HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-09-04, Page 20Page 6-- re a ii —September 4, b' S► -- C H 9 LA'S PLAY Squares, circles picture BUROKER & IIUNTSINGER "A study in squares and circles" might be the title of a dramatic and formal picture" that requires a bit a preci- sion work but is otherwise quite easy to make. • Man has always been fasci- nated by geometric shapes. The exactness of a square and the roundness of a circle make these the most basic of all such designs. A very small child plays first with a ball, which of course is circular. Then, the next favorite play - toys are building blocks, fas- cinating cubes or four-sided squares. For this project, then, just, scissors, glue, pencil, ruler and paper are needed. The latter consists of two pieces, one for the background that is a 12 -inch square, another of contrasting color nine inches square. Also needed is a corn - pass for making circles. They are sometimes called "dividerst'v and this mathe- matical tool consists of two pointed legs which are hinged where they join at the top so the legs can be moved`'back and forth, When apencil is at- tached to one leg, arcs or cir- cles can be drawn and measurements made wi them. This device, ho "r r, is quite different from the compasses used to 'Indicate distances and direction. Ancient Babylonians and Egyptians were the first, probably, to combine a com- pass and ruler in discovering mathematical principles. However, one doesn't need to know a single thing about algebra or geometry to make this project. Begin by placing the com- pass in the center of the =w- inch square paper and make a circle that comes about half an inch from its edges. Care- fully cut out this circle. Next, glue the remains of the big square onto the background paper, leaving one and a half inches on each side. Then from the remaining circle, cut off the edges so a five -and -three -quarter -inch square remains. Repeat this process of squaring circles and mounting the remaining outlines at least five times. Black and white Make. par- ticularly contrasting figures ij 1� which help create a sense of depth. This tunnel vision ef- fect proves arresting. Once completed, it's hard to realize that only two sheets of paper and two shapes were used to make the entire picture. WOMEN ASK The pill and blood pressure By ELEANOR B. RODGERSON, M.D. Q. If your blood pressure goes up while you are taking birth -control pills, can you rest and start over and be all right? If you have high blood pressure to begin with, can you take birth -control pills? A. If you have high blood pressure, you probably will be wise to -stay off birth -con- trol pills and your doctor will prescribe some other form of contraception. If you take birth -control pills, you run the risk of increasing your blood pressure and later de- veloping all the complica- tions of high blood pressure. If you did not have high blood pressure when you be- gan your pills and your1pres- sure went up, it is wise for you to stop taking them. Resting a few months and then trying them again will not make any difference. There will be no .improve- ' ment, according to the. ex- perts. Sometimes a woman has a family history of hyperten- sion, but her owns pressure is normal. Her doctor may give her the contraceptive pills, but will watch her carefully so that, if there .are any ab- normal changes, the pills can be stopped. Our earth is getting old The earth is at least four and a half billion years old according to recent esti- mates, says "Geologic Time," a booklet prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey. A great part of the evidence for this age is contained in the earth's- rocks. YOUR . HANDWRITING TELLS Forward slant 'By DOROTHY ST. JOHN JACKSON Certified Master Graphoana1yst Dear Dorothy: I am happiest with people, but .I have been told that I bore ' others with my • talk, ' This hurts me - because I've always liked to talk. Talking must be a natural trait with friendliness me because when I was little everyone thought I was cute because I was such a little chatterbox. Disturbed Dear Disturbed: There's a wide difference between a little child chatter- box and a big loquacious adult. The wide open tops on your o's and a's prove that you're a INVESTMENT FORUM Canada Development Corporation 8% Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Voting Class 'B Preferred S100.00 Par Value Shares FEATURES: /. Convertible into 10 common shares plus 2 bonus common shares with each preferred share. 2. Quarterly dividend. 3. Redeemable at holder's option in 1985. 4. Instalment purchase plan available. INSTALMENT SCHEDULE: Shares Administration Plan Purchased charge' 1 2 $4 2 3 4 5 10 20 $7 18 initial payment $ 44.00• $105.00 • $204.00 - 1408.00 • Eight monthly Instalments Total Payment $ 20.00 $ 50,00 $100.00 , $200.00 $ 204.00 • $ 505.00 • $1007.00 • 12008.00 • • INCLUDES ADMiNiSTRATION CHARGE Sub agents for new Canada Savings Bonds required. Contact: W. M. HEWAT - Local Representative 579-3390 .MIDLAND DOHERTY LTD. Members of all principal Canadian Stock Exchanges 306 King Street West, Kitchener, Ont. For further Information phone COLLECT Kitchener 579-3390 torrid talker. You are friend- ly, seen in your forward slant, and you like to make friends, seen in the large lower loops. But flowing words are not the answer. You have a flashing mind, seen in the short sharp points on m and n. Seldom do you stop long enough to examine your thoughts to de- cide which ones you want to air via your mouth. Your craving for attention and acceptance has almost overcome you, seen in the long upswing endings and your light writing pressure. Such a combination with the other strokes turns on your word faucet and showers your word spray which leaves a thin mist. To overcome being a bore,. Y9u have to discipline your talk. Being a conversa- tionalist is far distant from be' a talker. To converse means to exchange ideas. You give the other person a chance. So, when your flow of words begin to reach the flood stage, sandbag them, sit back, and listen. Conversation is like a ball to be tossed gently and gra- ciously between two or more interested persons. D. J. Proud rooster wins DEL MAR, Calif. -- A rooster with something to crow about, owned by Glenn Robinson, 14, of Riverside, Calif., won the seventh an- nual National Cock Crowing Contest at the Southern Cali- fornia Exposition here with a record 32 crows in 10 minutes. The modern game bantam had previously been named "best male" among 76 chau- vinistic competitors and had also broken the previous crowing record of 26 in the semifinals with 32 --- most of them following a sullen period of silence. v you 4 Yai?isVQ tibw # MORE AND MORE CONSUMERS are raising their own fruits and vegetables and canning them for winter use. New varieties of low -acid tomatges^cars be safely -canned by the boiling water bath method if citric acid is added to each jar To can or To can or not to can? That's the question many homemakers are asking themselves this summer. The inexperienced canner would be wise to start with fruits. Freshly picked fruit and a boiling water bath in which to process the fruit is all you need. You `Can use almost any large kettle with a ro not to can rack and a tight -fitting lid. It should be deep enough to allow at least two inches of boiling water over the tops of the containers. This method is recommended for fruits and tomatoes because of their natural acidity. The tem- perature reached in a boiling water bath is high enough to des - TRY IT ... You'll like i By Marg Burkhart It's that time of . year when garden vegetables seem to come at • us in leaps and bounds. Once the tomatoes start to ripen there seems to be no end to them, and it's often difficult to keep ahead of the crop. One way to use your ripe tomatoes is by making chili sauce, and. I have had the good fortune to come upon a recipifor chili sauce that is not 'nearly as time consuming as most. CHILI SAUCE 1 peck or (all you can pile on an i1 -quart basket) of tomatoes , 2 bunches celery 1 dozen onions 2 sweet peppers 2 or 3 ho`t peppers Peel tomatoes and slice them. Chop vegetables and add to the tomatoes. Stir in 1 cup of pickling salt andlet stand overnight. Drain well the next morning. Make a syrup of 1 quart of white vinegar, 8 cups of, white sugar, 1 small tespoon of each of the following: cinnamon, cloves, all- spice, and ginger. Add tomatoes and chopped vegetables to this and boil for 1/2 hour. Pour into jars. Seal. 0-0-0 In order to use up the beets and cabbage in your garden, I suggest you try making a beet relish. It's quite easy to make and adds a little variety tv your relish cupboard. I have received several recipes for beet relish and will publish these over the next few weeks. BEET RELISH 4 cups cooked beets 4 cups white cabbage 1/2 a sweet red pepper, if liked 2 cups white sugar ro 1 cup white vinegar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1, 6 or 8 oz. bottle horseradish Put beets, c-abbage, and pepper through the coarse blade of a food chopper. Add remaining ingredi- ents. Mix well, and bottle. Makes about 3 pints. Submitted by Mrst,Earl Reid, Mount Forest CABBAGE -BEET HORSERADISH RELISH 4 quart raw cabbage, chopped 1 quart .boiled beets, chopped 1 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon red papper 1 clip horseradish Cover with vinegar, and bottle cold. Submitted by Mrs. L. Statia, Wing am. I am still coming up with ideas for the children's lunch bags, and this week features a raisin'n'- spice loaf. It's absolutely delicious and I am certain that once the youngsters have tried it, you'll be called upon many times to serve it. Try it ... you'll like it. RAISIN'N'SPICE LOAF 2 cups raisins 1-3 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon ginger 1 cup hot water 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup orange juice 1 teaspoon vanilla salt Wash raisins. Combine raisins, butter, sugar, spices, and water troy spoilage organisms. Home canning of vegetables.is a little more complex.J "xcept for tomatoes, which can be processed in a bailing ". water bath,says Lois Hurst, chief of Agriculture Canada's Food Advisory Services, "all vegetables need to be canned in a pressure canner. Most vege- tables contain little acid. They need the high temperature, ob- tainable only in . a pressure canner, to destroy bacteria, yeasts anmolds present in air, water and soil." A pressure saucepan should not be substituted for a pressure canner. A pressure saucepan cooks at 15 pounds pressure and there is no way to tell when it is at 10 pounds, the right pressure, for. canning. One drawback to pressure canners is their cost—now more than $100. It would take a few years of canning and lots of vege tables to justify the expense. Miss Hurst also warns home- makers against using the open - kettle method, in which food is 'cooked for, a few minutes but not given further processing after Sealing. There is a chance of coil - t't theestata rate and the( cessed at the pr ilestrey baeteria ed,'i�re ,dorm; empty cof�d :, �xer peanut butter fare tor ,eann , Though proper canning * ilrs, sem,. as .Man jars, are .an additiiog L use they are .1 neeesaltY. Airtight containercontainerS Must ice,used to prevent spoilage:after process- ing. Masa conte, ners are not den signed to withstand hig►process- ing temperatures and the original lids: have no sealing compound to ensure an airtight closure, Agriculture . Canada has re- cently published a new bookiel, Canning Canadian Fruits and Vegetables. "Canning recommendations have remained basically the same as in our previous publica- tion," Miss Hurst says. "How- ever, because of the low -acid to- matoes now on the market, the method for canning tomatoes And tomato juice .has 'been changed. We now recommend •fiat alma psafety meant i1 age. Citric acid la # natural con1tituent of, many. fruit* :iNlnd Vegetables and nay be t a dr to,. Tomatoes c 'WI coeda .nil ate :bath'. t o f PuISoning „could resuIt0 improperly -processed low - om Acid ,vegetable* in airtight coq - i r$. ,As; a safely Vreeaution, • l�ni + d egetabiel (except tom*. toes) should be boded 10 inutes before sting. Any. home -cared • f• ood that "looks aimgrm , foams, spur or has AA oft -odor' should ,be destroyed in,sueh a way that it employ be picked up by children, or animas:,Vh "Thereinenlyone way t4 can," as Hurst concludes, "and that is the right way, Instructions must be followed closely. Other- wise food spoil,* and possibly a health bastard 'May result." Free copies of the publication, Canning ,Canadian 'Fruits and Vegetables, are available by writing to Agriculture Canada, Information Division, Ottawa ICI.A 007. TRALEE KITCH*N C*$IIETS Manufacturers of Custoi#in Made Kitchen, Vanities and Counter Tops. x ,Eivi► Estimates and do Installation LOCATED V4 MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY JUNCTION. 19 AND 86 PHONE 291.1190 it4 in a saucepan. - Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 6 minutes. Remove from heat and turn into large bowl. Let 'cool. Then add remaining ingredients, mixing well. Turn Into a greased loaf pan, and bake at 325 to 350 degrees for 1 hour. Let cool for, 10 minutes before removing from pan. This loaf tastes best. if it is allowed to ripen for a day before slicing. DID YOU KNOW: . Green tomatoes will ripen more quickly if placed in a paper bag and stored in a dark place. Fruit won't discolor while you are preparing it for a salad or dessert if you place it in a bowl of grapefruit juice. Did you know that dipping slices of tomato in vinegar before you fry them will help keep their shape. The flavor is delicious also. Vitamin B1 helps If you've tried insect repel- lant sprays without much luck, here's a tip that may help. Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1), given in a 75 to 150 -mg. daily dose, is said to repel insects. - WATER WELL DRILLING DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU- -75 OU--75 years of successful water development - The most madern, fast equipment'available - Highly trained personnel - Fast service and free estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest cost PUT EXPERIENCE • TO WORK FOR YOU i DAVIDSON 4 Rotary and Percussion Drills PHONE 357-1%0 WELL DRILLING LIMITED WINGHAM "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" MOBILE HOMES DOUBLE -WIDE HOMES .Glendale .Pyramid .Marlette .Bendix *large selection of double -wide and single -Wide models on display. *fast, efficient delivery and set up by professional servicemen. *low prices assured by our volume buying and easy purchase plant. MOBILIF.E CENTRE 4166 KING ST. E. R.R. 3,\KITCHENER No. 8 Hwy. between Hwy., 401 and Kitchener 653-5788 AMAZED! YOU WILL BE TOO WHEN YOU SEE WHAT STEAM CLEAN '_,_... CAN DO IT DISLODGES SOAP •DIRT AND GRIME RE- NEWING CARPETS IN A VERY SHORT TIME. THE REASON FOR THIS IS PLAINLY SEEN 'CAUSE THE DEEP DOWN ACTION MAKES IT CLEAN exTNAct SUCTION eausw STREAM'. ADD A LITTLE VAR IETYto your meals this fall and winter with beet relish. It Is quite simple to make, and Is a great way to make use of extra beets and cabbage you have in I your garden. so WHY NOT THINK THE STEAM CLEAN WAY By calling one of us, today LEN GEDDES FLOORING WINGHAM 357.2647 or Superior Maintenance Service WINGHAM 357.3362