HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-05-22, Page 4.OwenCurtis rs wed atS�cred Heart ley, -and Mrs. Mary Gardner, friend of the bride, of Wingham. Close friends of the groom comprised the group of male at- tendants a • e wedding. Bill Metcalfe . `' 2, Wingham, was best man . and guests were ushered by Doug Casemore of RR 1, Belgrave, Brian Carr and Bar- ry Gardner of Wingham. Mary Jean Wilhlem of Wing - ham was organist and ac- companied the soloist, Mrs. Bar- bara Vessey of Wingham as she sang "The . Lord's Prayer" and "Ave Maria". A dinner and reception fol- lowed in Grand Valley at 6:30' o'clock. Mr, and Mrs, Owen Curtis were iinitedin marriage in a ceremony solemnized by Rev. A. J. Nolan at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, April 26, at two o'clock, - Mrs. Ctirtits is the former Wanda Riley,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gib Riley of Grand Val- ley., Parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrss Ed Curtis of R1 1, V! Ingham. Mrs. Joyce Casemore of RR 1, Belgrave, was matron of. honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Rose- mary Curtis, sister of the groom, of Toronto, Mrs. Bonnie Hodge, sister of the bride, of Grand Val - WANTED Orders for Decorated; Cokes • "Wedding or Special Occassion Also, home-made bread on Fridays Mrs. LaVern F. Coblentz R. R. 1, Wroxeter Con. 14. Lot 9. Howkk Twp. Lital objective $i000 i. quest (of arthritis care " Mrs. Shirley Hanula, chairman of the Wingham branch of The Arthritis Society has announced jobjectives of this year's local campaign. In making the announcement, Mrs. Hanula points out that :the Wingham objective -of $1,000 will be used for research and educa- tion,in the quest to find the Muse and cure„for arthritis. It is esti- mated tt over a quarter of a million people in Ontario have some form of arthritis. In Ontario alone, The Arthritis Society is attempting to raise $1,282,000, of which $$50,000 will come from independent cam- paigns such as the one announced here. The remainder of the sup- port will come from Ontario United Ways. Each year in Ontario. wage earners lose about $150 million as a direct result of arthritis. Artiiitis is anyone's disease. It strikes young or old, male or female; . ' it usually strikes in the prim": -1., life. if you think you have • 'tis, see your doctor. 44 ............. 4444x4.444-4^44•'x►4x.4441. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 E, St. Paul's Church CANGUCAN? W INGHAM REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector MRS. D. RICHARDSON, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. taw 25' QTY SUNDAY 8:3p o.aso. ---Holy Comm a 1:OD °dm. --Morntn9 15royaa IPAIVNIGS 1.. Moy2b —Amish Education& Stiff cats et reenzy. 7:310 p.m. Ira " 4, 4.., 44,.44 x.4444, 654 4444444 •. 44� 1 i 1 • 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Huron County nicer unit has a $29;000 pal rO,r At the recent meeting of Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety held in Seaforth, members listened to a panel discussion on the duties of the Planning, De- velopment and Nominations Committee. Sitting in on the panel was the Southwestern District Chairman of that committee, Charlie Duffin of Thorndale; John McKay, Sar- nia, president of Southwestern; Chester Ahrchibald, president, and Mrs. Helen Davies,. P.D.N. chairman of Huron Unit. A film, produced by Ontario Division was used to introduce the subject, and discussion followed concern- ing the importance of the com- mittee and the necessity of a knowledgeable chairman arid vice-chairman to recruit vital, interested and dedicated officers for the Unit. The importance of the commit- tee in relation to planning and de- velopment was also stressed. The Service to Patients Committee carries out widespread and very worthwhile work, but the Edu- cation, Commemoration Funds and Campaign personnel are equally important. Mr. Duffm stated, "The roil of the society is changing. Don't just drift, go out and get people interested and in- volved." During the business session the committee reports pointed up just how much is being accom- plished. Ross McDaniel, cam- paign chairman, complimented all branch chairmen and their canvassers for their ailed ef- forts, having raised to date $17,423.58. Hopefully the objec- tive of $29,500.00 for 1975 will be reached. The annual dinner meeting will be held on September 29th • at the White Carnation, Holmesville, with Ron Calhoun of Thamesford as guest speaker. Tickets are al- ready available to the public and the president hopes for 'a good at- tendance. NATURAL BEAUTY blooms on the table as Mrs. I. E. Morrey and Mrs. J. Fielding price their handicrafts in preparation for the upcoming flower show of the Wingham Horticul- tural Society. The handicrafts, fashioned by the two ladies as a hobby, will be featured at the spring show along with the real plants and cuttings. Members demonstrate exercises BLUEVALE—Mrs. Murray Underwood was guest speaker at the Family Affairs meeting of the Women's Institute held last Wed- nesday evening. She spoke on physical fitness and stressed the importance of daily exercising, saying that the people of Canada and United States are the most physically unfit people of the world. She was introduced by Mrs. Ross Nicholson and thanked by Mrs. William De Vos who waS hostess for the meeting. Mrs. Wendell Stamper, presi- dent, welcomed the members and several guests who were present. A new member, Mrs.'Aart De Vos was welcomed to - the Institute. A thank you note was read from the Wingham Cancer Society and from Margaret Curtis, a former Meals on Wheels now in oDeration five veers At a meeting . in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on May 14, the growth and scope of the Meals on Wheels organization were dis- cussed. The project began dsome five years ago with three recipi- ents and today deliveries have al- most reached the maximum capacity of the kitchen facilities available. Mention was .made of the wood- en boxes used to carry the indi- vidual meals. The boxes, de- signed and constructed by Mr. Beard of the F. E. Madill Secon- dary School, have proven superi- or to those used in neighboring areas. The cons the years has taken its toll an, I it was suggested that the boxes be replaced with plastic containers. This suggestion was ruled out as, being a non-profit organ- ization, rganization, funds are not available to meet this expense. It was decided that the existing boxes be re- paired and -or replaced as re- Appreciation was expressed for the assistance provided by the Wingham Snowmobile Club dur- ing last month's snowstorm. Members of the club took over deliveries and assured that no one missed his or her hot meal. . Maintaining a full staff of volunteer drivers is often diffi- cult. Anyone willing to undertake this work is asked to call Mrs. J. Mann at 357-3864. Most drivers deliver twice each month, but anyone who can spare 45 minutes even once a month is asked to as- sist in this worthwhile endeavor. —Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson and family of Newmarket were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Beattie of .Frances Street. CLASS PRESIDENT Rosalea Hackett presents her valedic. tory ad ss during graduation ceremonies at the Wingham and District Hospital Training C.entre last Friday. Twenty. two nursing assistants received their diplomas during the program . Bluevale W. I. member. The ladies will cater to a Grade 8 graduation banquet at Turnber- ry Central School on June 24. A proposed committee to plan this is Mrs. William De Vos, Mrs. Carl Johnston, Mrs. Ken Simmons and Mrs. Alex MacTavish. Final arrangements were made for the May Flowers Night to be held in the community halli on May 29 at 8 p.m. All the ladies of the community are invited to attend. The Bluevale Institute will have charge of the Huronview birthday party, on .May 21. Mem- bers took gifts for those having birthdays and lunch and enter- tainment were planned. Mrs. Harry Elliott, district director gave a report on the dis- trict annual, meeting held recent- ly at Ethel, at which Mrs. Clar- ence Diamond was guest speaker. The roll call wag to name and demonstrate a good exercise or pay 10 cents. Each member took part in the exercises. Mrs. Carl Johnston conducted an anatomy quiz.. Mrs. Stamperthanke I all those who had taken part in the meet- • • ing and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ross Nicholson, Mrs. Charles Mather"$ and Mrs. William Peacock. The June meeting will be on resolutions and will be held at the home of Mrs. Graham Campbell on June 11 at 2 p.m. Each mem ber is asked to take a handmade article to be auctioned. . ACW entertains at Brookhaven On Wednesday of last week members of the ACW of St. Paul's Anglican Church visited the Brookhaven Nursing Home where they entertained the resi- dents. Mrs. E. Powell, president of the ACW, introduced the group and Mrs. J. Kerr was announcer for the program which followed. Mrs. W. Elliott was accompan- iest for mouth organ selections and a sing -song of old favorite tunes. Two humorous readings were followed by a contest. Each of the residents received a parting gift of fruit, to conclude a most enjoyable afternoon. MISS MERLE WILSON of the nursing staff at the Wingham and District Hospital presents the award for second highest scholastic standing to Mrs. Yvonne Coultes of RR 5, Wingham. Mrs. Coultes was one of 22 nursing assistants who graduated last week from the hospital training centre. FOR MORE CHEER RAID THE ATTIC AND SELL IT HERE . PHONE 357-2320 FOR CLASSIFIED AD SERVICE Nmeasommoirme BURBIDGE' GREENHOUSES 1 mile north of Gorrie. County Road 28. • 335-3313 OPEN 9TILL 9 ' . Seven Days A Week Excellent variety of BEDDING PLANTS in FLOWERS and VEGETABLES *#1 ROSES rea.dy_to bloom *SHRUBS *GERANIUMS *MUMS *MIXED POTS *BEGONIAS *AFRICAN VIOLETS *ETC. The $1,5Q0 Ontario Home Buyers Grant. Who will get it? How? When? Why? Ontario understands how important it is to have a home of your own. And ve'd like to help out with a grant of $1,50 toward your first home. It's part of an overall plan to make more homes available in Ontario. And stim- ulate our economy. So it's good for all of us. The answers to your questions can be found in a handy booklet specially prepared to help you understand every detail of the Grant. For your free cope; write to: Ministry of Revenue, Ontario Home Buyers Grant, Queen's Park, Toronto M 7 A 2C9. For more information, telephone us (free of charge) by dialing "0" and askipg the operator for Zenith 8-200. Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling area should dial 9650-8470. • Ontario Wiiliam Davis W Darcy McKeough F�fremier Treasurer of Ontario Arthur Meen Minister of Revenue 0 a 0) 11 1) y