HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-11-28, Page 8AT LAST! 4 Wonderful Vegetable DiscoveiT That Ilemoves the Terrible Xtesults of Overwork. * A True Invigorator. Weakness and prostration of the nervous system surely follow that overwork and 'worry which brings sorrow and suffering to so many Canadian homes, The terrible results of nervous weakness, are seen on every hand. Pains in the back, poor and unrefreshing sleep, lack of appetite dys- pepsia, and lost energy and strength, are the first symptoms of more serious and danger, us trouble. This is the way that Paralysis, Paresis and Insanity begin. Do not delay a moment longer, for some time it will be too late to regain your lost health and vitality, Use Paine's Celery Compound now, and. the dull eyes will regain their brilliancy, the cheeks will grow rosy, the brain become clear, the nerves strong and steady, your sleep restful and refreshing, appetite good, and 'health and happiness will take the place of misery and seffering. A. Sabiston, the welllinown lithographer of Montreal, writes : " In the summer of 1888 I had to work very hard, and was troubled considerably with insomnia (sleep- lessness). resolved to try your Paine's Celery Compound, and after taking the contents of two bottles, felt like a new man. A. good night's rest gave me strength for the duties of the day, and instead of starting out to business in the morning feeling as if I had completed a day's work instead of being about to commence one I started out in good spirits, feeling fresh and strong. -)My wife and various friends, to whom I recommended the medicine, have been benefited greatly, and in fact ' Paine's Celery Compound is a household word in our family." lessenstANY MA&EEEm. Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in hes Folly and Ignorance ltas Tri- fled elven-his Vigor of Body, liflind and Manhood, causing exhausting drains upon the Fountains of Life. Headache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness '0/ memory. Bashfulness in Society, , Pi meet es upon the Face and an the Effect& leading to Early Decay, Consumption or I n sanity, wal find in onr specific No. 23 a Positive Cure. It imparta 'Youthful vigor restores the Vital Power be old and young, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerves, builds up the muscular system and arouses into action the whole phyeical energy of the human frame.sWith our specific No. 23 the most obstinate case can be cured in dth,.. months, and recent ones in less thanthtrty a.ys, Each package cor.tains two weeks treat- ment. Price $2. Cures Guaranteed. Our spec- ific No. 24 is an infallible Cure for all Private Diseases no matter of how long stand- ing. Sold under our written Cuara ntee to effect a Cure. Price $5. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto. Out. am= LADIES ONLY. rfa FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who nse them MONTHLY. Never fail. Relieve pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and Effectual. Price, $2, Toronto Medicine Co, Toronto, Ont. Exeter Butcher Shop • R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer —IN ALL EINDS Or— hATS Customer s supplied TUESDAYS. THURS. DAYS ixn SATURDAYS at their :esidence ORDERSLEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE •CHINE PROMPT ATTENTION. $93 Sevving-Itt leonine 1 44,,10 at once esti, hi is h trade in all parts. by 1el1,, placino ur machines .., and goods where the people ran sec g , than, es will send f:A•ce to .one Cersr"scil':111r-huto] :fi'llitteYilteti‘eelT, the worie,w ith ail the 01 1, Norms. Wo will alba send l'rec .... eon 1,1ctc line Of our costly ond volnal,le art samples. In retuni n o isk that, yOtt BilOW What WC 0, 01. 1 , :hop w ho may coil nt vour hoe t...:. mi niter 2 months all ;holt !swoon y.t.e own property. 1 his gr..u.I %lankier 0 Mode ober the Singel. ;tate:Its, w Writ haw run atn 5 10 1, 15 ; :it( tits rim mit it bold fur SUE, with the Forqs IttrnItlnts. and tiOW bells tor tf,IIitisr,,.-',,-RErR „.,,ti,1;int4,.;,,,; g feco. No capital racieircd. Plain, brief instructions given. Thos.) Who write 10 05 51 once enn se. cure tree the best sawingemachino in the world. ond the finest line of works of high art ever shown together In America, Tensile...4z CO., Box 7c1,3, Augusta. Maine., co BY ONE MN. writefor descrtnttre catalogue containing testimonials from hundreds of people who have sawed from 4 to 0 obrdo daily'. 25,000 now sucCess- fully used. Agency con be bad where there is a vacancy. A NEWINIENTION for tiling Saws sent fres with each wochtoe; by' the use of this tool everybody can file their own sawe now and do it better than the greatest expert can without it. Ada•nted tO atj crosS-eut saws. Every 008 WiTc) owns It saw should have one. No duty to pay; we manufocture in Canada. A sk your dealer or write FOLDING SAWING CHINE 00., 808 to 811 $. Canal St., Chlengo, .1;1, Anarchism is nob unknown even in Japan. Details of n desperate attempt) to assassinate the Japaneee minister of foreign affairs, C ittas Okuma, have betel received. The count was returning in a carriage from a cabinet nicotine when amen named Teuneki, draped in European olothing, ran up sad threw a bomb into the carriage. The envie- don injarea the minister so thenansputetion of one le ig was necessary, and hie face is dis- figured. The Japsame are not g0 progressive as to take to innovations of this ()beginner with good grace. It is safe to say that if the would,be asaassin had not mit his throat he would have been given a chance to "meet death stoically° et the hands of he Armording hi the customs( of Chinese sod. My the wife of the Chime)) labile ter to Amer. ice will Comb her hair tip fm her ,gore• nernl, to tshoW that he is merried. 11-nt" eee sea reach to her it, and Ho (lif task of droll/sing them that one artangettiotat lamte beverel da. For the preservation of the coiffare abe lites whileMleep on a wIllew pillow as finely WO:rott as an imported bonnet, Shaped like a loaf ef bekerys broad. (the tnalda dress their back heir in a (them: and arrange a bang one and a ue half Ino'deep, from ear to ean. A lolif of erginetry IS dis- played by ellotving a elogle • look to float' lomely in front of the fade and over the shoulder. The hair of the Oilmen girl is never cub, Mid, esi a result ot the sPlendld oare hes'owed, it grows luxuriantly. Wail A 00T03.T. The SIntlining Seaveneer of the Pflatne. Oae of the many ineu in Cheyenne whoae. word is es good no his note le Walter F. Giles, says e letter from, that oity to the St. Lenia " Globe-Damooriet," Teelay he ia telt. ing his friends of a terrible band -to hand ooefliot whielt he had recently on Ole prairies about twenty five miles north of the city. Mr. Giles' story, in his own language, is as followe " For many sumincre peat 1 have pastured my home ea the farm of Peter "[emoted, looated about twenty,five miles north of here. The road to Mr. "[emoted's) farm lies mostly eoron the open prairies although there a reapers where the chaparral is thick and smell grovee are not infrtquent. Oae day a short time ago I rode from town, as is my auetern when 1 can spare a (ley Away from my business, to impel) my horses at Mr. Hennted's farm, 1 started on my journey et 4 o'olook in the morning, I was riding leisurely along the dusty road when my horse began to show algae of lameness. became exceedingly anxious concerning the oause of the Loneness and dismounted. As I feared, the horse had picked up a nail: The alkali dust of the road was the moot dimgerens thing in the world in nolo Case. SO I qUiCkly mraped out the hoof as beat I could and bound lb up hand. with 103 " had halted just on the edge of a thick ' kerobief. olump of trees, and hoping there was a spring in the grove momewhere I tethered the horse to a tree and pushed my way through the brambles and thick undergrowth In search of the much -desired water. I had hardly advanced ten feet into the thicket when I wits startled by a growl and map at my foot. I jumped book and there, almost at my feet, I saw a coyote with a libber of young cube. The brute had almost bitten through my heavy riding -boot and I felt tempted to shoot her then and there, but I decided not to ehoot and attempted to go into the woods. "Thinking if I shouted ab her she would situ& away into the underbrush, as le the hebit of coyotes, I hallooed at the top of my hinge. But the beast snarled, ehowed her ugly teeth, and glared at me with her blaz- ing red eyes. I was peralyz sd at the nnex• pected action of the our, and maddened to think of what might be the fate of my vale able horse, so I drew my 'evolver and fired et her. My finger had barely touched the trigger when the beast sprang through the air and straight at my throat, "I was so parale eta ab the (sudden turn of the brute that I was thrown off my guard, and my revolver was knocked outs of my hand and into the brush, about eight feet rom where I stood. The coyote had fasten- ed its ugly claws into my clothing andhad buried he long, sharp teeth deep into my honlder. I was only brought to the real - Olen of my terrible position by the pain which I begun to feel from my wound, The vloions and thoroughly enraged brute was hen growling and at the same time tearing my clothing to shreds with teeth and elem. (made Fr, movement to get my revolver, when my foot caught in the undergrowth and I was thrown on top of the coyobe. Ito hot, foul breath came steaming into my ace and ib made a vicious snap at my neck, which I managed to evade. I tried to rise, but the brute held me fast. Meantime she had been biting me all over the upper per - ion of my body. My clothing was torn to hreds, covered with blood and dust, and, growing weak from the lose of life's fluid, I saw the only thing for me to do was to reach my revolver. "With a desperate struggle I managed to oll over and under the enraged animal until I gob to my weapon. Mustering up the lain park of strength in my body, 1 placed the meze'e of the revolver at the coyote's ear and fired. I felt her body mien. A or/ that eemed faint and distant sounded in my ears, and then I believe I fainted. Anyhow I knew no more until I awoke, and then 18 was evening. The brute lay dead beelde me, while the cubs were crouching under the dead body uttering mournful whines. I managed to remounts my horse with a great effort and puehed f orward to Hemsted's, where I had the wounds of myself and my horse dressed. I would advise my friends who meet a 'cowardly' coyote in the future to he not too bold and forward with these skulking scavengers ot the plebs." Mr. Giles carries his left arm in a sling, and shows the tffnots of the vicious brute's last and probably only fight. Insensibility to Pain. In man and animals the skin is certainly the most 'sensitive tisane of the body, nye the Nineteenth Cunene+. We can hardly imagine thee the tool's which oover the bodied of fishes are equally eensitive. When we pass to the invertebrate kingdom'rerre- seated by shellfish, snails, worms, inmate, etc., we find an entire alssenee of brain, the nervous ;system being represented by two nervous cords running the whole length of the ventral surface of the body and having a pair 0: stnell mann of nervous tissue known as ganglia developed at intervals. The extraordinary mutilations them oreatur. ea will sumeesfully endure prove that their nervous syshm is but little influenoed by shook and renders ib almost (within that 18 is equally insensitive to pain. When we remember that the worm when eta in half does not necessarily die but has the power of reproducing the lower portion of be body and that in some orders the lower half de- velops a new month and becomes a new ant- mal—again when we remember that other members of the the same Sub kingdom, =eh as lobsters and crabs will frequently when frightened throw off a limb or two, We must conclude that their seine of pain Is very small, and yet they are repeatedly spoken and written of as though they wets as sensi- tive as man. The nervous system of insects le very simi lar to that of worms and smile, being repro - Rented by a ventral ohain of ganglia , and in their time the evidence of inseneetivenees would appear to be overwhelming. Wasps with their bodies crushed oub of all shape will readily attack sager and honey when supplied them toe though nothing were the matter; mokohafere, in a similar way, will go on feeding when their abdomens have been partly evisoerated by the peok of a bird, while a beetle with a pin throu.le his body has been known to perambtilabe the oolleatorn cue in which ib has been placed and devour all the other specimena in the neighborhood. Again, as we watch a moth hovering round an open light and, roe its wings tend body from time to time singed by the heat, it must (strike us thin were it more sensitive to pain its life would be pre- sterved, Mr, Bully Itrig--:"Novv, sir, you have stated under oath that this ntan had the ap- pearance of a gentleman. Will you be good enough to tell the jury how a gentleman looks, in your estimation?" Down -trodden wittiest--." genrnan looks—er-- like—er--" Mr. Bally Regg—" I don't want MeV of your ere, far ; and remember that yen are on oath. Can you See anybody 1 In this Courtroom who looks lilts a gentle- nt`an ?" Witness(with sudden asperity)—"/ Oen if you'll atand out of the way. You're' 2108 tranevarent,"--ITIOne. 'FOB Writ NEWS, The Comte de Paris, being an ex/le, was uoable to attend Me funeral of the King of Portugal. The Vrenoh army officers are now all armed with revolvers ; during the war of 1870 they had. none, * Slue the Inetitution of the Viol oria Oren it hats been bestowed upon three hundred eoldiers and sailors. At the annual stud sheep tales at Mel- bourne, $3675 was paid kr a single ram, and $2750 for a Soone sheep. Correspondents of two London 111,110r8 were reeently expelled tram Belgrade by order of the Servian Government The most intereeting exhibition in Europe next yeer will be the Loan Exhibition of Tapestry at the Austrian Museum. • A monunsent has been emoted to Xivier Jouiriii, the original glovemaker,at Grenoble. He was also a great philanthropist. • In the British army, according to latest rt ports, there are at present 74,720 English- men, 13 594 Irishmen and 8949 Sootomen. A aohool is to be establithed at Finken• werder, near Hamburg, for the training of young fiehermen in the speoialtiee of seafish. ing. Three new ironoletle will, as 1300n as pore tibia, be in Italy's fleet, 14,000 tons and 20,- 000 home power. Vessel, arrnor, guns, and all are to be made in Italy. At the meeting of the five Academiee which form the Institute of France, the Comte de Frauclueville, in his paper, said; "I wager that Me political women will even- tually win the day." Chineee railway braiding has come to an end, because the Frenoh Goverment inside upon the fulfilment of the Tientela treaty, by whioh Franc*, it was agreed, WAO to sup- ply the personnel and materiel of all Chinese rallroade. Visitors to the vaults of the Pentheon in Paris remember the eoho WU& the ;guide used to produce by shouting and pounding a drum. This has been forbidden by the Min - biter of the Interior es "a desecration of the abode of the illuetrione dead,' The stook of bunting in Greeoe being alto- gether insufficient for the requirements of the loyalists at the recent wedding festivities, several large consignments of flags were sent • by one of the principal London firma to the Palen in order to enable the inhabitants of Athena to make an effective display. • Denmark now grows more oats than any other cereal, as muoh barley as wheat and rye together, and five times more rye than wheat. Twenty -mine per cent of the acreage of this oountry is devoted to cereals, twenty per cen. to pasture, and ten per cent to raeadow. This year's harvest is considerably below the average. • A bigrees in the Negpur distriob of India has, during the first; ant months of this year, killed seven people,besides wounding others. In February last, in broad day -light, she oar- ried off one of a gang of railroad men from under the eyes of his companions. She has been iamb at many thine and her cubs killed but she has got off scatheless. Some weeks ago a resident of Waterloo, near Beautort, Victoria, "picked up a stone to throw at eome calves." Noticing that the missile was rather heavier than what he usually felt justified in chastising his calves with, he examined it, and found that about half of it was gold. When crushed at a neighboring battery it realised £32 A man committed suicide in Paris recent- ly by asphyxiating himself with charcoal fumes, and while dying he recorded his lest impressions and seneations on a sheet of note lever. The first entry was : "My head is heavy ." and shortly afterwards appeased the words, "There are noises in my enre mused, no doubt, by the bad charcoal sup- plied, which gives too much pain." This went on for one hour and a quarter, the hot ineoription being, "It is too much to suffer." Signor Vittorino Beam, the eminent [Mahn engineer, proposes to join the Tyr- rhenian Sea with the Adriatic) by a ship canal which, crossing the peninsula from Montalto di Castro, province of Rome, in a north-easterly direetion, would reach the eamt coast at Fano. The cost of construe tion is estimated ab £25,000,000 mainten. anoe and amortisation of debt, at about £1,600,000 per annum ; receipte at £1,920,000, of which £1,280,000 would figure as tolls ; leaving a net annual revenue of £320,000. Probably the courts do nob afford a more anima case than this: in 1859 Mme. Her. donin of Paris bought three tickets in a lot. tery, the capital priz3 of whit.% was 100. 000 francs!. By presentiment she chose the number 40,631, putting the ticket away among her husband's effects. He became bankrupt, and all of his books were seized. The lottery was drewn in 1861, and 40,634 won the prze. Since then Dime. Hardenin has been accumulating evidence to show that she was the person who bought the ticket, and now expecte the judgment in her favor every mement. A hitherto unknown painting by Leonardo da VInol has jest been plaited in the galkry of the Pinakothek In Munich, which, if genuine, is of inestimable value. The picture was bought nob long ago for twenty two marks at an anobion in a email town In South Germany and the buyer sold it at a good profit to the*Pinakothek, which has had it well restored. It rtpresents Mary wibh the infant Jesus in a room through the window of which one sees a hilly landscape. The Madonna, somewhat under life size, is visi- ble down to the knees. On one side stands a glass with flower& The pioture is believed to be one of the earliest works of the great master. A bronze statue Is to be erected to the Emperor of Japan on an open spaoe imme- diately outside the Imperial Pawn in Tokio, and arblets have been invited to send in designs. One of these repreeented the Em- peror mated on hie favorite charger, the horse being so placed that its feet should rest on either aide of the entrance bridg Thle is said to have been muck admired oy the officials of the Imperial Household; but when it wee submitted to the Emperor it was immediately vetoed, on the ground that it was nob in accordance with the principlett of hospitality and politeness that foreign Princes and personegee of alstinction who came to vimit him should leave to pan under the feet of a horse bestridden by biol. A German periediaal gives otatIstios Oen. corning the freq.uency Of thiftideretorres In variere regione of the World. Java hat thitud, eretortns ott tho average 97 dnyti in the year. Stinhatra 86 tfitindemetnn, 56; Bettie° 54; tb;) Gold Ooateb, 52; Rio de jatieiro,. 61; ItaIy 38; West Indies, 36; South Guinea, tgj Buenoe Alines, Canada and Autitria, 5; Bed - en, Wurteinherg and Littegaty 12; Bavaria and Belginin, 21; Holland, 18; Sat. ony mid trendenbtirg. 17; France, Austrie and Smith Russia 16; Spain and Portugal, 16; Sweden and Finland, 8; England and the the highSwiss Mountaltok,7; Norway 4; (biro Mit Tinkesten as Weill ae in the extreme north there are rimed no thunder. Monne, The northern limits of the thunder - (storm are Cape Ogle'northern part of Ninth AMOriCA, Iceland, Novej a, Semoije and the mast of the' Siberian ice sea. No romantic tale ever had so many 1001 - dents as thee of a young woman of Bekowina. She was very beautiful, •and all the men who were in the district fell in love with Iter. She had A hunderd offer e of marriage before she Acocpted the 101at. Then her troublee be. gag. Her &et fienoe died euddenly fi om an moident ; the etioond wes taken away with the army, likewise tbe third and fourth; the fifth and eilith were drowned; the seventh and eighth broke off on learning of the smallness of her fortune; the ninth got drunk on his betrothal day, and tried to beat the young woman, so Me broke it off; bhe tenth seemed promising in every way, but) as the marriage was about to bake place it wee learned that he hod 00 wife and child- ren in Bessarabia, The wedding was fixed tor' the eleventh, but he decamped for some unknown reason and thereupon the. young woman gave it up and poisoned herself. A French juurr3al credits bhe English people with inventing a glaze or varnish for butter: The butter is made in the ordinary way, care being taken bewail) it very thoroughly, and, after being mega ap /moo the usual shapee, it is set aside in a cool place. A large spoonful ef white sugards absolved in half a pint of water, and the solution is heated. The butter, placed upon a linen, is rapidly covered with the hot sugar solution, a very soft brush being employed for the purpose. • By this process a thin swim° layer of the bubter is melted through oontaot with the warm solution, and cool with this latter into a kind of glaze or varnish, which imparts to the butter a glistening, crystalline appearance. Further, as thh saccharinne coating is impermeable to the air, itpromotes the keeping qaalitiee of the butter. It might be worth while to try this expert. meat upon Canadian bubter intended for traneperb. The Curse of Heredity in David's Line The subject of heredity receives tio much lees study than it should, that it may nob be amiss to call the attention of Sunday-echool students to the fact that David's grievoue eine in connection with Bathsheba, were but ontoropeings of tainted blood received from his ancestor, Judah. My interests was re- awakened by the following remarks in a recent parlordeoture by Dr. Kate Lindsay, of the Bettie Creek sanitarium: " When David lived in the open air In the fields among his flookesfamiliar with toil and hardships which gave him the physical preteens for whioh he was so renowned then and afterward, he was pure and true—a man after God's own hearb. But after he became king over all Israel and entered upon a life of Menem and luxury and self gratification, this inherited tendency to lioentioueness developed exceedingly, and oulminated hoa downfall which was followed by the severest biting() • of remoras after Nathan opened his eyes to behold him. self as God saw him. This predisposi. tion to sensuality was intensified in Solomon, David's son, in some respects bhe wisest) man thab ever lived, and was repeated with still greater emphasis in the miserabie Rehoboam, and a few genera. dons later led to the blotting out of David% kingly line until it reappeared in the glori- fi id Son of Man. The work of regeneration would be comparatively easy if a quarter of the money and a tithe of the work was spent n having children generated right which is now expended in trying to regenerate them." Children are born with strong tendenoiee n the direction of some particular vice, but 1 kept under good kfiaenoes, the early pro mise ie often good for mein!, honorable man- hood and womanhood; yet in the hour oi temptation and trial, their strength is small, and they fall, and the world is shooked at en& outcroppings, perhaps in high planes. Wriest should be done in such unfortueate oircumstancee is to form double liners of for- tifications In safeguards and a thorough en- lightenment as to the tendency and its Imre consequences if allowed to develop instead of being repressed and rooted out. The hobter the battle the greater the vicbory, and no man needs to go down to ruin simply betlltUSe ef a bad inheritance. 'One of the beets men whom the writer knows, was born with a longing for strong drink. Ile has never yielded to it except once or twice 88 00 boy, and yeti he confessed to me one day with tears in his eyes that the nasty, sour smell of a saloon was the most enticing odor which met his nostrils, and that with him, the warfare is perpetual. Be has been for many years a minister of the gospel, loved and reverenced wherever known, an ardent temperance advocate and yet forever under this anoestral ben. fhave heard others bear teetimony that upon co0. version all deeire for intoxicants was re- moved, but they probably had acquired the taste indeed of inheriting in Certain ib that the gram of God will be found " suffi- dent " in every 'Mee' if wisely sought .Hard work and an earnestpurpose in life, are the best coadjutor!. The Place of Exeontion, Canton. We pass now through a quarter given up to the hewing out of the solid, heavy coffins used, ley these people—fitting' proliferation for th'e place we areapproaching—the execu- tion ground of bin Canton provinces, where every year some three hundred poor wretch. es are released frame the misery whioh has been theirs from their first imprisonment, Ground is tee valuable to be wasted, and when not required for it's ghastly purpose the enclosure is a veribable petterni field, where the hue olay +neves and pots, mold ed.in the adjoining factory, are put out in the sun to dry. It is a space 'open among the homes, and open to the peeing etreet at one end, a dead wall on 'the ead and gond', the potter's shop filling up the long won] side. The whole ground is some forty yards by twelve in size, and a more inn°. cent -looking place 'could not be seen. Lean- ing against the wall are five or six deottying frames of deal, which the eye just takes in, but gasses over with indiffereem, until it) in explained that to these' are bound the mi - stable wretches oonderaned to die by that Most finelieb of death iientencese, the Lime. chi. To these rough boards the criminal le bled, and the canons crowd look -on while the sharp and heavy sword hf the execu- tioner mitesfirst art arm or finger, handor phonlder, ear or foot, until, oda living—if he have strongish to live—the quivering vic- tim has Sufficient wounds to jnetify a fatal blow. This death o the potbion of pat Heiden, and Of but; fe* others, that crime being the Most heinous in this nation of ancestor wor- shippers. The Man under ordinary sentence eimply kneels- On the uound and stretches hie Willing nixie to the tef".'.".. death being welcome after his experience ot the mercy of the law. It is an exoellenb thing, to chew Ttttti Frutti Gum after tne meal and Matto° the secretion of mote Saliva. Sold by ell drug. gists and oonieetioners. 5 (mute ene 51 vt*1,\\NN usswarametenammumweigust for Infants and Children. gleaSSOrla I* SO well adapted tochildren that Ga.storia cures Collo, Constipation, recommend it as superior to any prweription Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eruotation, lal"1801-EA."anarrnD1hIle Worms, 8iveSaleeP'and promotes 11111L,Quord0t. BrIlY.N.Y.W1iUNI°18Medicaon. TUE CENTAUR ooreurne, 77 Murray street, N. wrikrit. 5,695 MINUTES GOING TO CALIFORNIA._ VIATIE Santa Ve Routs. Lv. Chicago Ar Kansas Oity Ar. Hutchinson Ar.Triuldad,......., Ai.. Las Vegas Ar, Albuquerque ... • Ar. Barstow.- ... ... . A r. Iies Angeles Ar. San Diego... • - 5;25 p. m. 8:25p. m . neo p. in, 11:18 A. m. 8:05 P. in. 12:30 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 4;20 p. in. 9;45 p, m. Sun Mon 310n Tues Tues Wed Thor Thar Thur Mon Tues Tues 114 ad Wed Thur Fri Fri Fri Tues Wed Wed 'rhur Thur Fri Sat Sat Sat I Wed Thar Thar Fri Pri Sat San Sun Sun Thur Fri Pri bat ISM S un Rion Mon Mon Fri Sat Sat Sun Sna Mon Tues., Tues Tung Not ion .4un 35o M on, Timm Wed Wed, tv,ei You get the only line of through cars without change Chicago to Los: Angeles, and you save 27 hours time. OFFICE -74 GRISWOLD-ST., DETROIT, MUM. GEO. E. GILMAN, Passenger Agen PUREST, STRONCEST9 SESTe CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. 501=260oNIL E. W. GILLETT, Heinle, 0fth0CELEE2EOTALAS8?.1y. 1ZE FFtEE y 16 GRANO LOVE STORES, -- . a. package of goods worth two dollars to manufacture, and a large 100p Picture Book, that will surely put you on the road to a handsome fortune. Write quick, and send be. silver, to help pay pos- tage. Mention this paper. A. W. KINNEY, llarnsouth, N. S. PI:t0"7X3DM1NTT MITP3E1 —AND— Live Stock Association (Incorporated-) Home Office -Room D, Arcade, Toronto. In the life department this Association pro- vides indemnity for sickness and accident, and substantial assistance to the relatives of de- ceased members at terms available to all. In the live stook department two, thirds in- demnity for leas of Live Stock of its members. Applications for Agencies invited. Send fo ',rest ectuses, claims paid, Sm. WILLIAM JONES, Managing Director The Most Successful Remedy ever dIscov tired, asi it Is certain In Its effects and does , not blister. Bead proof below. KENDALL'S SPANN DUNE. OFFICIO 02 CHM:mita A. SNYDER, CLEVELAND BAT BALEETbal'on25%0 BRED JIDRSEg. .._BLEIWOOD, ILL., Nov. 20,1208. DR. 13. NENDALL co. Dear SIM: I haVe always purchased your Nen- eparin Cure by the half .doten bottles, I would 11303 prices in larger quantity._ I think it la one of the best liniments on earth. I have 2808 12 en my stables for three years. vouns truly, 'cliana. A. EINVDER. KENDALL'S SPAYiN CURL Baoenting, N. 10,, Noveinber 8, 1888. • Da, 215, TtESMAir. CO. • Deer 131rs :I desire in OM yea testlnionlat ot ray geed opinion of 'yOtir Kenda1rift,3yetViii Cute, I hitVo tiSed it for Iiiiiinettese. • Stiff Joints and 8M:eying, ItudI liti,efolind it a Mire Ore, I ecirtil- any tedernineed Otto all hereetnet,. , slanager Troy Laundry Stables, Yenta trtilY,_ td, GILBERT, KENDALL'S SPAY!!! CUM , kom, WINTON COMITT, Onfe, Pee. 10, 1883, Gents 1 X feel it my duty to Say whot I have ding: wlth yook loodowe !bolo Curd. I haVe eared tW,,eiltyAliee, herbed that hnd seaeiee, ten of Wing Boiie, nino eillieted with site- Head aild Siffitin Of Rik Jaw. Bifida have Ito Otte yonr bookiI•and followed the direetionti, I have never lett It dada tit MY kind. ,Yttaira truly, • Aitnitgwottionvittiti aor, . , VerVivh owe, KENDALL'S SPAV1N ANNE. " " , Price et nee 'settle, dr six beetled &tsp.., 'Not'o:. Ablaut pittoo to a Indy that will sti term.. .7.Natrea,i.tcle.0,Bieet§fitothFahe,l'V': her tfittia vitovAr 'Byer Wire On thni egott.4!0:.,galtlet,:otte.A.ttz'oittgois,'.ptitl!;:vP-go)ttotitups,,:;,4,,to. 17;e:cleat:a by teePivet bo.0...141tdr 0400' THE EXETER. tIME§. Is publisned every Thursday morn ng,itt 11MES STEAM PRINT= HOUSE itain-street,nearly opposite Fittop's Jo-we:10*r Stoie,Eseter,Ont., by. John White Sons,rnevr onetors, First insertBiol,npae0rrliteD.v.E...R.7. M.N. .10 08.33-045 %a oh StibSeqUeo Unser tion , ie n e aeries,. To insure inserbionL_adv. ertisem mats shwaIst as sent in notlater than Wednesday niornikiet OurjOB PRINTING DEP ARTBIRNTis amp t the largest and best equipped in the Counts' t Huron, Ali work entrusted to us will remitter er promptattention: Decisions Regarding Nes li lmpers. y. Any person Whotaims a paper real, larlyfreenn2 he post -office, whether directed in his name art another's, or whether he has subscribed ornos is responsible for payment. 2 If apeman orders his paper sliscontimseS he must pay all airenrs or the publisher may songful° to send it until the payment is made., and then collect the whole amount, Whettsur Om paper is taken from the office or not. 8 In suits for 131lb SOLip bi 01.18, the suit may le's, tuititutecl in the place where the paper is prat. ished, although, the subseriber conY resift hundreds of utiles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing tb fl,1,:e newspapers or poliodicals from the post -- office , or rem oying and leaving them unen3leat or is prima facie evidence of intentionaIllluZ KANSAS •—TEXAS, OK LAHOMA COLORADO, TAH, NEW MEXICO CALIFORNIA ARIZONA., OREG-ON, And all points west of the Missouri River • via the Santa Fe Route FROMCHICAG� For particulars and tickets sec your nearest ticket agent, or address GEO. E. GILKAN, Passenger Agent, c: ,7L Gristwold.st., Detroit, Mich.. GEO. T. NICHOLSON-, Gement' Pass. mid Tickeb ,Aliakennar_t,s 1 ,THE LIGHT.RUI4NIt4Y it EWING MACH! HAS 1N0 EQUAL' THE LADIES' FAVORITE. !t, • ••-• NENEVESEWINGIIIIICIIINERRAKCOIRS cHicAG0 —gg' UNION SOIJARE,NX, 4OAttAs, ATI ANTA-OA TEX. • ST LbUld SIM • ' " :seloaanciscomsL,