HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-11-14, Page 1, eAteT AND HURON & MIDDLES AZETI' "IIEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OWES FALL WHERE 'THEY MA -r." VOL. XVII, NO 10. • LEGAL, H. DICKSON Barrister, .14 • oitoref Supreme Court,NotaryPublic Ounveyaacer Commissioner , eco . Money to train Elanson's Block, Exeter, R. coLLINs, ,oarrister,Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,,t. hzialTEB, . ONT. 0 Me eSamweir a Block Ft all's old. office. ) PLLIOT & ELLIOT., -L14 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. Waloney to Loan at Lowest Bates. of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN • STREET, EXETER. B. v. IsalaoT. J. ELLIOT, DENTAL. L. BILLINGS, naaiwssstr, OPI/OE: ovei OVrEIL'S Ratak Nid.ous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Samwell's Block, Nain-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth withoutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Village and- all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zuniert on last Thursddyin each month: 'MEDICAL T W. B110 WN1NG M. D., M. 0 VP •ie. ,G re, &teats VictorialJuiversity.Office mdaresidence,DominionLaboratory. Exe ter RYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Union. Office, opposite Mr. .Carling+s Otore, Exeter. 1-1R. J. A. ROLLIN h, M. O. P. S . eleeet O. Office, Main S.,..Exoter,Ont.Besiden 08 houser scantly occupied by P. Esq. F. CUT'CEN, M. D. O. M., I 1 • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- imto; Fel. Trin. Med. school, Toronto; Grad. /km Inst., Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Member Col. P. S„ Ont. -- office, Dashwood. Ont. AUCTIONEERS.. tr_TEN.RY BIL\BER, Licensed bioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli. ray Townships. Salesconductodatmoderate , &zee. Office-AtPost-office,Crediton,Ont. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the al Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborme an d the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, ......,:a.- ra,duates of the On bario Veterinary College , Oxman : One door South of Town Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. 1TONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6* -IA- per eent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H. DICKSON, Barrister,Exoter, Sillia.amgemam ,i1M11,11.111•••••••1 INSUE.A.NCE rp HE LONDON MUTUAL -IL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP CANADA.. Head Offleee London, Ont. .A.fter 30 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property andprivate residences, either on buildings or contents,the most favorable protection in ease of loss or'ddmage by fire or lightning, at rates upon such liberal terms, that no other respect- able company can afford to write. 42,243 pen: dies in force let Jan ,te89. Assets 5378,209.54 in cash in bank. Government depost. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. jAtins GRANT, President ;I). O. Mo DONALD , Manager. DAvID SAclone, Agent for Exeter andvioinity. rIP E WATE RL 0 0 MUTUAL Pf.BE INSUBANO El O Establishectin 18 6 3. HEAD OFFICE - WATEELOO,ONT. This corarrartv has been over Eighteen yearsiniuoceSsful operation in Western On- ario,andcontinues to insure againstloasi or damage by Wire Duildingsevleremandiseettan- ufeettories,and til o tbe deseriptionsofhnsur- able peoperty, tntending ineurers have the option of Ensuring on the Premium Note or o ash System . DurIng the paet tett yeers this Company ho,,sissued 17,000 Policies'. coverin gproporty o t4ssAnetintof $40,872i088 ;and paid tutees - et a1ene$700,752,00- AseetS, 81700.06,00,consisting o f Cash n rsenk , Government benoelt etn d th o Maass- essodl3rem.iutn Notesonliandandin force. J, W W•ripnk ivr D. Preeidet t. 0. g. TA.Vmon, Seeretety. j.B latrettens,Inepector, CHAS: .agnr, Agontfor Exetorandvicinitv , CENTRAL arber Shop, ••VANSON" S: BLOCK • • . . Hastings, Prop Saving and taircu tting in the lateststyle of the art, ,Every attentie pato cutting Ladies and Ohl' drew' s• Hair, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER .14, 1889 The atiolsons Bank (011ARTENED HY PA BLIAME.N Totem) Paid up °omits' 53,000,00 liestFund .„ 1,000,05 Head Office, Montreal, F. WOLIPASTAN THOMAS.Eago Gal/URAL MANAans 20 brants h ofllcoany the Dominion, "Agenele en the Dominion, U, S. A. and garope. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a. m . to 3 mta SATURDATS,10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. 3 Pereent.perannurn allowedfor money on Deposit Receipte and Savings Bank. ARCHER 'Manager. o -o o Goldsnnith mece-erletre-e- WATCHES,-, CLOCKS, - JEWELRY, '- SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. efeepersonalatiention given to repairing of , watches-pal:oaks andiewelree C. REICHENBACH, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL. Short Itenas of News. cAN.AnrAN, Evangeliete Hunter ret Crossley began their work at Hamilton Sunday night. The Land Leagues of Ottawa distriot.bave just forwarded 31,200 to swell the Home Rule Fund. The Portage people pay this year a of 21 mills on the 3 taxes, Brandon's is 37 mills'and Rapid City's 24 mills Ed Nerd Rankin, the oarsman, has t Hosmer's place in the Dark Secret cone and has gone to New York to. join troupe. The petitions kr the commutation o death penalty in the case of Harvey Guelph murderer, ave being largely si by people tbrougbout the country. The Department of Agriculture is ha pzepared tbe circumscriptions for sub -district throughoutthe Demi of Canada in readiness for the ce in 1891. The ework is a gigantic on there hoe, to 'hese, olear.adetinition'sef eub-dietrict M' the 'whole of the countr An agent of an English syndicate is said to be negotiatineg for the perches all the cheese factories in Central York, which amount to something gve hundred. These factories are run the emoperative principle, and are pate ized by thousands of farmers. . The other day eight cars of potatoes f the west, bound for Pennsylvania, three cars of canned salmon from Francisco for New Yerk, crossed the r rom Oanada at Ogdensburg. These f ell their own story. George .Barnes of Kemptville, met wit erious accident on Thursday wbile driv cross a O.P.R. bridge there. His ho ecame frightened and ran away, throw Ma out. He fell on a large stone and eived a scalp wound and an extensive fr tire of the skull. The injured man een unconscious since the accident, a ow lies in a very low condition. Thursday morning the G.T R. tbrou eight trout the west ran off the track he Junction, Hanailton, the switch havi een left open. The engine and seve ars were damaged, but the freight was n jured in any way. Fireman John Ka Point Edward, was ensiled between Elgin° and tender and instantly kille is body was crushed into a jelly. Thus. Boyle of St. Marys, jumped fro Michigan Central train, on Wedneeda ar, Vassar, Mich., while it was running high rate of speed. Ea was seriously red about tbe head end shoulders, a ay not recover. He was on hie way e lumber woods. There is no explan cm of his conduct. A letter written by Mr. Maitland Ste use, the Bridal Columbian who resign s seat in the Proviiacial Legislature to b me a leader among the Mormons of the nadian Northewest, indicates that those r whom he speaks have no intention of andonding their polygareoue enaction. The total mileage of the G.T.R. :system now 3,1119 relies, composed of tbe Grand unk proper, 1,513 miles ; the Midland, 1 miles ; the Detroit and Miebigan air e, 165 milee, and the Northern and rthwestern, 491 miles. There are also miles of second track and 650 miles of iege. Of the whole 3,519 miles are laid 11 steel and 979 miles with iron nail he , Tnomination of candidates for the , et Riding of Lababton took place at nia on Monday. Charles Mackenzie nominee of the Beformere, was placed nomination by Arch. Gibbs, of Moore Jas. Purvis of Sarnia township. Rdbt• ek, the nominee of the Liberal Censor ive party, was Placed in nomination by n D. McDonald of Port Lambton, and E. Lestieur of Sarnia. John G. 111oCeile, cltclate of the Third Party, wee nonain- by Dr. Colter of Petrone, mid J. V, ott of Smite 'I'he election will take O net Monday. Mitehell °March is greatly agitated use a leading lady singer has left the r in consequence of the "sarcastio e" of another rnereber, ancl the City Council has a royal commission oot to discover whether two aldermen winked sfinulteneously divihg a eession ho Court of Itevielon axe Or aro not y of some heinotre offence. Smilteg whetting luive been regarded art inno- enough pastimee in the past, but from exernples they are lieble to bo prosti- . If 4 fourth piety is formed, we expeat to find an .anti.smile and an vinic plank in its platform. rate rate alten pang the f the ,the gned ving each mon uses e, 88 each. Y. now e of New like on on - rota and San iver acts ha ing rite ing re - 8C• bite at rad ng ral 00 ue lie d. 0- nd to a- n - ed e- a 11 0 11 fr in of a no ina rn th tit ho 111 co On fo ab is Tr 47 lin No 172 sid wit We Sar the 3u aed Fle vat Sob can ated Elli pled A beca choi etnil ton On f o ol guilt and tient them teted may eeti ttilroun sauTns, Sadie Tient, a young lady who was severely bitten by a, road abg We W11110 1I mg to s,nve a little, ohild,• died or action al the bowel., withouttlebilitating, res. hydrophobia, at'Malta Bend, go., gonday, after intense suffering. She mutilated hereon terribly, Moe Hunt was one of the most prominent young society ladies in the country. Senator Stenforcl'a filly, Sureol, 'uncle the remerkable time of 2.1012, on Saturday at San Premise°, thus lowering the three year old reeord of 2.12 recently made by Axtel. She was ftecompanied by a ruaning horse durieg the trial. The start was made with the latter about a furlong behind. Sunol reached tbe quarter in 32 seconds; she went to tbe half in 1.05, and it then seemed certain, that barring a breek she would succeed in lowering the record. Her time to the threegmarters was 1.37i, The run. ner pressed her closely down the stretch, and Marvin, her divier, applied the whip, but tbe colt clid not make the slightest hkip, and passed under the wire in 2.101. Mrs. Maude Morgan, said to be an im- portant witness in the Cronin case, was sandbagged Monday night by an unknown person and. is in a dengeroure condition. Mrs Morgan was returning hem a viail about 9.30. She walked through the alleY M. the rear of her house. She had just entered the alley when a person oloaely wrapped in a heavy mewl stepped from a shadow of the building and dealt her heavy blow on the head. Had it not been for a roll of hair the blow would probably have killea her. For nearly An hour Mra, Morgan was unconscious. Her assailant was a man in female attire. enrTISR. It is reported at Cadre that Osman Digna is colleoting forme at *Dongola to advant3e northward. An Egyptian battlion has been ordered to reinforoe the frontier. A banquet was given to P. T. Barnum in London the other evening. Lord Kilmorey presided. Among those present were Lord Randolph, Churchill, Lord Charles Beres• ford, Lord Rosebury, the Rothohilds and others. Mr. Gladstone and Lord Aberdeen sent letters of regret. RAMBLING NOTES! -BY-- VALENTINE MITGGINS. In conversation with Mr. Gill, Chief of Police, we found that the item in last week's issue about the Diamond. 011 "doctor" was not quite correot. He was not fined the extreme limit of the law, 5100 being the higbeat, $50 the lowest. Mr. Gill says the fine could have been made 3100. Chief Gill and our Magistrate, Mr. Olark, dealt Very leniently with the "doctor," and he should have been satisfied. The case might have been taken to Clinton, but to save the adoe,tor," who is, by the way, a good sort of fellow, as much expense as poseible, it was tdr d in Exeter. * * If Mr. Gladstone has really gone over to the Roman Catholic Church as reported, the people who hitherto held him to be au earthly saint, will now turn him over to his late enemies who would be glad of the chance to kiss his big toe. * * The Diamond Oil concerts were a relief to our town, and it ie hoped they are toile° the forerunner of many more entertain- ments for the winter menthe. Keep them up, don't let thern die out. The Temperance Society, the Foresters, the Sons of England, the Churches, and many others have the material to get up first-elass concerts and socials, and the public will duly appreciate their efforts. A town 80011 runs down with out these anausenaents and entertainments, and by home societies snpplying them the money is kept right in the town, thereby benefiting both tbe town and the society which gives it, and supplying amuse. ment for the long winter eveningt. Now Hist the boys have a foot -ball club organized they should be encouraged to keep it up. Foot -ball is a healthful game, and just the thing for the boys. Keep the ball on the kick, boys. In order to show the depth of a mother's love, a poem was worded: "Hest thou sounded the depths of yonder sea, And counted the sands that under it be, - Haat thou measured. the heights of the heavens above? Then mayest thou mete outa mother's love." If the poem was being written now -a -days the author would take the innumerable typographical errors in lad week's Advocate in preference to the sands nuclei tbe sea. - A Great Christmas Souvenir. -- Although no public announcement has been maderegarding it tbe trade bas found out that the coming Chrietrnas number of tbe Moutreal STAR is to be the most superb Pictorial Christmas Souvenir over seen in tbis country. The demand for it is simply immense, many dealers ordering a thousancl come each. Partiee in the States are en- deavoring to enure the exclnsive sale in tbat country. 11 will be ready early ie December. One of our exchanges spenks ole millinery store kept by a very estimable lady, and says the editor was gratified to see her stocking up. The editor says he was never rto as- tonished in his born dare as he was when the teepee came out, to meet the millinery lady and have her strike him acrose the brow with art embrella, and toll him that he was d liar, and that she would tell bis wife. Fie didn't know whet she wile mad at, and had to read the Item over it hundred Hines to see if there was anything spiteful 13 18 — AAIONG THE 1000 ISLANDS. clattenoque, Ontie beautifully eituated in the Very Midst of the Thousand Ielande, but its eitizete are equally as reliable 88 011080 Of °thee sectione to Cateewb. W. 13, Fullerton, Draggists says t.. -A prominent citizen of oor town expresitee geoat delight over the teireculoue healing pror,ertioe of your Nasal Balm, He hes suffered kr a long time from a severe beech -mho over the oyoo, aud bis henti -ae so stooped op that he was in groat distress. One appliaation go instant relief, and in two days be was entirely eurcd. The oorobination ot Metedients found in Ayot'o Pills renders them tonics and aura- ea tIVe aa 10011 aS cetbartie. For this reason ori they are the best medicine for people of im cestive anlet ea they` restore the natural Sa Fullarton. Bnmrs, --Mr. R. H. Pomeroy has sold his store and property to Mr- H. W. Gill. P1100, $700. -While Alias ,Tennie Francis, wart out riding en horseback, the horse took fright at f301110 object an4 threw her off, dislocating her non at tbe elbow. Although very paiefful for some time, she will arson be gil right again. ' Vsborne. --- kReport of progress el pupils in S. S. 'No. .I.Tsborne for tne month of October. 11 Part, Lily Westeett,Nelson Prout. II class, Lila aloCord, Tillie Richardson. jr. Blanch Westoott, Violet Russel. Sr. third, Lyman McCord, Ida Weetcott. Fourth °less, Edith Westcott Fifth class, Gei tie Maeord, T. Russel, Conduct, 1st, Gertie adoCor aud, B. Westeott, Ida Westeott Opal ; Rd, T. Russel. ' Whalen IlsumaAn.-On Oot. 31stthe residence of Ur. James Gunning of this place, was the scene of a brilliant gathering, the inci- dent being the celebrating of the marriage of MI'. John Foster of the town line east, and Miss Agnes, daughter of Mr, James Gunning. About eighty guests were present to witness the ceremony which was per- formed by Rev. John Campbell of Granton. The bride was supported by her sister, and the groora by Mr. Johnston. The many ,beautiful bresente testified to the esteem in eirhich the bride was held by her numerous friends. We wish the young couple a happy and prosperous journey through life ,BRIEFs:-The friends of Freewill church have decided to build a shed at the ehurch and have most of the material on the geminate This is a step in the right dirention, as such accommodation is mach needed. -Mr. John Brock has taken pos seesion of the farm lately purchaeecl from Mrs. Sutberby, and illr. Wm. Lawton, who has had the farm rented has gone to Granton. Mee. Sutherby has bad her house moved down to the village and is now a resident of this noted place.--aliss Hannah Rayoraft and her brother Joe are away to Muskoka on a visit to their friends. Bayfieid. %ultra. -Several of our young men have returned home for the winter after spend- ing the summer on tbe lakes on the Survey boat, among them Messrs. P. Moorhouse, James Waltvin, H. Colloclay and F. Kee - gen. -Rev. and Mrs. Hodgins have been visiting in Lucan.-Rev, Iter. Hill greached ,finallohnesville last Sunday evening, Mr. `154111 eVaena, taking his place here, - Some of the fisherman returned last week. -Mass Lily Elliott has been visiting for a month in Stanley township -Mr. and Mks. G 11 Hewson are home from their wed- ding trip to Toronto aud other places. - The 5th of November was celebrated here by the 0.Y.B., by an oyster tupper in the Orange Hall, %Olen a social and pleasant evenlug eas spent. Clinton. Fines-Abont two o'clock Thursday morning a brick farm house with frame 'additions, owned by John Weir. of Goderich township, about two miles from this place, was totally deetroyed by fire. The family had a narrow escape for their lives. They only succeeded in saving one bed, and Mr Weir had his hair badly singed in getting out himself. When first discovered the fire had made great headway. The cause of firm is unknown, as everything was considered safe on going to bed the night before, The total loss will amount to about $1,500. Insured for 3600.-A fire broke out about one o'olook Wednesday morning in a frame row owned by Wm Murray, and occupied by F. Shepherd, as a tailor and gents' furnishing shop. When first discovered the fire had made consider- able headway, and it was utterly impossible to save anything of importance. Adjoining was the butcher shop of W. Et. Black, tvbich was also learned down and namely anything saved. Next came,a vacant shop used at one time as a painedshop, whi h was badly damaged, and then Geo. Glas- gow, gents' furnisher, who lost considerable by removal, although the shop was saved. The firemen deserve great oredit for woik ing so heroically in fleeting the fi,e. Wm Murray's loss is about 32,000 ; insured for 31,000. Scarcely anythMg was saved from Black's and Shepherd's premises, and their logs will be heavy. Hay. OBITITAny,--Tbis week it falls to our lot to cbronicle the death of Margaret, beloved wile of Mr. Duncan hIcEwon of the London road, which sad event occurred on Sunday last. rs. Mattes; some weeks ago, was delivered of a child, and sinee tbat 'bane has been suffering of a Myer incident there- to. Deceeeed was a daughter of the late John Malieveu of Carlton Place, and, with her husband, bad been a /esirlout of Hay for many years, beiug aged 41 years and 7 menthe. She was highly respected by zit aud was a diligent member of the Pres- yterian church, There servivo hoz a bus - baud and family of young children. Nued.eas. -On Tuesday aftornoou, of last week, a very pleasing event occurred at the residence of Mrs. Redmond, township of Bay We refer to the marriage of Mr, Win. McKinley, of the township of Stanley, to Rebecca, fourth daughter of Mee, Redmond, The ceremony was per- formed by Rev, R. Redmond of Oreaiton, and was witneseed by a number of the relatives) of the contraeting paetiee. The bride was tastefully attirea in a rich ereeee dress. Miss De/0E1111v, sitter ot the groom, acted at bridesmaid, and Mr, C. A. Red - mend, brother of the bride. as groornsmatt. .After the ceroniony was °Vet' and the lutemy eoriple hati ieceived the congratulations of their Mends, all sat rime to a sumptuous dinner. The bride was merle the reelpient of a number of useful and veluable mese en te, T11010 is no mere fruitful source el se then Vitiated blood. ,It resolyea every ;an and lunation of the bodee and if not • thediately corrected by the use ot Ayr' reaparilia, sooner or Itter kads tp fatal: tilts. .6n warned in JOIIN WHIette at SONS Publisher • and. Proprietors wweeweteeweaeteees.es.__,_ K/rkton. Buttars.-Mr, 0. Callender, la, S., of Kirktoe, had (Merge of Afr. Sweet's practice while the latter wars away on a shooting expectition.---Rev. H. D. Ste sle, incumbent of St. Paul; delivered a lecture in the church on Tuesday evening last, on the Subject of Women's Sphere, Your corres- pondent will furnish readers with an epitome of the 85 15 in next week's issue, -The pulpit of Kirkton tfethodiet church was ably filled, on Sunday eyening last, by the Rev. Truax, of laullarton.--What might have resulted in a serious accident happened on Sunday lase Whilst Messrs. W. Hawkshaw and j. Snell, of Exeter, were coming into the village, their bone atm:alert and fell, breaking the buggy shafts, but luckily the occupants escaped unhurt, and after a slight delay, they reached their destination without further mishap. -Mrs. J. Maize has been severely 11, owing to an'attace of Lumbaim, during the past week. Zurich. To ILY C081.0018118 AND MB Penne-nave now a full an.. complete stook of all kinds of Harness, at prates to suit euetomers ; also a large stook of Trunks, Satchels, Horse BsticritorkskeorfsB. IRauckbbnenrdaGn rd'ayPafnurcYRRobug., AAlllafurgres first class, I sell at a slight advance on cost P reerruen Dneeamtister -A large stock of bed -room suits, parlor suits, lounges, spring beds and mattres.ses, and everything to be found. in a first class furniture establishment. Also faney gilded border spring roller vrindovr blind, Now is the time. If you want to get a fine Bell Organ or Piano, eheap, call and rese me. By so doing you will make from $15 to $25. No trouble bo show goods. me 2 IlEnuoN WELL, Zurich. BRIRF8.-Butahering is the order' of the day. -Mr, Sohnell is visiting friends in town. -Mr, R. Steinbach, while out hunt. ing one day last week succeeded in eaptur- ing a coon, weighing over twenty pounds. -The wife of Dr. Buceanan has presented him with a little girl. -A. couple of weeks ago, H. Doan, V. 5., met with a slight accident by oak:Mug hie thumb on a piece of nail. The wound was not thought a serious one until this week, when it began to be very painful. Mr. Doan is nimble to attend to his business, and it will be some time before his hand will be healed. --The Diamond Aledinine Company paid our village a flying visit last week. On the evenings of Thursday, Friday and Satur- day concerts were hold in Pine's hall, The attendance was fair. They succeeded in selling quite a large amount of their medicine. With each bettle the purchaser received a ticket which entitled him to "a chance" on the presents which were given away. These presents were purchased in town and were genuine, -Curb 13iseearck of A., 0. le le increeeingainewaentailealp, Three reeruits were enlisted last meeting' night, -The members of the Evangelical church propose to hold a Christiteas festival on Xmas eve, Crectiton. Satu'l Faiszt has returned from Washington Territory. Mr. F. had been suffering from an attack of typhoid fever while there. We are glad to see him well again aud welcome him house. -Miss Emily Thomas and Kate Gould, of Exeter, were the guests of Miss Bedford on Sun- day. -Mr. Quintin, of Usborne, spent Sunday ii Crediton. --Miss Lacy Ginter, of Fonthill, Ont., is the guest of Miss Bertha Eilber.-Messrs. H. Eilber and V. Ratz are at Woodstock attencline ea - assizes there in connection with ei-eitw'snit with McGillivray concternineee the Grand Bend cut. -Mr. Pocleeeena London, visited friends here Thanksgiving cley.-Mr. Wm. Dauncy and son William have returned from Manitoba, -We are pleased to be able to report that his son is able to be around again. -Mr. S. S. Nash las gone to Ithohigan.-The trustees of the school have engaged Alr. Hobbs, of West McGilliv- ray, as principal for the eohool. Mr. Hobbs comes Well recommended. -Mg. Conrad Kuhn is preparing to erect a fine brick residence next to Mr. H. Sweitzer's.-- Thanksgiving day was celebrated here by almost everyone. Some went gunning, some indulged in a game of baso ball and the more devout attended services in the churches. The tea -meeting in the evg. was well attended, and was financially and otherwise a complete success. The social on Friday evening was also well a1tendec1,-4r 11, Eilber hae purchased, for his office use, a very peouliar machine called a minaeograph. This is one of the greatest labor saving arrangements we have ever seen, and for anyone in Mr.° Eilber's business is worth 5 times its price. One mau can do as mull copying with it in one hour as two others can do in a day. He tried the machine the other day and it proved all that is claimed for it. -Messrs. Clark and Beaver have received another ear load of potatoes and have., disposed of moat of them. They have a few left and hold them at a very reasouabie figure. - Several thooting matches have been heal in the neighborhood lately which have been well attended by local sports. Smith says lio has got his rifle clown fine now and is not afraid of Anything in the world. He bagged 8 ducks in one day, he says he is going to get as many more at Yearly's naatch to -day. --Mr, Walter Clarke prottiises the boys a big day in oho near future, by having a monster shooting match. Farther particulars later on, -The sports turned out "En Masse" on Monday, for a hunt, The fox was liberated tear the oeineterir and was given a start of a quarter of a mile, when the dogs were lot !doge. Rey - d took a great many oironitous routes and kept the hounds and epode busy for over two hours, crossing and emcrossing the womb; several hustle, He WAS at length eaptured by a etrango dog and was emu- eletely done tie. The old man could not Id t the opportunity slip, rasa joined in the fun ; he said "by gribs" 1 could have shot him several time if / had had my gun, Gottlob says "der war ober a ludo mull springen."-Mrs. IV. r„, Brook, of London, ns visiting reettivee hore,-Word has just been received from Waitsbutgb, Wath, Torn, of tbo death of Mrs, Adolph Moffitt, formerly of (Irecliton. Xttr. and Mee. Mollie left for that -country a tittle eesr ti year ago end lout been nieolihg With k.on,1 Ottheerag. She leases two yoront ohildren sta. 4 husband tO mourn her ms,1 dot arture. 11l11088t typhoid fever. Corbett. The Weather around here bas been. very dry this last week. -Mr. G. Alexander, our ebeesennalter, who has been milking a few free cheese for his 'patrons, rriade his last cheese ou Thursatty, Ile has been very busy °leaping his faotory for tbe whiter months -1V1r. Geoege Autoney, who has worked last year as oheesernaker under bfr Alexancler, has been away for a few weeks, He returned on WedueedaY last to tender for cbeememalter for the coining year. --The directors of the Coebett cheese factory will meet on Tuesday for, closing the renders for the coming year. -1 am sorry to say tbet Miss Clara P0, tootle has been eick. Una last tvesk wite information on the heart but am glad tit say she is very much better. -Master W. Young," .the youngest son of our store keeper, has been very sick this week. --Ale. Taylor of this place, had tbe misfortune to get his leg badly cut while using a stumping machine. -Mr. J. Gardner and H. Downing returned home after an abeense of two months. -The sale of household furniture and personal effects of the late Edwin Patching will be sold on Tuesdae .-alr. Houeton of Petrone, our late Methodist minister, paid some of his oburch people a visit on 'Monday - Ji na Gardner, our pathmaster, who has been in England for the last :two months, is home very busy doing gravelling on the etage road to Parkhill, and has three teams on the road every day. Service was held in the English :Meech on Thankegiving Day by Rev. Mr. Freeman. --Quite S number of our Boyne boys celebrated the 5111 in Parklaill. Biddulph, — - Num. -The Orange Lodge,193, celebra- ted the 5th in a right royal manner. Age sembling in the lodge mum in the forenoon, sat down to a bouni,eous repast furnished by Mr. W. Atkinson, and enjoyed tWo splendid epeeehes from the Rev 'Mr* Blenders, Methodist nainiater, of Luean, and Rev. Mr, Downey, Episcopal minister, of same place. The young folks enjoyed a gcod "hoe down" in the lodge room after the speeches had. been delivered-Mf.a tas Itlellhargy, of the 5th concession, Biddulph, celebrated the 5111 of November, by selling off his farm stock and implements at auction. Cattle and sheep sold high, .nb eo with horses and implements, but the farm he sold at private sale to Mr. Thos Bennett, for the sum of $3,60. -Mr P Keefe, formerly of tins township, but now a resident of Nebraska, has purchased -a number of fine colts aud shipped them West, on Monday lase -Hay is 36.50 per ton and quite a quantity is ebipped from 'Mean 080510 1)'001( et Dempsey has been engager:1,14 th-artruelees, of S. S. No. 2, at an advanced salary, for the coming year. -Mr. F Ryan sold hi 3 - year -old mare for $175 Ellen, of Boston is the guest of Mr s Langtord.- Mr Brown, of London South, har xented his Biddulph farm to Mr Isaac Harness, of Usborne.--alutton looking up, Barley looking down; Farmed, looking both ways. -Mr Jonathan Hogan, formerly of 'moan, but late of Michigan, teas brought to Liman on the 811) inst., for interment. He was buried at Biddulph Catholic cemetery. He was killed by a freight train, oe, he was brakesman.---111r. 'Abbott's shed raising on 4' a -at, was 88013585 ; Joseph .e.,,,theesaaa and Benny Abbott entetinais.-111r Robert ,Cooper purchased a fine brood mare at Mr Shute's sale, Usborne, for the sum of 3220. -Mr Franklin Neil is off the past week to Napanee, in the interest of the Russel Fence Cotupany. St. Marys --- Bunos.-Mr. George N. Miller of Fon- tanelle, Wyoming Territory, is at present visiting Mr. James Clark. -Rey. C. C. 0' Mara, pastor of the Episcopalian church, has, accepted a o 11 to Columbia, Ohio. -The Empire of Tuesday states that a St. Marys man named Stanley Crozier was robbed on King street, Toronto, on Monday. -Mr. A. 0. MePhee who formerly kept a etationerv store in the town but who is now travelling for Reid Bros, of Toronto, was in town the first of the week. Mr. McPhee exhibited photographs by the New Australian process. D Torrance oGuelph, was married ou Thursday last to Miss Agnes Sander- son of the Town, The happy couple left at S p.m. on a trip through the Eastern States. --Hamilton Purdy has sold his mar- ble works.-Williarn Teben of Downie, was married on Tuesday to Miss Annie Degan of that town. A. large number of people were present at the ceremony which was performed at the 11. C. church. -George P. Riddell, fornaerly mathematical teacher in the Collegiate Inetitute hero, but now an instructor in Galt Collegiate Institute. wag in town Mst week. -Park street bridge is now open for traffie. It is a fine structure and now the Sunday pedeetrians eau take in the brsaittiful Tnames from both sides. It is reported that when the last stroke tells, Mat O'Brine will give the bridge a tormal baptism, and tap a keg of lager to treat the boys, -It is reported tbat a new paper wilt be started in town. If this is so it must be intended for a surprise Party for the citizens. -Mr. G. A. Ironside, who has been emploved by fa. Long for the past Veer, left on Thursday last for Soot -land, he being called home by ft ineseage stating the severe illness of his fether.-Josirth Lane's barn was Maimed on Friday evening last, fissured in the 131ameba05 nutuel for $1100. This is the third loss far the Com- pany during the past Month, the other two being insulad for $1500 each, making a total loss for the Compaby of 44,100. --*The fire brigade was (tailed out Sunday after., noon to eetenguish a blaze in the rear of W. 3. Gillin's dry goods store. It was go linaoe dottrel by the Women's Pail 0o. Damage small,-.11fiehiel O'Day had. Ilia filed badly out on Thanksgiving Day by a gun - fling accident Other accidents reported but are, unisitbritet tiorro.3,brt, ja:x:tirizots,t. Poole ars often ireitahlb by reason or' sonm exasperating sltih 5110081 which do- etreye eamtert sub troott Swi, Rheum, nettle rash, erysipalm, pirupfas, scald head, et., , are of this native, they rise from bad Wood, and can be anted hy Ming th.117.7,00't 'Blood Bittorp nreohling to dtreotionS,