HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-11-7, Page 8co -I -W sunt RpeYt� L"Y Absolutely Pure, This powder nevervaries &marvel of Cur ty, strength and wholesomeness. More cern omloalthautho ordinary kinds And cannot be eoMineompetitionwith the multitudes of ow test, short weight, alum or phosphate ?owders.Soidonly in cans. -ROLL OAK, NG POWDGIR CC .100 Wa11street N.Y. INSTJRANC1 • -�'' RN E ST 1 LLIO`i', A GEIN T FOR d THE WESTERN ASSURANCE COM P \NY of Toronto „ also for the PREEN1 K FTi1,E INSURANCE COMPANY, of London Enaiand,the ROYAL (CANADIAN. of Mon- • tree -Lard. the BRITISH EMPIRE LIVE AS- SURANCE COMPANY, of riondon, England established 1847. Assets over $5,000,000 claims and bonuses laid, over S10,000.000 S8•�olida9aoods'89 We are cotnmencing to fill in, and con- stant additions will be the order up to the time of the nsual Christmas rush, We have now -in Albums, Work -boxes. Writ- ing Desks,, Bibles, .Hymn Hooks, Vases, cLo-a stock worth showing, and we invite, after 1st NOV., calls from prospective buyers, to note what steps are being taken to make our store an attractive Mart dur- ing November, December and January months, J. GRIGG', EXETER Main-st. LOCAL VE1VS.-i1'eshall beltappy to re- saive at all times, from any pari of the Oounty, items of local sews, such its ac- • cidents,or any interesting incident what- ver „front any of our subscribers or read- ers generallyfor the purposeof public ation, 13C1itg exam Name THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, :889'. LOCAL HAPPENINGS, REOPENED.—Boots andshoes at and -be- low cost at C. Eaerett's. 13a' nest making in all its branches still carried on as usual, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Commence Now. We will take great pleasure in for- warding the 'rams to any address in Canada or the United States, from now rntil Jan. 1890, for 15 cents. Sub scribe at once. ill revislles. Messrs.. Weed Bros, stripped a oar load of sheep from Exeter station o t lalonday.. The ;shooting match to•du,y. ('f"hursdey) at Mentals, promises to be a grand eaecess, Mr. Geo, iN oil has severed his (tonike- tion with the St, Marys Journal, The reopening of the Main street: Meth. church will take ' place two weeks from Sunday next. The Woodstock Tfnles hes beeneularged to sir eight column eight paged -paper, and is cue of the Brest local papers in Ontario, Tho Clu`i: tiara X+;ndeavor Society, is preparing a coarse ticket for the purpose of entertainments during the winter. Another consignment of apples t eceived at J. P. Ross' store, Market Square. Call early. Mantle Cloths, Sealettes and Mantle flushes, big stook and very cheap at the Big Bankrupt Stove. All coats eat free of (Aarge. The junior foot 'ball club, of Crediton, are expected here today '(Thursday) to play a friendly game with the junior club, of Exeter. In last week's issue the word ?lass in the announcement of the vestey meo,ing of the. Trive t Memorial Church, should have read brass tablets. On Monday, Messrs. W , H. Vot'ity fi Son, shipped a car load of their celebrated plows co the prairie provinces. Tlreyhave several more car loads in preparation An Ha?monia "'Orchestra, under th,' leadership of W. E. Gundy, and consisting of a carnet, clarionet, bass.violflutes, ban- jos, guitars mouth organs, clic„ has been organized in to wn. Received advice of another consignment of apples to arrive the last of the week Al, desirous of purchasing will need to order Parly at J. P. Ross' store, Market Square. Thanksgiving services will be held iu the Trivett Metnotial church this (Thurs- da}).morning at eleven o'clock, conrincted by the rector. Offertory in aid of mission fund. Groceries of all kinds going quick at the Big Bankrupt Store. This(Th1lsday) l ln a unionThanks giving Service will be held in the Presby- terian church, to he addressed by the several ministe's of town, Service will commence at 10:30, and a large congrega- tion is hoped for. From Sunday, Nov. 10, to Sunday, Nov 17 will be observed as a week of self denial by the Salvation Army, in response to the invitation of Gen Booth, who makes the request in order that more funds may be forthcoming for army work Thursday night last was Hollowe'en. The night was bright, and as a consequence the boys committed but petty depredations. The old-time customs of turning the town up -side -down are gradually and properly on the wane. Th, elements for the past few days, have vainly endeavored to favor us with a snow storm. Those farmers who have not yet got their roots `'gathered iu" are hoping for a still further delay of the "beautiful." Messrs. Stoneman Bros. have sold their farm in Tuckersmith to Mr. A, Buchanan, jr., of fuckersmith Mr. J. Blatchford of lEensall has purchased the farm of Mr. A. Buchanan, sr , of Usborne. isir. Bu- chanan will take Mr. Blatchford's resi- dence in Hensall. The Biggest Sale of men and boys' Over- coats on record now at the Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter. Messrs. Prouty and Raft, respectively clerk and reeve of Stephen township. are at Woodstock at present, attending the assizes, in the course of which the impor tint and interesting trial. Stephen to.vn- ship vs McGillivray township, is expedted to be passed upon. It was previously announced in these columns that the Rev. Father Kennedy of London. was to be assigned to the Mount Carmel Mission, in the township of Mc- Gillivray, lately rendered vacant by the lamented death of the Rev. Father Kelly, but now the appointment is officially an- nounced. The diamond medicine troupe who have been in Exeter during the past weee, took their departure on Monday. Their enter- tainments in Exeter were successful in every respect. The troupe is composed of very gentlemanly fellows They will not forget Exeter very soon, the doctor's addi. tion of $50 to the town coffers serving as.s reminder. Just in at the Big Bankrupt Store, the finest lot of Silk Embroidered Dress Rubes ever shown in Exeter. An old and experienced hide dealer declares the following recommendation :- We wouid advise farmers and others who have hides to sell to take off the horns and tails and any dirt that may be on theta. The depressed state of the hide marketand low prices demand this, otherwise dealers refuse to handle them. It would be well for all interested to bear this recommenda- tion in mind, A meeting of the Base Ball Club will be held in the band-rootn, of town hall, on Wednesday night next, 13th inst. ` All members are asked to be present, as it. will be the closing meeting of the season. Any person holding accounts against the club will please hand theni to the secretary before the above date. -Jos. SENIOR,_ Secy. The market has been lively oflate, the principal cereal marketed being barley. The price paid ranged from 40c to d:50 per bushel. The storehouses are fu{t,, ani owing to the scarcity of cars the buyers are unable to ship the grain, consequently the export trade of Exeter suffers badly. Barley is declining in price, and the buyers who paid big prices for the cereal will lose heavily. The Rev. Geo. Webber of Toronto, for- merley of Exeter, has courted. the illfeelina of many of his congregation on' account of an illeged reluctance shown by him in in- stituting the' trial of W. k". Johnston of Enciid avenue Methodist church, Toronto, for alleged seduction. The quarterly Board of the Euclid Ave nue Methodist Ohurob last (wooing poised a resolution of confidence in the paster,, Rev. Geo. 'Webber. A man named Walter McDougall, Cur- —o— Personals. Rev. Mr. Martin has returned from his trip to Manitoba end British Colum- bia, Mr. Martin speaks highly of the country. -Miss Lewis, neice of Mr. Madge, of Usborne, left on Thurs- day last for a city near San Francisco, where she will reside with her uncle for some time. -Mrs. Geo.Blatchford, who buried her husband in Exeter last sum- mer, left Tuesday for her home in Ster- lin, Col. -Miss Lena Clark, of Butte City,Cal.,who hasbeen visiting friendsin Canada lately, will leave forhome to -day. -The Misses McCallum and Croley, two of the teachers of the Exeter public school. have tendered their resignations to the Board, they having accepted po- sitions elsewhere ; the former in the 'vicinity of Blyth, the latter in the neigh- borhood of London. Their reason for leaving is said to be the refusal of the Board to grant an increase of salary. They have proved themselves to -be effi- cient teachers and we are sorry to hear of their intention to resign. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart spent a few days of last week in Toronto. -Mr. Robert Leatllorri has returned from the Old C.la:itry: He enjoyed the voyage each way, and says he will go across again.- --Rev. B. Clement, of Exeter, and Mr. Gray, of Seaforth, have been appointed representatives of the Huron ; County Association, to the S.S. Convention. -Mr. Thos. Wanless, of • Paisley, was in town last week, and gave the TIirES a call. I -le says the Tmrea is a welcome visitor to his house- hold. -Mr. ,fas. Parkinson, Who recent porting to bean employee of a Kansas De- ly returned from the burial 'of 'his l tectiveagency spent a couple of Weeks in, mother, now lies very ill. We hope he Exeter,boarding at Mrs. 'Thomas' boarding may soon recover. -N. Dyer Burdon' house, eeeDougali said ho was working up has returned from his 'visit to Ridge- a case against a former resident of Exeter; town, in which, vicinity he spent a coo- and whether he has gone elsewhere to seek pie of weeks in the sporting field.- 3. additiouai infortnatiotr or has left the Ganes, formerly of Exeter, spent coinmueity for good, rt is diffncultto deter - Tuesday town. -r., Wrn.' lr anson is; mine. He left the boarding house about buying stock in this neighborhood, -J. five o'clock Monday morning, without `see Hoopoe is in town, in connection paying his board hill. A note , " will be bade in a week ; say nothing,"was found with the Pickard difficulty. on the kitchen table. The man' may be sat"" honest'; but the lady holds grave dodbte. 'Oe sena a diamond d ring to the l Orb Co. it has since been learned that he stole' a gave away a dininond ring the "hand- couple of shirts and a 'pair of thoes from Exeter and must popular young lade' rn the other boarders which in itself confirms Exeter," The conclusian was sting (bat the suspicion of his being a dead -beat, by the 1*i he ring night audience casting bat= Los's.-- t sn rn Spaniel flog 'top, finder lets. The ring fell to the let of lits • Stray Cattle, A,t this time of the year stray cattle etc, are apt to stray onto peoples' prem- ises. Notwithstanding that the course to be followed by the distrainer has fre- quently been pointed out by this and other papers, yet it does .not seem to be fully understoodor complied with, con- sequently it is necessary to again repeat the law relating to such matters, viz If the owner is known, notice is to be given tohim atcanoe ; if unknown, notice, trust be given to the 'Municipal Clerk, within 48 hours, givingdescription of the animal or animals. If the animal or animals are worth $1,0, an advertise meat is, necessary for 3 weeks ; at the expiration of one month, if the animal is a pig, goat, aheep or dude, it or they may be sold, but -first three notices shall be affixed and continued for throe clear successive days (right side out) in three public places it), the municipality shall specify time, place of sale, and des- cription of animals. A pound -keeper to be the auctioneer. If the animal be a horse or hornets cattle, and cannot be sold for' two months, lawful fees to be retained by distrainer and also for the keep ; the balance must be given to owner, if known,if not known after three months, to be given. to "Council: 11 is necessary to prove by affidavit before a J. P. that all the totices had been duly affixed. 11 the Clerk has not been 'noti- fied 'or the advertisement inserted,, the distrainer can not collect any charges for keeps neither can he sell, but is liable for "action for not complying with salutes." Bather Strange. The Seaforth Expositor is still dis- satisfied with the Trues phase of the arrangement as existed between the County and branch societies, for the holding of the recent show. It claims that the county society enrolled but five new members on the days or shote, and that it paid in prizes said expensesn �p190 more than it received frotn the branch thisto be correct,we society. Granting might ask from what source the County Society receives the $190 which were spent in excess of receipts l If this out- lay is yearly the case (and it must cer- tainly be as this year's show was the most successful heldfor years) the Coun- ty Society's treasury must be nearly depleted, on their surplus funds must be enormous ; and it puzzles us, in view of this unfavorable showing, to under- stand why the County Society is each year so anxious to amalgamate with the Stephen & Usborae Branch. Will the Expositor please advise us of the amount of surplus the County Society holds ? We again repeat that the directors of the home society have heretofore been geilty of foolish arrangements in thls connection, and should they again re- peat the saute. it will be a surprise to us. This locality stands first among many as being very desirable for agri- cultural shows, the most successful local exhibitions in Ontario having been held here. Public School Board minutes. Sep. 26th. Absentees, Dr. Lutz and D. Mill. Passed, minutes of previous meeting. Chairman and Treasurer to borrow five hundred dollars to meet present demands. Orders to be given for payment of teachers' salaries to Oct. 1st, 1889. Mover, F. Fitton, seconder, W. [Ioskin. Adjournment. Oct. 21st. All present. Passed, minutes of previous meeting. James Creech to wait on parents of boys charged with trespass, with threats of prosecution in case of repeatal, Mover, Dr. Lutz. seconder, T. Fitton. Miss Croley and Miss McCallum to meet the board on Thursday evening re their ten- dered resignations. Mover, Dr. Lutz, seconder, W. Grigg. Adjournment. Oct. 24th. Absentees, W. Hoskin and T. Fitton. Passed, minutes of pre- vious meeting. Acceptance of regis- trations of Miss Croley and Miss Mc- Callum. Mover, D. Mill, seconder, W. Grigg. Miss Julia Spicer to be secured as supply for Miss Vosper. Mover, Dr. Mill, seconder, W. Grigg, Adjourn- ment. Oct. 30th. Absentees, Dr. Lutz and W. Gregg. Passed, minutes of previous meeting. Promotion of Miss A. Greg- ory to No. 3 department with salary of two hundred and eighty dollars. Mover, W. Hoskin, seconder, T. Fitton. Pro- motion of Miss Gill to No. 4 department with salary of two hundred and. seventy- five dollars.' Mover,T. Fitton, seconder, D. Mill. Advertisement to be placed in the Mail for teachers for the 5th and infant departments. Applications to be received up to the 15th Nov. Mover, D Mill, seconder, W. Hoskin. Adjournment J. G11IGo, Sec. e . 'The at drawn b r ce Hersey. watch Was t rat n Grace yy Mrs, Geo, Vospee, that lady holding the hieky ticket. The articles were purchased ,of our local iown11ers, a1u ere genutde. Don't fail to try the celebrated 2 ply fine Black Stocking Yarn manufactured at the Exeter Woollen Mills. While corning from Dashwood, on Tues- day, with a. team of horses belonging to Mr. Murdock, of Hensall, the reach of the wagon broke, which frightening the horses, caused them to run away, *tow- ing Mr. Colwell, who was driving, and a commercial traveller out of the rig. Mr, Colwell had his shoulder dislocated and arm badly cut. The traveller was not seriously injured. Just completed a large lot of. Blankets and Sheetings at the Exeter Woollen Mills. 10 different qualities to choose from. S. C. Hersey has the finest oyster parlors in town -roomy, warm and con, venient. The best Baltimore oysters in every style. It is said thal, J. N. Hooper, of Exeter, and arm. Pickard, of Seaforth, have trade assignments,' as a result of the failure of James Pickard. Two Beenerturu SToores.--J. W. Broderick will open out in Drew'.s block, Exeter, onSatut'day. 9th. Nov., with Two Bankrupt Stocks of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Drygoocts, Readymede, cloth- ing, Stationary, Boots and shoes and fancy goods all to be sold off in a hurry. Rem• ember the place, opposite Town Hall, Exeter. Tuesday night Messrs. Crossley and Hunter led the Last meeting of the revival campaign in Kingston, and it was a menidrF able event. The thank offering was a handsome one, The revival has had wonderful success. Over 1,000 converts were Made Evangelist Moody, at Rockford, IEHAgiD EXHIBITIOP PiCKARD' The largest and best assorted Mock of Dry Goods strictly he counity„ bought for cash. Everybody is invited to call and inspect our goods, We Make pecialty illinary And Tailoring RICHARD .� kICT A RD y To olct and new subscribers pay. `ing in advance, we will give THE Tunis and the American Farmer, together with any of the following weekly papers, for one year, for $1.90 • Toronto Empire, Globe, News ; London Free Press, Adver- tiser ; Detroit Free Press, or any other $1 paper published. This is a good chance to secure your year's reading cheap. The offer is lower than ever before Just con- sider ; three $I per year papers, for $1.90. Take advantage of this very liberal offer, early. Show this to your neighbor who is in the habit of borrowing your paperer , and if he is not inclined to take advantage of the offer, you forward $1,90 and make him a present of the three papers. The Teens, American Farrier, and any of the city weeklies, form a strong trio -one which should reach a farmer's house regularly as published, year in end year out. The Tintss for all the Loc_+LNxws ; the Ameri- can Farmer for purely farm intelligence, and the city daily for general news. Combined the three papers, furnish abund- )(auce of serial. and miscellaneousX reading. Read this twice. FREEy 16 CRAND LOVE STORIES, it" a package of goods worth two dollars to manufacture, and a large 100p Picture Book, that will surely put you do the road to a handsome fortune. Write quick, and send de. silver, to help pay pos- tage. Mention this paper. A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N. S. Tho HfthJ Roller MILT S Now IN FULL OPERATION GRISTING AND CHOPPING ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. The best grades of Roller floor wholesale and retail. wilt be rewarded by returnieg to 10. said that one of his converts who hard SHORTS, BRAN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED ALWAYS ON HAND Cook & Reith, Props. Hensel', Oat. 15tb, 1889. COME and SEG Our fall and winter goods. Just what you need. First-class goods and VERY LOW PRICES . s tock r it handed show Fairgoer's, a d h Giclloy s tailor p,beet a emnggler in Canada, l;a 7.lieto1, him 12,600 to l)e ti'ttnsniitted to • the. lginard's thlitnertt a eesGttr et' ill Cotiv;3. Canadian Government; being the amore t g he had d fraud d time re rue a ef. SEE OUR DRESS GOODS. SEE OUR MILLINARY. SEE OUR MANTEL CLOTHS. SEE OUR TWEEDS SEE OUR FRENCH COATINGS SEE OUR COTTONS SEE OUR BLANKETS ;" BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS And a host of other things. Tea 7e, per fill up. First-class Japan tea at 25c per lb. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. DOUPE&CO, KIRETON. STONEMAN' S— T'd lr Store H:ENSALL, ONT. IS THE BEST 'PLACE TO BUY Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacle's Stationery, School Books, 0 F araey, G ad s Musical Insbmments. A full line of Spauldings Bats and balls on hand We make a specialty of Watch and J ewelryrepairing-.-All work guaranteed. MALL PRICES AND A. LARGE. STOCK --ARE-- C1111116 11110' �i 7 i TI�ON(�m Lf.telt Carling Bros are never beaten in buying, and they are never beaten in selling, The man who grumbles, at. Carling Bros' bargains would grumble at twins, if he had them. Carling Bros' store glitters with attractions, and every one is a bargain, The cool air is a gentle reminder that you need an overcoat, Men's Oveicoats • Only $5.00 fa Carling Bros. don't sell Goods at cost, neither do they pay more for Produce than they can realize for it, and make up the deficiency on the price of goods. Ladies who don't like to appear in print, should see Carling Bros' stock of Dress Goods. For richness, rarity, prittiness and profusion, Carling Bros' stock takes the lead. The nicest, newest stock of guods ever opened is to be seen at Carling Bros. Don't lose your chanes of a bar- gain, ar-gain, Others may brag more on promises, but Carling Bros. beat thele on performances. Highest prices paid foie produce, and full value given every time. CARLI.1V.G BROS. EXETER PHOTO STUDIO Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the Photographs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many Phot's sent into the different cities of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo Gallery ? WHY ? Because Senior's work is as good it not bettor than any of the leading Galleries is the city and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for. $3. a !LL. Largest YOUNG & KERR Have their Hardware and. Tinware Store full of the various ' staple articles, You can buy your Hardware, Tinware. Paints, Oils, Machine Oils, Castor Oil, Wire, Glass, and Baby Carriages cheaper from us than anywhere else in this section. A call will convince you of this fact. NAILS at the lowest rates. Sewing Machine Needles &c. at the closest bin -gains. We sell cheap and take a pride in letting our 'cus- tomers know of it, Lawrence's Spectacles, &c. youlie Crediton, Juno 1704 1889, Our 117otto—Neat, P'ro111Pt and z'o liable. Fri E e rtCOO K BOOK aln lad.. s. d , Moi o en In J her ost utiles y � s o `T" w 5 y e.... dWol h a a,dr 9s 1sn tlld arils &Go. �llontroal. 7r . �, h 0 cs SL CN l3iIN A r THE BEST, TRE .'NICEST, THE SWEFTEST —Assortment of- Confectionery: IN TOWN. JUST IN, & Away down in Price. FOLLICI- 'S Bread, Huns, (lakes, . and all kinds of Past ry, still bako the load, Eteadgnarters for Confection- ery at yy�� E. A. POLLICE'S, , MAIN•ST„ EXETER E3READ-MAKER'S "s'vil,;t,tor lifVflt AIL 111 EINE SkffSFtaftli t FOR SM.E ter;04 OEAL R8 er.