HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-11-28, Page 5I-IENSAIT 1 Special. Cheap Boots 4- Shues \' „ tv \IP oselow CLEARING SALE FOR Thirty Davg Of all kinds of foot wear at' REDUCED PRICES cAL`TNLy Great bargains in Felt Boots. Felt $oeks and Rubbers, Overshoes—Melee, Women's Boys', Missesand Children's—coarse and Bine. Also Rubbers—Mon's, Women's, Boys'. elisses' and hildron's. Also ertat bergains inisidies' Fine :hoes. I have everything in the j1000t 1Ssot Veae that eau be got, I have assorted out of my stook some lines at YOUR OWN PRICE Such as Wigwams—Mon's,1Voinen'S and Chit- Pren's. lardigan Ovmehoes Women's Slippers, cloth, carpet and leather. Men's and 13eys' Long Boots. and some Ladies,Fine and Coarse Shoes. It will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE My stock before purehasing elsewhere and seo for yourself the biirg,a,ies you eau get now I am selling oheaper than the cheapest and have the largest and best st.,ek to select of in the town, ordered work a Specialty. 'Repairing • neatly one and promptly attended to. No cherges made for rips of goods boeght from • me, No trouble to show goods Butter and • Eggs taken in exohange fpr goods. -Stand--MoEwan's Block, opposite Baynold's Hotel. - A. WESELOH, • HEI•TSAII. DISTRICT DOINGS. The Latest Current News Throughout the • District, Mr. Hodge, of Biddulph, sailed for England last week. Our exchanges give many accounts of sheep being killed by dogs. • A young lady in Woodstock i inagines she has a lizard in her stomach. A lot of 13 year old boys of Auburn, ifound a flaele of whiskey and got glori- ously full. Mr. Peter McDonald, formerly of 'Parkhill was accidently killed at Fort Erie last week while coupling cars, Duncan McLellan of Fernhill, fell- • from his loft a distance of 15 feet and was considerably bruised. Sneak thieves stole a mare from a • pasture field of Mr. F. Hodgins; 5th con. London townshp, a few days ago. Mr. John McIntyre, of Somoka, was assessed $50 and costs for sellin liquor vvithout a licenee. g Two freight trains collided on the T. G. •& B. line near •Flesherton laat week, doing considerable damage, but no lives were lost. Hallowe'en damages are causing considerable trouble and talk through- out the country, the boys seemed to have stopped at nothing. The Parkhill Review objects to the Salvation Army rousing people trona their slumbers early on Sunday morn- ings. Editors require all thesileep they can get. • Samuel Johnston of Pleasant Valley, while watering his stook, was startled by the appearance of a deer which Game up very close to him. Of course • he had no gun Rich people never have. Loma boys are amusing themselves with catapults. A stone driven by some of the weapons will make an in- dentation of an eighth of an inch in a pine board when driven at a distance tit 20 R',13: • • Mr, John Rose, while walking along the road near Zurich, was overtaken by a team and wagon, • He stepped aside to let them pass. but the rack, which was on the vehicle, struck hina in the face knocking him senseless. • The Londoners who recently visited St. Marys seem very much pleased with the Stone town's system ot electric lighting. There ate 12 aro lights and 50 ineandescentis in St. Marys, and the town is brilliantly lighted. The case of John Vining vs. West Ni,souri Township, which was tried in September last by Judge Elliot, was argued on Thursday last, and re- sulted in a judgment for plaintiff for $25 The action was for damages suf- fered by the death of a horse caused by an obstruction in the road. A farmer near Downie, went to St. • Marys last week and stole a hive of pees from one of the citizens. On his • way home, the bees got Out, of the hive and attacked the driver and horse. • The horse ran away demolishing the • hive and wagon. The farmer was ars rested but it is reported that he will • bring a suit against the owner of the hive for darnages tor '‘grevious bodily harm" to self and horse. • Lucknovv has sold its $10,000 worth • of water -works 'debentures to Mr. Geo. A. Stinson, .dr Toronto, for 113 and one -sixteenth, which amounts'to a premitim; of $1,366.25. • They also received accrued interest from the • first of beptember, which will bring • $100 more, so that the total sum real- ized on the debeatures will be about $11,456.25. It is with,pleasure that wo annonnee to our may patrons that we have made • arrangements with that wide-awake, illustrated farm -magazine, the Antral. - cot Faumun, published at Fort VVeyne, • Ind , and read by nearly 200,000 farm- ers by which that great publication Will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will come in and pay up all arreareges on subeeription to Tams and one year in advance from date, and 12 cents additional, and to any new subscriber who will pay one year in advance and 12 centadditional. This is a grand opportunity to obtain a first -close farm )(annuli, The AMEILICAN FA.RNEff is a large sixteen -page journal, of national cirenlation, which ranks among the leading agrioultural papers, It treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights andprivileges of that vast body of citizens, the farmers, whose inclastry'is the basis of all material ancl national prosperity, its highest pur- pose is the elevatioti and enobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subscription price Of the AiviEnIaktf VAR - MER is $1.00 per year, and the 'glib. sotiption price of the Times is also $1.00 By taking advantage of this offer you get both papers for $1.12. From any ono number ideas ean be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of the house. hold, YET von CAN CART IT FREE. Call and see sample copy. tht Minerers Linimentis used by physicians. Whalen BefeYs. -The late showers and genial weather have greatly Unproved the appear- ance of the fall wheat, and made the grass laud in fine condition for ploughing, but the roach are not as good as before the rains. --Fall work is pretty well straightened up and things put in shape for winter ; which we may soon expect now, as snow- birds were seen in large numbers on Friday last. --Work on theehureh shed is progress- ing favorably in spite of the rain. The frame was put up on Friday and it will soon be finished.—The question now is, what shall we have in the entertainment line to raise funds for the Sabbath school. --Mrs. Hopkin and her son Joe, of 'eaforth. are at present visiting their friends around this neighborhood.—An idea of the great value of property in 'Whalen, naay be found, from the fact, that a certaiu man and his family have been allowed to occupy a house and acre of laud, in the village undis- turbed, for a period of nearly ten years, and if the owner does not soon look after it he will have no more claim to it. But who end where is the owuer ? that's the query. It once belonged to a colored man named • T albot. • Ax a conference of Scotch Liberal • Association held on Friday a resolution passed favoring home rule for Scotland. • Its consequence of the reduction in the rate of interest upon depositS in the Dominion GovernMent Post Office Saving's• Banks large amounts are being withdrawn - from these institutions. During October the withdrawals from the Government Ssvings' Bank amount- ed to $141,504, while „the itggreg,ate of deposits was $061,355. The deposits in • the Post Oflice Savings' Bank during October were $544,,017, and the repay' ments, $8421000-0 redliction of nearly $300,000. Tzt explorer Stanley will have a rc- mantic story to tell, and it will Sell a book to large profit, and make hia leo- throe remunerative. Stanley has nom- plished a wonderful journey, etarting at the mouth of the Congo on the west coast, a feat no other explorer has aohieved. But the slave trader is undis- turbed, the Nilo valley ie closed to o'vilizecl commerce and the way across the dark continent -which the Intrepid 'explorer ttaVersed is 610Sed to any one else. Hentsall. Barees.—The Henna House has been lunch • improved by the application of several coats of paint —The improvements at the Mansion House are progressing uicely. A new brick foundation has been built under the hotel proper, while the driving shed which now forms an annex is being fitted up as sample rooms below, and bed -rooms above.—Mr. II. McIntyre bee sold a half interest in the Clear Grit stallion to a Mr. Troyer, who has taken him to Michigan, —Mr, H, trawl, of Zurich, is daily shipping large' quantities of fowl from this station for the city markets.—The return of fine weather hav- ing improved the roads, a great deal of grain is being marketed here at preseut,— Our grist mill under its nevt management is doing a rushing businest4 and from what we can learn is giving universal satisfaction. —Our oatmeal. mill is also Tanning read doing good work.—The eoneert ander the anspiees of Zurieh lodge A. F. and A: K., No. 224, held In Coxworth's hall, on Tues. day evening of last week, was very well attended considering the weather and state of the roads. It is to be regretted that a ?,more favorable night was not had as the performance was very deserving of a large audience.— The dedication of the new Odd -fellow hall takes place to -day and will be a beautiful and impressive ceremony -- concert in _connection with the same, in Ooxivorth's hall this eve. We bespeak a full house. An excelleht programme has been arranged.—A number of our businese men attended the sale of the stock of the estate of James Pickard. of Exeter, held there on Tuesday last.—Mr. H Ooolt(of the firm of Cook & Reith) is shipping large quantities of live and dressed poultry of all kinds.—Our merchants are snaking great display of goods and judging from the prices we see ticketed on them, are giving great bargain s. issessecasesseseeersuesseasse Just imagine your wife not being able to svelte fer tea days, What a °hang° there would be in the hours what an unnetural sitcom) A case of this kind occurred in Hamilton some timo ago, end ono bottle of Wilson's Wild Cherry eared the atilioted lady in feur days. This medicine has no equal for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Whooping Croup or Croup. Sold by all druggists, SLEEPLESS WORAY Is ofteu occaeloried by a harassing, tick, jng eough whin might eesily be cured if the right remedy —flagyard's Pectoral Bal. $ tm %VMS made nse of. Its soothing, healing and expectorant qualities make it vender - fully useful iu every family for coughs and colds, THE 13E S T EVER MADE, Gentlemen,—My troable was heart dis- ease and dyepessia, but I took two bottles of Burdock Stood Bitters and one of :Bur. dock Pills and got well, I never felt better in my life, My brother has also tried B. B. B. and thieks it a splendid medicine, MRS, SOHN Berme Hamilton, Ont. IMPORTANT TO WORKINGMEN. Artizans, mechanics, and latioringinen are liable to sudden accidents and injuries, as well as painful cards, stiff joints and lameness, To all thus troubled we would recoinmend Hagyard's Yellotv 011, the handy end reliable nate, euro for ontwerd or internal use. Have you n Cough? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. ' Have you a Cold? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Bauvheeryroyu bronchitiWild. s ? Take Wilson's Have you lost your Voice? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you Asthma? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you n Oold in the Tread? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. 'the 01(1 Bellahle (mire for all diseases of the Throat, Chest aud Lungs. Sold by all drug- gists. JOY IN JASPER. I can recommend Burdock Blood 13ittere as a sure cure for sermula, / had it for four yeats, and was so bad at one time that 1 was almost it solid sore. I commenced taking B. B. B. last summer, have taken throe bettles,and am entirely cured now. Miss Emens PIPE, Jasper, Ont. OUT ON THE PLAINS. the wonderful virtues of Nasal Balm, are known and appreciated. W. M. Arrastrong, ot the mounted police, Fort Saskatchewan, writer have (leen using Nasal Balm as directed and find it to be all you claim for it—"A Sure Cure for Catarrh, Easy to 'Use, Pleasant and Agreeable. It gave me relief from the first application, Everybody suffering frorn Cold in the mead or Cattirrli should nse Nasal Bahia . • The use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, stimulates the secretions, and im- parts new life and vigor to every function of the bedy. For nearly half a century, it has remained unrivaled as the best blood Medicine Over dice averecl. 13e convinced by a trial, When, from any cause, the digestive and meretory organs become disordered, they 'may be stitiatilated to healthy actiot lay the use of Ayee's Cathartic Palle. These Pills are preseeibed by the best physicians, and for sale at all drug -stores, ONEY FOR ALL. WANTED—A good etergotic man, or mem ha sell Our Emit Trees, Roses, Shrtibr4, Ornamentals, etc. Perna anen t Meier)] on fe Write at once for terms ,na scoore choice of territory. 'We sell (slily firstmlase stock, babdsothe outfit free, Address 1\1 ,VY 13ROTIIERS, Nurscrymem, lioehoster N. Y:—St Noe, 21. Minard's Liniment La mb erin ali'a friend, AnwOn TolVtoTnnIts.-Are you disturbed a$ nigh ts.nd broken of your rest by a sick ohild suffering and crying with pain of (Jutting Teeth? 11 no send at once and get a bottle of"IVErs.Win.8 low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teethieg. Its value is incalculable. .willrolieve the poor little sufferer On mediately meend upon it, mothers: there is no mistake about it. It °urea Dysentery and Diarrheas, regulates the Stomach and Bowela,euree Wind Oolio, softens the GUMS. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system . 'Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mits. WricsnoW's Recernixo s-carre "and no other incl. A delightfully perfumed preperation for Chapped Hands, Cracked Lips And Rough ness of the skin. Only 25o. at all druggist. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla When sho was a Child. she cried for Caeteria. \Then she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Then she had Children. she gave them Castoria, Lumber For Sale! ABOUT 15,000 FEET. Cherry, Butternut, Ash, Elro. and. Maple Lumber. Well Adapted for Cabinet Makers Use. Apply to • tf. B. W. G-RIGG, Exeter. INTERCOLONIAL • R AIL.W AY • OF C.4.1•TAI)A, The direct route between the West and all potato on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bole des Chalenr, Province of Queberi; also for New Brunswiels,Nova Sootia,Pr Ince Edward ape B r etonIslanda, an 1 liewfoundlain d and St. Pierre, Express trains leave Mont real an d Halifax daily (Sundays excepted) and run through without change between these points in 30 hours. The through -express train ears of the In- tereolonial Ballway are brilliantly bghted by electricity andheated by steam from the locomotive, thus greatly inoxeasing the com- fort and sal ety or travellers. New and elegant buffetsleeping and day cars run on through express trains. Canadian -European Mail and •Passenger Ratite. Pessengers for Great Britain nr the conti- nent by leaving Montleal on Wriday morning will join outward mail steamer at Halifax on Saturday, The attention of shippers is directed. to the sup crier facilities offered by this route ;or the transport of flour and generol merchan- dise intended fin:the Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland ; also for shipments of grain and produce hate uded for tile European mar- ket. Tickets may be obtained and information about the route; aiso freight and lpassenger rates on ap plication to WEA THERST'JN, • WesternFreightdePassenger Agent 931lossinllouse Block ,York et .Toronto D POTTTNGTIE, C-hief Superintendent Railway office, Moncton N. 14, '89. rALL and WINTER 0-00DS- I have just received my larae eonsigament of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stook I. MARKET REPORTS. stmrsal Red wirto, , s, „. 00 75 to 09 80 Spring Wueitt... ... 0076 to 00 80 Barley ••• 30 Go 00 40 Oats ••• ... 25 to 20 Clover 8)86 e 50 to 6 26 `2 50 to 3 (0 Timothy Teas 50 to 0 51 0 4010 0 52 eggs 0 19 to 19 rinttei s7 to o 18 .- 00 t o 5 10 Flournerbbi TotatoeS,por bushel ..• 40 to $ 155 Apples,per bagco to 1 (0 DriedA.ppiespr ... 410 000 G 0 05 te 0 06 eese er lb. ... 0 08 to • 09 Tarltoy per lb • 0 00 to Q 06 1)uoks pet lb ... 0 se to 0 30 neieitee,sper pr • Elogs,clressedperi ... 5 50 1o6 00 ... 4 00 to 6 26 Beef , 00 to 2 60 gidesrough, dressed ... 3 50 to 50 Fr " !manakins 80,01. 1 ottlfskina. wool pert)) Rayner ton e. Orion snerbus Woodper eord At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will alwats sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Rather than hold them over• , MY STOCK is tbe beg asslorted itt town Mid of first quality goods Iron Isere to exchaege goods with the ptiblie fot cash or pro- duce awl am bund to do it. • J. P. ROSS, Market. Store, EXETER, Nov. 13, 1890, PUMPS, PUMPS, PUMPS A.. WANT • S.V.P1):Lf....1).. We will hereafter realm and keep on listed; a good .supply of wooden pumps, which we will sell at usuelpriees, and goal antee them to all the bill with satisfaction, We respeetfully ask a Azure of your Patronage in this line, and we will endeavor to supply you with good pumps, and promptly,. Iron Pumps will be .teurnashed When Desired. Shop one door soutn of Parson's Blecleatith Shop, Mainest,, Exeter. W. TREVETHICIC. 0 60 tk wom.....mannacammpoomr,se,......s.sat. mouvemmasmasarmoaurownastowame..., o no to o 90 I • 7 00 to 9 o0 00 [HE e 0 to 8 50to0 00 CHRISTMAS GLOBE MARYs $ ' FaU Wheat„... ......... ,...„....,....... ... 0 80 0 82 Spring Wheat._ „....„. o 80 0 82 •fiarrey 0.. 0 3,5 0 40 Oats 0 27 0 28 Clover Seel „.„...„....„. ..... 5 50 6(0 Timothy „ . . 2 50 3 00 Higgs ... , 18 0 35 13utter . . . ...... . ....... 14 015 Potetooe per bag , • 40 1 00 •Anpl es per bush . 085 Wool per lb 20 020 Hay porton ................. .... .......... 7 00 8 00 Orem per ten • • 14. 00 14 00 ...20 00 25 00 Oetmeal tier .„.. 6 oo 7 00 LONDON, Wheat.82e to 82o per bus. Oats. 250 to 27o per bus. Peas Me to ofto per bus. Bar- ley, Malting. 43 to '48o per bus. Barley Feed, 33to to 416 per bus Corn, 450 to 4710 per bushel, TORONTO. , Toronto, Nov 27. -Wheat -Spring No. 2, 84e to 85c; per bus; red winter,No. 2, 850 to 55- per bus Manitoba No 1 hard, 91e to 92o: No. 2,900 to ; P11 k$ 590 to 60c per bus. OATS 28o to 30e per bus. PLOTJR. extra, $3.55 to 83.60 Per bbl; straight roller. 113,90 to $4,00,. strong bakers,St4,00 to 84.50. BARLEY, No 1, 50e to 51o; No.2 450 to 46e; No 3, extra 40e to 41e; No. 3,330 to Ve. Hogs Wanted 1 Fermershurry on your store hogs and fatten them fot the market from January to June. we have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hogs in order to make the packing of hogs a business throughout the year sVe shall endeavor to buy at whatever the pries is, enough live hogs during these months to run our peeking house. As this businen is being neglected during the late winter and spring inonths,we think teose whohave hop suitable for our requirements irill reap a big benefit. We want hogs not less than 140 lb., and not over 220 lbs., and will give a handsome priee for the same. Recollect we will not buy a dressed hog this winter, whereas we packed 15,000 dressed hogs after Tan 1st last winter. J L. GRANT & CO., Ingersoll. Eyes Tested -FREE —BY— -- A. t',.-71 MURRAY, Practical Optician, Graduate 0,ptic School N.Y, Eyes tested; defective sight restoredby the aid of fine glassos. Large assortment of the fines t gl asses on hand. A callsolleited. SZ -0-1=b1=4.6..-7-, 160 7=1,10-1•1-30.A.S-ST London, The allaia TiliPROVED FARMS FOR SALE The following lands, now rented, will be , open for sale after 1st November, 1869, when che existing leaSeS will expire Townsnie Coxiessassit: 9E} kliEotsvi, 6 Ray • " " ........ 15 NI, 7, WI,21, 25 Stephen ..... .... 14 se, 12 , Aux 8bles 1184aSEt,,,711, 14, El, Nl 17 West William 15 3 Stanley ' 8 WI, 7,WI, 8 GENERAL TERMS :—Ono -fourth of pur- chase aloha down, and ten years given in which to pay balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at5 per cent. per annum. Prices will be given on application to the Commissioners, • . CANADA COMPANY, Toronto. October 281h. 1889. Pa:him:111c $tylos I THE BEST YET! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 7 Overcoatings at any price; Suit- ing's at any price; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothi ng produced in }deter Gentlenaen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best steak of Fine Trimitings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of atisfae. A,. a. ovstize. THE QUEEN of the HOLIDAY NUMBER for 1889. FORTY PAGES of Lseautlful Illustrations and, Ltterary Mat - tor, Coated Paper, (.:01Qrect Lithographs, maga ificen t Press Work, Handsome Colored ()over. TWO LARGE SUPERB, LIT HOGRAPRIC PLA.rms, in,. 15 colors, accompany this number, entitled, , FRI DINDS -- THE 0.A.NADI.A.N Gen Sir Fred. Middleten, in writing about the latter plate says 1.-"I must congratulate TUB GLOBE upon having produced se creditable a picture. it is very well executed, and appears to me to be cmite equal to any from home, Tim Drpranalir UNIFOme ARE 005550.00.5 Glynn, and the grOUping not Wo stiff." The whole number is, without doubt, the BEST HOLIDAY PAPER ever issued in this eountre, and much superior to the great majority of Beglish prodections. No Canadian family should miss securing a copy of this magnificent number. Price 50. To be had from 1111 Nowsdealers and at the °Mae of THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, TORONTO. Orders frora the Old Country must bo accompanied by additional Five Cents to cover extra_ postage. • St,40 RENSALL, \vi 1-1Af?DWARE MLRCHANTS .•.. DEALERS IN ALL THE LEADING STOVES 1, RANGES. ./111 Kinds of Light and Hea,vy Hardware. 1VIECHANICS TCOLS, CUTLERY, ETC. COAL DELIVERED ON SHORTEST NOTICE AT LOWEST • PRICES. AV** ONT UNDERTAKERS'. , A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS.. Emblems of the Different Societies, Eve' vtliing new and first. eTass. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE COST. T1(.P-1 BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. Cive us a call tor anything in the liae. 16•MMIPASSIECOM010111. SO, 111]1 BilE1111 6 HE OUR SPRING STOCK --0E---- Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the— — Very Finest Prices for Cash have also on hand a full line of— SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds.'" Eave-troughing a • Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT.BROS. 4916021121ELINI1211511.29620 A FORTUNE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that tinie to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come, You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will rnake their fortunes. His prices tire away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's stock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. See his Mack and colored Oashineres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake' Consult your own interests abd examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a Joanne. You can do befter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price aliowocl for farm produce at Parkinson's. • First poor Nort.h of the Town • J. PARKINSON. • DO YOU WANT TO BUY FIRST-Cti.A_SS FUR NITU E AT LOWER RA.TES THAN SI-IAA1 GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN CALL AT— GIDLEY'a —ONLY FIRST-CLASS_ Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Horlscs can (-five tindertiatkingiall it•s ranoh,,,,n s. S. GIDT_JEY, (Siiecessor to C. de S. Oidley) OD.DFP,LLOW'S I3LOOF Titn DEF% A—A person cured Deefriesa n11(11101'60E4 in the lame.' 23 yeere' standing by a eimple 1'0)10 send a deseription of it vett to ro.4 who tippliee to NiorropsoN, 177 il street, New York,