The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-06-05, Page 4[JUNE15' 1
Th ayA 'one l$,1
feetures from
The World of Women
ex 40 Huron delegates
y against abortion
Over forty people from Huron
Q j' a nationwide RP:0-
lobby of Members of Pani*.
Meat on May 29. Those people
_ rt -
the Wingham pro-
life grOUP
rro-lifegrOUP Were. Mrs. Dinka 'Bake-
laaur, Ws. Adele Chettlebui gh,
Mr*. Cory DeBruyn, Adrian Keet
and Mrs. Sally Campeau.
The Huron delegation dis-
cussed with R. E. McKinley, MP,
the Alliance for Life brief, "Stop
the Killing, Protect Canada's Un-
born Children". The delegation
pointed out that men and women
from every part of Canada are
coticerned "that our government
permits over 40,000innocent lives
• .destroyed each year in our
l spitals. The intention of. the
n69 amendments to the Criminal
• Code was to protect the lives of
unborn children ekcept when a
• hospital therapeutic, abortion
ri co%mittee judged that continua,.
tion of the pregnancy would en -
,danger the life or health of the
. mother. This intention is no long-
er' respected in many. Canadian
hosOitals, where there now exists
an 0440h -on -demand situation.
Indeed, some hospitals now per-
form more abortions than lige de -
Orders for Decorated
The delegates pointed out that
the most serious deficiency in the
law is that the Word "health" is
nowhere defined. They added
that our legislature possess . the
power to end this outrage and
that society should sbek con-
structive alternatives to abor-
tion, a number of which were dis-
cussed. Dan Murphy, QC, and Dr:
Brian Lynch acted as spokesmen
for the group.
On the same day, in front of the
Parliament Buildings, 2700
people from across Canada wit-
nessed the delivery of 1,040,000
names on a petition asking that
parliament' enact legislation
providing for the child conceived
but not yet born the same protec-
tion provided for any other per-
son. The province of Ontario had
452,367 signatures on the petition.
The petition was presented on the
floor ' of the House of Commons
and was well received by the
Members of Parliament.
On May 30 and 31, Mr. Keet and
Mrs. Campeau attended the Al-
liance for Life annual meeting in
Wedding or Special
bread`on Fridays
rs� LaVern F. Coblentz
R. R. 1, Wroxeter
an. 14, Lot 9, Howick Twp.
Christine Scott; daughter of
Mr. and . Mrs. Don' Caesar,
Whitechurch recently grad-
ated from Marvel Beauty
School in London. Graduation
exercises were held at the
Ridout Tavern in London:
Christine will be employed in
• e
Paul's Church
REV. T. K. HAWT ORN, Rector
MRS. D. RICHARC ►ON, Organist
and Choir Leader
830 a.m.—Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.—MoThing Prayer
Celebrating 50 Years
June 6, T, $
Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Whitechurch, Colvin -Brick, Belgrave,
Bluevale and Wingham congregations
in the
Massed Junior and Senior Choirs
Sandwiches and birthday cake served on
the lawn; folloviiing the service
Friday, June 6th - Family Dance Party
Saturday,June 7th - Chicken Bar•B-Q
(See Coming Events in this newspaper for
details of these Mo events)
MRS. SHIRLEY WALKER, Mrs. Jane Burke and Mrs. Audrey Currie enjojr tea and
cookies at the home of Mrs. Lucille Alexander Friday. Activity at the Alexander home
was busy during the Wingham and District Hospital Auxiliary Coffee Klatch and Tea.
Mrs. I. Wightman elected
pres. of Huron West
Mrs. Ivan Wightman of RR 1,
Belgrave, was elected president
of Huron West District of the Wo-
men's Institute when the 75th dis-
trict annual meeting was held in
Blyth Memorial Hall last week.
She succeeds Mrs. D. Haines of
Other officers are: first vice-
president, Mrs. Graham McNee
•of Dungannon; second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. William Porter of RR
2, Goderich; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Richard Buchanan, RR 6,
Goderich; assistant, Mrs. Stan-
ley Hopper, RR 5, Brussels; pub-
lic relations officer, Mrs. Nor-
man Coultes, RR 5, Wingham;
federated representative, Mrs.
Haines; alternate, Mrs. Alfred
Lockridge, Wingham; curator,
Mrs. G. Taylor, Auburn; as-
sistant, Mrs. L. Pipe, Londes-
boro:; district delegate, Mrs.
4Wightman ; alternate, Mrs.
Conveners of standing com-
mittees are: Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs. Cecil
Elliott, Clinton; Citizenship and
World Affairs, Mrs. Luella Mc-
Gowan; Blyth; Education and
Cultural Activities, Mrs. Marg-
aret Taylor, RR 1, Londesboro;
Family and Consumer Affairs,
Mrs. Ross Gammie, RR i; Luck -
now; Resolutions, Mrs. Tom
Haggitt, Auburn. Auditors are.., her most at the conference.
During the dinner hour, Mrs.
Tait Clark read a°brief history of
the District of Huron West during
the past 75 years. Mrs. Eleanor
Bradnockproposed a toast to
Huron West, with Mrs. Colclough
Mrs. H. Maluske of Chesley,
president of the FWIO, spoke
briefly and brought greetings-
reetings-'from provincial level. The presi-
dents of Huron, East and South,
Mrs. M. Allan and Mrs. J. Keyes,
each brought greetings from her
The afternoon session opened
with the convention song, after
which Mrs. William Coultes of the
Belgrave branch led a singsong.
The presidents of the eleven
branches gave the highlights of
their work during the past year.
Mrs. Maluske again spoke
presented a dialogue based on the briefly, stressing the importance
theme. The Pennies for Friend- , of every member at branch level
ship ,were presented after Mrs. to "do whatever you can, wher-
James Aitchison of St. Helens ever you are, with whatever you
read a very informative account
of what the contributions to� the
fund do accomplish. Mrs. Marg-
aret McQuillan played back-
ground music.
The district .directors and
alternates were ratified by Mrs.
G. Papple, provincial board
member, who brought greetings
from FWIO and urged each
branch to make meetings so
educational, and interesting that
new members will want to join.
Mrs. Wallace Laidlaw, London
. area president, brought greetings
from the area and announced
that the London area convention , branch played a piano duet.
will be held in Grace United The committee conveners then
Church, St. Thomas, on October gave their reports: Mrs. William
15 and 16. Rev. Anne Langford—,Porter for . Agriculture and Can
will be the guest speaker. adian Industries; Mrs. Luella
Miss Jane Pengilley reported i;MeGpwan for . Citizenship and
on the work of the 4-H homemak- /,,w904 Tol$ ;A fmrs Mrd, $,, , Walh,
ting clubs. Sheannounced that the.1;1 acatioo; ,ands,1J lar 4 ;Affair's;
fall°.,projeet+ is' •Let's B#ke . s Ross Gammie, anuly and
Bread". The senior program in- . Consumer . Affairs. Mrs. "Celia
eludes the food forum, "More ., Taylor read the curator's report
About Nutrition and Family
• Meals" and the senior._ training
schools are "Needlepoint for Be-
. ginners" and "Salute for Vege-
Mrs. W. Colclougb gave her re-
port on Resolutions. The branch
members ' who attended 'the of-
ficers' conference each gave a
brief account of what; impressed
Members . of the Auburn
branch, Mrs. T. Haggitt and Mrs.
F. Raithby, " conducted an In
Memoriam service, in memory of
the nine district members -who
passed away during. the past
Mrs. Bradnock introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. R. McCab•
lum, citizenship convener for the
Maple Leaf IODE. She explained
°how new Canadians get. their
citizenship piers and what is re-
quired of each one. Mrs. T. Allan
and Mrs. H. Lear of Londesboro
Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs.
Gordon Kaitting, both' of RR 6,
Mrs. Haines welcomed allto
the annual meeting which had as
its theme "Equality, Develop-
ment, Peace". Mrs. Buchanan
read the minutes of the last an-
nual meeting, the treasurer's re-
port and the correspondence.
Mrs. John Hesselwood, president
of the host branch, welcomed the
members and visitors to Blyth.
Mrs. Haines spoke briefly on
the theme. 'The Women's In-
stitute.has done much in the past
but so much remains to be done.
She told of ,plans for a bus trip to
Charlottetown in June 1976 to the
FWIC convention. Interested
members are to submit names by
January 1; 1976,
Goderich Township branch
MR. AND MARS. G. W. TIFF IN announce the engagement
of their daughter, Marilyn Isobel to Mr. Douglas Robert
Keene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Keene 'of Timmins.
The marriage is to take place at 5:30 p.m, on June 21, 1975,
in Wingham United Church.
and Mrs. K. Webster reported on
the work of the Huronview Auxi-
liary and asked for volunteer help
in the craft room. Mrs. Clifford
Crozier gave the public relations
Followingthe installation of the
new officers by Mrs. Papple, the
new business was conducted. In-
cluded was a motion to support a
different Korean child. Each
branch is to send 40 cents per
member to Mrs, Buchanan im-
. The Huron rally is to be held in
Belgrave' on October 6.
Auburn extended an invitation
for the 1976 district annual meet-
ing. Mrs. Lockridge of Wingham
expressed thanks to all who had
participated in the day's Pro-
gram and the meeting.. closed
with the singing of The Queen.
Mrs. D. Voir
U.C.W. speaker
WS Ann (411W411 Was enter,
tained at a bridal shower by the
staff members of ,the Winghara
Public cboot on Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Allan Nlcholaan,
RR 1, Bluevale,
Ann donned: a corsage upon her
arrival: and met her .fellow staff
members and friends with lViarl,
Anne Nicholson accompanying
her with "Here Conies the
Cathy Edgar and Ellen Arthur
conducted two games, after
which Ann. opened her 'miscel-
laneous gifts. The bride -elect
made a very fitting reply and was
presented with a bridal bouquet
made from the ribbons on her
gifts, by. Donna Malick.
Lunch was served by the host-
esses, Colleen Robertson and
Cathie Edgar. Mary Anne closed
the happy evening , with "The
Wedding March". Thirty people
were in attendance to honor Ann
on her forthcoming marriage to
Mac Ross, on July 5th
AVM tabic of
e mere played' in the
grave geMiminity Rooms i Wy.everting 4
last Ohre" part' of thi
Prlsesi for high Wires wen
mi J
man, Novelty
Clayton. who also
„ v/4
ILS 1\
\\\\\,\ii\a\\\\\\\\\o\\\e\\\\\r\\\ ����\\\\\\�e��v. \\\\\` \\\\\\
See us for all your photographic needs
BELGRAVE — Mrs. Don Vair
was guest speaker when the
general meeting of the United
Church Women was held on Wed-
nesday of last week in the Sunday
School room of the church. A
good attendance was recorded.
Mrs. Vair was introduced by
Mrs. Ross Anderson. She showed
articles from Africa where . she
was born. Her parents were mis-
sionaries. In concluding the talk,
Mr. and Mrs. Vair sang a lovely
duet, "Acres of Diamonds",
accompanied by Mr. Vair on the
piano. R
The meeting opened with the
worship conducted by Mrs. Ross
Higgins and Mrs. Sam Pletch.
Mrs. Higgins gave the call to
worship and a hymn was sung.
Mrs. Pletch gave the meditation
and Mrs. Higgiiia read a poem,
"For Friends".
Mrs. Anderson conducted ,tie
business. Minutes of the previous
meeting were read• and the treas-
urer's report given. Mrs.. Ander-
son reminded the members of the
joint worship service to be held in
Winghann United Church on Mune
gas part of the 50th birthday cele-
brations of the United Church of
Canada. •
A bale of clothing will be ready
to send to London by the middle
of ,Pune.
A ntuartette consisting of Janice
Cool es, Doreen Anderson,
Met& Lamont and Doreen
Taylor sang two numbers, "To-
day" and "Spirit of God", ac-
companied by Mrs. George John`
do di the piano.
Ruth Ann Neable, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Neable, Gorrie, graduated'
from .Wilfrid Laurier .Univer-
sity on May 25 r,>,uceivingl,her,
Bachelor of Arts degree in;.
Psycholl , y. She was elected:
vice-president of the graduat-
ing class and gave an address
to the graduates and univer-
sity dignitaries during the
dinner and dance at the
Conestogo Golf and Country
Club, Conestogo. She is a
graduate of F. E. Madill
Seconday School, Wingham.
In the fall Ruth. plans to
attend the Faculty of Educa-
tion, London, Ont.
H�Wick (�nVass
nets over $600
GORRIE -- The Howick Town-
ship Red Cross has completed its
annual campaign. The .proceeds
were $611.25. A sincere thank you
to those who donated their time to
make this the.success it has been.
'1!is is well over the quota of $500
and almost double of 1974 can-
The Howick Branch of the Red
Cross has an active Loan Cup-
board of crutches, wheel chairs
and a walker. These may be bor-
rowed up fit three months by any-
one in the township by contacting
Ivan Haskins\of Gorrie.
254 .los•phin• St:-
PHONE: (519) 357-11151
A store ofexquisib
giftgiving ideas
4 i
spoil him
a little
Many Models
From / / and Colors
We also have many other types
of relaxation chairs