The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-06-12, Page 21SPECIALIZING IN HOUSE FO NDATI+ AND BLOCK CHIMNEY • 11 35.3202 SNS WATER WW.. DRIIUN.0, DAVIDSQN WELL DRILLINGI . LIMITED ° ERS VDU- - 5 years of Successful' water development - The most modern, fast equipment available - Highly trained personnel - Fest service and free estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest cost PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! D AV I D SO N 4 Rotdry and Percussion Drills PHONE 357-1960 WINGHAM WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" GUNS, AMMO; REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. • 3, 5 8110 SPEED BIKES OF VARIOUS MAKES TENNIS Golfing • Fishing apnd Hunting - Equipment k 7 BASEBALL TEAM SUPPLIES CENTRAL BICYCLE SHOP 48 Arthur Street S. ELMIRA 669-2706 ain/on FACTORY OUTLET In Their Original OL.D MILL a, ,M .. h.ay track IN BL.YTH W004••,oltd UMW 91 NO 1.9. BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9666 • MID WESTERN PAVING ASPHALT PAVING DRIVE WAYS PARKING LOTS Listowel 291-4794 Wingham 528-2626 Moult Forest Harriston, Palmerston TOLL FREE 338-2210 9 YOUR AUTHORIZED YAMAHA DEALER P & F Lawn and Sports Equipment LISTOWEL 291-2441 Licensed Mechanic "We Service What We Sell" SWEATERS TSL WEA ERS ana UNIFORM'S Latest styles, choice of mater- lois, cresting on premises, plus complete team supplies, balls, bats, gloves, etc. Sales',and Service for Sekine, Peugeot and Raleigh Bicycles ALL PRO SPORTS Ontario St. Stratford 271-7650 art R.R. M 3 HWY. 16E LISTOMEL Starcraft . Jayco '. . Glendale Open 6 days, closed Wed. Satisfaction - ales ervice 3 miles east of Listowel on Hwy. 86 Ph. 291-1158 MORGAN'S MOBILE HOMES AND MODULAR HOUSING PARK SALES SERVICE Victoria St., Clinton Ph. 482.7066 Your Dealer For PYRAMID BENDIX NORTHLANDER CROSSROADS SERVICE DIRECTORY REACHES 30,000 READERS Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway 'i, Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 12 Noon •victims to . advanceS iii the p�, Int rehabilitation of stroke patients, aknost 75 percent of persona surviv. 4tre k4 :can expect tAt evefituelly gain Most of their loot abilities through retrain - OW,' With modernYtee qne :, a physician Can: determine what ;tend; of stroke occurred and whicb brain ee have been damaged 'rr+ ,anent can begin mediately. TV .PAH .BLIND New- aid being developed for the blind is a closed. circuit TV syytem that can read a line in a book, and change the picture to tactile images that a blind person can "read" with his fingers. and MP CANADIAN CRANE RENTAL Now Located In Wingham For Hydraulic Crane , Phone 357-3721 1 know my readers 'have been waiting with bated.. 'breath for Smiley who seems to be ,against most things, to launch his expected fiery attack on federal MPs for ,Ening themselves. 0 magnificent pay increase. Sorry, chaps, I'll just have to: dppiyois. •time, for couple nt of reasonsu, First of all, I could speer with the tongue of angels,or devils,.. and the boysin the Big i + % ` would ignore t. If they wouldn't pay any attention to John Diiefen- baker, who speaks in such tongues, they certainly wouldn't' to Bill Smiley. Second" of all, and themain reason I havesnot erupted; /0 144 I think our federal elected ,mem« bers should have enough money so that they will . be free from, temptation, and so that the pose» tion does not become one only for wealthy people who can afford to be an MP, because they have. other income. I know, and it is true, that MPs have some other perks: free Servi Dlrect�ry mailing, travel privileges, meal and accoz<lr MOdation payments while on government : business, allowances for offices and secre- taries. In cash, their income, at $34,600, is worth more than $40,000 because a good chunk of it is tax-free. That's 'a pretty fair income, even with inflation. But it's not wild luxury. It's not exactly Arabian Nights. It's not the sort of loot on which you are going to have orgies or get rich. I don't have to tell you because they will tell you them- selves, at inordinate length — that an MP has extraordinary expenses. You've heard it all: giving up his business or profes- sion ; keeping two homes; being expected to contribute to every cause in his riding, however trivial; being expected to enter- tain when Homer and Emily drop in on him at Ottawa; having to buy a raffle ticket on anything going, and so on. It's a lot of chickenfeed that builds up into a pile of dollars. Over 30,000 readers weekly EvinouoE fitst ._ ., j * Outboard Mdtors 5pringbokAltirhinum-Boats— 'Fibiigloess Cat& s * Fiberglass Runabouts * EZ Loader Trailers * Rentals LEYLAND'S MARINE & SPORTS Palmerston, Ont. 343-2316 or 343-3112 MAGNETIC SIGNS. For Cars, Trucks, Offices, Mailboxes Eliminates costly lettering Removable when trading or painting LISTOWEL BANNER MOUNT FOREST' CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES • POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE *Stockists of STIHL Chain Sows *Sales and Expert Repairs to all Small Engines ST VE MEW H RRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 ATTENTION FARMERS NOW IN STOCK 6-7-8 Ton Wagon Gears *6 ton can be fitted with Ford, Dodge or Chev rims *7 & 8 ton feature heavy duty box frame, 6 bolt hub and adjustable torque. ELMIRA WAGONS LTD R.R. d4 Elmira Tel: 669-8500 County Rd. #20 Listowel cut off near Airport WINPOWER TRACTOR DRIVEN (h.T.O.) ALTERNATORS from 7 KW to 100 KW The money you save dur- ling toile; tri life -werJ loss' can buy your alterna_- tor. SOMMERS MOTOR GENERATOR SALES LTD. Tavistock, Ont. 519-659.2396 Sales and SERVICE since 1937 For_All Your Travel Needs *AIR *SEA *LAND ED SEMPF 191-4100 LISTOWEL TRAVEL BUREAU 163 Main St. West HAR R ITON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330 CROSSROADS ADVERTISING DEADLINE Tuesday Noon Week Before Publication ,-'Crossroads 7,4 welcomes letters to the editor DURO CONCRETE CONCRETE FORMING SPECIALISTS i.B4ID, ITIAL;*,CQhM1y1 RCIA1. FOUI ,DATIONS; WALLS, FLOOR FINISHING FREE ESTIMATES Call Anytime 357-2606 Box 370, Wingham, Ont. A Divisionof Royal Homes Ltd A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells Caissons-Earthboring HADCO Well Drilling & Digging Ltd. Elmira - 669-3761' TOLL FREE 1-800-265-8916 TRIAN ' LE TIRE Distr . ut• rs Ltd. oles and Retail PASSENGER • FARM TRUCK On the farm service Phone 291 2521 LIST • WEL PLEIN LANDSCAPING We have selections of TREES - SHRUBS - ROSES PEAT MOSS - BARK CHIPS and COCOA BEANS Garden Centre and Landticaping Service Box 807, Elmira Tel. 664-2581 Hwy, 85 South of Elmira "Backed by 16 years of Experience" g f f somebody asks me. to give a donation to the South Northum- berland Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Pregnant Cats, I can tell him to get stuffed, drop dead, or blow it out his ears. The MP for that riding must smile gamely, and hawk up a five. And so it goes. This is no apology for MPs. They are the ones who should be apologizing. Not for the increase. But for the incredible ineptness of the timing. Out of one side of their mouths. they are supporting a program of restraint for business and labor. Out of the other side they are muttering a shamefaced "Aye", or absenting themselves for the vote, when it comes to giving themselves an increase that is 92 per cent over what they were making in 1970. I admired those MPs who bluntly said they needed the in- crease and would vote for it. I have nothing but contempt for those who snuck in on .their braver brothers' and sisters' coattails. Nor do I have much time for people like Diefenbaker, who made a grandstand play out of it by pointing'the finger of scorn at others. At hisage, and with no family, and no political future, he doesn't -need it: He's got a fat pen- sion, plus the old -age pension, waiting- for him. But his leader, Robert Stanfield the millionaire, doesn't need it either, and he voted for the increase, for the sake of others, who do need it. It seems like a lot of money, but it forces some questions. Is an MP with all his . extra expenses, worth more than a letter carrier — five times more,in cash? Should an MP be worth about -the same as two and a half high school teachers? Is he worth less, from an income point bf view, than an Air Canada pilot, who flies a maximum of 75 hours a . month, for just over $50,000? Is the MP as valuable, in cash terms, as about three steel- workers? If your answer to . these ques- tions is no, then you are either a letter carrier,, a school teacher, a pilot, a steelworker, or a dam - fool. When an MP. received $10,000 a. year for about five months' work, and was able to keep his own business or profession going, he was rich. Today, how many first -rats professional men, who have worked hard" to build a practice that is bringing in $50,000 a year, are going to throw it up for the hazards of a political career, where it might be here today and. gone tomorrow? At the other end. of the financial scale, the bright able young man or woman who has a low income and could not possibly finance a run for parliament, will be encouraged to take a shot at it. There's no point in saying: "Pay them what they're worth". Some MPs would be in the bread- line and others would be million- aires. But there is some point in giving the office some dignity, economically as well as socially and politically. Despite what you may think, there is precious little corruption in Canada at the MP level. All the big money in corruption is at a different level. Let's ,keep it that way. Pay a Member of •Parliament enough so that: a) he is not tempted into nefarious practices to make a living; b) he or she does not have to be wealthy to make a run at it. This way, we'll get the most for our money. But that pension plan for Ml's is another matter: I haven't space here to comment on it. All I can do is weep bitter tears and suggest that never in the field of human endeavor will so few have been paid so much for so little. BO.BMt1R MONARCH, a purebred Holstein bull, bred in the herd of Robert G. Hawthorne, Listowel, Q tari° and now owned by Robert O. Hawthorne, tastowel & Haigsee Haven Ltd., Elora, has been Classified "Excellent'', the highest rating attainable for body conformation. Agricultural Tidbits with Adrian Vos One wonders what it takes to convince some well educated people that there are only 100 cents in a dollar? They,say; "It's only a cent," and they go on spenging one cent after the other. Only when they are down tothe last'two-bits they begin to wonder where the dollar went, Ontario's Environment Minis- try does our spending that way. When confronted with protests over sewage lagoons which ate at least one hundred acres 9each, they stated that a hundred acres is insignificant compared with what agricultural land is left. There is a difference with the people who are spending that dollar. When agricultural land is down to `two -bits" it will be a different minister to count the pennies. 0-0-0 Some people are concerned about the introduction of the SETTER ENGLISH By D. C. Williams WORDS OFTEN MISUSED Do not say, "He is named after his•father." Say, "lie is named FOR his father." Do not say. "The children occu- pied the a'vo first raws."Ilietc can be only ONE first row. Say, "The children occupied the FIRST TWO rows." Do not say, "He is insensible to his people's needs." Say, "insensible, OF his people's needs." Do not say, "In future we shall try and Flo better." Say. "In THE future we shall try TO do better." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED Embonpoint (stoutness). Pro- nounce ahn-bahn-pwann, accent last syllable. Precis (an abstract or summary). Pronounce pray -see, accent second syllable. • Microcosm (little world). Pro- nounce sigh-kra-kahz'm, accent first syllable. Debris. Pronounce da-bree, accent second syllable. OFTEN MISSPELLED - Naivete; only one "t." Loathe (a verb meaning to hate or abhor). Loath .(adjective. meaning slow, re- luctant, or indisposed); no "c. Odious (hateful). Odorous (having an odor). Coolly (in a cool manner). Coolie (Chinese laborer). Coulee (a ravine). Elixir (sweetened aromatic solution); observe the scaond "i." Bruit (to voice abroad; to rumor). Brute (a crude person). WORD STUDY "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us increase our voca- bulary by mastering one word each day. Words for this lesson: RI:CLAME; publicity; self -adver- tisement: notoriety. (Pronounce ray-klahm, accent second syllable). "The star's Visit in our town was preceded by a flood of reclame." ADMONITORY; tending or serving to caution, advise, or counsel; warning. "An admonitory gesture by his teacher checked him." RETROUSSI•:: turned up (of the nose,. (Pronounce ret-roo-say, accent last syllable). "Her little retrotisse nose seemed to quiver with delight," COLUMBUS VOYAGE Columbus began his third, voyage of discovery to South America on May 30, 1500. CBC-tv's very popular The Beachcombers (Sunday nights at 7) features a number of excellent 'supporting performers in addi- tion to its stars. Among them are Frank Wade (left), a true showbusiness veteran who has performed on stage, radio, tv and movies who plays the role of Colonel Spranklinf and versa- tile Vancouver actor Ivor Harries who plays the role of Smithy. metric system. Don't be. afraid. When you need- a four inch nail, you'll still ask the store: fore a four inch nail. It will be 10 centunelerit long but for you it is still '0 #r inch nail,. You need some twos -by- fours. They'll still b - the San* size and `the same name. Remember they aren't 2 x 4 now either. Instead of a gallon you'get 4 litres. The litre is close eh- to the quart that -in the ma jority of cases you can say litre and mean quart. A yard is close tO the metre. Length measuring will be one .of`. the easiest to adjust to because of its similarity to the dollar system. 2.25 metre is much like $2.25. The opposition comes mainly from people who are afraid of change, afraid of some- thing new and are ` often older people. 1< haven't heard oppos- tion from younger people because more younger than older peopole are ready to adopt something new. 0.0;0 Grain' stocks here and in the r buying countries are low, yet the b rs are slow in their pur- ches and are taking a gainble that prices will be low ' and crops good.. This, of course, keeps prices down.: If the crops are not good, however, their gamble may, be a costly one. The ' Russians ' apparently -won't take that gamble And their trade mission are in the U.S. now for negotia- tions with grain dealers. If they made big''deals the price. wiil in-' crease"'too, and ' the' reluctant gamblers will have lost. Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by .6 p.m. Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. Wanted OLD FURNITURE in any condi- tion, china, glass, sealers, bot- tles, trunks, clocks, old car parts, oil lamps. Write E. Ryan, RR 1, Limehouse, Ontario, LOP 1H0 29-5-12-19 For Sale CROP SPRAY and sprayers. A complete stock of crok sprays such as Atrazine, Sutan, Lasso, Furadan, 24D and MCPA at very competitive prices. Also new Cal- sa weed sprayer for sale or rent. Jim Armstrong, one mile east of Wingham on Highway 86. Phone 357-1651. 29-5-12 VAN EYL BROS. Clifford 327-8045 COMBINES i - International 503 with .cob, very good Condition. • International 403 with cab, platform and 4 row corn - head, good condition. - International 303 with cab and platform. - Case 800 with cab and plot - form. - Case 800 with platform. - John Deere 42 pull -type - 2 International 80's, pull - type. EQUIPMENT - 2 John Deere $wathers, model 780 with conditioners = Feed Rocks - Bole Racks - - Grain Boxes end Wagons