HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-07-24, Page 194 ni • -tip 4itn� - li�a.Ws,1 *ming. 8! 18xatpli't, that" ally ifffectiye. ' � ' oisos,an l fti0g; il, tin) lsxa cue' * one can toktir S,o'dc (*lotto f!e } fromnirrsupetity. Ream Qr'a ,otottle iexativs. fookiltint. Newell ,:� ?t 'pow 1C,411 10te:hive begn ,,nsed eelhetfertl'Ware l 1,000 years ,i ago NS Vie, tut, earthed at ft WW1' 'sits here. Workers uncovered.the luIn and notified the -Suffolk at,. chaeOlogy unit which, care, felly removed the oven along with a collection of pots and pichers,, *It 0tii►ewDew9000 BONANZA OF USED FARM EQUIPMENT 11 TRUCKLOADS QF MACHINERY HAVE BIEN RECEIVED HARVESTING 2 - Ford 612 Harvesters with pickup ass cornheads 1 - John Deere 34 Forage Harvesters with 2 heads 3 - 717 New Holland Forage Nerves- ' tors with cornheads $ hoyheads Several Flail'Harvesters 5' and .6' 1 - Case 950 Swather 1 - Owatonna 30 Swather CLIFFORD TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: 1 - Allis Chalmers 190XT 1 - Oliver 1900 1 - Oliver 1850 Several Blowers and Post Hole Diggers , COMBINES 1 - 510 Massey Quick -Tach with cab 2 - 410 Moseys with platforms 2 - Allis Chalmers E-3 with platforms and cobs 1 - 203 International with platform 1 r 303 International with platform and cob 1 - 403 Intenngtional with platform and cane 1 5b3 International with cab and cornhead 1 - 315 International with platform and cab FOR YEAR-ROUND SAVINGS VISIT VAN EYL BROS. TEL. 337*8045 GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. 3,5& 10 SPEED BIKES OF VARIOUS MAKES TENNIS Golfing Fishing and Hunting 0 Equipment BASEBALL TEAM:SUPPLIES CENTRAL BICYCLE SHOP 48 Arthur Street S. ELMIRA 669-2706, ,inion FACTORY 41141. , OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL IN BLYTH Vioaind M PRODUCTS BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9666 • MID WESTERN PAVING ASPHALT PAVING DRIVE WAYS PARKING LOTS Listowel 291-4794 Wingham 528-2626 Mount Forest Harriston, Palmerston TOLL FREE 338-2210 YOUR AUTHORIZED YAMAHA DEALER P & F Lawn and Sports Equipment LISTOWEL 291-2441 Licensed Mechanic "We Service Whet We Sell" -- NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT * SPREADERS in stock * DION Forage Boxes * FOX Forage Harves- tors. PAPEC Forage Boxes and Blowers W. A. ROBINS & SONS HARRISTON, ONT. Tel; 338-2438 E.SHANTZ FARM EQUIPMENT ,Large Variety Ad N 1^i of TILLAGE, FORAGE & HARVESTING EQUIP. DUETZ - BELARUS -TRACTORS R.R. #1 PHONE ALMA 638-3146 • 'For a good home .. . or a good deal' DURHAM MOBILE HOMES & PARK LTD.. Durham Tel 369-3264 Your Authorized Dealer For GLENDALE COMMODORE NORTHLANDER RELAX AND LEAVE. THE 'Check our Printing Prices. You'll like them too. BOWEN PRINTING LIMITED 128 Inkerman St. E. listowel Phone 291-3901 Mount Forest and Wingham Phone ZENITH 26500 Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway 1/2 Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 12 Noon DURO CONCRETE CON, RETE FORMING SPEC,ALISTS Residential -' Commercial FOUNDATIONS, WALLS FLOOR FINISHING Call Anytime 357-1822 Box 575, Wingham, FREE ESTIMATES Large Stock of New and Used Machinery --end Parts *We take pride in servicing the equipment we sell. McGAVIN'S'FARM EQUIP. LTD SALES (Est. in 1936) SERVICE WALTON TeL 887-6365. BRUSSELS ONTARIO - 527-0245 SEAFORTH Well, Canada's in 'sod . for along, het stumimelr, it J"ks like. Don't be surprised, eve' , thesodays of women's hb,+ atIoi , if you hear sometime.thy' mer that a member of the Male sex his given birth to a cid. The fiigurative father Mayor Drapeau of Montreal., +1 of the great con artists of the ,' h century. Asked near the.beginning' of ; fiasco whether there 'vms any Chance of the Canadian Olympic being a financial disaster,Olist` Worship replied something ` like this: There is as much chance of the 'Olympics losing money' ,as there is of a- man having a baby. Well, hi there, Dad! The 1070' Olympics, to be held in theCana-= dian city with the worst slunisi the worst schools, the worst .sew, age problems, and the biggest, crime rate in Canada, is now a * proaching $300 million over es-, mates. But don't sell M. Drapeau short. He has pulled" so many ra: bits out of gomany hats ill !helot decade, baffling his audiences to the proceed141Ss4 that WS not at an impossible that he will prevail upon one of his stooges to pro- duce. • I can see the headlines now: Drapeau Aide Bears Baby; Medics Baffled. The kid will be born with an Olympic coin in his mouth, and he'll be bustling .lot- tery tickets from Ibis. cradle. But you and I will still be stuck with a tax bill that would have made the Fathers of Confedera- tion have a simultaneous group stroke. The whole country wasn't worth that! Don't be surprised, if M, Drapeau starts a completely new lottery, with the winner (men only) chosen as the first ,man in Canada to have a baby. I know a lot of women who would buy tickets. However, that's peanuts, only something like one tenth of the national debt. There's the ,.very serious prob- lem of the increase in the price of Service Dh'�it�r CROSSROADS ADVERTISING DEADLINE Tuesday Noon ' Week Before Publication WINPOWER TRACTOR DRIVEN (P.T.0.) ALTERNATORS from 7 KW to 100 KW The money you save dur- in'tivoii \crippling y power loss can buy your alterna- tor. SOMMERS MOTOR GENERATOR SALES LTD. Tavistock, Ont. 519-655-2396 Sales and SERVICE since 1937 Hydraulic Cranes 24 hr. service WINGHAM 357-3721 POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE *Stockists of STIHL Chain Saws *Sales and Expert Repairs to all Small Engines STEVE MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 EVIIMUDE first m outboards * Outboard Motors * Springbok Aluminum Boats * Fibergla ,noes * Fiberglas Runabouts * EZ Load r Trailers * Rentals LEYLA D'S MARINE & SPORTS Palmerston, Ont. 343-2316 or 343-3112 HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330 • FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS SERVICE CALL 291-4721 atipietwite P. O. Box 162, Listowel, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS! - Now In Stock - 6-7-8-9-10TON WAGON GEARS *Heavy duty box frame true trail construction with new hubs and spindles. *Hubs are fitted with SKF tapered roller bearings. *Full range of uses - Feed Racks, Forage Boxes and biggest Gravity Bins. * l0 ton fitted, with 8 bolt hub „to tlglce:.J 2.5 x• 16, x 14 , ply, tires or 20” truck tires. *9 ton available with same tire combination. ELMIRA WAGONS LTD R.R. 4, Elmira Tel. 669.8500 County Rood #20 Listowel Cutoff Near Airport A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells Caissons-Earthboring HADCO Well Drilling & Digging -Ltd. Elmira - 669-3761, TOLL FREE 1-800-265-8916 ti On the farm service Phone 291-2521 CROSSROADS SERVICE DIR ECTORY REACHES 30,000 READERS e • gas, Dear Me! if they keep put- ting up the-priue of Basi it will soon, be more than. a pack of cigarettes. It :has already soared st the eclat of a bottle of bier. at isthis couptrY e0111 108 to? Fearless John Tigner, with, about as much choice :as a lady who IS eight months pregnant, has produced again,with a budget that will go down in his- tory with the same .impact as the. 50th anniversary of Joey Crack and Flossie Snail. So the price of gas has gone up. So, what's new? Did we all expect it to go down? And these stern, new prices are going to cut away back on our misuse of one of our natural' re- sources. My foot! ; Did • you .stopsmoldng., when fags went,up to 80 cents pack- age? Did you stop drinking when beer,crept up from about 12 cents a bottle to 30 cents? Are 'you going to stop driving - and get off your lazy tail and walk down to the store for a -pack of cigarettes or a pack of beer? Those, of course, are rhetorical questions. We're smoking more than ever, drinking more than ever, and we'll probably burn more gas than ever, just to prove how irrational we are. There is only one thing that is going to cut away% back on our wastage of fuel. That is when some politicians (they'd have to do it in concert, because no indi- vidual would have the guts to do it) decree that the speed limit will promptly .be reduced to 40 miles an hour, in Canada. If vire did that, and at the same time cut by two-thirds the amounts spent on , superhigh- ways, we'd almost pick up the amount M. Drapeau is flushing down the drain. I can see that you're wondering why Smiley isn't Minister o Fin- ance, if he has all the ans*ers. Well, I can tell you. I have the big, broad concepts well in hand, but sometimes the niggling little details escape -me. Recently, for example, I had mywife convinced that if I paid up for my war service, and taught for another year, I could retire at a pretty good pension. Not that she was in favor of She wants me to work until I'm so old and sick and tired and stupid and useless that nobody will have me, except her. Then she plans to cart me off to Golden Glow Haven or such. One of those awful places where couples can retire togeth- er. My idea is that we should split when we finally decide we are mature. She can have the, house, the car (1967 Dodge) , the piano, rugs, the $147 in stocks and bonds, the lawnmower and the snow shovel. I won't need any of that. I'll just take my grandbaby, Pokey, and we'll go off some- where and make a good life for ourselves, withno women. My calculations were out about 400 per cent on the pension deal, so I have to work for another 20 or 30 years. And perhaps that is the reason I am a very astute financial critic in the big world, and a complete failure in my own. On the other hand, there are not many guys still driving . a '67 Dodge that runs like a well-oiled rabbit. And there are not many guys left who still have 12 shares of Elder Mines. And there are not many guys my age who could still make a good , living in a pool room. So, watch it, John Turner. Salad greens require care Salad greens must be absolute- ly dry, otherwise the salad dress- ing won't cling to the leaves. So, after washing salad greens, shake well to remove as much moisture as possible. Roll them up gently in several thicknesses of paper towel and put them in the refrigerator to crisp. Food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food say it's a good idea to do all this as soon as you bring the greens home, so that the lettuces will always be crisp and ready for instant use. When you wash Iceberg or Bos- ton lettuce, you can remove the core or not—it's up to you. Iffthe lettuce is cored, drain it very well, shaking, so that as much water as possible is removed from the inner layers of the heads. When washing Romaine or Leaf lettuce, separate into leaves, rinse and pat dry each leaf. It may take time, but the payoff comes in the keeping quality.and in always being ready to toss a salad at a moment's notice. Ay REV,.. W. L. *TflUMAN As a fledgling aef journalist* f had the Privilege of interviewing Bob Hope. He came.lo our high "School a s a . part of a war and drive, . I was certain thin was then big* gestbreak Eof my rang life, . In between the quips and hi*., teasing one -line bow was my awareness that be- hind hind the humorist stage this man was ,awfully. ti Boit took his time to gave Me this bit ofpractical wisdom, Maybe it was; because the editor of my high s!ool" pa- per saw fit • to cutit out) 01' that 1 inherently, knew that what le said .was. valid, but this hilt ofwisdom has stayed with me, and taken many f orrns as. I have 'often spoken to high schoolers as a pastor. Bob said, "Choose the part in life you want to play, then act the part." He went on, "You can become whatever you want to become if you are 'willing to work hard. enough," Bob was talking about something larger than pro. fessional acting or being a standup comedian. He was musing to a high school, Stu- dent about a way to live life. Watching' him perform &over the years, ,t know he lives by these words, and he doea`not always feel as alive as he ap- pears, at least not at first, At the end of the show, I know he Feels as he is acting. That' is why I can ` tel emerging young adults who come to me for help, to act their chosen part in lifeey can consciously select the qualities they most admire and then act as if they had them and start being what they want to become, There is no cynicism in this advice, no malice, no,enmIty. 1 do not mean for anyone to be. a fake, phony or a hypocrite: I am not talking about bluffing or putting on airs, but rater consciously setting for one's own self some good, high standards, and, living ;up to theme. If you do not have these qualities to start with, you stand a good chance of at-, tracting them to you and making them your own. Touching Bob Hope's life so briefly, I cannot even com- ment on whether he once was playing a role or not. What- ever he was, hel has decided to play his chosen role to the hilt. He has about him the aura of greatness, authority, and of genius simply because Rats proliferate is Mexico City MEXICO CITY — Fernan- do Leon Diaz, who is leading an extermination campaign here, estimates 8.5 million rats infest the city, about the same numbers as the human population (in Mexico City proper). He is concerned thab the rats are reproducing at a faster rate than humans and may soon outnumber them in the Mexican capital. Texas gators are thriving AUSTIN, Tex. — Texas alligators, considered an en- dangered species just six years ago, are increasing so rapidly in 34 counties, experts are worried they are reach- ing the saturation point. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department officials esti- mate there are 36,600 alliga- tors living in 97 counties in the Lone Star State. has given hirnself andunderstands te:rprets a .tre eth of human Long after,1 spenl rtt>Ir with; toaeo etuy t ��t motto*� ag l.. j hiP4 actiOnsf I l 'tt you actone way, YouWill soon begin ft way.' Jayant 7ea ve' tO excited, life, your; LL feel;: t y. at soon emotion* how you f .." ne a,dvei that'fru t eveIf . you' ac Aep'i�," , 0g,. an! . .jected, you Soon•. f the way you are ate; Vere ,Ore y `pla. o - lag, women who ve hey a more` ,autiul pow .N ae graceful;; assured. worm known many len w Clbnbed to p cos of nonce nceM ` R', Copy for Cirossroads , L fieds mutt be receivett byL:t Wednesday of Week plot' to .p111 lication. ffi ate ail ASTRONOMY ENTHUSIASTS and those interested, contact Gerald Schieven, . Mount Forest 323-2782 to form group.. - 17-24 Coming Events ROCK HILL PARK - Rock Hill Park (16 miles north of Orangeville) on . Sunday, August 3 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. from the'stage on the water, Wilf Carter and "Sleepy" Marlin, the greatest family show of the year. Camping and trailer hook- • ups. Admission, adults. $5:00, children 12 years and under free. Advance x$4.00. J. E. Hill, RR 4, Shelburne, 519=925-2211. 24-31 • 93/4 payable now on 3, 4 and 5 year Guaranteed Investment Certificate $500 minimum Small enough to listen. Big enough to help. Memher Canada DepositlnsuranceCorporation 84 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario Tel. 821-2160 24 Arthur Street South Elmira, Ontario Tel. 669-5186 Tanks are built' of 14 gauge metal, painted blue. They are ruggedly reinforced with heavy angle iron ring and legs. All tanks are of side draw off design. Capac- ity is based on 35 lbs. feed per cubic foot. Prices include: Ladder, Blow Pipe for filling, Manhole and Inspection Glass. HELM WELDING LTD.. R.R. 2 Lucknow Tel. 529-7627