The Exeter Times, 1889-11-7, Page 1ci.owo•-•
Gr)Idstilith + Hall!
esewseN'Ceila erx-cereyxe.sae-ew
a:IV/EX./Er, wesd.
Personalettentien given to repairing of
Watolies,eleolie and jewelry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL.
DIOKS01.1 Bstrrister, Soli -
J. eitorof Supreme Court,NotaryPulalis
*Oosnveyancez Oommiseiouer,cfro. Money to
i0a/cein Fallerol'a Block, Exeter s
larrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, to.,
- ONT.
e4amwelFeBlock flaWe old office.)
I '4
liarristers, Solicitors, Notaries ?dile,
Conveyancers &c, Szo.
AlasMoney to Loan at Lowest Bates of
,OFF10E: ova (P.IrEWSIfiaolo
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
is -L •
SernWell'S Block, Malit-St, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
worlb the best possible. Goes
DO Zrinion on last Thuredayin
eaoh month.
JW. 13.1i0 YVNIONG K. D., M. 0
• P:S , vacillate Victoriatfniversity.Ottlee
laldiresideiice,13oir.!,EionLabors.tozv.Exe ter
B.YNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Hann. Office, opposite Mr.
.Carling's store, Exeter.
TIR. 3. A. ROLTiTNiti, M.O. P. S
0. Ofiloe,Main Sseexeter,Ont.Itesiden
ne a on er econthy occupied by P .
T F. CUTTEN, M. D., 0. M.,
• Graduate Trinity University, Tor-
onto; Fel. Trin . Med. school, Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst., Craniology; 'Member N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S., Outs -
°Moo, Dashwood. Ont.
ENEY SILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer r or Hay,8tephen, and
7xay Townships. Salesoon ducted atraoderate
rates. oince-AtPost-odiee.Creditoneent.
-TOEIN GILL, 'Auctioneer for the
V Townshies of Stephen, Hay and Osborne
an d the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaotion guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
radue.tes of the Ontario Veterinary College
Creston : One door South of Town Hall:
percent, $25,0oo Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies repre salted.
CANADA.. Head Office, London, Ont.
After 30 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on euildings or
ee. contente,the most.favoreble proteition in moo
i... of loss or damage by fire or lightning, at rates
de eon small liberal terms. that no other respects
reeateeiteepany tan afford to write. 42,243 pith:
`1, force ut Jan 4880. Assets $87e,209.51
e"iessitt in bank. Government &meet, Debon-
edeei and Premium Notes. .TAMES Glasse,
extreldent ; D. 0, DONeeD,Manager. Devil)
the crISSI Agent for Exeter andvietnity.
aer Established in 1863 .
f' This oomr.anv has been over Eighteen
Sr ears in sucoessful operation in Western On-
ario,c,ndJontinues to insure agaiuetlose or
damage nv Vire Bundingsseteronantlise,Man• -
ufactories,and 1l oth rdeseriptionsollinsur-
able property rntcylding insurers have tile
optionof inseringon the Premium Note or
aeh System
During the pastten years this Company
hastssuedi7,096 1scsli0ies,a0veringproporty
• o thearnoutsto1340,873,038 ;andpaid infest's.
es a1one700,752,00
AssobS, $1.16,100.00.consieti1g of Cash
n stank , eloYereenentDeposie d e unass.
' eased Premlunallotesonhandandinforee, j,
• W WAVOno at TS . e side t 0 . rVi^21501t ,
Seeretery. T. B. Ractumeatempeetor 011A.S;
NELL Amorittor Exeteraudvicluity.
A. Hastings Prop
t3avittg and Plait anteing in the Meet style,
of the get.
Eeery,lettentio paid to omitting
ladies ana i aren s air
Short Items Of News.
The C.P.R. propose to turther shorten
the Short Line route by 40 miles,
Jas. Smith, butcher, Ottawa, aged fi5
years, dropped dead while serving a oustew
mer on Saturday.
The claims of Ottawa for the site of the
proposed Methodist University are beipg
The Cobourg Council yesterday rejected
the proposition of the Board of • Regents of
Victoria TJuiversity, and the ease goes to
trial in the .Assize Court.
The Qiiebect Government, it is aaid, will
assert beim e the courts itr right to beath
lots and rieere within the Province now dis-
puted by the Dominion, and have instrueted
a legal firm to take a tet ease.
Charles Wisernam of Mouut Salem, was
accidently shot in the breast, 'Thursday,
while loading a gun. The bullet lodged in
spinal oolumu about the seventh vertebra,
eausipg paralysis in lower extreraities.
Messrs. Chateau Bird, Alfred Fisher and
Howard Walpole, of London, Eng., are at
Ottawa. They are interested in the
asbestos inspecting the mining regions with
a view to purchase.
Butter is now brought to the Pacific coast
frum the Eastern Townships, several oar
loads arriving daily. The demand is five
times the supply, and there is a 'prospect of
a fine thriving industry ahead for dairy far-
The bcoks of the Essex County Treas-
urer show that in the past 18 years $11,000
were paid out more than was taken in,
The County Council bas ordered an exam
ination of the books of the Treasurers of
the municipalities with a view of ascertain-
ing wbether the neoney has been paid to
the townships in inees or is owing
by the County corporation.
The entire community of Cornwall was
shocked Saturday morning when it was
made known that Miss Vankoughnet,
daughter of tbe late Hon. P.17ankongtinet,
had committed suicide by hanging herself
with a dish -towel in the (seller of her resi•
dance Ott Amelia street, between midnight
and six „o'clock . Miss Vankoughnet had
been in depressed opirits fOr some time, and
when in one of her dispondentInoods she
committed Euloide.
Toronto Telegram -Canada needs a vig-
orous immigration policy. Vacant fields in -
tete millions to tail here. Canada needs
more farmers. Mechanies it has in abnucl-
ance. Agrionitural immigrants ought to
be attraoted to our shoies: Tbe Govern.
rent should aim at bringing them in, for
a legitimate inorease to the number of con-
stamers is a sound. method of protecting our
man ufacturers.
A travelling agent sold a Clinton, Mioh.,
farmer a receipt for adding 50 pet cent. to
the weight of his wheat when he Mit it on
the market, the farmer signing a contract to
pay the peddler ball of the money he made
out of the extra weight given to Ins grain.
The " contract "a little later turned up in
the shape of a note for 4300, which the far-
mer had to pay out of the proceeds of hie
wheat without any added weight from his
dearly bought process. Tne proper verdict
in this case would seem, served ,him right.
STRATFOED, Nov. 4. -Robert Patton
foreman of the engineer department works
of the G. T. R., committed suicide this
morning by hanging himself in his barn.
Be left his house about five minutes to 7,
and was found dead twenty minutes later.
Deceased was rbout sixty years of age and
bad been a resident of Stratford for seven-
teen years. It had been noticed of late
that be wss suffering from melancholia,
which is supposed to remount for the act.
Vicrorie B.C., Nov. 4. -The steamer
Corona ar;ived from Alaska on Saturday
night witb a large salmon oargo. She also
had $50,000 worth of gold hone the Tread-
well mine, 412,000 front Cassiar, and ablaut
$13,000 from other claims. The discovery
by au Indian of a shallow creek reel in gold
in Omineca District is causing old miners
to flock there. The find is said to be a
wonderfrilly rich one.
Harvey the anelph murderer, received
hie sentence on Saturday ana is to be
liaegea Friday 29th inst. The condemned
Man received the sentence in the same calm
and unconcerned enamor that has marked
hie actions during the trial. After being
sentenced he vralkeil to his cell with the
constable as if nothing bad taken plaoe. It
was on March 26 last, that Harvey killed
his wife and two daughters. In the morn.
hag all Guelph was surprised to hear that
he had been arrested for embezzling 6400
from his ernployer, J. W. Lyon. Ile was
bailed out by Dr. Lett, but failed to put in
an appenratice ,at the Police Conrt in the
afternoon. Chief of Police Bauchi and
Com:alibi° Elliott went to his residence,
which they found looked and deserted.
Forcing theie way in they went upstaire.
In the front bedroom lay the body of Geral-
dine, Harvey's 13-3'ear old ,daughter, her
lona yellow hair dabbled in the pool
(if blood on the floor, whieh oozed frOra a
wound in her bead. In the rear room the
body of Lily. the *eldest daughter, was
fonna, Down stairs Illre, Harvey's bedy
was found in the bathroom, with the braille
oozing from a bullet wound in the temple.
The Toronto detectivewere notified at
otos. Harvey had disappeated from Guelph.
•lite eon, J. W. Hervey, who was employed
with0. A. Sandham, engraver, 40 Colborne
street, had left for Guelph in total igtioranoe
of the tragedy. Detedive Black went to
the son's boarding house at 25 Grosvenor
street and wailed. At a quarter to nine a
despaton boy left a note; for William Harvey,
asking hie son to walk down the west side
of lenge street mild the north side of King
to the Palmer House to meet hies, Detec-
tive Black with two young mu who knew
Hereby ttaeted, At the cornet of King and
Yongd streets, they found him strolling up
and down, sinokilig a oigar. In the pocket
'at his mackintosh was e. 82 eftlibro revolver,
'Otettk.three Unexploded eintrges and three
"oitigedeclf.opep, the shell of the latter beiag
still in the Olinder, It is believed that ho
intended to kill his.son and then himself.
He has said no word eineri"his arrest able
terrible crime.
• tItilTibn BTATIts.
TWO thOneltbd Indians oecupying the
Wind Hiver rosoivation, lost south of the
jYellowstone Netional Park, in Wyoming
Territory, at in want, and many will die
of starvation before opting.
Publisher t and Peoprietor
A young man named Maloney, ot Water;
ford, N. Y,, died on Wednesday, from the
offeets of eigalette smoking.
The Woeld's Fair Guarantee Fund at
New York is piling no at the ride of a
quarter of a million a any, A rather glow
rate of progress.
A Rome dispatch drys : The overflow of
the Po and other rivers have canecl the loss
of several lives and the distruetion of much
pruperty. Many bridges and a large nurn-
eer of holler's leave been ewept wise by the
floods. Mantua is flooded and five permit
have been drowned there. Severel persons
have been drowned in the vieinity of
A very perceptible shock a earthquake
was felt i St. Louis at 153 e'selook Sater-
day morning. It had BM:Wept fortes to
elmite the tall buildings and frighten the
inraates of many. It came apparently from
a little north of east, passing in a weeterly
direction, and according to the observance
of several persons, was of something like
two seconds duration. ,
The snow -storm wlabth has been raging
48 hours in Denver, Col., has abated. The
tame was the worst that- has been *experi-
enced. All trains were delayed, and
telegrapbio corantimication with all eastern
portions destroyed. Three huhdred miles
east of here over fifteen miles of telegraphic
Rues were eoinpletely wreaked, while in
Colorado the damage to fruit and shade
trees was considerable, Reports from the
South say the storm has drifted thousands
ofeenetle and horses off their range into the
eolith &let and that hundredths ef the
weak animals perished in the blizzard.
Berriser. •
The etatemeut that Mr. Gladstone has
eeoretly gone over to the Roman Catholic
Church is again in circulation, and oddly
enough comes from Roman Catholics
Glaseow, Nov. 2. -Twenty-nine bodies
have been recovered from the ruins of tne
portion of Templeton's carpet factory which
was crushed by a falling wall yeaterday. It
is now definitely ascertained tbat the total
number of killed is thirty -
A despatch from Zanzibar says Capt.
Wissmann met Stanley's messengers at
Mpwapwa ou October 13. The expedition
had numerous figuts in Useakuma country.
The messengers recognized Wissmann
Maxim gun as similar to Stanley's. Wise -
mann sent a letter to Emile Pasha saying
that stores would await the expedition at
Mpwapwa. Wiest/men expects the arrival
of tbe expedition about the middle of No-
vember Mr. Mackinnon, the organizer of
the expedition to relieve Emin Psaha, has
received the following letter from Zanzi-
bar :--" Letters have been received frone
Stanley dated 'Victoria Nyanza, August 29.
With him were Emin, Casale, iMarco, a
Greek raerehant ; Osman Effemellassan,
O Tunisian apothecery ; Stairs, Nelson,
Jepneou, Parke and Bosley. High:, hundred
people accompany him towards Mpwapwa.
All were well. Stanley reports Wadolai
in the hands of the lialulists.
Is Exeter evilly inclined, or why does It
" Love darkness rather than light ?" It
hae long, broad and good sidewalks, nice
sheets and neenues, but scarcely any light
itt nitebt. True we have some street lamps,
but they aro scarcely ever lighted. Is the
Couucil economising in order to purchase
an electric dynamo, or it it too stingy to
provide suffieient light to filmes safety to
And now the man looking for election
honors grasp lyour bands with fond em-
brace and eagerly whispers -like the broken-
down tiamp--" You'll find no change in
There seems to be a great deal of feeling
over the recent fine imposed by our magis-
trate on the Diamond Dye doctor. It ap-
pears that the doctor gave a certain person
a prescription to get filled at the druggist's,
not taking any pay for the same he having
no license to practice in Canada, although
poseeseing one for doing to in the United
States. A. detective, who had been follow.
ing him for some weeks previous, had bim
brought before our J. P. wbo imposed a
fine of $50 --the extreme limit allowed by
law. The law allows a fine of horn $5 to
'550, and it is thought by tome that the
doctor was salted a little too heavily,
' Slowly, bet none be lees surely, Chicago
jestice is twining a neat noose around the
uecas of the Cronin suspects, and openiug
up a pathway for them that leads to the
A court ot inquiry has jest been sitting
at Quebec investigating the circemstances
attending the lose of the Dominion Line
steamer, Montreal, which was wrecked
during a dense fog off 13elle Isle, on August
tbe 4th, The steamer was betind from
Montreal to Liverpool, and was under the
command of Capt. Wall, who is well known
in this city. and was formerly matter of
the SS. Dominion which ran bettemen Bris-
tol and Qneboc. His numerous frieode
will be glad to hear that the gallant capt.
and his officers and crew came out of the
inveetigation wtih flying colors and were
completely exonerated from blame. The
court came to the conclusion that Captain
Wall, tinder oireutnistanoea of greet diffi-
culty and danger, twitting from doeetene
dense fog and foe, had navigated the vessel
with care and caution. The President of
the collet (Captain Smith, R. N. R,) in
delivering the judgment of the court, Or.
pressed, on behalf of himself and his
asseseoreadmiratimi of the disciplibe which
was maintained on the elotitreal; ad of
the skill arid quiekness with whith, undo
tryieg eirctimstaneee, the boats wets pre-
pared, provisioned, and lowered, and the
safety of the passengers secured without a
Siugle mishap. He added that such
discipline was rarely seen on merchant
weenie, ttud Weald do credit to otte of Her
Majesty's slave This flatteritig dolmen-
datfon is endorsed by an influential Ottebeo
paper, width says "Mitt Captain Wall
pattionlatly behaved like it true Beitith
• Kirktoia,
Bnierse-Rev. H. D. Steels, delivered a
very impressive sermon on Sunday last,
taking for his text, Luke 16 -9. -The (mas-
terly meeting of Kirkton circuit m. U., took
place on Sunday last, the Lord's Supper
being administered. --Mr. C. Oellancler who
returned home a short time since in ill
health, from West Virginia, be progreseieg
fevorably,-Mr, Joseph Kirk lte returned
after a month's visit to the Prairie province.
eieed on making it change in his business,
the nnclersigned now offers the whole of his
stook amonntiug to $14,000 (fourtrieu thane -
and dollars) at cost for cash. The etook is
complete in every detail and will arfortl an
excellent opportunity ot buying fall ant
winter goods fit wholesale prices. Remem-
ber the sale is genuine' stook full and well
emitted, and prices atcost, as one ofill will
D. Weistrirmart.
eroxemv neeorte, s. s. xo, 2.
The following is the Oetober report for
tine school. The names are in order of
neerit. Fiftb :-Teo. Chapman. Senior
fourth •-Hoiner Russel, Jas Campbell, W.
Murray. Jun. fourth : . Aldworth,
Alfred MoTaggart, Ellen Shirray, Third:
Kate Chapman, David Sbirray. Rechel
Atkinson. Second. -Nellie Q'Brien, Annie
Northcott, Alice Gould. Sen. second part:
Jessie Hawkius, JADISS Shirray, Mashie
RUSE el . Jun. eeeoud part :-Rat ph Chap-
man. Nellie Northoott, Nellie Gould. First
part i-eBeckie Northcott, Ellen Corbett,
Sarah Northcott. W. 11. JOHNSTON,ier.
BUIESS.-One day last week a team of
horses belonging to Mr. Charles Holbein,
ran away in the village, with it wagon in
which there was a sheep. In making a.
quick turn the wagon wee overturned and
dragged some distance with the sheep un-
derneath. The horses were finally stopped.
the butcher wascalled and mutton was the
result. -Our town sports, Messrs. Cook,
Elsie and Klienstaver, have returned from
O trip to Muskoka loaded down with game.
They report having had a good thne.--Mr.
Chas. Weimer who has been spending the
summer travelling in the Western States
returnecl last week and reports thine%
rather dull in that direction at present.A
reported wedding itt town turned out to be
a fizzle, much on the disappoimment of the
boys. -Messrs. Holts and Thiseeof Blake,
were in town to Sunday. -Mr. Rred'k
Wertz, last week purchased of Mr. Carl-
Hartleib two cabbages,one of which weighed
20 lbs., the other 18i lbs. They were
grown by Mr. Hartleib. This is a good
weight considering the dryness of the sea
son, and Mr. H. would like to hear of any
Report of S. S. No, 6. The following
are the Times of all the pupils who attained
50 per cent, or over daring the mouth of
October. Fifth elaefee-.E, Btimaoombe, 88,
Fourth clasit-(D. Andrew 86, D. Cathcart
83, 0. ,Tohne 81, G. Powell 75, 3. Tuthbull
7e. Thild olese.-C. Delbridge 76. G.
Miner+ 74, L, Andrew 74., a Brock, 74, E.
Johns 73, R Johns. 68, N. Hind 62, •H.
Spicier 60, U. Brimaeorahe 52, E. Turnbull
51. Sensecond clawie-E. Smith 72, S.
Jolites 63, A Hunter 60, F. Brown 54, L,
Klause 53, F, Miners 52, 0. Powell 50, E.
Andrew 50. Jun second class -N Fletcher
89, 8, Clements 86, E John. 71,M Miners
63, 0. Francis 61, F. Delbridge 54, E,
Clements 53, T Fletcher 50. • Part II class,
L Vail 66, L Johns 66, B. Delbridge 64, G.
Spicer 68, J Brock 62 ti Minere 62. First
classes, No. 3-E Franoit, 85, 41 Brook 81,
O Joens 78, J Ilordman 77,0 Hawkins 72,
N . 2-L Brook 91, E, Delbeidge 79, N.
Fletcher 72, el Woods 65, E Cooper 63.
No. 1-W Francis 92, E Smith 92, 0 Wil -
met 88, W Hunter $5, Itt Coward 84, J
Coward 81, el John 81, L Mitten 76, L
Robiusou 74. 0 Berryhilt 74, Id Skinner
68, I Berry hill 60. • Geo. W. HOLMAN,
• Greenway.
(Too late for last issue.)
Beiees.- Miss Minnie end Lizzie Eggert
arrived here from Detroit last week . -Mrs.
'lemmas Brophey is visiting her sister near
Toronte.-The Gracie churcii property is
being improved in appearance by a new
fence. -Mr. and Mrs. English are visiting
friends in Stanley, near Bayfield. -Mr.
Golley, of Clinton, has charge of Mr. Eng -
lio'n's shop during his absencee-tfr. C. H•
Wilson has given finch good satisfaction as
enctioneer, in the township of Stephen,
that he has taken out license for the large
county of Middlesex. -Mr. W. Hobo, who
went ont to l3ritieli Columbia a few weeks
ago, returned home a week ago. He was
not very favorably impressed with that
beautiful country. -Mr. John Sherritt is
sliipping large droves of lainle and cattle.
During the past few weeks he has passed
through ttere with four large droves. --Mr.
Alex. Aiken's sale, last -week, was well
attended, his stook sold at good prices. -
Mr. C. H. Wilson (see) and wife, who were
vise ing friends near 'Varela and Hayfield,
returned home last week.-Tbe Bogen
Methodist Sabbath School appointed the
following members as delegates to the 8.
3. Convention to be held in Parkhill, the
5th and 6th of Nova Riebard Webb and
wife, A. II. Wilson and. wife, Grace Wil-
son, C. H. Wilson (sen), Robert Hutchin-
son and W. J wilson.-Mr. A. W. Hum,
phries' man, Reuben J011118011, spent boat
Monday and Tuesday petting up eave
troughs oa the English house and barn for
W. J. Wilson. -No. 1 coal oil, ready made
clothing, freth greceries, new pork, grain
bags and taw dry goods at close prices at
the Boston Rouse. Call and be convinced.
--Several young men who live near Grate •
Heed %vim have for some time taken deligbt
in teashag Mr. Ir. 13athand, wore arrested
last week by County Constable C. H. Wile
Bee, and blottght before our J. Is , who,
after heating the case, imposed a fine on
two of Miens which, with costs, amouuted to
410. It is hoped this will be it lesson to
all yoong men to show more respect to the
aged,when they Iniow their talk and action
aro displeasiug to their maighbors.
To• Our Subsoriberz.
The special announeement whith ap,
d in our columns tome time gfn eo
peare , a .
noeucing a statuette arrangement with Dr,
B. J. leendall Co., ef Enozburg Falls. Vt
publishers of " A Treatise on the Horse
and his Discases,"whereby oar subscribers
were enabled to obtain it copy of that vete
able work sattn by sending their address
(and enclosing a two.eent stamp for nettle
in same) ie renewed for a limited period.
We trust all will eirail themselves of the
opportunity of obtaining this val liable work
To every lover of the Horse it is indis-
pensable, as it ti mete in it simple marmot
all the die woe which affiletthie eoble lttii
mai Itt phenoreinel tale througheet the
teited. States. and Canada, make it stan-
dard authority. Mention this paper whpn
sending for a 'Treatise,"
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
The IVIolsons 13art
P aid up fdePttal elers,000,C0
ItestFiend 1,000,0(1
Head Ottlen, MOntreals
2tt branch offices in tee Dominion. Agepole
in the Doininion,TJ, 5,,A.aud Europe.
• ExE$ter I3rAna12,
open every lawful day, frami0 a. 3 p.m,
SATT.11113AYS.1.0 eene. to .1 p.m,
PerCen ts per aneum allowedf or money on
Depesit Receipts and Se.vinfrollenk.
B. R. Al.tClilt
$20 50.
On motion of T Oareeron seconded hy W
Kydd, the Council adjourned to meet again
Saturday, the 7te of Dec, at 11 o'clook a m
Giro W. HOZTJAN, Clerk
Bniters,-Now is the season for shooting
and the boys in this vicinity are taking
advantage ot it. -Mrs Fairhill, who has
been 'fishing friends in the States returned
home on Friday last,-elr. Isaac 'landlord
has•taken the contract of supplying `gates
for The village.--Ohas. Lingard purcbased a
trotting horse front Spear Kenny, of this
place. -41r. Thompson and lady have gone
to New York on their wedding tour. -Mr.
R. Neil and T. Hodgins, took a drive to
Louden, on Saturday, --Mr, Wm, Bunt, of
Granton, intende starting a store here soon.
Three rtores is more than this village oatt,
Grand. Bend,
1.1a.taits.--Our village now reposes in the
solitudes of the winter. -Local sports are
having a lively time catching coon. These
animals are plentiful here.-Plie Oreditan
sports came here on "Friday and:took home
several coons as well s.s numerous tame
1:igeons. It is a pity that these nialrods
don't know the difference between the vild
and tame pigeons.
A Come STORY. -A most remarkable feat
in the line of marksmanship was eerfortned
iu the vicinity of Grand Bend on Thursday
last. The genial landlord of the el. 13.
hotel, Mr. Jos. Brenner, atoompanied by
the Dashwood butcher, went down the river
for the purpose of hunting and shooting
game. They had nob gone far when Mr.
Brenner, noticing a hole, about forty feet
above the ground, 10 a large tree, came to
tbe conclusion that a coon was secreted
there. _eloping to scare the animal from its
nest Mr Brenner fired at the tree, the bell
entering the trunk about two feet below the
hole. They then heard a noise indicating
the presenrie of ocon ; and after telling the
tree, found a large coon perfectly dead, the
bell heeler/ pierced its neok. This may be
conceded as remarkable, bet leis absolutely
hue. It was one of the many eingulfw nee,.
• Miss Baker of Harpley, has been engaged
as teacher io room No. 3 ie the school She
took charge of it last week. -We under-
stand Mr. Tett, principal of the school,
leaves shortly Inc 13uffalo where he intends
going into besiness.-Mr. Ben. Eilber left
on Tuesday on a business trip to Toronto.
-Mr. Geo. Ilirtzel has taken charge of the
Oentral Stables for the winter. Travellers
may depend upon him as it pea hostler as
he understands his business. -Mr. and Mrs.
Staebler are home from a visit to Berlin. -
Mr. C. Keleler has purchased the property
of R. F. Carter which was sold by the assig-
nee by tender. Mr. K. intends repairing it
extensively so as to make it good place of
R. -About half a dozen of local sports went
to Greed Bend in search of game on Tiers
day and. returned on Friday. They say
duck e are scarce and bard to get, but coons
are plenty. They sameeeried in bagging three
and appointed the V, S. and the undertaker
to take off and dispose of the pelts. Bids
are called for and we expect they will realize
O handsome profit on the outing. -Large
quantities of live poultry have been shipped
by Messrs. Brown ea'Rieder during the last
few weeks. -The long looked for ram has
come at last and the roads are becoming
quite slusy.-To-day thanksgiving services
will be preached m the German church in
both languages. In the evg. a thanksgiving
sapper will be giveu by the Ladies' Aid in
tbe English churoh. There will also be it
number of noted speakers who have prem-
ised to be present.
Usborne Council.
The Council met on the 2nd inst. All
the members were present. The minutes
froatt .hoeildeel;:iorte meeting were read and ap-
able UM° WaS oonupied in dis-
missing the application of Messrs. Joseph
Hawkins and John Minere, which was laid
over at last tneeting. It was moved by W.
Kydd seconded by T. Cameron,That with
reference to the application of J. Hawking
mad others, for an unclerdrain on coos. 6 65
7, the reeve be instruoted to conerilt Mr.
DS. Campbell, the townsiaip engineer, and
that the reeve and oeuncillor, 3 Halls, be
hereby authorized to have the matter set-
tled at soon as possibie thereafter. Carried.
Moved. by J. Halle seconded by J Shier,
That Thomas Elayeood reeeive the sum of
$4 for extra services rendered in equalizing
the TInion School seottone. Caeried.
Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by J:
Halls, That the account of Mr. P. MoGee,
amounting to $20.50, for work done on the
South Boundary, be paid. Carried.
Moved by T. Canievon eeconded by W.
Kydd, That Mr. lilnuter be authorized
to have that part of 2th con. Wetereourse,
contaihing it dangerovis bog -hole fenced, so
SS to illallIO ill0 safety of cattle and other
animals, and. •&law the cost at triatern1
used, to this Council. aside&
IVIoved byJ. Shier seoonded by W. Kyild,
That GOO Fergneon redeive the auto of 412
foierd.8weeks' boatel of T. Benttet, and that
A. Carmichael reeeive $6 for clothing' s
Moved by W Kydd seconded by 8 Shier
end reeolved that ordore be granted at
Iowa. viz.;---41te Beer 410 60, Oapt VrtindiS
42, j G jones 75', John Statton 1:13 50,
5 Hogg $16, E fiewitt$9, 011es SteWatt $8,
Geo lydd. Ste 50, 11 Jones $1.1 50, ;Tolle.
Hunter t 436 55, A Andtete 75e, M Baal.
w1l413, W Moody $1, 0 Hermit $31,
dits Alton $2, Abray Edwards $94 82,
Sara'Rom 423 60 ins Relly 540 05
Howeliffe $20, GOJ reTIVIS011 $12, A (Jar -
p51 COrtlieb $A, Gees Bell p4,4i4
Steno $8, Wah Bray $1, Daniel Josue
83 80, Tilos -Heywood $1, l'atriok MsGeti
St. Niarys
Mrs. James Clark left on Friday last for
Buffalo to visit her son, Dr. C. I', Clark. -
4 couple of workman at the Maxwell works,
0. Johnston and another, have bad their
hands, severely imured during the past
week. --On Thereday evening last Mr. Jae,
Harrison's grocery store Was broker) into
and several dollars worth of goods taken
therefroni.-A lecture and musical eater-
tainment will be aiven. this (Thursday)
evening under the auspices of the young
people of the Church. The subject of the
leoture will be "The Marriage Ring," by
W F Campbell. -Some Hallowe'en sports
who hail a desire to oseate a disturbance or
destroy property, filled a pieee of gas pipe
about two feet long, full of powder and
placed it in the grimmer house belonging to
Mrs0 Carter. The fuse was lit and an
explosion occurred, tbe result of which was
the shattering ca the building and the
breaking of several storm windows whiclz
were stored there, pieces of tlae timber being
carried several yards away.--OharlieSinitili
and a boy naraed Perrin being oat shooting
on Friday last, they had oceesion to enter
an old house; while in there they reloaded
their guns, and when coming out, Perris'
gun accidently discharged and the shot wa-
tered Smith's foot, cutting one of the oords
almost in. two. -A Hallowe'en practical
joker dressed himself in what he supposed
to be the costume of a ghost, and proceeded
to the house of a certain woman and her
daughter. Upon reaching the dont be
makes his ghost voice, whereupon one of
-.the ladies of the home came to the door
.tteA- tittering the spirit seized upon his white
ebbe and the boy went home minus his
rnarnma's sheet -TJnion services of all the
Protestant denoininations will be held in
the Metuodiet Church, to -day (Thursday).
The Rev` Mr Campbell of tbe, Baptist
Church, will deliver a sermon, the other
ministers taking part in the other seer-
oises.-F 13 Riddel, Classic Master in the
Collegiate Institute, will take a holiday
shortly to recuperate. -W PI Graham,
horse irnporter, of this town, left on ALM -
day last, for Glasgow. He sails to -day from
Quebec bY steamship Parisian. -The new
school at elcIntyre's Corners will be opened
tcanight by a concert and tea. -Every ef-
fait has been put forth by bath pastor and
people of the seotioct to make it the great
success of the season.- errs John Clark,
west ward, it is stated, goes to Kansas City
this week, Mr Clark will follow in a short
time and they will take tip their abode. --
The Oraegetnen of the town and vicinity
celebrated the anniversary of the gun -pow-
der plot on Tuesday evening by giving ,an
Oyster Sapper Addresses were delivered
by prominent members and the ministers'
of the town. --The people of this town and
espeoiallyof the Methodiet Cher& received
with sadness the news Of the death of
William Henderson, M D, who died in
New York on Tuesday, 29th nit, after un-
dergoing an operation. Mr Henderson was
O son of Rev W C Henderson, D D, of Lis-
towel, was highly respeetell throughout the
town. -George Moir left on Tuesday last
for Latubtou for this purpose of holding
forth the priticiplee of the Conservative
Miss 0. Martin, of Hayfield, hag been
secured. for S. S. No, 3, Stanley township.
The Provineiel Government of IVIanitobst,
with commendable enterarise'has hefted a
neat little illustrated namphlet descriptive
of that Province and showing its many ad-
vantages from a settler's point of view. It
ie of speoial interest to agriculterists, stock
raisers, dairymen and all who desire com-
fortable homes and prosperity. The pamph-
let was printed at the office of the Brandon
The Inlend Revenue Department has
recently issued a bulletin of about thitty
pages, which is devoted exclusively to the
subject of baking powder, and which elmive
that the majority of the goods in the
1 market are adulterated and unfit for nee.
Prof. A. McGill, who has had charge of
this important work for the Government
says Ulm; "Imperial Baking Powder ie an
excellent powder." •A. word to the sensible
housekeeper should be sufficient.
It was once Supposed that scrofula could
not be eradiated ITD111 the system bat the
marvelous results prodtieod by the use of
Ayer's Sareaparilla disprove the theory.
The reason is, this medicine is the Most
powerful blood.nurider ever discovered.
' People are often irritable by rowan of
SOMO ezrasperating skin 'disease which te
stroys comfort end good hurnor, Salt
RhOli ni, nettle rash, Orysipelart, piroples,
ribald head, etc , eve of We Mamethey
ariee from bp,a blood, and tan be owed by
tieing nnydook BINA Mete itoeorrlitig• to
When a tackebi by a oough or sold hoarse;:
1108S, asthma. Monett itis, ororip or itillttenza,
116t1t;t elgte111417r$10; Ufil '641 eaSIot I: 1
the tate of gagyard's Pectoral Ilalea•ba-th
• reliable boacehola fetbrite. •
ear uuncan velmtv vottmaster Ot
Belleville, 'bee been ecqiiitted on the eliatgo
et locloceat assattlb pretertexl againet