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Anglican synod turns clown
The Anglican Church of Cana-
da charted a new course ffor the
future when its highest legis14,
tive .bddy met in Quebec City in
The 27th general synod had
been billed in advance as perhaps
the most historic, most memor-
able assembly in the history of
the Canadian Church.
It was all of that if only for de-
cisions made on two major prob-
lems that long had troubled the
General synod turned aside
from union -- at least on-- exist
terms with the United Chu
of Canada and, in a vote that had
more immediate theological im-
plications for the membership,
decided that women could be or-
dained to the priesthood.
The decisions were not easy to
reach and emotions among the
nearly 300 delegates from all
across Cana 1a at times ran high
and debate acrimonious. One
youth delegate prayed for "peace
and unity that seems sorely
needed here."
But differences were swept.
away at the end and at the closing
ceremonies there was a note,,o
unity and conciliation. Arch-
bishop E. W. Scot, primate of the
church, describing the meeting
as one of joy and sadness, said
the spirit of co-operation shown
. had been "tremendous".
The question of admitting wo-
men to the priesthood has been an
issue for many years among
Anglican churches throughout
the world. It was not so much a
question of whether a woman
should, but whether she could be
a priest.
The 27th general synod, in In-
ternational. Women's Year, de-
cided overwhelmingly that a wo-
man could and that now is the
time to do it.
Voting was by orders — a nega-
tive decision in one house would
have negated a majority in .the
others —and on the main motion,
affirmation of the principle, was:
the laity, 88to 18; the clergy, 75"to
30, and the bishops, 26 to 8.
Synod also affirmed a second
resolution, by an even higher ma-
jority, that any diocesan bishop
may now ordain a woman priest
after consultation with the House
of Bishops. House of Bishops
-meetings are scheduled for next
October and February, 1976. The
`vote on' the second. motion was:
'the laid 95',d5f to'
30, and the bishops, 27 to 7.
Some docesan bishops oppose
the principle and have said they
will refuse to ordain women.
They were given this right in the
enabling resolution and to ensure
that "conscientious objectors"
would suffer no penalty in so do-
ing, it was resolved that:
"no bishop, priest, deacon or
lay person, including postulants
for ordination, should be penal-
ized in any manner, nor suffer
canonical disabilities, nor be
forced into positions which vio-
late or coerce his or her con-
science as a result of general
synod's action."
Almost as troublesome to dele-
gates was the issue of church
union which has been before the
church since 1943 when the Angli-
can Church initiated discussions
leading to union with the United
Church and other Christian
In the end, general synod said
the plan of union, now before the
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participating churches for study,
is unacceptable. It is willing to
continue to talk along other lines,
bui its action is viewed widely as
meaning that union will not be
achieved at least in this decade.
The plan would have united the
Anglican Church, with 1.5 million
members, the United Church,
which claims 2.1 million mem-
bers and adherents, and the 7,000 -
member Christian Church (Di-
sciples. of Christ) into Church of
Christ in Canada.
Plan of union, issued in 1973,
was the culmination of years of
negotiations. It was to have been
studied by the membership of the
three churches and a plebiscite of
the memberships held after this
The representatives of the
United and Christian churches,
observers at synod, were upset
by the decision.
Rev. Donald Ray, general
secretary of the United Church,
speaking by invitation, said his
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TED BREWSTER of Wingham knew not a moment's hesi-
tation as he started his 18 holes in the Invitational Golf
Tournament at the Wingham .Golf Course last Wednesday.
The balance of his foursome consisted of Harper English,
also,of Wingham, George Finstad and George MacLean,
both of CBC in Toronto.
.: ij
church would continue towork
for Christian unity but was not tn.
terest :' l "playing word woes
about union and unity."
The future of the committee on
union and joint mission, on.whch
representatives of the three
churches sit, is uncertain. Synod
voted to continue participation
with changes in personnel and
terms of reference but whether It
will remain in existence will be
decided at the committee's next
scheduled meeting in September.
Other issues important in the
life of the church also were dis-
Clear, hard-hitting resolutions
urging social action in the Cana-
dian north and in South Africa re-
ceived syrrod'a support.. •
General synod called on the
federal, provincial and. territorial
governments to halt all planned
development in the north until
aboriginal land claims are settled
with native peoples..
It confirmed support to native
peoples in their efforts to "obtain
justice through recognition of
treaty,. aboriginal and other
rights" and through a just settle-
ment of land claims.
Synod delegates unanimously
stated their agreement that na-
tive peoples should be consulted
before any policies or action are
initiated in the future which will
affect them.
Sanctions were urged against.
South Africa to seek to bring an
end to that country's policy of
apartheid and white racism, A
delegation of Anglican church-
men -and women recently re-
turned from South African ad-
dressed members of synod.
The church decided it wants
preferential sugar agreements
ended car ed,an trade commis-
',noners int south Africa recalled
and nation-wide boycott of
Sou' Atrican goods ample-
men Led by all Anglicans, as well
as othc i'anadians.
Synod del gates have asked
national, docesan and parish in-
vestment c.,mmittees to make
available their proxy votes to the
church's public social responsi-
bility unit if they ;have invested
with, hanks or corporations, that
trade with South•.'rica or have
major investment there,
The national and world pro -
1111105 of the Anglican Church
are in serious financial straits,
delegates were told. On the basis
of apportionment receipts from
the church's 28 docesee, financial
officers are predicting there will
be insufficient money for present
programs and no money for im-
plementing new ones.
"The seriousness of this con-
tinuing. situation cannot be
overstressed," said finance cOn T
mittee chairman George Donald
of Montreal. He said support of
national and world programs has
increased onlr13 since
�l��t�ut not eek to combat
even the Inflation factor -
A move that general synod,
whiclt usually meets every two
years, able every three
Years o0 the grounds of coat was
turned down when s er8 said.
that in a fast moving world
synod must be in a position to act
.quickly. Coot of each general
synod' are estimated at about
Synod avoided taking a stand
on whether officially to approve a
guaranteed income for all Cana-
dians, to replace existing welfare
systems, by referring the ques-
tion to a committee for study and
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KEN DEICHERTof Wingham is no golfer but he did fine as
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