HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-11-28, Page 4E001411s-hed: BANKER, EXETER, ONT. T sans tte ts gen esel ba eking business. Receives the aceounts of merehents and etlieraon fevorable tortes, Offers every aecommodation consistent with aafe audoonstwbaukinruioPIes. Five per cent interest allowed on deposits. Dna tsissuee elYeble et aey ofecte of the elerebants Bank, NOTES DISCOUNTED, et MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTEAND MORTGAGES Ifkg (Ikea! zipuo, THURSDAY , NOVEMBER, 28, 1889, • EL./ETO1U.4+ Is NOTES. se4.4es . Sir Richard Cartwright, -who de- plores the fat m mortgage debt of Ontario, as though this province was exceptionally burdened in that respect, aiiht find not a con solation by examining the cOndition otthe farms in the Westero States A correspot.dent of the New York Evening, Post for example has com- p.' ed from "Ohio statistics"—the officials report of the Secretary of that State—a table showing the mortgage indebtedness from 187o to 1.337: It is entitled very pro perly, "A Mournful Exhibit," and shows that the mortgages on farms and homes in Ohio are increasing year by yeaa. in 1870 the numb,er of mortgages was 40,080, and the amount secured $52,677,474. The number released the same year was 19.072, covering the sum of 24,399,S67; so that the increase of mortgage indebtedness that year was $28,277,6o7. From that tirne until 1887 there has been a steady annual increase in the number of mortgages and the amount of in - debtedneSs. In 188o the increase was but a little over $3,000,000 bnt in 1882 it was over $8o,000,000. The total increase for the eighteen years was in number of mortgages 401,719, and in amount of intlebt- ness $462,334,958. This showing, remarks the Free Press, is too utterly inconsistent with the theory of agrioultural prosperity to be offset by any suggestion as to "put.- chass money" mortgages. It re- presents an increased indebtedness in eighteen years amounting to 42 per cent. of the entire valuation of real estate in Ohio in 1880. And Ohio, it should be home in mind, is one of the thriftiest and best settled of all the Western States. Its inhabitants, indeed, hardly . care to be classed among Western • people when such classification implies a.nythinq of newness or in- feriority to the East. Ontario Is in a far better position. in General- Tnn grand jury have returned a true bill fur murder against Win, tr, sad, charged with sending poisoned candy to Rev. P. McCrae. IT has been decided, to summon the Dominion. Parliament to meet for the despatch of business en Thursday, the 10th of january, The date selected is two weeks earlier than last year. A XINE near Recklinghausen, West- phalia, Berlin has been flooded and 250 men have been imprisoned since Satur- day evening. Should tbe water reoecle there is some hope that the men will be 'rescued, TIM new English cruiser Blake was launched Satarday with the usual oere- mollies, The engines Of the Blake are of 20,00 horse -power and she will carry 42 guns. Her maximum speed is to be 22 knots an hour. THE complete returns from SA'est Lambton place lidackenzie's majority at 660. Maeleerizie received a total vote of 2502; Fleck's 1,842; 776. Iudividually lir. Mackenzie has a ma- jority, but collectively he is in the m aori ty. A. SCHEME to induce ladies to remove their hats in theatres is being tried in Chicago, when the manager displays a pieces'si setting forth thatall ladies ueder 24 years of age are expected to uncover their heads. If the general theory of female vanity is sound this ought to work like a charm. ATHENS, Nov. 21 -Dr. Talmage is here. He has secured a corner stone for the new Tabernacle from Mars Hill. He preached there yesterday. A. pic- tare was made for his "Life of Christ" while he was preaching. He had an interview with Premier Tricoupis to -days and will have an audience with the Queen of Greece and ex -Empress Victo- ria of Germany, who is here. HARVEY the Guelph murderer for whom commutation was sought by petitioners to the Dominion Govern- ment, will undoubtedly hang on the 29th, the day set by the judge. The question of insanity has, of course, been the only one urged why the death sen- tence should not be carried out, and this 'question was fully considered by the jury before rendering their verdict. It has not since been shown that he was not responsible for the acts. Additional Locals. In a recent speeh betote the Nat ional Club, of Quebec, Mr. Mercier admitted that he had intreased the expendi,ures of Quebec province, but excused himself by pleading payment for the Jesuitestates set- tlement, &c Then he made the following statement: "To realize all these great things and to mget the views and aspirations of our province, we ought to augment the public revenues, to obtain from the • 'Federal Government all that to which we have a right within the reasonable limit set by the Inter -provincial Confer- • ence of 1887." MT Mercier plainly tells us what , his scheme is. After obtaining credit from his people for the settlement of the Jesuits estates and other matters, be proposes to demand that the money shall be recouped to Quebec by the Dominion at large. This is in accord with the plan batched by the conference of Grit, premiers at Quebce to whicti Mr. Mowat., ,on the part or the ^le of Ontario, gave his adhesion, and which he compelled his supporters • in the Ontario Legislature to swal- low bolus bolus. This is the logi- • cal outcome of Mr. Mowat's schem- ing with Mr. Mercier to embarrass the Conservative Dominion Gov- ernment. The province of Quebec, which is compelled to borrow money to meet the extravagances of the Mercier administration, are guaranted the support of Mr. Mow- at in demanding additional revenue from the Dominion Government, and Mr. Mercier takes advantage of that guarantee to expend $4.00,- tioo on the Jesuits. Ii Mr. Mercier keeps his hand out of the Dominion treasnry, he may claim that the people of Ontario have no concern in the Jeuits' Estates settlement, • but when, acting in conjunction with Mr.- Mowat, he tells Ontario people they must pay a large pro- portion of the $400,000 so granted, • the matter becomes of the greatest • iinportance to us, Let him and. his ministers spend Quebec money as they will, but they must not expect Ontario to pay for his ex. travagances. -Noit Loi26Tle prospectus of the Canadian Dead Meat Company 0 was issued Saturclay. The capital is £300,000, ordinary share. The object is Co detrelop the trade in Canadian dead meat, Three Rivers being the Canadian •headquarters. There is a fair direc- torato, including the Lord Mayor's firm, Sir }rector Lemgeyin is on the clariarliarx •Board of management ...i1,7111113F is the feender. Spectaeles to suit all ages at E. Hicks', less the disconnt during the holidays. All go the I.O.F. concert. The usual weekly shipments were made, consisting of sheep, cattle and hogs. On Dee. 17th, the Society df Christian Endeavor will give a social in the base- ment of the James street Methodist church. It will be of a high order. Raving, purchased the Boots se Shoes of the estate of Mr. James Pickard at a low rate on the dollar, will open the same in Fansmes Block at away down prices. -E , J. Spackman. Fifty per cent. off Ladies' Fur Coats at the Big Bankrupt Store for the next 15 days. The•ease ef the township of Stephen vs. Township of McGillivray, heard at Woodetock recently, has been concluded, but decision reservel until some time in December. R. Hicks has just received a big lot of Watches, Jewelry, and Silverware just the thing for Xmas presents. Call early and secure the article you want while there is a good choice. Fair warning. The large etock of men's and buy's Over Coats now aeethe Big Bankrupt Store must be soleoduring the next 15 days, over coats for men 03, cheap- est in Canada. A special meeting of Court Exeter I.O.F. No. 193, is called for Friday evening, 29th inst., at 8 p.m., to make fival arrange- ments for the concert on Dec, 2ud• All attend. Entertainment commences st 7.30. By order of the Chief Ranger. The sindicate sale on the market, Mon- day, was fairly well attended. Tha stock sold well What farmers have in view in purahasing stock at this season of tbe year at higher prieas than can be r ealized in the spring, we cannot conceive. A statement of his affairs .ellows that the liabilities of Mr. J. N. Hooper ainount to $15,081 while the assets sho 17 a total of 816,194. The failure is the result of the assignment of Mr. James 'Pickard, for whom it is said Mr. Hooper backed itorne uotos. The Tames has a large circulation among a good class of people, and all who adver- tise in its columns realize gratifying results. Read the statement of our Kirleton corres- pondent. The lines of encouragement recently reseived werempsolieltel and the writers 'know where of they speak. A certain family in Exeter owns a re- markable cat. When it wants to gain admission to the house it makes three dis- tinct raps on the door with its head. If not instantly admitted it gives a double knock, and so distinct are they that even L premises recently occupied by .5ohn the family cannot tell them from that of a 'awn' human bemg. The weasher for the past week had been rainy, until Tuesday evg., when the elements composed themselves differently ushering on a snow storm which mould do credit to the month of March. It was the first of the season and was a surprise to those who had retired early the previous night. The depth was about four inches. The other afternoon several scholars of Mrs. Vesper's room, in the Exeter public: school, repairedto her home and mule her the recipient of a valuable present, indis eating the respect in which she is held by the pupils. Mies Vesper has been ill for sometime, but, we are pleased to slate, is recovering. She expects to resume teach- ing shortly. The Boot & Shoe stock of the estake of Mr. James Pickard is one of the largest and hest aesorted stocks in Western Ont - Ho. Having been botight at a low rate in theldollar, will be sold at greatly redueed prices. Remember the stand, Fanson'e Block, one door north of G. A. Hyndman's grocery. -E. Spackman. The Rev. Dr. Carman, General Super- ititendent of the Methodist church will preach the Anniversary Sermons of the James street Methodist church, Exeter, on Sabbath Dee 8th ard deliver his sole - limited lecture, "Colonial Empire," on Metsdity evening, Dec. 9th. Our readers will please make note of this, as a rich treat is in stere fot them. While meeting on the Street Tuesday evg a couple of rigs collided, The horses! met bluntly, the harness of one being broken into timely pieces by the hors6s rearing and plunging, The street lamps were lighted, brit as they aro too far apart and so dim, it is diflicult of a dark night .t;i even viotv the shadow of an approach - nig vehicle. These,things will he obviated when Egetes adopts a System of elotrio lighting. Look out for some great ehanges at the Big Bankrupt Store. • The whole of the present stook must be cleared out during the nelet 15 days. Yu can positively July V worth of goods for Si, for 15 days only, You emit get big pries for all kinds of produce at the Big Bankrupt Store for the eext 15 days, All kinds of groceries be- low cost for 15 days. For 15 days thert, will be e big crowd of delighted buyers at the •Big Baekrupt Store. Remember the greatest sale ever held in Exeter is neer tte at the Big Bankrupt Store, The whole stook must be sleughts ered during the next 15 days. Come at once end secure the biggest bargains you ever heard of, All the choiee New Dress Goods going at just half pries, Black Satin Mervellieux, Colored elervellieux and ties Silk wrap IIenriettas will go quick, 13ORN, - Honason-In Usborne, on the 13th inst., ' the wife of Thos, Hodgson, of a daugh- I:TANI:WORD -At 00Uttalia, on the 18t1z inst., the wife of Thos E Flandford, of a daughter, KORLEY- At Whalen, on the 24tis inst., the wife of John Morley, of ft, sun. 111 A.11111E 0. LETT-lignaxerat.-At the Baptist par. scnage, S. Marys, on the 13th inst., by the Rev, Si. P. Campbell, Ur. Joseph Letts of Yarmouth Oen tree to Miss Briglta Meidiuger, of St Marys, formerly of Datiliwood. Essnees-Parisous.-In Orediton, on the 27th inst., at the residence of Mr. Chris. Beaver, by the rev. M. Thompson, Mr. Geo. G: Essery, to Miss Molly A. Parsons, ' all of Centralia. McVey-Ceenitee-At "Revenstnere." the residence of the bride's parents, Butte City Cal on the 27th inst J. E. McVey to Miss Anna V, seeond claugh. terof lir. N J Clarke, formerly of Exeter. DIED. BACRETT -ID, Exeter, Ott the 22nd inst., Jane Eaerett, eldest daughter of Mr Geo. Eacrett, aged 29 years, and 2 mos. Homme -In Exeter, on the 21st inst., Team. Horrell, aged 71 years. Tnostesost--At'Elimville, un tbe 22nd inst. Elizabeth Thompson, wife of Mr. Martin Thompson, aged .52 years and 3 mos. Ones -In Exeter on the 25th inst., Chris- tina Orr, aged 19 years. MEKINS.-In Stephen on the 24th, Joshua Mekins, aged 25 years and 9 months. • __es SALE REGISTER; SATURDAY, DEO. 7i -Farm, farm stock and implements, the property os Mrs. Rich Wadlen, eorth half lot 11, eon. 4, Usborne. No reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. H. Brown Atm, To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap- peared in our eoluinns some time Since, au- nouncing th special arrangement with Dr. 13. J. _Kendall Co., of Enosbuig Falls, Vt , publishers of ." A Treatise on the )EIerse and his Diseases," whereby our subscribers were enableto obtain a copy of that vale able work FREE by seeding their address to )3. J. KENDALL CO., "(and enclosing a two.cent stamp for mail- ing same) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work To every lover of the Horse it is indis- pensable, as it teats in a sitnple manner all the dis ases which afflict this noble ani- mal Its phenominal sale throughout, the United States and Canada, make it stan- dard authority. Mention this paper when eending for a "Treatise." Nov. 4th -13t, .netmgmani=07 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is herebe given, in pursuance of R. S. 0., 1887. Chapter 110, section 36, that ell Credi- tors and ether persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Rich:trill Wad - len, late of the township of ITsborne,in the county of Huron. yeoman. deceased, Who died on or about ihe test day of October, 1889, are required to send by post. pre -paid, or fieliver, to Messrs. Elliot & Elliot. Exeter, Solicitors for EmusaWadlen, Administratrix of the said estate, over beforo the 1st day of January. 1890, a statement in writing of their Christian and Surnsenes and addressee, and full partieul ars of their claims and demands. and the nature of -ehe securities. if any held by them, And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the Administratrix win. proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled tnere to, havingiregard only to the claims of which notice has been given as above required, and the AdmInistratrix will not be liable for the said Assets or any part thereof, so eistributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have beernreceived at the time of distribution. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Administratrix. Dated at 'Exeter this 27th day of Neeember,1889. AUCTION --OF- SALE Lumber and Machinery HERE will be sold on the Thursday, Dec 5th, 89 Att.e'elock. p. m. sharp, About twenty thousand feet of lumber, specially adaptedyfot Cabinet makers' use. comprising •-•laigl, Ash, Cherry, Butternat and Maple. 'The lumber will be put up in piles of 1,090 feet each, to give small purchasers an opportunity. Also the following movable maehinetyx-1 Cabinet -maker's (mann), complete ;jig saws 1 large grindstone:, also a large quantity of patterns. - TERMS CASE ; NO RESERVE JOHN GILL, Aue B. W. GRIGG. Assignee TEACHER WANTED.— A female teacher holding a second-class certificate. 1 or S. S. Ilelos 2, Stephen, for the year 1890 Anply to • MTOHAEL HIRTZEL,SeeY. Crediton P 0. Ont rf 00D CHANCE ?OR A ‘..X 13LA6KSMIT11. Good paying 131aeksmith business and tirem- isee comprising shop, dwelling arid stable, for sale or to rent, in the th :lying village of Elms- ,vill eetown ship of TJaborne, en corner opposite Hodgess' Hotel and Sniitb's stem end tee Post o thee. Possessum et once, Apply to Wk. Werra 3m os, • Centralia. P. 0.. Ont. ARIA FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, men - tete ing 100 acres, 00 notes of whi oh are eleared, being lot 29. in, the 4th eoa.el BthOths. There are en the premises it frame house frame berm and other necessary outbuildings, Well famed , good orchard of two acres. Good wells and a spring creek •passing through the farm. Situated eve miles from Exeter and similar distance from Honsall, Convest ten t to schools mid chttreheS. EASY terms, whicili will he made kriewn on application to, line, Deere/. Morn, HAY, P.O., Chfidreil Cry for ifeher's Castorr C, 0. Rzouoms it Co. Gents, -My daughter hs1a severe •cold and injured her spine so • she could pot wells, °ad eellered verY much, I called in our femily physielee ; he pronounced it hi. flanunation of the spine and recommended MIN Alp'S LINIMENT to btrused fieely. ree bottle oared her. 1 live esed your MINARD'S LINIMENT for a brokeD breast ; it reduced the inflammation and cured me in ten days. Hants port. •in es, LSlums, seeseareeeesesenmetsenessuumeasseemeenseeesemes. satstrgTION S Ab,LE, --OF THE - FARM STOUK and IMPLEMENTS OF THE ESTATE OF MR. JA,IVIES PICKA.Kll, • 0.0-0 "CHERE WILL BE SOLI) BY PTI131:10 Auction on the storepretnses of Mr. James Pickard, in the VILLAGE OF EXETER By James Oko, Auctioneer, on WEDliESDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1889. Commencing et 1 o'clock p.m., the following farm steak and Implements, that is to sew • 1 teem of heavy horses. 5 and 9 years old ; 1 pony 7 years old, iu foal ; 1 pony aged ; I "Pride of Athens" horse colt, 3 y as old e 1 "Stone Clover" horse colt, 2 years old ; °Pride of Scotland" horse oolt 2 years old ; "Fear - naught slh id" mare colt 2 years old • 1 "Fearnaught Chief" mare colt 1 year old'; 1 "Stone Clover"horse colt one year old ; 1 horse col t 1 year old: I ma, e and colt after" furk"; 1 mare and colt after "Fearnaught Obief"; 2 mileh cows ;, 4 fat Lows ; 6 steers ; 3 salve s; 1 yearling heifer,- 1 two•year old heifer; 1 calf; 12 ewe lambs; 4 ewes ; 1 buggy ; 1 phae- ton ; 2 net wagons t light sleigh 2 new wagons; 4 Old wagons ; 10 tons of hay; about 10 acres of peas • about 0 acres of barley ; about 9 acres of wheat; 800 bushels of turnips ; 9 loads of green feet; a quantity of «eider and stakes, and numerous other articles. TERMS OF SALE • e10 and under, cash ; all sums above $10 twelve months oredit on furnishing approved secured notes. .n For further portionless apply .to R. II, COLLINS, GEORGE SAMWELL. solicitor for Assignee. Assignee, , exeter. Exeter. JAMES OKE, Auctioneer. Exeter .November 19th,1889. Auction Sale —VALUABLE A.. 'VLSI 111111111URSUANT to a power ot sale in each Af three certain mortgages, the ,ono made by J.Hartman to the Ontario Mutual Life assurance Company, and the other two made by Justus Auveman to the Huron se Erie Loan and Savings Company, which nsortgaeos heve been assigned to Air. Wm. Campbell, and will be produced on day of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction, at WILLERT'S F1012EL, In the Village of Dashwood, by EDWARD BOSSENBERRT, Auctioneer, on Saturdayjhe 21st day of Deoember,1888 At one o'clock p. m., the following valuable farins,in two separate parcels, vie : PARCEL 1 -Lot number Twenty-four, in the Lake Road, Bast Concession of the Town- ship of Hay, in tbe County ot Huron. contain- ing by admeasurement Ninety Beres of land, be the same more or less. P Rt 1EL 2 • Lot nutuber Twee' y -seven East of the Lake Road, in the Township of Hay , in the County of Huron, con taining by admeasure ment one hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less. These are both valuable farms, in a good state of cultivation, well drained and with good orchards and buildings. --- TERMS of SALE .-Pareel 1 -Ten per oent. of the purchase money on the city of sale, suffi- cient to make one-half of the purchase money within thirty days thereafter : the .balance may remain on mortgage of the premises with interest at six per sent. at the purchase's option • Parcel 2 -One-third of the purohase money on the day of sale, and the balance in one month thereafter. Beth parcels will be sold subject to a reserve bid. For further pertieulars apply to William case pbee, secoad ooncession Kay. Or to R H. COLLINS, Exeter, • BD. BOSSENBERRY, Vetta0T'S Solici tor Auctioneer, liensall. Detect atExeter 20th Ney'r,1889. Ac4signee's Sale PUBLIC AUCTION - OF - Valuable Wagoo and Carriage btAMess AND STOCK IN TRADE. Under and by virtue of an assignment for the general benefit of Oredi ors made to the Vendor, there will be sold by Public auction on the premises at the village of Woodham, in the County of Perth, on Thursday, 5th day of December, 1889, At 1 o'clock, p.m., the following ye luable p rAo pb eo ruane t About vizq:uarter of tun sere of land, upon which are crested a gond brick scary and a half house with frame kitchen Addition, a good frame eneriage and wagon shop, a good frame stable and frame open lumber shed. This property, has boost the stand of a geed general carriage aed wagon manufacturing business, is in the centre of a fine country and a good trade may be looked for by a nurehaser• • There will also be sold at the same time and place the following stock in trade: A quantity of seolreshubs, felloes rims, shafts, runners, trimmings, neither, moss end screws. Two stoves with eines, 2 wagon - tongues, 0 setts tvagon svheels, 2 setts ironed easeents, 2 sett gearing net ironed, 1 gimp scat cutter, 2 buggy betties. 1 sett light bob -sleighs, leo ftisgitotnottyottotk basessitilejetioinl letnabriedr, pa II:a? qaulasiol ti tay by eq ttilienrtiatof rYti nniti I pu rinbtineerr t vane() ea rignimmenstol otor aont. 01' e0pruSraAh14,Ese'neieltneetbyl on stthaet e-dayT oefn s 11)11e0r5 sfficio11t totealte oneh al ref putsches() Money in 30 days after day of sale,balanoomay ratline on Mortgage of lands at 7 per cont. at option of Pit'rctliareeer; ieTironerte end s Celt In 1rade-A11 slims of 310 and under cash ; Over thet amount 19 mot ths credit on furnishing iineroved joint notes. A clisemet of 6 per cont, for wish will he allowed on all credit amounts. For further nartiouTarsannly to jenittlinn Shire. Esq. and Musts. Messy Ss Pelwaeds, Woodham, or to Al J. Poplestone, cut the premises, a• t to IT. 11. cOr,raNs, • Berrister,Exeter, Olt EXeter, Nov + 11111, liOo-s ths., Assigeee. • ih SDASQ1111111illsin We are prepared to meet the public re- quirements for fall and winter goods, As our stock of DRESS•GOODS, FLANNELS, MANTLINGS, TWEEDS, OVER.COATINCS, Stc., &o., Are 110W nearly complete and have been purchased in the best matkets and are marked at very close prices Special attention given to the tailoring and dressmaking department. Our stock of Groeeries, Crockery, etc, is as heretofore complete, and for quality and pile°, second to none, •New Arrivaas Of teas are A'l values viz : New Japans; Gunpowders, Y. Hysows and Blacks.' Highest prices for produce. We solicit a call and guarantee to please. All goods marked in plaiu figures. HAPPEL & CLEGHORN, •. ZURICH. XXV?" ODS0-0 11,013T, monnIsoN Begs to announce that bis Stock of Goods for the Fall and Whiter Trade, ss now COM. plate in every department, and is well Worthy of 172,spect&on By the purchasing public, to whom he ex- tends a cordial invitation to call and exam- ine before making tbeir selections MB prices will be found right in every line, In Ready-made Clothing some special lines at exceedingly low prices, such 58: Mons' Overcoats $4 Boys' Overcoats $3,, •,„, Diens' rants 4a1.00 Call and examine. No treuble to show Goods. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. Don't forget the plaoe-Double Stores, Marshall's Block, opp. Reynold's Hotel. ROBT. MORRISON, EENSALL. W.H.TROTT —THE POPULAR— Boot g Shoe akor Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old. custonaers and as many new ones. Sewed Work &Specialty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H TROTT. WAN TED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Sal- ary or Comimssion. I ean make a successful S.AT.JESMA N.' ot anyone who will work and follow my in- structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman, Oct 10 1St Toronto. Ont. ALESMENIV WANTED. Having done business in Canada for the past 30'years, our renutatiou and responsibil- ity -is well known. , We pay salary and ex- penses from the start if everythieg is sans - factory. No provious experience, is required. Write us for terms, which are very liberal, before eugaging with any other firm. REVERENJES.-Bradstreet's or Dun Wiman et. Co's Coramercial Agencies well known to businees men; or Standard Bank, Colborne, CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY Nurserymen, seymenU COLBORNE- - NTARIO. REMOVED ! - DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and Contrite - ors have removed to Swallow's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidley streets and are prepared to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding cheaper than any other firm in town. Build- ings contracted for, Plans. Specifications mid Estimates furnished if required. All work Sons with neatness and eespateh and satisfac- tion given. Seasoned Lumber always on hand Davaielso22. Bros., WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON 1NOTICE. el Fresh and New STOOK OF GROCERIES • AND CONFECT/ONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery, Also • Ptire Elktrriets and Spices. A beautiful piece of gins - ware given away with one lb, Mayell's Baking Powder. naghwooa liollerirfour /or sale, Call and examine our goods before purt chasing elsewhere. • Or. A, fTYNDIVIAN. • CENTRAL Drug.Stor, A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers 81 the best • in the mark- et and always • fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, 0 LUTZ. TI1E KEY TO FIEALTII. Znlocks allthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same. time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn Constipation, Dryness of the Skin., Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Sat Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and. Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BITR.DOCIC BLOOD BITTERS. T.. ItHLIIERN & OIL Proprietors. Toronto - cc*. 41146(014 One Door South 'of Post Office --- --TIE HAS— A NEW AND COMPLETE: ;:----STOCK OF— 'pots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MA.NSON, YOO' CAN GET 20 POUNDS Raw . : Sugar - FOR $1.00 12 .11)80 White Sugar. FOR $1,00. -AT- • MATEE011. POST OFIl'ICE STORE, Exeter North. Ditin taliraicry HEADQUARTERS ---FOR--- Pure Drugs, Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, School Books and Stationary-, Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco.. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always • on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. • Remember the place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St.,, rowaia B .11