HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-11-28, Page 1AND IIIJEON & NITDPUSEI:- GAZETTL,. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE ORIPS FALL WHERE TREY MAY." VOL, XVII. NO. 10. EXETER, ONTARIO, 411114114=1111•1111111110116.111040211MIlli LEGAL. 2)1 , H. DIOKSON, Harrister, pktk-; elL-4 • alter of Supreme Court,NotaryPi11211C(' 413 o nveyanoex Ceram iseioner , &o . Moneeliereie ti Q411 • • ,o1 OLflceiuFftnSofl'Bfltock, Exeter, R COLLINS, 'Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., MOKETER, .. coctaMwell's Block -Hall's old Mae. ) • ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers Sze,(Sze. ..111foriey to Loan at LOwetit Rates of Interest. 'OFFICE, - MAIN - 'STREET, EXETER. 13. V. MI•LIOT• • J. Ell4LIOT or.• DEN TAL Ti L. BILLINGS, -LL. 1:3mNTMST, OFFICE: over 0,.111"ElL'S Dank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extra,ction. T__T KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S SamwelPs Block, Main -St, Exeter, Extra.cts Teeth witboutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor- Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes SO ZURICH on la at ThursdAyin each month: MEDICAL • T W. B.6,0 WNING M. D., M. () • P. S',Gradita.te VictoriaUniversity.Office en dlr esideuce,Dthr inioelethoratoe v, E co ter TR. RYNI)MAN, eoroner for the 43., County of Huron. office, oppositeMr. . Carling's store,Threter. • DR. j. A. BOLT4IN b, M.O. P.S 0 Moe, Mgin S„,,Exeter,Ont.ltesiden a Li ou Ber ecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Earl. LF. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M, . Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto ; Fel. Trin. Mel school, Toronto ; Grad. Am Inst.. Craniology ; 'Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Member Col. P. S„ Ont. - °thee, Dashwood. Ont. AUCTIONEERS. • . • T_TENEI EMBER - Licensed Ana- ert--A- tioneer for arty,Stephen, and MoGe111- ?ray Townships. Salescouducted atmoderate rates. 0 face-AtPost-ofeee,Orediton,ont. TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the U Townships of Stephen, gay and Usborne and the Vielage of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. sales arranged at this office . VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, xe.duates of tho 9ntario Veterinary College OV;IISE One ecion,Soutla of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. 1irON:E TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6,4 - percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies repre sented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister,Exeter, INSURANCE . THE LONDON MUTTJAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 30 years of successful business, still eentinuesdo offer the owners of farm Property andprivate residences, either on buildings or contents , the most favorable protection in ease of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates upon suah liberal terms. that no other respect- able eompansr (Ian afford to write. 42,243 pelf: cies in fore° 1st Jan , 1889. Assets $378,209.64 in oath in bank. Government dopiest. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMES Gneetee Preeiderit ; D. 0, Mo DONALD, Manager, DAVID JAQUES, Agent for Exeter andvielnitv. 11•11E WATERLO 0 11cUT UAL ELBE INSURANCE CO . Established in 1803. ilEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO,ONT. This con:leaner has been over Eightoot Ye ars in i uocessful operation in, Western On - ariotanduentinues to insure againstloss or damage b29 Tiro Buildinge,BleroJamudiseplan- afaotoriea,artd 011 °the r dericription sof finsur- able property, tntending insurers have the optionoftnsuringon the Premium Note or 0 ash System . During the pas tten yeari SiliEl Cosnpany hart iesued sef,09e Petiole fr. coverin proper ey eo theienaounto0e40,872,088 nrucepaid inIoss- eci a1onee,709,752,00 AssetS, $110,100.00,rions5sting o f Cash netank,Governmentoeposii,an d the unasS- eased Premtuotesonliandanclin force. J. W WALD= M D. Preaidett . Teternon, Secretary, 3.8. auckMas,Inapootor. CHAS: RELL Agontfor Texeterautivieinitv, CENTRAL ar er Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Sitting and Heir ettiting.in the lateet style etthert Every attentie paidto oottibg THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1889 The illiolsons Bank (CHARTE)tED Bk PA ftLT4tMEINT,1853) taid up Capital eee00,00 Restrund te. 1,000,00 ' !Tea cl Oface, Kootreal, ey. WaLFERSTAN THOMASiEscie Gr491111AL MA.NAC11:11 • P • 20 branch offices in th....1)aminion. .Ageneia in the Domitilori,U, 8. A. and Heireee• Exeter Brancla, Open every lawful clay, from10 a.n to 3 p. m SATIJRDA YS 10 a.ne to 1P, m. 81'eretent, per erithun allovvedfor money on Deposit Receipts and SaeingsBauk. R. H. ARCHER Manager. ..T.- Coldsrnith 4. Hail! WATCHES,- CLOCKS, - JEWELRY, - SILVERWAR,E,- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. eteirPersonallittention given to' repairing of i 'watches, clocks and jewel17: A largo number of Louirdana lotte ry tiokete emit to ao Ottawa hotel -keeper have been confisceted by the caetoms method- , Tee Department of Fisheries is insietbeg upon a ilgid enforcement of the cloth seasou for whitefish on the Detroit River this year. A few, yews ago tee annual catch amountee to 160 000 nr 200,000 fish, but of late years it has only averaged 40,- 00001 50,000 fish, UNMVXD 8TAT4S• Tee total orange crop of Florida this year ia extimated at 1,800,000 and 2,100,000 boxes. Ouly $692,378 is laolcing to complete the $5,000,000 guarantee fned tor the World's Fair at New York. T M Bailey, ex -earthier of the Seeurity Loan Se Saviugs Bank, of Chicago, has dis- appeared. He is reported to have fraudu- lently obtained 010,000 'from varioue 801314308. The State Council in the Cronin case at Chicago, are threatened by the friende of the suspects with dire verigeance, if any of the rrisoners are hanged. Even at this early stage the attorneys are guarded by stale detectives. The deposits in the Lawrence Bank, Pittsburg, Pea which closed its doors on Thursday, aroomat to $830,000, assets Esti- mated at $800,000. The 9 I OCk 130Id ere are ridividually liable for e150,000. • M M Sills, aged 53, a well known jewlei of East Saginaw, Mich., drank a quart of vhislcy on a wager with Charles St. Mary, a porter street ba.ber, on Monday, result - ug in Sill's death within balf an hone, iugering in great agony. Robert Bonnet' has paid an immense sum of money for horseflesh tu the last C. REICHENBACH Oppoaite Post Office, P.A.RXHILL. 1 Clea -ung Sale thirty •years. He has on his farm at Tarrytown and at his stables in New York -FOR- nearly Sixty of the notable turf performers of their day and for svhcihhe has paid 30 DAYS'. nearly $500,000. A skeletnn discovered in a fence corner ix miles from Elizabethtown, Ky., several ars ago has been identified as that of Ira ubrey, who disappeared six montbs ago. herman Ambrey, awed 19, a cousin of tbe °ceased, has confessed to murdering Ira r fifty cents and an old watch. •The Territorial Asylum, at Blathfoot, dabo, was burned Sunday morning. ifty-seven out of 65 inmates were rescued AVING purchased the mer- chant Tailoring business from E. R.• EVANS, some time ago, at a big reduction,and .9 having added to the stook d NEWSUPPLY 011'- fo Worsted Tweeds, Pantngs, Overcoatings, Hats, Caps, I Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Underwear In, fact everything in the line of Gents' Furn- e° ishings, and Which I am selling off at a big re_ a duction, for thirty_ days. Following is a list T of prices: bile two women and two men are lenciwri have perished, and four are misaings 116are supposed to have been burned. he building was partially and its contents totally destroyed. Lose, 5300,000. William Brooker, of Pine City, Minn., Sunday, shot and killed in cold blood; Wm. P. Coombs and wtfe. Afterwardia Brooker visited a neighbor's house and set with his rifle across his knees and' cone versed coolly about the heartless, deed. Coanabs left two small children. murderer is still at liberty. The farmers of Hiawatha, (Kansas) vicinity are burning core for fuel, finding it cheaper thau coal. Corn is sold on the farm at 23 cents per bushel, while the average price of coal delivered at the farm ranges from 2I to 23 cents per bushel. The Farrnere' Alliance brought the attention ol the farmers to the relative prices of the two commodities and advised that half the corn crop, be used as fuel, thus advanoing the price of the other half and saving money in their fuel bills. The farmers have begun to act mi this advice. Suits worth 824,00 for $20.00 Suits worth MOO for 15.00 • Suits worth 13.00 for 10.00 Printings worth 8.00 for 6,00 and Shirts worth 1,25for 160 Gloves away d own below regular prices; hats and ceps at Oust. •• Suits mn,ee to orderin the leteet stylee, and a peg fit guaeapteed 01-316 sale. ' Tlieebest of triniMings in stock, Nor trouble to show goods A call solicited. Stand, MeEwroi's b lock opposite the Mansion House, Renal!, JOHN POPE, Prop. Nov. 28th, '99 Short Items of News. -- CANADIAN. • A number of Ottawa churches have been, burglarized recently. The Dominion Parliament will meet on January 16. There is little hope for the commutation of the sentence of Harvey, the Guelph murderer. The Montreal Herald building w damaged by fire on Saturdey evening the extent of $28,000. Mrs. Wm. Henderson, of Allanbu committed suicide by drowning. She 1 O husband and nine children. • George Robinson, a veterau conductor the Grand Trunk, WAS accidentally killed Vaudreuil on Saturday. It is believed thatthe next issue of t Canada Gazette will summon Parliament meet on Jan. 16 for business. The 3 -year-old sou of Marcel Dugas, Grand Bay, Que., fell into a large veseel boiling water a few days ago and w scalded to death. The Graham prosphate mines iu Bea inglaam, Ottawa county, Que., have bee sold to the Anglo Continental Guan Company for $100,000, • Dan elcEwan ef 13oxhoro, was aeoesin the C. A. track ther w = ith a load of chin if, my Saturday, evl ethe horse ran away killing McEwan al .Afriustantly, Arrangements ' iifief *about complete t build an inclinedlifilethy froin the city t the top of the moiltm at lIe,milton, an work will be commenced as soon as pos sible ' Tee mteeor and city treneurer, of Toronto have notified the Street Railway Com as to eft on at he to of of as 0 • tbat at the expira,tion of the term of thei franolnee the city will assume ovvnersbip o the railways of the company arid all roe and persenal property in connection there Mr. Otherbee Fox, of Own Sound, who was so seriously injured Saturday night by falling from the mem to the second deck of the steamer Algonquin died early on Monday Monday morning, He novae rallied after the accident, Deemed leaves h widow and eight children, D. lel, Donald, proprietor of the Donald Predurie Go,, and managing partner of the Norwich Fruit Evaporating Co., left that village in a hurry early this woek and has not been heard of since. His liabilities amount to $50,000, the assets praethially nil, no one knowing of elm 6ingle &liar being loft for dietribution among the oreditore. During the past ten year§ Donald has been a pronmeent name in county ',elides and religione (Archie, About 100 men are thrown ont of ebatileyneebt, On the night of Februitry 4th last Geo. Leitch, of Paieley, was lost and no tracie of Ilim could be found. To -day a yorteg man Mimed Miller was ererting and huntitig hi the woods about three miles from here, when he foetid the body of a large man, or rather only the bones and clothes. Re gave information, arid with cOnstablea drove to, the place and had, no difficulty in identi. lying tho remains as tbove of Mr, Lith, owhes ing to his clotand a foot ride) still in hi poeket. The remains were in a bush about die rods from the river. • Chiselhurst. --- PRESENTATION. -The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, • Kerslake of this place, was on Wednesday night, 20th, the scene of a very happy gathering of the congrega- tion of the Methodist church. The assem- bly was entirely in the nature of a surprise party. After the tables were spread and O bountiful repeat disposed of. the company presented to Mr. Kerslake a bed -room pet, as a mark of eeteem in which he Is held as leader of the choir and an earnest worker in the Sabbath school. The company then passed a few hours in social enjoyment, with singing, recitationg, etre, and after wishing Mr. Kerelake many more years .as help -mato in the thumb, they dismissed by singing, "God be with you till we meet again" • Olandeboye. -- • Big.—Tho drummers are • getting quite plentiful now as Christmas time approaches. -Mn, and Mire. D. Collins, of this place, spent a few days with their friends in Strathroy last week. -The return match between the Lucian and Clandeboye Juvenile foot -ball clubs will be played here O week from next Saturday. --Mr. U. Hort,on, teacher of our school, is • asvay writing for a first-elaes certificate, Mn, H. r Shoff will teach in his place: -Mr. F O McFadden is engaged in buying poultry 1 and shipping them to Torouto _and New - York. Jim expects to have bought a car load when he finished. -Mr. • wife spent last eunday visiting friends in Oreclitote-The Grant Stenoptician show gave an exbibition here last Tuesday evg, The attendance was not very large. but all who were there professed themeelves well pleased, -Mr D Sboff and Mr, Lawrence Bice intend going to Muskoka to bunt deer next emelt. They are two very expetionced Minton and ought to give a good ecodunt of the deer. OUr Chicago and Denver Express. Commencing Sunday, Oct. 28th, the only excfusive through Pullmen Car Lino from Chicago to Deneer, via domicil 131utTe and Omaha, will be established OVer the Chica- go, Milwaukee re St. Paid and tinien Ponied Itailwaye, on the following time sehodule Leave Ohicego, daily 10,40 p,rri, Arrive 0ouoiI Bluffe 6,60 p,in, Arrive Omaha 7.06' p.m. Leave Omaha S.06 p.m. Arrive Denver (secon(1 day) 5.25 p.m, Thie train makes direct connection With all hiring from the east, errinieg in Chicago et night, Sleeping Cat fate, $6. Meier - doh Tickets to all Obiorarlo points now on sale, • Grand Bella. Jos. Ravelle of this place while return- ine from Dathwood whither be had been in haste for Dr Outten to visit his little boy who met with an accident, and when opposite Wm. Fulton's his horse bolted, npset his buggy in the ditch, kicked itself free and ran down to the lake. Joe left horse and rig and walked home. • Farquhar. lenin.-On Friday niehelast the barn be- longing to Mr. Archibald Robineon, one- half mile north of Farquhar was destroyed by fire together with the matelots, welola included season's crop of oats, about half crop of barley and several bushels of wheat, and a few implements, the more valuable of the implements being outside. The stook was rescued from the stables. Laurance on the building $b00; on tho contents 0700, but Owing to the greater part being out of the building cir sold the nominal insurance on the contents cannot as yet be determined. Bemired in the Usborne & Hibbert Company. The mune of the fire, a defective lantern The lantern was hung on a partition, and while Mr. Robinson was feeding Ins stook the blazereached tee oil, an explosion en- suingl'he straw a bove ignited and before anything could be done the interior of the building was ablezei. Ur, R's loss will be considerable. • I ts Kirkton. BILIEFS.-AdminiAration of the Hely 1 - Communion will take place in the St. Pauls church, on the 24th Sunday after Trinity. --After a week of almost incessant rain the weather has taken a favorable ebange, which we hope will continue. -Arrange- ments are in progress for the holding of a Clhristmas furtive' in connection with the Episcopal Sunday sohool.-We are sorry to state teat Mrs. Thos. Tufts, who has been eeriously ill for many months is still failing in health. --The Exeter TIMES has the largest circulation of any local paper coin- ing to this P.O. Those who are not sub - metiers already, will do well to give 03 a trial for the ensuing year. Cheap clubbing rates are offered with all the best papers in the Dominion. --The annual eleetion ef officers for Kirkton L 0. L., No. 691, takes place en Tuesday next .-The incumbentof St. Pauls, will deliver a lecture on "True Manlinese," on the 4th prox, intlie chnrcela, -Our harness maker, Mr. Jacob Taylor, an enterprising man, having lately start- le branch shop in Centralia, where he • is -doing a good business. The shop at home Is 'ander the charge of Ur. el. °dimmer, a competent meceanic, who is also carrying • on the business to the satisfaction of the epiehlic and kroprietor. Zurich. BniErs.-Mr. Geo. Hess having complet- ed bie electric clock and has it working to perfection, is now taxing his brain in an endeavor to conceive a mode whereby a pui petual dry battery can be contrived. If successful he will have one of the greatest and most valuable electrical inventions, and from which he should realize a vast fortune. Mr. Hess thinks he has strnek the idea and will shortly make a test. The clock will be perpetual, nothing being required but the renewal, occasionally, of the few parts where there is any friction. - Miss Dyer is the guest of Miss Edith Stein- bach. -Me. F. Hess is eugegect in orna- • menting Lis parlor. The painting is being well done mid does credit to the workmen. Wonder bow the gas light is worlcing. Tlaere should be another patent secured for that. -Our V. S., Mr, H. Doan, is still suffering severely. His hand is very little better. -Misses Rau and Parsons, dress- makers, have left town, the former having gone to London the latter to share the joys and sorrows of Mr. Geo. Essery, of Centralia. Their friends in Zurich wish the young ladies every prosperity in their undertalciugs.--lefunicipal matters are now being discuesed, though the grist of new candidates for the different offices is some- what small. Hayfield. Mmes. -The Times is the most newsy paper in Huron as far as qnantity, quality and freshness of news is concerned. It is only $1 per year, and persons wishing to • Subscribe willplease call on F. A. Edwards, • at the store, Bayfield south. - Reeve Castle and his brother, James, were in London one day last week. --Messrs. C. Dresser and J. August are home for the winter. H. McNeil and H. McLeod' are also hotnee-Mr. Robert Eagleson bad a 11 A is tt 01 Pl in sp ag VI al 011 110 18 Fe Ea wh cil 011 aft tee oys by hat firs and a e luesday night, when a large numbe f turkeys and'geese were raffled off, -Rev Ir. Henderson occupied the pulpit of St edrews church the 1081 twu Sundays, O very clever and forcible speaker and ao large congregations prosobt were web eased with, his discourses. -On Sundae ()ming last Rev Mr. Hodgins gave a very teresting sketch of the history of the oronto's dioaeae. This boiug their jabilee eclat service was held ,--A,bout six weeks u Mrs Barr, of Brahtforrl, carne here to sit her sister, Mrs. Stonehouse, hoping so to benefit ber health, On her way e contraeted a cold, from which she von reeoverecl, but gradually sank until ath relieved her of her eufferiege, on the tie inse-Friday hist Messrs. Jobe rguson and son, John Jemere and Wm. se, D. Harrison and D. MeDonald, were away fishing, returned borne. johnFrr tier, of Gedetich Tp,, nearly O off the first finger of hie left hand with axe one day last week. -On Wecinescley ernoon, 20th hist., a 'very closely cone ted ehooting match was held here for an ter supper, The sides were captaitied Thom Bogart and Richard Elliott, the er wituibag by one, Store 166-167. A tclass supper was provided at J Pollock's the evening spent in toast and song, was performed 313 that quiet breathier to be- Domerienee Now. dithosition• Veen) ohildhood she bed led corning tine of her imaseuriaing and gouda Niro will tak° groat PI"stlre f°.t.' Chliatiall Iffe end the donfidebee 01 warcling the TraftS to any address In elope of 0, helve nee beyond weiee twee al aanrida or the United States, front notv a lite here hoget, was hers through hoe ill until Jim 1890, for 10 dente Stab eeag, Red her solaeo et the e r) eh bt. MaTyS. Mmes. -Several ladies of the town have organized A True Blue Order, A lady from Toronto will abortly make known the rules and regulationo -111r. Etiehard Box jr, , who has been seriously ill for some weeks, we are pleased to note, is convaleec- ing, and his beatnieg cieuntenance will be welcomed in our streets agaie.-Mt. Jas eVilliamsou weo 'has been in Manitcfint for the past six months. returned to town on Friday, He thinks Difanitoba and the Ter- iitoeies have the fouerlation for a great netiOn.-The Stratford Beacon recently stated that Ron. Oliver elowat :carries 1118 brains an hie little finger ; next week no doubt it will tell us how much they weigh. -T. T. Smith, who has spent the last three months in Mason Oity, Iowa, returned home on Ibursclay last. Mr. Smith took a- wn load of horses with him, and reports ihsaaeti pgressoelndt tohoeumfi nwe del It.o-Mr. sr 1..0A0.11,5 w iRt ha saonn attack of inflammation. Three doctors held a consultation on Monday and at last re- ports he was doing well. --Mr. Best, an old and respected resident of 131anshard, died on Saturday last, He was buried on Hon - day in St Marys cernetery.--Fred O'Mara left last week for North Bay having ob- tained a situation as operator there. -Mr. T, AI. Harrison, who has been studying law in Toronto for the past year, has, it is said, signed articles in. an office in the town and will henceforth reside with us.- The Wizard Oil concerts held here last week were very entertaeaing and were taken in by many citizens of the town.'---Reo, A. M. Philpe of Avenue Road efetbodist Church. Toronto, lectured in the cetera house on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. Snbject, The advancernent of the temperance cause. --Electric light will be put in most of the businese pines in a few days. --Major H. A. L. White will be one of the candidates for the mayorality and John Wesley Pool will be the other ff the men he hasout with petitions succeed in • getting enough names on the list to induce him to come out, but as Mr. White has served the people of the town well lm will have little trouble in being elected. -A lodge of the order of the Sons of Canada is being established in town. -John Stevens of An , derson, was married on Thursday evening of last week to Miss Agnes Pearn of this town. • The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. M. Oampbell, at the residence of the bride's father, Mn. P. Hanneberry, London Road, Blansbard, died on Saturday after an illness of several weeks. •The funeral on Monday was largely attended.- efable O'Connor, daughter of John O'Con- nor, died on IVIonday last after a few days' illness. Two other child/ en, the infant son of Thomas Moore, and a child of Samuel Henderson also passed away during last week. -Diphtheria is reported iu several places in the town and already- two deaths have occurred from it ; every precaution is being taken to prevent its spread. -The present teachers in the high school have been engaged for next year, and all those of the public schools except two will have charge of the juveniles of the town during 1S90. --The directors of the Blanshard Mu- tual Fire Insurance Go., met on Saturday last to consider the matter of levying another assessment this year. Elm:1mile. Ii of death, in the removing from our midst MEMORIAM. -Again it fells to the lot of the writer to chronicle the sad doings one of our most respected resident, in the person of Mrs. Martin Thompsen of Mini- ville. Elizabeth Cowen, beloved wife of Mr. Martin Thompann, and sister of Dr, Young Cowen, of Exeter, was the daughter of Mr. Hume Cowen, of Cavan, Ireland. Deceased was born in Cavell on the 25011 July, 1837, and at the time df her death, Friday. No7, 22nri, 1899, had fatal led the age of 52 years, 3 mos., and 28 days. She emigrated to 09 -nada, with her father's family when she was but four years of age and spent her childhood days in Vaughn township, near Toronto. On the 20th Oct 1855 she was married to ber bersaved and sorrowing partner, and settled in Tecumseh Simooe county, where lelr. Thompson en- gaged extensively in the farming and in the milling business. Here nearly twenty vears of happy and prosperous married life were spent, but over -confidence in an unworthy employee brought about very heavy financial lose, and then with Ins family Mr. Thompson removed to Toronto; then to Dorchester, Ontario. After spend, tug five years in that looality the present home was purchased, and they became highly respected residents of 1Jsborne. It was here then that the dark cloud of sorrow which bad long beou banging threatening: by over the family, burst, and the loving e o a happy bonie was snatched from r the fond embrace of devoted husband and • children. The blow, though not unexpeot- . 1 ed was a severe one, and no one will feel it e I more keenly than the husbaud, who for thirty•four years had known ancl apprece 1 Med the wise conusele and broad 8yrnpath- ies of a loving ivifo. Five daughters, tbree of whom are married, still survive their mother, and three boys and tevo girls whe died in early childbood, welcomed her on the other shore. Thirty-four years of tuarried life had rservod their purpose here and God in wisdom and mercy saw fit to break the silltere core of earthly union. Through all thee years, in adversity and prosperity, this noble woman remained the faithful adviser, sympatbizet and helpmate and above all exemplified, in the highest eenee, the noblifinese of wornae's worth mid influence in briehteeing ate beautifying the home by a life of Widener' piety and virtue., Stich it life will no doubt have its influence in moulding the character of her children. and in fitting than to perform the duties Of life. It is mehlorn we end emajugill love and parental affection so peirfeelly exemplified Reit was in the 01180 of thiti good Wife marl mother, Yet while seeking to scatter the sunbeams of her love and affect -ion in this life, she never forgot her higher dut to b G d Ladie$ atid Chrldren's•milittrd s tatureenEcuresGarget in Coivs, Children Cry for PI.Oher'e, CattoriO Bertha at owe. • 4 .70113iN WHIVO .t SONS Xeuletiriner e and Prciprietore mother has been celled to her eternal reet3 those yelio mourn, mourn with the hope diet if they follow her example and conn - eel there witl be a happy family rmunion ire Heaven. The hereeeed hosband and between whom and the departed such exceptional attachment existed, have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in this sad affliction. The xemains were interred in the Exeter cemetery, on the Sunday following ber death, aud the funer. al was largely attended by eynepathizing friends and neighbors. In the evehlug . Rev. W Penhall improved the occasion by preaching tee funeral sermon in the Ellin- ville Methodist Church to a large congre- gation, choosing as his text the menmeable words of Paul, As recorded in 11 Timothy, 4011 chapter. 7th and 8011 verses : "1 have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, benceforth there is laid up fel. LAO O crown of righteonsness, which the Lord, the rigb.teous Judge, seal( give me at that day ; and not to me only, 'but unto all them also that love His appearing." Chillwausicrleuee,°eanr°t1ale-sbaorant lierl°233i8te 1the thought And wrap our footsteps round and dim our eyes But the bright. sun-hearn darteth from the skies - One more in Heaven ! One less on earth ! Its pain, its sorrow and its toil to share ; One lees the pilgrim's daily cross to boar ; One more the crovvn of ransomed souls to wear, At Home in Heaven ! One more in Hefi5en ! Auether thought to brighter cloudy days,s, .Another theme for thankfulnees and praise Another on laieh our Hods to raiee • ' To Home and Heaven Crecirton- Hnermenee.--Last evening, 27011, the residence of Mr, Claris. Beaver, was the scene of a happy event. The occasion was the marriage, by Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Centralia, of Mr. Geo. G. Essery to Miss Molly A. Parsons, both of Centralia. The ceremony was performed in the presence of O few guests, with Mies Rau supporting the letide while Mr. Will Parsons performed the duties of groomsman. After a bounti- ful repast the evg. was spent in amusement, and all present enjoyed themselves. The happy couple left for their home in Centralia, carrying with them the good wishes of their many Crediton friends. Mmes. --Mr. Wm EL Brown has returned from a visit to Rodney, Orit.-:-Mr Fred, Ginter is back from his trip to Michigan. -Mr Chas Taylore weep', bas , been on his " farm M ellehigenefer.tire past enehtle, or two is home for therWinter.-efr and Mrs Jas Hill left on Monday for Cleveland, Otdo, where they will spend a few weeks with friends. -Mr Will Parsons. of Winni- peg, Man.., spent Sunday in the village among bus old friends and schoolmates. Will looks hale and hearty and says the North-west agrees with him. He is down on business and will take a can of poultry back with him.--efr Wm B Geiser left yesterday for Iowa, where he intends going into business if the countey suits him. - Mr Wm II Geiser has returned frone his trip to Buffalo. -Both Sunday schools are busy rehearsing for their respective Xmas festivals.-Tbe shooting match on Friday last was not very well attended owing to the rouge state of the weather. The shot- gun and the glass ball matches came off but there was no chance for rifle shooting. In the glass ball match the score stood as folloivs :-10 ball each-Wna Holt 6, Wm Sanders 8, Sarre' Eilber O. Wm Kerr 3, Ben Eilber 8, The score of the local sports is excusable, as none of them even shot in O glass bail match before. They have how - Mier exhibited their skill since the match and have done a great deal better as will be seen by the soore below :-7 balls each -J Smith 3, W Kerr 3, S Either 4, Ben sEilber 6. -We lay no claim to being a voodcutter nor do we aspire that position, but W0E01190 say that some of our ,young men here are Trojans, two of them, Messrs Harry and John Eilber cut up 50 cords of wood in 9 days, of a little over 8 honrs each. This, in our estimation, is rapid work. -One of our young men, who has a girl in the neighborhood of Znrich, bad. better not stay so lace, especially when lie accommodates friends with a ride there aud promises to bring them home &gain, as we underetand he has seriously offended eome of deem. Waiting by the roadside, is pleaeure.--A good joke WAS played on ree young married men the other night. appears teat after the shooting niatoh some geese and turkeys weie stored away in the carriage paint shop and that the young mon mentioned, were put on the scent by an old fox, Who wap in the con- spiracy with the owners of the fowls, The latter repaired to the shop and oonoealed themselves, when presently the gameaters me along, they oautionely opened the or, which was not lockecl, and the first e walked iu, lit a match and began robing. No. 2 followed closely did the me, when he discovered the wittehers but O too thared to even Mitre hi r com- es tvarning. Presently his mateh went and nember 3 oared in boldly and ran Arley hit() One of tee watchers who ed hiln, This broke up the seereh tho watchers tevealed themselves. y evere scared anti entrenclered then esand booed not to be broeglar before magistrate, They were kept in hot er for a time and then told about tho after which all hands bad a drink. FOR FROST 131VES, here is no better rernedV for frose bite, blains, end similar troubles then Hag - Ps Yellow Oil, it also cures rhourna- , lumbago, soro throat, dertfneee, and etibee and pain goeetelle. Yellow is ititernelly endeexternalle. WHAT /le wAtiTnn something that will make man well eat well and rise the morning shed and Sarong, with nen° Of the t out tired feeling mire to he eeittbd to oonetleation, tlyeponsie, diethe18 tisi stomech liver la ei 00 a• • tittveltopork6stultoiondblo3vilet.m1 means ef: r' no th10 ea do 0±1 sea ea wa rad 001 sq0 yell 011(1 The selv Oho tvat joke oh il yet% Hem lam teed sleep 2efie wori Whe of 01 exist death, Now that A loving wife and fond 'I iblaie Miriard's Lininiorit'Otires toistMnperk