The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-06-12, Page 23r' I Don't get in: a oraf w,ar with your No. •f ev . 'STEP ARCHES ,arthritic 'Rpitri: fado away. Spring Arch, brings kick drat' Since the world 'began hes lotion by *xonising. the /sot., theme boon twit MHO f'of�� r burfiin �'' oi ... ItItnn.ru to fit . yoor t"t o 00114' `ff. a ta. '!Weak drld 4a1lor. l to fit your fhOftfo, ankles, 14011V1)001$, n. , ,built for hi oriloww,arch". 1ps h and honks craps ;lnr feet � . + r iogsi�. Wgpch COM*. «I a Im +a�dlot r r +fi ' 1 f rpt e and bunions) disapp,:ear corns end, colious.s. NO OBLIGATION r 455 Argyle Ay,nth, N, LIstowel 291-4240 Open ovoiy Toe:daya '9 ani, to 10 p.m Otptrdayo by Appointment ,., .m. ,.. -•..off .,, ,, ,-.� i LOWER 1NTERST RATES Now Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction & Land Development For Representatives In Your Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect ~ Head Office - 56 Weber St. E., Kitchener, Ont. —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash— W 'BIG' CATCH—An unforgettable moment of the "big" Coffh may well be missed by a ' photographer who hasn't made the necessary tests with,'anew kind of film, dr has not checked out his processing—or processor—to be Pertain of his results. NEW SALES AND SERVICE CENTRE Highway 86 East Wingham THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JUNE19,2O,21 DRAW FOR A COLOR TV °LUS MANY MORE DOOR PRIZES GRAND OPENING SPECIAL , "MAKE YOUR'OWN DEAL" ON ANY CAR ON OUR LOT EVERYONE IS WELCOME FREE COFFEE FREE DONUTS 1,11410 Most photographic pro, cessultg for 401110 yea .ff :now has been based UtoPe k t o and temperature" the warmer the chemicals,the shorter the developing tune required, for both fps and paper. Many skilled laboratory workers using In no hronc#e materials found. It 'easy to establish their own ".tables," provided a time for develop. ment at anything from Oa to .even 85 degrees, to come out with virtually the lanae nega' tive or print. But with the advent of color -- in which there are three layers of "emulsion," or sen- sitized materials, .all of which must be .developed to an amt level to bye” retire' -tab teMperiltilrel going DP!thni +teed, aS manufacturers th that l gelatin so it wouldn't melt awl of,t or paper • Temperature* have gone ttp: from .64 degrees, that to 110 for most color film process- ing; rocess-' , and -recently to SS dei ees for color paper. And now, the big change with, the new materials is a lees processingt r- emPa'ature ,fo color film. The time for processing' color negative fieri has dropped from 53 minutes to QUESTIONS WOMEN ASK When to worry about pregnancy? By ELEANOR B. RODGERSON, M.D. Q. Do I have to worry about pregnancy every time I have sexual intercourse? A. If you are having regular menstrual periods, you are ovulating and, as long as there is an egg, there is a chance of its getting fertilized and pregnancy. There is no sure way to tell exactly when you ovulate, and, even though you did know, how long will• the egg be able to be fertilized and how long will the sperm cells from the male lie ut wait for an egg about to be re- leased? • • . Some women have inter` course during .the menstrual period, but, even here, there may not •be complete safety because ovulation may occur close to the end of flow and the sperm cells may live a few days. If you are having sexual in- tercourse and you do not want -to : 4 pregnantr you should mea of contra - p A et Jost &weld the right time is all it takes to start a pregnancy. Q. When should a girl start her birth -control pills? A. This question sounds as though the writer assumes birth -control pills are a part of growing up and keeping healthy, like taking. vitamins, or getting immunized for polio. At present, birth -con- trol pills are a special way of changing a woman's hor- mone output. A girl should be fully grown before starting birth control pills so that the estrogen in them will not close off the bone's growth centerstoo soon. But, after that, the time for taking then depends upon her general health and the risk she runs of getting Preg- nant. There are many rea- sons for not using birth con- trol pills -- physical and so- cial -- and these shoulduall be considered first. We still do not'know every long-distance effect of taking artificial hormones, such as oral contraceptives. For ex- ample, xample, it is now becoming evident that "regulating menstrual periods" in a girl whose cyclesskip months and are unpredictable may re- sult, when the pills are dis- continued, in many months of no menses at all, very upset- ting if she now wants to get pregnant. • Q- Instead of birth -control pills every day, isn't it better to take something only after intercourse happens? A. "Morning -after" tiiat- ment sounds ideal, but its ef- fects are, so far, :not simple. Consequently, it should not be used frequently, but as a one- time 'emetgen0 lit4edi re: s'wT (tiie� . has been implicated in pelvic abnormalities and;cancers in young women whose mothers took ,it to keep them from spontaneous loss of their pregnancies. As a result, if morning -after DES does not prevent development of a pregnancy, the woman Should be aborted. As yet, there are no reports of bad ef- fects on the taker herself. `Oldest tree' An ancient juniper found on Taiwan is believed to be more than 6,000 years old. Until the discovery, the title of "oldest trees in the world" was held by the bristlecone pine, some in the United States having stood for more than 4,000 years. — a V4, epecification1 l ►x �r advanced to='and Vo+ Will,volume, operators • . working areas wheietap , wa. , may reach Astir late summer,we,the 'new" technique°bee ills des - thin for Wash to dark TOMS/ k . And it..d be ;fit • higher tempera**, •at faster develoPMent, leaY en - Courage. fa more inly pr +�—. return etur .. W the dark. room for' many workers — when_.itbeOomes` realized that t quart ':o( a degree station :"no' ,that bad,' There may inanfacturers - difference" in the n prat ed with a degree o r two•of error. But'B,rst esperi ences" of several do- t -y self workers u>ldica 'shard :see,.rdean rected easily "y tilt Actually, there variation ;in. 't'hermoa -used: in the,normal dar, than thg specifications for processing,: the new, nolo negative f ins.. ` standards should met as far as pratt; „ 1 pears that, it will not be f to good results if there slight errors: - `whicL normal ,in photography. And it should be pointed out, that the rigid :temperatur limit applies only to Ili of seven steps, with, tion of at least fve allowed in some steps and --degrees variation in `others. So, the trick .apparently: is to get as close as_possible,to: the rigid rulesestablishhed•for Major processors turning out volumes Of work. where ,even a ,slightAvariatios can cause an expensive "re -run." But don't throw away a roll where an error has been made until a serious effort is made to produce prints. • And chances are that the average photographer won't be able to tell whathas, or has not, happened until he does print it because the new films have far less "orange" filter and look more like an ordinary monochrome nega- tive. Which also means that it will require more filtration when printed for color al- though it may make a good print on a slightly hard (or more contrasty) mono- chrome paper. So, new problems mean more doors are being opened to have more fun with photography. SOAP BOX DERBY — One of the more unusual contestants In the Jaycee Soap Box Derby which is held on Wallace Street, Listowel each year. The Jaycees hope to have an adult race this year to generate more enthusiasm for the derby.