HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-05-08, Page 20- ' -
EVENING SUN— A late evening sun which turned this desert scene into a panorama for
golden green also helped to give texture and form to the brush. The colorof course were
unnatural — but highly effective.
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Breaking r
By GILBERT 11111410,'
Who cakes whether Paler
"right" as long as the platy*
is effective?
Photographers just now are
beguiling to explore this vast
new frontier of art and. ,
pression — by breaking more:
Daylight color film, they
were told, was "balanced.' to
reproduce colors as am*.
ately as possible, with the *m
et its zerdtb, whieb meant'
about noon which, pedalo*
is the poorest time of the day
for making interesting- plc.',
Pictam made Waft
aifl., and after 4pm., there.
fore could be expected to he
"out of balance," with colors
It didn't take long, bowel/s
er, for photographers to dis-
cover that the "excessively
warm" colors of pictures
made at sunrise and sunset,
while perhaps not accqrate,
were still even more beautiful
for viewers because they
seemed to intensify the reds
and yellows seen at this time
of day.
There are times when ac
cerate color is important if
anyone can agree on what
that means, since most of us
see color slightly different.
And it is here that "color
temperature meters" and
filters for bringing light
reaching the film in balance
with that film is necessary.
But these are usually tools of
the specialist with little or no
practical value in photogra-
phy for fun.
So, photographers have
discovered that even color
behaves remarkably° well
when the rules are broken.
Blue flash bulbs and -or elec-
tronic flash produce light that
is dose enough to daylight
that both inside and outside
pictures may be taken by the
same daylight transparency
And many a photographer
has been amazed the first
time he used "available
light," all tungsten, and came
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out with * weem yellow Pk,
hare of a wedding. verfenony
— and. been Moist llahlifsPr
about it, ellly to have a bride
• thrilled and happy with
-somettans different."
Color hi* balanced for
tungsten light* have been en-
joying a new popularity with
professional portrait photog-
raphers, particularly, who
have gone back to thelf
fashioned APS $0 they can
see better how the light is
falling on their subjeete.
But, IlOniallyt. the 004-
rapher who haf bill =era
kidded with "daiyhilit" thin
will discover thatit can re-
cord the watm reds and yel-
lows of a sun setting behind a
farm house and grazing
herd, or the same scene on a
cold, wet, foggy day when
everything is blue and
He can use his camera
when it is raining, or when
the sun is shining, on a warm
beach or in mountain snows,
and will come back with high-
ly acceptable color slides
which looknatural in the light
where taken.
Of course, if the camera is
loaded with daylight color
negative film the photogra-
pher has an even better
chance to produce ."natural"
looking color — May even
change a near muddy-leOldng
autumn scene in which the
reds are fading, into brilliant
and attractive yellow leaves
against a blue sky by doing
his own color printing.
While it is logical to use
"tungsten" color film for
such things as campfires and
night street scenes photogra-
phers have sometimes founds
that such color pictures may
actually be "too natural" and
thus lessacceptable to view-'
ers than pictures made with
daylight film Le replace
dreary night blues with, warm
So, don't be afraid, to break
the rules. Make pictures the
way the instruction sheet rec-
onunends and then tha.
them without the "required"
filters. Then, you be the judge
as to which is most pleasing
teyee — and most effective to•
rthe who yiew, your pictures.
Moderns Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. Would it be all right for
me to invite my (prmer fiance to
my ' wedding to another man?
He and I are still on friendly
' A. Perfectly all right — that
is, if your present fiance has no
Q. (*now that typewritten
social letters lore now generally
acceptable. But does this apply
to letters of condolence, as
A. Only in the case of such a
letter being written by a
business firm. In the case of an
individual, it still is considered
in much, better taste to write
letters of condolence bifhand.
Q. When one bas been for
years a close friend of Mary
Smith, who is now married to
John Jones, isn't it permissible
to address a letter, to her as
"Mrs. Mary Jones"?
A. No. She is now "Mrs. John
Q. When giving an informal
dinner in your home, how does
the hosters indicate to . her
guests the seating arrangement
she wishes?
A. She stands at her place at
the table . and tells each guest
where he or she should sit. The
guests; of course, do not seat
themselves until the hostess
Q. When we are entertaining
another couple for an evening of
bridge and neither of these
guests drink, is it all right for us
to have two or three highballs
during the course of the
A. Yes. Be sure, of course, to
offer your guests some sort of
softdrink — be sure too that two
or three highballs do not affect
your game.
Q. Do you use your knife or
fork to put butter into your
baked potato at the dinner
A. The fork is more ac-
Q. Row can I date a shy girl
and avoid the possibility of a
dull, boring evening?
A. Take her to the theater or
movies where little con-
versation is required, but where
a wealth of conversation is
created ftir after the show. You
can talk &bout what you*ve just
seenget her going, an& let her
take it from there.
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