, J. Wind error in dog tax $1, B.
Effidgies culvert lst 8 R, 84, A Dishudaw
tax remitted e3 36, Angus McPhee wait'
'8rd 5 R $8, J Stephen gravel e7 45,
Cook gravel 512, 11 Moatz rem 8 L $1 50
Claik livery e3, T Keys com 0 R $13 12,
McEachen and others »grathng e14, S Hold -
bine culvert R e5, C Treetz, two ditches
3r0 S 11 $6 50, E Either own S R $3, 5
erummer and otbez s gravel 0 R $47.25, J
.4harp culvert C R $6, W Mitchell relief
$7, E Jones ditching S B $.1 62, A Desher-
den grading 22 con 840, J Rolling gravel
83 75, J. Mitchell graved $e 66, F Huet
culvert $10. A Dishudan error in taxes
83 66, J Boland culvert S B 83, M Etlber
410 D $1 60, J Hawker lumber 55 Seim-
veelzer lumber $19 09, T Sanders remov.
ing driftwood 75e'T W Hawkins repairing
ecraper 75c, Mr Kellerman nails 36a, let -
Ching work in 1887 84, 3 Mollare two
ditcbet e4, T Follis gravel $3 75, J Wick-
ert corn C R $5, U. PROUTY, Clerk.
WEDDING BELLS. -The residence of Mr.
James McCulloch, of the 10th con., was,
on Wednesday afternoon, the scene of the
'wedding of Mr Wm Ward, of Sarnia, to
glee eel A Pleston, niece of Mr. McCulloch.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Cain Fletcher in the presence of a number
of friends. The presents as usual were
numerous and appropriate. The happy
couple left on the evg. train from Exeter,
for their future home in Sarnia.
MUNICIPAL. -Election mattere Inc now
assuming definite shape, and what appeared
a few days ago to be indicative of no elec.
tion, LOW gives evidence of a lively contest.
For the reeve -ship besides the present
office -bearer, Mr. Thos. M. Kay, we hear
the :tame of Mr. Thos. Russell mentioned.
For councillors are mentioned the names
of the present members of the Board, as
well as those ot Messrs. James Clarke, D.
McInnis, John Moir, Henry Eterney for the
northern wards; Messrs. John Essery and
Richard Hunter, jr., for the eolith west
wards; and Messrs. A. A. Denim ana Wm
Report of progress of pupils in S.S. No.
5, Usborne, for the Mouth of November.
anior, second part, Jessie Richard, Maggie
Russel. Senior, second part, Violet Willis,
Norman McDonald. Second class, Nelson
Prout, Lily Westcott. Junior third, Lila
McCord, Lily McDonald, Senior thitd, Vio-
let Russell. Bl. Westcott. Fourtu class,
Lyman McCord, Edith Westcott. Thomas
Rassell Icla Kydcl. Oonduet, Violet Rus-
sel, Blanche Westcott, Lily Westoott..
School report of S. S. No. 6, for Hee
tnonth of November. Only the names of
those -who obtained 50 par cent. or over are
reported :-Fifth ekes, E. Briinacombe 82,
C. Johns 82, C. Andrew 78, A. Andrew 73,
D. Catheurt 70, 3. Turnbull 70, G. Powell
68. Fourth Class, L. Andrew 87, It. Johns
80, E. Johns 78, G. Miners 77,0. Delbridge
74, E. Turnhill 72. H. Spicer 69, N. Hind
66. Third class, A Francis 67, ie. Earl 66,
L. Halls 64, M. Brimacombe 55, E. Smith
55. Second °less, --A. Hunter 89, L.
Krause 83, F. Miners 80, S. Johns 80, E.
rendretve 80, A Harris 66, A ?trifler 66, 0
Powell 61, F. Bcown 60, E. Powell 59, J.
Upshall 53, H. Kyle 51. Junior second
clase, N, Fletcher 81, iet, Miners 70, 0.
Frauds 68, S. Clements 66, F. Delbriclge
86, T. eiercher 60, E, Clements 57. Part
second clast, S. Vail 80, G. Spicer 68, B.
Delbriclge 62, L Miners 60, G. (eolbolt 60.
First class No. 3, E. Francis 82, J. Herd
luau 79, 0. Johns 75, 0. Hawkins 70. No.
2, E, Deleridge 79, N. Fletelier 75, AI
Woocle 65, L. Cooper 65. No. 1, W. France;
00, E. Smith 90, G. Wilcox 85, W. Hnnter
82, Al• J01113S 80, L. Miners 7e, L. Robinson
77, G, Berryhill 71, M.' Skitner 65, J.
leerryhille61, E. Brown 56. G. W. Houten,
A. &mous Ca:Man.-Some eighteou
months ago, U .1. -Whitely of Goclerich
township, died, and by some it wag thought
under suspicieus circnrestanciee, but the
matter was not investigated. The widow
afterwards removed to Clinton, tvbere she
resided lentil a short time since, when she
married one Edwards, of Woodstockand
went to reside in that town. During the
east week rrarticulars have been obtained by
the brother of the deceased, which led him
to ewear out an information against his
brother's wiclowefor poisoning with arsenic,
ItUd. on Wedneeday of last week the accused
wee arrested and brought to Clinton, there
to aevait the preliminary inveetigation. The
principal. evidence against the accurted is
that of a servant girl, who was in her on.
ploy,when Whitely died, This girl avers
ehat when. Whitely wee sick she was sent
to Die Worthington's to perchase rat poison
anti:tees enjoined to got areenic, 4»as tee
ottler ret poison was 113 gooe,'Subsioquent-
le, She says, oh o saw MI'S. Mutely putting
anionic, in a doer) of medicine to her line-
bstml, anal remonstreted well her for so
doing lint WRS Ir' a it wm bout, of her betel..
nese, The fact that the girl litre withheld
her statement to thie lett) doy, its ttliorteht
II). Rome dieeredit her etateeteet in the
matter, bat err :tem elide that tete eer.t. fle•
see, et etiellet 'ItIrCIth Nirkt,
e,.. ,,voii,,...,:. ,..1,,, ,11,„....,,,,,,,„ , ly the. eite tveell kilt hes tin 1 tle.r. ce
,. ser. eLOL,
vee.,ieel e t A ' a ..:, , ,. '; 45,1,...4,1.. .'.'' 'i , riiI.t, ',,'.T
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ID,. 'III, ;
I a
I fi
heart of the village would mean certain
destruction to the greater part of tile busi-
rings places. There is nothing like, being
prepared and we think it gross negligence
to leave the.matter rest as it is, and wdul»l
like to see some one who is interested in
the matter, push it. eLlte fact that "WC
have had very few fires in the village should
bo on impediment to the .plan. -.Messrs.
Wein have eeeneed a fox skm which is half
black and half red. This simuld be a valu-
able pAft, but the eolor is not neturel, hat
was caused by smelting reynard out of tt
A Trans-Continenta,1 /nnOvation
Sloping car pet5'-e1rg7.e for 'Pecific
I mint s via th e Chime o, wen kee ti t
11,1111 end. r,,ion, Ovel.lovi Va..9t
tan, lisoget lette, tree, 15))0•9.t Cot,1)-
0 Crr,liqlor
St, „Marys
Mr John Clifford was married on FriclaV
evening to Mise Annie Dunsttith ansi have
taken up their ;shade oo Water etreet ---
Alr George Robinsomson of ,) W Robinson,
left on Tuesday last for Wa hington Ter-
ritory,- -A bowling rtility is now in eull blast
Samuel Thienn proprietor. -e-Tlee St Am
drew's society held its annual dinner at the
Grand Central Hotel on If ridey evening.
On Sunday aftertmon Rev nutshell
preached a. set mon to them.
The sleighing is splendidaround here
and the roads ere Heed with sleighs and,
cutters --Fox hunting ie all 'therage
around here, several fine .-pecimens have
been secured by the loe.al sports. ,lJr
terank Hodgins and Mr. S. Stephensort.
each shot one last, Saturday. Mr. L. Bice
got one every time he went out. Mae B.
}arse a magnificent Italiaro greyhound and
ought to make the foxes scarce this winter
--Mts. T. Herbert has returned after a
two months' visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Seale of Blyth.-- Mr. Gleeb, teller has been
here relieving agent Walker, G.T.R , who
was was laid up with a broken foot, has
left to take a position on the main line. --
Mr George Porte is at present dangerously
sick. He has been Meng fer.some time
Past. --el r Johnstonemerchant hi Hies
village, lias sold out his business 'and in-
tends retiriug into London. Messrs Brew.
ster of Kingston, 'lave . bought the stock
and intend running the store 111 futare.-
Mr E 0 Jones, vice president of the Ball'
Electric Light Co, spent a few days this
week with his parents in this place.-eltIr
George Lintott and Mr Joseph Collies beve
returned from a trip to Northern part 'of
Michigan where they wet einepecting lab&
preparatory to moving there to live: --A
Caster is getting to be a crack shot, and
can hit a flying pigeon with a revolver
four times out of five, -Mr James Wilson
teacher in No 4 school, McGillivray,.
intends having a grand concert and. enter-
tainment in his school on the night 'of Dec
6th. Jim is going to a great deal of
trouble in securtng talent and he expects
to have a good time. --A shooting match
was held at leloorsville last 'Friday and
some good scores were made, spairows
were used instead of pigeons. The spar-
rows were captured by means of rnee and
lenterns at night.. Such shooting matches
should be bonused.--There is talk of 1,Ir
James. Marr comihg out for reeve an
should be try he would probably get the
reeveship, as he was iu once before besides
being very popular,
BRIEPS.--Miss Susie Ginter who has
been visiting friends here during the past
few weeks has returned to her home at
Fonthill -Miss Amos of McGillivray, spent, _
Monday in the village with friends. -The
report that Mrs. S. Link of Detroit is very
low is an error. Mr. Link is unwell and
likely there has been a confusion of names.
-Mr Chris. Kibler has moved to his
new pretnises.-The people in the vicinity
are Itusy butchering hogs, and sausages are
plentiful. -On Friday evening a goodly
number of young folks visited the home of
Mr. John Smith jr., and spent the evening
in a royal good manner. They dispersed
for telt ernes in the small hours of the
mcionin 11 feeling that they had spent a
pleasant time -On Friday last we, were
blessed with about a foot of now which
ntade good sleighing for Saturday and
Sunday but the ram u on Monday spoiled
it and we nowchave to use the wheels again.
-A large in -Liter of Young people took
advantage of the sleighieg'on Sunday. --
Mr. B. 13rown.has team in another appren-
tice to learn shoeufaking.-Now that the_
end of the year is approaching we hear
occassional whispers of the coming muni-
cipal elections. ,tAlr. Chas. Either, second
Deputy reeve has signified his intention of
resigning and there 'is a speculation as to
who shall fill the vacency.-We understand
Mr. Fred Wuerth our worthy flax miller
intends to run for manicipal honors and
we would be glad to see him come out.
One suggestiost ie that Mr. Slterritt will
be notnivated for second Deputy and Mr.
Wuerth as councilmaji and we tvealti haee
no election. This is feasible plan, but we
doubt if things will ruo so smoothly. We
heat of no other candidates in the field,
but likely after the next council meeting
there will oe more aspirants crepe)* up.
-Now that we have an organized: fire pro-
tection committee why not ativocate a fire
engine for the village ? Even a good seeond
hand eng Inn would he fhoeot w
ucntl. seloviiiiadeanbolet
enough and we believe t
he so very much, and by a- light taxation
every year for a few years, could 'be paid
for. With t ery little trouble we feel posi-
tive that if a meeting were called and a
oice of the people hod on elie'matter the
esult would he satisfactory. Other places
re prepared for aneeenergencv in ease of
re ; 'but we have'nothing, 'and fire hi the